HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-05, Page 4• Maammasearromminarrourimmoormaar Clinton News -Record June 51h, 1913' Batjafield irbe inail 00,1: erti, Messrs, J. Two 0130111 101111 elivery routes Stoclilart and 'A. Currie pass, d tar tied out from llayfield. on NIOn., through here each flay this week on day , -No. 1 iunn 33 up the d Lh C011. theAr (lib:trent routes, the former on across the t'ut Line, down the 1131 No. 2, N. W latter No. 3, S. aifd back '1,c) 113ay13013; No. 2 .going W. iron) Clinton. .„ along tlie. 1,ires 10 iili 7th 11.1r. fl'eo. Holland has soWed lus con,, 'up the Cut .Lino and down the corn the second time, 'the. firSt sow- Sth and back to tlie place of start - 131.3 coming up. ing. A great. nseny pedple are he- oronto irig served bythese two routes and this wod, visiting hor. datkoiter,. the farmers will find it a great con - Mrs, 1" 331'• ie121ford. s svonionee, specially during tthe busy Mr, and rs.Lewis Tebbutt 8eas011Mr' T. Ilarr's 11 has the 11end1rgthownsnt.onoichoimeontrapL for No. 2, Mr. Weton yrnds now n session in Toronto'icing the e°urie0: 180, 'Th3 , or1o1w rout s are bein established as speed - in ily as possible and no dotibt before It. attenc.ling the contererrx, Mr, N. W..Treviartha is the lay dele- 1110 sn111me0 wane'i thor" wili Le gate from Holniesyille circuit. many 111011? ill good running order in the surrounding district. 'Messrs. G. Mair and, H aq. ton have finished striniing the tele- ' Good Morning 11.1.0 You -n News- , phone wires to 'Clinton to divide .the Rnnor'l. subscribe): existing circuits, which were becom- ' Mr. Roy Mew, a very bright and ing so overloaded that 1,1113Y were ,jot Clever young student oE Huron Col - working satisfactorilY• The new 'ar7 lege, has been appointed an asSistant • rangernent should add much to their to the Rev. II. Condell of Day - efficiency. ! field for- the summer months and to - Mr. C'orner, who recently arrived gether they will so- n open services with his family from England, is at , the Union church on the Sauble • about to move into Mr. P. Potter's Line. The first serVice for the 'sea - 1 house. , son will be held, on Sunday evening Mr. Alt. Jervis is moving Mto the next, Commencing at half past seven. t'antelon house which he recently They. will be very bright and hearty .purchased . with the. farm. services and all are cordially invited. The Old,, Boys' Reunion .is ta'fing to attend. They will' be eont'inied der - shape rapidly,• the 'prize list ,cin g Mg the Summer' months, - praCtically complete. •9ne thousand'. Mr. Roy Mew will preach at Ray- invita.1-ions beautifully...printed are be- field, Goshen and Varna next Sunday 1313 distributed through the township all whp 'can join us are cordially in- . and,. will he mailed to absentees.- vited, 'Services will be 0031300131(1 211 The program committee have had, the usual hours, definite word from several public men. Mr. James .Voting, paStor Of flu Thc children of the township, 311 the Methodisk church, is attending cfm-, school children are invited, will par- Terence in --London this week. , ada, 'headed by the band, from the Mrs. J. Worsen, formerly Misa Ida cowlie, left this week for Sask- atchewan. to join 'her husband. ' Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ferguson arid, family of 'Sea.forl 11 spent a few days during the past week iit the village.. 'Rev. _Dr. Tohnie of ' Windsor join- ed- his family at their -summer cot- tage, "T11.. Sh'tigle Shacks," on the Terrace, ' Dr. Metcalf or Detroit spent a fliW. days witli_his family at their sum- mer residence in the .village during the past week. They left an Satur- day tor neeroit and will return again in the course of a few' weeks. Mr. .Fraak Glass and wife of De- troit' spent a few days. at their sunimer cottage during the. past week. The Nei -Vs -Record specializes on villa,ge to the grounds in the morn- ing aini will boon the afternoon's pro- gram With a patriotic song. There will- also be a, calithinupian parade in the morning. The boyit are already polishing up their horses for the best single turnout contest and the .girls are practising in! the back 1111108 to compete as best lady 'driver. There will be lacrosse and baseball matches, races, ete. Among the later being • Fat Woolen's and Old Boys' rases, and a. tug-of-war between " township stalwarts. . The ladies have already. planned good things Inc dinner, an ex- esellent hill & fare at a moderate price. The churches arc arranging for' Old Boys' Sunday" On Juno 29,01, when • former residents of the toWnhhip will occupy the. pulpits. The Methodist Town and Township News and there- ehurch is planning to have three camp fore, excels in both. services in the grove on that day. CM Monday evening, June 130th, a re- ception will- be hold at • Holmesville, when reminiscences by old boys will !be the topic. The demonstration_ _ Mr. J. (4. Moser of Waterloo visit- -mil be held on Tuesday, Jtily lst. ed his. daughter, Mrs. Frank Carr, Mr, W. 11. Lobb, one or the most recently. • up-to-date and progressive farmers on Mr. Wm. Logan has purchased a the ititis con. has jlt8t SOIll 10 the line .five passenger car, . Gunn, banglots C'o, a very tine ear- Mr. and Mrs, Thunms of Waterloo siege horse for which he received a were the guests, of their 0011 here • handsome figure. last week for a tow days. Bluth 1 INITE.1.1.SFIRY Dimss.ir 1 ‘ are the ous • • eral splendid shapedtin • judge by tional lieu D AND PiroicE No. 78 - TO &JUNO, WEAR st - ...N. ,,, Couch & CO. Milliti. eryar 3489. Ws put.on sale all our, $:i 00 and $1.0O -.hats. These all, new this season and are ail good styles. As millinery season is drawing, to a close we are -anxi- to clear these-before'our milliners leave. Take your choice Saturday up --to $6,00 for $3.9S. „ . Saturday Sale of - Kitchen Aprons 50 cents. Ten dozen overall and gen- purpose aprons tnade of quality percale and to fit the figure don't these before seeing them the price as they are excep- yalue, only $,50. BLACK PAILETTE SI LK . . $.7.9. We put on 'sale Sat nrclaY '75 Y'rds of Pail ette Silk, with a good ,.. • . • , • finish 3 62' 6 inches wide legular $1 value ` .1 Cool Well Made Garments Cost Small Sums ,at This Store. The coolest prettiest kinds of wash frock and dress,. es bear very attractive prices in our Rear'..y.to-VVear de- partment are just as carefully made as cloth clothing out of Embroidery ,and _Linen Material ot dependable quality dresses for moi fling, afternoon and evening wear. Prices range from $5.00 up to $20 00, Cloth Skirts at less than One half Price. Just one dozen last season gc.irts at $2.25. These are made of serge and panatna. Would make a good • Scuff' Skit, Regular $5 00 and $.60 for $2.25. coderich Townahl,P itIi:. 110111. Chid ot the Ilayffeld Line is renovating the interior of the house 3111 02(1)3 'that 'of his father, What is the inference ? Miss Alvilie Cooper [1211 30111 to. Witigham to Ca'.:e• a 0011(131101 train. ing in the hospital111.1110 - dr. .1.kciam Scotthas treated the eiterior of, his houem to a coat 'of Mr. Isaac Rathwell disr.oSed of his driver 1,0 Mr, Labe. ,Mr. Arthur Cuirie has started ' OR his daily ' trips as courier 01 the rtt- sal mail ,on route No, 6 trora Clin- ton. We wish hint success. 'else Misses Cole and Ific.cs contri- buted to the musical part of the-pro- grarn given by the district Women,'s institute in Clinton on Thursday ternoon last,. Mr, Randle Cole, a former (lode-- rich... township boy; now ot New Westininister, B. C., has been climb- ing in 'his chosen calling, having re- cently. been appointed foreman of a large machine shop, fox which: he is receiving; a substantial salary. Mr. J. Percy Cole, has just recently 'purchased the sixty -five -acre farm be- longing to his father-iii-la,w, Mr. C. Holland, on the 16th, and while he- practically' takes possession now; he 'will not mover -to- the place anti! the autumn, when it is likely Mr.. Holland will move to Craton. The farm is one. of the best in the town." ship .and ceder Mr. Cole's energetic management will 110 dotsbt prove a paying investment. The price raid was in the neighborhood yf four thousand chillars but is ',considered good value. Mr. Holland trill re- I tire from farming and devote him— self in future entirely -14•ic11thing, which 'taken together with farming , was becoming too strenuous. A very pleasant evening was Spent ! at 'tlati ho;sle of, Miss stisnie Cooper I on Tuesday evening of last week , when a number of lier young ' friends gathered tO while awaY. an brim. or' two in social enjoyment with her ' prior to her departure for Wingham I hospital, where she intends, entering as a nurse:in-training, .and to extend best wishes for her succesS 011 her chosen calling. During the . even'tig Miss- 'Cooper' was aux- . prised. by a gift donated iv the ' young people. present, Miss Peddles ' reading -a suitable, address and Miss Flossie Cole presenting' 'Her with an I ebony toilet and manicure set. Fol- lowing is the address : . Miss Annie Cooper ;—We, yotir friends and accruainteneeS of this vic- inity„ take the opportunity of ex- pressing our affection and kindest regards' to you at 'this time. As you are about to leave the ' neigh- borhood to take other. work, .we reef it our duty to extend to you our heartiest best wishes. UV hope and trust that the new sphere in life upon which you are about • to enter will prcive to be a work. which you syill•delighii.' in and in cense- quenee you will' make,' it a. decided 511000138, We feel sure you are pre- pared to take, hold of your 11CW vocation with a svilling and devoted heart and With the one desire '-to make the best out of it, , not merely eating for 111e siek thinking of a material reward but this ideal before you always, "It is nay duty , to 'do, SO" and. feel that Cod will render' the reward, We ask you to accept this slight ..toktir as a situple indic- ation Of the_ attaehment which each one of up .haVe for you. • Hoping you will. carry with you the best wishes. of all : Signed on behalf of the comniunity : Flossie ;Cele, 'fi'My- the Peddis, ' , • The following! is the report 'for S. S. No..8, for the . month' of May Names in Order of merit : - Jr. 5th,—Willard Gray, 94r. Bert Findlay, 'Hattie Ostrom, Sadie Cook, Sr. 1th; a --Lola audie, Emma Connell, , 011ie Cole, Jr. 4,th, —Edythe Sterling. George Tons 'ludic'. Sr, .3rd,-13ruce ;Grigg, Charlie'. Cooper, Earl Cooper, Jean Cook, Willie Pierson, Jr, John Ostrom. So. • 2nd,--.Elfred Hudie, Willie' Sterling, Gladstone Grigg. Jr. 2nd,—Ila Grigg, -Lizzie Pierson. situ, Ist,—liarold Connell, Carman Grigg, Kathleen Striton. Honor Roll, --George Green, Edythe Sterling, Hattie Ostrom, Sadie Cook, Beet Findlay, Earl Cooner:': Edythe 'A. Peddles, Teacher., Stanley 'reWnshIp Mr, Wm. Taylor and Miss Taylor have been attending the Presbyterian Congress l'oronto, having been de- legates from the Willis congtegation, Clinton The Macdonald Dredge Company .are making a -good clean job of ,the anley llig Dtaut. They have not been getting along as fast as they would like on account of the hard bottom but expos& to male more headway ay they go further south: Mrs. Andrew iCe ;s has r • t -s1 home after s ). , mont is visit with her, lister, Mrs, hompsoa oF Mr. Melvin K eys,. 0120 will th% week be ordained at the London con- ference, preached at .Goshen church ,On SlIndiCY morning giving a very instructive sermon.. Bean 501811)3 1803315 to be the order of the day in this locality. The roads in Stanley are. being im- proved very in,uch, the sideroads being graded and a lot of good gravel be- ing out on. A good deal of e.xeitement has been caused in the township}s of Tuekersmith and Stanley - during the past week by. a rabses scare. A dog, which had been, showing signs of rablies, biting cattle and .other --dogs, was shot in Tuckersinith the other day and hilt, head being sent to Tor- onto for analysis liy Dr. Rodgers of 13rucelleld, the report was sent bask that the dog's. brain showed. ssiunis- takable sign& of, rabies, -The health officers of the two toststships have consequently taken prompt mea.stires to Isaye all dogs securely tied up or destroyed without delay, having. is - seed proclaimations 'to tliat effe`ct. It is hoped that` roi. the sake of the nubile wolf:Axis and the speedy stamp- ing 'out of all danger froin a spread of the troub.:e that residents will comply readily and cheerfully. The penalty for non compliance is, of course, heavy but no' doubt all. will be only too anxiotis to obey the law in this matter in order to insure their osvn and, the -public safety. A happy event was celebrated at the hoote of Robert Ar. Gale, Maple grove. Alma, Ont., on Wedmisday of last \welt,. when his daughter, Mary 'Beulah, iv—as married to Rev. W. G. Richardson, B. A, Pastor of St, Andrew's church, Arthur. 'The eerernony was conducted- by Rey. J. 13. Mullen of Elora, alisistea by Rev. Jaines McRae of Metz, 'in the pre- sence of immediate friends and re- latives of the bride and groom, a- mong- them Dr, and Mrs. Gale of Bay City, Mich., Miss Arica' Ander- son Of Chicago, 1\Ir, A. D. Ander- 5(111, Wyoming, Ont.., Mr. and Mrs. W. (ls. Cleghorn and daughter Cora of Berlin, 11. J. Richardson, B. A., Miss Maggie, Richardson and Joseph J. Richardson of Varna, and Mrs. Alex:, Gale of Erin. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dainty gown oF white embroidery. The wedding march svas olayed by MiSs Marion Scott 'of Arthur. After , the ceremony a solo wets 'rendered by I Miss Ethel Anderson ol Arthur. The ,• bride received a very large umber or I beautiful gifts, tliat of the groom, be- , ing a handsome necklet and pendant ; of pearls ,and peridots. To the organ- ist and soloist the groom gave gold bar pins, After dinner Mr, and 'Mrs. Richardson left for Toronto and- Ni- agara FalIs. The groom Is an old Stanley boy, brother of Clerk Rich - Port Albert Dr, W. Y. Hayden of Goderich spent Sunday with his 'parents here, Mrs 11, Lednor and daughter of Shoppardten visited with the' lady's cousin, 13I105 bizzie Richards ,n, last weerk; . . 'Hairy 1.1awkins Mhas raised his barn for a cement wall' -Miss Sophia Ruddick. of Crewe vis- ited her parents over the wet-sk-end recently. -Eddie Sehoenhals Tecentfy visited his parents, in Clinton. Mr. G. A. Green has gone to Goile- rich 'to take a position, Nies te r Al her t and Miss TonY Smale of 1'04 18(12 11 is the 1 1- lage recently visiting friends. Mr. Donald McKenzie expects soim to leave for a visit folds old home near GlaSgow, Scotland. It is fortar years IiilleC he came froni the Old Land to Ashfield and the chances are that the change . the old home haunts will . be very great. Mr. Den Draper of London has been visiting his father within the past fortnight. , Zurich Mrs. 4.nnie Zeller of l)etioit, visited friends in town recently. Miss Lillian Faust liass returned to Napierville after a vacation spent at her home. - Dr E J Hagan of North Dakota, ; formerly:principal Of the Zssrich Pub- lic school, has been visiting his ;mother on the Parr Line. Dr. Hagan ;is starting on a trip to the Old ! Coon try. ardSon, , and his old friends' will heartily congratulate him. From the Mail, Ilardisty,. Alta„ is taken the follow -tog account of the 1 -marriage. of a ,young Indy' who was formerly a resident of this town- sllip. The bride has many relatives in .the surrounding district, being, a ;niece of Mrs.. Glen, wife ot Reeve Glen or this .township, and also of Mrs. John Cluff and Mrs. Harry El - 110111 of Gotlerich'.township. 'Her fri- ends who are readers of this paper 'will waft good wishes : • "The' marriage of Mr. Joseph Mar- tineau to Miss. Alice Ethel Parke was Solomnized at St. Mark% church Hardisty, by Rev. G. N. Finn, on May 1410. The young couple tra- velled from 'llughenden on hicArs tkur's Special, which steamed into Hardisty pretty well on time, as thong's knowing that an important event was forthcoming. The service was very quiet, the' dim, religious light of twilight seeming to add to the calm reverence in the little church. Miss Anna Lund acted as bridesmaid and Mr. L. S. Parke, brother of •111e btisiss, , as hest man. The party returned to Hitglienden on the morning express. Mr, and Mrs, Martineau will reside at Hughenden in their 'newly erected house. They have the warmest svishes of all' their friends for a, long and happy marr- ied life." - The following is the monthly report of K. S. ,,No. 4 North,, Stanley, Nantes in order of merit, based on regular attendance, punctuality and general proficiency : -- Sr. 4111—Hazel Sparks, 65, • Jr. Atli— John Watson, Clifford Scotchmer, Susie Wesla.ke, Walter Westlake. Sr. 3rd,—Edna Scotelesser, . Alice Stinson, Mabel Foster. :Jr, 3rd, -- Elva Dewar, Harold • Scotchmer, Itussel Sparks. Sr, Seotchnief , Rosie Foster, Sam McIlsva,in. Jr. 2nd,—Bessie Watson, Anna Dewar. ,Jr . 1 s t,—Charlie , Scotchmer: —M S MacDougall, !reacher, The following report' shows the re-, lative sitanding of the pupils of C. S. S. No. 9, for May: , Sr, Itli.,-Lorne Manson, Alberta Finlay, - Roy McBride. .Tr. th,-- ' Gladys Donglas, Willia Manson, Ed- gie Finlay ' Sr. 3r3,—gohn Moyer, Ruth 7,1 Lydia Glinerich. Jr. 3ril —Ada Meyers. Vira, i)esch, Erb. Sr. 2nd,---/Terbie Moyer, Har- vey Mohr, Carl , Jr: 2nd, --Anna Pearl Douglas, Ruth Schrag, Eddie, Mettler- Pt. 2111, -- 'Allan Douglas, Evil Zapie, Gordon Solirag. Pt 1st, a --Elda Kennel, Roger Zia., Margaret Meyers. Pt. 1813 14, -Harvey Gelines, Mabel Boyse, S. Howard,' Teache,r Zurich ,Wesofoll has Purchased the two acre lot, at the south einl, ,of Mr. E., Zeller's plac0 and may de- cide to erect a house Ott it, The 'remains of the lite George E. Daters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry paters, who died in Detroit after a short illness, were brought home, for interment, the funeral taking place on Friday 'last. Ile was only twenty-seven, years of age. The Greatest* Variety of Wedding Presents will be found in our store Fancy Goods Dinner and' Tea Sets Cut Glass rchinaware Brass Goods YOU'll find what you- want at the price you want to pay. CLINTON At it Again .After an absence cf one year am again. at the same stand with thesarne business. . .AeHusual you- will find goods of -first quality and at right prices. No pains will 'be spared to give satisfactory -service. Call and see os. You will not be asked to buy. Expected this week, a limited quantity of.. Pure Maple S3•rup'and Sugar. III. .,.. Wlltse Phone 40 Comfortable Conies We have just unpacked a large ship- ment of couches covered in velostrs, veronas and Imitation Leathers. Beautifully carved Iratnes, covered in Velours, Red, Green esd Brtwn, at $5.00, $0,00, $7.50, $8.50 and $10.- 00. Couches covered in Verona with quarter 0111. 01213 or mahogany finished flames, $9,00 to $16.00 each. • , imitation I,ea Liter couches with quarter cut oak ironies, steel con- struction, soft and comfortable." 310, 31t8 and $22. We also carry a select line of Win- dow Shades, Poles, Picture Frames, Room Mouldings, Baby Carriages and Children's Wagons. " Drop in anytime. Phones 7 and 8 F'ree Auto Delivery, CHELLEW Estate. FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING. YTH, .011t. IARTS, -`1-10ME STUDY EDUCATION, -MEDICINE, SCIENCE, Including ErIGINEEIIIING This Summer Session July 2 to Aug. 16 The Arts comma may be taken by cop:respondence, but studont. 'tear- InE to Era cleats must a tt•ud oat *easiest For calendar* write G. Y. CHOWN Kiagetoe, Oat. INT R 1 OttISTQN- ••• 074TARto Overalls Free! We are sole agents for WALKER'S OVERALLS made in Walkerville, Ont. SEE 'MARKED 1;0C—h-ET. -- For every Six Stamped 'Pockets cut from worn garments we will give you one pair of' OVERALLS OR SMOCK "FREE. Get the habit of saving your pockets. Sold.and Guaranteed by . Tozei • & Brous also by the Walker Part and Overall Company, Walkerville, Ont. , .0 • • Heintzman & Co Limiterlf. Real Bargains in Upright Pianos Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos, all in good condition, at one third to one half the original price on small weekly or monthly payments. Write for needed particulars. Heintzman 82' Co. 193 Yonge St - TORONTO or HEINTZNIAN & CO. 38 Ontario S -t. Stratford ... liEINTZMAN & CO. ---Please mail we today a list of slightly used Upright Pianos" adver- tised in The Clinton News -Record. NAME ADDRESS umle •1 tatuue.auloula. WITHOUT A DOUBT • you'Lt. ' FIND THIS OUT— IN ALL • YOUR TRAVELS ROUND Al3011JT THE BREAD THAT'S BEST WITH ANY MEAL— IS JliST THE ONE AND ONLY REAL— MOTHER'S BREAD Better Bread Could Not Be Made —TE1AT'S WIIAT YOU'Isl. SAY WHEN YOU HAVE. TRIED THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, _MOTHER'S DREAD BARTLIFF'S PHONE NO. 1 AND HAVE IT DtLIVERED TO YOUR Hogg EVXRY DAY. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Our stock was never larger or bekter as- s • sorted than at the piesent and a call will convince you when you look over our as- sortment. Special Prices On Rugs. The Store of Quality. Phone 28 W. Walker Furniture Dealer and Undertaker. Recital -titre Phone 140 National F'ortland Cement. After tryineth er kinds YOU always come back to the BEST. The best ce-. ment is the National Portland Cement, • It is the Old Stand -By.- A Car load just in S. J. ANOREWS. CLINTON.