HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-07-03, Page 4Clinton N.ews.,Record
It Pas to Oil.
'Phe folloWing. is reproduced from
the 'MOntrell Star for the speciul edeL
fleation df our town council which,
after a couple months ago deciding
' for oil, has stood still
• .
"The city is, at last, to make some
serious attempt to repress the dust
nuisance. Orders have been given h3r
the Road Departmint .lor 1.6,000 &i-
ons of oil, of which delivery is ex-
pected this- week, 'Phe oil will he
80.,(1 On 13 nt tally,cd s tre01,0
"The price. paid is nine cdnts per
'gallon, a gallon being more than
l' to treat 11;0 Siinare yards of
"The advantage of using. oii," . said
John R. Barlow, the City Surveyor,
'is that its effect lasts for twenty -
lour hours a day. Water is mlich
cheaper, but the effect of water is
gone in half an hour on a 1101'' day,
while once a road. is, properly oiled
, the dust i's laid till the oil has ,been
' worn away by the traffic.
'The useof the oif should have a
great effect in reducing the dust in
the streets. We do not intend to
make any attempt to oil permanent
pavements, like asphalt, ah the oil
would make them too slippery', but
they are dusty because dnst has been
brought into them iron): the macach
araized streets' and.lanes.'' '
The oil will be spread orer . the
streets by means of the ordinary
watering eartS.".
The vulcan regular storni period' is
central on the list, covering the tan
,two days in Jund and first four days'
in July. The moon is a conjunction
'With earth and sun on the 4th, causz•
ingelt to appear very far bp in north
deeljnatiott., , The mercuil-.Y. and Venus
equinoctial !periods will be in fell
strength all intensified by the• domin-
ating power -"of Jupiter period. We
will 'name Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, the 2n9, 3r9 and '4th, as 'cone
• tral days of great storm probability.
The month will open with very high
temperature moving eastward out el
• the west, attended by low and -falling
barometer. As these conditions move
eastward during the days meiltIoned
above, very black, and foreboding
storm clouds will be natural violent-
sunatieer winds, heavy local downpour
eat rain and hail, with possible torn-
adbes, reaching northern parts of the
country, need not take any reader.by
.surprise. The first seismic period for
July is -central on the 3rd extending
from the 1st to the'ith. Its effects ill
fall notably on and touching the fith
An inrush of cooler air will come
with the rising barometer froen the
noethwest oa the western sides 01
these storms, giving temporary re-
spite from summer heat foe. a. day or
two following.
The Woinen's Institute meeting at
Mr. John McQuillin's last week
was largely attended.'
GOderictli TQINI1Ship
Reeve McClure was ab Winghani on
comity counell bueiness.
Mrs. Harry Thompson returned -
on Tuesday . evening from the
old lime at Liman whither she had
accompaeled het either, alt. Patrick,
who had been visiting with her for
five, weeks. . •
' Miss Rose Whibmbre spoilt laet
week with her fricnds the Kisses
Misses Fannie. ant . Erma Doiht of
Mr. lie W. 'l'ehbutt , is in Clinton
hospitalendergoing treatment for in-
flammation of the eye. •
The following -is the report eel: S.
S. No, 9, Godertch township for the'
month of June, names is °nice of
merit : .1t. 5U1—Willard Crray. Sr.
41,h. (a) --Bert Finlay, adie Cook,
Hattie 0 s tfoin . Sr . ith ( b ! —Eo' a
Hudie, Emma Connell, 011ie Cole..
Jr. i14.11—Edy,the Sterling, George
Green Tom Fluclie, Sr, 3r9—Oliatlie
Cooper, "—Earl Cooper, Bruce Grigg,
Willie Pierson, Jean 0001c. Jr, 3rd
—John Ostrom . Jr . 2id,—Allred
Hu d ie, Willie S Lir l in g , ads tone
Grigg. Jr. 2nd, — Cecil Connell,'
Part 2111, -- ila Grigg, Lizzie Pier-
son, . Jr. I.st.—Kathleen Strait -on,.
Harold Connell, Carinan Grigg lion -
.or roll,—fildythe Stirling, C:t orgc
Green, Alfred Hurtle, Charlie Corner,
John Ostrom, 011t: tin;
Peddles, Teacher. '
Port Albert
Mr. 'Alfred Oh1na GOderich, Sun.
dayen with his parents,
Messrs. Peters & Sylvester, Stoat -
'ford: are building a five room cot-
tage on their propekty in, this vil-
lage near the lake. •
The lawn social he:d on the Eng,
lash church grounds on Tuesday el' -
Ching last was a good. success. About
170 was taken in. ,
Rev. Mr. Young preached his • last
sermon oe. Sunday, His Lo:thhip
moving Min to Grey' County. Rev.
Mr. Young came, direet to this parish,
front Ireland fifteen months ago.
Charles Crawfotd and Celia .
both of this neighborhood,
were married on Wednesday of last
week, Rev. Mr, C101nin of Dungannon
, GP -EY.
Mrs. (Dr.) Field and little Miss
Beatglee, of Oweri-Sound are holiday-
ing with E. and Mrs. Bryans and oth-•
ei: friends, " •- •
Mrs.. Anibrdse Stephenson will make
her home with her granddaughter: -
Mrs. • Dougald HutChinsoni. -•
The old friends of Reuben McInnes,
of Deloraine, Man., are. pleased to
be shaking hands with Min again. Mr.,
McInnes still enoys a• visit to the
old •scenes or 'childhood. . •
Teesdale Whitfield; an •old resident
or the:A.8th Oon,-, has purchased' 50
acres alongside his own farm from
Ray McNaught, paying 32,200.
PHONE No. 78
Couch &Co.
ill,11111al Special.
' ClEaring 16 of our newest and best hats at less
than halrprice. As the sea`.son creeps millinery must
go which reason accounts for our Saturday.price. Your
ChOiCe 01 any trimmed hat in our store $2,00
We were fortunaie to sectne 12 only allover Em-
broidery dresses neatly trimmed with buttons made in
the very latest style. Alt sizes from 32 to 38, Regul-
'$10.00 Salerday price $6.49
•1/2 PRICE. •
Jusl 9 coats left in
stock and these must go re-
gardless of price made- of
whipcord Serge 32, 34, 36,
38 and 40. Your choice of
afiy coat priCe.
WC put On sale SatUr-
day 500 yards of the best,
washing'Gingliana in pretty
cheeks and high as 18c
and 20c. 8alt1rday price 10.
New House Dresses.
New Gingham Dresses
New Enibroidery
, Dresses
New VVIiitewear
New Corsets
New Hosiery etc,
Stahleg Township
Report of S. S, NO. 3,, Stanley for
the month ,oi Juno, the names being
, order of merit : fith,—Eunice
Reide Sr. 4th (a)—Jessie McGee,
Ruseell Taylor, Ninien Heard. Sr.
(11)—Thiby Taylor, Jr. 3rd—Caro-
line Lawreepn; Garnet
25d—Wilmee Reid, MeGee, Gen
truth McGee. ..1r; 214—Fern Tay-
lor, Willie' Parker, 'Pare ,
Clifford, Clarke 'Aithur -,Beek Peter
McGee, Sr. 1,St--Willred Chuter, Jr.
t,St,—Hareld Taylor, Attila Rathivell,
M Stinson Teacher,.
S. S. No: 3. and 1 held iheie an-
nual Union piceic on _Feiday last On
• the lake "shore at Mr. W. 0. Stin-
son's, irhe day being fine, an Un4IS-
ualty crowd burned out' and in
every way the picric ,Was a success.
During the , afternoon a baseball
match Was played on My. thiston's
field. Owing to a high wind the
,game was called off at the end ot
the third inningathe score being 12.-
9 in favour of No. 4, Mr. Victor
Evans was a satisfattory •ninpire:
Tho football match wllioh was to
have taken place was also. called off
hut will prol:,ably be 'played at a -
later date.
Misses Sadie Watson and Lulu
Snider of Crediton are 'Spending the
vacation on the sauele Linn.
Mrs. eiVla(or) Currie_ and daughter
Miss H. Currie' 'of Toronto; who have
been visiting friends on the Bronson
Line, have returned to .,Toronto.
Mrs: W. Mcaillivary and babe of
Saskatoon are 'visiting Mrs, D. IL
MeNatightion, • '
•Mr. Harvey Reid, W h o has Veen
teaching near ' Clinton is spending the
vacation at his home.
,A great number of young • prople
spent the 1st July in Grand Bend. •
KisseEva_ Stinson spent Monday in
I endue •
Miss Selina Durand spent Sunday
last the guest of MisrMabel
' •
Miss Graybeil, teacher of S. No.
.1, .(South), has returned to her home
at Dashwood for the vacktion.
Miss Magic -Peck, teacher of St.
Joseph, is visiting under the paren-
tal roof.
About Apples and Spraying.
'Nearly everyone is a belieVer in the
efficacy of spraying for apple times
sine the object lesson given by the
Nbtional Fruit, Land and Packing Co.
Many are preparing to spray, which
should be done in a few days, tar as
soon as the blossom falls. So far, ap-
pearance indicates a goiod crop, and
buyers from Europe are on the look-
out already,_ as indicated by a coin-
municatian friem.- the firm of James
Lindsay and Son of Glasgow and Ed-
inburgh an extract of which we now
give, which has been handed to us by
H. Fleming :. "I ani glad to hear
you mention that there are 70 or-
chards cultivated, pruned and spray-
ed, and it is these orchards you want
to secueie if you buy for me, as int -
sprayed apples now are unsaleable,
and junc‘avradnitneR4I
toglLewthon the gO:
Grand Trunk Railway System, Effec-
• tive June 22 From Toronto.
12.05 ean.—New .. Buffalo ExpreSs
daily, will carry through -Pullman.
sleepers earl coaches, arriving Buff-
alo 3.55 a.rn . Passengers may 00-
011P5' car until 7.30 a.m.,
2.20 'a.m.--New Fast Express daily
will carry .Pullman sleepers and eoach-
es to Muskoka Wharf and North Bay,
• making: direct connection for Muskoka
'Lakes, Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park,
Maganetawan River, French River
and l'imag,ami Lake. (SieePcts will
open at 9 pan.)
8.40 a:mt.—Daily for (iiielph, 131101111,
Stratford, Sarnia and intermediate
stations instead 8.55 aM.
10.15 a.m.—Penetang — I-Itintsville,
Noah Bay eXprees, daily except Sun-
day, will not .run via -Muskoka Wharf
but through to North. Bay, making
. direct connection at ' Penetensi for
1-Ioney Harbor, Go Home—Pay, Rose
Point Parry Sound and points
on Creorgian Bay and 30,000 Is-
lands, alsii ' for Midland • mut
Huntsville for points 'on Lake
of Bays, and at. Burk's Falls
for MaganetawairlliVer Reseitts.
12.01 noeini—Muskoka-Huntsville ex-
press, daily .except Sunday, will make
direct connection at IVIuskoka Wharf
Huntsville for .points on Lake of
.Bays. Parlor -library -buffet car, din-
ing ear° and. coaches Toronto to
*12.45 ,p.m.—Daily except Sunday,
for Brampton; Guelph, -Berlin, • Strat-
ford, Sarnia and interinediate sta-
tions, instead 1.00 p.m. " •
1.40 p.m., -New train 'for Clackson's
Point, Saturdays only. Returning
will leave Jackson's P011111 1.30 a. m.
Mondays, only, arrive TorontO 9.40 a.
3.30 pin. --Daily except Sunday for
Brampton, Guelph, Berlin, Stratford,
Sarnia and intermediate, stations, in-
stead of 3.4.0 p.m.
5.10 ,p.m.—New train for Whitby,
Oshawa, 13owinanville, Port Hope and
intermediate stations, daily except
Sunday, leaves Port Hope 6.20 a.m.,
arrived Toronto 8.45 a.m. '
6.00 p.m. --New ttain for Whitby,
Colliourg, :Brighton, Trenton,
Napanee, Kingston, deity ex,
cejit Sunday Returning vill leave
Kingston, 6.00 a.m., arrive Toecrito
.05 3,,m.•• 'Parlor -library -cafe° J car
.,arid coaches,
.11.35 p.in.-ealtaily for, GOelph, Ber-
lin,' Stratford,' Sarnia, Port, ,Hurn,
Chicago ands Detniit, isisteacl 1iL00 p,
• ConiMencing Monday, June 2fird,
Pullman sleeping car will be operated
to Kingston Wharf, leaving Toronto
10,45 p.m, ,Daily. First car from
Kingston will leave Wednesday morn-
ing (Tuesday night's car)„Inne 25,
arrive Toronto 8.00 am. daily.
Commencing Monday Jusie 2r9,
through Pullman sleeping) car wall
leave I-Ittntsville 2.28 a. tn. Mondays
only, arrive Toronto 7.30 a.m. 'Pass -
511501(3 may occupy cox at 1,300 pin
Sunday evenings:
Dr, Smith 'and sole,. Keeneth left
en Monday for Barrie to attend the
Simcoe Old Boys' re -union. -
Mrs. 13oyd and family of -Hamilton
have taken h cottage in Deer Lodge
park for the seasoli.
Mr. Tozer of Clinton spent the 1St
with' Inc fain ll y who_. are sunimering
in the White City,'
" Mr. and Mrs. Pickles of •London
are' spending their summer, vacation
in Mr. Natters cottage oa the Lake
Shore Road.
Miss, M. Newman of Detroit is
the guest of the Misses Austin at
their summer cottage on the Ter-
race -
Dr. Partridge, vvife and family 'and
Mr. Martiridale anirdaughter, Mise
Martindale, 01 London are now
spending the slimmer in their cot-
tages in Lakeside park.
Miss Maud Sterling of Toronto is
aspending her vacation with her
mother, Mrs. William Sterling,
Rev. Mr. Wooton, wife and family
of Stratford; .Rev. Geo. Ross, wife
alnd family of Gocierich, Rev. p. K,
Grant, wile and family of, Clinton,'
Dr. Reid and family, Miss Ruth and..
Master Gilbert Reid and -Miss Mc-
Adam, Detroit, Mr., and Mrs.
Monkhouse mid family, Mrs. Wharrin
and "family, Tbronto, and Mrs.
Tozer and family of Clinton have
taken cottages)in the White City for
the summer., " •-•
51150 Baxter of London is a guest
aL Miss Iterguson's for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Mei:niter elAuetard
and family of Toronto -"have taken
William Mustard's cottage on , the
river bank for the season. ,
The "We -Six" of Clinton- eame
over on Feiday evening /last and en-
joyed themselves to a dance in the
pavilion. -
The Misses Josie and Charlotte
Sterling lea on IVIOnday: 110 visit
their sister, Mrs. Wallis of Fiske,
Sask.' They expect to he 'absent' two
Fharles• Hoppe 'of Moase:aw, Sask.,
is home 011 a visit. -
Mrs. H. W. • Erwin and Master
Frank left en Monday for Berlin to
visit her daughter, M.rs. Sauder.
Mr. Jamieson of Brooklyn, NT.,
fOinedhis wile and family on Friday -
last who are spending the summer in
the White City,
1VIrs. John Watson afid Mrs., Me-
Coig of Walkerville were •the guests
of Mes. James Campbell the past
R. Mr. Wooton of StraeLnd oc-
eupied the milpit or, the Methodist
church On Sunday evening Iasi.
Dr. Moffat and wile of London are
guests at -the Commercial. •
• Miss Dorothy and. Harold Beath
of Hamilton are now eri:oy mg the
balmy breezes or -Huron . in their
cottage, ""rhe Cedars" on :lie 'ler-
Mr. John Spencer of i'orrine,
Sask., arrived home .this week to
spend a short while with his ear -
Mr.. George Rowittree and daugh-
ters, Misses Grace and Marjory-, and
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald and family
of London are spend rrg the summer
in Deer Lodge park.
The number of people in Bayfield
on Dominion Day broke all the rec-
ords. There was a great crowd along
the river and lake front tri:eyg
Water sports and in the evening
many saw Bayfield trim Tuckersinith
at football by a secce of 4-0. Alto-
gether it was a big day in this
balmy, breezy health resort.
Next Sunday the Orangemen of the
village and 'surround'itg will attend
divine service in Trinity church.
Friendh not Members of the order
are cordially invited • • to join them
onethis occasion. -
* During the summer months there
will be both 'a.m. and evening ser-
vice in Trinitychurch, the latter to
be held at 7.30 and to be conducted
by Mr. Roy Mess. These services are
bright and hearty and will be en-
joyed by 011 who attend.
mos. ,PeLer Baker passed away at
her home on Tuesday of last Week,
after ,a short illness. The deceased
was -a daughter of the late James
MeCiinehey, About 28 years ago she
was , married„ to Mr. Peter Baker,
who 500ViVe5 to mourn the sad
death of a loving wife, through their
28 years of married life, there were
eight .ehildren horn of which eight are
at home, one in Seal'orth, who
mourn the demise,. of ari effactionate
Mr. Dan Tritemrer of Daghwood
Met with an accident while bringing
a foal' of pigs to town. While com-
ing dowos the cemetery -0111 thc king
bolt pulled, out and the wagon went
over the embankment. Mr.. Trueme
ner was thrown From the wagon and
the pigs scattered in all directions.
The horses turned atntind and ran for
home ' •
One by OW the old pioneera-of this
district are pasbing aivay. Henry
Doyle ha—passed away ali tho „ good
old age of $0 years. Deceased one of
the early pioneers and was well known
• to every one in Stephen having lived
on a farm on the 12th, for inanY
years. HiS Wife, pre -deceased him
-some „years ago.
Wingliana, June 27.—With hall of
his ribs driven into.his lungs, Will-
iam Adair, of Whitechurch lies at his
home with no hones entertained for ,
his reeoVel'y and with. Charles Ma.rtilf II
of the same place, in almost the
same condition from .injuries from the
result of the plate of a bairn falling
upon the two. •
The service in St. Peter's church
will be withdrawn next Sunday ev-
ening when the inoumbent, Rev. Mr.
Languid, will assist ifs the service
in St. Paul's church, Clinton, which
will be attended by many members
of the Summerhill Orange Lodge.
L. O. Le No. .1035 will attend div-
ine service -ill the Methodist church
on Sunday evening next, the preach-
er 'to be . the Rev. Mr, Snowden.
Members of surrounding Lodges are
invited to join the lopal brethern on
this occasion. No 1035 will eele-_
brat e the 12th in -Hensel!. '
The good physician occupies a field
of great usefulness in the world. No
one nuestioas this, and no one would
think of eliminating him..
It is °pally true that the good pro-
prietary medicine oecupies a wide
field of usefulness,' not only because
It is convenientand econ6intical, but
also because it is always most care-
fully compolinded from the best gnat-
ityof ingredients, by he same pro-
cesses and, by the Sante .experkneed
Ciliemiste, which gives it an . advan-
Cage over the ordinary prescription
in uniformity' of strength, euality and
Anyone who reads the letters that
,voluntary tele of cures effected by
Hood's Sarsaparilla,. even when every
other means of'. relief,—other medi-
eines, hospital treatment . and physi-
eian's prescription—have been ex-
hausted, cairnot Ile convinced of its
great Value. -
The benefit derived from its use for
the- diseases and run-down conditions
for which .it is recommended, has bee
inestimable in mcny thousands of
cases. •
The Greatest Variety o
Presents .
will be found in onr store
, •
Fancy Goods
Dinner and Tea Sets
Cut Glass
Brass Goods
You'll find what you want at
ihe price you want to pay. -
Cooper Co.
We have just unpacked a. large ship-
ment of couches covered in -velours,
veronas and Imitation Leathers.
Beautifu6ly carved fratries, covered
in Velours, Red, Green esd Brtwn,
at 15.00, 96.00, 97.50, 98.50 and $10.-
Couches covered in Verona with
quairter cutoak or mahogany finished
frames, 99.00 to 116.00 each.
Imitation Leather couches with
quarter cut oak Ramos, steel eon-
structien,sort and comfortable. 110,
$58 and 822.
We also carry a select line of Win-
dow Shades, Poles, Picture Frames,
Rqom 'Mouldings,' Baby Carriages and
Children's Wagons.
Drop in anytime'. ,
Phones 7 arid 8 Free Auto Delivery.
J. H. CHELLEW Estate.
DLyTH, -- Ont.
Bev., Mr. Richardson of Kippen
preached in the Presbyterian church
here on &Imlay during' the absence of
Mn. Melestosh who is spending his
"holidaysein the 011 Country.
July 2, to Aug. 16
maylos token 1)9
A rte gin%
butnetudents desii•1
Ing to graduate
moat attend one
session. •
For calendars write
Ringlton, Oat.
July rd, 1913
4111111M111111110 111111111111=111•111111101111111eingligillr11111101111=1111WIMINIMIN
A Large Attendance,
The annual meeting of the Conser-
vatives of East and North iluron,
held in Wingham laee Saturday, was
largely attinded, Mr. P.' W. Scott of
Belgrave preeided.
Addresses were delivered by Mr, A.
H. Musgrove al, P. and Mr. Jas.
Bowman M. te
:rile election of officers resulbecl'
follows: -
President, P. W. Scott, Belgrave
lst Vice, M. I -I. Moore, Btrus.els
" 2141 Vico, Dr. Armstrong, Gorrie,
Secretary, Dudley Holmes, Wing -
Treasurer, Thos. Stewart, Bluevale.
North Huron,
President, Dr. Edmonis.
Ist, Vice, John Dane.
2nd Vice, Dr. Arres,tron.g.
Secretary, J. W. 1VIeKibbon.
Treasurer, David Bell.
• "
Mt. and Mrs.' Dune. Macdonald' of
the Boundary spent Sunday with
Mr. and*Mrs. Hugh Macdonald.
Godeeich, Ontario.
_ Oneurpnesed location on east shore.
of Lake Huron. Splendid summer ee-
1 /hate, beautiful surroundings, hotel ser-
vice firat•elass ilt every respect.
. convenient by rall or boat to Tors'
onto. Hamilton, Buffalo, Cleveland, De -
Palace steamer City Of Detroit II
(0. & O. Lino) returning leaves ()oder-
ieh every Saturday 7 a. in, for Detroit, '
1 returning leuves Detroit Monday OA
' p. m. arriving at Goderioli 7. p. m Day
trip both wnys. This makes a delightful ,
week•end outing,
Folder with rates and other, infer, ,
motion sent on application, "Address:
' Goderieli, Ontario.
.. .. 1,1016,11.1.114
-Hein zman o - •
, Limited. 0
• Real Bargains in Upright Pianos •
Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos: all in good •
conditicn, at ape third to one half the original :
price on small weekly or monthly payments. •
--' o
Write for needed particulafs".. .... 0
Reintznia' n & • Co. .
. •
• , , •
193,-5.4 Yonge St. ', .- TORONTO ;
' or HEINTZMAN & CO. - 0
o •
• 38 Ontario St. •-• , Stratford •
• •
• •
........................ . •••••••11.1,16 0
HEINTZMAN & CO.—Please mail me today* :
a list of slightly used Upright. Pianos adver-
tised in The Clinton News -Record.. 0
..••111.11:11011,11.1110, .1141
Better Bread
-Could Not Be
Our stcck was never larger or better as-
sorted than at the present and a call will
convince you when youlook over our as-
Special Prices On Rug.
The Store
of Quality.
Phone 28
W. Walker
Furniture Dealer and,Undes:taker
- Phone
National Portland Ceinent,
After trying ther Rinds YOU always
come back,to the BEST. The best ce-
menti is the National Portland Cement.
• It is the Old Stnd-13y. A Car load just
S. J.