HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-05, Page 5rfends ,and PC of the Rev. Mitchel ,gregati cortgrer Sattird Mrs. „ Arch.,- Ited 0*- Mr.E Canning ------- - ,hutl4 o fervor 't likely "Mr. by' the' ern pr ler uSe' partine Messr -onto a ealaed.. serious 13. (110 Miss ftom panted • Leeds, gutat d Mr. bas j James - a week: Mrs. Vancon summer, 'Mrs. S Seeger,- - the se 11r - has to stone las be which 1 13.oth SVingba Prine leaves' Aind veil of the proved ' Wirigha Dr. {law ..intends relative Mr. J from Isis lath Mr. with 'with hi positio Mrs. .ing tot preciati fountai local W preside A qui -day 05 'home his .da of Fre perous of Tur of 0119 rnoity. wishing ous ma Miss shank 1,7ersit Miss -few we Mr. I west o Mrs. dent, Fisher., .1t1r.J. to Ha residing Mr. a turned tal Rec.. last w attendi (armee Toront his fat The - oa the in- the . evening Iy enio fifty to Dr. house France Stone. Mr editor week he Into tare good par ture 13y a fast fo High s was ; Mrs, ited h McPlier days. Clare 'wart15 mother . Mr. recent' append for the fore tit Di. 13 fot To • delaye ants il Clinton News -Record .GOderich R, NV,' '1WeKeraie has been vis , .ionds at Elalmesville. ' , Jr. Leach , has returned from , te' Detroit. She ' attended -M• f.a. convention in el10- (ling on To Detroit later. . Wm. Green and a party , ol motored (iver _from, Detroit re Inc a few daas the guests lady's mother: , , Geo. E. Rosarand Mr. James i are rePreSe,nting. Knox con- xi_ at the -big preshyterian . . , s in Toronto, going down .an ty .i ' a • Mr. . IVIeGillivay and her sou, air. rieGillivry of 'Warta:Myer vis- . , _ town last weela . „ ' :amlink has proposed. to build a , factory , here if the, town will . lease of sufficient ground to ton- and the council seems to he ' proposal. ,. A ' vote will ie taker, tipim it.. shortly. 1. R.**.Eallews has been aSked Dominion- Governmenbato take weeks trip through the west- ,vinves to photograph, scene in the Mena -titre: of the . De- 11 6.I immitratioii. . . , . s.' B. and A. Cleinent of Tor_ id Shelby of Ner.tb Bay. were tome-116st: week owing tri•the - , ', illness, 'of their father, Rev., nett: • ,- .., , -, - : Fanny Blackstone- •retrirn, :ad, or,onto the other day acnoin- by ;-Miss !Jean &leen of England, whO.Wrill be hex,: tiring the - suminet. . ..F; ,Clarke of P.asettena, car, rin,ed rhis . wife who has be ee her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Breckenridge, and tvill' sPend ' or so in town. - , Q. A. sewn. no runny of ert 13.....0., are spending the : with Crowe Attorney ,. and jager in town. Rev. A, C. will join his family later in , . Win. 'Matthews 6f Dungannon vett into town. -. r M. Davis has bought. the ark On South street- and now 11, it and the "red barn" sakes a fine, livery property. • ' -Moth. Mrs- (Rev.) Farr spent. a few daYs with Durham,. frends recently. .Miss Annie Peart."'arnal t t f M . ,. n ,i, er o ' 1, and Mrs. Henry Plaetze'r was mar- ried last week to Mr. McLean ,of Morris. '. • ' ' . ' Mrs. Cordon Wright of _London will be in Blyth on 'Wednesday. next and will address a meeting of women., in the - Methodist chIrch in the after- noon and a public meeting in the Presbytericar church. in the 0.eni.n...g. -Mrs, Wright is,,Doininicar president of toile -W. C. T. tr. - ' • ,. • • Mr. John Leitch has purchased the ' tinsmithing im . 1,1 ty• ' , a una ing busmess from Mesars• Moore and "Son, who will continue in ' the hardware bust- 11668' -.__ . ... . 1EN ,WANI'Ell-TO, ATTE'ND THE . ., niaita,ny onto at London train June -lath to Satin '''facrod, Pay,- apply ao Lieut.,. Towne.. otinton ' '' FOR SALE AT A , LOW PRICE.- A.' .Ford Runabout in good c,ondia" tam- with good tire, Taken in ex,ehanie on a new car -Bert Lang- lord. ' - . -82. ...._,_ BELLEVIEW - F A R M ,D, AIRY. -' From our steak 01 On -it -class csaWs We are Prepared to ,suPitly you tvinice daily with the best oi milk, a‘cal cream; We Solicit a share' of . Iresiter_, 18S0. FARM FOR ALE -s -THE D .R slatted offers. for sale bia fine l'arm.... of 'about 130 notes adjoining the 'WWII of C'linton‘. The farm is ,ien .,:lalasgoo.gdootistabteuildoiingosu-abivriaclikionho'llasned,, etc -all comparatively new. A first bank, barn, driving bralse' Pig •IleatIlll; . . ., , POdelLeScAnILE'Orta°r8lonlsAtreeLtill'. ti.tir'tero- th • ual u ' 'ta eieetrie Hz' hts ,,:a viraTer- LQtatialviin, nr" plen-aini'-i,";:t.'n'nt-n-aa- and ,3"•ivreylaloiineel:itsrgoisioettitara.cirs,„ orajt,optyi3,-tro.., dy net . -agd. ' ',-. LR FOIt ' SALtr-r60: -PURE BRED i p , ' at la,', wh te Leghorns hens -A.p I aner,oia'r resia' one'', 'Nieto', ' -arar'' ' ' ' - , ' ENGINE jaort, SALE. -NEW GAS- Byo,u1r,Lita,trpollatigee.-12R5,iehard (aline engine, 11 horse .pota.er ' air cooled, splendid-. Inc ' light ' work, pumping etc. -M. G Itrinsford -82 ' ' ' ' . .. • . . . . FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 aND . part et Lot 39, Con: 9, Goderich , township, consisting. cd 107'. acres class yam. orchard •containdin kinds of fruit, also . small f5rults, The farIn is well fenced an we drained and is a very • desirable- 'home. For . further • particulars' apply en Premises or address John sualwai:c4,- 0 , ,, ' atm reperrIVIAK -114°0E813 RdEPAlft.aT' eney Inc 5fle,i:- ereenatinre":„LAa,isi°100„-- er Albert ' street. --74 ' , ' HOUSE TO RENT 011 FOR SALE. ania.r. story frame, image -with ' 6 .rooms; hard. and sort water. Small' --stable, -'e.saictureatof land with .fraist. tirees. ed on Etie street will be sold at a bargain. -Apply ' to Jacob Taylor. -84_4_ r , ..--,---r- WANTED' BY A. ' YOUNG • MAN bolding . responsible . pearrimi room, and board in a private famil . , Con- . -. . . genial surroundings.-AddressY Draw- er 21., Clinton P.Q. _ , -.----- all cleared and good tillable • land 4401 the eg0ePtion of'Ove acres .ca but.M. and ten acres of orchard con- taming apples, plums and cherries. Vertu in good condition being of good clay loarriovell fenced an' d having an abundance of excellent Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -63' ra, NATIONAL FERTILIZER THE -' .- Stallion Routes. -_— ' . GUINEA GOLD, Imp. Clydesdale. ., ,- . . . , , -Will leave his 'Darn stable, 4.0, West End, Tucker.smith, go -- best used by .farmers. r'Gave goo _ results last year and farmets are ordering again this year. Order , now, before it is all gone. Large or small quantitiea-Frank W Evana', i, Ont. Phmie 101, -4-69. ClintonMonday . FOIL SALE. -- S.EVEN-ROOMInD cottage on Felton street. Hard and mu water. Small fruit. 6 acre, of land. -Apply to Jacob .• • . • . -77-i-7. ' water. On the jiremises are two barns,. One agx30 with shed 25x10, ail on stone foundatioe. 'The oth- er barn is 50(30 with she,d 47s30 er 'lot and also a gravel houSe. Situated one mile from school a mile from Englislr church, 1 mile from Meth- , ' N 019T1I3C. EID-wBi nItgt I Ct.I0EFtihEie I ,pDr,e v JUNEmenice 2ion It . . , , , , a Rabies In the townships, of Tucker,. • small ' and , ' Stanley (pon2rmed 'by bacteriological exaMination. by air, Arnyot of Torontoa- Notice i4-hete- by. given that all dogs are to be securely. tied up' until further nOtice or destroyed at once. Further, all dogs- found running loose after tag- ficient notice being given are to ' be destroyed and the ownots held re- spOnSible. Sianed,-"Robert . Mae- Kay, Reeve of .Tuekersrnith, Win. Glen, Reeve of Stanley. ... ..,.. , ,. ., , Kipper' - • .- . A.naong 'tbe viOors who took ad- vaatage of the holiday .tie to, Spend a few days with . friends :hereabouts were noticed .the ..followint : . The Me00r!. 'Wakenson of Hairkesyille. and Detwieler Of Wallace visited at the inane or, postmaster Detweilet,_2, • Miss MeIvor ,of Ripley visited 'Miss I - . Mel is. . . , 'Miss. Anna , Diusdale . of Tort:lute' sPentea Pleasant few-dey's with. .110e. people here.e,', Miss . Dins.dale has 'Oa. ' .860(1.1Poe. ition with a -firm .of brokers in..tile Queen City- ., - ' Mr._ and Mts. D.K. Altos of Lanes are visiting at the . home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Johnston, and with other 1.riends On the Parr. I,Itie. . Mrs. (Rev.) R..11. Barnby of Lam- bet') and., . little daughter spent the holidaY with Ifer Par.ents; Mrs. Wm. .Ivison. • • ...- . . . • . Mr. Harvey Gault]; of Toronto Uni- varsity is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Ivi- 8914. , Mr, Cooner and her mother, MO. McGregor went up to Big* to visit the latter's sister: ' ... Mr. ...John Jones went to Wingliain • to visit friends. ' - ''• Mr. W. H. Johnston was in (-leder- isill on . Victoria Day attending a electing: of the executive of. the West Huron 'Teacher's Association. • The appeal in the case of the Me-' Beath". • drain award was heard lit Judge Doyle 'at Kippen. on. Saturday, the judge reserving judgetnetit This case arose outi of an unwillingness on the part of the farmers whose farms Were draiued into watelcourses run- ning through the McBeath farto m, a- • • bide by the decision of Engineer Rob - erts„ who allotted to each a certaitt portion of the ditch to. clean. Previ- ously Mr. McBeath had offered to • clean the.ditch if the interested parte ' es would contribute $80 towards • the work. The costs so far have far ex- ceeded that amount and the work is Atli to do. Inc Ma,eilrlo. sR4o.tnod ntuor'6%. r.tio'aadI/paien•dS Wdit to WM. 'Dale's for night. Tues. da"F-T° Ell'abam licit's°, Oliaton, by Thos. Churchill's' for _one hour, then by:1:k 0:0Hauirtownrtrt°:laili ar,nsa irgobril... , °onni 'iltto. , lAred°°°daY--.BY 1.1°1Tesv.111° fl•d Mait- land to Mr. Durst' -'or 0005, hy way - of Bethel corner and Beiuniller to Wilmot Hula's, litirOn Road, • 10.,r night. Thursday -West to Westlake's corner, south_ to Porter's Hill and . - Sterling McPhail's for noon, by' *ay of 7th .con. to John lif.. Stewart's for night. Friday -East to , Anders son's coreer, south to James Gra- ham's for neon, by. tveZ, of Beyfield Road. and London Road to Geo. B. Ilanley's for two hours, 5 to .7. P. in..., then to. his own stable where p . he will remain until the following Monday Morning. -Ce. W. Nott, own- et and manger. . . -. • GLENRAE. . Menday*-Leave his 'own stable, lot , con. 3, Hullett, o east 4.- mile 8 g . , north 21.; miles west 11 Miles to R.• -, ' •* Anderson s for nook, north to James Watts for night. Tuesday -East' 4 il north,t 13 di KI b ' f In 0, no . . ei. r y s or noon ,• west 1+ miles, sottth to . Rtissel Fear's . for night. Wednesday-e•West 11- miles, south to Mason's hotel, ' Myth, for 000n, south by • -way of • • *ell.. . • .so : . • : . • - : chnton.,Fleut . - . • why • tested,. : t� •, 8 Market.- :. '' Snow • Maple :*North - ii • W •• • . .4 ; • • a • „ • Ot 25 • held • • number ca._ : up-to-uate. •• give • 11 Are . not be le - . With. we , away, . • • • • *es.. seises • - 0 I. :... • • • OUR., • • you using The ..,* ?' If net, ; . fk. 9..' It has been • tried. and . proven.t the. 'Best on the • • • , . . . • , . , T., . Faute-:-.r.astrY.. : 'Leaf-:,-Fatail • Star—Man.Patent 2 h • Purity 4 ei .,,. ..,. • P.IVIII isoses 2 Royal Household • • * Cacti Purchase . • pounds of . House- • • have a limited • • , . of the newest • , , Cook Books • to 0 • • • • •• . FOR* SALE:- , VERY CHEAP leather' .1, top. ' phaeton. - J'al-tn7e0As. Tvri.tohnii.. - ' ' . a - ' edist church, 5 miles from Clinton 6 mule from Beyfield. Rural 'Tele: phone connection. Also,t , f I 1 ' par .° '° 36 'Telephone Reed' -.containing. 50 acres adjoining school and it miles from Clinton,•Clioit which. there are . . ' . , SOMETHING NEW ..--- THE ' lg. I • • • . , • • • ' proved Safety Sash. Lock. Allows the window to raise or tower to . eny height from ' an inch' es wiantart the aid'. of a stick or hook. ' Can be- attached to ani window. ' Mb' pea 'to -.--. F. Stank' no buildings but containing a small • .. . . swami) making it an excellent.. pas- ture farrd For further particulars - - apply on the premises or address - , - ' . :. Geo et'' Cooper Clinton Oat Phone ' ' ;- • ' ' '.71. .7 011 1:5''. _, . .AG-ENTS WANTED .- TO , sra.L. Western Property. On. COn:Pni0SIOn; Good proposition. 'Apply to • -J, H. Warburton, Room 50, Bank ' ot. Toronto Chambets, .1.orelom Ont. . - „, • ' ' particula'rs • apply- W. E, .ans Clinton Phone 101 76 -1--'' • - - ' .11° - - -- - . , - THE CORNER- STORE' , ' , • - • . ' * Live and Let. Live ' - . DR A F BROWN' OSTE07P.A. TRW _ • . . _ , Physician, 'Leedom will be at the elotei Novinanale, Glinton,' • each T d • ' ' t ' t: ties ay - evening. Appeal men 5 eaa be made lot treatineirt at. re- sidoices. • --St. TWO STORY HOUSE , --and-- . NEW :COI"): AGE --- . . For Sale , . Located side' by' side • . • . _ • • - Properties in- exeellent condition. Would lease from 7"" -. - , FINE APP[ES IrLici. o• . ' • They are still in for this week . at same price. Now is the .. . _ . _ .. , tune 1° buy "Ir‘re Vie,' 0 , higher.. CAKES - ' We have a large assortment of Christie's 'fancy cake.. NOTICE TO C'REDITORS. - XN the Eatate of Henry Wainright late cif the Village of Hayfield in init• t Her, , eo , e an the Co Y 4 oil, G tl al , deceased. Notice is hereby' given • , , • • - , • puts , George .buyer. uant to Statute 1 ' V ' 'Chap't'er 26, Section 56, that 'allThursday persons having claims against .the estate. of the said Henry Wain- right, who died on the 22nd da e . , , , ot, April 1913, are required to send ' by post prepaid or deliver to ' David McNaughton and Alfred E. Neftel, Hayfield. Post Office', execu- • tors f thelast Will and T t ' int °f the 'sald decieased, or 'tat; ..ell .0. h . , either of t em on or before the 10th d f j-tne 1913 full par t - . • • ay o t , . millers of , their clatina in, writing . A he securitr. if id the nature - f t ' ' nv held by' tient and -further 'a-- , , - ' . ' take notice that after the said last mentioned date the said executors ' well . distribute the assests of the mid deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the clainia of which.. they shall' - then have received nottee and that the said executorS will .not be lia- assests or an ble tor the, said . . . Y part thereof, to any person or per- whose claim notice shall sons of ' . . not. then have been received.. Dated- at C4oderich, the' 28th. day or. May' A. D. 1913.-eProutlfoa Have & K. , Solicitors _ , ...._x illora I, for Mid IS- a- cutout. -83-3. 13th to John' Phill1Ps for night. e- South by way of Londesbor. to R. -Carter's for noen, west via Sumnierhil to Jas C°Enisll's i°r night. Friday --South to the Graham House, Olin- ton, for noon, then to his own stable via 2nd con, to remain until Monday • •,. ; W. T O'NIE IL • • • r ' — -.— • .• . • "The Hub Grocery." •li: ; st • ' • • ' a • **** • • ••••••••••••••••• _ Winghant .. by laws voted on last Week in a carried by good majorities. ;pal Smith of the High - school it :the .e,nd - of the pgesent term I take a position as principal Ingersoll CA. Mr. Smith has himself a good citizen whom n is sincerely sorrrto lose. krthur Kew of Pittsburg,. Pa, ' ' spending , the summer with . • s in Winghant and vicinity. ' arnes.bdoKinley has, been home anuipeg owing to the illness of larence Blackall, who has heat the . Toronto .Electrie .Light for some time is visiting y , , ; parents prior to taking .e.: 1 in the west. ' A.. Ross who is shortly lear- t, n, was presented with- an ap- ve address arid a luiadsonte t pen by the inemibers, of the .,o...,ie. /J. of which rim, was it since it'rs organisation. , :et wedding took place Thule-. . 'ng last at 8 o'clook at the -ening f. Mr.- Henry Wheele : when ,ghter, Mary beearne the itride :crick Middleton Hogg, a pros- young farmer -et the Township herry. . Rev. 'C. E, Jeakins, iton, in. the absehce of Rev, . , . ,Croly, ,, Performed . the .cerc: Their malty. friends ' join in ' them a happy and, prosper-. Cried life. • . - - .• ... - a Olive and Gertie- Crack- ,re hoirie from the Toronto: Lin- for the long vacation.. ' . Hannah Wilson is spending a ars with 'Toronto..friends. tarry Hooper has gone to the I an extended trip.. - ' . Thos. Sinclair a former resi- is the guest of ,Pestanaster , W. K: VanNernain hens gone ' 'Mote, Man., where. he intends -- tut Mrs. J. A. Kelly have re- Irons tne west- add Mr a 'airy :e charge of .his neither' e Lunt G. view,: ilmht.,ir rew„„nn ek after spenill.n.g. a fottniglit ig the Baptist Pastors' Con- In Toronto. . ierey Kerr hes ieturaed I! om , and 'will be connected . with see in business here. • heir of St. Paul's church put PlaY, "Alice in 'Wonderland" opera house ' on. a couple ...of ' . . 1 last week and it Was great- yed.' about one hundred and olt part in it. W. J. Moon -has bought tlie 11 the corner v.rf Patrick and streets from Mr. C. G. Van- - 'rhea Hall, tot fifteen yenta of the Advance. l'eft, Ole or Pacadena, Cal., -where nds ' to make his hotme iu fa- Mr. Hell ane -family have been ' itizetis Of town and then: de- is lunch regretted. • score of 3-1 Woodstock flap- Abell team' defea,ted Wingham cbool for the Hough Cup. It. e -,00d game and welr contest- _ , _ F J Hill • • 9 Clinton'. - Phone 77. • - . . SPECIALS FOR SAT- . ' URDAY. ' . - . • • , RAT-, FOR ' SALE -COTTAGE ON tenbu. ry street. ' Electrio light, te A ' STRAWBERRIES, 'LETTUCE GREEN ONIONS, • RADISH, RHUBARB. inotning.-al. P. Fisher, Groom; T. McMichael "& Son, owners.— • , , ---- , LORD RONALD. • Monday - Will leave - his own u e stable, Lot 3, Con, 3 11 11 tt ' ' lEm.ENT a waterWorks pl , e e-- P y on premis- as, or to T. T. Murphy, Clinton. -75, ---- ' Highest Market price for Produce. , a and proceed west 4 mile then north through Constance to James Dale's for noon, then north to Robert Watts' for night. Tuesday -Will proceed north 2 tullesthe west to George Bowes' for noon, then notth. through Blyth to loted Toll's for night. Wednesday -Will proceed west 24 mites, then south to Peter, Wel- • tl t 1 i tailes per's or noon, lee -wes , m es outh to William . Pattersouls for night. 'Thursday -Will proceed . west WE HA `IP r "L` ' - }IAV12 IN S °Cis, A, CARLOAD OF . THE BEST ' NA.TIONAJ, P 0 R T I. A N I) , CEMENT.. PHONE OR- DERS OR CALL ON . • H JO N HUTTON ". • . . 9 Londesboro.s. , - • ____ WINDSTORIVI INSURANCE. -. THE Canada Insuratiee Co. veill ' insure A CALL SOLICITED. all buildings • against damage done by . d a rates, ....:-.... windstorms Mo et 'te . no -premuin note.: -Charles B. Bale,- E ' District Agent.. Clinton. --71. r ,, Iltr ' NNIFORD . . LIVE AND LET. LIVE GROCER. 'f - , THE GRE'AT LONDON' SE1OWS. DIFFER FROM mum SI -101118. if-.----.. . . . There' are many 'ways in. which the , Great London Consolidated ShOws Miter from Other eireuees aud a elstt to this monster tented ent-er- Prise when it comes , to .01intott on Tuesday, June 10th. will ,eause people who, have• been 'complaining that all the shows were alike to atialify this by adding "exCepting the London Show." • • - The union of two large; circuses re- sembles other tented enterprisese 'In- asin,ueli as- the peiformanee is given under a tent. When a comes to the, circus .acts themselves it "differa. widely !reina. other inatittitiotra' which are heralded as ."great" shoWs. The ineaagerie, is More .than twine as large' as, -that-, carried by other • ctrcuses. The only:Mandrill la- capti- vitY . 10 111 this: department. The only. hybrid lion -tiger, with the ..lion's stripes on. the tiger's skin, is _anoth- er rare feature, , A 'grand street parade is given in every city visited- 'And the turn -out of the Dublin International Prise Winning, Champions is the biggest feature offered with any circus of the Preseil•b• • ,- . . . nousv: AND LOT FOR SALE. - • Orie of the hest locations in town corner Princes.s and Willie& streeti. House contains 7.. rooms on ground ,floor, second • floor not finished.- -Hard and soft , water. } acre land, frriit trees, etc.- For further particulars apply to ID, S. -Cluff. ' -e9. . . W ANTED to Base Line, then south to Summer - hill, west to Henry Snyder's for noon,. then south along eon. 16 to David Lindsay'a, . Tinton Rod -for. night.. Eriday-Will voiced west Co!- 14 miles then 'Muth to Robt, Col - ' for noota, then east through Clinton to John 'Noble's, Stapletom 1 . . - cfol:uglinE:ght Saturday Will proceed east to Robert Henderson's tot noon then north to hi own stalale where he will ten -Lain until the following Monday mornieg. . 13 diR ONE V ' . k .. . . ' . B01.14 unable, owing to press of ' ' other work- this year, to go on the road the undersigned.will keep his stallion Bar One • V. in his own' stable on the Gravel - Roadct - mile north of Olinton, and will be' pleased . to see all . old, and many new CUs-. Charges 910.-D. Reynolde, Proprietor. : - . ays .of .,.' _ a Wateli , . , , .. - The ways ot a watch are past find- Mg out, Don't try. ' If your' wateh• Is lazy and wont run, let us' repair it for •you.. Tete to one you neglect - ed it. -let it get . dirty,or it stops - from lack of oil. Whatever is the eason, don't. delay; • Delay -costs money and often s»oils the watah. Wegtve tborough examination aad. regulating free, anything more costs as little at satihfactory Work cart, be done for. , ;' a - . • a .• S tabs For S le • ' 'P , - . , ..-......, 'HARDWOOD SLABS, It INCHES LONG Tor ar FOR :SLIMMER 'USE: • ' ALSO 12- fNCII BODY WOOD.. - ., FLOUR AND FEED . , ' . . .,. . . 7-"--- ....,--- . • . - 15,000 deserts of strietty non-fer- I HANDLE THE' , HEST toe • ' new -laid egg% wanted each •e GRADES 'OF FLOUR' AND - * e'll. commencieg - June 9th . • ALL KINDS OF CHICKEN' ' • . FEED. CALL AND 'GET ' U. -usual during the Hot- Weather THE LATE'ST IMPROVED months . we are prepared to pay n - SEED CORN. premiuto tor . gilt-edged quality ' eggs. Male birds should not be allowed 1 Saw 1111118 Stapeton ,E. - _ with the flock ' after June 1st, A. - .Matheson-tomers. — ' PHONE.: 192, alroilers wanted at; top Flees, - — ,sna d Beans. bee . ,41,,,,i--iff J .., \. _40 aaA,INI /if — A. J. GEZIGG JEWELLER AND -OPTICIAN. SSUER, MARRIAGE LICIENSES, ..- ----THE— . ' fiEsTAIJRANT ' - Four good -horses waated for Mon- treat weight from 1850 8o1450 lbs. - • ---- - ' .. .. . GUNN I ANGL . ., ., . OIS • CO *The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. • r W. - • N. ti . I retvartha, Wm. Jenkins, , Do not .slaw beann of indifferent , quality beeatise they ILVE1 IOW in price. We have it limited quentity of thoice White Pea Beans. Ilese are good, her cheek passessing high ger- initiating power end great vitolii,y. Seed earn of bothi.Dent and Flint yaliCtle6 61 intia• ' , - -----. THE L. SUITTER, GO, , PHONEr fit TH E ELE VATOR. Marriage, a , " WILTSE-McM1v1:1AEL,. as At the re. . sidence of the brides parents . in • Mullett on June 4tla hy Rev, A. le B k • ar, er, Polly, M„' eecond daUghter of Mr, and Mrs, ' Ttos . memiebael Sr., th Milton R. Wiltse of the London Road, Tuck- ersmith ' . . • - ROCK-LAWSON - To Clinton on June 3rd, .' by the Rev, 0. E. 'Jenkins, _Ellen, daughter or- Mt aral Mrs, John Lawson, to -Harry Rock. - . lideLEANe-PLAETZER-,• At Biy tit, on May 21s8, by • Rev. Mr. Turn- , ,er, W. • I). McLean, of Morris township, to -Annie Pearl, dough- • - ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Plant:ter, Myth, .- , ' .- I1000--WHEELE,R-Ai ' the home of the, bride's. parentn, on May llst , by Rev. C. E. Jeakins, of - Clinton, :Fred M. Hogg, of Turnberry to Mary Wheeler,. daughter of Mr. . and Mrs. Henry 1-I'lieeierl of Wing- • ham. Deaths , , . . ., _ , Is EN NED, a -In Clinton on June sill • , i I). H. 'Kennedy, in 111;4 72nd, ‘,, ear, ' ' ARCHER -At Lucknow, on May 27111 - Job n Airchey, formerly of the Base Line, aged 87 ,years. a TAYLOR -Ire Clinton, ' on May 281,11, . Elizaheth Hall, relict of the late John Taylor, in her. Sard Near - .... • . .. POLLARD -At. Myth 0,11' May 26111 * ' Wnt. Poallard, formerly of Me- Killen township aged 72. years • • I. , " MARTEra-Ist Tuckersmith, - on May; 2881.1 , Ann Oke aged 47 , : Mary , 0' years and 26 days. , --n,eet D SVIDSON-I MeK111 ' t ' ' . ' ' , ., n op omelette), on May 26811, Thomas - aged - ,, . Davidson, OD yenta, la. months and 1.4 days ' ., R084INSON-1n McKillop township, ' ' ..,5 • 1, i e. 0 town .. on ,May '5 il rv't ' 1 R. - d „ • , Robinson, . arra' 56 ' , • ' d - year,s an a ... ....i.......1.......i airen . . . A, .-. (Pp.. , .1., A. ,. P1;1 . <pope ~4W POKING DOWN , TITE ,PHIMNEY . may Make it draw weln-andit may not. If you call us in when trouble occurs we'll hnow bow to fix the . matter. GALVANIZED. CHIMNEY TOP , to make may be ail that is needed ', jrour chimney draw petfectly. We'll pu.t., it on quickly and reasonably,. the same as we do all other kinds of tin and' metal work. HAWKINS , Phone' 53. HEATING. AND PLUMBING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. ' MAIL CONTRACT. Scaled tenders . addresscO to the Postmaster General; will be received . at Ottawa until noon, , on ,Friday, the. 4th July, 1913 for the conveyance of Hie OVIajesty's Mails on a proposed Cootract for four yeare.a.s many thnes as requited each Way,' 'between Clinton Post Office and Street Letter Boxes, Parcel Receptacles etc. front , the . pleasure of. the Postmaster Gen - eral. , .. Printed notices contaiming further • , imformation as to conditions of pro- bs C • . . : P ed., ontract may be seeit and. blank. ' forms of Tender may be o1 - .tained at the Post Office of Clinton. ' , G. C. ANDERSON, , , Super in teude,at . ' Post Office bepertment, Mail Sete vice Brandt; Ottawa 20th May., 1913., -83-3. a, 1. Owing to the coating into force House is -concerned c traplete . • • . ' • i. the.. i - • f f nr a . 1. . Iltis o ..11.t i. Optic it and, so ..at ans batsOUD abolition of the sale of intoxicating i' . ' ni tenor, w,e have deet ed to open op 0 -- restaurant . where" we will dispeuse . Soft Drinks and Ice (iream. . - If The patronage of the pliblic is respectfully solicited. ' - S. S. COOPER.- . , , , MA.NITOLIA IVI. , • i• L . ' FLOUR ' , . PDICESA --- ' - - 92.70. , SPECIAL EXCURSION , - . 'Under the Auspices • Ob . „ The Crescent Club . Stratford via Ooderich ,to Petit:bit and ROttt . . rn a r From StratEord Going ,-)i, June 10 7,_, a in, ' ' Return'""L•D"'lljune 10 . . 1.00 _ - , , ,. ; , •, ',,, , , ,,, Time °' . '''Pee'aS '0:ad' "aan l''''n Clinton 8.35 -a:m. 81.95: . . .....,A Day Trip on a Dayy. Dont , The ' "Greyhound" - is one - of the , . - meet seeworthy ane magnificently , .. , , .. . . equipped day steaniers ole the -Great Lakes. Plenty ef deck §Paee to en- • • . ' toy the lake and river breezes arld Wide plate glass -cabin windows un- obstructed through 'which to view the scenery. This s•beanier is especi-- ally adapted for excursion beninesr - ' ' ' front the capanious .dioing saloaa on the: main (leek to the ' broad; j.,„,,, ialtri0111C deck,'' - ' • . r . ' The '.Trip of -Trips " whichr v 1 ' America's ii icturesqee Venice, the charms of the St Clair Fiver, ii. Ste,5t. e --. . . .., a d all , .. day Wednesday, anti tin ta noon , T erste ,v • . • • •t- - • e • h ' 1. in Detroit,, during Mut, n nia, nes, Ina . • A 'for sight-. , ' ' ' '' . ' ' '' *(e' ' . se(' mg and. visiting,- par ticularly for thestres lel-Sure . . a • d • • •• . • ' - - ' , , 1) .-- . 1 esoi 4. an tie.. hip; aepartiment stores, ,. ria , .GODERICII To oryraorr ' ROUND TRTP, 91.60 ,., , . ' WHITE, STAR ITNE " FAMILY FLOUR $2,50. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY sysTE. rAsTaY FLOUR $2.50. - _ .GRAHAm FLtaUft. $3.50. BREAKFAST FOOD 93.00.THOS.' FIOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS --: ' rEED ' WIlleAT 7.5e per bushel. '- ' . „ To •Manitoba, Saskatehewan, WESTERN OATS 45a per bushel, - Alberta SHORTS 81.23. a ' ' ' '1 le Each Tuesday ruatil October 28, in- /1.RAN 9 . , . , elusive Via Chicago or rrrarnia — . . - iVinniPefi end' Rei\ -1/n. 635.00 FLOUR EXCHA.NGED FOR Edmonton' Return - 0 843 00 - - and - - . • ' ' WHEAT TO FARMERS., vropertionats low rates to other -. • - . 0 rt Roofing — STEEL ROOFING, ,,,, CORRUGATED IRON. ' ASBESTOS FIRE PRt)OF REGAL. ' — Call on phone for Our prices. . BYAM 81 SUTTER . - . I ' COLLEGE- . A T - 11 0 M E -Thousands et ambitious ioune people. mrit fast prepuring SI their owh horaes wee:cues, I uoreiive positions as sten0R- ' authors, bookkeepers, teieemphete, • CISTS ElertrallSi, Si SIRIt overy ashore or• . Buelneen Aetivities. You may finish an if you SO CYSill. 'POSSSI1113 MIRA,.• anteee. Dater college nue hey. Melte iduat instruction, Expert tenchO64 - - . , . ., .. ,Thirty yew experience. largest traiu4, On in Canada. Seven colleges. Special' ' reverse Inc teachers. Affiliated with Commercial &Luca,' , roA,t Asseoiation of ballade,. 'Auramor' school ,at famous Spotten Busihess College, London. ' . CLINTON BUSINESS COLLECE 000. BrOltION ' a. lt, Wane President° thin I 81 . a 0 . 7 , , Hensall ..,... , . , W. Robinson of Famile, VO., , __., . r parents, Mr. anti 141.1. .a. son, last week ion a few , .t $ n ilaetn ibe of the, C °rent 'arm staff, Guelph, visited his ' in town recently.comae, ,t, Oudmore of. Guelph, Who un de re:en t an aaperation fot eiti.S is at his. parental borne a ' , present gaiting strength be- • . suming, his duties.' • ;allarY eXPOO09a. l. - leave oiiro, thoir goier.,l4aying, 'been. , seyeral month:Sr:by the seta . .. 1)6h:its. Return limit two II -mettle,. . a T trough Pullman Toutist Sleeping Ar carload O1, good feed %rlIcat 0 ' carsre oparatod to VVnininez With- ' hand. ,.° i. , „„,, ed,,,,„„,„ . „,--„,, ' . ., ot.-1- ' change ''' '''''''b' "'" '''''. . . . , , „, , , Paw leaving Toronto -1_1.0v p.m. I on 1 dt . , Leave your or ers a the Mill of- . above datee, • , lice. .Delivery made to any part . of . :. ,. Tickets are also vtn. Sarum mut or • ' '- ... . e town. ' - NOrthern N ea. t' C' - a ,,toa kon . .on1PanY• Full Parbetilfirs and teservations ' ...., , . , , . . GIVE US A TRIAL. from .0tand Trunk, Agents, or write C. E. orning, D. IrA., tJnihn Sta- --• , tion ' Toronto Ont. ' ,r,r,r ..,,trr „,..,,,,, Jobe tiansforil & Son ; Town Agouti), junfi snuENHALs 'Phone 57. A: D. 'Patti:ton Station A.- ' ' ''' - ' , 7 - 7 cry. wont, is. t. . ver.„ eat. 4101 1, ion e ulclltou er. ary um ers z