HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-12, Page 4• „, Newtt-Recoi.d tine 3 •t . . -• - 1 „„ii (,ii.,-,0ii. "workday a id GOCIelriCil TOW11ShiP „ ,. . 'tat 4 0 n b Ws' 1 '1\.il:s ; Tr. LI:, -31; w huge s11id MOs; •e niTes011, and dakTgll er''' ne i tot %O (3,„ ',..-.' ' ,;,0,,t,gs ',Nyktili hog i'. „; '-',,--;„..1,,! ,,,/ a Wilma ...1.ahllet"1., -„- spend t'‘ 0'4' * '' exar ,oe.0 --" " .1,. a ,,,„ iwokulay and -.1/417, , dau .1,tiel: mks, ,rolut I.\,,f. - s , , ,,401y, 3001iya ark....i1e 1410.11, goi,..base in, the I, mgit. o'tiy 1110 .o ha . J. ,ntb:\ ail.' kc)ce.,1111Y.15';''fil 11110100Y. ' , 1101:Sii 10' Ail!. C'' ' i Waltl'oi'SS'I''''4101e1 ‘,1111(I. se'bY /01! ' '0 1 1 ,oliier, n g , xi ,110 is •in,bye shipe,h8 i.„. ,..1,,,,,,nr,-1 1,-,,agieson ant ca, _ cow e ....,..e, .....,,,,- wit a, fc w klayg 6.1,., marko,s, ... lot, .51,0°,1,1 104, al Mw 'o S48k" sRi g 1 is palents, 1.(') 111 . -Lorne Cant() , , 6 elr,y.isit n. 1 . 3111. 1he yeet J..,",.(..' N, .11 DItigteson. '' ' ' •1141 41 MIs Ane,day 9i lalt wok ' Will ia m ..Aiellartls, of Detroit, arrived TAittmi:,..s`',6,4.R.'1701:-:1. 1, . .- John ilnd tbnoaratiwivrIlotfic,:,,A4Vetelbie, rt.:1.1atl..1.,tecilt°ytn1ie‘• . . .1s. 11.1,1 cni,, e 1 4'60116 'a"' ' 1 be lihia W, '66k1. arid have taimi 'a eot8agb' in the- White City, for the •Se VEAL. . ' agr. 'Slid MI'S, John 'rough lett on Tuesday for Hyde Park to 0(11 1' 1111:1 ATTS. W1;2Je (1 "qiceiti .3111 :again spending a short \011ie the .41 the latt.er's raftt.1:S 11.1r, And ..Jairies Sturgeon, , 'Mrs. Mciewan and. daitghter, 1\444. ttrace Itlealwau '03 Untl-kor are 'he nests of MrS 'rolinie and datt,liters • , their summer • cottage the "Stun- • kgle S'hacks" Cin the Terrace. MrS, Harry Ker of Clinton 1,as , }Seen visiting her mother, Alit,. 31111 - ler, during the past. • The Hayfield 1,akesties .11)2,11 :team play .at Henson ou ev- • gning of this week. • •• . Mr. Mess, a student o Huron Col. lege London. is ' assisting Rev. J. •Condell during the „Some' ▪ .•• 31Iesks, Williank Osmond and Jolui •Ciardner took. in 1.110 excursion to 14c- ▪ • troit this week. Casey Atkinson of Detroit arrlyea 'this week and joined his brother at their 'saintlier residence 011 the Ter- race. Mr. Albert Catlin or. Port Stanley is spending a week with his family. C'ampbell occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's church 011 :Sunday morning in the alisence o' Rev. Mr. 1\leFarlane.' Oliailes Tons lett this wee'c for 1Por Stanley to engage in fishing. Mr. and Mrs, .301111 Falconer tit Vingham were the guests ol Mr. and • 'Mrs. William Dixon tile past 11-es'I". ' The News -Record specializes on Town and Township News and there - ore excels in both. Belgrave. 'ip,,,p1,1)Iya,S,0101111p,1,/lab•revillnrosi,d, Mr, g.'airtelon s • - • The .5011001 .111 5, S. No. ,11 will be, •'closed on Wednesday., harsclav and' Friday of this Week, robe .alr. C. II. Holland, assisting .to pre': side over the ,Departnion eXkokieria- lion at Godericii,... ...- While Russel Currie. and Cleorge Emerson 10000 returning Irom Bay-- held during the ,- storm of Friday nighilast their horse got too nea0. the edge of, the ro-d and tumbled over into the ditch, the buggy- and boys doing likewise. Fortunately no damage wits sustained.' , .Miss Mary Cleft took in the boat excursron this week to Detroit. • 5Irs. Thos. Dunbar of Clinton is visiting at .,her father's, :Mr, Cis orge Burnett's. The following is the report of S. 5: No. 10, for the inonth of May, names in order of 51,0011 4th class,l,itla Elliott, Frgil Hea- ley, Lillian Hatchiegs, Alf .o.1 Gregor, Ethia„.11,1iller, Leslie 3r4, -.Brown Stewart, John Ellwood, Eddie Hutchings, Raymond Whit- more. 2nd„-1ered • Ellwood, Viola Iluteh'ngs (equal), Ruby Hannant, lst,--7Ca,rnian Miller, Steviart 13114 - (Beton, Russel Hannant. Pri Mary Stewart, Gordon Raiment. Keys, Teacher. Mrs. '1'. Wheeler has been quite ill. Mr. Harry Hooper has left on a trip to the west. Mr. Wm. McLean, 5th year medical ' -student, is home for the holidays. Er. -Stewart ;attended the Provin- cial Convention of the medical offi- cers of health in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Ferguson were away to Toronto 1,o the big Assembly. Mrs. W. IL Fergusoa and. Mrs. A. T. C'ole are among the visitors at 'Toronto last week at the Missionary •Congress. This week Rev. Mr. Kilpatrick is •attanding the Methodist Coaferenee .at London. 11.1Topper is the lay Klelega te. &tartlet; TOWItaillP „Mr, W. 64, Johni.itoe, tee( iDe at. t arna .and,....Blaker Owing, ' to ' the .'abSence ,of „the.' ps to r;', he ' attendieg the Assenibkr 111 Toronto; ... 1971, J SS. Cerrito and. bride ,returited, 014, '1riday eVeiling fiorn their' 'toady - '31300n ttip, 613 their. wore given - reoyat' salute. by the beams. , ',.• . Mr, .and Mrs. Geo' ge . ' daii,,hter, Alias 'spent Sunday at the lionie' Of Ali:S. Andrew Keys. • •Alr. W. L. .1Ceya was', sant as 'dele- gate' frOin' Varna eirceit ferenca at .London after which, Mt.. and- 1VIrs, Keys attended the :Kers -Weikel: annual ,re-unioe at Mar-. Summerhill. Miss Dassie Lovell 'spent a few days at heehoine Wroxeter. Mr. Chas. Clifton spent Sunday the guest of his father, Mr. J. Clifton. A number from around here - took in the races in Sea'orth on Wed- nesd'ay. Mr. and Miss Tyner spent Sun- day the geests of Mr. John Scarlett. The Ladies' Guild met at the home of Mrs. Rapson DIN Friday last. Miss Lovell, our teacher, has 're- signed to a.ccept a school hearer her home at Wroxeter... Holmesville'1'lle annual meeting of the Women's institute will be held at the home of Airs. Mulholland on Tuesday af- ternoon next, beginning at 2 o'clock. There will he a good progratm, Miss V. 'G111101111 of T3right to he the principal speaker-arel refreshments. All the mccrithers are invited to he j present. 1 MILLINERY AN D DRESSMAKING PHONE No. 78 READY WEAR Couch & Co. We put on sale all our $5 00 and $6,00 hats. These era all new this season and are all good styles. As the millinery season is drawing to a cloSe we are anxi- ous• to clear these before our milliners leave: Take your choice Saturday up -to $6,00 for $3 98, Saturday Sale of' Kitchen Aprons • (51 0 cents. • ObaPed to lit the 'figure donl,: fen ozen overall•and gen- eral puoapronsde of rpse ma•.ty percale and • splendid quah judge these before seeing, them by the price as they are excep- tional value, only BLACK PAILETTE SILK . . . $.79. We put Orl sale Sat- urday' 75 yards of Pail etre Silk, with a good Satin finish 36 inches wide iegular $1 value Saturday . . $.79. Cool Well Made Garments Cost Small Sums at This Store. The coolest prettiest kinds of wash frock and dress - ''es bear very attractive pricks in our Reay -to -Wear de- partmen't are jiast as,ca,refully miide as' cloth clothing out of Embroidery and Linen Material of dependable 'quality dresses for morning, afternoon and evening wear. Prices range from $5.00 up to $20 00. Cloth Skirts at less than • One half 13rice. • Just one dozen last season bkirts at $2,25,. These are made of serge and panama. • Would make a good Scuff Skirt. • Regular $5 00 and P.50 for $2,25. Mr. Andrew ileid.is visiting friends acrosa the Lines.. , • The canvass of Stanley Township behalf of the Canada Temperance, At is coMplete and Satisfactory sults were attained. • The vote, if given will be taken in October, • and if carried our "counly will go dry Mrs. Ralph Stephen.on ot .the Parr Line is not keeping as well as her friends would wish for. • Mr. and `Mrs. Win. Loug'as and Miss Anea, -.Pearl aro .attending the big .Walker re-unon this week in Marlette, Mich. • Mr. Angus Murray lost a valuable mare a week ago leaving. a colt. two weeks old. Mrs. T. Keys has returned home after. spending a Sew days with fri- ends in London. Some 01 our young people attended the football match at Hem last Friday evening and report a good time. , Clinton, Model School 1,Ionot: Rdll for May. Div, 1,Sr. 4th, Max., 625,--M. Chidleys 525, W.nhaTier 5241,\.56. Moore 622, A. Booth 519; 1,Nedigcr 516, N. Ken- nedy -511, le, Kemp 503, J. Wile- kins 501,' J. Cole 497., 0. .1011.-nston 485 B, Ohown 1182, N. Shoenhals 476 11...131Orrish 476, 1). Stephenson,- 4627. K. Dowber. 454,,W,..131acker 451, E. Mackenzie 450• M Walker 450 L, Langford 4.48,:v. F'Owell447; L. Holmes .145, Cools 445, V. .Cook 444,, M. 'Elliott 443, N, Tyndall 429, N. Watkins 425, P. 'Ladd 41,7, 11. Cireig 414, M. 131eMath 411, H. Mon- aghan 411, n. iiiirens 410, F. Law- . /Time 405, II. Hill 403, G. :McCart- ney' 377, E. -Judd 374, f -C. D. 13oucic,Principal, 2a6'biv', Max, 280,--,Shurwyn Al - lin 242, Charlotte Sheeley 240, Mabel Marshall 224, Alvin Leonard 224, Marion 4G1bbings 219, Alice Peeciti, 201, Ma 'Rutledge 198, Nettie Glaz- ier 196, Gladys Keller 1.63, Bessie O'Neil 191,' Harold Manning 190, Frieda Wallis 178, Leona Hearn 175, • Muiray MacNeil 163, Aileen. Arinntir 158, Helen Forrester 154, Hannah Argent 150. • -M. E., Chidley, 'reacher. Ard Div. Kr, Class -Harry Lawren- ce 55 percent Alex, Eagleson 95, Harry Rance 95, Ernest Liverinore 94, -Clete Den`ord 91, Edna Me- Caughey 90, Lida Livermore 887 Ern- est Hall 88, Fred Wallis 87, Robbie Schrenk 86, Jessie Jackson 85, Mar- ion Andrely1; 82, Edna West SO, Mattie 'Shipley 79, George Middleton 78, Edna Wasmann 78, Fanny -Ifellyar 75,' Sadie Diaper 75, Eulalie- Hill 70, A1m, Beeves 83, Wilfrid Seeley 58, Wilbur Welsh 67, Ernie Little 60, Wilson. Rath 56, Merritt Nediger 55. -J. Wilson, Teacher. 41.1 Div. Sr. 3r1, -Willis Cooper 91, Annie Lawrence 91, Charlie Cole 90, Beryl Cooper 90, Hattie Liver- more 87, Agnes Walker 87, Winnifred Nelson 86, Helen Ross 84, Mildred Livermore 81, flora Schoenhals 81, Alma McCorvie 76, George Walker 75 Willie Bell 71, Mark Tierney 72, London Road "Mr. and Mrs. G. 13. Hanley were in Toronto Jest week, the former a delegate to the Chosen Friel -11s C4rand, Lodge. Messrs. Fred Wa'clron and Charles Stevens had each the inisfOrtune to lose a horse last week.• Miss Nellie S'Iedd of Winchelsea spent the week -end as the 'guest of Mrs. G. W. Layton. Mr. George Medd 'and family motor cd up on Sunday lo visit friends hgrc. The Lekrue met at Mr. Perry Plumsteers 011 Wednesday evening. Constance Hall & C'o's will close each Wed- nesday evening at six o'clock, Mr. Ben Riley Sr: is very poorly., Messrs. Bert and Clarence Ander- son of Swift Current, Sask., were called home by the terribly sudden death ot their tether, Richard An derson. The Methodist people will hold a social 011 the church lae'n on the ev- ening ot June 25111. The funeral of the late Richard Anderson took place on Saturday af- ternoon and was one ot the largest ever seen here, there being about two hundred riga in the cortege. Canadian Foresters from the Clin- ton, 'Seaforth and Walton] walked with the members of Court Con- stance. The Sons of Scotland also attended to the bereaved widow and her three tams , and two daughters the sincere sympathy of the whole community is oxtended. Hullett Township Mr. Robert Ford has returned. from London. The funeral of the late Mrs. Jas. Martin of Tuckerstpith took place to the Exeter cemetery Friday. Mrs. Martin was a comparatively, yoling woman being only 47 years of ago. Iler maiden name was Mary Ann Oke. S113 was the second daughter of the late Mr. Hugh Ole of Exeter. She was born in the township of McGill- ivray and when quite young moved with her parents to Hay and from there to Hallett near Harlock where she was married to her now bereaved husband twenty-four years ago. About nine months ago Mrs. Martin under- went an operation '151 the London hospital and it was thought she was cured as for a time she en'oyed good health hut while attending to her hotAchold duties she was suddenly' striken as if with sciatica, . pions which from time to lime occasioned her the most severe suffering and el timately proved fatal.. Jr. 3r4, -Jabez Rands 87, Amy Ilellyar 85, Beale Murphy 83, Got: - don Hall 78, Harry Ball 78, Willie Mutch 77, MarWrie Beaton 711, Dor- othy Rorke 7,0, Fergus Reynolds 67, iietty"rwyeford 61,' Cecil Coope.0'60. -L. Stevens, Teacher. 5th, Div. Srs.,-.Macgrogor Grant 93 percent. Mildred Biggins 92, Etta Hardy 88, Kenneth Carter 84, Lottie Judd 83, Russel Britton 82, Cathar- ine Wylie 82, Jack Bawden 79, Mary Carter 78, Katie Ladd 78, Albert Wright 75, Eva Bouck 75, Milborne Bai1cy 71, Agnes Reynolds 71, George Carter 70, Stewart Taylor 70, Ste- wart Macdonald 59, Fred Elliott 58, Hugh Maguire 55. Jes.-Clertrade Fowler 94, Nellie Routledge 92, Audrey •Collyer 89, Daisy Nediger 85, Jean Miller 84, Harold Lawson 8.1,Arny Gould 81, flelen 'Wharton 79, Leona Taylor 79, Nisbet Cook .78, Lucy Levy 78, John Yesbec, 71, Wilbur Bezzo 70, Charlie Fulford 69, Helen Grigg 613. -H. Courtice, Teacher, Oth Div. MeTaggart 353, M. Cres 310, D. Mulholland 338, P, Livermore 310, M. Argent 306, L. McCartney 284, M. Bateman 280, AL Deeves 276, W. Miller 268, IL Holtz - hatter 267, CI. McGuire 248, H. Slow - 111411 218, W. Carter 239, D. Ball 21'3 71. Evans 213, D. Tozer 259, Jrs.-J. Plows 318, 11, Middleton 275, E. McTaggart 267, C'. Cook 236, 11. Butts 235, A. Hill 228, R. Liv, meow 221, C. Turner 221, S. Gran, lis 203, C. Matheson 202, W. Me - Math 1121, 'II, Cocheron 184, W. Os- hardeston 180, Jr. Mulch 288. • -M. Macgregor, Teacher. 7111, Div. Sr. Class. Total marks 300, -Barrie Conthe 273, Kenneth Rorke 267, Violet Buller 257, • Regin- ald . Jeakins '255, Katharine Grant 248, Bert McGuire 248, Agnes Combo 246, Atulrey Mclntyre 243, lean Ford 225, Mattie Blacker 217, Mary Mc- Taggart 215, Norman, McNeil 210, Kathleen Liverinore 190: Elsie Coop- er 188. Jr. Class. Total marvs 150, -Char- lie Shipley 226, Isabel Johnston 223 Katie Beaton 222, Clifford Carter 218, Wilbur Nelson 218, Ruth Hale 218,- Myrtle Bell 216, Ferguson Car- ter 2.16, Fred McTaggart 211, John Nediger 212, Charlie Mennell 211., Wilfrid ' ,Grant . 210, Isabel Glazier 207, Russell Berm 201, Grace Stohg 200, Wallace Wheatley 194, Norman Counter .192, Merle Sweet189, Elmer Miller 188, E'rnest Ford 167, Clyde Kennedy 162, Myrtle Garrick 151. -115 51. Viltse, Teacher, Div. 8, . Sr, Class, --Florence John- son 99, Norma Treleaven 98, Gerald Eames 03, Jean. Simpson 92, Olive Schoenhals 90, Phyllis 'rozer 90, Ken- neth Robertoa 80, \'era Cook 88 Joseph Howard 86, Olive Lawrence 85, Margaret Ball 82, Louis Howard 81, Kathleen Taylor 80, Cecil Ash- ton 78, Willie Argent 77, Bert Mar- shall 76, Nellis McNeil ,75, Rusi4ell Peckitt 75, John Livermore 73, Bur - 'ton. Bolton 06, Franc -is -Baines ' 91 Respor Forester 61. Jr, Class A ,-Donna Cochrane 98, -Ray Carter 98, Violet Castle 89, Car, ol -Evens' Eileen Atkinson 87, Clarence • Glazier, 87, Madelon HaW- kins 83, Oliver Rands 82. Jr. -Class 13 -Bruce Tozer 88, 114 - 'gar -Maguire 82, Bessie Cole 79i Clarence IVIenbelf 88. -M. Ker, Teacher, ' N. B. -The next report will show the• promotions for the year. Par- ents . are kindly urged, to see •'that children attended regularly during the remainder of the term as promotion examinatiOns are being held through - mit this month. Blake ' •.,()n Jeue.-25t11 at 2.30 •o'01�43i the Monthly meeting of. the Blake' Wetrwe's Institute 'will ke held st the. !mine • of. Mr's. 301111 Parke, Gwslien Stanley, when Miss 11,V. Pow- ell of_.,Whithy will give all lichilSOSS ' How we can help our' girls, and hoW" they, can htilp us" aati 111.0(Waken, strated • talk .-on •\ 413111 and fancy Wingham "Alit week a number of Conserve - trims presented Mr. Theo. Hall with, a reather Club bag and an address which waS read by Mr. W. H. Mus- grove, M. P. P. The morning class in tile Methodist church presented Mr. Hall with a solid -leather suit CLISC, and the Sunday school gave Miss ith Hall a beautiful hand bag. After a lingering illness of about loarteen months, the beloved, wife of Mr. J. A, Marphe,11 passed away ,alk her home -01I June ard at the ago of 28 years. The deceased was formerly Mist> Violet ' Cooper, daughter of James Cooper now of Seaforth. 711 1905'she married. Mr, J, A. Mac - `shall, • who left with, two children . s left to mourn their loss. • A' • Club for the' study of Esperanto has been' organized with the following ofrieers :-Pres, ',Prank R. HoWson ; Vice Pres Mrs Ilairnm nd Treas., Miss Ansley ; _Chairmani, group 1, .1., W. :Apsley ; group 2, Miss Jca.nette Brock ; group 3, Mrs. F. R, Ilowson. ' SEAFORTH. lefts. D. Shanahan is visiting fri- enda in Chicago. Me, and Mrs, D.'T. Pinfcney -and fatuity. beim gone to I,ondon • whore they will reside • until Mr. Pinkney decides whore he will go into bust- ,ftesnAgaln. , They The Greatest Variety of etI I itlig Prcsents. ... will be found in our store Fancy Goods Dinner and Tea Cut Glass \ Chinaware, Sets Brass Goods You'll -find what you want at the price you want to pay. Cooper Co. CLINTON Miss Paterson of Woodstocic - 11115 been visiting her sister, Mrp. it. P. 011311.. Mr,_ -Ed. 1 -IVIiittaker is 1101115 from the Toronto 1.1niverSity EOO the long vaentiott. "111iSs Snlitb. of Toi•Otito has been the guest Of Mo.. and Mrs. Savauge. At it Again After- an absence of one year 1 am again at the same stand with the same business. As usual 'you _will find goods of first quality arid at right prices. No pains will be -spared to give satisfactory service. Call and see us. You will not be asked to buy. Expected this week, a limited quantity of Pure Maple Syrup and Sugar. 11. ffiltse Phone 40. ,\. OveriI1s free We are sole agents for WALKER'S, OVERALLS • made in WalIcerville, Ont. Comfortable Couches We have just unpacked a large ship- ment of couches covered in velours, veronas and Imitation Leathers, Beautifully carved frames, covered in Velours, Red, Green esd Brtwn, al :25.00, 50.00, $7.00, 58,50 and 810:- 00. Coaches covered in Verona • with qua,rter cut oak or mahogany finished frames, 29.00 to 510.00 each, Imitation Leather • couches with quarter cut oak frames, steel con- struction, soft and comfortable. 210, 4118 and 522. We also carry a Select line of Win- dow Shades, Poles, Picture Frames, Room. Mouldings, Baby Carriages and Children's Wagons. Drop, in anytime. Phones 7 and 8 'Free Auto Delivery. J. H. CHELLEW Estate. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING. BL-wrrt,' - out. 0 ARTS, EDUCATION, mEolcutE, SCIENCE, Including ENGINEERING Arts Summer Sesslon July 2 to Aug. 16 E HOME STUDY The Arts course may be taken by correspondence, but students desir- ing to gr dna tp must a tt e nd one seesion. For calendars write eidoWN , Kingston, Ont. NI si • wliTABIO SEE MARKED, POCKET. , • For every Six Stamped 'Pockets cut from • worra garments we will give you one pair of - OVERAL.L.S OR SMOCK FREE. Get the habit of saving,/ your pockets. • • , • Sold and Guaranteed by• .1; Tozer Browul • • also by the Walker Part and Overall Company, Walkerville, Ont. •• • • Heintztlian &Co I- s Limited. • $ Real Bargains in Upright Pianos • Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos, all in good conditicn, at one third to one-half the original • 0 price on small weekly or montly payments. • Write for needed particulars. Heintzman & Co. $ 193-.5-7 Yonge St. - TORONTO 1 or HEINTZMAN & CO. 38' Ontario St. - Stratford 0 1 • • • 0 0 HEINTZMAN & CO. -Please mail me today ; a list of slightly used Upright Pianos adver- • tised in The Clinton News -Record. ADDRESS NAME WITHOUT . A DOUBT YOU'LL • FIND THIS OUT - 17.1 ALL YOUR TRAVELS ROUND ABOUT. THE BREAD THAT'S 'BEST WITH ANY MEAL - IS JUST THE ONE AND ONLY REAL - MOTHER'S BREAD IMmensieenssesserronimmomffm Better Bread Could Not. Be Made -THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL • SAY WHEN YOU HAVE , TRIED THIS CRISPY, } CRUSTY, • MOTHER'S :BREAD BARTLIFF'S ' PHONE NO. 1 AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. HOUSE FURNISHINGS.. Oui' stock 'was never larger or better as- - sorted than at the present and a call will convince you when you look over our as- sortment. • Special Prices On Rugs. Phone 28 Furniture Dealer and Undertaker • .1 The Store m iivaik Residence of Quality U Phone 140 National Portland Cetneitt. " 'After trying ther „kirids YOU always come back to the BEST. The best ce- • tnentl is the National Portland Cement. It is the Old Stand -By. A Car load just • S. J. AINOREVVS. CLINTON. •