The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-15, Page 6A GOOD MEDICINE FOR THE, SPRING Do Not USe Harsh Purgatives— A Tonic is All You Ned. Not -exactly sick -bat not feeling quite well. That is the Wajs most people feel in the spring, Easily tired, appetite fickle, sometimes headaches, and a feeling of depres- sion. l'imples or eruptions may ap- pear on the skin, or ,there may be twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia. Any of these „indicate that the blood is out of order -that the indoer life of winter has left its mark upon you and may easily develop into more serious treuble. . • Do not dose yourself with purga- tives, as so many people do, in the hope that you can put your blood right. ' Purgatives gallop, through the systein and weakeMinstead of giving strength. •Any doctor will tell you this is true. What you need in sPring is a tonic that will make new. blood and build up the nerves. Dr., Williams' f Pink is the only medieine that can do this speedily, safely and surely. Every ' does of this medicine i.makes new blood which clears . the :skin, etrengthens the appetite and Makes tired, depressed den,women and children bright, active and strong. •-• 31,1rii. Maude Eng, Lemberg, Seek., sayee• "I can unhesitatingly recom- mend Ur. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood builder and tonic. I was very much run down when I began using: the. Pills, a„nd , e, few boxes fully restored mv health." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or, six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • DRAGON CLUB'S SIMPLE LIFE. Woman Journalist at Her teat Sixes pence Organizes Club. . The "Dragon ChM" with dinner ,for eixpence, has stiired many in- , qpiries. It was a woman learne- r who, at her last oh:Tenets of- fered to organize that Chelsea (England) restaurant on cheap lines -and run.it as a club. It was thesuperfluitee that were eut off. The laundry bill -why should not you eat from a bare -table that eats be easily cleaned? The creckery business was run ors earefur lines. There it „too much crockery for the simple life. "We eat off bare tables," writes the founder Of the Dragon Club, "and the food is dished in French • fireproof bowls with lids to them, serving the double purpose' when necessary, of saucepan andplate. Our spoons are of horn and bones •to save labor- in polishing silver, and Our -mugs are Dr:stilton, to save labor, and we wait on ourselves, also to save labor. The meal is sub- stantial, and the, hungry person can get it by joiningthe club and putting up his sixpences fer tickets." • BABY'S BATTLES. •' Baby's battles for health are many. The precious littlelife is in constant danger.: from the many ills that afflict little ones such a consti- Potion, indigestion, colic, diar- ' rhoea etc., and unless the mother guards her little ones against these 'troubles ierious results May follow. Baby's' Own Tablets is the best medieine to fight baby's battles. They are a 'mild laxative that will regulate the stomach arid bowels and will thus ward off sickness arid will keep baby hapPy, healthy and strong. , The .Tablets are thld by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The,Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. • Oh, Well1' • Guest, --.Look here, .weiter 1 The portion of chicken you served to me was not. one-third the size of the portion you just gave to ,that fat man over there. • I'm going to maker, a complaint. Where's the raa,ba: Waiter (indicating fat party; in the oregyound)--That'a hint, six,. ARMS AND FACE VERY MUCH DISFIGURED Skin" CrScked. and Bled, Causing Much Pain, Was Getting Dis- couraged, Cuticura1 Soap and Ointmeht Soothed Right Away. Used Them Four Weeks. Has " -Not Been Bothered Since. 8 Hunter St...Davisville, Toronto pint", "No.*" My usuo giri :was troubled with, cracked arms and face from 'NM time ,she - was born. They were certainly very much aisegured. Tao skin' WaS, sensitive and cracked and bled, causing much pain by• smarting. When healing a little 'it took ;the form of itching. 1.`he trouble made her ' very cross. When she cried 11,0 tears would make it smart and cause More pain.' I tried • ,cold cream...7,-77, and and • st got better only t� break out again'wlion exposed to•the alr. She suffered forever three years and I was getting discouraged when.I read of Cutieura Soap and,Olntment and -sent for samples. `Dutletna Ointment seemed to eoothe it right away, where.other ointments made it burn, SO 5 bonght•Some more. I usod•thern. an our weeks and she bas not boon bothered since. Der face and • arms havencver had a mark since, lit fact her complexion is wonderfully clear.", (Signed) Mrs. Underhill, Dec, 11,1911. Calcine Soap le best for skinand hair because of its, extreme puri634. delicate yet effeetive emollient properties, and refreshing fragrance. It cents but little more than ordinary,soaps, wears t� a wafer and gtVes . • comfort and aatiehmtion every Moment of , Itt use, for teilet,.bath and iturdery. • Cuti- cura Soaly•Ittal Cuticura,Ohnitiont are'sold • • everywhere, Liberal aantnie of each mailed free, with ,320. Skin Hook. Address post card Potter Drug & Chem. "(join., Dept. 401); Lostue„TJ. 5. A. • THE LIFE'IS FULL OF THRILLS SOME ADVENTURES IN SO IJT11- ERN NIGERIA.. Fail -tire of a Signal Prevented the Natives Prom Murdering Com- missioner. That enterprising representative of King George, P. Amattry Talbot, district commissioner of Southern Nigeria, has been making more queer discoveries and, making more adventuree. .Ineidentally, he re: cently escaped being butchered by. natives, who were :laboring under a misapprehension regaiding his in- teations towards theineelvee, only by the Bluth of his teeth,but he must be getting used, to that by nOw., For, besides ,being the only au -vivo r of the' ill-fated expedition that was captained by the late Lieut. Boyd -Alexander. ., Talbot, ,ince he has been in Africa,- has had one close shave after another,. sometimes in fights with the blacks, sometimes in enthunters 'With' wild beasts., 'and onee or twice .at ..the hands of the accomplished native poisoners of his 'district; where it is impolite to go out to dinner without taking an antidote, or'tveo in one's pocket. , Talbot, of course, is the discov- erer of tlas eerie "Lake of • the Dead': in Southern Nigeria where- of the guardian as a .giant python; likewise of the Ekoi tribe," the meat of which are little • better than slaves to the women; a.nd his admen,- tures.among the latter and 'among men with "buffalo emils" are set forth iii great, detail in his' recent book "In the Shadow, of the Bnah." • TheeLake ofeLife. • 'Soon- alter Talbot' and his eclnallY intrepid wife got back to Africa again, alter their holiday in -Eng-. land, the commissionore. started out on anew expedition, Which re - stilted in the diseovery of a sacred "Lake of Life," the existence Of whiah had been kept as a jealous secret from the lsnowledge of Europeens. Seraething °bent this lastest discovery at the commissioner was published in the London news: paper,. but Talbot gives fuller -de- tailsin the 00,RDSO of a letthr, dated Eket, near Calabar. - "On the safeguarding of this Lake of Life, according to local be- liefs," heewrites,'"the welfare of over a quarter of a million Ibibios depends." Then he goes on to tell ,how close a shave .he and his com- panions had from death. It theme that oor.ruption is prac- tised' pretty extensively by the un- to -date native offieials of Talbot's district. Soon after, his return, in feet,' the commissioner discovered that the dusky clerks of the region had been indulgingin it wholesale, a,nd, hapromptly imprisoned. four Of them. "The rest," he writee,. "fearing -revelations, started a ru- mor arnong the villagers that the -expedition just starting out was to burn and slaa and that their sole chance was to anticiaarte even,ts by murdering the white men." A Narrow 'Escape. . . , It was only owing to the acciden- tal failure of 'a signal, that the com- missioner escaped. Afterward, however, Talbot received a charm- ing apology from the chiefs,. ex- preesing their satisfaction that they had not been led into the Orior of killing him before they found that the reporteas to his intentioris Were untrue. • • "The trouble witile lifesout here," remarks Talbot,"sernthntiougly, "is that it eon:tains a superabundance of thrills. . ,• • "To give .you an idea of everyday ocourrence,s. . Last week a boy of eight Wat--breught up to me for stabbing a ,plassmate through the heatt because the letter tried to take away a bit of string! Next day a woman, „With her ferehead eut through to -the bone front the hair line to the top of -the nose, eitme toseoMplain, flathalasea brother diadadoiteirtibecause theYethuld not agree as to the ownerahip. of a few fectof yarn paitlefi'l" .-.2Anether day a whiteMaristeld. "ea that -in bicyeling along .n trackwhich leads through on of the ilCredlerocodile isivampe, he -1 en over the rotting body of .a :woman, the sisal" 'cleft through and ,laid out at if in sithrifice with doz- ens of broken jars set around her. - "To -day We hate just learned that another' man' and 'Noreen are guilty of destroying the • twins which were born to them. I just mention these cases tosshow'you the, sort of' 'incident' that is always'. happening out here." • LIFE OF ROMAN e. — , • Excavations pisclomo Dwell i n gs, Coins •and Bones of Animals. A Roman farm', has been an - earthed at Rockbourne DowneDor- set, England. The mica/vat:lime, Which were made by permission of ,Lerd Shafteeintry, disclose the re- mains of it ,small Roman farm or "villa" inside a low esti-them en-. slo•sure. The farm was 96 acres" in extent, sand the huildings. were en- . closed; witic a. ditcla eiWinclia sur- rounded a quadrangle.150 feet by 80 feet., The buildings 'found. include the dwelling house, bakehouse, and a granary with hypocaust' (a system of hot ,air fines under the floor). The remain,s of •.a good deal of thrn were also feundy steiwell as quantities of bonne of hersee and, cattle: A large number of frog - merits of New Forest, Sivrniun, and other ware, including a perfect jug, pate, and .Ptoback marble vessels, were dieesovered" as well az knife blades" spindle whorls, -and enina from Gallienus tO Constantine, dur- ing :the - exea,vietions. • Inside the ditch' is a burial m,ourd belonging to the bronze age, 'and, here was found .sun arrow head anad it ciner- ary urn in irts cyst. . From lialifax to Vancouver WOMEN ARE PRAISING'p ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. - , — Nova Scotia Mother Tells 11ow They Cured Her Aches and Pains, and Made Iler a Well Woman Again. Enna Senna Bridge, Halifax Co., N. S., May 12 (Special). -From 'Vancouver to Halifax come daily reporth of the splendid work Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing for the suf- fering women of Canada, and this little place Can 'Show a Splendid cure Of its own, Mrs, Orastus Pace, the mother of a, large family, was a sufferer from those acheand pains only women know. To -day she is a strong,' healthy woman. Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. 'I had a pain in my left side and down through my hips,' Mrs. Pace states. "I had headace all the time: My heart .was weak, and at times a pain areltlad it added th my fears. Some clays,I was hardly able to walk. • •e "I read of a number of cures of cases. like mine by Dodd's Kidney Pills, and sent for three boxes. To-. slay I am a well woman, and can do as much work ELS ever I mild" Dodd's Kidney pills cured Mrs. Pace because her troubles came from clisease•cllsidneye. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills always cure diseased kid- neye, a,n(1 as ninety per cent. of wo- men -re .:troubles eomes from kidney trouble, Dcald'e 'Kidney PilTh have come to be known as soffering 'wo- man's best_ fr.ip.n,d. • • WHITE CANNIBALISM.' ' Terrible Story of Escaped Convicts From Devil's Island. - A story of cannibalism, in which wre-cked senora .weee indicted for killing and eating a ship's boy, Mae related in the Ilreach Press recent. Four convicts, named Mouillard, Bachere-an, Fossey,, and Maehevel, arranged to escape from Devil'e Is- land, the penal oalciny in French Guinea,. They loft =one night, and 'Baeherea,u proanis.ed to lead them 50. a place where, theywould be able' to 'dig fOr •gold and make enough to love, on till they could es- cape' from the:Colony altogether. On January 6 they left with a sword apiece, acme leaves of bread and"sotme prese,ryed vegetables in tins, Yossesatected as guide, saying that be knewthe.way to the 'liver Mama, where gold was plentiful. 'After it aix days' march Foss,ey iid- mittcd that he had lost his way. The foul! men wandered about, aim- lessly for eight -days more, lavrng on roots. Starvation overtook thean. Maehevel broke down 'and his three companions killed and ate him. By means of stealing a boat She survivors got to. Manias. where' Shay were able to steal a- larger boat. They were wrecked at the mcluth of the Marconi and taken back to Prison at St. Llurent. The three men have'confeesed 50 eating their campa,nion, and are to be tried for his murder. , s CLEARED AWAY. Proper Food Put the 'Troubles . Away. - Our own troubles always seem more severe than any others, .But When a man,is'unable to eat even a light 'breakfast,' for years, without severe distress, he has trouble enough.- - • - It is -small wonder he likes io of food . which cleared away the trotiblets. ' • "1 AM glad of the opportunity th tell :of. the good Grape -Nuts has done "for rne," vsrites an Eastern man. 'Tor many years I wan un- able to eat even a light breakfast • 'without great suffering, - "After eating I would suddenly • be s,eizedivi5h asi atteck of colic and vomiting', This would be fol- lowed by. headaelniatnel misery that would 'thmetiinee ,last a week or mote' leaving me- se weak I could hardly sit up or walk. ' "Since I.began to' eat Grape -Nuts I have been -free from the old trou- bles. I usually eat Grape -Nuts one or more timeri a day, •takingit at the beginning of the meal. Now I Can eat almost 'anything I -want without trouble, ' • • "When I began to use Grape -Nuts. I' was way under mw usual weight, now 1 -weigh 30 pounds., more than ,I ever weighed in rny-life, and I am glad to speak of the food that has. worked the change." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Read the little booklet; "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." ( • Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and tall of human Interest• . Very Absent-minded. , Pat and an Englishman were boasting of the various times that they had been attacked by absent - madness. "Oh," says the English- man, "I -remember once when go- ing, th business I thought "I had left my watcli at. -home, and actu- ally took it out of „my pocket to see if 1 had time to go book home for it." "Well, ,that's nothing," rejoined Pat. "Otte night I woke up feel- ing uncomfortable, and it wasn't until thin I found out I had put me trousers to bed and had hung ineself over the beck of a chair." ' -- VVeakening. "Yes," sell the •elel man; '`I find r,ny strength is failing somewhat. I used to walls around the block every morning, but lately I feel so fired when 1 get hall''way round I have to, turn and thine back. AN ENCHANTING PARADISE That Terrible Fatigue Can Be Overcomc THI; BAGDAD RAILWAY WILL RUN -P11110U.G11 1T. Making- LaboreVS. of 'Bedouin Fans- Ruilt By ' „ , Turkish Musette.. ' .The 'Bagdad Railway has been built as far as Decherablus, en the Upper Euphrates and trains are ,now running to that point. • Decherablas is on, the site ef Car- chernish, the ancient 'ea/pita:I of the Hittite- kings,wlio' came front Asia Minor 2000 B.C. Fierce battles en- sued. between them --ghathe 13aby- 1o,nians for the possession of thie-. • esschantingparadise, where nature waesso prodigal of her ,gifte thatits cariied it Repine:den of 160 to the square Mile. With the inroad ef the nomad tribes ,eulture and bigger.- itha fell into abeyance, and the paradise became ,a waste place scarcely Supporting sixteen persons to the square mb." The Bagdad railway is th,e first step in the reeresa,tion of this once lovely region, At presentstrug- gles between neighboring tribes and' attacks upen7,caravane are not in- -frequent owing to. the total lack of police- organization, and in such a; lawless country it was .notatey 'mat - tee to secure workers for the rail: - 'way. . . However, the offer of good wages -26 cents a day for the men, 18 cents fot; the wealth, and 6 cents for the children -has had its effect; and the strong, • • Finely Developed Bedouins, who previously. had ',Only' had a 'rifle anal in many eases Only a spear in. theithancle ,were aeosa at work with pickeiesswisile the women carried theballas,t in small baskets., and the children threw stones one- by one onto 'the- track. ' . itis astonishing What Tepid pro- grees they make in spite of the ele- mentary instruments uee,d. In ad- dition te th,e,se local workera atone - masons wfrdisired front the south- west who, with characteristic Milt- ish phlegm,bin in a solid, .threfid manner,built. railroad ' stations with -wonderful faca,des, reproduc- ing that beloved featuth of their mosques, She smooth wall surface, without any plane and for the hum- blest of wages. "When the first parts of the track were laid down, and the trains of ballast wagons began to run, al - meat .very morning headless and footlese corpses were found on the line in the morning, after the trains had been passing to and fro, in the darkness," says the Cologne Ga- zette. "AS 'suicide is far from the thoughts .of ' these children' .of 'na- ture, it can only be eurmised that they ohose the line for their couch as being the handiest place, for their work. , „ . "They &leo took a. childish plea- sure in rolling ;dooms of some size on the metals or Itheening. the fush plates. They would wait to see how the engine got over these bunkers, • Or Was Wersted by Them. "From Dseherablite an iron bridge, 650 yards, will take the linn. across the Euphrates kith MescipO, twine. An inspection of the exca- vatioes now being made en,this site the- old 'Hittite oa,pital conveys san ietereeting idea of the culture and .civilization 'of, that once great monarehy.' One of the most later- esting finelds. is ..a bas-relief of' a camel with; its, rider, the first re- presentuutime-hitherto„ discovered of this indispeneuble' ..dnirnal. The Egyptians, carved on their walls figures Of every possibleare- .Presen,tative of the annual crea- tion, omitted..the camel. "The exoavatees .are not -content simply with digging 'en the site. They make excursions into the sur- rounding Villages ih search of trees sares appropriated by the Bedouins to coo:mon-nth. Ln one villagethey, found a large, granite water jar oovered with beautiful Hittite in-' acriptions. The only way te secure it waa to present the owner with a similar jar,, but, 'without inserip-, tions, a,n,d this was handed over with. solemn'eeremenial in the pre- sence- of. all the ,elders ef the A Friend of the Policeman. , Continually on their feet, the "Peelers" are invariably troubled with corns and bunions -but not' for long, because they know of a quick euro, Putnam's Corn Ex: tractor; it cures painlessly in 24 Murat try "Putnam'a," 25o, at alr.dealers. In accord with the ,eternal fitness 'of things, ea, man who stole a,,,watch wound up in jail. Minard,s Liniment curos Diphtheria. Drawing a Distinction. -"What I You've been acquainted with Blobbs for twenty-five years " ; "Why, you told me once you ,didn't know him!" ' "I don't.'' ED. 7.. A Simple HOMO Remedy Now Cures Leek of Energy, Loos of Anibi.• Hon, end a Feeling of !Mil:Hats:Caro." . 'successful' In Nearly Every Can. That reiSerable. aaervousn'eso 'and • half- •eick tired -all -the -time condition la' due' eine cases In ten to a, eloggod-up system, You grow irritable and despondent, you laek anchitidn„, energy seems :all gone; Stirost rottd• to health 'is by the frequent use of Dr, Hamilton's Pills; they will :malce you feel like new all over a Writing from hiS 'Mune In Barcelona, Mr. 'Frederick 0.• Mayer states: 'T think' 'no one ever` suffered as 'veverbly as I did for 'nearly six months. 'Se many seridim •eymptemis were developing as a cense." quence- of this, evil condition of my :sys- tem that I realized I must find a remedy. The strong' pills of various kinds I tried seemed after -their first effects were over to ,malre ate far worse and I did 'not know which W,t7,y-to Dint for relief. I'SaW Dr. Hamilton's •Pills advertised, and the first box used satisfied me. I found a. true remedy. Instead: 'of 'griping with undue activity, Dr. Hamilton's Pills acted as. naturally ae 1± physic) had not been taken. I neVer had tnincrease the dose end, inasaa,- within a month 8, reduced it, when the eystern, ,finally noted ,of its own accord as 'a, result. of Dr, Hamilton'e Pill's, I tank, , 'dese twice, a week only, Met to make sure the Old condition would pot collie back." , • Noiother rented' auto coastipation and biliousness eo easily er' es.fely as Dr.. IfamilteMe Pills; they are an, ideal farm ily remedy- for all diseases -Of th'e ato-' Ever and bowels.Sold in 25e boxes, itve for fib, all druggists , and storekeepers or •. The Catiterhozone Co., Buffahi; N. Y. and Kingeton; Canada. LONDON'S SMALLEST HOUSE , "Dwelling" Near Hyde Park Is 9. Feet Wide and 20 Long. The emallest house in London has just besot put up_ at auction. It is No. 10 Hyde Park -Plane, in a row of houses on the Bayswater side over- looking the park. It has. a street door guarded by an iron gate; but there is only one room to the house. The smallest house is really a tiny retaeak built over a long passage about six feet wide between Nes. 9 and 11. The passage is a cul de sac, but half way along it there i an iron ladder which ean be clianbed only with difficulty:, This ladder leads to the single room -which is London's smalleet house. It is wide as the passage and .about 'twenty feet long. It has none of the fix- ture.s ef a modern hou,th, but is lighted by a, window winch gives a most charming view of Hyde Park. It is said that it was built in the '70s by an old lady named Jupp for her maid to live in, and 15 was then endowed- with it separate existence as a, house and a number placed on the street door. Had His Number. A lawyer and connoisseur was describing some of' his experiences in seare.h of curios. Ionce enter- ed a shop," he said, "arid the sales- man pointed out to me a dilapi- dated chair. ',Mat there ohair, sir,' he said, impreasively; 'belong- ed th Louie Crosseye, King of France.' 'Louis Orosseye 7" said I. 'Why, there's no such persona' 'Oh, yes, there is, sir,' said the salest man, and he showed me a ticket marked 'Louis XL' " • UORLD HIS •ECZEMA • , Mr. Aimee McComb, of.. Thornton, Ont., writes: "For eight months I suf.' fered from eczema and could got noth. Ing to give meNrelief. I, heard of Bev- e'ral casea where good results had fol- lowed the use of Zarn-Buk and decided to give this remedy a trial. Within • three days I felt much better, and within two weeks the sores were en- tirely cured." - ' For all akin diseases, eruptilms, boils, scalp sores, etc., Zaps -link is • without equal. Itas Just"as good for cuts, burns, bruise, blood -poison, piles, varicose ulcers, bad leg, infiemed sores, etc, A.I1 druggists a.nd stores at 50e.' box, or post free from Zam-Buk Torentosupon receipt of price., liefuse liarmiaa substitutes and imitations. Rave you tried Zam-Buk Soap? 26a. tablet. • .14 , A Hint. Mrs. Youngwedd (chopping) -• "Look at the, new stove with thc. glaSsin the oven. Wonder what it's made of glass for!" ' • YoungweddIt's to make the bread lighter, I suppose." stinanrs Linkman Cures Distemper. Mans; animals in desert 'regions never have amsy. water except the dew on vegetation. , Only One QUININE'. That le LAXATIVE BROM() QumniE, Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold la Clue Day. Lama' time la Iwo Dais sso. 500 Idleness , travels leisurely, and poverty soon overtakes her, Plinard'e .nUres. Carpet. in °Owe,. • GOOd Enough For Hilt. • An Irishman was once asked by ,friend to go to a concert with hins Pat consented. 'They had not proceeded far on the way before Pitt asked hew much the f3eats were. His friend Bahl the front seats were one'shilling each and the back seats were sixpence each and the pro grammes one penny each. , "All night,'' maid Fat "I'll sit on the programmes." His 'System. , Madden -,-"How 'much dthri Bai- ley pey for his clothes 7" Wilkins --"About one instalment, 20--1.3. 1 think.", .• 130001T YO0J11 TOWN BY OROANIZINQ A • BRASS BAND Information on .this subject with printed' listructions for ,atua- tear bands and a printed forv Of ConititUt on and By -Laws for bAndS, together *fib' our big cataingUe,w1 I be nlaiktr FREE on • request. Add:testi Dept. D." , , . W.INNIPEO MANITOBA I 6,WILLIAMD ONTARIO S'"Ns TORONTO -sae 200. 0 ILCOLD CIVE11 AWAY FREE ',PAPE OPAHE e4411;;'• .NREDOA , ROYEEH '41.? UPPAL, ATOM/11AME/3R YDEAMRORIZ RaPA gon You irrarise The 01300, SEW ofjorobled letters Into tho nannfoo1ofsItt troll knewu es suAnn IN ThE DISTRIBUTION 01, THE ABOVE PRIZE. Ills no cosy:oak. it Ify patios. und Ps!. Its. 10 too Yoli cAN si;tocrjo.41Teilr (;), probatanokort 5 or 6 lehols. , To 011 porTzho on roar 0,,,,ot,11:41,y)g,01,6rroi'n:',7011,4 feboett.:*,, .. 1 if ti.:iidnhiimi ;4::::,!boge.,,,,:121,t .:').0°Tu5,11, :t1,,y%Tilh .:1;0:',,,,;:ftizi,%;7,'01:4.1.d;l,011: ,gliktirlinilvztif Ilanf?,,,,,f,:t5:::,i11,..,,,,:itoTrocipoi::::::;;;;;; ni,„, ot,,,,; 1 ° "F% m n4 • • T• liT411`;I:ttiVirwigah,ZZA?tro`!igrP IgideP`a2ggr!eilyilPriSr..4), cod .6 0010.11,14r2.11.,7•K?rAdal n cotton orrott,tho Sto two VZI`frg%gghT0011rV013TIVPIAV4T1116,1`,700,061117.`is'IgagPri!gmENT.. 'yz..4.11....1...g: Witf&rInr)F girct,101111::,,1g;;b15.,A.,; 5 1.51,,,,,ci30 gn.gi,..;r1zo, op; ..pz,aiDO ...... Bakes' Bread to PerfectiOit Nei # Per eettatti. Avecire-szaui. waxers,- • 011 cook -stove , Cleaner than coal or wood.' Cheaper than gas. For best results use ROYALITE 011i. Stock carried at all chief points. THE IMPERIALOIL COMPANY Winnopeg Toronto Halifax Montreal Vancouver St. John • Western Official -"Do you take this woman whose hand you're equeezin' to be yottr lawful wife, in flush times an' skimp?" "I reckon that's about the size of it, squire." "Do you take this man you've lined fists with to be your pard through thick 'an' thin?" "Well, you re about right for once, old man." "All right, then, Kiss in court an' I reckon you're married abbut as tight as the law can jine you. I guess four bits'll do, Bill, if I don't have to kiss the bride. If I de it's six bits extra."... , • • I „cured a horse of the Martge with MINARD'S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAITNDERS. Dalhousie. I cured a horse. badly torn by a pita fork, with ItINARD'S LLIIMENT. St. Peter's, C. B. El/W. LINLIEF. I eared a horse of a bad swelling by IIINARD'S LEITAIENT. , THOS. W. PAYNE. Bathurst, N. B. , "My boy doesn't seem th have got along here very well," said the of- fice boy's father. "Well, to be per- fectly frank with yout" replied the employer, "I must say he does not." "Ah! WHat's the trouble ?" .."He 'hasn't- any treubie; it's the- reat of ue who have had -that!" , When Tour Eyes Need Care Try Idurine Eye Ream Y. No Smarting -Feels Fine -,tats Quickly. Try it SM. Red, Weak, Watery Eyes end Granulated Eyelids. Mom Grated 'Book lir each Package. Marino is compounded' by our Oculists -not a "Patent Mom 101W -but used in succusetui Physiciens"Prac. Pao Tor many years, Now dedicated to the Pub- lic and sold by Druggists 01 220 and seamermatie. Merino 'Eye salvo in Aseptic Tubes, 250 and 50e. allurine Eye Renrjedy Co., Chicago "Jack propoeed to me while turn- ing the music for me at the piano." "Ah, I see! You played right into hie hands." PILES CURED IN G'TO 54 DAYS. Your druggist will refund money if 0530 OINTMENT :fails -to titre 0113 81008 of Itch. ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pad te 1.0 14 days. We. • What many need is not wealth, but a kind thought, or deed. Slinard's Liniment cures Colds, Eto. Anybody .00t1141 .see that Tomnly had been, carefully brotight up. One day he sat upon his father's knee in at :crowded car. . A lady entered. "Madame," said Tolmarn as he gat off his father' e knee svill you, ac- cept my, seat? FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety whom° street, Toronto. RUH, STOCK, GRAIN. AND 'DAIRY .1' Farms in all sections ot Ontario. Some 'inane FAMORY SITF,S; WITIt on wretionT WRY trackage,. in Toronto, Brampton and other towns and ditto. ESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES IN Brtimpton, and a dozen other towns. H. W. DAWSON, Colborne St., Toronto 00 Arica:is-7 MII,EB FROM LONDoN 05 market; soil sand and clay, loami brick house; number of outbuildinge; an ['reorient fruit and vegetable farm. 'rho Western Neal Estate Exchange, London, ' MALE HELP WANTED. A T ONCE -MEN WANTED: LEARN 111, Barber Trade; great derailed; good Wages; twenty to thirty advertised for daily in Toronto papers alone. Can Marsh Yon In nix to eight weeks. Sand for Catm hurtle. 'Molar College, 221 Queen ,Ilest, To' tante. STAMPS Ann cOiNS, 0 TA MP CObLIGCTOU,S-RUNDRED DEF. . t. ferent Foreign Stamps. Catalogue. Album, only Seven Cents. Marks Stamp remnant': -Toronto • . MISCELLANEOUS ANCHR, TUMORS, LIMPS, ETC), Interhar alai! external. cured with. <Tut rain by our home treatment, Write us before toe late. Dr. Reitman Medleal Co., Limited. Pollinewnort, Ont. GeLL ETONES, KIDN af AND der Stones, Kidney trouble. ()ravel. Lumbago end kindred ailments positivelY cared with the new Dorman Remedi. "Banal," price 51.50. Another new remedy for Illabefes•Mellitue, and gore cure, le 'Sanol's Anti -Diabetes," Price 8200 front druggists or direst. The flatiol Manufmte tering Company el Canada. Limitea. aaa•xell The Heart of cc Plano lathe Action. • inSist or the ItIGIEL" Piano Action • , a LEPS. New and Second- IJI hand • for heating eisat Power purposes. TANKS ANII SMOKE STACKS. Agents for SDIrte. vont V entiiatin g v0h1 Mooting Systems. POLSON "34,1.4„g2t"s TORONTO Engines and Shipbuilders from the X Ranch corral -a -wall eyed Pinto Broach° with a Rafael' nose andlightning heels.We have issued Mtmorotis desoimuvo circular of This remarkable bronco with thus- • trationS of his antics, • Sent free on . - application to any reader of this paper. ,This is the most famous cirCular ever , 'Printed in the English language.. More, than half a million copies have already 'been distributed to advertias . Our farnbUs Pinto Shell gloves' reacts from tough EroncO hides. Foy is D.60 j • copy send postal to , HUDSON BAY KNITTING_ Gif141 Canada's Expert Glove and Milt Makers, MONTREAS. isszeumansaminswx=smoommozonastteria syo u have any trend)] e in keeping a cook ?" asked a aeighbor. es" "No,'Y replied 3/1"rs,. Crosslots, "not 5 r31;106 w9've bought a new phono- • entrees frese 11 you write Ito -anal erns 'k.takilli'itali)ell'tb:e:nn'cleicoeanollraniliaevn(11118.behe°13tleke:1-ttitactli'ierienlhne:'0; & caonooel co. ot Lurltred $1 Tigard*.ilien ea—a'