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Porter s Hill
linton News -Record •
Deis' t • forget the Old Boys Sunday
• • Tat Iletlied • aural) Qil Juno 29111,
S. J.'CI-. Fortner, a fel:isms: Pestor,
Will ocouPy the pulpit at 10.30 and
• e'eloOk. A choir. Coll310.1ng` of Ohl]
•'boys and gill is being arranged • fcir•
MiSe Start of 'Woodstock will also
assist with the ostiole. Mre.
Daws en of Spring Baelc'Siill preside
at the • organ, A special collection
will be 'diked for at each service in
• aid of •the church:fund.
:Mt, J aloes 1Wergori of Detroit • vis-
ittiel in tile--neiglinorhoodlast week.
• Me. Wm, Johnson is spending a
•tow days le- Michigan.
krs, ,II:earson 'and son and Mrs,
Splan of Kinloss• visited at Me,
George Vandtrburell's this week.
Arnotig'those who took in the exeur-
• and to the Model Farm were: Mr, and
Mrs. Herb. (lox, Jennie Woods and
Annie- and Icate and Murray McDoug-
I'll meet you at Holmesvil,e on,
!Dominion Day.
London Road
Mr. and Mrs, George Stanbury is -
Red friends. at Benmiller on Thurs-
day' and. Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs, David Armstrong of
• Pilot Mound, Manitoba, visited at
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stephensonie
last week.
Messrs. J. 17, McKnight, W. Fal-
coner and II. Livermore accompanied
• the Clinton Canadian Foresters to
Goderich last Sunday, to attend a
C. 0. F. church service.
The ten -months old on of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Hunter died on Sunday
last after a very short illness, Dur-
ing his short stay the wee toy
wound himself about the parental
,heart strings and his departure • has
Saddened the home. Tho interment
took place in Clinton cemetery on
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Roger Pepper attended court in
Goderich last week as a juror.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawton of
Seaferth and Mr. Roy Wright of
Harrow visited at Mr. -Whitfield
Crich's on Sunday.
• -;
-We have about 2 dozen :"trim tiled hats left '.and
wouldlike to clear these.' before our rni1iiner J6ave.
„ 'They are all up-to•da,ce styles. Sold from $5„00 up to•
$7.06, your choice . ,
•. Ladies:Snort ,Clotit,Coals .96
We have qnly 4 ladies shTort,coats left made of 0c.17.•
erf cloth fawn 01)/y aize6' 32, 34 and 36. iteg, •.;
for .• .
, .
We, also .haye 7.lad les new spring..coate.1fttoc1eai
. at 25. percentAff.: •
Goderich Township I
Good Morning 1 Age you a News -
Record reader ?
The Lobb Quartette will sing at
trarlock on Friday evening and at
Constanoe on Wednesday next,
Tueltersmith Township
"Plower Sunday" services will be
held on Sunday next at Turners
church. Rev. Mr, Allin will speak
in the afternoon at 2.30 and the
League of the London Road will
have charge of the evening service.
Miss Carrie Shipley will give an ad-
• derich -Township
Mr. Robt. Tuompson Sr is able
to be' •aroand ••e"n 1, tee a some-
what lengthy itlneso.
Mr. Frank. Wittier:1S went tq Teron-
le on Monday where' he has accepttd
a position.
Mr. and Mrs. Loehr, Harrls and son
of Mitchell spent a few • days
the, pest. week , with Mr, and. Mrs.
Beet Lobb: •
The Sellowing from the Yorktoo
Enterprise, rehire to a mute* of
Mies. Harry -Thompson of the 161,11„
Me. and Mrs. W. Lobb motored
To, Fullanton on Wednesday of teat
week to attend,the wedding of Miss
Greenwood, daughter of Mx.
Henry• Greenwood, to Mr. Wiltert
l'he bride has visited • in
this township aiy1 is Well known by
many of our young people.
eon. ; "Dr. T. A. Patrick is this
week receiving the e,ongratulations of
his many friends in Yorktore and dis-
trict on ins • election by accIama-
tion to the senate of the university
of Saskatchewan as repreeentetive of
the Yorkton distridt for the three
years 1913 to 1916. the former xe-
presentative of this district, Mr. A.
11. Ball, Deputy minister of educa-
tion, is a candidate for election as
one of the two representatives of the
province at •large. The other can-
didates are Chief Justice Haultain
and W. 13, Willoughby of Moose
Having completed his work • for
specialist standing in manual train -
Mr. Charles Tebbutt, a uative
of this township, has been appoird-ed
instructor in, that work in connec-
tion with the Collwriate Institute
Institute and 'Public Schools of Fo-t
William, his duties to begin with tbd
next term. He is another of the
graduates of the Clinton C. I. who
has made good.
John; Ward of the nhilland
con., who had been visiting friende at
Luean for three weeks or so, re-
turned home on Friday morinng last.
Goad Moraine ! Axe von a News -
Record reader ?
Buy Eggs by Weight.'
There is a radical change in the
method of buying eggs. On Monday
las., the dealers in Montreal and, Tor-
onto commenced to purchase eggs on
the "loss off" basis and no pay for
had eggs. The new grades adopted
are three, nainely : "New laids—Eggs
which are sound, sweet, and not
more than five clays old. Firsts—
Egg; sound and sweet, but: having a
limited shrinkage. Seconds—Eggs of
inferior quality, but not bad." The
case count system of buying eggs has
gone. Eggs are pa'd according to
size and quality, and this may re-
sult in the adoption by the retailers
of selling eggs by the pound. Tlie
advantage of these changes to the
consumer will be that he will be more
likely always to get exactly what. he
pays for.
PRoxE No, 78
WEA ft
Couch & Co.
Biiiitant .R8soltnient Of
.New ,811111MOT Dresses
Stunning new dresses from the best makers in Can-
ada are now on display in our Ready to wear dept
made of allover Embroidery, colored Voiles, Silk, Mull,
Repps and Linen in the smartest of designs, Ideal gar-
ments for morning, afternoon and evening wear in
Ladies and Mises sizes. Prices range from $4. to $25,
New Tub Skirts
We have this seasau a smart
line. in Dew wash skirts including
Corduroy, Pique, Repp and Indian
Head. Prices range from $1.25 to
$5 00.
Big Sale On House
We have passed into stock re-
cently 5 dozen ladies print house
dresses, These are guaranteed fast
colors made of good quality print,
all sizes from 34 to 44 very_special
for Saturday • $3.50
I ,
lune 19th. 1913
Breezu Bagfield Happenings Seafort
Mx. and Mrs Geoi B • I
The- members of • Court Bose • 'ei
'Sharon wilt attend divine service ir
Aintleesids church On, Sunday fore
eoon !text, Abe serijices to' be
ducted by the • pastor). the Bev. A
Wfaeferlane. 1.244c of, Sharon bus a
inembershriff ok'only feint Sliot't
one ltioared• ,
The, bass Belling season °Polled 10
Court Rose of Sharen was ;epee.;
4 Seined at the High Court meeting ftu
Londoe last week by Messrs. G. 11,
Greenslade .;and 'Moines Canieron.
, The many Bayfie.d friends of Mr.
John Fraper, who is engaged in 001-
f poreeur work at Sault Ste, Merle,
were IlleaSed to meet him itthe
old home village last week. He cause
the 15th " inst, • or rather as a inat
ter of fact Qt1 Monday for nobod
here ou hereabout would he ' see
W1491, rod and line on ,Sunday. Som
good Catches have already' .been made •
and it is expected ,the season as
further .pens up •will Still, further' en
hence' the popularity of this place a
a resort for those who love this lin
of sport. -
' Our football team, journeyed io
Sall on Friday eveMng last in ,El-
liott's motor • bus and wen a com-
paratively easy victory 'oeer the team
of that place, 'Bayfield scoring three
goals and I-iensall not one, Thi
was not at all what the latter, ex
pected bean the gape star*
theywere willing to -het two t
one that they would beat Bayfield i
about the same ratio or better.
George Greenslade went along wit
the team as a matter of course. fo
a local line -up without hini woni
hardly look like. Reynold at all an
more, too, Ms experience and skil
arc almost intlispeneible. However
the team, is strong at almost al
points and is anxious to meet an
football aggregation in the district
• The 11110-110 was as follows : goal, G-
E. Greenslade ; backs, B. Moore, J
Lindsay ; halts, A. McLeod, H. I'ol
lock, W. MeDcol ; forWards, J. Par
ker, W.. Sturgeon, J. Clastle and P
Weston. Dr. Smith was, referee.
The roads leading into Bayfield ar
unsurpassed, There are none quit
so good as them anywhere else i
the province,
A hosiery or clothing factory ough
to be able to secure a moderately
sized staff in Bayfield and vicinity
This matter is worth looking into as
such an industry would be of =lel
benefit to thd village.
The agricultural hall has been
pa'nted and is now in nice shape.
lits Alice Tippett, stenographer
Toronto, is home on'a visit wit
tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W
Robert Bailey, Hugh McKay, Char
les Falconer and Wm. and Georg
Weston attended the Seaforth races
on Wednesday of last ween, making
the trip by auto.
Mr, Ed, Eagleson and daughte
left on Monday for their home a
Morse, Sask., after a week's visit
among 13ayfield friends.
Mr. James Young has been assign
ed by Conference to the Bayfield
cult for another year, Mr, Voles
is a zealous laborer and takes web
with our people who respect hi
sterling worth.
An auto party consisting of Mr
and Mrs. James Beattie and Mr. E'd
wards of Welland, Mrs, Geo, Chat
leswortli, Blyth, and Miss Sproat
Seaforth, were guests o' Mr. an
Mrs. A.16. Etjti on Wednesday o
last week.
Mr. A.. J. Grigg, Jew i,sr, (loath;
was in Rayfield on Monday after
noon and tried his luck at bass
Court Rose of Sharon is now mak
ing arrangements for a picnic to be
held early in July. It will bb a big
rally of the Foresters and their fain
Wes and it it does not turn out to
be one of the 'most pleasant and
suceessfpl of the season it will be
no fault of the management.
To the toll call of I.. 0. L. No. 24
on the morning of Duly 12th • Mr
Riehard McDool will of course res-
pond for in point of membership be
is the daddy of them all, if, indeed,
he is not the oldest Orangeman in
the county, Born in County Cavan,
Ireland, eighty-one years ago be
joined the order When between seven-
teen and eighteen years 'of age and
when he Same to Bayfield' a half a
century ago be ab once placed his
certificate with No. 24 with which
lie has ever slime maintained his doe -
east to ,attend the General Aseem-
J lily in Toronto, • •••'
Y Mr, -Ed. 'Merrier and his daughter
c Izetta were in Louden on FrlilaY
c last and alter Mr. •IVIerner had com-
pleted his business they attended the
circus. -
Mr. F. A. Edwards and Mr. and
Mrs. IL, W. Erwin and Master Frank
moteted to Berlin the forepart ef the
week, returning on' Tuesday.
The directors of the Agricultural
Society met en Wednesday evening
and settled upon a date for their
next 'fall fair. which will be emend-.
eratily in advance of other, years.
L. O. L. No. 24 will attend div-
ine service in Trinity church on the
6th inst,
Mr. E. Merner has had a new, stable
c built.
Mrs. Richard Bailey has had a
new residence erected on. her 1•:'0 -
petty facing the lake. •
Mr, William Weston will build a
house on the lot next his father's
and already has the excavation made
for the cellar. ,
Gentleman John McLeod has moved
his house back so a.s *to have a good
collar and foundation.
Mr. David Leach lost a valuable
cow the .ither day and Mr. William
Hurd experienced a like loss ma .7.to'n-
The following are holidaying at
Miss Ferguson's : Mr. and Mrs. Char-
les Edwards ; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Edwards, little Miss Muriel and Mas-
ter Buster ; Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ley-
den, the baby and M -aster Jack Mr.
and Mr:; Fred, Johnston, the baby
and Miss Jcan, all of Toronto.
neetion. His two sons are a.so
menthe* of the Order.
The fialtieg eeason opened up well
bot of late there has been a Tellaig
oft and the eat:Mies are small.
Mr, Jelin Ferguson is having bus
gasolip; boat repaired by lafr.. W.
Macdonald of Goderiela.
Mr. Archie Galbraith has sold his
farm on the Vanua road. for $10,800
and will retire from farming the
coming fall. The place is a good
one and the purohaser is to be con-
grattilated upon securing it. '
A marriage will take plate in one
of the residences on the Square in
July in which Mr. Robert Stelck of
Ednionton will figure as the groom.
IA St. Andrew's, church on Sunday
last Pastor Macfarlane gave a talk
on Ile General Assembly, dealing
With the' personnol of the member -
Ail) and the work accomplished,
• Westniirister Grove, adjoining Jow-
ett's, recently paseed *to the hands.
of a company 'io which the former
ownet, Rev'. Mr. Davidson., • is a
stoOkholder. We are informed it is
the -intention of the company to
vomit considerable money in improv-
ing their property. •
Mieh Verna McLeod, who has been
in Toledo, is 118 •
The seven cottages being build' for
a London Syndicate are rapidly ap-
prphing oompletion, bat none too
soon lox the holidayets are already
coining in. The cottages are located
on Part of what was formerly the
Erwits estate anti -presenting a neat
Ppearanee they will be the means
of ,adding stibi Ittrthbr tb the num-
ber of Summer, homes that will in
time make flayfiekd the most •pop-
tilar of the reeetts. on fife west
Stanieg Township
Mr. and _Mrs. David Armstrong and
Mr. and Mrs. David Johnston took
in the excursion to 'Detroit last
Miss Ruth Ileid attended the wed-
d'ng of Miss Annie Turner to Mr.
136'10111'n Keys which took place on
Mr. Jackson of the 2nd con. is re-
modelling his barn aryl will place it
on a cement foundation.
A Prettg
June -Wedding.
St. Joseph's church Clinton, was
the scene of it pretty wedding at 9.30
o'clock on Wednesday of last week
when Mary S., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, John Shanahan of Hullett, was
united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony to Joseph W. Boyle of West
Wawanosh. The bride, who was giv-
en away by her father, looked alarm-
ing in her gown of white brocaded
satin, trimmed with pearls and chiff-
on, and also wore the usual bridal
chiffon with pictured hat to match
veil and wreath She carried a bolt.
•quet of white roses. Miss Elizabeth
Shanahan, sister of the bride, who
acted as bridesmaid, wore eausue
brocaded satin, draped with :lowered
chiffin with pictured hat to match
and carried white sweet peas, eltile
Mr, Will Boyle, brother of the groom
apted as bestrnan, The groom's
gift to the bride was a sunberst of
pearls : tb the bridesmaid a pearl
crescent and to the groomsman, gold
cuff links.
Rev. Father Hogan, assisted by
Rev. Father Dean of St. Atiguetine,
performed the 'marriage ceremony
and also celebrated high; Riese, while
Mrs. J. 13, Reynolds of Goderich
presided at the organ itt a very
graceful manner. Messrs. 10. T. Mc-
Caughey and A. V. Quigley acted, as
ushers, After the ceremoily the
gees*, tvito were pre.sent from
Clinton, Goderich, St. Mary', Hem -
Blot, St. A ligIVStinq, LONa011,
St, Thomas, Guelph, Toronto,
Whigham and .Seafeeth, , repaired
to the home of 'Mr. John Shartnean
where a most sumptuoue wedding
repast was paXtaken of after which
Mr. and Mrs. Boyle lett on the 3.07
train on 'a short honeymoon to Tor-
onto and Niagara, afitr which they
will take tip their abode on the
groom's farm near St. Augustine.
Tlie beide was the recipient of many
valuable and useful presents. The
many friends Of the' newly married
couple' wish -them much 10Y, happin-
nes and prosperity,
The Polon are arriving for hydro.
The temperature was around- ninety
on Monday..
A number of the young people
drove over to 13aylield to a •:tanoe
last evening.
Mr. Fred •W. Neelin of• Blaine li•as
been. visiting :hie parents, Mr. and,
Mrs, F. G: Neel* of town.
The man, tfritinels of Mrs, Buckanan
wife of ete. George Buchanan, of Tor-
onto formerly of Zurich, will regret
to learn of her death in the above
cityg She had roaegfd the age
of 5.0 and lia,d enjoyed good health up
to a *w Months ago. The idler
took place in 1.'oro4q. The
deceaebd was a datighter of the late
Michael Zoller fZonloh, where she
spent nearly all her life% moving to
Totea iew rete a.
Spent a fortnight' ,with the* laugh-
ter, Mrs. H. Little, Brueefield.
Messrs. Keith McLean, James Wet-
sonA. E. Colson and • Itobt. Jones
spent a few days fishing ie the Salt-
geen last week.' •
MIs I.uella •. 13ttr1.0 or Ottawa bias
been h01110 on a visit,
, • •
The -Greatest Variety of
will be found in our store
Fancy Goods
Dinner and Tea Sets
Cut Glass
Brass Goods
You'll find wiyat you want at
the price you want to pay,
Cooper Co.
At it Again
After an absence of one
year 1 am again at the same
stand with the same business.
As usual you will find
goods of first quality and
at right prices..
No pains will be spared
to give satisfactory service.
Call and see us. 'You
will not be asked, to buy.
Expected , this week, a
limited quantity of Pure
Nlaple Syrup and Sugar.
• '
n. 'Muse
Phone 40.
We have just unpacked a large ship-
ment of eouenes covered in vetoes's,
sbronae and Imitation' leathers.
Beautifully carved frames, coveted
in Velours, Red, Green clad lirtevn,
at 91.00, $6.00, $7.50, $8.50 and 910.-
Cousin% oovered in Verona with
quarter cut.teek or mahogany finished
frames, 99.00 to $16.00 each.
Imitati 011 Leather couches with
quarter out oak frames, steel con-
struction, soft and comfortable. $10,
$1.8 and $22.
We also carry a select line of Win-
dow Shades, Poles, Picture Frames,
Rootn Mouldings, BabyCarriages and
Ohildren's Wagons.
Drop in anytinie.
Phones 7 and 8 Free Auto Delivery.
J. H. CHELLEW Estate.
BLYTII, — Ont.
ell EE
Sel*tNeE, aorrespfrndeace,,
Ing to
• 2:11:;S2 ts. S:C"0 `1A.°Iiggirn'C't w:tee:
• --ingektOn,
juitnifot,,, . 6 ;•••
'.•`••••.,j.,L .
W•e are sole
, agents
a ,
for - ,•
made in
F14- et
- -
Walkerville, Ont.
P01' eVery.
Get the
MAR K E. D ' F.0 C K E'r
pair of
Six Stamped Pockets ' out
garments we will give you one
habit of saving your pockets.
• Tozer
also by the
• Sold and Guaranteed by •..
& liroull
Walker '['art and Overall Conipany,
Viralkerville, Ont. '
0 :
• $
. 0
• H eintzman
price on
a list
slightly used,
at one third
small weekly
for needed
of slightly
in The Clinton
in Upright
Upright. Pianos,
to one half
or monthly
St. .
St. - Stratford
,..... .
all in good
CO.—Please mail
used Upright
News -Record.
me today
. Better Bread
Could Not Be
Made -
larger or better as-
present and a call will
you look over our as-
On Rugs
!,„,;`,., :.•'.,P.',',.,,t 011„.
..1.., ,,
11 l
,t k i
''l ,
stcek was neyer
tkan at the
you when
• '
The Store
of Quality,
Phone 28
4/ - 1
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$14' L".'ts .,',"
...1)11.,,, Itl .
"di'v.71,1.0,ff v'Tr'm r.: 04,-; ,•I'd,-, ,j.81
..Furnfoture Dealer end Alitdertaketoil
'', '.' 1,.. .10x.f,, ii... ii.r1V ' 1,1 .190,0,541
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