HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-12, Page 8ews-Recoril. •Seaforth. Mr, Jellies Troyer, who is recont- ' ing from. an attack of typhoid Lover, ic.Et last Week, to visit for a tow days in •Toronitsi before going •to is Workbeing rushed on the -new , 'library and, it Is hoped tha it Will •• . 'soon be completed. Miss • Florence •Soole, daughter of M. and. Mrs. Chas, &elle, was max- ' tied- last week to Mr, Frederick A. aichards -ql EdmontonRev. Mr. Barker officiating. Mr, and Mrs. Richards left the same afternoon for '• their new home in Edmonton. • le 0 • Mr. Geo Steet of Saginaw, Mich., was Itere last week visiting his mos- ' Egnroildville has installed « street lights the same as those used. in Sea forth • and supplied, fronr the hydro commission • here, the lights being turned on, for the first time on Tus- (lay evening last week, ' • Mrs. A. Wilson was in Listowel last week visiting Rev. and. Mrs. I.Trqe- hart Prior to their departure fdr Col-- lingwood, , Mr. Ilttiriliart havieg ac- cepted a call to the Presbyterian_ church in that town. Ammomiedisommummemimunimmummogi memos% dr WE CORDIALLY 1 INVITE YOU To Inspect our Spring and Sum.- 'mer stock of up=to=the=minute shoes for the whole family, without question the most 'complete assortment, the most, i 1 attractibe styles and the best halite s ever • exhibited in your ton. When you have 9RIED 2HEgf ON, YOU WILL SURELY WeAN2 - 20 HAVE A PAIR, FRED. JACKSON %mum imemmonwrimmummonnesimmomir .411.11! Our Special List for Saturday -- and all next week ---- AIRS. POTTS NICKEL IRONS Reg. $1.30 for .88 GARDEN RAKES Only .20 4 CANS TIGER HANG CLEANER Only .25 FLEMPOL TFIE NEW FURNITURE POLISH 25 Would you pick up $4,75 on the street ? Would you buy a $5.00 Safety Razor for 25 cepts 1' That is the introductory price of the Mario OIOSS Safety Razor, $5 00 quality. Over bixty sold in our store last Saturday. The rush still continues for the following popular goods Sherwin Williams Paints -Campbells Varnish Stains-Florlac • Japalac and Berry Broa. Liquid Granite -Decorate with win- dowphanie- We now handle Beaver Board it takes the place of lath and plaster and more Sanitary Call and see samples and „ get particulars, AjBargain Table of assorted granite ware slightly darriaged4Your choice for 15 cents, Big Value. • Illarland Bros. Hundreds of Suggestions For Summer Style and Comfort are to be found in the Standard Fashion Book For SUMMER' 20c (By mail 300 • Any Standard Pattern Free Buy the .book for 20c, get a 15c pat- tern and the hook nets you only 5c. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest - Always the Best STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES. 1 1 , 4m11001•0,1•M•i. ....1mournsankria • 1110••••••••••••••••••••01444,•041••••••••••••••• w. u1111111T11 S Wag Prees 41 • . ' Our showing of wash Dresses this year is larger and • prettier than we have shown before. Dainty Utile dr ess- •• es in Prints, Ginghams, OhamIrays, Ducks and Linens i andjin all sizes from two years and up to fourteen years and_wondertully low priced at from $ ...5 to $2.00. SEE OUR GIRLS MIDDIES AT $1.25. Ladies1White Waists and Underwear .,-, We have a beautiful assortment of Ladies Waists, in Lawns, Embroidery, Pique, Linens etc. ranging in price froml$.50/to $3.00. • SEE OUR SPECIAL LINE AT $1.00. L Also some extra values in Ladies and childrens Undeiskirts, Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Princess Slips ,and Conabinations, -- Arc , utiumPOWimi111111111, Mr. IL W. lierlyar was in London en Friday and attended Conference. Mrs. Robt. Johnstone of Goderich is the guest of her brother, Mr. Ar- thur Cook, Mr. L. Suitter of Glencoe semi-,' a few days this weeks with his daugh- ter, Mrs. Jimold Rayner, Mr. Samuel Cantelon and his son, Mr. Herbert Cantelon, of Streets- ville are visiting at Mrs. Mary Catutelon's. •• Mr, and Mrs. Geo. W. Kitt, who came up to attend the funeral o the former's mother, the late Mrs. Wm. Kitt, returned- to their home at Woodstock yesterday. Among those who took in the ex- cursion to Detroit this week were: William Rutledge, Mihs Janet Rut- ledge, Gordon MeGregor,, Newton Davis, Wilber Ford, Mitis Jessie Thompson, Miss May Forbes, and Mrs. Tierney of Blyth. AIMS Mary J. Holmes, Toronto, a former Clintonian, has just, passed her second year examination • in 'Household Science at Victoria Uni- versity, taking first-elass honors. She waa the only one in the class who was ao successful, and it is to her credit that slue has done this two years in succession. Mr. R. McMordie of London and Mr. 5, Staillie Of Hersuall were in • Clin- . ton on Thursday and Friday last. The latter is an 'old time peda- gogue who between thirty and forty years ago wielded the rod in the Tipperary settlement, oderich township. Mr. McMordie was the original owner of that fine farm on the Lordon Road near Flensall that is still the admiration of passers- by and for which he received nine thousand .dollars. Mr. John Glenn came, up from Us-, borne on Saturday last to . attend' thefunerhl of Mr. D. B. Kennedy. These "two 111.8.a first met in the Cariboe gold diggings in 1902 and during the exciting and trying days of the camp there developed a friendship that grew stronger with the on -coming years. They al- ways kept in tough with each other and on those occasion; when ;they met they 'almost lived their camp experiences over again. • Mr. A.B. Mackenzie of Chilliwick B. C. is the guest for a few days this week of -his cousin, Mrs. Mar- garet Fisher,. after. an absence in the west of -thirty-seven years. This is his first return visit to the home town in that long period and he naturally., notes a great number of ohanges in both the people and the place. Many of ,those for whom lie has enquired have either "ernssi tho bar" or gene to (one other place and of the. buildiags on Albert street about the only one he has recognized is the flour mill and even it has been changed about and enlarged slime he left. Mt: Mackenzie was the Chilliwick -re- presentative to the General Assem- bly held the past week in Toronto • MORE 4i. • SMALL PROFITS PLUMSTEEL BROS. BUSINESS •• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ' . - . • -1 ...-- Mr. J. D. Atkinson,,who for the past year has 'hen associated • the furniture business with Mr. 359. Duniord-the firm name being • Atkinson & Dunford-bas retired, , his interests being taken over by • . Mr John Iday. . The new firm will he known as Diniford a Stay and respectfully t solicits a continuance of the generous support so long enjoyed by , this 7i IstOre. , - ,-, , I DUNFORD & MAY 4 i Furniture Dealers and/Funeral Directors .; Phone 104 t PIIONE 127 -NxonT AND SVNDAY CALLS- PHONE 194 I JAMES DUNFORD JOHN MAY 64.0 • 4 • •• •• 4.49 **IP* • ••• •• • 0* ••0 • ••• wenty-One Only Ali New Patterns We were fortunate in picking up this week from the manufacturers twenty-one separate table cloths. all new patterns and all pure linen, These are seconds and very slightly damaged. Don't miss _ this opportunity to get an extra table cloth at a ' great saVing. Remember only twenty-one in the lot. Come early. _ 3 only size 2 yds x 2 ydsat$2.00 6 2 yds x 2i yds at 2.25 2 " 2 yds x 2i yds at 2.50 4 , 2 yds x 2 yds at 2.75 4 " 2 yds x 3 yds at 3.00 2 " 2 yds x 2i yds at 3.50 aial and square designs. ... -BATH TOWELS UNDERPRICED 10 doz, large sized bath towels, _ extra heavy weight in plain white, cream and, red stripe aud cream and blue. Just the thing for hot summer months, Friday and Saturday, 25c each. WASH- DRESSES FOR CHILDREN AND MISSES I.. _ Children's ,summer wash dresses in Gingban3, duck and print in a great variety of styles and col- orings, ages 3 to 18 yrs, just to hand, prices rum " from 75c to $3,00. • LACE CURTAINS $1.50 for $1.29 5 dozen only fine lace curtains in white and ecro in five new patterns, two, two and a half and three yards long. Regular $1.50 for $1.29, • BOYS WASH SUITS-MEN'6 STORE We are showing a good range of boys' wash suits, all sizes, made from good wearing duck and fast colors, Norfolk and blouse style from $1 up. Ask to see our special at $1.50. 75c LIGHT GREY TWEED DRESS GOODS HALF PRICE - • 100 yards light grey tweed dre.3s goods, forty- four inches wide, splendid line for children's wears or odd skirts, regular 75e, Saturday 37ic. OffEA4APOW L / G0017-.5" Cznvrolv A June Nuptial in Hullett. “sii \, 13 rthall " the home cd Mr en , and Mrs. W. L. Mair of Hullett, was the scene of one of the prettiest ev- ents M the season on Tuesday of last Week,' when their second daugh- ter, Essie L., was united in wedlock to Mr. J, Howard 13runsdon a Lon- desboro. The nuptial knot was tied lv Nev. J. C4. Reid of Londestoro, in the pre sense of only the immediate rola Hu es. Promptly at four o'clock the groom entered the parlour and toolt his place under a handsome ever- The following is the report of S.S. No. 5, the names in order of merit IIIIIMINIS.111117a1W travelling in a blue broadcloth suit The News From Londesboro with white hat. On their return they- will take up house•keening in Blyth. The bride will be missed very 'much in social circles, her pleasing and attractive manner having made hosts of friends who will be sorry I to, see her leave. We arc also sorry to have the groom leave our midst lie, being one of the Most pupnlar young men in Londest bro. Hullett Township green arch banked with snowballs, Mr. Will Gouda left for London Tuesday morning to attend the For - resters conventior.i. Miss Bina Kirk teturned. from St. Thomas this week also bringing' back with her icer niece MISP.4 Marjory Lyon, who has been visiting here sire the 2.1th of May. Mn. James Shabbrooke and Miss Mabel left. yesterday morning for Sarnia, gong from there by boat to Mic,higan for a few weeks visit. Quite a number from around here where he awaited the arrival of his spent Monday in Coderich but Sr. 4th -Mary Jamieson. Jr. ith--- bride who presently entered Iranstig thought it a little too cool. to go on the arm of her lather. Mary McCool, Fred MeCool, Nettie Woodman. Sr. 3rd -Annie Weymouth, on The bride looked very charmlng •r Flossie Biggings, Alice Voddeu, 'lrace Those who took in the circus in oider? the moonlightvcursion a handsome gown f silk embro ed net over creams silk and earrsool..1 ;- \redden. Jr. 3rd-Rachie Woodman, Clinton on Tuesday reported a pretty beautiful bouquet o1 carnations and Sr. 2nd--He(mer Snell, Arthur Way- good show, mouth Rose Sorbutt Percy Gibbings 'Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Williams ard s s to vis - lilies. . (absent). Jr. 2rp1,--Flarold .i% sloms, little daughter Luella, of 'foiron The onlyattendant was lit llu Min . Wellington 1VIeCool. Pt. .2iid.--Dora ited at Mn.MrMatthew Mains on Wed - Many,; sister of the bride, vs lio mr• sic Vodden, ;Jennie (borhutt, Margaret nesday, a sweet little ring bearer dressed ib Brown, Pettier (a) -Jack Osterhout,a ,- vs. Williams has many friends a - pink silk and carrying a dainty has- Susie Sampson, Harold Snell. (h)- round here. She was Miss Sarah J. ket of pink carnations and lily -of -the Harold Richards, Florence Reid, ,. Arnett and her old home was on the valley in which rested the ring. Harold Johnston, Lorne Johnston. . The; wedding marcli was played by The host' spellers • are: -Jr. sith- 'Miss Lily Brundson, sister oi the groom. Prod MeCool, Sr. 3rd -Flossie Gib - After the customary congratula- bings. Sr. 2nol-Rose Garbutt. Jr, tions the happy group entered the 2n0 -H. Adams. Pt. 2nd -D. Vod- den. dinin.g room, and pareolo of a sump- tuous repast. The rooms were Report of S. 8. No. 1. Hullett for beautifully decorated, the colour th May :-Sr. l -Nellie McMichael, scheme beitig carried out in pink and Effie Jamieson . (equal) Lulu Matin. white. Jr: • 4th -Alan Farnham, Fletcher In the evening a reception was held flibbings, Emma .Hart, Josephine at the bride's home to whirl al'out Livingston, Mabel Livingston, Arnold a hundred -guests assembled and spentJamieson' a merry time with cards and dant "Jamieson. Jr. 3rd -Nora Maim, Ger- cing. tie Glazier, Florence Jamieson, Alta Many hardsorile glts were receives] Glauzer, Pearl Mann, Margaret Mor - testifying to the high esteem in ris, Greta Mann, Malry Gibbings. Jr whieh Fride and grown .ere held by 2nd -Raymond Jamieson, Cecil Varn- ish° gornmunity. The g.'nom's gif.t limns, Perey Taslier, N'ona Dale (equal) to the bride. was a pretty necklace of peridots, to tbe flower girl a gold bracelet and to the pianist a pearl Charlie Mann, Allison Dale. Pt. 211(1 Willie Livingston, Leslie Taslfer. Sr, Primer -Joe • Hugill, Etta, Wright, crescent. • Joe Hart. Jr. Primer- o Next morning the happy couple left , Gregor, Ernie Dale, Clifford illauzz Nora Alibutn on a honeymoon trip to 1 ler, Clifford Hart, Willie Wright. a Teacher. 'Permit° and points east, the bride -A. R. Fern n , The Price You Pay arm North or the village value John Garrett now lives. .Dr. and Mrs. Williams are on an auto trip to Port Huran and other points iii Miss Winnie McGuire of Brusiscis visiting her friend, Miss Alice 13011, this week. Mr. Howard Adams of Minneapolis spent a few days last week with his father, returning Los -his home' Mon' day. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell. 10 - turned from Toronto Mon lay men- s, ing. We are sorry to hear Mrs. Campbell is on the sick list but hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Will Griffith is not as well as her friends would like to 'see her. Quite a few intend taking in the' excursion to Guelph byi C. P. 111. Sat- urday. • • The, vegetable gardena suffered con- siderably from the heavy frosts late- .. iy, Mr, and Mrs. William IL T you re- turned last night Miser spending a - month with friends in the West. Mr. and Mrs. Howard: Br11.11Sdea LC: - turned last night after spending their honeymoon with friends in Toont0 and Ingersoll. They will take up their residence in Blyth about the': middle of the month. Hullett Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and Mr. and Mrs, Frank McCaughey of Blyth 0:sited at Mr. James Morrison's on Monday. Miss Nellie McIntosh came up from Toronto Monday and is at the home of Mr. Jos. McIntosh. , Miss Margaret Protium of Seaforth is spend'ng a zew days this week at the bonne 'of Mr. and Mts. Andrew Flynn• . Mn. McMordie of London and Mr. S. Smillie of Ilensall visited their nefcc, Mrs. R. Drown of -the 2nd con. on Friday last. Mrs. Mich McCauley o a spent a week with Mn. and Mrs. G. Carbert. The township Council met at Wel- lace's bridge near Summerhill on Tuesday and after sizing up the situation decisted to sell the timber of the old bridge by auction On the 21st inst. The cement work of new bridge is being built by 1V1r.. 11 IVIortison, yr has turned out a ran her of 'good zobs of this kind for tl coencil. PhiS year he will do tl cement wfork ors four or five b'xidgs in Hullett. Wallace's bridge wi cost when completed about 01150. Reliabl(e, l'o()tivar 01111411A.'S It isn't the price you pay for your shoes -its the value you gst for your money that tells whether you are buYinu wisely or not. • We specialize in the well known Hartt Shoes for Men, • ' • Fitting Whatever style you choose-- they're all made on the general measurements of a scientific nalster last: Lilo styles vat y to suit many tats, but the measurements are all the same. That's why they fit e0 well, and its one reason why they wear so well: There's no extra charge for courtesy here, nor for the great assortment of styles, from which to make a selection, nor fob the certainty that whatever you choose of these shoes are good,• , ' 01.1,-"IN..P1/1 A.Iq Successor to J. Twitchell & Son