HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-05-29, Page 1•,
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't How does Your Sub. to The ,News -Record Read? The Label, tells the story.„
any A Wedding Gift 'T'erplext
When you are purchasing a -,present it is a matter of
money,and chihat you T'ant, nothing else. ghen-
' this is your store, for what you want is here and
• at the lowest possible price.
A good variety of articles selected from the largest
stocks, consisting of Sr verware, Cut Glass,
cliancy China, Clocks and etc.
Vhese are, new, beautiful and modern in design and
of a. superior quality.
• Headquarters for Watches. We make a specialty of
• handling High Grade Watches. -
•all Kinds of Repairining Done 'and ,Guaranteed.
feweler ana Optician - - - - Clinton
The Royal Bank i
• Capital Authorizea ae- • $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
•' Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000
Total Assets ' 175,000,000
225 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General•Banking business transacted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch.
'IE Maisons Bank 1
1 Ineorperrited 1855 Established in Clinton 1879
IV" •-
' • Interast allowed at hialiest mirrent rate On sume of 81 and „
• upward from date of deposit. Joint accounts allowed.
t. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch.
... . ' .., • '
OR Deana
°Loam NG
Classei of Men.
Suits For The'StOut Man.
Suits'For The Tall Slim Man.
Suits For The Average Built Man._
Suits'F. or The Young'Athletic Man.
' There is/not a clothing manufacturei• in the coun- ,-
try whose clothes •••iiiil fit everybody, fo: each mann-
Jacturer's goods have distinct characteristics of shap-
I . , ..
• —No argument is necessarytoprove that the dealer
• who cr‘nfines.his lines to a one -house product is ser-
-• • . iously handicapped.
. .
• We have our Clothing made by several, of the
begt manufacturing houses in the Country and- is all
made on our own high standard of eicellence of Work—
•• •
These various makers draft their own mocITsfi on
.different ideas and we are thus enabled to ,give each
map the shaping and style that suits him that's where
our variety of shape selections help you inietting cor-
Kstly fitting garments. , •
• Perhaps •you have. wondered 'why you •haVe not '
been able to get parmen,ts to fit you pieperly maybe ,
,fhe trouble is that,.you have been dealing with a "one
maker" concern. • • •
, •
If gOttrve, never bought Clothes here,
try Us for your next .sttit.' •
, , ,
• MOttO: "A Square Deal for E've.y Man."‘
Mrs. Mary Jane, Melerien of latillett'
township annerunces the engagement
of her daughter, Beatrice, to Mr- Al-
bert Lovett rbf Goderiela Toevnship,
the marriage to fake plaee on June
the eleventh. e •
Seaftarth and e Clinton fooreeal
teams played a gape in the Western
Ontario series in the Palk on Thurs-
day last, the , result being a tie,
neither side making a score, though
the Clinton teen seemed to have the
adwantage theoughout. •
The military eamp will be held
this year in London instead of God-
erich, as was at first decided, the
water supply at the lakeside town
not being considered suffieient. The
recruiteng officers here are desirous
of liaving a better and larger com-
pany than ever this season.
The other day the folloreing ladies
met socially in Torefito and , the
names will he familiar to mauy of•
the older citizens of Clinton: Mrs.
Malloch, widow of the late D. ' M.
Malloch formerly prircipal of the
Clinton Public school a' Mrs. Turn-
bull, widow., of the late James 'rarn-
bull for many years principal of the
C. C. I., and Ws. Murray, widow of
the late William Murray a former
manager of Fair's Mill. The latter,
by the Way, Is said to be the last
surviving charter member of Willis
church.. All three ladies are enjoy-
ieg good health and take great 'pleas -
rite, out of an 'occasional meeting to-
gether), and with other of the many
former Clinton citizens now resident
in the Queen City. •
Mr. and Mrs. Joh a Derry arri'ved
in town on Thuthday evening last iconic into effect for money orders
after a sojourn of nearly a, year in I issued in (*nada for payment -' in
their native shire in , Morrie \England. aanada, Newfoundland, the United
When they left Clinton they intend- States or its possessions and West,
ed, if so be that they liked it, lb Indian points, The minimum lath -
spend tthe remainder of their days in erto prevailing of three cents for
the land of their birth, bub though orders for $5 or less has been abol-
they thoroughly enjoyed seeing old ished, a new mirSmum of five cents
friends and visiting old familiar taking its place which will be the
places, liaving lived in Canada so price of order up to and including
long they Mel become wearad from $10. For macre for amounts over
the Old Land and as Mr. Derry re- $10 the prices will be unchaeged,
marked to The News -Record, "Some,- The eaange affects rnnney orders
how Canada, and especially Clinton only and does not apply to postal
seeme ;more like home." alr. Derry notes. The old schedule was : $5,
is looking exceedingly well and like and ureler, 3 cents ; up to • $10, 6
the tipical Englishman that he is. cents ; up to $30, 10 Cants ; up to
The visit to the bomeladd eeems to ,$50,„.15 cents ; up to 860, za cents ;
hare agreed with him all right and 00. 10 $100, 89 cents. The schedule
they both enjoyed a very pleasant is as follows : Ufa.. and under, 5
voyage over. -He thinks that condi- cents ; up to $30, 10 cents ; up to
tions do not differ so much in the $50, 15 cents ; up to 460, 20 cents ;
Iwo countries now as was the ease up to $100, 30 eents.,
some years ago, and gives as a rea-
on that there is so much travelling•
to and fro and each country learns
something from the (item "A trip
to , England doesn't raean so much.
nowadaya," remarked Mr. Derry, "It
is but -the matter of a few days,
and, the' difference in even the , dress
of f the people is scarcely noticeable."
The many Clinton rtiends of Mr..
and - Mrs. Derry heartily welcome
them • backeto the old tonen and
trust they May fled it an pleasant a
place to live in as Of yore.
• Wheat 92e,
Peas 90c to 81.00.
• BealeY 450 to 50e. e
Butter 19c to 20c,
• - Eggs 18e to .1.0e.
Live Hoge $9.35. •
Mr. J. B. Watson, field seorerary of
the National Sauitarium Associa-
tion, gave en• illustratet lecture on
"The Cause Prevention and Cure of
Tuberculosis" in the town hall on
Tuesdays evening which was • fairly
well attended.
l'an. Payne of Huron College comae:ti-
ed the servece on Sunday morning last
and in the evening Ray. 11. Colelougli
took charge in the, absence of • lime
Mr. Jearkins who was in Windsor at-
tending an ordination seraice.
The 'rector will occupy hi own pul-
pit on Sunday next. The morning
subject will be : "The Transformation
of the Sword," and that of the ev-
ening will be "Gossip" -
To the long 'list oi former Clinton -
lane who have made' gond' psact are now
occupying positions of responsibility
and trust in varioes parts of the
world may be added the name of
Mr. Thos, Turnbull eldest son
the late James Turnbull, who so
long occupied the position of princi-
pal of' the C. 0.7. Mr. Turnbull has
been for some time manager of the
13ank of Commerce in Edmonton and
is in receipt of a fine salary, as his
position would indicate. Mr. Turn-
bull is a nephew of -Mrs. L. Greig
and a cousin of bar. T. A. Greig and
of Mrs. T. Jackson, Jr. of town.
Commencing April 1st new e rates
'Me following mmehers of the Clin-
ton Gun Cleb went to Hensall on
Victoria Day to the annual shooting
tournameet and succeeded in winnieg
the $2e prize for team shooting :
Messrs, R. -G,rahani, Geo. East,
J. • E. Hovey, J, E. Cantelon
and E. Lawson, Mr. Graham
getting . twenty - four birds out
of twenty-five, Messrs. East and
Cantelon twenty-three each, Mr.
Hovey twenty-two and Mr. Lawson
WESLEY CHURCH. thirteen. They also won several
other individual prizes and Mr. Hov-
ey stood second in the high averege
for the 'day, shooting ninety-two out
of a* hundred, J, E.. Canteloeeame
third ana, Geo. East fourth. This
was a pretty good showing Inc the
town club as they -had not been
practising only one: of the number
On Sunday morning last 'Rev. Geo.
Jackson of St,' Thomes, who: was
spending the week -end with his
brother in Stanley, occupied the put -
p11. , Master W. Walker of Strat-
ford, • who was also vesitor in
town, eendered a sole belore the
sermon and Miss Retie', Coolc sang havinee handled a gun, eince New
the solo part in: the choir hymn at Year's Day. They made the trip in
Mr.' Langford's new ear,
its conclusion. At the evening ser-
vice the pastor preached and Mr.
Getty Sellars presided a,t the 'organ,
Hee choir being m,arde up entirely of
inale aoices. A quartette composed
of Messrs. C. Lobb, W. Moffatt, F.
Lobb and E. East' rendered a selec-
tion at this service and Master Wal-
ker sang "Nearer My God to Thee."
Mr. Sellars, who was spending the,
day in town, also gave n recital! in
two parts,' from four o'plock to five
and from half past eight to half
Past nine, a great many music lovers
from town, aril 'surrounding countey
availing thereselaes. et theeprivilege
of hearing him, especialfy in thaev-
ening. Mr, Sellars' performances
were. mirk', appreciated, the' privilege
oi hearing so aietiagurehed , a mueic-
ian seldom coming the way pf peo-
ple outside the rarger towns and cit-
e The League held their monthly mis-
sionary meeting on IVIondaa evening,
when Miss Bessie Porter gain a very
intereeting addrese 012 "S01130 of the
Needs' of China*" -Mrs Oahtclon,, mis-
sionary vice president, reported ethe
work of, the department ,during the
year, in which the League hat con-
tributed 820e for missions, mostly by
endividnel coatrieutions. Of this a-
mottht $30 wae contributed by the
Junior League. The new officets now
assume charge.
pleasant, lettle. feature of the S,'
S. eession on Sunday last Was the
hanging ' of a pMtuee of the two
cote maintained by the school at the
• Lakeside Home in conneetiori. with
the Hosprtal for Sielr Children Tor-
onto. Thepicture was sent by the
• hosoital in „ reeognitibn of the
'school's generosity, These cots have
been supported tor about !ten 'eare.
„ Joseph Colclough, a life-long re-
sident of *Goderich township, passed
away nt his home on the Base Line
just north of town early on Tuesday
Mr. Colclough was a son of the
late John Colclough' and nearly -fif-
ty-nine years ago was born on the
seine farm on which he died. On this
farm he spent practically all his life,
having spent eight or ten years in
the• vicinity of Blyth and 13luevale
but returning and settling down upon
the old homestead.
For the past six or -seven years
Mr. • Colelough bas been almoet a
constant sufferer friain that dreed
complaint, 'Bright's disease, and leis
death came as a telease from, pain
and weakness. For more than a
Week before his 'death his Condition
was Arch that the end was expected
at almost any moment.
Mr. 'Colcloegh was an adberant of
the Anglican church and in politics
was a Cons,ereative. He was a man
of quiet dispesition, to -lane RO part
ie-puhlio aaalie, dad during the past
several • years his illness has 'kept
lam closely confined to the hotare,
Tairtypne yeaas age heessaan mak
tied to Miss, 'Annie Richardson, aaho
suraives him, •• together with their
family an four : Rey., llarvey Col-
elough 'Qt. Lloydtown, who ,was nt his
fatherrs 'bedside for over a week be-
fore he • passed away. and Albett,
Arthur end Miss May all at home,
• The anneral takes pjac thi after-
noon to` Clinton cemetery and will
be Medea the direction of Court
Pride of the ,West,, 0.0.ae, Landes-
deslioro, et {Aida_ deeeeeed yeae •
the special collection for' the purpose reereliar Tao tefigioaasaerrice witl
,being ' taken na,pa aaa)1,3: DaY eau a he crondected y je Ray P' 1!)' •Je4`."
loss. _ 11
- ,
birthday, will be observed as a bank
holiday but other places of business'
in Clinton will be open go the busi-
ness men ,have decided °retire to the
fact that it so closaly follow,e -Vic-
toiia Day:
The members of the Partin -le Club
and a 'lumber et friends went out
to- Bayrield -on Saturday evening and
had a dance in the pavilion. A most
ejoyabM thee is reported by the
young *people, who aiweys enjea a
jaunt -to the beireey MSc -side resort,-
• About People You Know
. •
Mrs. Hee-eller' seas in London inter Mis Ida W Ilion rpent the holiday in
* tire holiday: •London. - '
Mr. 1ordon Howeb risbted in 13e11in bliss Mintue Pinning was iu Mite
'creel' the holiday,. - on Saturday,
Mr, Jas. Elyria spent tlie welt -end 111ise Milile. Potts was in London for
I itt lite home in Clinton, Victona leay. d ,
'Mr, •John, Barr of Myth rccenely
purchased froth Mr. ee leiggink of
Elmhurst Farm, Huron Road, the
fine young ate:thorn heifer,. "Ram-
bling Bud" sired by raiderry Bud"
and from ''llarneljng 'Rose." The
animal' is of the best of .breeding
and a first class heifer in everway.
Major ISIoCrimmon of London was
in town yesterday inspecting the
Cadets, who went through their
sIrill under eommaisa of Lieut.
TOW110 • The cadets made" an. 'ex-
ceedingly smart appearance in Miele
new uniforms, which they had donned
for the first timer and eeidently
made a good impression oe the
inspecting officer.
A tournament of eight doubles of
tennis was . played off on the (mutts
of Mr, G. Levis and Mr. J. W. Stev-
°neon on Victoria Day. The games
were well contested foe" the tropliy.
The final games wer,e played- after
lunch, when N. ..Beacom defeated B.
Hovey in doubles by a score of 7-5
for the trophy, and B. Levis defeat-
ed C. Hodgson by 9-7 in the coneol-
ation. The young people are becom-
ing ,quite euthusiastic in this game,
which was'evidenced by the clever
play on Sea:inlay.
Zile baseball game here on the af-
ternoon of Victoria Day between the
Hyman team of London and the
local nine was rather onesided, the
score being somewhere 'in the neigh-
borhood of- 15-0 in favor of the Via -
Kers. They were in first claes
trim arid they certainly can play ball
all right,. having been playing a-,
gainst professional teams. The Locals
aTiOwed a lack of practice but . have
no need to be discouraged. The
season is before them and before it
is ended they will no doubt do
themselves and the town credit. A
fairly good crowd gathered in the
park to see , the ' match.
Mrs. D. K. Grant received word
last week of the death which accur-
red in Edanpurge, Scotland, of her
eldest brother, Dr. J. Ca. MacGregor,'
wbo wag Professor of Natural Phil-
osophy in the University of Edina
burgh. Death CW114 to 11411 sadden-
ly and without warning as he ex-
pired just as he was completing his
mornine toilet. The late Dr. MacGre-
gor was both in lialifax and had had
a beilliant career as a student and
educator, It was e dietinct honor
to a Canadian when, he was ap-
pointed in 1900 to the chair of Nat-
ural Philosophy in the Edinburgh
University, He had received several
honorary degrees from the great uni-
versities and was the author of
treatises on matlanceics end rely-,
sics and .of many scientific essays. In
his own particular sphere ' he was
said to have iew equals, Ile was
In hie sixty-first year.
Mr. : Ilarola 13igern was liorne learn Mr, J. Wert Ispene the, holiday wliat.
• maeonto for the holiday, • Wroxeter friends. ,
' Mitis *Mabel Cale was down from Mr. L. Fail: -of St. Cethaeines IV EIS in
Goderieh for Victoria Day. towu on 'Victoria Day, ,, '
Mr. A. Sterling, was in .Staatferra Mrs. Geo. Levis is visitine her SOR.,
14 -St --week for a day pr se. Mr. 1,, Lavin of Winghaim
Miss Pearl Glazier went to Toronto Milisee Hare,ilton and Wood were 10
I. on Monday to take a posieion. Toronto over the week -end,
Tee League on efonday evening, in-
tead of theirs- aegular meeting fur
nished a very pleasant evening for
the inmates of the House of Refuge.
Music was furnished by Mies Wiltse,
.111iss Mayfrid Altai and a larg'e graph-
ophone operated by the Mazes. Cast-
le. Readings were given by Mrs.
McMurray and lease ,Grasia mid the
pastor, Rev. S. Je Allin, delivered a
brief address, Mr, 0.-H, Holland oc-
cupied the chair and presided in e
pleaeing matinee. At the conclusion
of the program ice +cream and cake
were served by the young people to
all prezent.Mr. and Mrs. Muteh
did their utmost to make the visit
of the. Leagarers a pleasant oue and
the elderly people of the House gave
evidence of their deli -alit' in the pro-
ceedings. , •
IVIany eisitors attended the eervicee
oit Sunday last, The pestor preach-
ed ,in the neornieg from the words,
found in 1 Kings 8-18, ..e!Tlsoit &let'
well that ,it was in them keart,"
tae eveaing the Rev. Kenneth J.
Beacom of Victoria College Toren.
to,, peeacaed an eircellent serniou
from tae worde, `"Phy Ieingdolel
Conia." Ur, James Williams of
Toronto assisted the choir and • also
sang a sole very actep a y.
Car Sunday morning 'next 'the parr -
tor will preach to the : Canadian On -
der of Forest:axe, who will attend
the service in A. --
At the * annual meeting' of the Slur -
day 'school ,bbs other evening
Mi. al. Wiltse was 4e1neted 'euperin-
tendert in pMee of' Mr, A. Hociner,
wbote netitee oaring to ill :liealth,
blessre. Kahle Tiplada, ' Jacob
Ran '
da elate e• Caetat Howard
PSalkOt' ))T20 Izia0144,
Miss Rota Rowe oe Exeter is visit- Mr. Morley *Counter visited Bratit- ,
1 ing Mithes _Carrie and Minnie Mayford friends over the boliday.
Miss Kane Feedeeves home,fronia. Nia- Mr. Dean' Gourtice of Toronto was ..
i gara for, the. holidaye and week -end. up lover the holiday and week -me ,
Miss EdniaTernae. of at'he Stratford YRS. John Torrance is visiting bee ,
Normal was home ever the holi- daughter, Mrs. Cranston 'of Poeta
• Arthur. ..'
. '
Mrs. Waugh of Stratford was the Aar. L. Trowse bf Weodstoek was
guest ihst week Of Mr, aril Mei. I the guest of his mother for the
A, Sterling. I holiday. _
Mr. John Rumball of Toronto spene Mise 'Flood 'of Blyth was , ths guest
I Victoria Day arid Sunday at his 1 over the week -ed of' Miss Nettie
home in town.
Mrs. A. J. Grigg and Miss Helen M.
Mowat Chotven, Ailsa Craig,
I were with London friends tem Fri -
visited his home in town over Vis-
dayrmuogontreilTrouesitldaytoria Day. -
le .• Royal.
stare visited els home in 0
13"k Mr
I toria Day.
. and Air -
e. H. Plumsteel and Miss
M L. Suitter bf Glencee wa'sWeinli I . e
En7ra were in Wineham for Vic -
Sound .0505r the 24th,•
Mr, ilbur Manning of London was
town v the , I d '' 'ti •
in town yesterday, having come les
- his daughter, Pais. H. Rayner.
Mr. and Mrs. Gin his car
Geo. Grigg of Walton '
' of town over 'the week-ene.
Mt. W. J. Mitchell of the News- I
were the guests of Mrs. Wm. Grigg
35ithse 1Jeeth sl i id a° I
y. .
the guest of Mrs. K. Obowen foe
tadfo_rd of Inger. soil was
Record is spending the week among Mr. and Mrs. Waterson of Loader.
I week -end of Mrs. Howson of At-
tire mining torsrns of New Ontario.
Mrs, Wesley Walker iind babe visited 1 bert street.
. thee lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Agnes Daigleish of Stratford •
W. A. Sloan of Blyth lest week. I was the guest, over the holiday oe
Mr. Walter Jackson of Brantford Miss Mabel Dunford.
Mrs. Wm. Robb went down to Pica.
Ming on Friday last to attend the,
funeral of her father,
Mrs. . Alex. McLean and childree '
were the guest on Monday of bee - '
sister, ,Mrs. R. A. Bell.
Miss Bessie Callender of London vis-
ited Mr. and Mn,, J. Rattenbury •
during the holiday time,
Kr. and Mrs. D. S. Chill and arise
Clrace visited Welland and Toronte
during the holiday time.
Mr. L. J. Wasmann was !same for '
the holiday and was accompanied '
by his friend, Mr, Honey,
Mr. Harry Coghill of Stratford was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs.. Ire
'Cliowen over the week -end.
Roy Forester and Andrew Steepe
spent Victoria Day in Mitchell, the
guests oC the former's uncle.
Miss Margaret Bell of Goderich was
the guest 01 Miss Jean and Master
Willie Bell on Victoria Day.
Miss Helen Ross has been confined
to the eouse for the past week
,witli an attack of tonsilitis.
Mr, Stanley Way of London Was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mitten-
. bury during the holiday season,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Ford ' spent the
holiday at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Diehl of Stanley township,
Mr, Geo. Hummel spent from Satur-
,day until Monday in Cloderich the
'guest of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Mar-
low. •
Miss Rose McCaughey of Toronto
spent 'the 'eetli holiday,e at her
home here, that of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J , McCaughey.
Mr., Waken and Miss Lauea visited
Hensell relent's during the holiday,
time, They were accompanied by
Miss Minlue Pinning.
Messrs, B. Twiteltelt and Ike Bat-
tcnbury and Mime IIattie Hollo-
way , and Earle -Ross motored to '
Goderieli. on Saturday.,
Miss Anuabelle McEwan, who has
completed her final yeae at the •
to Ferges to assiet in the hoetsital
there, ,
Medical College, Toronto, has gone
Mrs. Bauslaugh,, who has been
town for the pest ' two, or three
motes, having nursed Mrs, J. D.
Atkinson through -her recent ill-
ness, lett yesterday for her home
at Centralia. s
Mrs. Joseph Grigg and her son Mr.
Wm. Grigg of Grimsby spent the
240 with the May's brother, Mre
A. Hooper of. Oran. Mrs.' Grigg'
wets fermeria a resident of ,Clintoh .
and was glad to meet some fam-
iliar fat -es . • * ,
Mrs. Cl. S. Hawke ' of Northwood,
who has been visiting friends in ,
Toronto, is *spending this week .
amciege old Clinton - friends, or
whom she has a. great many Who
heartily welcome ber to their
spent from Monday until Tuesday
in town with his father and moth-
er. -**
Mrs. Marsh and Mastat Norman of
Detroit are the gueste of the
lady's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo.
Mr. Joe Clark of Toronto visited
rom Fraley., un til elonday with his
aunt, Mee, 'I'. Jackson, are and
other !mends In towis
Mrs. Geo.- Pickett end Miss Effie
were in Toronto for the holiday. ,
Miss Ida Walltinshaw was the guest
' of Wingliain erieuds oluring the past
Mr.. and Mrs. Linder of l'oronlo vis-
ited* their daughter, airs. ,James
Doig, over the-. week -end. • Mrs,
Linder is remaining for a longet
I visit,
Mrs. Woodman 'of Boston, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S.
Evans, during the past week, left
Monday for her sumaier home at
Wiarton, •
Mr. Will Clreig is lionie from Toton-
to suffering from an acute attack
of rheinuatiem. Will's friends are
hoping that he will SOOR be all
right again. ---
Rev. Isaac Couch of Peteeboro, a
b,rether , of the late Arthur Couch
of toevn,' has accepted an invitation
to the McLeod St, Methodist
church, Ottawa. •
Misses Rhea Storlin, of Hespeler and
Edna Sterling of Rodney were at
tee parental home, that of Mr.
and Mee. Archie Sterling of town,
over the helidaa.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowed :end
daugliter, Miss Mildrea, and Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph May of Exeter
visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mat
over the holiday.
Mr. tied Mrs. G. H, a'areoe of Tar-
anto -spent Victoria Day and Sun-
day at. the home of the latter's
Pareats, Mr. and Mrs. he Bothwell
of aPtineess etreet,
.A . Taylor or Loneon, for-
euerly ,of Clinton and brother 01
11er. jarioe Taylor of town, has
Sailed for lenglarat in company
with his Wife and ' will be absent
some months. They will visit
Switeerlancl before returning.
Mrs. , Aures of Port Union and, Mrs.
Brumwell and M'anter Frank of
Victoria S,q tiara, Ontario eoun-
ty. spent the holiday and
week -end the guests of the for-
iner's sisters, Mias Weeitington of
tow a and Mrs. Ja Southcombe of
Hutietb l
Mr. T. G. Pate Was up for the hote-
day - visiting friends in Goderich
township, Godericli anti,. Clinton, re-
turning to Toronto on Tuesday.
"I look. for The News-Reeord each
week" remarked alr, take, "and it
always 'cent:alas something of inter-
est concerning ,olcl friends in town
or township''
M• e
r I 'Howson who with his wife
-visited feieuds ih Clinton and vie-
, inity duririg the late winter, only
returning to their home- at Rolla,
North Dakota, a few weelts nge,
Was called back the end of last
Week owing -to the, ielnees of his
ingther, airs. Taylor of (Maori°
street, who at time oe writing is
-, in a eery critical condition,
Robb Pollock of La Bleier°,
Man., has been visiting Mr. John
Totrance, of town and calling on
friende end relatiens in Stanley
,township (Write the past week, It,
is' seven years' sine° Mr. Pollt
last, visited the old "balmier and ' arid RR emoyable time WAS Spent. ,
fitteen since he 'hist tooe up r_esi- • Miss Janet Campbell is busy apt-
aenee in Manitoba,- where lie has ting settle in her house In the V 11-
prOspeeed. He left here foe l'orces- lege,
to to attend tint -sig gathering ot Ti e was quite a display of ere-
Preeb,yterfans, having conic down works -ill the a:lilac:Ai ma the eveneag
weep garees over tAo toncluy :mid of VIatorist Day, Me. -Hall aua riterz.•
•tke WPSI fpr 010 al:aaaat,Ykag
Mr, aria Mrs. E. McGregor aria
children of Wanterton spent the 2415 • •
the guests of the lady's grand -
mailer, Mrs. 1Vrin,, arid other frt-
. Mies Lois Holmes of Clinton spent
Saturday and Sueday the guest of '
Miss Mayme Hall,
Mrs. Sutherland SPent the holidaY
with her daughtet,-1VIrs, S. Kindy ot
The oill meet-ing held ori .
Thursday evening was Well attended!
•• • 4 • • , ' ' • 4 : - • . • • ' , • , , t' , , . • '. 1 1
.• • .• , „ . • „„ , • •• „ , , •