HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-05, Page 8News -Record -' June 5th, 191 Einrinlrratfasr tiaunineteimati m ie a lie) WE C'ORDIALLY1 INVITE YOU � To ,Inspect our. Spring and Sum mer stock of up=to=the=minute, shoes for the whole family, without question the most complete assortment, the most 1 attractibe styles and the best ?values ever ' . exhibited in your to` n. When you have _ 29IED 1 HE8ff ON, YOU WILL SUTEL Y WAN2 20 HAVE A -PAIR, FRED. ,JACKSON Cour. Special. List for Saturday and all next week-- •• MRS. eek- MRS, POTTS NICKEL IRONS Reg. 81.10 for .88 GARDEN RAKES Only .20 �. 4 CANS TIGER HAND CLEANER. Only .25 FLEMPOL.THE NEW FURNITURE POLISH 25 Would you pick up $4,75 on the street 2 Would you buy. a $5.00 Safety Razor for 25 cents That is the introductory price of the Mark Cross Safety; Razor, $5 00 quality. Over sixty sold in our store. last Saturday,, The rash still continues for the following popular goods Sherwin Williams Paints -Campbells Varnish Stains-Florlac Japalac and Berry Bros. Liquid Gianite-Decoratewith win- dowphanie- We now handle Beaver Board it takes the place of lath and plaster and more Sanitary Call and see samples and get particulars, AlBaifiain Table of assorted granite ware slightly damaged:Your choice for 15 cents, Big Value. ' llarLtnd. arose STOVES, HARDWARE. AND N'O'VELTIES. aIM=II=..••••••• - •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Chlldres ' Dresse.. . • Prettier than we haba shown beFre. Drmty.li tile e .di ess- . "Our showing of wash Dresses this yearis larger and • , es`fn Prints, `•Ginghams, Chamhatys, Dunks and Linens • nndlin all sizes from two years and up to fourteen years and wonderfully Iow priced at from $ 25'to, $2,00,. { SEE OUR GIRLS MIDDIES AT $1.25. Ladiest 'Whit e W aists and Underweart 4 tiful,assortment of Ladies Waists. Weleaveabeau) • in Lawns, Embroidery, Pique, . Linens etc, _ranging in • price from $.50kto $3.00, i 2 AT ` SEE OUR SPECIALLINE $1.00 . • • Also some extra values in Ladies and thildrens •Undelskirts Gows C v n orset Co ors Drawer.C , Princess Slips and Combinations. s • -^ 3 PR GfITS PLJ nSTEEL. :• SINE • SSMORESMALLBROSBU .• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 •••••••0 •N• 1••,•••••••••••N NNNN•eee••••1M*NN TO THE PUBLIC { i Mr. J. D. Atkinson, who for the past year has been associated in the furniture business with Mr. Jas. Duntord-Lha Hrm name being gg Atkinson Sc Dunford-has retired, his interests being taken over, by • Mr. John.Mety. h . knownDnoford May and'ree respectfully The new firm will a as y p 9 i solicits a continuance of the generous support so long enjoyed by this = store.• i & 1VIAY DUNFdR D • Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors s , Phof7e 104 I s2 PHON) '127 -• NIGHT AND ST.'NDAY CALLS— PHONE 194 JAMES DUNFORD JOHN MAY .•••4•4•e4M.*w44 4*4 4 NH••••••••••e• •4•H►•••s•• �• ,:: WHITE STAR LIN:E F.�a®rl/a/yr//®®,////®®.*522 a�9✓7.;V vot4r 15th ANNUAL. EXCURSION, GO RICH to DETROIT and RETURN E C STEEL. STEAMIER GREYHOUND " will leave Goderioh June lbtir, 9;30 a. in. Arvive'Detroit, June 10th, 6:30 p. M. Returning, leave Detroit, June 12th, 1;00 p. m. Tickets, .1..50 Round Trip MOONLIGHT EXCURSION, JUNE 9 PU,',41 ci x,ei 1,ebuo5, ;`ct ,Hundreds,of Suggestions For Summer Style and'; Comfort are to be found in the Standard Fashion Book'. _For SUMMERS 20C _ (By Mail 30e) Any Standard Pattern Free Buy the ,book for '20e, get a 15c pat - tent and the book nets you only 5c. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest Always the Best Mrs. Sims of Blyth was the guest last week of Mrs. Bean of town. Mr. T, Jackson, Jr., was in Toron to, the later part of last weok. Mr. McWilliams of Toronto lias been visiting - in town during the past - week. Mr. J. 4. Ward,_ Woodstock, son -in- • law of Chief Wheaeley, was in town this week. Mr, Stringham of the Hydro -Elec- tric service, Woodstock, is spending his holidays in town. Mrs. L. Greig went to Toronto on Thursday last to spend a month Or so with her daughter, Mrs, • J, T, Clark. R; J. . Macdonald, a former Clintonian and now a prominent business man in South Edmonton, Alta., was a guest in town over the week -end, . Miss Rudd left on Saturday, afternoon for Toronto where she expects ` to spend the month of June. Miss Jessie O'Neil is , acting itbrarian during her absence. Mr. l.• Howson :left yesterday for his home at -Rolla, North Dakota, after ' spending a fortnight in Lown owing to` the -illness of his mother, the late Mrs, Taylor. Hon. I. $,LnGas of Centre Grey, •who was lately: sworn- in as Prov- incial Treasures',) was allowed to retain his seat without:oppbsition. on going hack to -his constitutents for re-election, Rev. J. .Greene attended the liamil- ton Conference" and visited friends in that city and locality last week and is this week in attendance at the London Conference, of which die is "a member. Rev, D. K. and . Mrs' Grant have been in Toronto during the past week attending the big Presbyter- ian ,Congress. resbyter-ian,Congress. Mr. W. Taylor of Stanley was the lay delegate from this congregation. Miss -Hattie Baker of Fullartou was in town. tiro end of the week, hav-1 inn. brought a party of friends up in her new car. Miss Baker is . be- coming quite an . expert in the .handling of the machine. Rev.'aad Mrs. cJ1clough returned to their :home at Lloydtoitn on Fri- day afternoon after spending near- ly a fortnight at the former's par- ental home owingto the illness and subsequent death of his fattier, the late Joseph Colclough. Rev, J. W. and Mrs. riotnies, who have just returned turned fi ' visit to e om a the Old Country and who have been vicsiting friends at Strathroy and other places, spent -the week -end -in town the guests of the dormer's nephiew, Mr. J. A. Irwin. Rev:. Mr, 'Holmes, who is now' sirperan- nuated andt living' in Saskatoon, Sask., wasa former pastor of f the Wesleycongregation when they wor- shipped in the old Rattsnbury street church and on Sunday even- ing they' had the pleasure of once more hearing him preach. al. 1 Rd - attending the „ses- sions ,nes is :this week a g of the London conference of which he was so long., a member,. 1 BL 'wenty-0�e Onl, 11 New patterns We were fortunate picking tip this week from the manufacturers twenty-one 'separate table cloths, all new patterns and all pure linen'. These are seconds and very slightly damaged. Don't miss •f this opportunity to get' an extra table cloth at a great saving. Remember.only twenty-one in the lot, 'Come early. 3 only size 2 yds x 2 yds at $2:00, 6 -`' ' " 2 yds•x 2 yds;at • 2.25 2 '" 2yd's x2i.yds at 2,50•-' 4 2 yds x 2 yds at 2,75 4 2 yds x 3' yds at 3:00 2 " . .2 yds x 2? yds at 3.50• Gaal and squire designs, BATH TOWELS UNDERPRICED 0doz; large sizedbath. tow lealis .tra heavy Weight iu pnr white, cream and red stripe :and cream and blk:e. Just the thing for hot summer months, Friday and Saturday 25c each. WASH''DRESSyES FOR CHILDREN AND MISSES .Children's summer wash dresses in Gingham, duck and print in a -great variety of styles and col- orings, ol orings, ages'3 to 18 yrs, just to hand, prices rue from 75c to $3,00, LACE CURTAINS $1.50 for $I.29 5 dozen only fine' lace curtains in white and eero in five new patterns, two, two and a half and three yards long. Regular $1.50 for $1.29. BOYS WASH SUITS—MEN'S STORE We are showing a good range of boys' wash suits, all sizes, made from good wearing duck and fast colors, Norfolk and blouse style frolri,$1 up.. Ask to see our special at $1.50. f 75c LIGHT GREY TWEED DRESS ;GOODS -, HALF PRICE '•100 yards light grey tweed dress goods, forty- four inches wide, splendid line for children's wear or odd skirts, regular 75e, Saturday 37i'c. Blake The hemp - of. Mr. and Mrs. Rebt. Allan was the scene of ,a ,quiet wed- ding on Monday ; last when their, daughter, Sarah, was- united in mar- riage to Mr, James Catnip, a pros- perous farmer of Stanley township. The knot was securely tied by Rev, Mr. Johnston of Varna in presence of the co tradtin of the relativesn g panties: „ Tice. couple were, unattend- ed, the- bride being given away ' by' her larother, Mr. Robt.. Allen, After the usual congratulations were ex- tended all repaired to the dining- room where loaded tables awaited them. The couple, left on, the after- noon train to visit Paris, Niagara Falls andother points, On theirre- turn .tHey will settle down to the realities or life on the groom's farm on the Bronson' Line, North, whith- er The best wishes of a host of friends follow• them. • Mr. and Mrs, W. ('athcart of Tor- onto are visiting Messrs.' P, •amd' J. M ' at resent. ansens P Mrs. Swayzer, who spent the win- ter in London with her daughter, is home and occupying her dwelling in the village. Messrs;. J. Douglas and W. Ranrt e each sold a horse to Ford Spark,- who is gathering a of a 'load. for the west. Klippen On .Friday last Mr, Alfred .Jack- son departed this life at the home of his son-in-law,. i -'Mr. Frank Graha, at the age of seventy-six years Mr. Jacksonand: his late partner . in life cane to. this, vicinity a few years ago from Montreal and during ;his stay here had ` won ,the love anti re.. speet of all. He was a member of the Methodist church and. his clear testimony was often heard with pro- fit by. his fellow-memberd , The furs eral services were conducted in the church by his pastor,; Rev, T. J. Snowden, who spoke feelingly .of the earnest Christian character and faith of the) : deceased- Interment was made in Hensall.:Union 'cemetery,. A Pr..etty,, June Wedding in Hullett Yesterday. •A very pretty event took place on Wednesday of this week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Mc- Michael of Hullett when their se- cond .daughter, Polly Mae, was unit- ed in the hOly bonds or matrimony se est: to Mr. Milton'lilt youngest R.1 � g son et. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wiltse of the London Roar] 'f'uckersmith. Rev 'Mr. Barker, pastorof the 1Methodist church, Seaforth, performed__ the Promptly at eleven o'clock as the music of the wedding march, played by Mrs. 11. C. Elder of Goderieh, floated softly out upon the air, the groom took his place on the lawn ander an arch of honeysuckle inter- woven with snowballs and awaited the coming of the bride who was given away by her father and look- ed her own sweet self, wearing a gown ofcream silk crepe and carry- ing r spray large ra P y boquet of :roses. Little Miss Etta Wright made a fairy; like ring .bearer gowned in white silk and carrying a basket of lily of the valley in which was de- posited" the wedding ring. Guests were presented from Sea .forth, Wroxeter, Walton, Benmiller,. Clinton, Exeter and Goaerich. Both bride and groom are very popular T poura. people and the esteem in which they are held was testified by thelarge number of beautiful and ucoCr. stly presents they received,' among which were several, substantial cheq- - The groom's gift to the bride was a gold bracelet and -to, the flower girl, `a locket and chain. _ After the ceremony the friends,' who numbered about sixty,` sat down to a _dainty,. fluncheoni, the color ef- fects being' pink and white, The happy couple left by the af- ternoon train for London, Detroit, points and other :peris and: on their re- turn Mr. and Mrs, Wilts° will re- side on the London Road, life their married be long, prosperous and happy. The News From ,Londesboro. Mrs, (Dr.) Allison went to liar- riston- last Friday to see Fier father, who is at present very Mr, and Mrs. Campbell and Mrs, (Rev.) J. G. Reid left for Toronto. on Monday morning to attend the Nr. Presbyterian Reid Congress. g 1 left Wednesday morning he having stayed to 'dfiieiate ;at the wed ling at Mr. William ,hairs. Rev. J; H. Osterhout' and )Rev. Mil- lar of Auburn autoed to London • on conferencewhilethere, Mr. William Vodden and his daugh- ter Miss Mab'eI, left for London Tuesday. Mr. Vodden will attend conference while their, Mr. Will Lyon Sr. will take the morning services next Sunday and Mr. Jilis Jenkins the evening. Mrs. R. Walters of London attend- ed the ,wedding of her niece, Miss Essie Main, on Tuesday. ' Good Morning I Are you a Neuvs- Recorn subscriber ? Their died In the hest Home at',: London on Monday Mrs, • Willianr Beamish (nee Miss Maude Hiles) daughter of Mr. John Hiles . of Kin sardine. The funeral will take „ place on Sunday Irani her father's re sid tncc in Kincardine. mc. Mrs. Beamish. has been under the Drs. caro since February but her parents received 'word last 'week that .she was im- proving. Heartfailure was the cause of her death. Her bereaved. husband is on his very home from: Coronation, Alberta, where they re- sided since their marriage three years ago. Mrs. Beamish is a niece of Mr. William Biles and Mrs, Johns. Tam l =n Mrs,Jas. Elsie el b and yy Hullett and is well g known around' here, Her many friends will he very sorry to ]tear of her early demise and much sympathy is felt for her. - Sorrowing husband, Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Ainslie of Leamington are visiting at Mr,' J, W. Tamblyn's, Hullett Township A sad accident occurred in Sea -I forth on Tuesday morning last which resulted in the death of Mr. Rich ard: Anderson of near, Constance: Mr. Anderson had taken in a load of hogs for ;ligament and was in the Grand Trunk yards. He had gotten down from this wagon and was stand- ing holding the horses ,by the heads when they beccame frightened by the approach of the morning train' from the west and starting knocking' him down and the wheelspassed over his chest causing 'instant death. Mr,. Anderson was sixty-four years of age and is survived wife and g cd by a t grown family of two sons and three daughters. Hensall The Hensall Tennis Club have leas- ed thelot immediately ' e y ad,oinin the Methodist,church and are having it dtt d fr curt Kippen Mr. John Jones has returned )roma• alter visitingfriends in 'Wingham. Mrs. Robt. Dinsdale and daughter, Helen, are home alter visiting' a brotherand sister in Detroit. Mrs. H. Ivison is visiting friends in Bright, On Sunday next the Presbyterians:. and Methodists hold union services in, the Methodist church. Seaforth .The funeral of the late Henry I. I'unchard of Bradford, formerly a resident of towns po tk .P lace. to Mait- land Bank cemetery -on Saturday Miss Luella Burke is visiting her mother fora few weeks Mr. Nelson Hays 'of New York vis- ited here for a few, days last week. Mts.'Wm. Henderson anddaughter: have gone to Detroit, • CIILPUi%'S The Price You Pay ite!iabie Footwear It isn't the price you pay for your shoes—its the value you get for your money that tells whether you tris buying wisely or not. We specialize in the well known Hartt Shoes -for Men Fittiug Whatever style you choose—they're all made on the general measurements of a scientific master suit many tastes, but the measurements are all the same' That's why they fit so well, and its onereason why . they wear so well. There's no extra charge for courtesy here, nor fo that -whatever' 3 on choose of these shoes are good, CiiNlii '8 last. The styles vary .too the great assortment of styles, from which to make a selection, nor foi the certainty MI : , ..1..V E IsT Successor to J. Twitchell & Son