The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-15, Page 8Successor to J. Twitchell '& Son 5 Special Savings FOR SATURDAY AND4ALL/NEX'T WEEK. lOTOOTR MAI,.LEABLE IRON GARDEN RAKES for 4 BOXES TGE IJAND CLEANER for I3RASS CURTAIN EXTENSION RODS 5 to 1.00 FLEMPOL THE NEW FURNITURE POLISH only 2a alio .25 LIQUID VENEEIR; SILVER CLOTH DUSTER Reg ,^. .25 for .15 HOUSE13OLD HAND SAWS Reg ,.35 for .25 SACK HAMMERS.,... ,..... .......... .........5 10 and .15 We have again replenished our Stock in the -following popular lines=- Sherwin.Williarns paints—Floorac-Japalae—Campbells varnish stain --Liquid Granite—Dustbane the great dis- infectant—Brighten up with Windowphame-'-Champion- —Ideal and perfect Lawn Mowers'—Good Stock Poultry Netting and all Supplies—It pays to use Panaeafor the Bens—See one New Steel Clad Dairy Pails—rust received another lot of perfection oil stove -2 -second hand Gast li.le stoves in good order cheap -we now sell•Beaver Board, flarl nd Bros. STOVES, HARDWARE' AND NOVELTIES. Jackson's Shoes Every Shoe -we Show in our Store pos. sesses so much of genuine merit that it warrants your attention andcareful consideration, OUR SHOE6 88E GOOD SHOES Not because we say so, but because they, are. You will never know this until you. - • wear them. A. good time to,find out is when you need your next pair, Come, see and be convinced. 1 WEAR OUR SHOES AND YOU WILL KNOW THE BEST SHOE SATISFACTION. FRED. JACKSON Lomb ®Ulf Wall Hangings have a- decorative effect and value which makes the home invit- ing and -comfortable. Our designs are almost sure to suit. your taste and our prices your pocket book. /„ring us Onerorommon ••••••••••••••••••••• NH•N.ON•N•••••••: 2 • ,• I • • 2• the . measurements of your room and we will give you anestimate of the cost. W. D. FAIR CO. Often Cheapest Always the Best S , i lfmnn irptlleusunnI I,l elf tj n f r 1111, • Mr, Bellamy of tbo Dungannon .News was in Clinton on Friday last. Postmaster Scott spent a couple of:.. days in Toronto this week.. Miss Amy ;Howson was in Toronto for' a couple of days the beginning rof the week. Mr. John Jenkins of :the Telephone Road attended the funeral of the late Iiorace Faster in . Brampten. oa Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Humber and Mrs. King motored down frons Goderich on.Sunaay afternoon, 'ars. King coming to assist the choir of Ontar- io street elntrch in the -evening service. • Mr. J. Wilson Turner, representing the Crown -Oil Refining Co. of Hamilton, tivas in Clinton on Mon- day. ' Mr. Turner is a member of the Brumfield family of that .name and was one of the football stal- warts who for several, seasons made the village femous. Miss Mary Sampson, who a year ago came out from Truro, SOLD: wall, England, to visit her. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, C. S. I Hawke, then of Clinton, was milted in marriage last- week to Mr. ' William Blatchford of 'Toronto. Our citizens who became acquainted with the bride during her residence. here all extend their best wishes.. Mr. N. E. Werrett, who for several months has been a.mnember -of the Molsohs Bank stat!, , has been trans- ferred to Meaford, leaving for that Place on Monday. He was sorry to leave Clinton and the many friends he made here were sorry to see him go. He has been succeeded by Mr. I3utchinson who comes from the Meaford branch but whose home 15. in Trenton; • ldr. and Mrs. 0, F. Bell and their tivo children recently . arrived from t England Chesterfield, Derbyshire, er d, shire S England, . anaze makingmakingtheir home in Clin- t ton, Mr. Bell haying 'taken a posi- tion on Majgr Rance's big farm ,of which his brother-in-law, Mr, Cor- dell, is foreman. The Cordell and Bell families are acquisitions. . to Clinton which will gladly welcome many more. like them. Miss Winnie O'Neil went to Bramp- ton on Monday to be prcbent . at 'the funeral of the late Mr. Hordes Foster, going on from there ,to r Miss h . sister, Toronto to .see e 0 Hazel, who is ill M. the nurses' home. of the General `]icspritaI, har- ing gone. down only ,a few ,weeks age to take a course of training ..as a nurse.. She will return home as soon as she eau be moved • to rest'up and rectit>c rate. a Mrs. You who has been spending ndin S the winter months with .her daugh- ter, of Montreal, Mrs. M sh o has returned home, spending, a ,few days with Toronto friends on ''the. way. Mrs, Young envoys keeping up her acquaintance with old friends and as Isrhe nembers' them in many a town and pity in On- tario and seine in other provinces she could thus spend a good Part but year very :pleasantly, Clinton is the town, to which' she conies '!home.” Mr,. John Cordell arrived recently from Chesterfield, Derbyshire, Eng., and is now visiting with hisson, Mr. George Cordell, and his daughter, Mrs. C. F. Bell. Mr. Cordell is keeper of the Railwaymen's In- stitute at Chesterfield, a position he has held for some -- time and still holds as this is only a- holi- day visit. Be is favorably ' im- pressed byCanadian p possibilitiesrlitier s and if _he were twenty yeasrs.young- er would in all probability cast his lot in this country. A _r 'fire R l Usti 1 Y • r and is larger esses t hid' ear r wash 9 g showing o f a Dx ' Our ' prettier than we have shown before. Dainty ]ftlle dress. es in Prints, Ginghams, Chamlrays, Ducks and Linens and in all sizes from two years and. up to fourteen years ooderfun low priced at from $ 25 to $2.00, and,w Y P rT E AT I S 1D $1.25. M SEE OUR GIRLS Ladies White Waists' and Underwear + We have a beautiful assortment of Ladies- Waists. + 3 in Lawns,.Embroidery, Pique,:Linens etc. ranging in price fro$.60, to $3:00. • SEE OUR SPECIAL LINE AT $ .00. • Also some extra values in Ladies ' and childrens ' Undeiskirts, Gowns, Covers, Draws rs i Prin.e ss Slips and Combinations. SMALL PROFITS . PL L .13ROS: MORE BUSINESS • O ••••••••••NON•••••••O•.O!••O.•••••••••.N• 0000 *ON OOH OON •HOOKA NOO.0000♦NO*ON •1144,•••• NN PTJBLIC'. iTHE 33 TO associated in year has been assoc th e . Atkinson, who forpast I Mr. J D. Arks being name et Atkinsof & un businessthe with Mr. Jas. Dun ford –the firm g taken over. beingby his interests ste .. — retired, Atkinson & DunYord ha6 Mr. John May. The new firm will he known as Mulford & May and r e spec t fu lly ' e solicits a continuance ofthe generous support 6U totg- nJa ed thisby O store. i 1 1 2 • - -2 z .- _ MAY0D4 1 Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors IP Phone 104 IP73orli 127- -NIGHT AND ST.NDAY GALLS—. PFIONE 16 • JAMES DUNFORD JOHN MAY 2 •OOOOONONOo0000N00000••NNO•••O00000 ON •••• •••• r - National Portland Ce.ment:. After trying other kinds YOU always come back to the BEST. The best ce= went is the National Portland Cement. It is the OId Stand-- By. - A Car load lust in, S.J. ANDREWS. CLINTON, 1 News -Record :SOTU OUR, STORES WILL BE OPEN SAT. UR1 AY MAY 24th and CLOSED ON MONDAY MAY 26th. A dersods Gnghams 12 1.2c All New Spring Patterns 1000 yards Anderson's new spring ginghams in all the very latest colorings and designs in plaids, checks andstripes, full width and weight Regular 15c per yard. ' Saturday 12% 12 11-2c, ENGLISH (IJNUIHIAMS 11Oc 500 yards English and Canadian Ginghams guaranteed fast colors in all the new coloring and p atterns full width Regular 12% Saturday 10e One hundred New gits .Just Received If you have a Rug want to brighten up your home, come and see our display of right up to the minute .patterns comprising Wools, Tapestry, Yutaki Fibre Rugs, Brussels, Miltons, Velvets, Axminsters and Japanese Fibre ,in fawns, browns, greens and reds, in all the new spring colorings 'and,dfjsigns from $1.25 -up to $45. /I' New Straw and Fell Hits FO /I) MIN AID %i o, ys. We are showing a comlepte - range of -New Spring Hats for men and boys in straw and felt, right un to' the minute in style and shapes' down to the harvest hat, from 10e to $3.00 a call solicited About People You Know. Mr, Frank O'Neil is home from Mooseiaw for a brief stay with his l family in town Mr. James Ileern srllered for a f,w days with a bad cold, but ' has now recovered and looks just as well 1s ever. I Miss R. i41otherscad of` Washington, , D.C., isthe guest of her cousin, Miss B. Ward, principal of the Commercial College. Rev. D. K. • 'Grant was in Toronto over the week -end, having gone down to take Rev, Mr. MacMillan's work at Miniico on Sunday. Miss Jessie O'Neil is home from the , Toronto University. Owing to alt illness. she was "unable to write on her exam this spring. Mrs. (Reeve) McClure of Goderr"e h township and Keri daughter, Flor- ence from Toronto,=visited at the :home of DIt. and 'Mrs. Notions on :,Tuesday , Mrs. Harry Jersli g off . Detroit , is spending a few lvdek>•r'Oith'her par-. r _ ason of S Mrs."M Mr. and I. s M 'ent Mown and with her. brother, Postmaster Mason of Summerhill Mr. R. A. Downs of Woodstock was ,in town on Tuesday, having come up to be present at the funeral of his father-in-law, the late John Smith, Mr. Downs hpent a couple of hours of the afternoon: making 'hurried . calls upon some of .his, many friends in `town. Mr. ,James , Y. Young of Bayfield was in town on Tuesda and, of his return to the lakeside Village was accom- panied by Mrs. Young, who for the past two or three weeks has been helping. to nurse her mothee, Mrs. F. Moore. Mrs. Young expects to come :back on Thursday. Mr. John Cuningltame has been laid off the past weeksuffering from an attack of sciatica but is now be- ginning to mend, As this is a most inconvenient:, season for a man in his .business to he g incapaci- atesl, his greenhouse needing all his time and care, it is hoped that his recovery will he speedy, Rev. A. MacMillan was a guest over the week -end at the home of his brother-in.1aw, Dr. Gunn; Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons leaves today to spend a week with her sister, Mrs.:Hugh Kennedy of Statfa. Mr. James Campbell of Londesboro, treasurer of clerk arta r the veteran or Hullett, was 'in..town yesterday. Miss Mabel Vodden of ,Londesboro has been the guest during the past week of her aunt, Mrs. Bert Langford. ' Mrs, T. Jackson, Jr., leaves this week to visit her sister, Mrs, Olatk, and other friends in Toron- to. Mr. Nixon Welsh returned lastnight Irani Toronto where he had been 'attending the University. The long vacation is now on. eight-year-old Master ' George, the son of Mr, and' Mrs, W J. Elliott, who. has been very ill with pleuro pneumonia, is now impr.oVing rap -r idly, Messrs. W. Jackson, C, E. Dowding, C. W, Whitmore and , F. 'T.. Tack - son were in Lonoon 7ne sda Y , mak- ing the trip in the first mention- uto• e d' S a Mrs. Gardner returned on Friday from Stratford, where she had been- spending a week with " Mrs, Arthur Twitchell, who was recent- ly bereft of her liuiband. Mrs. Kemp and little son, Diaster Donald, ,of Ottawa are the .guests of the lady's mother, Mrs; James Shep herd . They will P r0h'abl Y s p en3 most of the summer in town. Mrs. James Shepherd, who has been spending some months with her • son. at Gilbert Plains, Man., re- turned to her home in town last wrek;, after having also visited Toronto .friends for a time. Hon. T. B. Lucas, the ine,nlsr•,: for Centre Grey, who bas 's.en acting Provincial Treasurer since the rleath of Col. Matheson, was this uetk sworn, in as minister of that de- partment and will go back to his constituents' for re-election on June 9th. Mr. Lucas is an uncle of Mrs` ,J." E. Hovey of town. - The News From Londesboro More Londesboro News page 4. Mr. Diatt. Mains is taking out rock-elni.square timber on the 16th con. of Goderich township. Mr. Mains is an expert at this class of work as well as in barn building in general and bas a buisy season ahead 0F him.. Miss Mabel Vodden is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Langford 01 Clinton. Mr. Wm, Lee, who has been quite ill, is nowsomewhat better, we are glad to ki,ow. Owing to scarcity of framers "it looks as if farmers who intend to build barns or make additions' will 1 have to turn in themseIves and help on, the job. In this respect Londes- boro is in all probability not any better or , any; worse all than other li i Iota t es, • Mr, Forresteg of Clinton is acting G,T.R agent during the absence of Mr. Will,Lyon in the west on hig honeymoon trip, ReV. Mr, 'Reid occupied the pulpits of Burns and Knox churches on Sun- day - for time as their pas- tor. S- t r. At a meeting of the League held c on April:30th, the following officers were elected,: - Hon. -Pres., Rev. Mr. Osterhout. President, ;'Miss A. 13e11. 1st Vice, Miss. M. Vodden. 2nd Vice, Miss M. Lyon, 3rd Vice, Miss 112. Lyon. 401. Vice, Mr. W. H. Lyon. 5th Vice, Miss A. Braithwaite. Secretary, Miss F, Moon, Treasurer, Mr. D. Carter, Organist,- Miss E. Millar, Assistant, Miss Lillie Brunsdon. Mrs. John Spindler of Lupknow is visiting at her parents' home. Her mother; Mrs. .Joseph Lyon, does s not improve in health very fast. Mrb. Robert Knox, Mrs. Ballantyne and Mrs.' Jas, Cutt of Blyth visited friends in the village last Wednesday, also attending the induction of Rev. J. G. Reid held in the Presbyterian church here. Induction of Rev. J. G. Reid, At 'the end of January last Rev. W. T, Pearcy resigned his charge of Knox church, Londesboro and Burns church, Iiullett, to accept a call t e Harriston, It was then thought that it might be a long time before the congregations would have another: I leader, but Mr. 'Turner, Moderator,. wah very energetic. After six genole- men had preached' the moderathf w. — called a meeting of the two churches to learn if they were ready to call and found that they were and that - Mr. Reid was their unanimous choice. A call was extended and at a meet- ing of the Guelph Presbytery held be.. the middle of April Mr. Reid's I translation was granted. On the 7th of May the induction service was held, Rev. Mr. Argo of Egntondville preaching the induction sermon. Rey. Clinton addressed f'Ql d the• D . K. Grant o i t minister, stating that while sal- ary was not large he hoped his re- wards would .be, that the work in a country congregation was desiraale because the country folk had time to meditate, and that the dancing class, ems the L and the club rooms picture shows lysis not competing factors and that the country preacher Should to seine extent check the migration of our sons and daughters to other climat- es. Rev, W. D. ` Turrrr gave the charge to the people, exhorting them to be faithful, to promote union and harmony and especially to encour- age their pastor by regular atten- dance tterdance at divine service, After service the ladies served lunch. Mr. Reid commences his duties der the most factorable conditions and will be received by the members of his s coug rsgetions most graciously act o usiY and respectfully. The people seeing his kindness, earnestness aryl sym- pathy feel, that they have a palter . matured in the very best prinetp_ts, a pastor who cat advise and guide. The people bf this community are, very proud to have Mr. ' Reid and, hope, thathe, and Mrs. Reid and red long hale daughters. will be spa to them. , dH4PuA's New Holiday Footwear URNIA\'S Fulllg equipped for Summer—Are you ready for the hot da3's that will soon be here? We are prepared to show you. the newest designs i.a summer footwear, in canvas and leather: tiIllhite and Tan Shoes -This season .promises to be another in which these will be very much in demand, is now complete, comprising new designs in Pumps, Oxfords and Boots, our stock of these colon's lectitis,-4,•• cur l5. sachis,,y. 11,