The Clinton News Record, 1913-06-12, Page 6AFTEI EFFECT ' OF FEVERS Banished Through tho Ilse of Dr, Pink Pill Following wasting disease -a such as fevers, meny people find it diffi- cult to regain their fernier strength. They became breathles,s and tired out at the least exertion; their ap- petite is fickle -and they often feel as though death was staring them in the face. The trouble lies with the bleed which has not returned to its norasal condition and Is deck- ing in the red, corpuscles without which good health is impossible. It is at a time like this that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills provetheir great tonic value. Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood, ahich means health and -vitality. Mrs, Theodore Foley, Athens, Ont., ,says: "Following an attack of ty- phoid fever I was left in a vela weak and disheartened condition, The smallest exertion left me worn and tired out, and I was hardly able to get around, and -naturally felt despondent. I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they . proved of the greatest benefit to me. I mu now aa well a.nd strong as ever, and can do all my own work, and as we live on a farm, it goes without saying that there is muclate do. I feel, therefore,that I cannot say too mueli iopraise of Dr. Williams! 'Pink ' , If you. are miffering from the after effects of fevers, la grippe, or ' any acute disease, you should be- gin to get new ,strength to -day through the tonic treatment with Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by snail at 60 emits a box or six boxes for B2.60 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., BroekvillOnt. TIIOUGRTS ON BUSINESS LIFE Integrity, Generosity, Humanity, Consideration for Others. Before a, young man or woman •makes what we call a start in life there should be some earnest thought on this point. A business career, it is often. assumed, must in its -very nature be selfish. Enough if we can atone by Setele disinterested use of leisure for the selfishness of our working house: Many pieple• have abandoned the notion of taking a lefty view _of business life. "Business is busi- ness,' they say, as if the remark were the last word of wisdom and there is nothing more to be said. But when this business life of oura is just beginning we may take a • noisier and more wholesome view.. • 'Let as fix it firmly in our thought that business is service. To do bunsi, to serve our fellow -men. There is room in awry busines's life for a oharacter ase integrity, gener- osity, humanity, consideration of • others.' Get the,perspective right See that hero also first things can be kept in the first Daiwa and there is no need to thrust ideele into the background: • BABY'S TEETHING TIME Mothers find baby's teething a :source of great anxiety—the little one becomes restless and nervous; he beeoznes eross and, cannot sleep, and sometimes cougipation" rhoea, wale or convuhioes seize him. Baby's Own Tabletigwill pre- vent all this. They regulate the stomach' and bowels; allay the fev- erishness, and baby will cut his teeth without pain or worry. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box , from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cm, Brackville, Ont. Nailing a lie won't always keep it down. • m08uaels10 $oJnO IMILUIM1 1,paeu155 A Tip. If a girl worked half as hard to please a man after marriage as she does before marriage, lots of law- yers would starve to death. ' Beauty ofSkin Beauty ofHair ort4 \11 '.1.1-raais4t , 44‘, 01110.ift= Pre:scrye.:410y Assisted by an occasional use of Cuticura Ointment. No other emol- lients do so inuch'for poor corn- plexions red rough hands daridruff, and dry, thin and falling lair, tat= saan e'rrai Ointment oro 5010 throughout fhe Meta. A 'Mere.' sample et each, with 32..pege , )moklet on the 0.00 la01 trontmont of the skin and semp, sent 1-mm4.o. AMIrmul2otturDrug od °Min, Core., Dcer..15.D,meatoll, If, A A.. DOCTORS THOMBATCANCER, . , THE ',olsrLy cum AT TIE PRE; SENT TIME IS THE KNIFE. ' " • Pes-Sible the Family Doetor Is Simasible for Many Deaths, 3 - At a meeting held in the Harvard Club; New York, recently, some headway was mitcle in what prom- ises to be a'country-svicle canspaiens againat cancer: It is planned to combat the 'disease by the wealms that have been most effective in fighting tuberculosis. The public probably needs no estimation to the fact that cancer is one of the dead- liest of diseases, but it does require to be taught that the only cure for cancer at the present time is the knife. It also needs to be taught that a case of cancer is not neces- sarily fatal, that thousands of eases are cureclesvgry year by sur- geons, and that nearly: all ca,ses ettrr be so mired if the surgeen is gieen his chanca in tinae. When the knife does not cure eaneer it is because the disease has become so far ad- vanced that the growth cannot be removed without danger to some of the organs of tho body, or because, the operation is not drastic enough. An operation that :removes merely the growth without also excisin,g the surrounding healthy flesh, where the roots may have spread, is worse than useleSs. If is fatal. Don't Wait Too Long. Under a benevolent despotism it might be possible to abolialt fatal cases of cancer: If some elnlighten- ed dictator eauld force the whole population to undergo periedie ex- aminations by eompetent cliagnoe- ticiaes the disease would be detect- ed in time and operations would save 99 per cent. of the -victims of the disease. Some allowance would have to he made, probably, for those Tare cases that manifest themselves in poetions sif the body whence it would be inposeible to remove them. Since the age of en- lightened dictators ha a passed, the only eourse to pureue is to educate the people to the daliger of waiting until the supposed harmless lump has begun to pain before ceasulting a elector, and to the necessity of consulting a ineclieal ma who is an expert in cancer. Credit ought to be giten to a geeat Americasi in- surance company, which insists that very policy -holder be examined at least once a year by the com- pany's physicians. Should disea.se be discovered the insurance is not cancelled nor the premiums increas- ed, but the patient is given „warn- ing, and can take the necessery SuSpielous Little Lumps. • Through this examinatiov many cases of cancer have been detected early enough to he cured by the knife, The point is that the com: Dana's physicians recognize eancin in small lamps that had giv'en no pain thwthe persoes examined. In some ewes they said that the fam- ily doctor had warned them of the danger of meddling with thestilit- tle imps until :they gave them pain. Experts say, however, that very ciften when cancer .beeemes 'minima it is too late to •eperat,e, In this way it is possihle that the -fam- ily doctor has been partly respon- sible for many 'deaths from. cancer. Ile ,,sometimee ehares the Ms prejudice to the knife, arid his per- sonal experience -has taught him that by the time cancer is brought to his attention , it is .the late to Operate . The ceaumittee formed from the 'Congress- of Physicians and Surgeons of the United States will endeavor to inform the public of theme:neer experts in a• district and is likely to make grants :of money to hospital& that will snake a. specialty of cancer diagnosis. Campaign of 'Eduefition. It is saicl'that there will be un- limited funds to assist the move- ment atd in view of the fact that Cartcea' Research Fund haa all the raOrmy it can use, there is every reaSLM to 'believe that this new cam- paign will not be crippled.for lack of financiad support. The new ers ganization does not plan to .dls- cover a euro nor to undertake in- vestigations with a view of iiiterea,s- ng the suii of medical ,knowledge n the disease."( It will act on the principle that the onlyoure for San- er sat the present time is by sur- Oy, aed that ne4r1y all muses Can e mired if they are rec,ogniz,ed in ime. Its experts will make 'ex- minations looking for ceneerous rowths, and the nuedicaland daily )0e00 of the, country will be used to ducate the.public to the neceSsity f aperiodical examination by spe- ialists. Pant of the fitrisiss at its isnosal win he •spent in: exposing he quack remedies, and the publiC ill be told that X-ray, radium nd all other agencies except .the nigeon's lance a,re useless except or some cases' .01 cancer of sthe dn. The Knife the Only Cure. It might be said that they are orSe than useless, for the reason nit a victim of cancer is apt to erste his time an drugs, and so ermit eaeber- to vow larger nd more malignant until a cure by usgery is impossible. The moot iistworthy statistics do not show let cancer is increasing- with great apidity. They -indicate that the ercentage of it is fairly constant. he fact that medicine and surgery eve mado groat strides in recent ars s explains why more people' ye to what naight "be caned the neer agse, ,and this is why Mere :Delo are found te have canner. iagnosis also has improved, and aths from cancer aro no longer a attributed to other cauaes. The es,neer age may he said to begin about 85 or 40. is' safe to say that when a mail or woman has reached this ,age every lump that appears anywhere 00 the body and does not speedily disappear should be regarded, with suspicion and that an expert ahoula be celled to examine it. If this advice Were generally foliwed the death rate from cancer would be immedia,thly reduced by 50 .or 75 per cent,. 111.EW TILEIVIS'ELVES UP. German Soldiers CUM' Cordite the Explosive. One' of the troubles of most Euro- pean armies is that those 'soldiers who cam get hold of it insist on tieing that terrible explosive cox - (lite as if it were a sort of chewing • Its popularity is due to the fact that when chewed in amall quanti- ties it has a stimulating and ex- lilitirating effect, like small doses of alcohol. Its taste, too, is sweet, cordite being three-fifths nitro-gly- cerine, an ekplesive which is sugary ot the taste. , When chewed in large quantities Oerdite beeemes more poiverful in its effects, bringing on blfssful state, of ecstasy, and Sometimes melting the victim -of the habit see visions. But the real danger of the • habit lies in the foot that though nitro-glycerine will- only explode when given a very hard blow or touched by -an electric- ,spark, theee is always a poegbility that the grinding of exceptionally head teeth night provide the necessary hard blow, Withiio the lost few years at least three soldiers—two German and one Austrian --"-have been blown to bits, the use of. cor- dite as a, elm:wing-gum being the suspected C111190. Keep Your Friendships. Do not allow your own friend- slgps to lapse—toe many do nob cherish our friendships while we have them. We subject them to strains. We undervalue them as we do all things that we feel we own. We accept them in a spirit of lethargy or worse, and. when the friend is finally driven from us too often we put up a bitter plaint about ingratitude. There are a great many things that a decent, self-respeeting friendship will not stand. If we allow ourSelves, feel- ing sure of ,the devoted chum, to meanie the unpleasant fault-finding manner, why should we oxpect any - Male ±0 wish to aiteapposite its at dinner and listenao, our grurnb- lings 7 • When frieeds depart -- friends that nipperently cared for us—it is because we have beeerne unbearable, although this easy be furthest from our perceptions. They have sought more cheerfel company, and it is eight they should de so, PUT AWAY .PICELES. Mathentatidats Figures Out • the' Nod Question. ' If any one requires a elear head it is a- teacher of mathematics. Re must reation in the abstract, es it Were, and full concentration of mind ie necosso,ry if correct results are to be forthcoming. • A man writes: • "I ani a teacher of mathematic:a a.ral for 15 years paior to four years ago, I either took a lunch composed of cold sandwiches, pickles, etc., to school or hurried home and quicary ate a. hot dinner. , "The result was that I went to my afternoon work feeling heavy, dull of brain and generally out of .Finallyer I learned about Grape -Nuts food and began to use it for my noon -day lunch. ' "From the fast I experie.nced a greet change for the better. The heavy, unpleasant feelieg anal sour stomach caused by the former diet disappeared. The drowsy languor and disinclination t,o work Boon gave way to a brightness and vire in my afternoon work, a feelinig entirely new to me. • "My brain respobde prinnsaly to 'the requirements pat upon it, and what is otareire importance, the re- sults have been la,sting and more satisfactory, the longer I have used Grape -Nuts as a feed. "My -wife had been suffering from weak stomach aecompanied by sick heiicloolies nearly all her life. She is invariabie relieved of these when she sticks to Grape -Nuts, either eaten dry or with milk. Her 'stom- ach has gradeally grown stronger and her headaches less- frequent since she 'began' as eat Grape - Nuts." "There's a Reason./' Name given by Canadian Postern Cm, Windsor, Out: Read the booklet, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever road the above letter? A new ens appears from time to time. They aro Genuine, true, and full Of human Interest, Impossible. "I should thinks you 'couid get id of that young moan before 21 o'clock,". "That shoswa you don't know ?Charlie very well, mother. When he gets started' talking about' him, self there's -no stopping him." She Was Helpless For Two Years itxhy Mrs. Balliwiff Recommends Dodd's Kidney She Could Find Nothing- to Cure Iles, Rlieumatisin 'rill On a Neigh- bor's .A.dviee She 'fried Dodirs kidney Pills. • St, WalburgSlc, Jun -i e 9 (pe: , as• cia,1).---"I can tauly recommend Detld's Kidney Pills for any one suffering frem rheumatism." Thos.'s are the words of, Mrs, W. A. Bald - wine a highly respected resident of this place. And 1VIrs. Baktwin gives her 1-ea0e0s : was nearly helpless with rheu- matism for two years," she Bastes. "I get medicine from the do.ethr, and tried seveval other remedies, but nothing helped inc. Then one of My neighbors advised ine to try Dead's Kidney Pills. 1 bought four boxes, and they helped me ahnest from the first. • I have used nearly 'cissu-id ceslojen boxm es end anearly That rheumatiem is one of the results of diseased kidneys iteagain shown• in Mrs. 13alciwin's case. She had headaches, stiffness of the joints and backache, her sleep was broken and enrefres.hing, and she was alweys tired and nervous. 'Her limbs swelled- and she was always thirsty. These ere all symptoms of. diseased kidneys. When she cured her kidneys -with Dodd's Kidney Pill's, the symPtems vanished—and so didethe rheumatism. • BORN CRIMINALS. ProfeSsoir Tells the Marks of "Var- ious Types. If yew meet a man coming down the etreet whose nose is large and aquiline and perhaps a bit twisted, whose lips are swollen and pro- truding and whose ears are large, :with large lobes, it might 'be just as wise to right ;shout face and take to your heels, for in all probability that man is a murderer—potent- ially if not actually. If -the man raises his hat and dis- plays a plentiful thatch of hair, if it is not gray, if his forehead re - macs and his skull is abnormally large, eoraing to a noticeable point, you can be sure HAI you have diag- nosed his case eerrectly .and can aebelerete your pace without laying yourself open to the charge of cow- ardice. At least that is what Prof. Fred- erick A. Bushee says. The thief has the sable egglike head that marks the murdered and the same long arms and, big ears, but he can be distinguished by his flattened nose. Hie face is apt to show many wrinkles, especially on the side of the faee and in the forehead, prob- ably ;Caused by the shape of the skull. This is a mask of all born criminals, as is the depression at the base of the skull, which prob- ably indieates a similar depression in the bram. The swincher can be recognized by his 'thin lips. His features will probably be asymmetrical, one side of, the face being different from the other. • This characteristic is not confined to swindlers or to crim- inals, but is one of the traits gen- erally found in conjunction with the others mentio,nest , If a man is bald or gray hatred, according to the professor, you can be reasonably eertain that limit' not a born criminal. Of comae he may be of a class of unscrupulousanoney makers, but he can't blame his Wrongdoing on heredity. A Business Read. "Open the window, svalter; I am roasting," a customer exclaimed who had just dined at a Paris res- taurant. "Shut ft up, waiter; I am froz- en," pretested a man who had just sat down. The waiter heiitated. The pro- prietor settled the dispute at once. •"Obey the misteiner who has net yet dined," he said. " —4. Men Swear—Women Complain Just because their oorus ache,-eaer to cure them with Putnam's Cern Extractors it acts painlessly in twenty-four hours. For eorns, warts, and callouses the only thing to "Putnam's"; try it, 25e. at all dealer& ' • Always Too Late. "Old chap, didn't your be,tter judgment tell you not to, make that inveatment 2' ' my better judgment never tells me anything nail after I've gone and madoeeefool of myself." s At the Yarmeuth Y.M.C.A. Boys' camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, I found mesteeras tastingete most beneficial for sun hurn, an immediate- relief kr colic and toothache. • ; ALFRED STOICES. Genera 1 Seer° Carr. Love's Torments. Neighbor--"Whatis Mamie eryin' Mother --- 'That fortune-teller told her that she's goin' ter marry a tall, handsome, dark noblemati, Neighbor --"Well, ain't that a good fortune I" Mother—"Yer'd think so; but now she's broken-hearteti at the thoaght of givin' up the ugly, little, sawed-off, sandy -haired bricklayer she's in love with I" An egotiat' is a 'man who feele sorry for the people who don't likes GREAT MEN END YAMILY LINE -Many Instances Prove ,Tliat triens Alen Leave Ne - When one considers how many families, there are which trace their ancestry in a direct line for many generations, it is rather V, surpris- ing ,fact that the is mot a single living descendant in the male lino of some of the greatest men the world has ever produced. For the preservation of our regarding 'genius, it probably ie far better that there. should be no disappointing, ordinary persons left in the world to represent the men whorn We delight to honor. To find a Milton engaged in the insurance business, or a Byron on the stock exebenge would jar dread - 'fully on one',a eense of the fitness of things The:following is a list of the illus- trious men -whose :line never will -be represented bn the earth again as long as the -world stands :— Clisemer, Shakespeare, Spencer, Miibon,- Cowley, Butler, Dryden, Pope, Cowper, Goldsmith, Bypon, Moore, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Wel- ter Raleigh, Drake, Cromwell, Hampden,- Monk, l'ethrberough, Nelsen, Bellingbroke, Walpole, Chatham, Pitt, Fox, Burke, Wash- ington, Canning, , Bacon, Locke, Newton, Hume, Gibbon, Macaulay, Efogasth, Sir Jeshua Reynolds, Sir Thomas Lawrence, David Garrick, John Kernble, Edinund Kean. s WAR ON LONG HAT. PINS. Vigorous eketion. "Taken by Atithori- tiei in Vienna. Same milder measdres have proved ineffectual. against the dan- gerously long, unprateeted hat pin, the Auateian , Imperial and keel authorities have decided to 'take more viginous aetion. e The Ministry ef Railevays has is- eued an order that women wearing each unProtected het pins shall not be permitted. to ride on the Aus- trian State, railways • until 'they halve eenuoved the perilous pia. The menagement of the Vienna munici- pal tramways has gene even fur- ther in direeting tramcar conduc- tors to coessael such offenders te leave the cer immediately. If they refuse, the concluet•ora will call in the police to remove thern by force. Stomach Always Baulked, Had Constant Indigestion SMELL OF COOKING MADE HIM SICK • -BILIOUS TWO DAYS A WEEK. ,eurati by Dr. HaMiltdn's Fills. Mr. Clemmons' experience 18 not unue. ual. Nowadays poor stomachs arm more the rule than the. exception., But th proper treatment is sure to make a. nuiek Cure. You can always depend on Dr. Damilton'e Pills, they reach the trouble at onee, go right to businese, work while you Sleep and have you feeling better if hot cured mit morning. "My fetid seemed to decompose in tar stomach," writes Mr. Ralph Clemmone, of Newbridge P.O. "I had a atomace that failed in some way to perform its work. Digestion seemed more or lest' arrested and 5 grew sets, yellow, nervous. The stomach became distended ant impeded apparently the. aetion of -the heart, for often at night it would do great stunts. At times my head ached most terribly, A friend who hid been cured of a similar condition, advised me to' take Dr.. Haim ilton'e rine regularly, which I did. , The result in my ease was simply Marvelouti, Dr. llamilton'e Tills removed the caned, strengthened the stomach, excited the liver to normal action, the kidneys were re. leased of exoessive -work. Health soon grew within me. can now eat, eleeD and live like a live man." Tk advised -use Dr. If amilton'e Pills - they are sure to do you good, 23e. per box, five for 5500, at all druggists and storekeepers or by mail front The Ca- tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y., and King, sten, Canada. Don't waste yetis: time carrying about the time you have wasted. Minard's Liniment Cures Caroot In Cows. -Fortunately Pa is Rieh. "So yon think, your daughter has exeeptional talent." ",There's no doubt of it," replied the fond motile'', "altiesugh we cenq exactly locate it. The music teacher says it's or painting and the art teacher says it's for music." Wheo ViUr Eyes.,Iteeteare Try Marine Eye Retnedzr.' No Smarting---keela 'rine --..Adta quickly. Try it ,for Red., Weal:, Watery Eyea and. (3ranulated Eyelids. Illus. trate(' Book in each Package. Marine is compounded by our Ocultets—not :sondem Med- icine"— but used In successful DlOsieleas' Frac. tied for many years. Now dedicates 10 050 Pub. Ile end sold by-Min:gists at Me andSetr.per Bottle. Murine Eye Salvo 1,o Aseptic Tube% zee and Dia Niurine Eye Rernedi Co., Chicago Four hundred -people lost their lives in consequence of the typhoon which visited the Philippiee Isles lest October, and which caused damage estimated at $25,000,000. A well-traiped memory --one that -admits of discreet forgetfulness. Elinafd's Liniment Cures Colds, Ste. 1 - Sample free If you writs Natisem ores Chemical Co. of Canada., Limited, Tarente. Whenever you feel a headache coming on take INcifers They stop headaChes promptly and surely. . Do not contain opium, morphine, phenacetin, acetanilid or other dangerous . dregs. 25-e, a box at your Druggist's. 120 NATIONAL DRUG AND' CHEMICAL CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. TELL PEOPLES A'GE By EARS, They Continue le Gamy When :Rest Persons who have large ears in their youthful days are decidedly unlucky, aamrding to students of anatomy, fax no other portioix of the human body is so ambitious in its 'growth. We get old and shrivel up and decrease in stature, hub the ear still grows. A eiverna,n with small ears nt twenty probably will have mediums sized ears at forty end 'large oars as sixty. Again it is said, as the result of. the examination of 40,000 pairs of care, that pyobably no per- son in the world bas 0.9.1'9perfectly matched. In most people the two ears differ perceptibly, net only in shasm, but la eize. Frequently they are not plaCed-on the head at ex- actly the same e,ngle or at the same height. lit is declared by those who home aeveted their :time and abilities to the study of ears that the age of a person cam :be judged by them with great accuracy by an expert. After the, age of ten, eara assume an increfteed form and give the clue to the age of the owner. Nordaa, Lembrese, end others, lay groat stress upon the ear ftS an indication of chareacter; yet some of the best men,swe meet have outrageous ears, While almost everybody can reseal some bold, bad man of hie acquain- tance who has small, well forraed and well placed ears. You will find relief in Zain-Buk I ' It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zeit. Buk; means cure: Why not prove this 7, Ail 'Th'16Durs1s and StOrCe..... bar,. Objected to Red. Little George had hist taken place in the barber's big chais. 'To you want your hair out like mine?" asked the rod -halved bar - 'No, theta< you," replied George. "I don't want it eel, that color." tilnard's Liniment Cures Dinhineria, FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street, Toronto. Tanner. STOCK, GRAIN AND DAIRY J1..' Farms in all sections it Ontario. Sarria cop. FA.gyugltwXySITES, V.VITH 010 WITHOUT prniniK1,1,t aai,4 ottLa,;:e ktogwe6 Lea cil:tuE2oto, ASIDDNTIAP PROPERTIES IN Brampton and a dozen other towns., H. W. DAWSON, CO -Morns St., Toronto 3,00fb, P201010 11015IESTEADS AND Droved farms, 515.00 to 545,00 per acre. Best grain and mixed farming • . cottutry, 'Write Commissihner, Board of Trade. Humboldt, $M51 -e. MALE HELP WANTED. AT ONCE -MEN TO LEARN BARBER traele•, -expert • instrarstion; constant practice; tools free: always sure Maples, meet for barber. Write for catalogue. Meier Colleee, 221 flame E.. Toronto. • STAMPS AND COINS. - TAMP COLLECTOltri-ltUNDIIMO DIM resent Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Atham. only' Seven Ceota Marks Stasis Cm net's,. Tnrenro. MISCELLAN ANTCD—LAD5EE3 TO DO ; PLAIN V V and light sowing at home, whole 01, spare thne, good pay; work sent any distance, charges paid; eend etamp for Particulars. National Manufacturing, Om, Montreal. sesescart. TO -MORD. LUMPS. aro, Internal and external. cured with. out nein by our home treatment. Write es before too late D. Hellman. Mediae' . Co., Limited, Collinewood. OnL . Mitten buying your Piano insist on having an ITTO nrizzEt: Piano Action — 5300•ET YOUR TOWN Cilf ORGArsliZttese A BRASS BAND. r InfOrmation on this subject with prIntea instructions for ama- teur bands and a printed' form of Constitution and hy-Lews for bands, together with our biir catalogue, will be mailed FREE on -request. Address Dreier; • WINNIPEG 1 THE MANITOBA ' • R S WILLIAMS 6."" CO" I TORONTO L I M 1T E D faNTARIO If You ave Two or More C it will pay you to use the STANDARD CREAM SEPARATOR instead Of *Miming cream by the old method. By using the You will got 815 more profit from each cow per year-end this ie a kw figure. Meet dairymen do much better than this with the Standard. Yon eat thus readily see that it takee but a short time for the Stand. ard cream separator to pay for itself. ,And bY taking advantage of our EASY PAYMENT PLAN' yott can pay for your:Etandard out, of the extra profits it tarns for pod. You've beard a lot shout the Standard. It's 'the separator that lute made new world's reoorde fax (dose skim. ming at experimental farms, cheeee and butter factorke, and on the farm. Write for folder, entitled "Skimming noseitsa It giveif the proofs. Also ask for our catalog. The Renfrew Blachmery Lirifited Head Rifles and Werke, RENFREW, CANADA. BRANCHES' SUSSEX, N.B.; SASKATOON, SASK.; CALGARY, ALTA. AGENCIES' EVERYWILERE IN CANADA. Keep Cool You can have a ' comfort - „able kitchen the • hottest summer day if you use a DiagolmiaatLiiort VI Cook -Stow No Coal. No Ashes. No t Furnished with 1, 2 and 3' burners, with shelf and racks for keeping food hot, and indicator on oil tank, For best results use Royalite oil. Stock carried at all chief points. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited Montreal Toronto Halifax Winnipeg Vancouver St Jan