HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-12, Page 1No - 1785 —34th Year
THE NEVVS-RECORD will be sent to any address in Canada to the end of 1913 for 50 ce
Many a Wedding Gift Perplexity.
When you are purchasing a present it is a matter of
money and .''hat you *ant, nothing else. jhen
this is Your store, for 'what you want is here and
at the lowest possible price.
A good variety of articles .selected from the largest
stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass,
Pancy China, Clocks and etc.
ubese are new, beautiful and -modern in design and
of a superior quality.
Headquarters for Watches. We make a specialty of
handling High Grade Watches.
all Kinds of Repairining Done ' and Guaranteed.
I 0 •
/nyder and Optician
- Clinton
The Royal Bank
Capital Atithorized $25,000,000
- Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
_ Reset ve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000
• Total Assets 175,000,000
825 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
•. •
ism maw
ihe Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870
Interest allowed at highest current rate on sums of $1 and
upward from date of' deposit. Joint accounts allowed.
C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
We give 9pecial attention to this department
and can supply you with:extra large sizes. in over-
alls we have them from thirty inch to fifty iuch
waist, we also carry 36 inch legs with different
waist measurement.
We handle the two well known brands Pea—
body's And Arm and Hammer, prices $1,00, $1.25
and N.50.
Fifty Smocks in -21ack and Grey Stripe cottonade
size 36 to 42
Reg $1.00 while they last 50c.
We cannot get any more of this line so act quickly. '
40 pair Overalls slightly damaged, your choice
50 cents. -
Wheat 88cto90c.
Oats 350.
Peas $1.00.
Barley 50c.
Butter 19e to 21e.
Eggs 216c.,
The annual School Scholars Sports
will be held on the as dae oc
school, that is the last Friday m
June, and preparations ere already
under way to make tie& year's pro-
gram, M keeping with expectations
built upon past most succesfilul
Rev, D. K. Grant returned from
Toronto on Saturday and on
day morning dealt with the great
Congress and General, ;assembly
which has heen ia session for the
past ten days. The proceedings
have been fully reported in the daily
press, but iron observation Pastor
Gnant was able to give a peisonal
touch that was much appreciated by
the congregation.
The Clinton football team trini- Mr. Lorne Welsh, second son ni
riled the Seaforth aggregation on, the Sergeant Welsh, who has been oper-
tatter'sown grounds on Tuesday ev- ' pint on the pere Marquette. and lat-
ening Ity, a score of two to one. 1 he
local line-up was as, follows : goal,
H. Reid ; backs, C. Kilty, j. Innis,
W. Swann, R. Mackenzie, J. Smil-
lie ; forwent, C.' Draper, II.. Cele'',
ier, .1. Weir, G. Mackenzie, Foote.
The Department examinations began
on Tuesday Principal Bolick and In-
spector Field presiding in Clinton
and Principal, Treleaven at Seaforth.
The High School Entrance examin-
ations Will be held, on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday ilext, Principal
Treleaven presiding locally. There
will be thirty-seven candidates froin
the Clinton School alone.
On the third week in June the En-
trance to Faculty,' and Normal ex-
ams take place, Principal Bouck, pre-
siding here:
"The pulite be' hanged !" say
freight train crews sometimes in 'ef-
fect andwhen they feel that way
they are apt to monopolize the
crossing longer than ,the Mw sanc-
tions and- until they feel disposed to
move along. This happened at the
Hayfield Road crossing last week
where on OM occasion street traffic
was held up for eighteen minutes.
But that was the last straw and it
cost the conductor two dollars and
costs. The fine will be larger next
time. -
There passed away in London on
Tuesday a fernier well known resid-
ent of Clinton in the person of Mrs.
_Richard Ranstord. Mrs. Ransford
was a daughter of Mr. Hmatio .Hale
who had world-wide fame' as a lin-
guist and in that capacity spent SU,-
eral years in the United States Gov-
ernment service, it, is almost two
•deeades since he joined the great ma-
jority, but among our oldest 'citiz-
ens recollection of him Is snit g0e1l.
The funeral will take place this af-
ternoon frem the, residence of 10. C.
B. Hale, brOther Of be deeeased.
The service will be conducted by
Rev. Mr. Jeakins, Mrs. Ransforcl
having been a ' member ft'
St. Paul's church. The pallbearers
will be : E. N, Lewis, Jas. Scott,
Jas. Twitchell, W. .1', Brydone, 0.
E. Hovey and D. McCorvie.
'After a few weeks illness' Miss
Ann Cook passed into the Better
Land on Friday morning last.
She was a daughter of John Cook,
a pioneer of Goderich township, Ind
was born on the Oth eon. in 1813 and
there she resided until twenty-five
years ago when she came to Clinton
which she continued to reside until
the end came. 'She made her home,
with her pister, Mrs. George Oante-
lon, who is now, the only surviving
member of the original. family of four
brothers and three sisters.
_The funeral took place Monday
afternoon, the service being eoinitilt-
ed by Rev. 0, L. Jea,kiree in the ab-
sence of ,Ren. J. E. Ford at Con -
fence. The pallbearers were : Dav-
id, Peter and George Cantelon and
Arthur, D. S. and II. W. Cook,,
The relatives from a distance who
attended were Allan Macdonald and
Frank Cole of Goderich and Samuel
and Herbert Cantelon of Streetsville.
10 doz. Boys' Cotton Sweaters with long or
short sleeves, sizes 20 to 32, special at 25c.
Motto: "A Square Deal f or Every Mau."
An addition to the Telephone Act
passed at the recent session of the
Legislature, sub. sec. 6, part 21 reads
as follows ; "The board may approve
of regulations made by any company
for the purpose-, of preventing wilful
interference -with or interruptions of
conversations or messages over . the
lines at any telephone system, and
any person offending against any such
regulations sqall incult a penalty
not exceedingly $25, recoverable un-
der the Ontario summary -convic-
tions act" Listeners on lilies are li-
able to the above penalty.
On ..Wednesday of last week there
departed this life an old-time resid-
ent of Clinton in the person of Mrs.
William -Kitt. .
Her birthplace was at St. 'Thomas,
but for fourteen years after her mar-
riage to Mr. Kitt she resided in teas
town. After the death of her hus-
band iri 1885 she moved to Joliet,
North Dakota, and subsequently to
Sifton, Man., which' of recent years
has been her home and where sever-
al members of her family reside.
On May 24t13 1912 she came to
Clinton to see' her sister, Mrs. H.
F. Andrews, who was then critically
and passed from this life on June
ath. SUM that time Mrs. Kitt ree
maiiied here ,Mit was making pre-
paratiorn to. return to Sittont , When
her 'own death ensued after only. a
few days illness.
Mrs. Kitt was a" kindly Christian
woman, mech respected fly all • who
knew her. ,
'Mrs. Kitt is survived by her sons,
George W. at Woodstock, Charles: E.
and J. F. at Sifton,,- Man., . Alhert
.and Wafter at 1)uneatr B. C., Frank
at Joliet, N. D., and one daughter,
Mrs. W. J. Ashmore, Sifton..:Mrs. A.
WI:eh:wen of London is the only sur-,
viving sister ,of the deceased,. The funeral, which was delayed to
permit of the presence of her son,
Mr. J. P. ,Kitt .of Sif ton, took
place' on Monday afterno:.n front the
residence of Mr. Andrews. The se,r-
vices' at ,house and graveside were
conducted by Rev. Mr. Wyllie and
the pallbearers were :13 F., C. A,,
and F. W. Andrews, 0. W. and J. F.
Kitt, M. McEwen and W. J. 33o'3rien.
Among those lroin ,out-of-town .at
the funeral were : Mrs. A. ..Mcillwen
and her daughter, Mrs. Fraiilc Ars-
cott T,ondon ; COO. W. Kitt' and Mrs.
Kitt, Woodstock ; MI's. TilOR. Has-
Thrqughout Ontario Sunday June
22nd is Temperance Sunday in. the
Sunday schools and it is suggested
that a start be made in the -effort
to secure 100,000 pledged abstainers
by Oct. 1915. Every Sunday School
Superintendent is asked to tate the
matter up and have an address on
the subject of "Pledge Signing." It
is elso anti cigarette day in the
Sunday schools-andthe International
Double,(pledge is suggested. Sample
literature can be secured by acldreg-
ing the Ontario S. 5, Association,
Toronto, or the County, Supeeinten-
At the meeting of the Synod of
Huron to: be held in London next
week the delegate:3 from Clinton will
be Rev. C. E. Jeakins, rector of St.
patirs ; Mr. C. E.•Dowd'ag, manag-
er tIolsont Bank, and Squire Rans-
lord of Stapleton. The last men-
tioned has became the champion of
Votes for Women and will in-
troduce a resolution givint women
the right to take -part in the pre-
oeedings and vote in vestries.' The
News -Record is quite sale in saying
that the address of the mover will
be one of the most vigorous of the
er on'the Chatham, Wallaceburg and
La,ke Erie Railway, has been ape
pointed station agent of the latter
Company. at Chatham., 'rile worthy
Sergeant's Sons are, thorough like
unto the Sergeant himself, and are
consequently making good;
Messrs, R. E. Manning, J. A. 1 r -
win and -R. ' Tiplady returned Mon-
day from attending the London:Con-
ference, This was Mn. Tiplady'e
first 'visit ax delegate to the hig
Church legislative body; but he seems
already to have picked up a good
working knowledge of Conference law
and routine which will be added to
as at frequent intervals he is sent
down to represent the brethren of.
Ontario street church. •
ONTARIO ST. 033039039.
Re. Allin, who has returned
home after , spending a week at the
Conference in London will preach on
Sunday next at toth services. .
All members and, adhdrents of the
church arc invited to attend the free
social gathering in the settee,' room
on Friday evening of this week. Tea
will be ,served 'at six o'clock,
Mr. Russel May, junior pastor on
the Bervie circuit, occupied the pal -
pit at both services last Sunday
preaChing with 1110013 acceptance. Mr.
May, who is the son of Mr. and'
Mrs. John May of toun, will enter
Albert College next term and (men
plete his course. -
The League on Monday nigkt wah
under _ the direction. of Mr, Harold
Pickett with the Program, as fol.:
lows" Bible lesson, . Miss Clara, Holten
hatter ; topic, MrS. MeMuria,y
duett, Misses Bradshaw and Walker
and a holo by Mr: Webber.
kitt, Llman, atul Misss Pearl Ashmore
eanunenoluseremereern of Siftett, • ,
People You Kim
Ivir Harold Rayner is i Glencoe
thie week, ttlf
Miss lVallace anti Mrs, n 0. Bouelc
spent Thursday ill 0 - eric
nt the week
son • 1 1 Master
nill stall
d from
A Good Citizen Gone.
Mrs. , Arch. Sterling e
end with Baylield fr.
Little Mks Ruth Jac
Tom epent Tuesday ; G
Mr. Moffat of the 'kntting
was in Wingharn ove the
Mrs. Ft ticEwen has retnri
'Toronto where she spe
Mnirs°,a13,titlii3riford wa 's able to 1
'hospital on. Satturday
improviag nicely,
''teblr Pa, it .theMgalul'easfitY eidTivee,
J. B. Lindea.y.
, Mr. and Mrs, Harr' Cook
11011100 are guests ot
Men'. D, S. Sook.
Postmaster Scott and hih
Miss Kate 'Scott, Visite
friends last Friday.
Misses Annie and Bessie Wa
their aunt, Mrs. Hamilton
rid mis
and May Ferguson, visite
-in Wingham on Sunday.
Editors Spotton and Elliott
ham mid Southcott of Exe
• in town on Friday last.
133r. Harris, who recently oiui the
hosiery mill stall, is now inAharge
of the knitting departmentne
Mr.. John B'. Kennedy retur01 to
Detroit on Tuesday. Mrs. Ken-
nedy expects to leave today.
Miss Kate Scott, nurse In the Pres-
byterian hospital, New York City,
is home for a month's holidays. '
Mrs. R. J. Oluff went to Kincardine
on Monday to attend the funeral
of her cousin, Mr: Thomas. Britton.
Mrs. (Rev.) W. II. Cooper of Milver-
ton, who Mulerwent treatment in
the Clinton hospital, returned hoene
last week.
Mr. H. W. Brown has returned from
Cuba where he spent the past few
months upon his plantation, and
looks exceedingly well.
Mr, Blackeby of Kingston,crin-
tendent of the Othifellows Relief
Fund and ' a former resident of
Clinton was in town on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Penman Miss
Erma Andrews and Mr. Fred Gil-
lies were in London yesterday at-
tending the wedding of Mr. Ctillies'
Mr. John Derry' has leased the
house On Victoria street o-wned by
Mr, Henry Carter, of which he and
his good wife took posession this
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tierney have
taken up their their abode in part of
Mr. Wm. Cudinere's double house on
Victoria street.
Mr. W. H. Oudrnore hasbought the
cottage on Ontario street that was.
ler many years the home of the late
Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor and took pos-
session this week.
. •
The Royal Gwent Glee Singers of
New -port, Wales, will appear in
town hall on „Wednesday evening
next. They. are One of the finest
male chorus that ever came acroth
the oed.n. Their program embraces
choruses, parf songs, quartettes, trois
duettes ,and solos, all the best and
most popular melodies and songs' of
the times. This will be a great
mrlical treat and should not be
missed by anyone.
The Hamilton Spectator said :
"The concert put on by the Royal
'Male Welsh Chorus wan' one of the
the most delightful ever given in this
city and greatly leased the large
aud ie nee.
The Canada Temperance Act is
manifestly growing in public favor.
Conventions of representative tem-
perance workers have decided, to
circulate petitions praying for its
submission in Algoma, Sudbury,
Muskoka and Parry Sound districts
also in the Counties of Peel and Wel-
land and the city of Niagara Falls:
Petitions are also in circulation
in our awn County of Iluron and re-
ports from several places show they
are, beiag largely signed. Brussels
has completed its list with- a , goed
margin. Reports from other munici-
palities show that thia work Is be-
ing pushed forward as the petitions
are supposed to be completed at an
early date.
. The pulpit of Wesley ' church wet'
occupied a.m: and even'ng on Sun-
day last by Rev. E. Hunter -"of
Dungaenon who preached most ac-
ceptably on Loth occasions and in
the afternoon took charge ti Mr.
R. E. Manning's Bible class.
The following have been elected re-
presentatives to the Quarterly board;
A. J. Tyndall, A. 1'. Cooper, T. bl.
East, 0. W. Layton, J. Doig,' W.
S. Harland and Miss Washington. .
In the final draft of the 'London
Confererece Rev. J. E. Ford was as -
,signed to the Victoria street church,
Goderich, and -Rev, Dr. Rutledge
Howe's Great Leaden Show,
which exhibited here on Tenni ty, vats
so named because it originally hailed
front London, England, but that was
forty-five year ago. -
It's last winter quarters:were in
Montgomery, Alabama, but the sea-
son wag such a severe one that the
whole force ,has a grouch, s9 far an
Alabama; is concerned, and for
next season's the manage-
ment are- expected to selectsome
point in the state of New Jersey.
Starting out in early ir; April the
ShOw, has gradually worked north,
but the first month being spent in
the flooded states, „business was . not
goodninany of the farmers being too
buhY guy -wiring their buildings, buoy-
ing their live stock and .Inuating
their fences to turn ott to a circus,.
no matter hoW good. 'The Show pco-
pie gave a big sigh of telief siten
they. struck the State of Pensyvania
ve the
s nOW
r, M-
ud Mrs.
d son
E. nal
s Maud
Mr, Henry Ransford, manager of. the
Domin'on Bank, at Edmonton, Al-
berta, is visiting the parental
home, the Bouse of Rane'ord,
Mr. Harry I-Ituit of Galt ih ttaying
with his neice, Mrs, Will clacnblyn,
during the absence for a week or
so of Mr. Hamblyn at Battle
Creek, Mich,
Mr. 1,'l'. Cooper addressed the Bap-
tist 0. S. at Auburn on Sunday
' last and tent Sunday purposes vis-
iting the Sectiorth and McKillop
Min. James Campbell, who was ac-
companied by her "son, Mr. Will
Campbell, of Dungannon, visited on
Saturday with he daughter, Mrs.
T. H. Hardy.
Mr. 9'. J. Managhan is in London
this week representing Count Maple
Leal at the, High Coert. Mr.
John Schornhals has gone down as
delegate of the Port Albert Court.
Mins Annie Lannon oi Cleveland,
Ohio, has been visiting under the
,parental roof, that of Mr. and Mrs,
John Lanxon, accompan'ed by Mrs.
A, Conch and Master Dick. They
leave far .Cleveland this evening.
Mr. D. S. Cluff, manager of the Do-
herty Piano Company, accompan'ed
by Mr. Stanwoed of Winnipeg, the
Co's western manager, attended a
convention of piano manufaenirere
transferred from Wingham to Wes-
ley church. Mr. Ford will be chair- 110'41 at Cleveland, Ohio, the meet
man of the District.
that his older brother, Mr. James
The effects of the National ll'and A. Andrews of Coshocton Ohio, is
Fruit and Packing Comp -any at.Clin- so serioasly ill that he is not ex
ton, Exeter and tGoderich were re- peeted to ;recover. The latter
cently: sold by auction by' Roy A, who by the way, is a veteran of
Caret, an official of the Company the American civil war, has visited
sent up by the liquidator. Mr. Carey Clinton on several occasions -awing
not being a licensed auctioneer, three known by many of our citizens.
charges were laid against him of Mr. A. Cosens, science master cf
vtolatior, of the county bylaw. There Parkdale Collegiate, Toren ,a, (el
were two or three adjournments of - Friday -last received _the deg ,0 of
the case but on Friday last 'Judge Doctor of Philosophy from, the Trini-
Andrews disposed of it by fining 1Wriversity of Toronto. Mr. Cosens
Carey twerne dollars and all, the is a native of Tuck,ersmith !elan -
Costs on the Clinton charge, the oth- ship, a son-in-law of Mr. -,Vos.
ers being Withdrawn according to Robb of Clinton ani a cousin of
arran.ement Mr Carey's defence Rev. Mr. Coseas, a 10111103 pastor
05,11:1 ee(di ./.:371, I 1110,mt taitsiegttettirti ilanate_ oborirsi and
nIni nary
yos,ar dace! roc of. maCepn aidtilaimrodioth ,bsytorctehate.i remh u(el daughter
14ai sc;
Judge Andrew's has received Word
Mr. D. B. Kennedy.
In the death of Mr. D. B. Kenaedy„
which took place on Thursday mom -
Jag last, ctlinten lost one of itn
best loved citizens, one who in tnine
residence here of more than Sorbs/
years tnade no enemies. •
Ile was born in Caledonia, Heidi -
mead county, in 1841 and in; his ear-
ly twenties joined the rush to Una
Cariboo gold diggings in British (el-
umbia. Ile went by tlie Panama
route and his description of the lite
and the two years, 1862 and 1553„
spent in the -gold camp were vivid
and interesting.
During the Fenian Raid el Lien.
Mr. Kennedy served in the Heidi-
mand Rifles.
About 1868 , Mr. Kennedy came to
Clinton which . has ever since contin-
ued, to be his htme. For a quentece
of a century he carried on the tiverit
business and on his retirement 1.73Cr
front took up other lines of trade.
In his earlier years he took an ;na-
tive part in municipal aflairs and Ines
for several years a memiee of the
town council and deputy reeve. Hite
great popularity was shown by th%,
very large vote he always received.
He is survived by his wile, e bee
was most devoted to him duric'en Hain
long illness, and their only chile',
Mr, John B. Kennedy of Dettoit,
There is also one surviving Mother;
,Inhn R. at Moosejaw, Sask., ant
three sisters; Mrs. James Carson angE
Mrs. Chaisgreen, Caledonia, and Mrs.
James endersoft, Ratcliffe, trontata.
Mr. Kennedy was an Anglican ant
a Conservative. ,
He was initiated into tho. tnysteee
ies of Free Masonry on April 1313i.
1870 and al ways maintained his con-
nection with Clinfon 'Lodge of whicti
he was the oldest member. ,
Mr. Kennedy had been in lee
health for several years, but he bore
it uncomplainingly and always look-
ed upon the bright side of life.
The funeral took place under the
direction of the Masonic Order, Mr.
Ames Castle acting as marshal ant
Dr. Shaw as director of. ceramoniee.
The beautiful seryices of the ,
gliean Church were conducted bY Rev.
O .39. Jeakins and the' pallbeareret
were : H. '1'. Rance, W. 1. Patel J,
A. Ford, 0. Johnson, J. W. Slevenn
son and AF. Axon.
Many sympathising triends sent
floral entblems among whOm were thee
following : Masonic emblems, CHB— •
ton Lodge ; spray,s, Mr. 'arrl Mrs:.
Will Kennedy, 0.133. .Senn, Mr. and'.
Mrs. Jos, Copp, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
0131311, Percy Couch and Mrs. W-.
Ross, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. 'Cree, Mr;
and Mrs. S. S. Cooper, Miss Mottle'
Lannon, Mr. Will McRae, sheaf oE
peas, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Da.via.
Aiming, those from out of tower
who attended the last sad rites
were : Mes. John 13. Kennedy a
Detroit ;, Mrs. Carson and her dangle, n.
ter, Mrs, Smeleer of Caledonia'; ,Mrt •
and Mrs. E: Watson and their eens.
William and John, of Blyth Mr
Phil - Senn . of Brantford ; anal .
Mrs. George Potter of Slyth ;
srs. John and William 01 1311 cf
borne, Mrs, John Beatty, Yarna, aeR,
Registrar Coats, Goderich,
, Eleanor, left this merning) for Mon -
',1 1'! LE L91ALS' treat, Kingston and other point's
, Murphy L. 0. L. w meet next down east. At Kingston they will
Tuestlay evening: . attend the graduation exercises at
Mr. George' Huller has purchaeed the Royal Military College, ,.. their
Miss Ilinld's house On Isaac street, son, Mr. Broder McTaggart,, having
Mr. W. McIntyre is putting on " 4- furnished his course. He headed
which is not given to flood rallies new drat so as to the hatter handle
unless a bigdam or reservoir ' 1 t,:aks his increasing bu:.-3iness.
away, . Tbc. serui-annual meetitig of the
. ,
Connected with the Show ar‘. 285 South. Huron L. 0. L. will be held in
June 1711:
people, includin,g thirty women, There Ilen;39i1 el! '
are 150 horses, probably as fine a The series of games played on the
bunch of circus equines as even tour- rectory tennis court , last week was
ed Ontario, won by Major NIcTaggart.
The daily consampt'cin af hay le The officers of W, Brydone and C.
els, then there is also corn anti and Saturiey afternoon until the
r two tone and of !oats fifty bush- 13. Hale will , Wedhes,laY
bran. The expeaditure for meats middle of September.
and provielens is large so tliat -tiue
financing of a Show of this class
moans a big: daily pay -out, apart
from, wages, and the proprietors have
le draw on their bank aceount vales
iittsieees falls oI,
Miss Gilholm of Bright will ad-
dress the meetline, of the Women's In-
etitute to he held at the residence
of Mrs, II. In Chant next Monday af-
teresoe. The ladies of (lie town
ere eordially
his class last year and it is ex-
pected he will repeat his succees 131
the anals. ,
Goderich Township
The culvert Which is being put in
on the Met:. concession wasleft un-
protected Wednesday night and eaus-
ed several aecidenth, One horse
broke away from the buggy and an
auto was SO GlalnagMl that in the
middle of the night a telephone was
sent for a Clinton car to haul 1( 113
If the excavat'on had been deeper
lives might have been lost and as it
is a suit for damages May ensue,
Mr. Jas. Stevens.
There are few 'members of the Low-
den Conference who have bean um'e
regular in attendance eurmg I he
past twenty-five or thirty yeas then
has 1311 Jaine9 Stevens of town. I3e
has frequently gone as delegate, hut,
he goes anyway and has thus Isvpt
In Close tom% With Conference pro-
ceedings all these years. With tile
older members he has a personcul Pe-
quaintanee and being a young old
ma11 130 tries to keep himself es,
much in sympathy with (he, or, .,%(,q1-
ing generation as possible. Mr. Stiev--
ens is in truth a Confecencm