HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-19, Page 7RIP a early Fifty Settlers Around Charlton Homes and Buildings .clespateh from Cobalt flays: Nes,rly fifty settlers in the Towne :ship of Tudleope Truax Robillard ' and Meek, hi the immediate vieinity • ohe ;t9,Nyll o °hal-1ton,, lost. theie hoMes and adi belonginge in a eaatioubuh fire, ivhielt out a ewath eeitemad. milein width and swept -through the t,owniehips Wednesday • and Thursday Thd settlers with their families fled foe 'their lives from the on-com- , in -flamea, and although no fatali- . ties have oocurred so far as is known, there were hundreds of nar- row escapes, and dozens of settlers • who have nothing whatever lefb are flocking into Charlton looking for relief. Twelve miles in,length waa co.vered. by the fire in .the Long Lake section. The large saw and plan- ing •mill of the Northern Ontario Lose Their Luneber. Company which steed on the shores of Long Lake, about a mile north of the town, - was de- stroyed late Wednesday evening. The Company's lose will amount to More than $15,000, it is feared. The Smith Faeset Company, owners of a large sawmill almost in the town of Charlton, had an extreme- ly hard fight to .save its 'buildings, but managed to OVernkrfte ,the fire. A number of the Company'a earaps scattered through the affected town.ships were destroyed, but by energetic efforts the citizens pre- vented a conflagration which would have wiped out the entire town, In garter -township, three miles north of Englehart, the saw and planing. noill ef Jackson & West was destroyed, together with the per- sonal effects of the men -employed. THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPH •••••imi• UAPPENINGS ruom. ALL. OVA TUE GLOBS IN .4 NUTSHELL. Cnnada, the Empire and the 91'oria fat General Before Yon! EYeo. Canada. Mr. Malcolm McTavish, master in Bowmanville Public School for 49 years, died in his. 82nd year on Thursday. Major-General Mackenzie,- who resigned his position as Chief -of - Staff a short time ago, has left for England. That two hundred girls, are lured away from Toronto yearly was a statement made at a meeting of the Anglican Synod. Prof. Nathaniel Henry Aleock, professor of physiology at McGill University since 1911, died on Thursday at the age of 4e, The New York State Bankers' Association, me‘ting at Ottawa, extolled the century of pewee and sent greetings to Ring George and the Duke of Connaught. J; M. Davideon, C.P.R. agent at Midway, B.C., was seriously in-. jured, and his wife died afterwards from shook, as the result of unex- pectedly meeting an engine while on a motor speeder. Their infant child escaped with little injury. Great Britain. 'A big majority was shown for the Unionists in the Wandsworth bye - election. Lieut. Kennedy of the British air: ship corps was killed when an air- ship dropped. Mr. Lloyd George and Sir Rufus ISAACS were exonerated of the Mar- coni wireless charges. -- General. The 13ritiali Consul at Berlin says that Germany is hoarding her gold supply. The entire, :crew of a Spanish warehip was allno.st annihilated by the Moors. Spam and France WO confronted with an inerea'singly serious sites,- thomin Morocco. Father -"John, you know 1 did - approve very much of your fighting, but I cannot help feeling very r proud of you for thrashing such a big boy as that. What did you thrash him for 1" Son (indignant- ly) -"Why, he said I looked like you.'' iJ ARTS. HOME STUDY EDUCRT1011, MEDICINE. SCIENCE, including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Session July 2 to Au. 16. The Arts course May be taken by correspondence but students desk: Ing togradu.te Must attend one session. For calendar,. write 0.1'. CHOWN, Kingston, Ont. KINGSTON e Rci5JT • TWO DELIVERY TRUCKS Ce,DoeitY 1,500 pounds. Wired, aides. Fully couinned. 7.0 he. engine. PrIoe $1,008.00 each. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., aliened, leo Richmond St., -West. Toronto, Phone kt. 2072-34. TOOK .liOLD OF THE WIRES. Geo. J. Leboirville Was Killed By the ,Shock. , A despatch from Sarnia says': Shortly before 11 o'clock on Thurs- day morning death came with terri- ble suddenness to Geo. F. Lebon- ville, a young ina,rried man, em- ployed by Alex, Bowles, contractor and housemover. Mr. Bowles. was engaged in moving a house along Davis Street. The house canne in contact with the wires of the Elec- tric Light Co., and the young man Lebonville went up on top of the house to raise the Wires, He took hold of one of the wires to lift it up, when 2,200 volts of electricity passed through his body and he was instantly electrocuted. PICKPO CKETS WITH CIJKIJS. Six Suspects Were Arrested at London, Ontario. A despatch from London, Ont., says: Numerona complaints of op- erations of pickpockets ,and house. thieves, supposed to be following the Barnum &13.ailey show, which played her on Thursday, were made in the afternoon and the evening, and six suspects were picked up by detectives. All are said to be well-known crooks, and gave names of varioua American cities as their addresses. BRITISH COLONIAL TIRE. A. special meeting of the Sharehold- ers has been called by the Board of Directors for the purpose of making an issue of $250,000.00, increasing tho subscribed capital to $1,000,000.00, The Company has been tieing busi- ness since June, 1912, and at the first Annual Sleeting of Shareholders, held in February last, an issue of $250,000,00 was made and immediately subscribed, The balance of the proposed issue remaining unsubscribed at a certain date will be taken up by a Montreal syndicate, wilich has agreed to "sub- scribe all the shares not sold, at a prethium of $10.00 Per Share. The operations of the Cotnpany has- been so satisfactory that a certain number of Shareholders have ex- pressed the desire to subscribe the new lesue. With the capital of one million ($1,000,000.00) the "British Colonial Fire" will rank amongst the most im- portantcompanies doing business In Canada. ONE KILLED, THREE IIURT. FoureStory Building at Vancouver Glee:5 Way. A despatch from Vancouver, B. C., says : Harry Anderson, car- penter, was instantly killed and five others were badly injured here on Friday morning when a Lour -story concrete building in eourse of con- struction at the corner of Main and Pendor streets east, collapsed, burying the men under tons of building material. . A. Robinion, Tont Evans and A. Berle were so seriously injured that their recov- ery is doubtful. • vicaous DOG IIAD . BABIES. • Children Sent prom Port RohinSon • to Toronto for !Treatmeitt. • A deepatth from, Port Robinson says: A dog which attacked three children here was suffering from rabies, aceording to a report re- ceived from Toronto where the animal's 'head was sent for exiami-: nation. The children- have beat sent to Toronto to undergo the Pas- teur treatment. 9.— • Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom. mended by physicians. For Wo• tnan 's Ailments, Dr. Mar tel Female Pills, at yonr SEVEN PER CENT: is assured to the, purchaser of Profit Sharing Bonds in a successful and well organized Coxnpany which we can highly recoinmencl. The 'Profit Sharing' feature of , these securities enables the bond holder to participate, - ell with , the Company( in any further earnings. Interest checines Mailed- to 'investors twice a year. vbf!" vok -40,5,044, fAr.`,*- Seetirltles Corpt)fratiori Emma° coNa-trameceor.oet LIFE BLDG.. 131•11..1.0.• aroyeeat4erce;creter. . , CANADIAN ORDER FORESTERS 84TR ANNUAL -MEETING OF •-• Tap ra611 COURT. ' Over 590 D'elegate$ in Attendance, at the Annual Neetini the' City of, London. •• • The • 24t11 Annual Meeting of the. Canadian Order Of • Foresters con- vened. on Tuesday afternoon, the LOU/ of. Jane, in the new Mationle Temple in the City of London. at 2 Pan. Dele- gates are in attendance ,froin adi parts of the Dominion, every PrOyinee being represented. This, order had tts birth In London in November, 1879, and has on threw subsequent (nes, dens, including the present, returned there for its Annual Meeting. , The following officers of High Court were present at the opening session: • ' J. A. Stewart, High Chief Ranger, Perth, Ont.; J,A.A. Brodeur, High Vice Chief Ranger, Montreal, Que.; Alf. P. Van Someren, High Secretary; Dr. U. M. Stanley, Chairman of the Medical Board; Robert Elliott, High Treasur- er; W. L. Roberts, High Auditor; A. Shultis, Second High Auditor; We G. Strong, Superintendent of Organiza- tion, all of Brantford, Ontario, and W. M. Conner, Montreal, Que.; N. J. Stev- enson, Toronto, Ont.; R. T. Kemp, Listowel, Ont; A, R. Galpin, London, Ont.; P. II. Davidson, Winnipeg, Man. Meinbers of the Executive Commit- tee. In addition to the above, John Mur- ray, District High Chief Ranger, Ha- mlota, Man.; D. E. Mckinnon, Dis- trict High Secretary, , Winnipeg, Man., and A. K. Berry, District High Vide Chief Ranger, Holland, Man., representatives from the District High Court for Manitoba.. The annual reports of the various officers of this Order are of a most satisfactory nature, showing tliat the steady progress that the Canadian Order of Foresters has. experienced ever since its inception in 1879 was continued In the year 1912, which is covered by these reports. This Order confines its business e tirely to the Dominion of Canada, a s, therefore, peculiarly a Cauadi organization. rn oslO its departtnen the result of the - business of 19 Ihw os it to have been the best ye In the Order's experience, The 1 crease in the Insurance Funds of ti Order amounted to $380,727.15. Th Lund standing at the end of the yea after payment of 506 Death Claim amounting to $508,95L19, at $3,98 976.21, the amount at the present tion being $4,108,799.50. The revenue no derived from the investments of th Order constitute a very substapti amount of the annual income. La year interest earned on investment of Ineurance Funds amounted to $167 16616. in respect to the matter of invest- ments, it is interesting to know that the Order confines the use of int funds to the purchasing of Municipal and School Debentures of the .Dorain- ion of Canada, and the very advan tageous market, from the investors' point of view, of recent years, has e nabled the Executive Oornmittee to obtain a handsome return on such in vestments, taking into conelderation the undoubted security offered In this class of investment. Both the Sick and Funeral 13eneflt and General Funds show larger in- creases for 1912 than in any previous year, Interest earned on Investments of Sick and Funeral Benefit funds, which are of a similar nature to those made of tbo Insurance funds, amount- ed to $12,208,04, end, after the pay- ment of nearly 7,000 Sick and Funeral Benefit Claims, amounting to $166,- 534,30, the sum of 01,783.44 was ad- ded to the balance in this Depart- ment, as the result of the business for the year under review, The total amount standing to the credit of this fund at the present date is $306,927.03. In respect to membership also, substantial progress was made. The net result of the year's operations showing an increase et 4,410; the membership of the Order on the 31st of December, 1912, standing at 87,536. Besides the benefits accruing from Life Insurance and the ordinary Sick and Funeral Benefit Department of this Order, we note that special pro- vision is being made for those of its members who a r e euffering from Tubucular troubles of any kind, a special grant being made for their care in any of a number of Sanitaria provided in this country for special treatment of patients se afflicted. It is gratifying to note, in a Perusal of the reports .of all the officers, the far-reaching benefits that are being derived by the membership, in the Various directions in which this So- ciety endeavors to be of assistance to the individuals who compose same. The record of the Canadian Order of Foresters, as submitted in these ,re- ports, is well worth the perusal of those who have been perhaps too apt to decry the permanence and sta- bility of fraternal insura,nce concerns. There is every evidence of careful management and of well -directed en- deavor Ao cOndnet the affairs of the Society in an intelligent and business- like manner. A point of special interest as indi- cating the cautions selection of risks, Is the death rate, which tor 1912 was only 5%78 per thousand, and over the Order's . experience of thirty-three years, less , tin 5,25 per cent. per thousand. We 'find further that the Saberip- tendent' of Organization has been able' to report the institutiOn of forty-one new Courts, so that every °wort pos..' sible is being made to establish Courta of the Canadian Order of Forestere In the now territory being opened up in the Dominion. of Canada, from time to time, and ari the petals become large enough to maintain Avery considerable amount of -busi- ness will be laid before the !delegates, and it is expected that the 'Sessions ea the Digit Court will extend over sev- eral dnye: probably, oeeupying their attention till the 18th or 1.411i inst: • ' n. nd an ts 12 ar n - le le r, 9, - al et , LORD STRATIICONA'S, GIET. Assiireae'tii-de '.C1'.3',4111,,,Patatie for the Nation s' USe. A clap:etch feim le,0/;t1cen eays Lerd Sttheana hag inatie tribution.of $50,000 toward tiee .phr- chase Of the Crystal Palace, the ac- quisitiost of which for the nation's uee is now assetred. •Nears of Suffering A Deeperato case Of Catarrh in the 7 "., "My eat -her -had catarrh in ihihea4 '%or a lend time. et Was ellen a deeper - ate case that 'he didn't know what ,to do, but one of his friends"recommendect Hood's Sarsaparilla: Ile got,a- bettle immediately; and.-atf.,seen as he eirim4 •,menc.ed, taleint it, he felt' relief „mare atter the use of,- two !other bottXe8 Ole- • watt. .eerilitietely;. cured, He' waft so wen peeased he has ever since' recent- . xnended Sarsaparllia.” Dell" • Aline Begin, Levis; Q. . Get Hood"s-SarartparlIta. today. Sold ,by an druggists everywhere, ' THE RING is POPULAR. Ile Is the Busiest Man in the King- -dont ;just Now. A despatch from London says: The seasem, which was originally expected to reach its height of gaiety early, has developed grad- ually, and has net yet culminated. For the King, however, it has been at its height since the opening and will remain so for many weeks to come. He is the busiest, man in'the' kilegdona just; now and all those who appreciate his sterling work and good qualities are delighted tan -ole his steadily increasing popularity with his people. Since his return from Berlin he hae been received on every occasion of his public ap- pearance with hearty and genuine plaudits. Crowds wait Outside, Buckingham Palace and Cheer his coming and going. There certain- ly has not been a harder working Ring. For weeks past and for at least .five weeks to come he has only three or four days which have not yet been booked. The ones va- cant in the five weeks to come will soon be taken. The Hon. Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia. BEGAN YOUNG. Had "NerveS" from Youth. "When very young I began using coffee and continued tip to the last six months," writes a Southern girl. "I had been, exceedingly nervons, thin and very sallow. After quit- ting coffee and- drinking Poet= about a month my nervousness die, appeared and has never returned," (Tea contains the same injurious drug, caffeine,,. found in coffee,) "This is the -more remarkable. as I am a Primary teacher- ancl have kept right on with my work. 'My eomplexion now is clear and rosy, my skin eofb and emooth. As a good complexion was something I had greatly desired I feel amply repaid even though thia were the only benefib -derived from drinking NEW HAVEN WRECK. — • Wife of a C.P.R. Land Agent Among List of Billed. A cleepateh from Stamford, 0071u., says; Four persons are dead and many injured, some seri- ously1 as the result of a rear -end collision on the main line of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, opposite the local pas- senger depot at 4,45 o'clock on Thursday afterneen when the sec- ond -.section of the Springfield Ex- press, westbound, crashed into the first !motion which was juse leaVing the station. The dead : Mrs. Edw. S. Kelly, 3 Dryden Avenue, Win- throp, Mass., 'wife of the land agent' of the Canadian Pacific Railway, instantly killed; Frank Canfield, Springfield, Mass., instantly killed; Mrs. Barges, Springfield, Mass., died five minutes other wreck oc- curred; E. H. Wo.oeiruff, Flushing, L.I., instantly killed. The eerious- ly injured:• F. J. Jenniegs, New York, lacerations about the head. "Before beginning ies 'ass I had snffered greatly frem indigestion aion\vtn tfi1 l Ie;(31a0Nevhric; these troubles are n "I changed from caree to Postern without the slightest itoonvenience, did not even have a headache. Have' known -coffee drinkere, who were visiting tne, to ass Poskbin a week without being aware that they were not drinking coffee." ' Name given by Canadian Post= Ce., Windsor, Ont. Write foe booklet, "The Read to Wellville." Postum emnea in two forma. Regular (must be.belled). MITT Poet= doesn',b vequiae nrirbut is prepared iasita,tit]y by !stirring a level teaspoonful en 'aitordireaey cup of hot water, which makes it right for most persons. A big cup requires mere and some people who like strong thiugs !Mit in„a heaping spo-oT'i;dtefri- ior ib With -a. little suppl,y, cif erea.ru. . Experiment euitil you,' 'knew. the ,amount that pleases ,yoer paleae and have it served that Wa.Yein the 'There's 'a Reazon" foe Postern. 'PRICES OF FARM PROOUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TNAI" , CENTRES OF AMERICA. , Pr,19e8 et:eattie, ,eretn, ,Cheeee And ,atnn! Produce at,Heme arid Abroad. , , ,• T,erohto. June 17.,-Flotiv-Ontair10 wheat .floorF. 90 Per. cent: patent% :19095 19! 34, MontroQ or Toronto'freights. r Ma/Pi tobaAr ATEA 'Patents, la jute bags, $5.30; Second patents, in jute bags, 54.80; strong bolt. ere', rin fate bags, 64,60. ! Manitoba !Wheab--lio !1 Noithe1'n,11.03 1-2, on track; illay,.ports; No. 2 at 51.01; No. 3, 56, Bay 005-10. Ontario, wheat -No. 2 white amd" red wheat, 97 to 980, outside, and inferior at .0nts-No. 2 Ontario oats, 34 to -350, out- side, and itt, 1712 to 38e, on track, To- ronto. Western Canada oata, .39e for No. 2, and' at 07e fer NO: a, Bay POrts. ' Peas -The Market le purely teminal. BarleYPrices nominal. Cern-No. 0 Amerina,n corn 660, all -rail, and at 620, c.i.f. Midland. Rye -Prices nominal. Buokwheat-140. 2 at 62 to 53o. Bran -Manitoba bran, 018 a ton, in bags, Toronto freight. Shorts, $19 to 549•10. Toronto. • . Country Produce. B0tter4a40y prints, choice, 23 to 240; inferior, 17 to 19e; oreatnerY• 16 t°, 28° for rolls, and 28 to 27o for solids. Eggs -Case lots sell at 21 to 27.0 here, and at 19c outside. Cheese -14 to 241.00 for twins, and at 13 1-2e for large. ! Beans--liand-picked, $2.25 per bushel; primes, $2 to $2.10, in a jobbing way. Honey -Extracted, in tine, 023-4 to 13e Per_lb. for No. 1 wholesale; eonibea 62•10 63 to per dozen for ere. 1, and 62.40 for Poultry -Well -fatted, eleazi, dry -picked stock -Hens, 17o per lb.; turkeys,' 18 to 20o. Live poultry, about 20 lower than -the above. • Potatoes -Ontario stocks, 071-2 ±090o per bag, on trank, and Delawares at .01,05 per bag, on 'track. Provisions. Bacon, long clear, 153-4 to 16e per lb., in ease lots. Pork -Short cute, 528; do., mess, 922. Bams-Medium to light, 19 to 200; heavy, 17 to 140; rolla, 16 to 162-40; breakfast bacon, 20 to 210; backs, 24 to 26e. Lard -Tierces, 141-20; tubs, 143-50; Pails, 16e. Elated Hay and Straw. , Baled hay -No, 1 at 911.75 to 912, on track, Toronto; No. 2, $9.60 to $10. Mixed hay, 98 to 68.50. Baled straw -68 to $8.25, on track, To- ronto. Mon treai markets. Montreal, June 17.-0ate-0anadian West- ern, No. 2, 411-3c; do., Canadian West- ern, No, 3, 391-20 to 42.3; do., extra No. 1 feed, 41e. Barley -Man, feed, 50c; do., malting, 61 to 63e, Buckwheat, No. 2, 68 to 60c. Flour -Man. Spring wheat Po, tents, firsts, 95-40; do., amends, $9.90; do., strong bakers', $4.70: do., Winter patents °holm), 65.25; do., straight rollers, $4,76 to $4.85; do., straight rollers, hags, 92.15 to $2.30. Rolled oaM, barrele, $4.45; do., bags, 90 lbs., 52.10. Bran, $16 to $17; shorts, $18 to 919; middlings, 521 to 025; moulllie, 926 to 932. Hay, No. 2, Per ton, ear lots, 912.50 to 510 Cheese, finest erns, 12 to 121.20; do., fineet easterne, 101.3 to 113-40. Nutter, choicest creanaery, 251-2 to 253.4c; do., seconds, 241-2 to 25o. Eggs, fresh, 23e; do, selected, 25e. Po. tatoes, Per bag, ear lots, 80 to 95e. Winnipeg wheat. Winnipeg, Jane 17.-0as1i-Wheat-No. 1 Northern, 90; No. 2 Northern, 95o; No. 3 Northern, 903.40; No. 4, 041-20; No. 6, 741.2e; No. 6,.71e; feed, 690; No. 1 refeeted seede, 90e; No. 2 do., 870; No. 3 do., 130c; No. 1 tough, 87 1-2c; No, 2 do., 561-20; No. 1 red 1Vinter, 940; No. 2 do., 95c; No. 3 do., 953-4o; nO, 4 do., 04.1-20. Onts-No, 2 0.28., 34 3.4e; No. 3 0.72., 021-40; extra No. 1 feed, 34e; No, 1 feed, 33e; No. 2 feed, 300. Barley,. No. 3, 463'4; No, 4, 451-5o; rejected, 42 1-2a, United States Markets, Minneapolis, Juno 17,-Wheat-5u1y, 961-20; September, 011-20; cash, No. 1 hard, 930; No, 1 Northern, 911-2 to 921-20. No. 3 yellow corn, 56 to 301-20. No. 3 white oats, 361-3 to 37e. No. 2 rye, 54 to 57c. Flour prices unchanged. Bran prices unchanged. • Jane 17.-Wheart-720. 1 hard, 933-20; No. 1 Northern, 923-0,; No, 2 Northern, 693-00; July, .917-50; Septem• ber,- 931-20 bid. Linseed, 51.101-8; July, $1329 5-8 bid; September, 91.31 54 bid. Octo- ber, $1,30 7-8 asked. ••, Live Stock Markets, Toronto, June In -Choice export cattle, 25.85 to $7; butehens' cntblo, choice, 96.65 to 57.01; medium from $6 to 56.30, and common from 94:76 to 95.25; good butcher cowe $435 to $5, and common ones down to. $5.25. Bulls 93 to 56.26, and canners and cutters $2 to 42.50. Milkers and springers $40 to $76 each, ancording to einality; heavy feeding bulls, $3.55 to 54.25; stockers from 63 to 56. Calves sold at $8.50 to 59 for good veal,down to 54.76 for 00500005;; light ewes, 55.71 to $6.25, while heavier ewes brought from 94 to $0. Lambs $7.50 to $8 for yearlings, and 93 to 95 for Spring lambs Hogs -$9.81 $9,90, fed and watered, $10.1D to 81e15 weighed off ears, and $9.80 to $9,56 f.o.b. Montreal, ono 17. -Prime beeves, 7 to 72-1; medium, 5 to 63-4; common, 33-4 m 5; coWa, 530 to 976 each. Calves, 315 Al sheep, 01.2; epring lambs, 84 to $6 each. Hogs, 100-4 to 101-2. SENSATIONAL SCENE. Male Suffragette Threw a Bag of • Flour at Premier Asquith. A despateli from LOndon says: One of the wildest scenes that ever marked a session of the House of 0012111110116 was enacted on Wediee.s. day afternoon, when a male suffra- gette sympathizer from the visitors' gallery hurled a bag of floer at Premier Asquith on the floor. The Ltalsai e narrow y r,nmsec e Pre- mieo, who was speaking at the time, and -when it hit the floor the cloth burst, and .a cloud of flour aPread over the Ministerial bench- es, almost smothering the Cabinet memberwho were there. The man who threw the flour also eeat- eared pamphlets on the members Bitting below, shooting incoherent- ly and wildly aboub the death of Miss Emily Davison. E:EWi FIIONT P4311 111.1/EAU BALL Big Improvements Planned for Gov - allot Generare Residence - A cleapatelr from Ottawa, says: The public. works architeets •heve begun the peeparatiort of plane. for the Rideau Hall impa.ovements. A new front of four or five storeys, 'kith an imposing tower, is eidiat ie plat-med. Th,e cost will be about $150,000. The MDR of the building is largely new and with a new front,' the whole appeatance of -the vice regal' reaidence will be ;changed, It is a mietaire suppoec that the beab always follows the heaten , It Lasts. The Cloths Last. Its Friends Last. ASK 01.110 SALESMAN FOR . Caunikell'sVarnish Stain The best and most durable finish for Floors,Furniture&Woodwork There isnothing like it: 13 caters ' Made by Carpenter -Morton Co., Boston'. LBROOM HOLDER FREE Present this Cenzan at deider's dm spode. arise coo of itze Campbell Brawl Miami.* FOR SALE BY RARLIND BROS. - CLINTON Every Womeei le interested and should know about the wonderful Marvel Whirling Spray Douche Ask your druggist for It. If Ile cannot supply the MARVEL. accept no other, but send stamp for Blue - hated book -seated. It gives Adl particulars and directfons invaluable ladios.WINDsort$UPOLYCO.,Windeor.Ont General Agents for Canada. NAPIER TOURING CAR Per sale at a sacrifice. A beautiful finished 6 -cylinder, 7 -pa rmssen- ger car, fully ermined and in nrst-clann condition. This will make a eelendid ;proposition for any real estate firm or livery. Price $1,200,00. RUSSELL MOTOR CAR CO., Limited, 100 Richmond St., West. , Toronto. Phone M. 2072-34 CONTRACT AWARDED. $5.001008 More Needed to Complete Trent Valley Canal. A deapatch from Ottawa says: After twenty years .of more or less continuous construction work the finishing touches are now being pet on the southern portion of the Trent Valley Canal. A contract has just been awarded by the Government to Roger Miller & Sons of Toronto, for the lock gates on sections three and four of the canal, thus complet- ing the outlet to Trenton on the Bay of Quinte from Lake Simeee. Tenders will be ealled sherely for beginning the work on the northern section of the canal from ,Thelee Sint. coe to Georgian Bay, via the Sev• ern River. The total expenditure on the canal so far has been about $11,000,000. It will cost another, $5,000,000 to complete ittnecl give a continuous six to seven feet water- way from Georgian Ba,y to Lake Ontario. A BRAVE RESCUE. -- Young Boy SaVeS Little Girl From I) rowit it g • .A despatch from Lindsay says: On Wednesday afternoon Patricia Primean, the eight-year-old daugh- ter of gr. Lewis Primeau. commer- cial traveller, Lindsay, fell into the eiver. Hee hab blew ,off while walk ing along the wharf, and ehe Made a run down the bank to recover it, but fell into seven feet of water. She went down three times, when Aubrey Warner, a Lad of foertee» years, walking on the bridge, rush - eat to the reseue of the drowning child, dived in and located her at the bottom. He swain ashore with her, and two ladies who were pass• ing, 1Wiezes Twamley and Fanning, resuscitated the child, and 811.0 was rushed to the keine of her parents. THE NEWS -RECORD'S CLUB- BING LIST FOR 1912-13 WEENLIES, Nows•Iteeord and Mail and Empire. 61.65 Nevve-Recor. d and Globe ..... 1,60 News-Reeord and Parnify Kerald and Star with Premium ....„ 1.75 News -Record and Witness ..........,. 1.76 NewS-Record and Sun „. „...,.... 1.75 News -Record and Pree Press „... 1,76 News•Record and Advertiser ... 1.75 News•R000rd and Toronto Sethi:dos Nlght News -Record ;and .Pormer's, Advocate 2.29 Newieltecord and Farm and Dairy... UN News -Record and Canadian Farm,- 4.75 Nowa-Record and Youth's Companion L25 News -Record and Canadian Country, Nevs-Recor5005 d and The Fruit avower • and Farmer News-llecord and The Canadian Sportsman . „ 000 DAILIES. Melva -Record and Mull and Empire.. 415 News -Record and Moho 4.18 News -Record and T0fwe... • • ..... 2.34 News•Rocord and Star ...... 2.30 ewaftecord and World . „ , 3,25 News -Record and Morning Free Press 3.25 News -Record and Evenfing Free Press 2.75 News -Record aol Advertiser ......... 3.00 MONTHLY. News -Record and Ponitry Review .... 1.25 Newe-Record and LInpineott'e Maga.. News.Rorord. an.ri DonWlnntnog nie lkonihii re what von want is not In this list let ns know about it We can sunrdY you at less than it would cost you to send direet. In remitting plertsA 4.0 SO by Post -office Order, Postal Note, Exvress Order or Reg. istered letter and address. W. J. MITCHELL, PuDifisher News-Raoorl C LINTON, ONTARIO Richelieti&011tario LINES VACATION TRIPS BY WATER From TORONTO to the THOUSAND ISLAND 5, Montreal, Quebec, and the Mountain Enclosed . Saguenay River. THE SUMMER PLAY -GROUND ROUTE "Niagara to the Sc.'' Inland Wes Limited The Popular Tourist Route. - Low Ratee for Water Trips between TORONTO and Weetbouncl Eastbound Milli lima Thousand Islands Detroit Montreal Cleveland Quebec Steamers leave Toronto for Detroit on ,Fridays at 9.00 p.m. Stcean- ere leave Hamilton on Wednes- days, Fridays and Saturdays, and leave Toronto same day at 5.00 p.m. for Montreal, Steamer "Belleville" /eaves Toronto for Montreal, via the beahtiful Bay of Quinte, on Mondays at 10.00 p.m. For infoamation apply to your own Ticket Agent or HUGH D. PATERSON, Gen. Agt. 11. & 0, Lines, Toronto. II. POSTER CHAFFEE, Pam Tref. Mgr., Montreal, P.Q. lteeonstrmited Nature. . "So that is a cubist pieturel" said the 'matter of fact, man, "Yes, What de you think of 1± 0" "It's a horrible example of how 'nature would look 00 some peeple had their way about it." To Our Friends and Neighbors ' You know us. You know we would not — that we could not afford to -- go back on our word. Nor can you afford to ignore this inoney-backlf-not.satisfied offer on this splendid laxative. We honestly believe we have the should have 136011 dispelled replan best bowel remedy ever made -the to poison the system. Headaches, biliousness, nervous - nese and other tormenting and seri- ous ills aro common when the bowels fail to art daily an nature intended. All this may be avoided, if You will accept oer advice. waxid eikaedtecto most pleasant -to -take, most per- • manently beneficial laxative for relief frorn the miseries and dangers arising ;from constipation, ' We wouldn't Say this if we didn't believe it to be hue. We wouldn't risk our reputation by making such etatements did we not feel sure you would find them true. C).' Our faith is built both on the knowledge of what RexaU Orderlies are made of and on observation of very many severe oases in which they 'have proven their merit. Try them at Our rfask If they do not abundantly Irove their merit with you aim - if you aremot entirely satisfied with them - we will refund your money - arid Nve will do that on yonr incro eity-so. We don't acic you to risk a penny. Isn't that fair? hat let the bowels fail in properly doing their work --just lot their taste just like eandy, They are aoothing and! easy, in action. They - do not cause griping, naiteea, purg- ing or excessive looseness. They tend to tone and strengthen intestinal nerves and muscles. They promptly relieve constipation, and help to per- InaRneexuatIllY 0°Yrdereer°1inels° itomote better spirits and better health. In all of them things they aro vastly superior 10 OldgasilioDotf, harsh etas and other purgative% which are not only unpleasant to take but which usually leave the bowels in worse condition than before. We portieularl,y mem- -- mend Retail Orderlies for Children, aged and delicate persons. action be delayed and incomplete Feealt Orderlies come in vett. an t entire system and every pocket tin boxes. 12 tablets, 100; , ether organ suffera. -Wastes that 00 tablets, 26c; 80 tablete, 50e. CAUTION: Please bear in mind that Reran Orderlies' are not sold.by all drug- gists. You can buy Rexell Orderlies only at the &mail Stores. !You can hey Paean Orderlies in this community only at our store: Clinton W. so H L The .042.fe Store Ontario ". Theta le a Reran Store in near& 01,017 town cad city in the UniMcl States, Canada aud Groat Britain., There ei a different Rem!! Remedy for nearly every ordinary bona= til;teip, • each 1313130o113113fdasigeed for the particular ill for wItioh it in recommended. , , The Rexell Storee ate America's Greatest.Drug Stores