HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-05, Page 7'OLT;
The Right -Way -to
Began, the Week -,-
with Comfort Soap
New/a-Record and Mall and Empire. SLR
News -Record and Globe 1.60
News -Record and Family Ierald and
Star with Premium ...... 1.75
News-Reeord and Witness 1.75
Newallecord and Sun. 1 76
-News-Record and Free Prose 1.76
News -Record and Advertiser 1.75
News.Reeord and' Toronto SaturdaY
Night' • . 3.25
Newe-Record and Farmer's Advoaate 2.26
N_ews-Record. and Farm and Dairy1.75
News -Record and Canadian ,Fartn.'1.76
Nermatecord and Youth's Companion 8.25
News-R000rd and Canadian Oottntry.
News -Record and The Fruit Grower
__ and Farmer ....,.. , , . 160
Nowe-Rec,ord and The lanadian •
News -Record and Mail and Empire475
News -Record and Globe •••• 4,26
News -Record and News .... ..„.„ 2.30
News-Recrird and Star ........:.. 2.30
News -Record and. World .... 3.25
News -Record and Morning Free Press 3.26
News -Record and Evening Free Press 2.75
News -Record and. Advertiser 3.00
News -Record and Poultry Review 1.26
New...Record and Lippincott's Maga-
__ sine .. . 3.26
4ews-Record and Canada Monthly,
Tf whet' you want is not in this list let
us know about it. We oan supply you at
less than it would cost. you to send alma,
Tit remitting please do no by Post-oftloe
Order, Postal Note, Express Order or Reg.
!stored letter and address,
Punollsher News-RazDrd
Campbell's Varnish Stain
The best and most durable finish for
There is nothing like it: 15 colors
Made by Carpenter -Morton Co., Ration'
Present this Camen at dealer'. store ander.
ceive can of ihe Campbell Broom Hold:niece
Richelieu 86 Ontario
Montreal, Quebec, and the
Mountain Enclosed
Saguenay River.
"Niagara to the Sett."
Inland Lines Limited
'The Popular Tourist Route.
Low Itatee for Water Trips between
Weetbound Eastbound
ilantilf On Thousand Islands
Detroit Montreal
, Cleveland . ---' Quebec
• Steamers leeste Toronto for Detroit
,en Fridayi at 9.00 p.m. Stea,na-
ers leave Hamilton on Wednes-
days, Fridays and Saturdays, and
leave Torento same day at 5.00
P.m, for Mentre-al. Steamer
''Belleville'leaves Toronto ..fer
Montreal, via, the beautiful Bay of
Quinte, on Mon,:lay,s at 10.00 pen.
Fertinformation ajaply to your own
-Ticket-Agent or
Gen. Agt. R. & 0. Lines,'Torento.
Pam. Tref. Mgr., Montreal, P.Q.
Every Woman
is interested andehould know
about the Wonderful
Marvel Whirling Spray
Ask_your dreg,gist for
ft If he cannot supply,
the • MARVEL. 'accept no
other, but Rand Mama forAllos-
trated book -Sealed. It circa' fun
particulars and directions -invaluable
10 lailleaTTINDSORSUFFLYGO.,WIndsor,Ont
General Alreafs Coe 0.liada.
Went to Europe at Beginning, of
the Ilalkan War.
A despatch from London eays :
rbvelve huneleed reservists of the
Bulgarian and Austrian armies who
went to Europe at the beginning
of Ithe Balkan War and ate now
on their way back to the United
Stetes and Canada, arrived on
1Nedneeetay at Grimsby from Libae:
and proceeded to Liverpool, to em-
bark for the ocean eopege,
Items Of Interest From Places
Lapped by Waves of the
St. Ithn's, Nfld. has $92,000
back taxes. outstanding. -
St. John, NB., iodide gathered'
in $1,125 for the kindergarten by e -
"tag day" celebration.
The sealing steamer Erik dis-
charged her cargo at Si. Johns,;
Nfld., it being valued at $8,446.
04anstable Tobin; of St. John's,
Nfld.,was Tun over by a motor car
and narrowly escaped deeth.
Auguste Feiner, a checker on the
long wharf at St. John, N.B., drop-
ped dead -while at work.
Stocks' ef oodlish at St. John, N.
B., at the present time are lighter
than at any time in the _past ten
During the past month 42 citizens
of Menden, N.B., have been fined
for letting their hens run at large.
Charles Towne a newsagent. on
the was held up and -rob -bed
by three men near the suspension
bridge, St. John, N.B. '
The city schools of St. John, N.
B., will close for the 'summer en
June 27. The average attendance
for the year has been 6,1113.
"The ,steamer General Gordon,
which arrived at St. John's, NM.,
Sane 35 icthergs within a redius d
five miles en the Grand Banks.
Official figures in conneetion with
the" recent fire at Nerth Sydney, C.
B., show that the actual loss was
$260,000 and the insurance. $168,000.
The new pulp mills of the Her -
wood Lumber Company, at Camp-
belltown, N.B., are being rushed to
combjletien,".a,nd will be in operation
by fall. , •
The body of William Sears was
found on the beech at Chatham N.
B. He crossed the ice in the la:ther
part of March, when -the ice was un-
safe. , •
A snake over four feet long was
capturecrin. the harbor of Halifax.
'It is believed to have escaped, from
some vessel which was carrying rep-
tiles for a menagerie. •
When the will of James Ready,
brewer, of Fairville, N.B., was pro-
bated, it was found that he had left
an estate of $631,300. The bulk of
his estate goes to his Wife: -
Work is slack at Bell ,Island,
Nfld., beaus e over 50 families have
left there during the past month.
Contractors are eompelled -to hire
fishermenthe do cenetruction week
on the Southern Shore Railway.
Striking Halifax carpenters went
back to work alter acce.pting the
compromise a three cents an hour
increase. The men asked for eight
cents. Carpenters' wages in Hall -
fax will now range from 35 to 45
cents an hour. .
The Ne-wfoundland fishing schoon-
er Edith Hardy arrived at Sydney,
N.S., having on board two half-
starved French sailors, who had
been adrift in an open boat for four
days. They were 'separated from
their ship in a fog.
Carried by Wireless From Berlin
' ' to Vienna.
A deepakeh from Berlin says:
,Shcceseful wireless telephonic com-
munication has just been effected
between Berlin and Vienna, a dis-
tance of about 375 miles. The trials
have been so promising that a for-
eign station 750 miles distant from
Berlin is now being -sought. Com-
munication -was established between
Mie great German Central wireless
station tower at' Namee, west of
Potsdam, and the receiving statin,
on the roof of the Technological
and Industrial Museum in Vienna.
The sounds transmitted -consisted
of both' speech and music, which
could he heard with great distinct-
ness. High frequency apparatus
was employed, in conjunction with
microphones. The waves were
Caught up in Vienna, and the mes-
sages they bore were conveyed to
the ear by. means of,a, regular tele-
phone -receiving apparatus.
q4 • •
, -
Woman Near Galt Drowned -et Four
Feet of Water.
A despateh from Galt say" s
The body of Mrs. James Tutton was
found on Thursday afternoon in a
cistern at her home, Pleasant
Greve, five mil -ea south of Galt,
There was little more than four
feet of water in the well, but the
head waft submerged. There, wee
no other person in the houee at the
time except her baby, which lay en
a -lounge in the sittieg room. A
sear on the -bead and -the broken
rope, which sespanded a bucket
wherein, butter was kept 0001, indi-
cating that the women had been
loaning over to reach the pail when
the irote snupeci and she fell head
first into the well. " •
f Moos or name, eyepiece/ems end eMer
, Produce at Home and ,Abroad.
, • ,
Toronto, Juno 3,;-1,16.1.-.-()ntorio wheat
flour, 90 per cent. natents,-. 53.90 to 53.95,
Montreal or Toronto freights. . M.:anti:oboe
--First patents, in ,•Juto bags, St5.30; nem
ond patents, in iti.th loagi 54.00; strong
hikers' in jute hage, $4.60.
Maidoba wheat --No. 1 Northern. 51.01.
on track, Bay ports; No. 2 at 901-40; No.
3, 951-2e, Bay ports. • 7
-Ontario whoa t o. 2 white and red
wheat, 97 to 98e, outside, and 'inferior at
80 to 96e.
Gats -Ontario oats, 34 to 350, 0u1131.40,
and at 371-2 to 380, on trash, Toronto.
Weetern Canada oatte, 40s for No. 2, and
at 671-2e for 110. 3„ Bay ports, promPf,
ehlpment. '
Peas -The market is purely nominal.
P. a rley -Prices nom in al.
Corn -No. 3 Auteriean corn, 64 1-2o, all.
mid, and at 591-20, c.i.f., Midland,
Itye--PrMes nominal, ,
-Buokwheat-No. 2 at 52, to 53c, outside.
Brau-lionitOba, bran; $17 to $1'7.60, 10
bags, Toronto freight,. 'Shorts, $19 'to 519.10,
..Lorouto. '
Gauntry Produce. •
Butter --Dairy prints, choice, 23 to 240;
inferior, 17 te 19e; creamery, 26 to 280 for
rolls, and. 25 to 87e for solids. .
.Egge--Oace lots, 20 to 21c here, and at
18c outside. '
Cheese -13 1-4 to 13 1.20 for twins, and at
13e 'for large; old, cheese, 14 to 151.20.
„"'.1.1eans--,11sdithpielted, 52.26 per bushel;
Ohnes, '53710'82.10, in a Jobbing way. '
Ilaney-E4ctracted,r-in tine, 123.4 to 1333
Per ,i'for 'leo. 1; wholesale; combs, $2.60
5043.,,per,do5on for No. 1, and. 52,4e for
'Poaftry'-;-Woll-fatted, clean, dry -picked
stook-41hic0sees, 19 . to 20o per lb.; fowl,
.16 to 17c.; turkeys, 20 to 21a. Live poul-
try,. about 70 lower than the above.
Potatoes -Ontario stock, 600 per bag, on
track, and Delawaree at 800 per, bag, on
track. ,
Prey Miens. .
Bacon, long clear, ,15 Mg to 153.4a per
lb,, .in case lots. pork -Short eta, 528;
do., mese, $22. Bame-Medium to light,
19 to 200; heavy, 17 to 18e; Tolle, 16 to
161-4o; breakfaet;bacon, 20c; backe, 23 to
Lard -The market is firm. Tierces,
14 1.2e; tubs; 143.401 paile, 150.
Baled Hay and Straw.
_Baled hay -No. 1 at 512 to 512.60, ou
track, Toronto; No 2, 511. Mixed hay
is ouoted at 510.
Baled Straw -,-Good stook at $8 to $8.50,
on track, Toronto.
• Winnipeg Market.
Winnipeg, Juno 3.-Cithh-Whent-No. 1
Northern, 94o; No. 2 Northern, 911-2c; No.
3 Northern, 80e; No. 4, 021-20; No, 6, 750;
No, 6, 72o; feed, 68e; No. 1 rejected, eeeds,
881-20; No. 2, do., 800; No. 3, do., 803-40;
No. 3 tough, 132c; No. 1 red Winter, 950;
No, 2 \red Winter, 921-20; No. 3 red Win.
tor, 89e; No. 4 red Winter, 84o. Oats -
No. 2 C.W., 360; No. 3 C.W.' 326-4e; extra
No. 1 feed, 34 7-85; 140. 2feed, 313.20.
Barley -No.. 3, 4714e; No, 4, 461-00; rideet.
ed, 421-4e; feed, 421-4c. Plax-No. 1 N.-
W.C., 51.14; No: 2 0.15., 51.12; No. 3 C.W.,
51.03 3-8.
Business at Montreal.
MoStreal, June 3.-Corn--Anierican No. 2
yenew, 66 to 661-00. Oats-Canadlan 'West-
ern, No. 2, 41 to 411.20; Canadian West.
ern, NO. 3, 301-2 to 3933. Oats -Extra No.
1 feed, 41 to 41,1-50. Barloy-Man. feed,
49 to 50e; malting, 61 to 64o. Buckwheat-
N,o. 2, 58 to 620, Flour -Man. Spring wheat
pavants, firsts, 55.40; seconds, $4.90; strong
bakere', 54.70; Winter patents, choice,
$5.25; straight rollers, $4,75 to 54.85 k
straight rollers, bugs, 52.16 to 52.30. Rolled
oats -Barrels, 54,35; bags, 90 lbs., 52.05.
Bran, 517; shorts, 5/9; middlings, $22;
mouth°, 526 to $52. Rat -No. 2. per 6014
ear lots. $14 to 514.60. Cheeee-Fineat
weeterne, 221-0 to 121-401 Attest easterns,
111-2 to 11 3-4c. Butter -Choicest cream.
cry, '261.2 to 27e; seconds, '251-2 to 26o.
Eggs -Fresh, 22e; seleeted, 25o; No. 1 stook,
230. Polateee-Per bag car lots, 6050 70o.
_ United States Markets.
Minneapolis, Minn., May 28.-Wheat-
NaY, 001-20; July, 913-00; September,
921-50. Onsh-No. 1 hard, 93 7.8; No, 1
Northern, 923-0 to 93 Ma; No. 2 Northern,
003-8 to 91 3.80. No. 3 yellow corn, 611-2
to 63e. No. 3 white oats,' 37 1-.2o. No. 2'
rye, 65 to 68e. "Flour and bran unahangetl.
Duluth, May 28. -Wheat --No. 1 hard,
93.3-8e; No. 1 Northern, 921 -Os; No. 2
'Northern, 097.8 to 90 38c; May, 015.00
asked; July. -926-00; September, 92 5-8e. Lin.
seed, 51.29 5-8; May, 51.25 3-8-nom5na1; July,
5120 1-8 asked; September, $1.32 1.2 asked;
Ootober, $1.30 7-8 asked. ,
Live Stock Markets.
Montreal, May M. -Cattle -Receipts, 600;
cows and springers, 80; calves, 1,600; them)
and lambs, 500; hogs, 700. Beeves, 71-4a
to 01-2s; medium, 61.4 to over 7; CblIIM011,
4 to 6. Mitch cows, $30 to $70 each. Calvee,
40 tO 61-20. Sheep, about 6a. Spring lambs,
$4 to 56 each. lidge, about 103-40.
Toronto, June 3. -Cattle -Choice export,
$6,76. to $7.25; choke butchers, $6.60 to
$7.156_good medium, $6 to 56.25: common,
$5 to $6.25; COWS 55.50 to 56.25; bulls, $5.25
to $6; canners, 5.2 to 52,50; outtere, 53.25 to
$3.76. Oalves-Good veal, 56 to 57; choice
se to 58.50; common, 53 to $3.00. Stockers
and feeders -Steers, 700 to 1,000 lbs., $4,50
to 56.25; yearlings,. 52.10 to 53.50:, extra
choice heavy feeders, 900 lbs., 85,85 to $6.26.
Millters and apringere-From $40 to $75.
Sheep' and lambs -tight ewee, $5.50 to
$6.50; heavy, 54.50 to 55; lam -le, yearlings,
$7.50 to 8860; bucks, $4,60 to $6; spring
lambs, 53.60 to 56.50 each. Hogs -59.85,
fed and watered; 59.50 to $9.60, f.e,b., and
$10.10 to 510.15 off ears.
One hes everything his own way
he gets to be about a year
IfIghly concentrated ;ono tin.
nuffiecs a small family:
Purest and. beat
, ingredients,
Royal Society of Canada -Wants,
Them Prohibited.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The Dominion Government will be
asked by the Royal Society of Can-
ecta -to prohibit the manufacture,
sale and inaportation of the white -
or poisonous phosphorus match.
Such was the society's decision at
its general meeting on Wednesday
Morning. The poisonous phos-
phorus match ie the one most gen-
erally in use in Canada and is said
to have dangers not only for those
who. assist in its manufacture, to
whom it is said to give the disease
known as phony jaw, but for the
consumer. ,
Naval and Army Improvements the
' Featpres.
A despatch from Madrid says':
The constru,ction of a second naval
squadron and a considerable outlay
for army improvements were the
features of the budget which:was
submitted to the Chamber of Depu-
ties on Wednesday by the Minister
of Finance, Sultrez Inclan. The -
Minister estimated the expenditures
at $231,000,000anerthe revenues at
$240,0:00,000. Ms great object, he
explained, had been th secure bet-
ter distribution of the burden of
taxation without increasing it.
French AviaCor Made a Remarkable
A despatch from Rome says: The
French aviatet Pierreyon, carrying
a passenger, made a flight, from
Turin to Rome' and return, a total
distance of aboet 640' nailee, in fif-
teen and a half hours on- Wednes-
day. Pieereyon started from Turin
at five o'clock in the morning and
arrived at Rome at 11.30, having
made 'only one stop at .Pisa for the
purpose of replenishing his supply
of petrol. On the 'retutn 'trip he
left Rome at one &gook in the
afternoon, stepped at Pisa and
reached Turin -at 9 o' -clock. •
'A 810.01) COW.
Remarkable '15294 01 7, 14 ahd 30
A despatch, from Guelph says:
W. H. Oherrp, ,of Garnet, Ontario,
is the proud possessor of the senior
two-year-old champion cow of Can-
ada. Peter Came:than, late of the
Q. A. C. Dairy Scheel, did the test-
ing, and the results, seven days,
21.65- pounds ef butter, 14 days
42.70, and 30 days 89.65 pounds,
have never been equaled by any
cow owned in the Dominion.
Portions of Their Bodies Melted Up,
Over 100 Yards Away.
A despatch from, Fort Vendee.ss,
France, seys: An explosion of dyna-
mite in a factory lust outside this
port on Thursday, -killed- five men
and injured many ot ere. The re-
port 'WM ‘.heapci at a distance of
twenty miles. The, men killed were
blown to pieces, and portions of
their bodies were picked up over
100 yards out in the Mecliterran:
You Know Us
We are in business right here where yeti You are an
acquaintance, neighbor or a frienctof ours. Thiii money -hack -
if -not -satisfied offer should prove the sincerity of our claims.
,Wken we eity we believe we have ly relieve constipation. They act tO
the best laxative and back up our -overcome the cause of constipation,
statement with our unqualified prom- They tend to eliminate ,the cause
be to return without Oestion or of stele headache, biliousness, bad
formality the money paid 00 'for it, breath, nervousness and other Ills
ir'it does not prove entirely5 earls- attendant upon inactive' bowels.
__factory to you, we believe we are en- -
GO 60 your confidence.
0,16 bUSir1059,,6110CdSfi and prestige
depend upon yourconfidence in u's.
We know we must seoure and hold
Pour confidence in order to get and
keep your patronage. ' Therefore, we
would not (18,re make this offer if we
were not positively certain that WO
can prove our claims for
Make Us Prove This
We want you to come to our store
and got a, package of Reatall Order-
-lice. Use a few or use up the entire
box. Then, if you are not entirely
satisfied, come back and tell us and
we will promptly return the money'.
you paid 118 for them.
'You proMise nothing - you sign
nothing -- you obligate yourself to
us in no way whatever. We accept
.0,uar6yexrpepeoriAnscve ewhitahvetriteivaeuddlithg
ory-cornit'etsyoaurellOW believe that Rexali
those who have used .them prove
• that they are really -the most pleasing Could any offerSiboer tmhyoreoffairn?„
and satisfactory bowel remedy we *'
know of. TryThem at Our Risk
()scrims taste'like candy. , Nve partiat'dkrlyrecomenenrtexa'n
They, don't cause griping, mum, 'Orderlies for children, pgetl pergolas
purguag or excessive looseness, as
They are soothing and easy in aotion, end 59r delinate pn0131e.
the usual physic or laxative. Rexoll Ftexall Orderlies coma in vest.'
Orderlies seem to act as a tonic. pocket tin boxes. 12, tablets, 10o;
etrengthener upon the nerves and 36 tablets,125e; BO` tablets, 50e.
0111033 no of the bowels. They prompt. Usual dose ono tablet. '
CAUTION: Please bear in raind"that Itexall Orderlies are not sold by all drWl%
gists: You can buy Reiall Orderlies only at the Pozen Stores. ,
You can buy Rexall Orderlies in this community only at our store:
W'S R H �L
Clinton The e42,..ptiLe Store. +Oritario
There id a Reed' Store'n neatly randy town and oily la the United states, Cared°. and- •
Grant Britain;Thom009 'different Resell Remedy for neerbf evert, ordinary bureau El
each Opeeially designed for the particular tor width 10 13 recommended.
,The_Resall.Stores are Arocrica's Urestest_Drug Stores
lIIE oLons aN A
Canada, the Emplre,end -the World
In General Before -Veer
Montreal l3oarei of Control 'voted
$10,000 to provide playgrounds for
the children,
The Ceuzens brothers of Hamil-
ton were sentenced in Toronto to
serve five Years for counterfeiting.
Henry Gehnean, St surveyor of
Sault Ste. Marie, was drowned in
the Shino river when his canoe up-
Mrs. Geo. Chafer, daughter of
David Barnhart of Shamnonville,
VMS One of those killed at Long
Beach, Oal. '
Parry Sound temperance people
have organized a prohibition alli-
ance arid will bring on a Canada
temperance act campaign next fall.
Eleven new Judgeships in differ-
ent parts of the Dominion are pro-
vided for in an 'amendment to the
Judges Act, of which the Minister
Of Justiee has given netioe.
John A. Harp, jun., of Malahide
township, died of rheumatic fever,
tentracted through his being over-
heated and chilled at his wife's
grave three months ego.
Harry Swift, aged 21, of Toronto,
was electrocuted ai the Hydro-'
Electric transformer station at
Dunclas"while tightening a, nut with
a monkey wrench.
Great Britain.
Lerd Avehury, the noted English
banker, scientist and author,,, is
A a1,000,000 suit was commenced
in London against directors of the
English Marconi Company. .
King George and Queen Mary
were givien ar big ovdtion in London
oat their return from Berlin on
Marconi wireless apparatus was
the means of preventing a big mar-
ine disaster off the Irish coast.
Alice Hill, a notorious English
criminal, just sentenced to three
years announces she will emulate
Mrs. 'Par:Id-inlet and refuse feed.
The public is wondering what the
authorities will do.
United States.
The Coaster Brake Trust of Buf-
falo pleaded iniltrin R,ocliester to
charges of violating the trust laws.
Dr, L. M. Ottofy claimed, before
the St. Louis Society of Medical
Ite,search, that he had a senun to
cure eaneer. '
A movement to revive the old cus-
tom of publishing the banns for a
reasonable: period preceding a wed-
ding was started at the annual con-
vention of the Chicago diocese of
the Episcopal Chureh.
A New York jury awarded $12,-
500 to Mies Ida Newlands, a num
of Kingston, Ont. in her suit fol:
$50,000 against JOhn W. Butler, a
millionaire apareinent house own,
ere for injuries she received in a
fall clown an elevator shaft,
An Austnan ()Meer, convicted of
betraying army secrets, ended his
life With, a pistol.
The 'Irnpenter mill start on her
maiden voyage from Hamburg to
New York on June 11. For the re -
tarn trip all berths have already
been engaged.
Belgium will increase the ,peace
strength of the army from 40,000
to 55,000 and the war strength from
180,000 to 340,000, the latter in-
crease being to 'defend Antwerp,
Liege and Namur.
Man's Wife Agreed. Ma Test of Her
Fidelity. „
` eA despatch from Winnipeg says:
Annie Zehrynuk, a Galician wo-
man, died- in the hospital here on
Thursday- afternoon of -burns said
to be the result of her husband
pouring the ,contents of a coal oil
ean ever her and then ,touching a
match to her clothing. Stove
Zehrynuk, who is also in the hos-
pital suffering from burns suppos-
ed to have been eustained when he
remoreefully tried to ,save his wife,
is under.arrest on a eharge of mur-
der. They had 'been married a
month. The etirrent- version of the
affair, is that the wife agreed to a
fire test ef i
her fidelity, n reply to
charges made Rgainst her • by her
husband. She ie said to leve wil-
lingly submitted to being soaked
with the oil, believing that her in-
noceuce would prevent the lighted
'match from igniting her garments.
l Her clothing and hair had been
Icompletely burned from her body
when the police arrived. '
Awoke Ms Nester When House
Was Filled With Smoke.
A despatch Leen Louden, Ont.,
says: Chas. Baker,of Ridout and
Brick Streets; a . well knoWne nur-
seryman, was ewakened at 2 elekek
on Thursday morning by the, bark-
ing pf his pet collie outside 'his bed-
room -window. Baker, when arous-
ed, discovered that :hie house was
filleel with smoke arid that., his
daughter, two grand -daughters and
a hired man were unconscious from
partial suffocation, Although him-
self seriously affected, he managed
to epee the clesere and windows in
time. The smoke issued hien a
stove that had been lighted lied
da-mper ad b afore retie: ng . Mr.
Baker a,nd.his family aro giving un-
limited credit te their cenine res-
This Spring Cleanse,
Your Blood
Of those impure, poisonous matters -blood humors
+-that have accumulated in it during the winter.
The unequaled and really wonderful success of
Hood's Sarsaparilla in cleansing the blood makes it
the medicine you should take.
The secret of its success is tlie fact that it is
the best possible combination of the best known
agents, roots, barks and herbs, for giving strength
and tone to the bodily organs and functions.
Get Hood's Sarsaparilla at ODCO.
Industrial Unrest Takes the Form of a Demand for
Minimum Wage by- Unskilled Workers
A despatch from Landon says
After a period of comparative calm
in the English indhstrial world, a
series of extensive labor disputes
has broken out in the Midlands.
The unrest takes the- form gener-
ally of a demand for minimum
wages by unekilled worke„rs, In
neo,tly every case the strike began
without notice to the employers,
It is estimated that 40,000 persons
are on sthilre or locked out, 'where-
of 30,000 are "Black Country"!
The carters' strike at Bradford
led, to several exciting e,oniliets
between the police amd'the strikers.
The movement in the "Black Coun-
try" is assured of lenge): propor-
tions as it is spreading to other
industries. The leaders of the men
assert their intention of making the
strike a national one. Large bod-
ies of police have been sent to the
troubled districts.
Whether buyers or sellers, we shalt
be pleased to act for you in an ad-
visory. capacity.
Aa for booklet of offerings, in-
Govet'wment Bonds=7
to yield 4%.
Municipal'. Debentures -
to yield 5% to 6%. ,
Public Utility and Railroad Bonds --
to yield 596 to 55(%.
_Industrial Bonds -
to yield 53%% to 6%.
We will gladly furnish particulars concerning this
new form of -investment in a Company which we can
highly recommend. The,ominal interest of '7% is
guaranteed to the purchaser, who will then participate
as well with the Company in ,any further earnings,
Interest cheques mailed to investors twice a y:ear.
National Securities_ Corporation
The Suffragettes of India Arc Also
on the War Path.
A despatch from Calcutta says:
The eampaign of the militant Suf-
fragettes has spread even to India.
The golf links at Simla, the peva-
ler saniterium for Europeans, were
damaged on Thursday, and cards
and Suffragette literature were
found there.
Died- at Queen's Hotel, Sudbury,
Very Suddenly.
A despatch from North Bay Says
John Henry :Creery, lumber in-
spector, of Sellweocl, fonnerly of
Torento, died at the, Queen's Hotel,
Sudbury, very emidenly on Thurs-
day. A paper, which had contaiffed
strychnine, was found in his room.
Department ni. Finance ECCCiTCH
the Sum of $.061.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
The pepartraent of Finance has re-
ceived $361 as conscience money
frona an anonymous correepondent,
The envelope wee peettnfirked
Halifax, N. S.
Forty yeirs in use 20 years the
stentlatel, prescribed and reeom•
mended by physicians. For Wo•
Idle Money
pnosonrs having idle funds on
head tor temporary or hangar
Periods, or awaiting permanent
investment, cen obtain FOUR PFR
CENT. interest, compounded quer-
telly, by opening an account iu the
Company. These funda' aro iwIlh•
drawable by cheque and bear Inter. •
eat front date received until date
vvithdrawn. We solicit 3300 00 town
accounts, which may be opened by
Write For Booklet
The Union Trust
Company', LIrrrIted
Temple Building, Torenta
CAPITAL (paid up), • 83,000,000
RESERVE • • • $860,000
Arts Summer
Sees on
G. Ir. cuovvx
July 2 tb Aug. 16
The Arts'conraa
may be taken by•
but student* decir-
ing to graduate
utast attend one
For calendars write
Megaton, Ont
, The Noma% with a 'poen com-
ma 'S • Ailmen0ts," r• Mnrhl pie:scion mrly 4e rich en ()ugh to
l'emale. Title, at you- druggist. afford a better one,