HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-05, Page 6That Pland-Ont " Feeling Was Quhdcly Remedied and Health Restored. Story of a Merchant Who Almost Lost His Business and His Health Through Neglecting Early Symptoms of Risease. "Hy life for years has been ot sedentarY character," writes T.'11. 'Titehfleld, head of a well knoWn firm in Buckingham. Nino hours every day. 5 spent at °plea work and took exercise only on Sunder. Iwhdihreuntooapparent fesregwaerdedtlie symptetefemyfa ilbl-ealtmli: ily. 5 grew thin, then pale, and before long I was Jatindlood-eyeof and skin were yellow, my strength and nerve were 10W - era, and 5 wee quite unfitted for bust - nem. In the morning a lightness in the head, partieularly When I bent over, made me very worried -about •ItY health. Most of the laxative medicines I found weak- ening, and knowing that I bad to be at businees ever3t day 5 neglected ,myself rather -than risk further weakneeo. Of ,opurse I grew wonse, but' by aIRIPPY chalice isogon to nee Dr. Handlton's PIN. I was' forcibly strutik by the fact that they neither caused griping nor nausea, sad it eeettnid incredible that pills could tone. cleanse and regulate the ere. tem without causing any unpleasant atter (greets. Dr. namilton's Pille acted with me just no gentle as nature-the'y gave new life to my liver, otrengthened my stomach; and won me book to perfect, good health. My skin Is clear, dizziness has dleappeared, and my appetite, strength, epirito are perfect." Refuse anything offered you instead of Dr. Hamilton's Pills, whiolt are sure to cure. Bold In, 25o. • boxes, flve for $1.00, at all druggiats and storekeepers, oz. post- paid from the Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, 25,5'., and Eingston Canada- . Chinese Peeler's Ideas. • The Chinese doctor poseesse.s many ideas peouliefel3r his own. There is much mystery .and impres- siveness in his manner of treat- ment. According te Mongolian medicine the Chinaman "believes that the human heart is more likely tee become inflamed at noon during the niumeme season than it,. any other time. Likewise they -regard the human ear as seggesting the condition of the kidneys; while the mouth end lips indieate the condi- tion of the spleen and the stemich. rtittE IN STOVE 70 YEARS. Primitive Cooling , Apparatus in Cornwall, England. Incredible as it rna,n seem to le' who shave at our tionnitand every sort of labor saving machine and deviee that it is possible to con- ceive, there are etime parts of the world—and not the meet remote, either—where many of the ordin- ary tasks of llie are incomplished in ahnoet identically the same way that they were ceuturies ago, sayS • a writer in teas Logic. Travellers \in foreign countries have frequent - 7y -told of serprising instances of this kind which they have met with in their wanderings in out-of-the- -way localities. A striking illustration of the way • in which „people who same little into contact with modern methods Oftentimes cling to ancient mad cumbersome ways of doing thingg is afforded by the ease. of a farmer in Cornwall; England, whose pries- itive and picturesque cooking taa pare -toe has attracted attention. The fuel used in this "stove" is neither coal nor wood, but peat. No other- fuel has ever beemburned in it. The Cornish farmer declares that to thissown 'knowledge the fire in it has not been out in seventy years. , When the farmer's family. have eny cooking to do, the either s are first raked fiat, and an 'iron plate is placed over. them. The dough is then put into a tin, which is placed upon the iron plate, the tin then being covered over with a big iron pot: The whole is covered with embers and in eighty minutes' time, it is said, the bread is perfectly baked. Weary Tiredness Changed to Vigor E3008T YOU,F1 TOWN By ORGAIIIZIRICI BAND Inforination on this subject with printed Instructions for tuna- Jeur bandsand a primed form of ConsGtutioa and TAy-Laws for bands, together with our big 'catalogte, will be mailed PREtt on request. Address De,..V " WINNIPEG. THE R WILLIAMS '''50" mAKtroBA. L 114 1 T D , ONTARIO . . I TORONTO ARS .vou 'suffering .wit4 wiEuMATISM, NEURALGIA, fielfiTitgl, 'LUMBAGO, lierLARIDATORV RHEUM/IT/ISM, PREUNiatitA, COOT, or the worst -kind of tlEAVACHE or TOOTHACHE THEN USE - TEIVIPLETOil9 S RHEUMATIC, CAPSULES THEY REALLY CURE Write for FREE 'testimonial of cured people. We positively em-arantee to refund your money if nch cured. TEMPLETON'S. RHEUMATIC CAPSULE' LIISTRISOTINC. CO. 315 COLLEGE STREET, TOROPITO. ' SOLO BY ALL DRUCOISTS. 51.00. A BOX OR 1 BOXES FOR 0.00. HEAVY CREAM 1-,,r•0r.tr .ttr, fier, Mr. J. W... McGhee, of Conover, Ont., says:. "1 And that the Standard cream eeparator will deliver any density of • cream, with either warni or cold milk, and still flush out easily." So it you -want heavy cream, simply turn a screw, \ on the to disc "of the and get any, thteknese desired. This cream -regulating ' eorew is placed on, the top disc for your convenience, so lhat you do not need to take the bowl apart td reach it. This point mey not seem very important to you, We • mention it merely as anlexaraple of how carefully and - thoroughly the Standard is built down to the smallest ....detail. A. booklet, explaining Om entire, construction of the standard cream separator, -and telling why ttehas earned the name of "The World's Greatest Separator" will be mailed free as soon tut we get your name and , address. Drop us a post card toelay. The Renfrew Machinery Co., Limited Head Office and Works, RENFREW, CANADA, BRANCHES: SUSSEX, N.B.; BASRA.- TOON, .SASIC.; CALGARY, ALTA. . Agencies Everywherci In Oneida. neetteet .treN PURE' BLOOD MA-I{ES. liEALTII Disordei's of tile Blood are Cured 'Br. Williams' Pink Fij1, If people would realize 'the ite- petteance ,of keeping the islookl 'rich aed pure thee would he lees sloe- , ness. The blood is the meeium through which the nourishment gained from the food reacees the different pertf the body. If the blood es impure :the notaisliment ..that reacheS nerves, bone •eed-mus- cle .is•tainted •vvith poison and di- sease follows, . The :blood is also the medium by which the •' body. kelles off disease. If.he blood is thin ,and watery AM power of re- -' Sistance- 'to disease is Weakened. Dr. Williatne' Pink Pills for Pale 'People 'build up the blood. They Mei-ease the ability Of the 'Lady to resist disease. They :strengthen - the . peeves, inereaw the epp•etite •, and. mire every .disease .camsed by thin a,nd iiiipure- blood, and that embraces., slice diseases. es anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, peeve- ex- hametion, rheumatiren, and many others. Eamy.elairtemade or this Medicine hi' eniply proied..by the ' ---getnefte teseimeny of those . who • have been cteed... liereeis one in- • 'stance. ,Me.' Jas.Saeger, Peter- . beta, Ont. says': "I began to be "tem:bled With dizzy spells, These •. 'Were especially noticeable in tee *morning On rising and were oiecona peeled by a feeling as if thy body hadtaken on twe or three times its *eight clueing the night. t When eI Weiat out of deers everything would suddenly seem to get -topey-turvy •.forna few ,mottents, arid I would apparently see speaks floating in 'fitont'Of me, and for a While I could .hardly drag myself along. This feeling at first only kited for a few minutes, but as time went on the_dueation of. the :spells seethed to increase. _Whilst during the av be suddenly attacked with dizziness compelling Me to heed 'ea to sometnieg until the feeling passed. I had in the meantime • been 'taking Various bleod tonic, as I was cenvinced my condition wa-s due to my bleed being out ol order. None of these, however, .seemed to ehave any permanent effect. For a little_while I would be fairly well, but as Won as I quit using them the 'attaeks used to -come back with renewed,eiger. One .day T. came across 'an ideal-teem:neve • of De. Willianis'ePinIcRillteeeted de- 'eited tie 'teeth:Eel pii noticed a more decided improvement than • .Iehad felt before. The dizzy spells were becoming lese frequent and ' less effilent, and by the thee I had 'taken sit boxes I was well again. From former experience I had some :fears than the trouble meght re- turn, but now, four months after Aiscontinuing the u,se of the pills, have had no return -of the teoutble. , In fact I never Jolt bettee than I .elo now, and I think nothing, can esqual the Pills as a 'blesid medi- cine." •The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers -dr can be had be mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes- for .$2.50 from The Dr. William's' Medi- ' mine' Co., Brockville; Ont. • Pointed Paragraphs. ehtms le a. good game, but 11 might poem business. `Many a ,suceeseful man makes a noise like a. big wind. - It's better to deliver the goods titan to be caught with ,them on , A drunken man. will tele you ,eyerything ho knows—but what's the use? - • , • , And some men talk to teemeelves because they like an appreciative audience. Imaccord, with the eternal fitness of things, a man who stole a, watch • woend up in jail. . The world admires any man 'who attends to hie own ' business—no matter kowejegnehle it mem be. • Wornen who enend most of their time trying to imfmove their com- plexions never think eaf the old- fashioned teethed of steaming it - over a washtub. A SAFE MEDICINE FOR THE BABY Baby's .Own Tp,bkat are a safe piedidine" 'for one. In fact ...they guarareteed by a govern,. -ineneniegalyst to be absolutely :free feetheeopiates or anyof the dime's fao • harm -ell ea tee liyee of little' oiled. • The Tabletseeeveado harm—alwaye good and may -be given to the ease- 'born- babe ort growing child with equal' safety: They isever fail to mire • constipation; , -Colic, break ttp colds and fevers and 'make teething easy. The Tablees 'are sold by medicine dealers or by , mail at se bents 'a box 'from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- ville, Ont. . • ' People neeer pay any attention 'to a cheerful liar. othiarnn• Linlident oures carget in Coca Ten efore. Re ---ll have eavecl up ierrethou- . seed clollays. • We leap' be my Wife ? e:Stee—Oh; Mr. ',Ionete this' is 'toe , - „- sudden ! Save upeanokher tenethote ' , . e• . -"'"'"--""eutegego.,...te,., Try Murine Eye Remedy ,..., --,--- NodronrtinFr–reelelithe noiq . , , 'it.''‘..et.--- GT ',;'',..tif.b,r,,ii..pc' l'143111t IS 'IS; 15u i 6. - l'i'ln'al ,,— ototr'Paelt . l';'(;:i'llio4VtuLrS:PU -Ni• Itiorni• tototl to the rt r ltrogit lots at W.0 csapv,„. A MUrille Eire' Remo, f. "Fattier, ithat is am empl,et title an empty title il mother's way of cal/isles, me the head of the hoese." filnarthl t:Itittnent Cures 1310tithsrla. ARE READY FOR SHIPWRECKS FOOD PLACED ON LONELY IS- LAJ OF DIE SEA. Supplies Left by a British ,Warship Found Inteet Atka Eight . Years. t That • Me expeditions, whether Areeic Or otherwise, place food do - 1501:8 within reach in ewe of need 'is of course well known, but few people are aware teat there are certain rarely visited islands and desolate coasts where .deerots of provisions and necessities' have been placed for the use ce ship- wrecked crews. The meet eiceeneme ,supplies ef this sort are thew ex- isting on some of the lenelyealands in tho Schith Indian•Oceen. South of theniner track to Australia via the Ca,pelie °PDX° and Kerguelen Islands. - . ' , In the jubilee year. of Queen Vic - 'eerie, in French tvaxehip placed in a hut on one of the-Croiets a good Meek of food and neceseirtiest 'cludingivas spears and two hatch- ets. It is highly probable, says Pearson's Weekly, that the bulk if not all of thtese stores are still there, for the warship in question' found the proaisions left by a Bris tish warship eight years before ab - whitely intact. e Gitide Books Supplied • The handbooks furnished to all British ihipmasters indicate exact- ly the whereabouts of these caehesd stores. A seal hunter, who sought to find .the denote. 011" Kerguelen Is- land, wrote : 1Wesetts es easy as if we had a ,sigispost." The Kerguelen de.pot was -fitted out by the French ship Euro which in 1803 iett "2,250 pounds of. pre- eerved beef in, boxes of e9 pounds; 1125 pounds- of biscuits, 20 swain - skin shirts, 20 pairs of woollen drawers, 20 woollen blankets - and packets of matches." Further- more, great tneuble was taken' to protect the Mores from the wea- there The beef boxes were coated with tar, es -were the iron hooped bar- rels, containing tho biscuits and. °lathes, and_ the matches were in beams painted over svith red lead.' -Fou,rteete*year-,3 afterward Capte du Baty, who spent many menthe sealing on tEe island, examined the depot. Even thoagh the goods had been buried beneath a cairn of stones the make had rotted away rend the elothing fell to pieces when opened out. The biseffits had been. turned to sourpulp and long green etrands of •woes were -growing on the barrels. The tinned beef was perfectly good and was agreeable to the taste. He :failed to And. elle matches, but•kft" some of, his -own, , together with needles and • Cabbage and: Celery. On Ames:teed= Ltlemd, -further north, the Board of Trade's hand- book notifies the faot that the French supplies are. in a cavern where also have beeneleft a cook: ipg• pot, vies and, dry. wood. On this island .the elranded Crewe will find, tooet'abusidance of wild cabbage and Weary growing, and lobetens and fish. are* plentiful. On the coast of Tasmania there are some very lonely district. At Reeky Point shierre*-eked mariners May find relief stores, and in, order to aid them to regain civilization tiaolcs have been made fox their benefit, with "roti elidete fingere every quarter reitle'pointing in the direction of theerelief station." And on a river' ahere fording is noces- sary-k rt nas been left in readi- • Telephone Communication. • Similar provision exises on 5.01110 of the outlying islands of New Zea- land, and the.se are visited by a Ceeeeeemeet teteaener owe or twice a yeanein ease 7estetteways axe need- ing reseue, In "Vancouver shelter -sheds are erected eel -sante lonely eheree- and 1:heno a shipwreelted :tailor can ring up aseentral station on the telephone. ' Refugees in' Terra, del . Fuego learn from the same soureet above quoted that "they can trust the Yasthane to , eonduct them io rais- :Mon stagons ,or settlement§.," but the "Alarm/life are .aggressive and treasherotes, though, however greet their number, they will not attack a combination of.three or four per- sons, esPecially if they are aware that these persons possess fireernis or impleirtente resembling them." • One day a woman sent her little boy ounin the yard_to play with the baby, as she was. besy. The boy had a new shovel his mother had gieen him. After they hed played awhile she heard the baby crying. She'arent out to 'see what was the matter with the baby. She' asked Johnny what the trouble was. 'He said pr.olvilty dirty 11Y...bit him On the heed, and I killed it with my, shovel." , ,Rinerd's Liniment Co., Eiinited.. caltet,-e hays use& your Titirwar4's IA111. •tnent in my family, and alse, in my stablea ,lor 3,ca?.,8 • and eon,ido 1ttha hostmeals • eino, obtainable., ' •' Yourcr truir, • AlditRIDD 'Proprietor Itorten• POncl. Hotel. toad. Livery wets simplMa coestion of vete eacity between_ us," gaid 1,he eldest ;enhiveitane. "Hosaid I wase a, lia,r, and I said he wile one." "lierneh rejoined the viliego p tin aS ter. "That's the first time I ever Intard eit,her of yet telling the truth," From Great -Lakes • To the Rockies WOMEN SING THE PRAISES OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Saskatchewan.Lady Adds Her Test- imony To What Has Already Been Said of the Great Week • Doda's Kidney Pills Are Being. Caesarville, Sask., June 2—(Spe- cia1.—The scarcity of female (help • in a new country subjeate the wo- men Of the' prairies to ninusual strain, and careful oesemettion has established the fact that this strain first makes itself felt in the kid- -name: For this retia e Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are making an enviable repetation irom the Great Lakes to the- foothills of ole Rockies. Everywhere you will feat women singing the' praises of the great Canadian kidney remedy that has banished their peens and weariness, and• brought them back le health. Among the many is Mrs. Edgar Cowen, an estimable lady of this place. - "I have found Dodd's Kidney Pills very beneficial," Mrs. Cowen states. "If, anything .I ean „say -will help any sufferer I san glad to add my testimonial to what has already been said." se The kidneys strain -all the refuse material out of the bleed. If they are out of order this refuse remains in the blood, and becomes poison. That's why sound kidneys mean pure blood and good health, Dodd' s Kidney Pillmake sound kidneys. ESKIMO'S BRAINS IN SIDedACII Say Dogs Can be Satisfied, But Peet& Can Always Eat. Awe/ding to Kited &tamest -en, the explorer and authority on peter lands, the Eskimo does not. blink as other races do. He. does reit Count the _hours, days or years and keeps no record on time. All his thoughts are centeed or: hunting and beyond the need of sufficient food and clothing for himself and family, he has no care. Mr. Rearanesen relates a number of interestieg:Coniarsations which he has had with various Eskimos, conclusively their indifference and tiefatelity for any thoughtful reflec- at i loln owhieh go toward . f , poin, ting out • "Once," he is quoted in an change as saying, "I asked an Es - kiln° who seined to be ;plunged in reflection, "What are yot thinkin about l'e We laughed at my question and said:, "Oh, it is only you white men who go in for thinking. .Up here we think only of our flesh pits and whether we have enoegh for the loregaderk winter. If we have meat mieKeli why 'should be think V' Eating s,eeitis ,to be the, all impok- ',Lane thing beyond the 'task of pro- viding it. Once when Mr. Ras_ naussen excused himself, after pay- ing a visit, with the plea that he had already eaten enough, he wits laughed at and the ansevei he re- ceived was: s "Dogs can be stuffed till they are satisfied and can eat no niore; but • peoples -people can always eat." MEIdORY IMPROVED. Since 'Leaving Off Tea and Coffee. Many persons suffer from poor memory who never suseect tea and coffee have anything te do with it. The dreg—caffeine—in tea and • coffee, acne injuriously on the nerves and heart, causing imper- fect circulation, too mach blood in the 'braimat -one time, too little in another, pare. This often causes a duliness which makes a good mem- ory neatly impossible. "I tun nearly 70 years old and did not know that coffee was the cause of the stomach and heart teoubee I suffered from for many years, until about four years ago," writesea Western woman. "A kind neighbor inclueed me to quit coffee and try Posterns. I had been suffering severely end was greatly reduced in flesh. After us- ing Poseum a little while I found myself improving. My heart beaks became regular and now. I seldom ever notice any sympterna of my old eboreach trouble at ale. My; nerves are eteady and my memory deaidedly better than while I was using _coffee. , "I like the taste of Postern fully as well as coffee." Nanie given by Ottesedian Postern Co., Windsor, OntaWrite for book- let, "The Road to Weliville." Posteen comes in lev,o forms. Regular (must be, belied). Instant Poetum doesn't' require boiling but is preparedlnstantiyby _ , _ , , e stirring * Levee asespoonful in an ordinary cup, cd lint water, which makes it eight for most persons. A big cite requires more and some people -who like, strong things put in a heaping spoon el and tem- per it with a large supply of cream. Experiment until you know the amount that pleases your palette aside:lave it served that way int the fettire, • • • "There's a Reason" fer Postern The Surpriser Surprised. • A wealthy landowner 1 England, affeeted -wish the craze for Japau- ese \ gardening, invited the japan.- eee menteseader to lencheon, saye the Bristol Times and Mirror, and a,fterward showedhim round the garden;s end greenhouses, keeping 'the ea,paaese garden till tea late ae a delightful eurprisee When, afeert ad/tieing the limatity of. ell the, oelier gardene, tele am - *seder was at lael, taken to the imitation Of tee garden,/ of hie, own flowery land, ho held tie his hands in ennuis/halal delight. "Ah," he cc:el:Mined entie is wonderful I We lave nettling like this in Jetp_ati I" PIMPLES ON FACE •,A11111S.-A1111 LEGS Scratched 'So..Made Sore.' Trouble Grein,Worse All the Time. A Cake of'Outioura , Soap and.'a - Box of .Cutioura Ointment Com- ' pletelitured. Ville Toilette, Oto,—"MYAlittle girl, aged four years, had; so many pinapleS on her face, arms and logs that .5 01 1108 know ,vlsI to do. ,They lasted • 'far a year. Elgo corn- meneed to scratch and this made.pimples, clear, not led. BIM scratched lo much that the blood ran and it made a, red sore,, Tho soma were ?terse on her 'arms and legs and en her face, and they were ugly looldng with the blood; I wes told what to do to stop her suffering, and I used.the treatment but other,pimples came out all the time. / fried eU sorta of, remedies but the trouble' grew - 'wore° all the time. it was alWaye the earee story, until .1 used Outieura Soap and Oint. ment, -I began to apply the Cuticura Cnet- =Lent ou her, able het water,tand.outicura Soap. Inanotitately 5 began to see that they were <luring 'her; and after halting used a cake of °admire. Seep and a beg of Cuticura Ointment oho wee .completely cured. She has just as One it *Mae before, "Myansiband also used Outicura Oho. Meat for criteice 1 lils hangs. After three applications Of th'e cuticula oiniment Was dompletelyeured.". (Signed) lyIrs. Alfred Eiorrler, Jan. IA, IQ/ 2. Cuticura Soap and Outicura Ointment are sold byAruggiots and dealers everywhere, Por it liberal free sample ofeneh, with bookreendpost card to Potter Drug as 9here. Corp.. Dein', 3311. Doetmi, 3r. 8. A- 11010 IS LOUDER THAN SOUND Experiments Were Made From a • Balloon. To most persons it would seem impossible for an echo to be louder than the sound that produced the echo, but under certain rather pe- culiar conditions this is :pettily true. When a revolver is fired from a balkon the report is sharp, but not so loud, explains a writer in Har - per's Weekly, as it would be if the gun were fired on the sureace of the earth., If the balloon is up something like 2,000 feet or higher there will be a few seconds' silence after the reyolven idiot and then a roar or deep rumble will riseeup from the earth. . If an explosive is lowered frorn the basket of the belloort until it is discharged with an electric, spark !rem a battery in the hands of one bf the aeronauts, there will tome 'to the ears of those above a report like a revolver shot and then a few second e of silence, followed by a peal of the Loudest thunder eaer hoard. n• • There • is rim solid background about or above the balloonists to produce a rebound ef the at/I-tee- pee* esounclewave and the air is more dense below. Thus, when the sound -waves penetrate :the den- ser kwer street of air and then the solid earth the echo produced SeeMS Pft the ears of the occupants of the balloon far louder than the original sound. Unanimous. "I have taken a oh," said 'the •plain young woman, "as a wheel- -teacher." At this her chum cried: "What I Teach school! Why, -I'd rather marry a soft, fat, baldhead- ed widower with eight • children -than teach sehooll' 'The plifin young woman sighed, "Ah , she said, "so would I." 50,000 MEN WANED Before next month tido number are wanted to step 'bp and have their corns removed with Putuatn's Corn Extractor- Pobilase-Sitfo-zsUre. Hoe only "Put. nomrs," ies the 'beet, 25o.. at au dealers. It, is easy to preach -virtue, but far more difficult, t,o teach it by practice and example. ' Flinartil Liniment Cures Colds, • Eta The Sensation. Miss Gibsoe was very riA and Mr. Hanna was very poor. • §he liked him, but that was .ali, and he was well aware of the feet. One evening he grew somewhat tender and at last he said: "You are very • rich, aren't you, Helen ?" "Yes, Tom," replied the girl frank- ly; "I am"worth about two million "°'Will you marry me, Helen ?" "Oh, no, Tom, I couldn't." "I knew you wouldn't." "Then why did you ask me ?" "Oh, I just wanted to see how a man feels when he loses two millions." Good manageinent contributes more to our eomfort than great 'possessi'ons. „ fillnard's LIntment `Cures Distemper: was Broad Enough. - 'Why has 3 -our wife decided' to give up the Ettropeen enip 'she was conternpla,ting 7'. - "She happened to hear some- body say thee travel broadened Elea 7. Ile Dr. Morse's Indian Itoot Pills are made according to a formula in use nearly a century ago among the Indians, and learned from thent by Dr. Morse. Though repeated at- • tempts have been made, by physe dans and chemists, It has been found impossible to improve the fortriula or the pills. Dr. Morseet Indian Root • Pills area household remedy through- out the world for Constipation and all Kidney and Liver troubles, They ect promptly, and effectively, and to Cleanse -the SVotes ' FARMS .SOR SALE. G. W. DAWSON, Ninefy, Colborne Street, Torohlo. IT REIT, STOOK, GRAIN AND DAIRY Panne in all seetione ei Ontario.' Some, snaps. FAZTY SITES, WITH 'oft WiT)IOTIT Ilremptou alL otliTr'iTogsvens FTet niVt' ?cts°,d ESIDEINTIAL , PROPERTIJOS IN • Braznpion ,r,nd (loxen other tocvnl. N• OAWSON, Colborne St., Taranto ' 01 ACRES 'IN f/A111T3TOtT COAINTY, ,sandy lawn, framb house, good outbuildings, 8 Miles to Alvinsteu mnr. he,, will exehange ,for city, totsin or rit, lagn rro(tirtY or ernaller lam. The Weer f?,rn Real 21oL11:0 Jiae)a,,go, London, Ont. :MALE NPLP WAN'tSD; • T ONCE-211EN , It:ANTED:. LBARN I-5. Barber Trade; .girent denim/nit good wager: tWonty to thirty, ' advertised far eanr in Toroote patters ,dont, One teach von In six to eight weeks. Send for Onto. logno. lltoler College, 221 Queen Enet, To. seemes AND S 7:''aPC tIllEt)FLOrtIlf gtflthIVS. g t16, (9' 1.,(113,41--ffD U.15 • DP I Ab,ntitn,ni,on1,v„SoenVtoon Conte. Marks Stem s ,,,,.,i‘ •tescretaisrotis. CAN EBB. Tfitl pits,' eusieet, (TO., intetzi 1 13 r 1 t ed with. eat vain bya " r beem:rt'rar 'tmuernt W .1+e tie before too Dr'. ttedieil Or.. f.huited. Collingwood, Out, "DISCO" PRI WILL START YOUR ENGINE SIX years of effort have produced 'a Primer • that will start your Car or Motor Boat • Engine at 06-ee,. without trouble 'or confusion. The "DISCO" is simple of operation and easy to install. Special Pric Use -the Coupon. Enclose $7 and the "Disco" Is on the wa to you. There are no parts to oil and take care of. It cannot get out of order or weal' out. THE "DISCO" puts a cherge of gas into each cylinder. This gas when ignited givep ft perfect explosion in each, cylinder. -Tee or twelve complete reoiutions of the engine result, which is sufficient tee start any engine • ender normal emeditions. It is guarantied for 60 dates again,.st defect in material and worktna,nehip. Put a "DISCO" PRIMER on your Engine and End Starting Troubles ePECIAL PR Compete wtth Ite-F0Ge 19F, 67 as Tank, et21 , RUSSELL -MOTOR CAR CO, Limited Accessories Department, WEST TORO TO Branches: ---TORONTO, MOIVTII HAMILTON, WINNIPEG, CA./.4ARY, V ANC.1017VIR, MELBOURNE, AUST. o RUSSELL. MOTOR CAR :CO., Limited WEST. T012,01'40 Enclose $7 for One ."DISOO,' 'ESKIMO CHILD NOT WHIPPED. ,Does as He Plefisea but is Gener- ally Obedient. The Eskinse child is the idol of the home end -est allowed to do as he pleases. He is says a writer in the Wide World Magazine, end his whims and wishes ere consulted with all the concert gieen an adult. In spite, of thiS ,indulgence the children are remark- ably obedient. ' Perhaps the pat- tierchal manner of living—father and mother aunts and uncles and grandmother -.tends to make -them 80, The weed of the elders Ls la,w anti tetter questioned. They have 'lived a long time, the Eskimos rea- son, and therefore epeak with the mutherity of exec/knee. All of this 'IS very nice in ole or- aliniery wallm of life, but rather ern - et arra ssin sometimein school work. ,Whert a And of four or five "play s trumet from shoo], and the et/siting teacher, eoreeladning to ole parent, is pevely toed to ask ole small deepot ifeit is his royal plea,sure th come to school or not the situation beeemee ludicreue. The ordy resoutee is to become a haired 'truant officer,or, bettee, to make your work ee intereseleg that the (children cannot stay aWay. eniee, FREE OF 1.111BARO' • eetlettlee He Took GI fl PILLS liar. 11. A., pites of Winnipeg writes: "I have been a sufferererometunbego for soulc Year:3 p881 Lsaet your Mr. Ilill and he advised nie to take GIN PILLS. 1 neve been taking them at, intervals during the early part of tire - present winter;and upecalete have had no return of my old trouble -1u fact I fcel better than I haye for year, and thOk that nay old enemy has vanished fer peed a /HI , 500, a box, 6 for $1.50. Sample freelf you Wri te National Drug and dfieruical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 138