HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-19, Page 5Ittne 19th, 1913 ••••••••••••••ft •••••••••••••m•••••••••••, .Presentation to a -. • Successful Teacher. ,oe, the occasion of Miss DeIntage's zeeignation from the sialt of the Col- legiate Institute she was presented 'fiy the pupils and staff with a very .handsome ladies companion and man - i Mire set in ebony, with silver moun- tings, each price being initialed. The following address was also read by Elinier C. Beacom while Miss ,,lIelena Middleton made the presentation, Dear Miss Delmage,--'rhe occasion of your departing from Clinton and ,of breaking your associations with Clinton Collegiate Institute, Comes very unweicorne to us all who have liad the pleasure ' and profit 'of your instruction, We have learned to value highly yoilr unfailing patience and willing- ness to help us in our difficulties ; .and the trouble which you have tali - en to help us when you found 'us laboring in distress, makes it im- possible for us to express adequat- ely our sense of obligation. At ,streb: a time as this words seem but ‘ernpty things and quite incapable oi -expressing the fulness of the heart, We. therefore ask you to accepe this token of our good -will min affection. May it ever remind ,you of Clinton -ed the good old C. C. I., to which possibly your thoughts may recur more fondly as the deep sense of re- 'sponsibility lades and the anxiety inseparable from examinations passet away. While vre hope that your .inem- mry of Clinton may always bring yeti 'happiness and pleasure, yet we be- lieve that fortune holds in store for you still greater things in the fut- • ure. On behalf of theateachers and 'pupils of Collegiate Institute we ex- tend to you our el/rarest wishes for -your future success and advanee- reent.-Signed, Helena Middleton, El- mer C. Beacom. - GoderIch A near drowning and a heroic res- mue oecured here last Friday night Two young men were bathing in the mouth a the Maitland River, whore the • current is. more or less _treacherous, • and one of them, TJns- worth Jones, though a swimmer, was overcome in some manner, and if :his companion, George Case, had not imrthaiately gone to his rescue, a elroweing would have been certain, Jones tau unconscious when his res- •etter pulled him, out of the water, but Dr. Taylor was summored and by quick work managed to restoxe life. • Gorierich has a tear live talk- ing. •crow. The young :laughter eif R. R. Sallows, has tamed a immt. young eroev to speak fluently ay split ing his tongue and educating himso that he an the trees leading front •the Central and Separate schools, keeping up an animated conservation ein the local an, Galling the boys and girls be their names, eel call- iftg such phrases as ``I can't boys, I'm married now." This is the second crow that has been educated in Goderich, a, young man by the name of Keneshaw hav- ing „first shown what can be • jone with the crow. Young Miss Swallows crow, in addition to 'being- at linglast, has some peculiarities. He undertook -begonias of Dr. Holmes, county treas. • to uproot all the sprouting tuberous • begonias of Dr. Holmes, county trees urer, the other evening, and, with the human race, seems to absorb seme of its mie,chiet also. „ • Herisall Rey. Charles Howlie and wile, of near Higheatee visited relatives kere for a couple of days last week. Inaiuguration of Graod Tun te Lake and Rail Route Service between. Eastern and Western Canada. Commencing Saturday, June 7th, - Westbound and on •each Monday, Wed- nehday and Saturday thereafter, the Grand Trunk Railway will operate a special "Steamship, Expresse' leaving Toronto 10.35 am,, steeping se elann Mon, Brafitford, Paris, Woodsteata • Ingersoll, London mad Strathroy, ar- rtving Sarnia Wharf 4,00 pen, mak- ing direct conneceion with the North- ern Navigation •Company's palatial steamers leaving Sarnia Shoal 4.15 le in. for Sable Ste. Marie, Ont., Port Arthur and Fort Wnliam. . Steamers leaving Sarnia "Wharf Mon- • days does net call at Port Arthun • On the arrival of the steamer at Fort William, special trains , of the highest standard will leave that point at 4.46 p -m., arriving Winnipeg 7.45 ts a.m. next marnieg. • The service allotted by thas locale is the finest in 'every respeet and in - eludes parlor and Parlor -Cafe, service • between Toronto and Sarnia Wharf, exaellent service on the boats of the • Northern • Navigation Company, in- • cluding the "I -len -Ionic," the finest and fasteat passenger bait on the Great Lakes. Standard sleeping cats (Bloc- trie laglits in ',over and Tapper Berttieaa 5VaatiwontlailiieocaLs • (Bertha afiebleaaalitititareW 'and CoaciVeaaliNtlies etarriek.laJarsille between e'ort ThrottalitSlemaiiret a'eeratatithene Port ./1" June ledneare cat A teg614-"ttailej:k. ce'm1144.4gliP:' each TimiclaaciaF thereafeers The: havingc,'".direoe, leaves '6\114 ,, -Pari Vick." 'ter tab it sleanibiatialeatkrmar9e.- . 411, 1 -ere apeteleatient-taeferaratealtank ale Seirilike';.447.45•7-Trat.";;;•1711 ' Pa, sengee'ideeeseaaae- Iler9•6.,,,e0a • qr-iAl i il O'i!';'.q.,i,v:::.,::;..1;fili:1117 'leareeieltealiera ,0y., P,, tea. 'rete, --,;'4-4,,v1.. I44 , :pii4.ri',rn..e'e''''tt,,a,'gn-,esf.,.,or,tmuei,e,..&r iv.:.6Or.i-t...-"t.,,,,,r•a.-1"‘1*,O-g'w.§.f'' TiidetAoeee,l0i011V ?aitCiAef091;1,p2*izx4it'c Clinton News -Record Wingham On information supplied by Provin- cial Constable George Phippen to Mr. J. J. Mitcheli, Licence Iropector of North Huron, George Cargus an In- dian Lister, appeared before Magis- trate Morton on the Charge of ling- ering in prohibited rooms in licensed liquor hotels, under Sec. 105, under the Limner Licence Act, and' was found guilty. He was fined $10.00 with $3.75 for costs. Bluth Mr. I'. Uttley met with a very bad accident the other morning, he went down a cellar at the Rural Telephone building for the purpose of getting some supalies for the. eMetric light plant, 'being dark, he didn't notice that the well that is in the building was uncovered in consequence he got his leg into it but did not think it was so 'teelly hurt as it turn- ed out to be. He had the doctor ex- amire it and it was 'found net the knee was quite severely ,thjured but no bones broken. Mr. J. C. Harris, of Detroit, Mich., is at present the guest of Mt. and Mrs. Geo. King. Tim following are the officers of the C. E. or St. Andrew's church for the ensuing term : Honorary President, Rev. W. D. Turner ; President, John Somers ; 1st 'Vice President, Myrtle Nicol ;• 2nd Vice President, Dottie Cowan; Secretary, Mamie 'Steinhoff ; Coerespoeding Seeretary, Emma Leith ; •Treasurer, Tena Cutt ; Organ- ist, Annie Laidlaw ; Assistant Or- ganist, Myrtle Nicol. At. the meeting. here list. week of Huron District the reports showed a substancial increase in the member- ship of the various Lodges.: Hen- son had an increase of 17, Seaforth la, Goderich 18, Exeter 9, Blyth 7. St. Helen's Mr. Will Haines, Wingharn, visited at the home of Mrs, Miller, St. Hel- ens, on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Robt Webster vIrited at the horne of Mr. John Darien last Nveek. TheWest Huron Woman's Institute held their Julie meeting in the. hall, St. Helens. Miss Gilholot of Fright addressed the meeting on Ile dairy and other subjects. The tidies, were. Well pleased with her address and came away well satisfied with the afternoon's proceedings. Rev,. Mr, Was. McIntosh, pastor of 54..Helenscongregation, left on Mon- day for a two months trip to the Ohl Country. Mrs. McKenzie of Paisleyis visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jaanes Hyde. Miss Annie McKenzie hat •returned home after a pleasant visit with fri- ends around Guelph and other places. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Murray visit- ed friends at Toronto and other places the past couple of weeks. Brucefleld Miss Harrison of Goderich was the guest of Mrs. II. Little the past week. Miss Lizzie McGregor and Miss Kato. Little visited friends at Lon- don last week and also took in the circus. • - Hensall Rev. Richard Weir, of Saskatoon, Seek., took the service in Carmel ohurch on Sunday week. He and his wile • have been atteeding the great convention at Taranto. He formerly resided in Hay. ' East Wawanosh, The following es the report of S. S. No 10, East Wawanosh, for the month of May: Sr. Ith (a) Roy Toll, Walter McGowan, Orville McGowan. Sr. 4th (b) Ruth McGowan, Jr, 4th Hilliara •McGowan, Cola Fear, Geo. Wilson, Ernest Toll, Violet Pareer, Sr. Ord Ella Fear, Ira Toll. Jr. ;rd Robert Brown, Luella WilsomalValter Patterson, John Parker, Edna Me - Gowan: Jr, 2ed Ella Tolr, Pt.2nd May Parker, Finlay McGowan, Clara McGoraae, Pr. Ruby Toll. Best spellers, -Sr, ltir Roy Toll. Hillard McGowan. Sr. 3rd Ella Fear. Jr. 3rd, Robert 13town. Pt, 2nd May Parker. " -E. M. Phillips, teacher. HAVE YO'011 CLOTI•1ES CLEANED and Preased. Done promptly and at smell cot.-Robt. Moore and Will Kennedy, in state next Wirtte'a groeery. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, -IN, THE , Matter of the estate Vodden, deceased :-Notice is -hereby given Pursuant -to Sec. 55 of 'The isrustee Act that all persons having claims against the estote of the said de- • ceased who died on or about the 24th day of May 1913 are petered to send by post prepaid to the un- dersigned Exemitore on on before the 10611 day of July 1013 their games and aedress with full part- iculars in writing of their claims, duly verified by statutory deelare- • tion. And Take Notice that aftet the said 10th day of July 191e tee said Executors will proceed to dis- tribute the assete of the eseare a- mong the aarties entitlea thereto, havingregard only, to the claims of which they shall the have notice and the said Executors wili not be liable lot Caid assets or any Part . thereof, to any person or persons of whete clam, notice shall not t. have been received by Aiken "at .tbe ,terne et such dietrinution. " eated Jure 14th 1913, -John Vocideit, Al- bert Vedder), Londesborough P. 0. Exeolitore. • 1Vlarriage ALLIN-DAVIES - In' Si.,Paul's Methodi,st church, Toronto, on June 17th, by Rev. Dr. Rankin, as- sisted V Rev. S. J. Allin, 131anclie Davies to Arthur Allin, son, of Rev. J, 8. and Mrs. Al - lin of Clinton, both of Toronto. KEYS -TURNER, --On the Parr Line an June 18th, by Rev. Mn. Rich- ardson of Kippeh, Annie, daugh- ter oi Mrs. James Turner, to Benjamin Keys of the Babylon Line, all of Stanley township. AINLA Y -GRAHAM - At 1, uekno sv, 'oii June 4th, Wm, I, L. _Milian oi Torontoeto DaIs1ia Ronerta, young- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham of Luclinow. ALCOCK - KIRKCONNELL -- Brussels, on June Ilth, Richard Beecham Alcock of Morris town- ship to Eliza Jean, daughter ot Mn. John Kirkconnell, of (etre, township, , ROBERTS° N-MeKINNON-In (trey township on ,June 11411, Dr. Ralph Erksine Robertson of Col- ingwoocl to Helen Gertrude, daughter of Mrs. Hugh laclain- ataa• BRAUN-ICIENZLE Crediton, June 12th, Charles D. Braun, to Clara II. daughter of Mr. G. C. Kienzle. VeALTER-DAVIS--In Sarnia, tlie 4th June, Kathleen lessee totng- 'est daughter of Rev. Canon and Ms. Davis ,JSeraia, . to Charles Henry Walters, son el Mr. end Mrs. II. MeD. Walters of 'Ottawa. TJPTHROGROVE-GOTTSCHALK - at London June 4th, Elvira E. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. eS. Gottschalk of Seaforth, to George L. Upthrogrove, both for- merly of Clinton. - Births WEATHERWAX-In Cedilla on. June Lath, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Weath- erwax, thee Pearl Cantelon), a 5021, DICKSON-In ilattetern ou ith, to Mr. and ems. Alex. Dieletun a SOn. ROBINSON-In Wingliam on :hate 8411, to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Rob- inson, of Teeswater, a deeghter. ICLOPP-In Hay, on J11113 5111, 46 Mr• and• Mrs. Oscar Klopp, a daughter. NADIGER-In Dashwood, on June 841t, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mediger, a daughter. RINKERT-- In Dashwood, On June llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rink- ert, et sen. eleCOWA_N-In McKillop, on June Oth to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McCow- an, a ,daughter. WARD -At Lucan'on May 27411, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ward ot God- erich township, a daughter. Deaths TWNTER-On the London Road, Stanley, on June 15th, Alan Rob- ert, SO71 of Mr. aed Mrs. Rob- ert Hunter, aged 10 months. DEVEREAUX-In McKillop, on June 6112, Edward Devereaux, aged 74 years. YOUNG -In Crediton, on June 7111, Fred. Young, aged! 38 years, 2 Moths, McCALL-In Brussels, on June 991 Wm. IVIeCtall, in his 82nd year. COBBLEDICK-In Exeter, on Jim 13th, David CobbledMk, aged 65 years. MoLEOD-In Goderich, on Wednesday June llth, Dahlel McLeod, aged 73 years and 2 months. DWELLING HOUSE AND THREE lots for sale. -Apply to John May of Dunford & May. BICYCLE FOR SALE -A GOOD wheel cheep, owner leaving town. -Apply at Mrs. J. Foster's, Al- bert Street. -86-1, BRIDGE: FOR SALE. UN- dersignea will, by order of the 'township council of Mullett, sell by public auction at 230 o'clock on Saturday, June 21st, the timber in what is known as WallacePs bridge on sideroad 31 near Surnmerhill. The timber is nearly all cedar and will answer fot building purposes. -D. It. Watson, auctioneer. , aealed Tenders addressed a to tne nil • undersigned and endorsed "'Pe ei for Supplying Coal for the Dwain - ion Braldinge," will b'e rtheived at this office until 4.00 pen., on Mon- day, Jely 14, 1913, for the supple of coal for -bile Public ituildings throughout the Dominion. Combined specification and form al tender can be obtained on anplica- tion at this office and from the caretakers of ehe different Dominion aunclings. Peesons tenlering are nolifiee that tersiders will not be considered rue less made on the printed forms sup- plied; and signed with their actual signal:ergs. -Each tender ,intret be accompanied by an accepted checme on a charter- ed bank; payable tio the oedee of the Honoree -dile the Minister of Public "Works, equal to ten percent. (10p.e.) 'or coe amount of the teneeir, which will he forfeited if the personten- dering decline to enter in*) •a 0011- treet when called upon to do so, , or fail to complete the centre:et. If the tender' ' 'he nota,aceeptedatheeeh-Ona will beeretharied, By order, TZ, itESROCITERS, Seel:Mary. Depart/noel: of aublic Works, . • Ottawa. June 11, 1913. FARM FOR SALE. -CON. 8 WEST half of lot 9, thillett township, containing 50 acres, ' There are on them farma frame house 20x20, kitchen 18x14, and a summer. kits chen and- wood shed 24x14, bane bate 58x10 with stabling bider- neath and cement floors w with hen house and pig :house. The laird is good clay loam, entirely clear of weeds, is well drained With tile; and in a good state of cultivation. No waste land..There is bee acre of good onchard and a never failing , : wellTerms $500. of principal paid down and the rest can re- main, On mortgage. As the pro- prietor intends giving up farming, 'if not sold the place will he rent- ed. -Apply on eternises or to John Rile)", Sr., Constance. P. G. -86' . THE CORNER STORE - — Live and Let Live — , STRAWBERRIES , next week will be the week for strawberries. Call and leave your , order, ' . 'SUGAR ' Now in the time to buy sugar lot . , • Ptheeseprrvibinegisbe'vf°errey 114C7WPaati° phrigels1:111.t. 40 4(0' ° deArS.jejh) PApaRnAlt of1701,101t S39A,LCE0---nI.,09T, township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard celi- taining apples, plums and cherries, Farm in good condition being of good ' clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On tim premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x1e, all on stone foundation. Thoth- e er barn is 50.00 with shed IWO . and also a gravel house. Situated one Mile from school • mile from a . English church, 1 mile from Meth- odist church, 5 mn, miles from Clinto 6 rnilen from Bayfield. Rural Tele- - - Phone connection. Also part of lot 36 Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small .' swamp making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulers apply on the premises, or address-. Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. • -71. SafiLlW r-:'''repGai r1:11CeCp1:16NnEliSan dri, Ealso I naEg -I , ,, - ., eneY ''°1' new inee''nee'-'" E"P-' en, Albert street. -79 *foe s • • • • *• • • •• : • 0 • • • : • : IN * • • '' ***** • ** • • • • • • • ei • • • • AP p . • • • • • a OLD RAISINS : • • le .• TELEPHONE NOTICE- THE AN- ' :meal meeting of the subscribers of the Tuokersmith Telephone SysteM will be held in Walker's hall, Brucefield on Saturday June 2Ist at 2:30 p.m. A full attendance of StlbSOXiberS is requested as business importance is to be transaeted.--r ThG os. . Shillinglaw, Prthident.. -85-2, Fresh ,for Saturday , • . Bananas,' Oranges, Lemons, Pine Apples, Cucumbere, Tomatoes, Rad- ishes, Green Onions, 13thirs and. Peas. ' ____ A CALL SOLICITED. ,I a . ni • • As we have a • a • a quantity o f 1 a s t :- • . e.... . '. 0 ',year's R a i s i n s on 2 • : hand; we will sell i' • • • 28 lb Box for $1 00 . • • • • ' . while they last.. •• • is • : • • . • SOMETHING NEW - THE IM- proved Safety Sash Lock, Allows the -window ' to raise or :over to h ' i e any height from an ine up wit toe the aid of a stick or book. Can be attached to any window, saish. For particulars apply to -Frank W. Evans, Clinton. Phthe 101 .-76 . TEACHER WANTED BY U. S. S. No. 12, G. and II., (Suramerhill) - duties to commence after the sum- mer • holidays. One with exper- ience preferred. Convenient ' to —._ . E. E. ' E E' HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. • • • 0 • ' . W T O'NEIL ' tra • T. 2 .a. • • • ' "The Hub Oregano" • • , - * • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER- signed offers for sale tis fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state . of cultivation and has good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving bouse, pig pen, ,ete-all comparatively new. A first, class young orchard dontaining all kinds of fruit, also small fruits.' The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable home. For further particulars • apply 'on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P. 0, -63 t thumb and postoffiee with daily I mail. Applications stades salary I and ouseifications received up to , June, 30th. -T. J. Lindsay, Sec.- ' Trea.surer, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. -85-2. . , • . • • • 1 — FOR SALE -60 PURE BRED ' white Legtorns hens. -Apply at W. Jackson's residence, Clinton. -84. _ A carload of -Western Oate, also a- carload of Flour, Bran and Shorts. FLOUR AND FEED I HANDLE THE BEST • GRADES OF FLOUR AND ALL KINDS OF CHICKEN FEED. CALL AND GET THE LATEST IMPROVED • SEED CORN. A. E. Matheson PHONE 192. • ---' HOUSE TO R313151!' oil FOR SALE. -1•I story frame house With 6 rooras, hard and soft water. Small stable, e acre of land with fruit We sell the followieg kinds of . flour wholeSale or retail: Pur- ity, Five Roses, Exeter, Jtewel,- Queen, Perfection "and NorthStar in 100 lb, 501b, or 251b lots. • — . Stallion Routes. — RED TICKET. Monday -Will leave his own stable lot 40, COM 1.0, Goderich township and go "south to Varna stable for noon, then west to Wm. Rathwellar Gc/slien Line' tor night. Tuesday - South and acrofes to the Bronson Line ta Geo. Sparks for noon, then across to Sauble Line and to Com- mercial hotel stable, Bayfield, for night, Wednesday -Across to id. con., Goderich .township, to Geo. Young's for noon and north to Wm. McAllister's for 'niget. Thursday - North and across to Richard Proe- tor's, 4th con., for noon, then aouth o Albert liarrison's for 'night. Fri- ' day -Across to John Torranee's 6th con, for noon, then across to 7111 co. and to his 'own stable for night. Saturday -Across to John Batkins 14th con.; for noon, then across to the 9115 con. and his own atable where he will remain until the 101- Monday. -J. G. Steepe and N. B. Horton, Owners, Geb. Coolr,• Manager. • . faces. Situated on Erie street will be sold at ' a bargain. -Apply to Jacob Taylor. -81-C . al - We so keep on hand a full line. of PEED WHEAT, SMALL WHEAT for CelIdKENS, BARLEY, OATS, NOTICE-BRUCEPIELD, JUNE and 1913. Owingto the prevalence of CORN, BUCKWHEAT, SHORTS, BRAN, LOW-GRADE FLOUR, OIL- CAKE, SALT etc. ete, ---' CEMENTAmyot II WE HAVE IN STOCK A NATIONAL CARLOAD 0 FP ()PRIMP , 1 . AB ENS ID ' e CEMENT_ PHONE 011- DERS 011 CALL ON JOHN HUTTON/ Londesboro. Rabies in the townships of Tucker- ornielt and Stanley (conflrmed by bacteriological examination by Dr. Toronto) Notice is In a fete days we will haVe a Nil' line of Poultey ,Foods. of here- by given that all dogs are to be securely tied up until further notice or destroyed at once. Furtlaer, all dogs found running loose after suf- ficient notice being given are to be destroyed and the owners held re- snonsible. Signed, -Robert Mac- Kay, Reeve of Tuckasmith, Wm. Glen, Reeve of Stanley. _ -- Give us a call and get our prices. • Live Poultry and non -fertile new -laid Eggs wanted at toll prices at the Elevator. ---- GUNN 1 ANGLOIS 9 A CO.• The Up-to-date Firm FOR' SALE -COTTAGE 'ON RAT- tenbury street, meereie light, waterworks, etc. -Apply on premis- '1'. ' CLINTON. . . N. W. TreWartha, Wm. Jenkiits. es, or to T. Murphy, Clinton. -75. .----.--....—... ' . Slabs For Salelowing Ways o a Wat _ s The ways or a watch are ing out, Don't try. , If your is lazyeattd wont run, let it for you. Ten to the you ed it. -let it get dirty,or front jack of oil. Whatever eason, don't delay; Delay . money and often spoils the We gee thorough examination regulating free, anything more as little as satinfactory work done for. ' s A. J..GRIGG JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN. SSTJER MARRIAGE LICENSES. ell past find- watch us repaia aegleets it stops is the costs watch. and costs can be - WINDSTORM INSURANCE. -- THE Canada Insurance, Co. will insure all buildings against damage done by tvindstorms. Moderate rates, no premuin note.-Oharles 5, Hale, District Agent. Clinion. -7.4. • --e-- HARDWOOD SLABS, 14 INCHES LONG.. IDEAL FOR SUMMER USE. ALSO 12 INCH BODY WOOD,den's, THE COLONEL Monday -Will leave his own stable, London Road, Brucefield, and pro- coed to Thos. Brownett's Bayfield Road, for noon, then. to Robt. Snow- Sauble Line for night.' 'fetes- day -To Angua Murray's Sauble Line, noon, then to Ross Johnston's, 1 Stanley town line for night.. , Wed- nesday-By way of Blake and south to Samelel Deila for noon, back seem way to Ross Johnstonnight, Thursday -To Harry Tal- 's tor bat's for noon and night. Friday- North to ' Goshee Line and by Ed. Johnsthee sideroad to Babylon Line to David Johnston's for night. Sat- urday-South tosErratt's sideroad, east to London Road and borne for nooa to remain until the f ollowing Monday morning. --el Johnston, Own- .ner and Manager. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -for One of tho best locations in town corner Princess ' and William 'I . . Stapleton Saw Mill, - . . ,. streets. House contains rooms on ground iloor, second floor not, finished. Hard and soft water. a , acre land, fruit trees, ete.-.- For further particulars apply . 40 D. •,,S. pluff. s-69. , C [10 FOR SALE, DESIRABLE REST- deem on . Ontario street. Fitted throughout with electric lights, and water laid in. Splendid situation and well kept grourias. ' Apply to W. Brydoue, Solicitor, or to old Rayner. Hee- ' _83. , mill FINE . ---- MANITOBA FLOUR $2.70. FAMILY FLOUR $2.50. PASTRY FLOUR $2.50. t . ,7 • .v i • 1•111.014 . "A 111101181111 eall* ...ta ' • i BELLEVIEW -10 A 11 M , DeItaY. - From corr stock of test -class cows we ate prepared ets • supply you trio daily wok of theebest milk aad cream. We solicit a share of YouT patrouage.-Rieltard Fisher, E. B, Hill, Phase 1e5. -80 e.....- GRAHAM FLOUR $2.50: • BREATCPAaT FOOD $3.00, PEED WHEAT 75e per bushel. e ' WESTERN, OATS 45c per bushel, SHORTS 81-25. ... BRAN 11.15. PLIOUR.EXCHANGED . , .` t$#''' A.likl• I , -:;,= 't -o, - 4-,-.4.- , MAIL CONTRACT. Sealed Tenders aderessed to the Postmaster -General, will be root:lived at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the Ilth July 1913 for' the COnVey- arm of His ldajesty'a Mails on a • proposed Contraet for four years six times per week over Rimer Reel Route "15", trom 13rucefield (south) igaroe S. P.) One. from the'Postmas- ter 'General's Pleasure. Printed notate:1 containing further infoatioa as to rm conditions of proposed Contract may, be seen • and blank forms of ,Tender obtained at the Post Office ronfloa' sYlattil:1,:eniefideeldInaspnadetaotr talitle LOoffindeon,eaf ti he . la. G. ANDERSON. L Supertetendant , Post Office Department, Mall Ser- vine Branch, 0 ttaw,a, IVR4 28th, 191e :IR I ...so • '.., a -4417.4grf , _ ..N.e.n. n....4,-- BONING DOWN rrtm CHIMNEY ' mop make it ,draw well -and it may not. If you call us in when trouble °omits we'll know how to fix the A AltAtle,trir. AV l'Z ED CHIMNEY TOP anay be all that is seeded to make plo.:: ielitiln:Yqudic718vf PanedercEtialYsOna,bWelYll, '+'. tl..hts‘frisoallainedams eleal,d1bvoark11. othes kinde . . , THOSHAWKINS Phone 53. • , . HEATING AND PLUMBING I& ALL ITS BRANCHES. Geall, SALE AT A, LOW PRICE.-- 'Runabout FOR WHEAT TO FARMERS. A Ford in geed condi- tion with tood tiles, Taken in exchange on a new car. -Bert Liang- ford. ' A: carload of good feed wheat on hand. Leave our orders at ihe* Mill of- _ _ DR. A. F. BROWN, OSTEOPATHIC Phys'ician, Lovelon, v,e111 be at the Motel nTorrhandie, Clinton, eaoh Tuesday eeenieg. "'Appointments can Im mate for treatment at re- sidences, ' ' -84. flee, Delivery made 10 any part of the town. _e - - n GIVE US A TRIAL. --e------- . JOHN SHOENIIALS • —THE ------The •Clinton Miller. NORMANDIE 11 Owing; of Local. Option House is dhol itiOn of liquor, we restaurant sat Drinks 11 The pathontige 1.C8pOot f u 1 ly S. to concerned, the lieve where tad , . stilicited. S. the antl, sale decided tea . COOPER.. coming no the of we cre.atn. of, , fax intoxi'eating to will die inte as complete epee dispense public force this up _ a is A G000 CHANCE TWO STORY IIOUSF; ' ----and— . ,. NEW COTT.Crrip ,, For 'Sale ' Located side 'by side'. Properties in ex -edictal coliclition WOUtd lease from buyer. , F. J. HAIL 'ClintOn• ;., Pliona 77. COLLEGE' 11 AT 0 AI E ' Thousands of ambitions young people , ore fast preparing in their own bows to occupy lucrative positions as steno5- yofliiinvaboolgroepers, tolOgrpplaors, . ,, or uttviituiere. yt .e.very.fspohuelsrho 40t IL thee Act caliegai - .11 emit - i To!, :4 1 8 1. OS, 0118 ging• , 9.'"6"d.• i'nte' c°1 eV any Sail:—Indiv- Ideal mstraction. Export *sobers, 1 Thirty pears' experience. Largest UAW - era in Canada. Seven colleges. Spcciiii ' OM for toadmrs. , "'Affiliated v),1611 Collin ore' 1 Edam,- tore AssooiatiOn of Caq'adal.a Summer School' al, famous SpottOn Business , Colleg.o. London. , or:Mame reasiNESS coLLeoe OM. SPOTTON 13. p. 1.17,kun President, Prim tpal. .... On Anything - -----, You want done in the line of .Phitabing Tinstnithino. and Eyetrouthing let tis give you . . i b a price. .'• Agents for time Sunshine f , . ...ur- Plaee. -----.—..---- BYAIII & SUTTER c..i.,Givist, resossbprq Plvwts T A 4 4 •