The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-29, Page 4dello �oin5hlI t tic} " t o vis h `i Dion 'k .'o l.Pia G hilt tnote' Mr, ,loan Sturdy of this 1 IteWnshiff during tilt, holiday,U[me,, \;,'an t Mrs J:hs IfilIiott and Min . .T,lltott ,.,Were tete guehts of i i Iay :fit ;IO'.;< ll,. C,attvel n a><: ` Suhfl °"with Nlr.'and Mrs ht Hanley' 'Spending aJ 1d iss a a I "' tiler a cl ,M 1 l Ivtr, Jo hu 1 tisite'd friends at Rq�i.tlall, pu Lake ltalida) _}reel. n t1 G I t ic, flu ri g EaU'1es''bn T 'vs`:Itecoi4 _:spfy i �i, 1fp'Nes•.9nd't7)e'e= 1 aeti and l o,S?i�,J fore 'enrols ilii: bo • E ONINGW TS 0 El 1GH THE D T 1 PLYER PIANO are nfuw easily. aCCeSslble, t0 every piano owner. VISI1 01111-P14101 DEPARTMENT See how we. would make vow present silent piano a player regardless of size, make or scale. Cost for Upright;Player $250, Special price for Grand; Players. linter ews-Recon BaUfleld. 1EToltrfesvill 4lndrel ', 4. veli '.tlt9asi,e] ori fi e tgo!r place'. I kn A MsoCar)anc.;pi Si. . Y,r y... Chnrelt }s attending the I'rtlhy tcriahc )n I1Ulmc+st i lq p Mnday. afternoon i .o `aien the estclenceor Mrs.:Iliolt was. , ess 1• ,l'orol t can x n k }a d til Airs, xi i of he n . F t t � , r, o i Laze- t 5 tlllt ac q :, or fn 1 q L p C � slat c n i t Mass t e and ha d e L to li f the lolida" whit'; her brolhot, M,L, I,Just ,lrtndled het,.. i p } l a one, inNo a neirlxbor's hoyse for . ri n Grec-asiade of ,'T ayilcld. g . , '`. vvti. � t s hen. the alarm ;, „ lcw anon tti,o, w , sto Lh S 4 the , zi.1'in v p �� 14itss C,r4 c , _, :: given. that Ilei, dwelling vt.as ablaze. • st two month;, at °I)otrolt, returned- . el se to ram. IAs �tle'-liottse ryas situated. o hoiiie last "'eel" Shed the Oat!. 1 rc 11(1' 1 4'' church se e t tit 7 P, p,'IVMx, anA;Nit ixnith id child 9fsichuxcjt peoporty•was endangered and It. were-Ulte gni 11 of Mrs, l'ar- but for the fact that a great r, i - ens an were -tile 1.1ay• Mier ' altered in n 'ew minutes b,91 g "MISS Lanlso k'arker ol.I.omdCln lIpett4-,'.ohu�ch and shed. ini pt have joined }n the holiday: at he: fionxe in tin I'll- ,a gopera1 confingratlon. Fortunately lagt.• 1 Lho Court of ROt ISrap was , in ses- 1 l n vas n anil a ntuubfit of ulen tivere soon lte'u5 or the tele- -W. DOHEflTY PIANO & 'ORGAN CO, LIMIITED. Bend Office and Factories CLINTON, CANADA. , • ML Lawrence Erwin. ql, .encu . sic a guest tat his home cu ,thk t lilage at ailabib and by t , a Duct the holiday. phone within ten ;minutes qr so some Mr. Iioh't. Bailer maakc:i• oS the, fifty Wren, Women, boys and girls Sterling 'Bank, spent the holiday adv; 'formed' themselvesinto . a bucket port Baron. .•brigade, This valiant crew, with - Miss Eva Walker- and Miss Aggte' the aid di a favorable wind, soon Johnston of Goderioit were the guest daunted the audacity of the flames 'at .the tatter's sister, Mrs, Edward' and ' averted ; a,catastrophe which Weston, over the holiday, �threatenrd the loss of thousands of Miss Lizzie Robinson Cif MC ingllitin dollars worth ' of property. Mrs, spent a'•few day's the pastweek with. Hick isa widow f helpless ,with rh has with her,aunt, Mrs. W. J. Elliott, coOip p Mr. aad Mrs. J. C. Chapman and tism, and everyone is,showing her tar fly.: -of Loudon were the guests of practical sympathy in the loss of her' Mrs. parsons over the holiday. (home, with all its contents, The Dr, Atkinson and Mrs. Atkinson cotnmtmrt} will 'see that she is coin - spent the 'holiday ,with thou tathily Jlortably provided for. Should a fire' at their, '% mifnet home in- the village-. break out in any neighboring locality Mrs, (Dr.) Metcalf and family, Miss , it could hardly do Fetter than sum - Jessie and 'Master WiTlian, -of De- imon the folmesville bucket brigade,` troit arrived last week and have Lak- en up theit resicience an their summer Bruleefield catt•i_,c. guest Mrs Weir of London was the g of he sister, Mrs. .Tohn 'Tippet, over i Miss Edith Bowe), spent Sunday in the holiday. ' . Scafortit. Mrs. Geddes acid sister—in—law, Mrs. j Communion services will be bcld. "'iii Porterfield of Belgrave, visited the the Presbyterian chullth here on Sun- former',s sister, Mrs, James li'ergu-day next. son, over the holiday.. • 1 Mr. John 7..:epley was the guest on Mrs. Brldgos: and Messrs. 'Phos Sunday of his brother-in•1aw, .11h. . ase' Kaiser. 'ilii ck tills Ja •v n iirandan ot Belgra e a Brandoa. of tilinghan, spent the holl-1 Thd' quarterly eoninnunion 'service. 1 day with the latter's mother, Mrs was held in the Methodist°church on W. Brandon.Sunday =ruins last, it I Mr. i Edward Sturgeon Ind Miss Miss Maggie, McKenzie of L.ondon Mervin' of Alviston spent the week was- home for the holiday season. end in the tillage the guest of the I Mrs. D MtcIntosh and Miss Emma fornier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. spent Friday last in London. James Sturgeon. I Mir. Earl Van}gmend of Seaforth Mcsbrs Luaens Sadder and Wilber was the guest on Sunday or Mr. Erwin of Berlin visited the latter's and 'Mrs. Edgar Pattison. parents, Mr. � end Mrs. 11. W. Er -i MIT'. Duncan McDonald of London win, over the holiday. `spent the holiday season with his sister 111rs A. 1` Scott I Dr. and Mlrs McDonald of London - visited Mrs. Alex. Ross and other -friends for a few days this week.-- y'2S Ern efield. 'MIisseq Gerrie :'Grainger '>and , Flora MhKay silent' Sunday .In. Bayfield, u st the C e tv t=as t Ms, Patz 1D c t g MtL, o Y 1 i't t 11- Mrs. Cal o Ms o. her ' daughter,. of clerton, over Victoria Day , daut t- 161rs; C'alnoron is visiting her el ter, Mrs ,(Dr.) Rgdgers;: ' • S' , M rs, Geos°c. Forest -and daughter, I � e ' of London were the Miss 1Ta2.1,� , Geo •i�oxest, •; l';, Phis` guasts`:ol Mts. Week ;: Miss Taylor of'Clinton iisited. Miss Fibre. -Smith for a few days.` this. week. Stanley,' Township ev. Geo. .Jackson of St. Thomas s the .quest over the holiday of •brother, Pitt. Janes' Jackson of find con, fi wa his 'the 1 MIJ:J.INETv , AND PEIONE No. 78 Reang )•0 ` .MArt Couch ,& Co Scotch Oinghams at One Half Price We werefortunate'to seoore 20 mill ends of Se te➢r f Ginglaamsall fast colors 27 to 30" wile. They come is pretty checks and stripes and in just the right tine be- file you begin your spring sewing regular18e `LOc'an�1! 25c. Friday price 1216. See these in, our window. Spring Coats at a Big saving.. We have left about 15 ladies and misses coats all the latest styles in good cloth colors, fawn, navy 'blactz and copenhagen;all $18 and $20 coats' $1,3,98. All 14 and $16 coats $10.98. All 10 and -$12 coats $2.98 Now is your time to buy a Spring Coat. HOUSE FURNISHINGS A special showing of a fresh shipment of h.ew° Rugs, Lino- leum Mattings and Oilcloths. `` We have had a 'good season 'in, the department. That shows we 1`►a've •tb.e right goods at the right price. Look around then call and see our display. ladies spring stilts only 1 price. Just 5 suits left]i Tweeds and , J: Navy serge ;,reg.' `$1.88,00 for ; 9,00, Hctisail ;fite.oyiners of cows in town have Miss Mary Walker is home front employed a heidet to take charge of Toronto, the cattle so that they may take I Mrs. 'Kelly of G•odcricir and . Mrs. advantage of the fine pasturage to be Young of Carlow came down on had on the commons and still not iTuesclay and organized a home get into mischief. Given a herder MIission Society of -the Young ladies witiT good judgment and a good cye of the Presbyterian. church. 'there for grass and the eaperimetit should ,was a good turnout of the young work out well, people and quite a number joined. At Mrs.r J. Scott has returned after the conclusion - of the meeting the spending srnne time in St. Thomas. 4 adies'of the W, F. M. S. served tea Mr. Frank Blatchford. is itnproving in the basement. now, after a nsevere'and tedious 111- I Miss Elsie McQueen left on 'Tues •uess. , day for an etended trip to the Mrs. A. II. Kingof Ingcrsdil visited west. She intends going 10 Vancou-. her parents here last week. ver, B. C. Mr. W. 11. iiodgins of Winnipeg 11;1 Mrs. Ingram of Detroit' is the renewing old friendships hereabouts. guest of her uncle, Mr. Robb. Young, Mr. R. Geiger passed with honors) Mrs. W. H. Ilattenbury and her the final •ciiams. in the School of,daughter, Miss Aiice, have returned Pharmacy, 'Toronto. from Toronto. • Wall Paper COMING TO CLINTON TUESDAY, JUE 10 NOWE'S GREAT LONDON SNOWS Most $tupendousip Perfected Amusement Organization Touring the Country. Positively Coming en its Own Trains of Double Length Cars. Bringing with it Acres of. Sun and Waterproof. Canvas. Tends that Seat 10,000 People. The Largest Menagaris of Rare Begat* ever •assembled. The Highest Paid Performers' that ever .ougre- gated with one show. Mammon's vaults give up to make the Syrian wealth dwarf is comparison. Beauty. Gorgeousness. Brilliancy and Splendor Com- bined In ,the Grand Spectacular of the Floral Scenic Achfevemeat, THE 'GARLAND OF ROSES. TIIE CHOICEST WALL PAPER FOR 1913 WILL BE FOUND 1Y O'un STOCK. FOR T EI E MONEY TN1ES'r'ED P THE IS PAPER 'WALL BEST TNV&STMENT YOU CAN MAKE 1N THE LINE OF HOUSE FURNISHINGS. ALL PAPER 1 RIMM -ED F'REE, e agents We are .ole ag for n WALKERf S ` © S - r7a4ia 'in .Wa1 erviller Ont. R U OCKET: For every- Six Stamped Pockets cut from worn garments we will Give you one.lair of OVERALLS OR SMOCK FREE. • Get the habit of saving your poeketai. Sold and Guaranteed by Tozer & Ilrown also by the Walker -Part and Overall Compal.)y,. Walkervilie, Ont. foo1. er bio. CI_INTON At it Again After an absence cf one year 1.am again at the same stand with the same business. As usual you will find' goods of first quality and at right prices. No pains will be spared to give'satisfaCtory service.. Cel] ansi see us. You will not be asked to buy. Expected this week, a limited quantity of Pure Maple Syrup and Sugar. , The. Champions of Equestrianism, Gymnasiums. Acrobatic and Aerial Classes. Every Act Offered Refreshingly New, and livery Acta Feature Act. This is the Show that glories in the fact that It can show that which has never been shown before. ' MENAGERIE TEEMING • WITH. WONDERS Matured and Nursing Specimens of the Not Yet Extinct Anhnal ,Families. MOST `VALUABLE STABLE OF BLUE RIBBON HORSES CARRIED BY ANY SHQW IN TIM COUNTRY.. 41[4:10 FUNNY, FROLICSOME, MIRTN-LOVING CLOWNS. ACROBATIC and PANTOMIMIC Laugh -'Provoking , Fellows whose antics occasion continuous exaltations. 11 e Phone 40. - Coiiifortable Couohe-s s 4 Limited. • • Real Bargains in Upright Pianos 1 $ Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos, all in good conditicu, at one third to one half the original • price on small weekly or monthly payrnents. Write for needed particulars, We have just unpacked a lawge ship- urerrt of conches coveted itt velours, veronas and, Incitation i,eatlhers. Heintzman & Co' s .s. s • • 1 • 1 i •. Heintzman & Co, 193-5-7 Yonne St. TORONTO or HEINTZMAN & CO. 38 Ontario St. r Stratford HEINTZMAN & CO.—Please mail me today a list of slightly used Upright Pianos, adver- ' tised in. The Clinton News -Record, NAME ADDRESS WITHOUT A DOUBT Beautifully carved frames, covered in Velours, •Red,- Green esd Brtwn, at $5.00, $0.00, $7.50; $8,501 and $10.- 00. Couches covered in Verona with quastcr cut oak or mahogany finished frames, $9.00. to $10.00 each, Imitation heather ceuthcs with quarter: cut oak frames,;. steel con- struction, soft and comfortable, $.l.Qy $1.18 and $22. We also carry a select line of Win- dow in dolt Shades Poles Picture Frames, j Room I4touldnrgs, Baby Carriages and Children'sW'agons. Drop hi anytime Penes 7 and 8 Fres Auto Delirety. J. H. CHELLEW• Estate., hURNIT,UILFs and -UNDERTAKING, Ont. G DLYTH, YOU'LL FIND TI -IIS 011T— IN ALL' ` YOUR TRAVELS ROUND ABOUT THE BREAD TI-IAT'S BEST WITH ANY MEAL -- IS JUST THE ONE AND ONLY REAL— MOTHER'S BREAD GORGEOUS, ENTRANCING, REFRESHING • STREET PARADE* Every Morning Over a Mile of Beauty and Splendor Rivaling the Earnests Durban. fan Pageant of India, Beyond Description. Beyond Comparison. TWO PaRFORMANCBS DAILY. at 2 and 8 p. ns. Doors to the LMenageries and• Band Concert open one hour earlier. Grand Free' Outside Exhibition en _ tha Show; Grounds immediately f%Oawing the parade. .. nRTS, 11 ME STUDY EDUCATION, The Art. course MEDICINE, mal be t►ked b� SCIENCE, corre $pondence,. but etud,nts deMr Including t.. to Cra litate ENOINEE'YINfi.'anug attend o..' Arts Summer i,isiou. Sion For cal s ante' v CilO ckowx Jaly;2 to Aug, 16 : tcingston,Ont. Better Bread Could 'Not Be Made —THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU IlAVE . TRIItD THIS CRISPY, , CRUSTY, MOTHER'S' BREAD BARTLIFF'S PHOVE NO, I. AND HAVE I'T' DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. Our stock was never larger or better as- sorted than at the present and a call will convince you when you look over our as, sortment. ` Special Prices On Rugs. The Store of Quality, Phone'28 W. Walker Furniture'Dealer and Undertaker Residence Phone 140 National Portland Oeme1tt After trying other kinds YOU always wine back to the BEST.,' The best , cew trent is the National Portland Cement. It is the. Old Stand -13y. A "Car,load just in. ANDREWS. CLiNTON,