HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-06-05, Page 1NO 1784 -34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1915 THE HOME PAPER GOOD MORNING! How does Your Sub. to The News Record R.eadl The Label tells the story. .OURSTORE WILL SOLVE. Many a 'Wedding Gift Perplexity. When you are purchasing a present.it is a matter of money and lbhat yo ant, nothing etseghen this is your store, for -what yoa want is here „and at the lowest possible price. A ,good variety of articles selected fromthe large.st stocks, consisting of Silverware, Cut Glass, leanc,y china, Clocks and etc; Mese are new, beautiful and modern in design and of a superior quality, Headquarters for Watches. We make a specialty of handling High Grade Watches. c411 Kinds of Repairining Done and Guaranteed. W. X. irewelet ana Optician Clinton 1 The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Capital Authorized 4125,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,50000 Total Assets 175,000,000 32a Branches. With world Wide connection. Irsterest allowed on Debosits. General Blinking business transacted. R, L MANNING, Manager • Clinton Branch. 1 ME Gni' e Molsons Bank ee Ineorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 Mean Omen MONTREAL - • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highesteurreut rate on gums of $1: and • upward from date ,oe deposit. Joint accounts allowed. BRANC141S AND AGENTS ALL OVER CANADA AND AGENTS ALL OVER, THE WORLD. A - GENERAL - BANKING - BUSINESS - TRANSACTED, C. L Dowding - Manager Clinton Branch. , 1 4111•111111111111MilrGININI.M IWe have our Clothing made by several of the best truoufacturing honsefr in the Country and is all made on our own high standard of excellence of work- manship. READY-TO;WEAR, CLOTHING ORDERED GLOTHING SUITS TO FIT ALL Classes of Men. Suits For The Stout Man. Suits For The Tall Slim Man-. Suits For The Average'Bullt Man. Suits For The- Young Athletic Man. There is not a clothing manufacturer the conn - try whose clothes. 'will fit e erybody, fo: eaCh manu- facturer's goods have distinct characteristics of shap- i No argument is necessary to prove that the dealer who confines his lineto a one house product is ser- iously handicapped. These various makers draft their own models on different ideas and we are thus enabled to give each man the shaping and style -that suits him that's where our variety of shape selections help you in getting cor- eetly fitting garments. ' Perlaaps you have wondered why you have not been able to get garments to fit you proper]) maybe the trouble is that you hive been dealing with a "one - maker" concern, If you've never bought Clothes here, tru us for your next suit. . HE .:M011111511 CLOTRINE-CO. CLINTON, ONTARIO Motto, "A Square Deal for Every Man."' 1 TIIE LOCAL MARKE'I', Wheat 92e, Oats 14e, Peas 90e to $1.00. Barley 45e to 50e. Butter ltd to e0e. Egg ge1 5 1184 sto$92.°6e0. 1y • WILLIS CHURCH. , Rev. Me. SalisbUrY of Kemptvilk preached very acceptably at both morning and evening service on Sun- day and also addressed the Sunday school hi the afthrnoon. At the ev- ening .serviee the choir was assisted by Miss Beatrice Greene who .also sang, very sweetly, "The Ninety and Nine." Miss, 13, McIver and Mr. W. Collyer took the. solo parte in the anthem, The. pastor' Will •ocoupy his own pulpit next Sunday, CAME TO SEE LIBRARY.. ) A couple of motor loads of pro- minent citizens of Tilsonburg, mem- bers' of the eoUntil mid others, Weth he town on Tuesday 'morning looking over the Public Library with a view of obtaining ideas for the erection. of a- similar building in their ,own town. Tlie 'library was closed but Chief Wheatley very. courteously showed the visitors over the building andthey expressed themselves. as be- ing much., taken with its neat ap- pearance and convenienc. THANKS, -TOM. Mr. Tom Craig, formerly of the Clinton Motor Car Company but now of Los Angeles, Calif, has the thanks of 'Use News -Record for copies of the daily papers of that city including those with full accounts of the dis- aster' which took place on Victoria Day when several Canadians • were killed. Mr, McConnell, formerly a Clinton druggist, is also at Los Angeles and by meanS -of The News - Record they keeP in teach with the old town about which they cherish pleasant recollections. HELD DISTRICT MEETING. The annual district Meeting of the West Huron "Women's Institute was held. in the lecture room of Wesley chueell On-Thithsclae afternoon last, and froth the sieging of the opening:. ode the meeting was full of interest them start to finish. -Reports 'from the different branches shoved the In- stitutes of the district to be in n yeryasatisfactoxy eondition. A eine program was provided by the mem- bers from the different branches as follows: InstrumentaT solo,- Mise Emma Lavie ; Paper, "The Influeace of . \Yemen," Mrs. (Dr) Kentiedy, Wingham ; Vocal eluet, "Words Harshly Spoken," Mrs, A. J. 141°Mme. ray, Mrs. H. Fitzsimons ; Paper, "The Daughter in the hiacne," Mrs. Powell, Blyth; Instrumental duet, Misses Cole and Hicks; Reading, "The Kiteiten Clock," Mrs. H. Foie-- . 4 ler. Mrs. M., Swanson 'of Goderich-was re-elected president, Mrs. leoese.11 of Blyth, Vice, and Mrs. Young of Gerlerich see. -treasurer, - At the conclusion of the) program and the , business of the day the niembers of the Clinton branch ier- ved lunch and a pleasant hour was spent over the teacups. • AN OLD RESIDENT PASSES. There passed away at her resid- ence, Ontario street, on. Wednesday night of last week- Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor, relict +of the late 'John Tay - lox. I Thc. deceased, whose maiden name Was Hall, was horn at Georgetown-. She was twice married, her first husband , being Robert Howson, whom she married in • 1849. Shortly atter their • marriage they came and sett- led on the lath of Mullett, where• they engaged in fartminga Mr. Howe son died' in 1861. Later she • snar- ried$ Mr. - John Taylor and for a time they eoritinued farming an Mul- lett, moving to Clinton about th,s ty years ago. Mr. Taylor . passed away about twenty-five years ago. • TWO daughters, Mrs. W.• H. Whitely ' of Genies and Mrs. David Mountain of the llth- can. of Hollett, arid one ' non, Mr. L. Howson of Rolla, North Dokota, sorely°. Her Children were atdandanen at: her **deal° diming her last illness, her son returning from his home in North Dakota, which he had only reached a few weeks pie: viously alter spending a couple , of months here "aetompan'ed by his wile. Mrs. Taylor was. a Methodist, hav- ing been a member of the Ontario street church. She _was a kindly;' cheerful and highly intelligent wo- man, a great reader and taking a keen intereet alyvays in passing events. She had a few days previous to her death completed her eighty- second year. The funeral took place from her late residence on ,Saturday afternoon to Hope cemetery, Ifullett, where other inembere of her an, 1 .y are in- terred. Rev. S, All conducted the services. Tim pallbearers were: Robert Welsh, Wm, and Ralph Tip- kidy, Walter_ Manning, Thos. well and Edga,r 'Among the relatives who were pesc-nl 1.om a distance leer° : Mrs 'Walker of Cay- uga, a niece ; Nelson Bell, Detroit, a grandson ; Mrs, Whitely, Miss Zella Whitely aid Dr. Irately ot Gerrie Mrs. Geo. Proctor of BeIgrare ; AZta. Pipe, Goderich ; Jr. and Mrs. Moun- tain, Mrs, Youogblut and Or. Willie Mountain,- I1011ett, Mrs. Whitely M tantailine in tow* for twe'weeli: ' 'VISITED HOUSE Oh' REFUGE. AN ENGAGEMENT ANNOTJNCED, The House of Refuge eonernittee of The announcement is made of :the the County Cotineil, -With the chair- engagement. di Margaret A., da,ugh. man, Reeve Sanders of Exeter, were ter of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh MeDiar- in tewn on Tuesday morning make mid of Harpurhey, to Mr. T. Bry- ing theirregular inspection of the den Baird of Stanley. The marriage county buildings and reported every- takes place this month. thing to be in first a class condition reADE A BIG HAUT ia which it is .invariably found. THEY ARE ALL RIGHT, 113"ere is .11") "ting Air1 • - • - Howson cloys so well as a- day s The new Karki uniforms whiCh the fishing and .whether it -is leek or 0, I. Cledets' donned . Inc the first skill matters xtot but his catch is time to appear before Inspector Ma- invariably bigger than the average, jar McCall/anon last week,were rite other evening he came home tureed out by our local manufactur- I with a basketful. The number was ers, The Jciekson Mfg. Co., who make just -within what the law says may a speciality of boys' clothing, They. be Caught and ten of thein had an were certainly extremely neat and 'average weight of half a pound. $mart 1°°kilig and wer sPeetanY I SUCCESSFUL. STUDENT, - commended hy the Inspecang officer. ) , It is said also that they cost cnn i According -to the returns' published siderably lees than those procured by , this week of the fintulties of educe - the eadets of neighboring towns tion the following Clinton students from larger centres, which is but an have tesen , successful : Permanent other proof that it pays to patron- First Class Public School, ft. N. ize home industries. • Welsh, •(Mon). Interum First ,Class, Florence A. May, Vera A, Welsh. A GOOD TEACHER. GOING, InterumhRN sg School,Welsh, • Miss E. R. Delmage, for the past '1(Hote). Specialist, Arthur A. Al- / Seven years teacher' of mathematics lin, (Soience, Hon.) Interum PuleIM on the C. Ca I. staff, bas resigned School , Second Class, F. A. Tam her poffition and leaves at the eon- flay's. The Mr.. Alla., mentioned- is elusion of the term. Miss Delmage ndt a student of the 0. 0. I. but leaves even earlier than she would a son of Rev. S. J. Anise of town. otherwise have done, hating been ap- I MARRIED ON TUESDAY". pointed associatteexaminer in arith-. metic at 'The coming departmental ex- , A quiet wedding took place at the aminations, and will Probably go , home of Mr and Mrs. John Law - next- week. „Mins Delmage has prov- SOn of . town, on Tuesday when their ed /herself to* be a first dais teacher, ' daughter, Miss Ellen, became the and the board are consequently re- / bride of Mr. Harry Rock. The careinetrint to lose her from the staff, mony was performed by Rev. O. E, and she has also during her stay in Jenkins in the presence of only the town made many friends to whom immediate family and Mr. SW Mrs. her deportee.° will be Matter for sin- Rook left on the swig afternoon for eere regret. Mr. Robb has been en- Brantford where they intend to se. gaged as mathematical teacher to side. Both bride and groom are`well succeed Miss Delmage. known and popular young people in town and their many' friends will TWO NEW ROUTES, . heartily wish them a happy married Two newinail delivery lout„ life. The bride will be mIsed In started 'out from Cliefort on MOH. MSSICat ciroles, being a:gifted mus- Mr. C. Hoare has just sold four 'more of his best pianos, two at day, bothi 4. running into Gotlerich gieriaatne.letTiheene Neeewas-gReeeedorvdisobffeeere re n - township. NO. 2 goes tip the 16th to /Wing's= and the others near' Loh - don. Ills field is ag'wide ore but Ile covers it well. 'A NEW, CONVENIENCE. The. town letter boxes have ar- rived and will be set up very short- ly, .1'QIII:twins are the points at which :they will be placed and they will certainly prove; n convenience to citizens : Cornet of James and Wel- , ker streets, • Victoria and; Marie ; Dunlep and Isariee East street: op- posite the -Piano Factory ;, Orange and Wellington ; Noah and Huron ; Shipley and Princess ; Albert tied Whitehead ; Albert and .I'rencesh ; Al- bert and Rattenbery ; Rattenbury, and William, and Ontarie -andKirk, As one lady remarked the other day, "The only itnprovement now pose sible in the poetal syetem l Canton would be •stree,ti delivery." No flotebt we shall- also have that in due Lime when the town grows sufficiert'ly. 141r. T. Me Coon: has the contract for setting up the boxes. - • ' WILL MEET, AT EenETER. A meeting al the .executive commit- tee of the Weet aluron Teacher' As, held in the Collegiate In• stitute here on Saturday; May 24th There were present Miss Consitt of lamella president W. R. John- ston, of Kippen, secretary; W. 13. Weidenhammer, 'B. A., of Exeter ; Miss 1.10. Sharman, Inspector Tom, 11, R. Long and A. M. Robertson of Goderich, It was decided to hold the next meeting at Exeter and to requesb the. Education Departinent to send Dr, S. A. Morgan, of Hamilton Normal Sehooe to address' the teach- ers on the Montessori system and Mb- er subjects and to give the evening lecture. Arrangements were made for a full and interesting program of subjects for theaconvention, A reso- lution was passed to requeht the county council to aelr the' Ontario Department oe Agriculture to appoint a county eepresentative in agricul- ture for Huron. 1). 13. 1(EN14,DY 'PASSES' OVit7M. Mr. '13 11, Kennedy paSsed into, eternity this morning . after a long ill, seas. The 'AMC/HI will take placc. under, the direetiori of the - Masonic Order on Saturday afternoon. , MET IN SEAFORTFI, -'Fhe LieCtrse CommiSsioners, Mes- srs, 0-' M. Elliott, Goderich, S. Bak-, er, Brussels and R. J. _Cluff and In- spector Oliver Johnson of (Anton, met in, Seaforth on Friday' oh QM- cial business. " A I3EAUTY SPOT, According to present. indieations the postoffice-trinnele will be'a beauty spot in town this season, as usual, . a number of flowering "Plants having been set out this week. The _Govern- ment property in Clinton is always kept in first class condition aud is a 'credit to Caretaker Walkinshaw, S. 5, 'TEMPERANCE CAMPAIGN.' The Provincial Sunday. School As- sociation has set apart the fourth. Sunday in 'Tune as "Temperance Sunday" and the aim is .tri-iiiake a• specie effort to Secure 100,000 names . to a pledge against' the use of liquor. There will also be Will know just how the mattea sseyteasntedeems:oilentaltibee e.enremolmngitteoef letheeilm liearge-, People You Know'. , Miss Mauclelean Carter spent Tueetlaie WiII14;'eaforth friends. 1VIlets Kathleen East is • home from. Toronto for a inontles vacation. Mr. Eddie Shepard oF Toronto was a visitor at his home in town last Mi Wos Ca'atelen is this weekvls- jjtng etiooics licof.d efitc.ahilgeI11tri 1,e 114"' elr, D. McLaughlin, who -bas been engaged in Cargill, during the ecO,... ter mouths, Ilas returned to. town. Mrs Mtllar oi Indian Head, ;30,ske arrived yesterday overtire, :oil a vis- - it to 'Tier sister, Mrs. J.'?S. li'vane. Miss Carrie Shipley; has returned al- ter speeding some little time with ter sister, IVIrs. Levis of Winglaaan, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.- Kennedy of De- trolt are in town this week, hrive iirg been called hither by the ser, •tts illness of the former's 'father. Miss Clark , Of The a-ewe:Record • staff leaves this afternoen for Ea- monton, Alberta, to attend a tonieuebt.ing . of the Women's lateSe Miss Helen Ford, who has been vitt- 1:ting her brother le Ottawa einen completing her course at ,Queer's University last -month, is expect -et home this week for the vacation. ,, Rev. 5. J, AlIlti is attending the conference in Lomion, this week. Messrs. • R, Tiplady, J. A. Irwin and R. 13, ,Manning arta the in delegatesfrom the two Ideithodist congregations in town. Miss Lucile Grant was teiren sudden. ly ill ..the other day and at time of writing is in a critical condi- tion. Her many friends hope that she may speedily take a turn fon the better. Mrs. Brickenden, formerly a resident of _town but who has been living in Peterboro for the past thred-years or 1so, arrived an Monday to make an extended visit with her dough - ter, Mrs. J. Taylor. Oh illr."R. N. Welsh, whoehas just pas. sed successfully his exam. intitling him to a permanent first aloes Piffilie school eerticifate, has been • impoented assistaeb master in With. row Ave., school, Tormao, Mr. Elisha Townshend, who has beers attending the IL M. College •at Ot- tawa, has gone to Moren Heights, Quebec, about fifty miles below Montreal, where he will be assoc- iated in charge of a etrcult with Rev. A. Moors, • /Vases. R. J. Cluli,. D. N. Watson, J., Schoenhals, T. Monaghan, Jas. Mil- ler G- Doherty and Jas. Mteilatt visited Summerhill L. 0. L. ore Monday evening and. assisted the ' -ahrethren to confer the degree upon seve.ral candidates. Mr. J. J. Donnelly, late nf, P, for west Bruce, who has just been ap-* pointed to the ,Senate s wag born on , the Lake Share, Addeltl, where he rcnided - for some .years before num- thg ep to Bruce county, He • is a eonsin Of Mr. Maarice Dalton, In- land Revenue collector, Goderich. Mi•s. Herrn has returnedete her home; , ifoshliOsh, Wis., alter spending Len days or so with her Mater in town, Mrs. Jas, Shepherd, Mrs. Than has been visiting friends in Ontario Inc several weeks and in- tended making a longer stay in. Clinton but was obliged to return home sooner than she had planned - Mr. D. A. Cantelon of Torento, for- merly of Hensall was in town on, Friday 'Visiting hie parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantelon, "Dave" has gore into real estate in the • Queen City, haying jamb com- pleted and [sold a couple of huuses and having under way preparations for the erection, of a, couple mare. Rev. J. E. Ford left on Monday, morning for London to attehd the, conference which is ia seseion this, week. As president of the cedar - once and chairman °Mlle Stationing committee his duties commenced a couple of days earlier than the opening of the general session and hie duties as president during the year ,entailed a good deal of extra Mirv.orJk:a e A, Thompson, who is a member of that fins body of men, the Toronto Police Force, arrived in town on Tuesday and with -hist wife andelltale daughter will spend a ten days' leave' or absence, at the old homestead in Goderich town- ship, At tRe expiration Of thet time Mr. Thompsen will have to . return • to his duties but he will probably leave the wife and bairn f or a .1 onger visit on , the farm. Dr. Rodgers of Brucefield was in toren on Monday, The genial Doc- tor was in Toronto )est week at- tending a meeting of the Provin- cial Health Boaed and since his re, turn has been exceedingly busy at- tending- to the duties of his office as M. H, 0, owing to the rabiea scare, in Tuckersmith and Stanleel itnogweaschciopsrd.ingIvIe, very wisely thinks Mr, La B. Kennedy has been for the case of this kind and has been act - that no risks should be taken in a. .past ben days , ana its at present, time of writing- very seriouslyzil For several years Mr, Kennedy has net been in ths,. jaest of health,: and has sometimes suffered much but Would eventeally• rally and again be able to move about as, /before. ,1315 thienis are hoping., that on the present occasion hist natural vigor of constitut"on tritunph and that he will short- ly be able to an'oy the suns - shine and outdoor air of Which 'he -aS ever 50 fond, LITTLE LOCALS. "We Six" are giving a dance in Hayfield this evening. Capt. Gibbs and Lieut iineworth of the S. A. will farewell 'met Sun' day. • Do not. forget that the season Inc babe fishing does net open until tbe fifteenth of June. ' The Enion Jack floated from the flag staffs of Clinton public buildings on Tuesday in honor of the birth- day of George V. Lot 69 on the aliatland Con., ;meth atONERAL OF JOS, CsOLCLOUGIT to Mohnesville, along the Huron " Road to Lop- 96, returning to Clin- The funeral of the late Joselds (401 ton Mr. James Stoddart has the dough took place frotn his late re- contrect for the route, - sidence on the Base Line on Tues - No. 8 goes down the 'Huron Road day afteenoen, interment being nads to the 16th, along the, 16th to Bay- in Clinton ,ceinetery, The funeral field Road, along that' to tho Varna wall 'under the direction of the Lon - Road and then to the Bayflela Line, desboro C. 0. F., 'of which Mrg01- then.b6,4110. lOth anchr"east Was --a member. The relig- mesville, alohg the lith to the Tele- bus service' was conducted by Rev. phone Road, .east to the Huron Road ala Jeakina, rector of St. Paul's and back to Clinton, Mr. A. Clinrie church, The pallbearers were fel- ls the courier on this _route \vhieh lowanembers of Court Pride of , the serves a large number of boxes. Webb, Londesboro : Messrs. C. and Route • No.. 4 has bhen contracted J. Weymouth, S. and U. McCoor, for, Ma T. id, Cook being the ewe. Win. Lee and J, C. Adame. tractor, but it has not yet started. This isthe Clinton -Alma route. Mr, Coleloilah's death was the first break in a family of 'nine and DEATH OF JOHN ARCHER. las mother, Mrs: Mary Colclough, le . e , . . _ still alive aged eighty-nine. She re - Mr. and, Mrs. Trio,.Archer ' were sides in Goderich. 'aownship.- One in lasoknow last ' week attending the brotlier, John Colelough, resides at funeral of his brother, John Archer, 1313ith, and the other, James, - at a former resident of • the Base Line, Leigh, Sask. There are also six who died ore,' ',Tuesday, the funeral sisters. taking place on Thursday:, Mrs. Colclough I and_ family desire The late Mr. Archer came with hie to thank their mane friends for the parents from , Darlington township kindness and sympathy shown them when he Was a Mere lad and they in their recent bereavement. settled on the Base Line. HM farm, L10 -IIT AND WATER. which was the Heady place, is now occupied by Mr. Ed. Welsh. About On Saturday last, the town assum- twenty-flve years agv he removed to ed control of the eleetrie light sys- Ee.st Waivanosh where be continued tem recently purchased !gem Messrs. farming until a decade ago when he Stevenson and Nediger, wile have retired a.nd moved into Lue,knote. Hegiven the toWn excellent serviee and was eighty-seven years of age and ' during their control igought the sys, 1 leaves his wife and one son. Mr, tem up to a high state of -efficiency, Thos. Archer and one sister whore- There are in Clinton. about two hun- eides in Duluth are now the only 'dred electric light users. 'With the surviving mein,bers of the old family li advent of hydro, which will be in the whose parents were anionthe , Mo- course of a few months, this num- neers in. till! section., bdeorubsieh.dould4lbee aenoduimpri iosbsiaobnly wwinait be ONT. ST, QM/RCM. . I glad ete receive, applications Which On Sunday morning last t!ie Can- I Will be ,prompt,y attended to. action _Order of Foresters to the 1 The waterivorles .systertia which will number of' about cue hundred and , be Pat -under a joint management fifty attended senviee nnd the chue ei with the electric -light, is oleo being was crowded to the (loots. A. Spi...1-f extended, a large gang of men , now ial order of service had been pre, / being at work plating in a number pared Inc tire occasion and the vie- of new services and no doubt many itors -entered heartily into . all the mcsre applications will Yet be exereises of worship. , The p.asror, , received. The sooner they are sent Rev. Mi. Alla; preached, it very op- in the sooner will they be attended propriate• sermon. from the warns . )10. The - Clinton water ia of such C'Thou shalt love, the Lard thy God ; , excellent quality that visitors are Thom shalt love thy neighbor as loud i111their 'praises of it and those thyself." The choir furnished: ex-. , who have once used it would hot eeeeirleinligt,IieO t nitusi'ffertoMirs;, PesriagnieeingAlitinehr wearErs-eLt:ybec..Hm: ultbR7Htt. , i - d solo, "Sun of My Soul, Thou San-, four, Dear.", At the conclusion of i The pastor •occupied his own pul- the service . the brethren, among pit on Suniay Morning last and Rev: whom were in,any fitOIA Goderich, , J. W. Holmes, A former pastor of Seaforth, Ilolmesville and Londee- the congregation, preached ein the ev- boro, marched bacli to the lodge ening, many of his old friends, some rooms where a vote of thanks. was from other congregations, takiug ad - tendered tile pastor, trustees anti, ' antage of the opportunity of hear - choir of . the church. ' ing him' again. • ' , At , the evening service .the pastor I Next Sunday .Rev. T. Ea Hunter of exchanged pulpits with Rev. Hall Dungannon will preach morning and Woods, pastor of the Presbyterian evening. _ church, Brueefteld, who preached a The Ladies' Aid are Meeting this fine sertnon which was much efijoyed afternoon,..at the home of Mrs. Wes - by all. • ley Walker. • . - Next Sunday the pulpit will "be '' The League held their Monta'y supplied by Mr. Russel May, on of roll eall• meeting on Monlay evening Mr. John- May of towu, in the ab. with Mr. J. Sutter, the new ' pressid:' sence of the pastor who will be in ent, in the, chair. Miss Wise contra. London attentlieg conference. 1 - i lotted an inenramental, Miss Marlon • Miss Ethel Bradshaw led the Lea- IrWin read the . !arson arid MISS JeS- gus meeting IVIonday evenaig it being sie Ford gave a reading 1 on :aCheer- the regular. monthly consecration fulness" Mr. le. Richardson, Occupied - the service. Mr. F. J. Hill gave a very 1 The regular- meeting of the W. M. Pulpit of St, Andrew's church on interesting address oe, ,,ii.,,r0e01, 5, Will be veld in the lecture LOOM St11144y faafaing in the absence , of, ogy," and Misses Wiltse a,nd Steven'on Thursday evening next when hthe Bei. A, Macfarlane, who is attend - rendered a voeal duett, , 1 ibiltgate 40 the , Bre4cha maatakg ae leg the big Presbyterian Congress at too dnughter, Miss J eechargeanof Toreste re to be held on the teveniage of• program, a fee of ten tante e beteg; Mr, and Mrs. Fred Jobnston ezd a Social gathering of the iongrega- i freshments will be served after the the lath ' iiMt, to :hart off i ste, lr. d. The ladies of the emigre:go- I e, • a cA4ni:earneleil sientkeynotasr,are bellig il.ladi for ' Chatham will :give her rePort. Ile- Toronto, ' ' • „ *ion s.cordially, Malted. , ' notate at •lifitve Pleagtieee's. krt. arid Mrs. Chas. Edvsarde and, . . . METHODIST MINISTERS. Following is the list of Methodist stations in. the Goderieh district ac- cording to tbe first araft, which is subject to change, , but there are few changes iii the district this year. J. Fie Forr pastor of Wesley church, is down jor Strathrey. Clinton (Wesley) -W. L. Routledge. Ontario Street -S. J. ...Aline. Goderich (North Streetl-W. K. Hager. Victoria Street -7E. Medd. Seafortli-A• W. Barker. Baucefield-Under superintendent of Seaforth. ' Holmesville-R. J. McCormick. ' 13lyth-Geo. Jewett. Dungennon-3. E. Ilunter, Nile -H. Williams. Benmiller-A. W. :Brown. Anburn-R, A. Miller. Walton -C. S. Edmunds. Londesboro-.J 13 Osterhout. Baylleld (J, W.) --Under the super, intendent of Varna. Varia-T, J, Seowilon, Bagfileld.