The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-29, Page 9ROSY CHEEKS
should b.0 the Birthright of Every
Woman and Growing.,Birl.
Many women and growing -girls
who Olould have bright eyes, rosy
cheeks, strong 4:nerves. and elastic
step, and a, good appetite: aro
te declitie in health. Their virits
meow sleggieh, the , cheeks 'bectiane
pale temper' fthfra, and the nervee
over -sensitive. They must have M-
; eted a tendency Le ill -health, or
they may have over-worked, over -
studied* or worried until the
atrength of the bodi was not equal
to the demands inacle upon, it.
To guard against et aemPlate
breakdown in health the blood mast
be kept pure aect rich. No other
, medicine can do thie so well ia Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, for they at
both on the bleed and nerves, re-
store the appetite and keep every
organ toned up. All women can-
not rest whene-ver they should, but
this strengthening medicine is with-
in every women's reach, and will
keep. them in the eajoament of good
health. And it is e,e'pecially impor-
tant that, in every stage of -woman's
life the bleed .suppler—be- ked pure
and rioh. The value Of De. Wil-
' hams' Pink Pills le well illustrated
by the ease of Mrs. David Cham-
bers, 13ensfort, Ont.,- who says;
"Some years ago I, suffered gmeetly
from impoverished blood. I was'
ver pale and thin, and had no
strength. I took a lot of d,oeterai
anedieine without getting any bene-
fit,. and at lastdecided to try Dr.
Williams' Pink Palle, which 1 had
he„ard higJaly :recommended. It was
not long before I began to feel bet-
ter, and after taking the Pills for
perhaps a oomple of :months my
health was fully resto;red, and al-
though :some years have passed
have ootainued etrong and healthy,
and L think I owe it entirely to Dr.
Williams' Pink' Pills.
"Sometime later Cray
then abut tivelve yaws of age had
been werking very hard at s:chool
and her health gave way. She was
weak &nd listlesa and her hands
and face were badly swollen and
we feared dropsy was setting in.
However, we started to give her
Dr, Willia,m,s'ePink Pills and, elle
was 000n vibe well again. I al-
way.s recommend Dr. Williams'
Pink -Pills to any suffering as we
did, knowing the benefit !our family
received from them."
Dr. William' Pink„Pills are scad
by all meelicine dealers or will be
• seat by mail, post paid, at 60 tents
a box or •six boxes• for $2.50 by
writing The Dr: Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
Correcting a Husband.
'A.;-coldred woman went to the pas-
tor of her church the other day, to
complaie of the conduct of her hus-
band; who, she said, was -a low
down, worthless trifling fellow.
' !After listening- to a long recital of
. the delinquencies of her neglect-
ful spouse and the efforts to cor-
rect theme the minister said:
"Have you ever tried heaping
coals of fire upon his head?"
was the reply, "but I
done tried hot water."
"You can't sit iv with nay daugh-
ter after 11 o'clock." "Would you
mind telling her that, sir 7 I have
been tryingto get home early for
six months.,
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Nurine Eye Remedy. No Sniarting—Peels
Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
,Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Elaine
crated Gook In each Package. Nurine is
compounded by oar (Mullets—not nPatent Med-
icine—but used In sumessful Physicians, Prue -
nee for many years. Now dedicated to the Ruh -
Ile and sold by Druggists at 260 sim 600 per Bottle.
merino Ere Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 250 and Sea
Moline Eye Remedy Co., Mileage
Love at first sight is apt to fade
cm its initial trip to the wash,
Minaret's Liniment Cures :011ththerle.
am glad to see your husband
attends ney sermons regiiherly,
good woman." "Yes; sir. He says
they're the best thing he's tried
yet for his insomnia."
Pimples on Legs an d Arms. ScratChed
and Made Sores. Kept from Slop-
ing. First Application of Cuticura
Soap and Ointment Gave Great
Relief. Cured in a Few Weeks.
Lachine Locks, Quebec.—"I had Itching
commencing with my legs and increasing
gradually until it rdathed all parts of mY
body. ,There woro small
glindes on my legs an3arma.
and the eldn, was red and in-,
lialnedallOver tbe oily and
itched and burned to badly,
that 5. scratched and made
sores. It caused me so
mach nam that it keptine,
from sleeping during entire,
e nights. I was troubled with
it for about two years. '
"After having tried several remedies eci
'without success I used Onticure Seal:rand• ee
.ointment and from the first , 0.1
felt a great relief5 continued thotreattriont
taking warm baths with cuticula scan
90! -
owed by tho application of Outicure
meat, end at the end of a few weeks thel
trouble had disappeared completely and I
was cured.'l (Signed) N. 0. Doulet, hfay
27, 1612.
Per rodrough" chapped and bleeding
Lauds, itching, burning palms; ahapoloss
:mils and painful an -ger -ends, a one;n1g1it
(talcurft treatment works wonderS. Soak th
Lands on retiring, In hot water and Chitieure
-.Soap. Dry, anoint with Cuticula Ointment,
. end wear tea loose gloves during tee night.
Cuticure Soap' and Qatioura Ointment are
• mild throughout tho world. Liberal satnnii
of each mailed frce, with 92-p. Shin Book,
Address post card Potter Drug & Chem,
Corp., Dept, 42D2 Boston, 55. SI
Woman Enjoyed Privileges Site Has
Never -Regained.
YE-m-1er the Roman empire," an
Italian historian mad recently, wo-
man arrived at a point of freedom
and dignity which she later' lost anti
has never regained.
"Under the empire W0111011 were
physicians and lawyers. They eris
gaged in all kinds of retail and
wholesale trade. They were bar-
bers and charioteers and as vestal
virgins of the etate. They were
innkeepers and shopkeePers.
"In the law ceurts woman after
woman won fame and fortune. They
cared for the' sick and in religion
they were most highly honored.
They drOve chariots in the races
and they fought in the arenas."
Apparently their freedom extend-
ed in all ranks of life and ba three
particulars their condition was
really remarkable. To quote ,again
this seine Italian;
"Women possessed unexampled
property rights. Also , their right
to eduoation Was never questioned,
and a single standard of morality
existed for Men and women."
It seems that when a woman in
the days of the empire married she
still retained absolute legal inde-
pendence. Her dowry went to her
huaband,- but apart from that all
her prOperte was held in her own
right independently of her husband.
In this way large euinii of money
accumulated in the hands of the
woraen, and as a. result they often
lent money, to their husbands • at
high rates of interest. Then, too,
the husbands often became business
men who did nothing but look after
their wives' estates. -.Again, in education there was no
diserimination. When _small, boys
and girls were educated together
and later the girls of prosperous
parents were provided with tutors.
Prom all that can be learned_ the
•enthusiasm of the Roman women
for learning was great, though
there aro proofs to Show that the
Roman _man did, not entirely, like
the educated woman. ,
Morally also woman seemed in
command of the situation, for the
single standard was ie -force.
A certain judge said to a husband
as he issued a decree against the
wife: "Provided always it is es-
tablished that by your life you gave
her an example of fidelity. It is.
unjust for a husband to exact Irem
his wife a fidelity that he himself
does not keep:"
Bright, or Lazy.
"Johnny, I don't 'believe you've
studied your geography'!"
"No mum; heard pa say the
map of the world was changing
every day an' I thought I'd wait
a few year till things got settled."
Mrs. John Kenny, St. Norbert,
Mae., saes': "I have weed Baby's
Own Tablets and aim well satisfied
with them." Thousands of other
mothers -say the seme.thing simply
because ,there is no medicine for
little ones to equal the Tablets.
They ant ait a gentle laxative, eegu-
late the bowela end 'etomech, break
up colds, expcl worm's and' raake
teethingelay. The Tablets -axe sold
by Emedicene dealers or by mail at
25 cents sa, box frorn The Dr. Wile
Hams' letedicine Oo., Brockville,
Doctor 'Explains How , They Are
Rept Clean From Inaide.
The, upper passage of the ear
does , net need regular clearing by
Its owner, Nature understands
the task 'and la a healthy ear does
it perfeetly. .
Natures means for clearing the
ear is the wax„ aviiieh dries up bate
thin scales and peels off and falls
away irimerceptibly. In health „the
pa.ssage of the ear is never dirty,
but an attempt to clean it will in-
faltilaly Make itgo. WaShingethe
ear 'with soap and water is bad;
it keeps the wax moist, when it
might to become dry and makes it
absorb dust. ,
B-ut the Most hurtful thing is the
introduction of e corner of a towel,
screwed up arid twisted around.
This proceeding irritates the pets -
sage and presses down the wax and
flakes or skin upon the membrane
•of the tympanum, producing pain,
infierrinaation and dewiness. The.
washing 1311ciu11 pray extend to .the
outer surface, as far as the fingers
can reach. An old dector uged to
Say: Sou wail lee on the safe side
if yea don't put anything smaller
than your thumb in your ear."
Police Make No Attempt to Stop
Fanatic Doing Penance..
An extraordinary scene was wit-
ness -ed in Calcutta recently, when a
emall trolley„ studded with rows of
iron spikes on which a Hindu was
lying at full length,' wag being pulls
through the streets. A largo
owd wee', f ono win In 4uirle s
icifocl the -inferMation ,-that the
an was doing penance, and -WLLS
Ms, wey to the temple of •the god -
ss Kali, at Kalighat. The Hindu
ad been severa days ..on the, jour-.
y, and was in a terrible cendi-
T.ho. - spikes, which numbered
out ISO, were quite sherp, and
e man wore only a loin eleth. He
sat }luxe been suffering aerate
an from the fact thet hie- body
es biuised-end,-lecereted all over
restat of lying on the sharp
ills. Neither the polico nc'r any
ssorsby made any attemmt to, stop
e self-iniposecl to,rture.
tat t
101/ t
Prince of I,Vales Refuses to Comply
- With Fashionahle- Customs.
The Prince of Wales is yet too
• young to be "arbiter elegantiar-
lim," but the time may come... At
present our fashionable youthiarare
naueli perturbed because they do
11(19' find that the Prince sets the
seal of ins approval on their taste
in elegaet attire, writes a London
correspondent. While they aro
specially punctilious in the obsar-
Vance of certain modes the Prince
makes a point, it might almost be
said, of ignoring these customs.
For example, he invariably, 'wears
his gloves 'buttoned, and never
Leaves the ends open and tucked
down over the wrist, as is the cus-
tom of the young "swell."
Ho wears a stand up turned -4517a
collamwith a frock or morning coat
simply because that sort of collar
is more comfortable than the plain
stand up collar.
Several ,Membere in the royal
household, it maybe. mentioned,
have, lately followed the young
Prince's example in this matter and
have discarded the stand up collar
altogether in the evening; by gen-
eral consent a stand up collar with
email wings looks` ilMarter in the
evening than a turned- down collar
and -such a collar is always worn
by the Prince:" -
The taste of the Prince in the
matter of tiocks, however, delights
the heart of the youth of fashion,
forhe frankly confesties to a taste
for gaily patterned eocks. These
socks' are made to order from de-
signs that are submitted to the
;Prince, who his two or three pairs
made to go with each of his euita.
The dress bills of the Prinee are,
naturally begianing to rise, but
nevertheless, he does not throw
money away on clothes. Be ,gener-
ally orders half a dozen suits at a
time, and does this at most three
times a year. Thoagh the Prince
is "fitted" at his tailor's when ne-
eessary his tailors have an acour-
ate rnodel of his figure and one fit-
ting is the most that ie necessary.
T -he heir apparent has a great
liking for soft shirts and weare or-
clinary white shirts as _seldom as
His favorite day attire is a knack-
er suit and soft shirt and collar
and directly he gets' out of London -
he gets into such a suit as early as
In the matter of walking sticks
the Prince bids fair to exceed his
grandfather's lemmas collection in
number aind interest, but of the.
thirty walking sticks he possesseit
the Prince rarely' earries any but
a large crooked geld mounted stick
given him by the Kaiser when' he
came over to attend King' Ed_
ward's funeral.
This particular stick at Oxford is
known as -the "Prince's •Croolc,'
a designation that when it reached
the ears of the Princess Mary, she
at °ace gave to the stick.
New Food Makes Wonderful
When a roan has suffered from
dyspepsia so many years that he
can't remember when he had a nat-
ural appetite, and than ,hits on a
way out of trouble he gamy be ex-
cused for saying "it aets like ma,
• .
. Wheal it is a simple, awhetemene
feed instead of any one of fl large
number of so called relnediere in the
form of drugeete is more than ever
likely,. to feel as though- & sorb of
'miracle has been performed.
A Western roan, in the delight of
restored digestion, puts it in thbs
waY - .
"Like magic, fittingly- desoribes
the manner in which Grape -Nuts
relieved ane of poor digestion, coat-
ed tongue and loss of appetite,' of
many years' standing.
"I tried about every medicine
that was recommeseled to me, with --
out relief. Then I tried • Gram -
Nuts on the suggestion of it friend.
By the time 1 had finished the
fourth package, my stom,mh - Was
ell right, and for the past two
months, I have been eating with a
relish, anything set before me.
That is something I had been un-
able to do previously for years,
"I am, stronger than, e'er and
aansider the effeete of Grape -Nuts
on it weak stomach as something
really wonderful. It 4uilds up the
entire body as well as the brain
and nerves." Name given by the
Camadian Postum Co., Windsor,
-"There's a reason," and it is ex-
plained in the little book, "The
Road 'to Wellville," in pkgs.
Ever 'road Om above letter? A new ons
appears tram -time to time. They ars
genuine, true, and full of human Interest.
venil--'=ii—rrat hesitate he
Minarets, Liniment Cures Colds, Eta
Her Diploma. -
--mid' says she went abroad to
finish her education. I wonder if
she learned mach 7"
"She told me she had six new
ways to fix her hair."
Doctor Said ile
Ilad Diabetes
That's Why Mr. David Hc -on, oL
Nieolet Co., quebee, Is Raman -
mending the Great Canadian Rid-
atey Itimuctly To. His Neighbors.
SL Wencesle,s, Nicelet Co., Que-
bec., May 2e (Spial).—"I staited
to take DodcPs Kidney Pills because
the doctor told me was threatened
with diabetes. After taking ten
boxes I waa again examined by the
doctor, and he told MO 'WIWI, all
trees Of diabetes had disappeared."
Valais the f5tatement of Mr. Da-
vid ,Heola, well-knewn and highly
respected here, and he is only one
of many in thee imighborhood who
have found a new lease of -life in
the great comedian Kidney Rem -
It is cures Smelt ae this that have
given Dodd' s Kidney Pills their
reputation. They ane now known
from the Atlantic -teethe Paeific a,s
the remedy that never fails to, cure
kidney &seaman* mattee where or
in what form it is found.
Dodd's Kidney Pills: are no mere -
They simply cure diseased luel-
neya. The reason they cure. back-
ache, die:pay, rheumatism, neural-
gia, dialaetea, urinary baubles and
Bright's disease ia th&t al1 these are
ere either diseases of the kidneys
or are eitused ,byedisordered kidneys
faling to do their work.
Government Gives Splendid Care
to its Destitute Citilaren.
There are few toundilingaein Ja-
pan, it is. "jsittid. Oreca,siosaally an
abandoned baby May be „found in
the streets ef aelarge city like
Tokio, but never irt the sMaller
towns. For the babies- whO reach
the asylum, there is what is. called
the placing -out depatment, and
they go immediately to it hem° in
some Tillage whe,re they can have
fresh aar end is mother's care. For
this the mother, who takee the
strange baby, iet paid. four yen, 22
month. This &laments to $2 of our
money, but has the' purchasing
power of 84111 Japan... The baby is
supplied with clothes by the as:3'-
111ra authorities. -
A second department is -the Su-
gamo or echool where the asylum
children are instructed froth the
tiny tote who go to the kindergar-
tens to the eleenentery &talents,
and from which they go to homes
found for theca as fax ,as possible in
the villages. There they become
members of the family, the girl
learning heusehold duties, as well
as -some feminine, ocoupation, hairdreseing, Making' flowers, toys, and
needlework. The boys learn to be
fishermen, fanners, carpenters,
masons and dyers. There is a six-
year compulsory education law in
Japan, and the children must at-
tend clay or .evenieg school up to
the thirteenth year.
The asylum holds, the position -of
guardian to -all the children comieg
under ite ettre until rbhey, are 20,
_receiving reports as to the Welfare
of the children -who go into homes
and visiting them occa.sionally.
Frequenitly a child will be legally
adopted by the family in which it
bb beenplaced, and the asylum re-
sponsibility end. '
Day aurseriee in Japan are all
private institutions under the care
of Japanese Women. There is one
at TOkio, one at Osaka, and for at
Kobe, on the coast. • One advan-
tage. which the Japanese day nur-
se -ries have e is that they ha,ve
grounds, and the Ohiklren vend
their time out of doors in good
Mr. Takata has made is study ;et
institurbeg for the feeible-minded 151
this country, but there is it small
proportion of ‚such. children ,in his
country, he Gays, 'There is one pei-
v&te inetitutiori for theaaa, amebae'
modating from 60 to 100 in Tokio,
and experiments are being made in
the treatment of children only it
little below normal.
—• An Unusual Look.
"Do you think this new photo-
graph of mother looks like her,
father?" asked the daughter. '
"No; I icion't," replied the
• ` `What do you suppose is the mat-
ter with it 7"
"Why / suppose the man told
your mother to look pleasant and
ehe was trying to do it." •
your druggist will refund mores, At Paz°
OINTMENT falls to cure 5115.0000 01 Itch.
Gig. Blind, 131ceding or Protruding Pike la
190 14 days. spe.
Happiness is a condition in our—
selves, the outcome of devotion to
something better than our selves.
kilnard's Lihiment Curos Distemper.
- Ever Try This?
"Wlia,t a magnificent bouquet of
flowers For your wife, I pre-
sume 7" •'
‘"Yes,.... I Ran. a little on the outs
in that quarter just now, and —"
''Andthis isr to square yourself 7"
"No, not exactly. These flowers
are for the centre of Our dining
table. Always get 'em when the
wife and I have is tiff. Big bouquet
in the centre of the table gives us
each something pleasant, to look at
'while we eat. She can2t see me and
I c&n't see her. Get, me?' -
The Biggest One.
ws aimed time
' To hear men say t
"A sevenepoundea
Got away."
Portugal's Divorce taws Give
Equal Rights to All.
Portugal will probably be the first
Latin courary to enfrariebise its
women, says.the Nationel, the lead-
ing Itadical-Itepublican newspaper,
in an article recently in windh is
• reviewed the various laws enacted
for the benefit of women siace the
inauguration, of the Republie thee
years ago.
Less than two months after" the
overturning of the anonare,lay, t,he
divorce laws, which before had
withheld fromwomen the rielit iso
petition for diseolution of marratege
under any eirminsbances, were so
amended that they now oujoy equal
privilege in tlhe courts, with men.
A little later a -law was passed,
similar to the new French law,
holding the -flithere of illegitimate
children responsible for theirreup-
port, as well -aa for the eupportof
the mothers. The marriage laws
alio were reformed, one phrase of
especial significance b,eing incor-
porated, that ""conjugal society is
based on the freedom and equality
ef both parties,"
The wife's freedom is safeguard-
ed in matey way's; for instance, the
husband may net take hie wife -in-
to anothee-courary to live without
her 'consent, Women may pub-
lish their own manuscripts without
their htteliand'e raiment, aehich was
lorbidden under the 'old 'regime;
and both wives and husbands may
now aue third paaties-in the courts
without each other'e permission.
Women teachers who -were for-
merly' liable to dismissal upon mar-
riage, are now not only continued
in their positions, but a -re greeted
one anonth's late° with full pay be-
fore the prospective bir:Ch of a
child and two menthe' leave after
the event.
Do You Feel Moody
Irritable, Depressed?
Itirlien That Languid, Laggy,
Tired Feeling Comes, Your
Liver Is Slow.
Tells How to Cure Quickly.
"Even when / was young I was not
robust and- healthy' liko other, .girls.
suffered froxn headaches, and had sort of
blue' feelings that deprived me of the
joyful spirits and pleaeures-.other girls
seemed to got. After -I Married I,foilzid
I could not threw wOM'iss oft like other
women, and Mose' full feelings of 4s.
pendency alad, weariness':nolo :no very
unbaPPY. Thera Wt113 no fool so,
and My •doctor said my liver Was slug-
gish, and this amounted fCa',:' my' poor
'Calor.; my tiredness?, lengonr and despair..
Tho pills the doctor gave me were, too
purgative, made,Me weather because they
WO?:13 to0 native for my oustitutiOn. _Doz-
ens 'of My friontli reeoniniended Dr. Ifam.
ilton'a Pills, • and, they wore .00 mild and
helpfizi. Well. -never' used, a pill that
noted so quietly aa Dr. Iraminen's. They
Were se eenifortahle to use, I was afraid
they would not helpgut in a week
I knew they lad been actively' engaged
in aleh,ning up iny eyetem. They did the
work of a tonic and blood Medicine com-
bined. I improved to a marvelous degree
With Dr. 'Hamilton's Pills, and I now,
maintain' tbe meet parrot kind of health
by using them Just once or twice a week."
It is Mrs. E, V. Erlauger, well known
at Gloucester, who relates the abOVe ex-
Perienoo. She proved what you and all
others. men and WOMen, 'oan /in:hie—that
Dr. Hamilton's Pills aro best for iestor-
ing health and beet for keeping the aye -
tern -in parrot running order, Don't be
misled into using anything but pr. iletri-
ilton's Pills, 25e. a box, five for S1.00, at
ell druggists And Storelinefersy os- Pnrif,
paid by tho bathrrhozone Co, Buffalo,
N.Y., and Kingston; Canada.. -
That Coming Strain.
Hewitt—Wh-at are yoncloingthese
Jewett—Resting up so as, to get
strong enough to go en a vacation.
Only one ”suomo QUININE"
That Is LAXATIVE 0220110 -•QUININE.
Ick for tbe signature of E. W. GROVE.
Cures a Cold In One Day. Duro Grip in
Two Days. 25o.
"1 saw your mother going to one
of the neighbors just as I crossed
the street," said the lady caller to
her friend's little son, "Do you
know when she , will be back 7"
"Yes'm," answered the truthful
Jimmy"; "she said ehe'd be back
just es soon as .you),
Minard's Liniment Co,. Limited,
Yarmouth, N. 13.
Gentlereen,—In • January last, Planes
Leclare, ono of the Men employerby Me,
working in the 'timber woods, had s tree
fall on him, crushing hint fearfully. Ile
was, When found, placed on a sled and
taken home, where grave fore were en-
tertained' for hie recovers,' hie hills being
badly bruised and his body turned black
from his ribs to his feet: We used MIN.
ARDS LINIMENT on him' freely to deaden
the pain and with the use of -three bottles
he was completely cured and ablo to re-
turn to hia work. ' '
Elgin Road, L'Islet Co., Que.
A Sunday school teacher hiul just
told the story of Dives and Lazarus
to his class, and at the elose of the
lesson he asked ---"Now, • boys,
which would you peeler to be 7"
One, sinart lad replied quickly—
"I'd like to be the rich man while
I lived, and Lazarus when I am
Sample free If you write teatiento ores
& CW0111081 • Go. al Cahada. I,tnoued,
A Strange Kitt& of Fish.
the seashore, "where are the tiiii
"The what,. dear!"
" "The tinimeet; the minister al -
wept tante about 'the oeas and all
the tinimiesa " -
And then the motive, realized
thet 1 wee the litle girl'e 'cos:du:ad
version of the text, The seas 'and
all that -in them V' What sort ef
creature had she expected to see?
Evil Days_ for the Stage.
The kind-hearted woman had
given the frazzled touxisit a gener-
elnn. supply' of cold victuals.
"Haven't you anyregular trade
or occupation 7" she asked him.
''Ye'n," he anewerecl, witle his
mouth full, "I'm a actor."
"And can't you 'find. anything to
do on ,the stage 7"
"No, ma'am; they ain't :min' any
real actors on the stage these
Guilty of Assassination.
man' rarer in hand, Wa0 caught by
his wife aesaseinating not am eneiny, but
O corn—what he needed wae Putnam's
Corn Extracter: it% safe, painless and
cure. Try "Putnam's"--oures eh fast, 25o,
at all dealers.
• The chap with the loudest voice
doesn't ,always win the argument.,
Minaret's LIntment Cures Carnet in Gown
Health is the greatest of gifts,
contentedness • the beet riches.
Truth is the beet of relatives,
The burning, stinging, smarf.
ing pain is ended, the blooding
stopped apd a permanent care
effectod hy aso of Zam-Ruk.
Give it a fair trial
Druggista and Stores, 50c doz.
na. DANIELS' bighonie book bound
is cloth, a treatise of 20 chapters,
191 pages, on the diseases of the horse,
• treating the Stomach, Loestines,-Dis-
cages 01 the Respiratory, 131gestive and
'Urinary °titans, Worms in the horse,
Wounds, Cuts and Abradons, Bunches,
Swallinks add If alargemea is as epavius,
Curb and Rihaboue, Skin Discases,Hoor
and root Ills, Strains mud Sprains, Dien
eases °nice Rye, Head and Mouth. ROW
00 tell the age, Peed arid i?let. How to
locate Lamenes,s ete. This book con-
tains 22 cuts, 28 lithograph cuts, 125
• two-colour plates. 19 5010 have oue or
more horses get this book. Sent by
mail on receipt of 51.00. ,
1111e0111 college Ave.. Montreal.
H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
torente, '
GRAIN AND .'11/..A11676",',
all , sections et OrLtarlp.'
A01oi5Y 51204, WI1I1 00
Itibiway WPo'it7
Prempton ,and-othe'cr -Oiti0%,
Branapion end a 'dozen other towns',
W...DAWSON; Celborrie St., Torento-
‘,./ right.. Learn barber trade; always .
sure employment for'• barber. Our bus.
proved motherle, constant prectice and j
instructioim qualify you Gar position b1
short time. Send for catalogue. Molar '
College 221 Queen E • Toronto. •
, STAMPS '.ANE Gems,
Q Tam, 0091LEC1O195-110 N DREG '1111t..
ferent Poreige ... Stamps.. Oa taloa cia.1
Mb091. OA iv Soveri. Ceuta Marks Stamp
flnrn nnnr toi.nntei.
LACopThlintl'. fAiLlvier"pElaNte-'nrablitBetv.ure,9AerExtr'er'-'
yntPri,e:s, handsome gift with
ordure.- prepaid. Write quickly for in.
rorrnatIon. nussen &lima, co., Box 162,
S, 'LPs, 610..Internal and external, cured with.;
mit naln bo our boom treetment. Writ,'
se before too Iota Dr, Hello:au Medici*,
go.. Limited, Collingw.00d. Ont
9JE dor Stones, Kidney trouble, Grave.
Lumbago and .kIndrod 'ailments positively ,
cured with the new German Remedy,,
"Banal," price 51.50. Another new remedy 1
tor DiabetoinMellitue. and 13100 Mire, le
"Sonora Aotl-Dialietes." Price 12.00 front..
&eaglets- or -direct., The • Sorest Manure*.
mans rampany ot Canada. Limited...1
Winnipeg, Mau,
The Rout of a Piano lathe
Action. insist on the
Piano Action
By The Year ,
If you want tho best and longest
wearing gloves or Mitts ever turned
out of a factory lox sure and ask for
the famous
These gloves are saecially.tanned
for hard service and will save -you
money and reduce your glove
expense by the year. Send for one
desoriptivo pamphlet —The Pinto's
RshenelLsoar 'RAY KNITTING CO.
, Canada's Dipert Glove and MIUMakers.
The Usual Way.
When a man doesn't know just
what to say he generally says it
anyhow—and then regrets it.
ore Cwi
it will pay you to use the
instead of skimming cream by
the old method. 13y using the
you will get $15 more profit from each cow per year—and this is a low
tigure. Most dairy:non do much bether than 'this with the Standard.
You can thus readily see that it takes het a abort tinao for the Stand-
ard cream separator to pay' for itself And by taking advantage of
our EASY' PAYMENT PLAN you can pay for your Standard out of the
extra profits it earns for you. You've heard a lot about the Standard. '
It's the operator that has made new world's 'records for close skim-.
ming at experimental farms, oheese and butter factories, and on the
farm: Write for felder, entitled "Skimming Results." It gives the
proofs. Also ask for °lir catalog..
The Renfrew 11,aohinery CoLrnt .
Head OHO° anal Works, RENFREW, CANADA.
Cook -stow
Don't Break Your Back
To Baste Your Bird.
The New Perfection StOve with the New
Perfection oven is just the _convenient height.
Everything about this new stOve is just right.
It bakes, roasts, _broils and..toastS to perfec,
don, and it does not heat UP' the kitThen.
• Made Niith 1, '2 and 3 burners. Stocks
carried at all chief points.
Winnipeg, Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Bala; St. John
Poyalite Ail As the best keno -
gray far all doves and latn.4