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The Clinton News Record, 1913-06-19, Page 8
News -Record Zur"iclh -� :Miss Mina Doan of;Kansas]°fernier ly•;of,Zurich is calling on o1(l;1iiend's lnf It is seven years ern Miss D0011 left hero and she notes many changes' in that time.'• Mrs• Ezra Kaercher of Berlin, for merly living inthis., to we shin, died on Friday week,''; alter a^ short illness. SIte • was' a daughter of Peter Sender'' and` was the prime of life being 40 9ears old, Besides her sorrowing hus- band she leaves a family of, six dau- ghters, .The News -Record leads for Town and Township News. Are you a subscriber ) Morris Township. Mrs• ' James Evans and. Miss .iEllen will tate a trip to the west, where' they will spend a' month or so • George Jackson, 8th line, has been laid up' with acute inflainmation of the knee. Miss Ruby Clegg, who was obliged .to give up her school at Easter' and has been under medical care, is at present 'in Wingham hospital having undergone an. operatiou for chronic' appendicitis, - ,She is .;:progressing f avorably. The News -Record specializes on Town and Township News; and there- fore excels in both.' Our Special List for Saturday and all next week -- LONG HANDLED SHOVELS .50 GARDEN RAKES 10 TOJTII 20 SMALL GARDEN HOES (combination) .20 HANDYA LITTLE CAHAND SA W 5 CANS TENDLENER PLY SWATTERS FLYTRAPS TANGLE FOOT FLYIPAPER 2 DOUBLE SHEETS 1,f)0 to 2.50 SCREEN' DOORS COMPLETE ; 15 to AO WINDOW SCREENS 15 to 25" SCEEN WIRE CLOTH PER YAIID 15 to 25 .18 5 and 10 .15 WIRE DISH COVERS For interior decoration we have a'fresh supply of.the pop- . - nlar , goods -Sherwin Williams Paints -Campbells Var- nish Stains-,Florlac Japalac-Liquid Granite -Window Phallic' for the Exterior -Lawn'- Mower's -Lawn Rakes - Garden Shears- Grass 'Edgers -Garden Hose -Lawn Seats full stock of Perfection Oil Stoves and Ice Cream Freezers -- 3 Second Hand. Gasoline Stoves in good•working order at a bargain. IIariaud. ilr�s. STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. WE CORDIALLY INV1TEYOU Spring To Inspect our Sum mer stock of up=to=the=minute shoes for the whole family, without question the most complete assortment, the most 1 attractb'e styles and the best (balues ever exhibited in your to7;Pn.:When you have `7 !ED .MEM 01V, YOU WILL SURELY Wc/1N1 20 HAVE A PAIS it FRED. JACKSON 1' Hundreds of. Suggestions For Summer Style and Comfort are to be found in the Standard 6w Fashion Book For SUMMER' 20C . (By Mail 30c) •Any Standard Pattern ' Free Buy the •hook for 20o, get a 15c pat= tern and the book nets you only 50. W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest - AlWays the Best %MK UP& IIIIIIIIMMEWAINNIMMININNIMIIIIIIIIINEMNIIMM :41•••••••••••••••••••4•• •♦N••••♦•NA4044•s•4•: aslisj . e� YAliZ r Mrs. Ken Chowen 'left last week to visit Owen Sound friends. Mr. D. McCorvie is on a business trip to Sarnia, Chatham and Wal - latching. Mrs, W. Blatchford, little Miss Sy - Iva and Master Charlie, Wingham, were guests the past week of Mr, and Mrs, Jos. Muteh Harry Twitchell Frank McCaughey, Roy Rumball, James Atkinson and Ike Rattenbury autoed to London fast Friday to attend the Barnum and Bailey circus, Miss Eva Zealand, eldest daughter of the late S. -G. Zealand, a former business man of Clinton, andniece of Mrs, E. Holmes, of St. Cath - urines, died last week. The re- mains were interred at Brantford. Mr. Malcolm McTavish, a teacher tor forty-six years in Bowmanvillc Public school, died on Wednesday, in his 82nd year. He was a brother of the late Donald Ms l'av- n a time carried 1 ( 0 whoat 3Sh one blacksmith shop hi:Clinton. Mr. Howard Great Virden, Man , cane down last week and is the guest of his mother, Mrs, John Gibbings. His sister, Miss L. Grant, who has been very ill, is now, the numerous friends will be glad to hear, improving satisfac- tory. Mr. N. E. Werrett of the Molsons Bank, Meaford,' spent a few days of the past week in town. This • is his holiday period and he wouldn't think of letting' it slip through without visiting the many friends he made 'during his few months res- idence in Clinton. Miss Stevenson, eldest daughter of Mn Duncan Stevenson of Toronto, formerly of Clinton is at present in a Toronto hospital undergoing treatment for Serious us illness. For a r number of years she has been teaching in thewestern states, and recently came home owing to ill- ness. Mr. Ken Chowen left on Saturday for Ottawa and for a couple of weeks willh • - hustle business for the famous Lion Brand clothing. , Ken so en- ongetically and everlastingly talk's up the merits of the product of the Lion Brand chain, of factor- ies that he is known amongthe' fraternity as "Double Seats and Knees." Mr. and Mrs, David Armstrong of Pilot 'Mound, Man., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Graham on. Friday last while on their return: 4 from the boat excursion to Detroit. Mrr ar and Mrs.:''Armstrong e,na- tives of Stanley and on both sides have a host of relatives in the old township . among whom they are spending sev- eral weeks. On their return wast this fall. they purpose, visiting the two new provinces before again set - ling down on their homestead, • Oar showing of wash Dresses tliie year ie larger and prettier than we have shown bef.ire. Dainty Utile dress- • es in Prints, Ginghams, Ohamlrays, Ducks and Linens • andtin all sizes from two years and up to fourteen years 2. to 2.00, from .. o � atg �'t 1 lowpriced enders)) and w y GIRLS MIDDIES AT $L25. • SEE OUR IJadiesVWhite Waists and Underwear • We have a beautiful assortment of Ladies Waists. in Lawns, Embroidery, Pique, Linens etc, ranging in 8 Price to from5U $3.00. . INE AT 1.00. SPECIAL LINE SEE OUR Ladies and childrens Also some extra values in Underskirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Princess Slips and Combinations. mbina tions. • BUSINESS • 44144•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SMALL PLUM STEEL ia_ L �' FV1T ' PROFIT g� BROS. MORE June 10111, ;191z pec Hour albite Wear Sale, IJRDAY from 2 o'clock p.ni. until 5 o'clak p. POSITIVELY every article mentioned in this advertsiement sold •a loss on the,WHOLESALE COST. Our object is to find out if possible how many of our pat- rons read our add. Come we can stand our loss and gain out in the end. . 25c. 50c. • 50e. $21..0025 $3.25 *1.00 $1.25 . $1.00 $1,25 $1.50 Ladies 66 GL 66 66 k 66 66 iL White Lawn Corset Covers • 18c. 36o. " Drawers open only 36c. Cotton pretty Skirts 79c. $1.25. 66 44 - 6 $2.25, 66: Gowns 74c. 740. - 82c $1,12. ,. 64 64 6e YL' Flanelette 65 64 64 6i•• K 6, Crum's Print. Anderson's Ginghams Underpriced., Crunis Guarantee Fast -color Print .9%c. Anderson's Fast -color Ginghams 91Ac. 30 inchwhite.Flannelett, reg -.150 for 110. White. Summer Dresses for the Three Hour Sale. Ladies' white embroider dresses, Voil-DDresses I6 {6 66 66 (4 66 regular $ 5 for $ 3 5o $1.0for $500 $ 6 for $ 4 00 $12for $800 $15 for $10 50 We do not Guarantee that you can get the best value at 4.55 p. m. Coyne Earlg. dZER 4,5AO "0•- - L /4 y C 0 O:IQ' CLINTON About People You Know Reeve Ortwein of Iiensall was in Mr. George Jackson is now with the town on Saturday. G. T. R. bridge gang-, Wilson from was s Dente id ebown � a I was o1 R R lie � Newman ilson iFr. C. W. g Mr. H Y Goder.ich over Sunday. in town this week Miss Isabella Webster of ,London' Mr T R. Watts came home, from spent last week with her sister, Stratford for the week -end, Mrs. Ed.,, Saville. Miss Amy Howson has been visiting. Miss Alice Brooks of Mitchelis vis - Mrs. (I) ,) Ferguson at Kincardine. iting her grandparents, Mrr. , and Mrs. Win. Cantelon. b'Ir. Wm. Alexander is visiting- with Messrs. Jame; Steen and Bert Hovey his daughter, •Mrs. J. A. Green of'. spent the opening day of the bass Port Huron. fishing season on the Maitland Riv- Mr. Dewitt Cosens of London visited er Mr. aril Mrs. Il. Wiltse and other Rev. S. J. and Mrs. Allis and Miss Clinton friends yesterday. F ernlee Allin attended the Allin Davis marriage in Toronto on Tuesday. Messrs. Peter Cantelon and D. H. Watson attended the semi-annual meeting : of the South Huron.' L. 0. L. held in Hensall on Tuesday. Rev. F. W. Mahatf'y of Taber, Al- berta, and Mr. E. S. Wightman of ' Broderick Sask., were visitorsat Mr. Jas. L. Miller's the past week. Mr. W. F. May of Mi'tchall visited hfs brother, Mr. John May on Mon day: IIe was one of an aorto par- ty which made a fishing trip . up norilh. Rev; John Muir, distrie!t representa- tive of the Dominion Alliance, was in town on Tuesday making ar- rarenrents- for the annual County Field Day which will ,this year he held in September. Dr. Roy 17. Ro iaivay, son of Dir.. and Mrs. Edward W. Rollaway of c ted Road easte has ac op the Huron R an appointment as house physician in St. Barnardo Hospital, Chicago, after graduating from Loyola Un- verroity. , Miss Kate Ford, daughter of the Rev. J. E. and bars. Ford, has teen engaged as teacher of. Arts and Junior English in the C. C. I., suc- ceeding Miss Reynolds who purpos- es continuing bet studies at the' tin iveraity. Miss Ford is a special- ist and (queens Lniversity grad- uate. ♦•N ♦.•4 AN♦ 4M♦INN H*♦♦♦N *4NN•••N••N•6N♦!♦N ' 3 .,A r1 rr �r tr •T T i T T Tl TT TCI ' Mr J. D Atkinson, who for the past year has been, associated in a the furniture business with Mr. Jas. Dunford-the firm name being t Atkinson &i,Dunford--has•retired, his interests being taken over tr ♦♦ Mr. John May. 'Abe new firm will he known as Danford pit May and respectfully : 6solioits a eeptindanee of the generous support so :long enjoyed by 'this t store. .. i jDUNFORD 'Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors Phone 104 : Pkt07k'E 127 -NIGHT AND SIOND 1Y CALLS- PHONE 194 JAMEkl U'UNFORD JOHN MAY r.0♦0••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ♦N♦i♦♦N 1AaN•♦N♦N41N'10♦N•NN . ♦N.•A♦ *♦N The News From Londesboro The home of Mr. Henry Adams was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday evening of last week when his daughter, Amelia Ann. be- came I un- Mr. J g he ride of P came t b blot, the ceremony being performed by Rev, J. I-1. Osterlrout in the pre- sence of a large number of guests. There were many beautiful and appro- priate gifts which testify to the es- teems in which the young, couple are held in the community, Mr. and Mrs. Yurblut`have taken up their ern which. fa the abode de on groom's lies just east of the villager The News -Record gives the Londes, hero new;: .• Rev. Mr. Reid occupied his corn pulpits on Sunday after attending the General Ass•mu lly, Miss. Reid' accompanied him to 'Toronto. Sunday Concerts Hullett Township. 1 It is expected the Gwent Male Glee Ibis. P. Reynolds spent a day' ht. Mr. and Mks. W. S, Harland spent Singers will give sacred concerts to the week -end with and Mrs. the town hall on .SldaY afternoon Will Harland of Guelph. Miss Addie Little spent herx Week's 'and evening. . I holidays with < her cousin, Miss Kate. Little of Brumfield, Miss Hazel O'Neil underwent an op- eration for appendicitis yesterday and is now progr'essiug favorably. l.ivsA1bieGlen, daughter r of Reeve Glen of Stanley, has returnees from Toronto and is visiting at the parental home. Messrs.. D. A. Cantelon, Bonthron and Taylor and Dr. Sellery motor- ed to Clinton front Hensall on Sunday to visit friends. •,, and Mr. i Mrs. Richard. Green,I, rl s a James Shepherd of London spent the week -end as guests of their father, Mr. Jas. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. James Reid motored over this week from their home fn Bay City, Mich., and are guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson. They will also visit friends in Stan- ley township and do not purpose returning -Home for a fortnight, Mr. Hutcheson, who a few weeks f d f•om,M ea or d aansfet•xe t was t go to the Clin"on hrarai of Molsons Bank, has been moved again, this time to 5t; Mary's, He had grown fond of Clinton and would have liked real well io remain hare, but, in common with Molsoes men, then was ro 'hesitation when marching orders came. Constance A garden' party under the auspices of the Methodist Sunday school will be held on the church laws on the evening of Wednesday of next week, Refreshments will be served from '0 to '8 o'clock 'after which there will be a program to which the Lobb quartette and a );gags band will con- tribute. Mrs. Goven'ock of Seaforth and Chic- ago, Will {; ovenlock of v lien son, iYr. ago, visited Constance friends last week. Mrs. George Stephenson is visiting her sister, Mrs. 5.' Muir of Niagara for a week or so. ' 14Ir. and Mrs. W. Britton drove down country on Saturday to 'visit the latter's parents. Miss Georgina Rumball of Holmes - vine spent Saturday and Sunday the gueof. het niece, Miss Lila Ford. Mrs•st George McCully and babe of Stratford spent a weekor so the guests of her grandmother and other relatives here. Miss 51. Riley ;has .taken a position in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs.• Macdonald 'of Brus- sels called on their cousin, Mrs. T. Pollard, on Monday. Godericlr this week. Mr. John Reynoldtr and his mother Mrs. John Reynolds Sr, and Mrs. John Kelly and dasghter Margaret of Godericlr motored, down to visit Hullett friends on Sunday. Joseph, James and Leo Flynn 015• itcd at Mr. Hugh Flynn's, McKillop, over the week -end. 11citri , Brennan n o t Ham 14Iiss May who arrived last week to attend the. Boyle Shanahan wedding, is visiting, relatives in this vicinity this week. Thomas and Florence 'Tighe visited friends. at Dublin Sunday and Mon- day. Hensall As Mr, Vanstone Sr. and tkiree' others of Wingham were motoring through here, on their way to Lon- don, last Thursday morn'ng, an acci- dent befell them which might have oppo- site very seriously. When 'Dr. Mair's property one of the tires came off the the machine swung' around and shot into tr.'!" ditch throwing the oceupents forward � with great; force. Fortunately none of them received serious, injury , al- though Mr. Vanstone, besides being. shaken up was cut on the leg and shoulder. The auto, a new Reo, was considerably .damaged .and will need al good deal of repairing. The part):.' returned to Wingliam by train. • Footwea C..�.P1li'it CAP:A� Reiiable' our shoes -its the raphe you get` for your money that tells whetherr you -are buying ing the wisely or not.rice yen 1G Wr e specialise in the well known y tU H[4rtt Shoes for Men • v style you ch©ese-the 're all .i fade on the general measurements of a scientific master last. The styles vary 'to Fitting suit many y Y •. Y suit tastes, but the measurements are all the same. That's 'why they fit so well, and its one reason why they wear so well, w There's no extra charge for courtesy here, nor for the great assortment of styles, from which to make a selection, nQr for the certainty that whatever you choose of these shoes are good, . s -i_ Successor to J. Twitchell & •Son The Price You Pay