HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-05-29, Page 5Clinton, Ont, Wing 20th 1913.
Windfalls Better Than Hand- Wingham
Picked Fruits.
(Kincardine Review.)
Orchardists here have given up hope
of the resuscitation of the National ,
Fruit,. Land and Packing Company,
as nothing has yet peen done to
come -to terms with the 'farmers,'
many not having been paid their rent
and other expenses. Farmers should
now • form themselves into an assoc-
iation to develop one of the best pay-
ing institutions connected with ag-
riculture. There is a grand open-
ing here now since the failure of the
National P., L. & P. Co. This corn -
'V in its short life has shown the
benefit of cultivation, pruning and
spraying. The windfalls from spray-
ed orchards were better thane the
hand-picked fruit from unsprayed, and
kept better throughthe winter.—W.
ire nt
Dr. J, P. and Mrs. Kennedy., spent,
a few days in Toronto last week.
Mrs. D. Iloimes aisd daughter visit-
ed Goderich-friends last week.
Mr. Geo. McKay of Moorefield
Bruce Drying Up.
The going into effect of Local Op-
tion in Kincardine and the conse-
quent banishment of boose from the
scenery there, leaves Walkerton and
vicinity standing out conspicuously as
the wet territory on the map of
Bruce. Ilow the county as a whole
isdrying up may he gathered from
the fact that in 1871 there were is-
sued in Bruce no less than 180
tavern and '20 shop licenses, as
against 24 tavern and .no shop licens-
es for 1013, the last. liquor store and
the ;station hotel being doomed to
shortly vanish from the • landscape
here. 01 the 21 licences that will
thus be issued in the county for
1313, it is probably singular that 20
of these should be granted for Walk-
erton and immediate vicinity, the
list being as follows,: Walkerton 5,
Carrick 7, Brant 4, and Greenock 4.
That the Bruce Capital and every
township surrounding it should be
wet while almost all the rest of the
county is dry, reveals one of the
most remarkable situations in the
Provinee.—Bruce Herald and Times.
Mr. W. Schwalm has been indis-
posed for some little time.
The Y. P. A. ' of the Evangelical
chinch entertained the League of the
Methodist church, Hensall, on 'lues-
ited his sister, Mrs. W. A. Miller, ' Lyy evening.
Mr. Chas. S. Van Norman is on an
extended business trip through the
eastern provinces.
Rev. G. Victor Collins attended
the conference of Baptist Pastors in
Toronto last week.
The following officers were elected
by the town band at its annual
meeting : President, Fred. Johnson;
Vice, James Leslie ; Secretary, Jas.
Hewer ; Treasurer, Barry }Ras -
Mrs. E. Mahood, Miss Ilelen Gra-
ham and Mrs. John Charters visited
Goderich friends last week.
Rev. Father Lairrandeau of London
called on friends in town recently..
Rev. E. 1i, Croly, who has been
ill, is recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Patterson and
Miss Eva visited in.Kineardine for a
few days recently.
Mrs. Haslam, who has been spend-
ing the past few ;months with friends
at Devil's Lake, North Dakota, has
returned home.
The Church of the Saereo i1eart
hiss purchased -nn acre of land south
of the Wingham cemetery to be used
as a cemetery for their congregation,
The funeral of the late Luke Icing
took place on Sunday week from his
late residence in Lower Wingham• which 1V Ir. C. S. Hawke, formerly of
The remains were interred in the Clinton, is pastor :
new cemetery.
Mr. Duplan, a student of iluron
College, is in cliarge of the services
in St. Paul's church during the Aof thwell, to big rowds;
rector's ieavn, of absence. tnaBny„ Bro
at night being enable bco' gain
TIME TO CLEAN UP. admittance.
Now is the time that every gbod On the following Tuesday a Bazaar
was held through the kindntiss of our
t looks around that the Neterghis yard .andeneous colica- , old friend, Mr. Hales, in the store
close to the church.
tions of winter are disposed of and T.he 'Bazaar was opened at 4i p.
everything made sweet and clean by devotional exercises in which the
Rev, S. W. Aluxworthy and the pas-
tor took part, after which R. A.
Harrington, Esq., of Chatham, in a
Miss Caroline Volland has purchas-
ed the house, at Mr. T. Johnston's
corner and is having it removed to
her own lot at the south end of the
town. 'Phis building is over fifty
years old but is still in good repair,
having been solidly built.
The baseball club has been reor-
ganized for the season with the fol-
lowing officers : Hon'. -President, J.
J. Merner,'"M. P. ; President, P. La-
mont ; Vice, J. Preeter ; Sec.-Treas-
ec: Treas-
urer, A. F. Hess ; Manager, Lee
Hoffman ; Captain, Ed. Wurm ;
Ground committee, R. Stade, John
Deichart, Wm, Hoffman.
The Jubilee Silver. Band has been
re -organized and will be composed of
fourteer, or fifteen pieces.
The 'Misses Dorothy, Alberta and
Nelda Truemner of Dashwood were
presented with pretty souviners by'
their young friends prior to their
coniine to take up their residence in
Good Morning I dear reader. How
dons your sub. to The ',News -Record
read ? ,
The Thamesville Herald last week
contained the following report of the
anniversary of the Epworth League
of Northwood ,Methodist church or
'The Anniversary ,Services of the
Epworth League tool' place on Sun-
day, May 4th. Pine sermons were
delivered by the Rev. R. J. Currie,
Dr. Maybee was in Toronto last
week attending the meeting of the
Ontario Dental Society..
Miss Evelyn McDonald has returned
from an extended stay in Europe.
epn. '
.Dr. Marion. Oliver of Avonbank,
sister of Mrs, (Rev.) ,James Hamil-
ton, who has visited in Goderieb
end is known :to many citizens, is
very ill at her home. Dr. Oliver 'is
home 051 furlough from the mission.
he'd of Tndore, India,
for the "good old summer time.
Besides, it behoves one to he on the
alert, for',the new health act in re-
gard to sanitation and cleanliness of bright, racy speech, wished the cause
all kinds is much more exacting everysuccess and declared the Baz-
than the old one. This town might
find it 'interesting and profitable to oar opened. A brisk sale was kept.
follow the example 01 some other up which disposed of the things
Places and ,form "block conuriiittees” I which busy hands had made.
and institute a rivalry in keeping • Supper was provided by the Lad -
their respective blocks clean and les' Aid, after which a groat, treat
attractive. Those who have time was .in store for those who found
and opportunity might also let their way into the church, which was
their mind run to tree planting well-filled. The Thamesville Methe-
about this time. Clean up, sweeten dist choir provided such a pro4nam,
up, grow 'up in all that pertains to the Tlike of which had not been heard
civic adornment. in Northwood 'fora long time."