The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-15, Page 21.• G. D. MeTAGGART M. D, MTACCART McTaggart Bros ANKET A GENERAL ,PANEINd BUST, N'ESS TilANSA,OTED., NOTES DISCOUNTED,' DRAFTS ,ISSDED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE - POSIES, SALE NOTES' PURg CHA SED. - II. T. RANCE - - / - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT: ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. 'DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON. , W. BRTDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office-, Sloan Block -CLINTON CHARLES 11. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. , 'REALESTATE and INSURANO! Is,suer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS.. G LINN & GA.NDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C,P., L.R. C.S., =Dr. C. dandier, B.A., M.B. Office -t -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. 7. W. SHAW -OFFICE-, -RAT'TENBURY ST. EAST, • 4-CLINTON DR. C. W. TROILPSON PHSYTOIAN, SIT-RGEON, ,ETC. Special attention given to die: eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.. Eyes carefully examined and suit- ahle'glasses prescribed. Ofilee and residence 2 doors wed of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. 1)11. F. A. AXON - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and 'Bridge Work.. Graeluato of C.C.D,S., Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To- ronto. .Bayfield on Mondays from May. to December. ffla ,t7Wi ° .'Floix lay LOAM • - TIRE TABLE Trains will ereive atend dePart ' !POW 0ill1071 Sbnibion as 'BUFFALO AND CobERICEI 'DIV "Going. East, 11 ( Going West,„ to e f 7.35 a. m. 8.07 p. 5.15 p. m. 11.07 a. m. 1,25 p. 6.40 p. m. 11.28 p. m. ,LONDON, HURON &, BRUCE DIV : Going South, 7,50 a. in. ..„ 4.23 p. m. Going North, 11,00 a. in. 6.35 p. m. note es vsani- EXPERIENCe TRADE NiAng 5 _ DESIGNS_ i DOIPTIUGHTS dt.C. ' ' Anyone sending/ a sketch and desoription mar opiiekiy assonant onr opinion free whether au iliVertlIOYI is probably pateptsble. Clonnimidero uoileatatotlysonildential. 8392800K on Patents sant 11'6E4 01$104t money for securing patents. Patents. taken ttgoa 0. Nunn 3,Co. receive ..vaird undo°, without o unto, Hi tht ,Rit2Itific merino A, hmdmmely illh.kated Weolai, XAMMI, do esistae, .10 ,thy tolmtille Joum'M ol. um for canon, 5105 a year, portage prepaid. esti ie. allnowodualrerol. • , , ' In Nil & Co 36 °'°11._dwaY,.' New York 90,1100 (5000. tali IP St.. orasaineron. D. (1.. . .. Bran Shorts and Flour Prom thrBcst 51ills at the loivest possible price. -WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE f or OATS, PEAS and BAR.. , LEY, also IlAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod The Best Brains In Canada have participated In the preparation of our splendid Homo Study ' Courses In Bank - Ing, Economies Higher , counting, Comm:rola! Art, Show , Card Writing, Photography, Journalism, Short Story Writ. Ing, Shorthand and Bookkeep- ing. Solect the work which most Interests you and write us for partioulars. Address, The Shaw Correepondenee School, 391.7 Yongo St., Toronto. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County st. of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can bo made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by eidliog Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction , guaranteed. ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinde of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE - CANNEL COAL FURNACE • COKE ,BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2Y, in., 2 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. - ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. The Mcgillop:Intual Fire • jiisurance Company Farm, and Isolated Town Property only Insured - OFFICERS - J. B. McLean, President, Seafortb P.O.; Jas. Connolly, ViceePrese dent, Goderich P.0.; T. E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. • -Directors -- JD, F, McGregor, Seaforth ; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Harleck; .Tohn. Benuewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood ; M. McEven, Clioton T.O. --- Agents - Itleioiyil.erste aSfino rittl.h1 i rleuci akm; EahHe,sinnecyh,- Egerionclvilleo J. W. Yeo, Holmes, v Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Cos Clin- ton, Or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties' desirous to effect insure &nee or transact other bueiness will be Prom -rely attended to on are plication ±0 eny of the above officers addressed to their respective post. offices. Losses inspected" by the director who lives neareet the scene. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, - ONTARIO Terms of subscription --$1 per year, in advance; $1.50 may be charged if not ;so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the pub- lisher... The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted ori the label. Advertising Rates - Transient ad avertisernents, 10 eenee per non- pareil line for first iissertion and 4 cents per line for each subse- quent insertion. Small INlvertises ments not to exceed one inch, sueh as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents. Communic,ations intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee of good -faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. . W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor. LIPPI/iCOTT' MON'THLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The Best le Current literature 12 COM PLZTE NOVELS YEARLY MANY SHORT stoRlEs AND PAPERS ON TUdELY TOPICS $2,80 pggyEAR ; 26 cTs, A cop. --NO ooNTINuEo EloRiES ' EYEDV:NolVIBER COMPLETE IN rTSELR The inen' who is called upon. eo carve the turkey irever gets his pro per s•ha•re of eyroptieley,. 1:10-1VIESEEKJERS' • EXCURSIONS - TO Manitoba, saeitatobewan,• Alberta Pooh Tuesday Until October 26, inclusive WINNIPEG AND RETURE ! 537,00 EDMONTON AND RETURN -543.00 Proportionate low rates to other points, ,Itoturns limit two months. Through Pullrnun Tourist sleeping nars are ' oSerated to Winnipeg with. .out change. via Chiaago and et, Paul, leaving Toronto 11.00 p.m. on above Tichets aro also on sale via Sarnia. anti Toi• thorn Navigation Company. Fall particulars and reBervationa from Crand Trunk Agents, or write•C. PI, Horning, D.P.A., 'Union Station, To• outo, (Or& ' D. Morse's Indian Root Pills Cum many common ailments' which ,are very different, but which all arise from the same cause -a system clogged with impurities: 'The Pills cause the bowele to move regularly, strengthen and etimulate the kidneys and open up the pores ef the skin. These organs irhmediately, throneoff the accumulated impurities, and Bai•••• ousness,Indigestion,Liver Coinplaint, Kidney Troubles, Headaches; Rheum- . 'attain and, simuar ailments v,aniso. Dr. Moree's Indian 1.00t Pills 40 Save, Doctors' ills st aFiout;Ittyr apti.,se'sienr buee tet, 20ail e airese,0131iiie. mended by physician s. !for Woman's Ailments, Dr. Illarters Female Pills, et your deuggist. CENTRAL STRATFORD. 'ONT. The best ptaeticai training school in Ontario. Three de- partments -Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy. All courses are thoreugh and jimac. tical. Teachers a -re experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for our free 'catalogue at once, D. A. MeLACHLAN, Principal. KODAK THE joy of living is largely increased if you own a KODAK. THE price is small; we have them from $2 up. WE do developing and printing, also show you -how to do it. We are agents for the world's best cameras -Eastman's Kodaks. • TUE; REXALL STORE W. S. IL HOLMES, NOLL AL ORDERS for Coal nuiy be left at R., Roseland's II:taw/ire Store, or at my office Di II. Wilise's Grecery Store. HOUSE PHONE 12 OFFICE PHONE 140 A. J. HOLLOWAY A. Priulent Customer., "Yoe are the proprietor and a pharmacist of the first class'?" "Yes, madam." "And you know your busines,s well?" 'Tome the founclatton,'' "That is well. Give me two cents' worth of , gum drops." Inexpensive. "Dees your wife want to vote e" "Yes, and. I'm almost inclined to give her the ballet." "Whirl" "Well, that's the first thing she's ever wanted since we were married that won't cost me money." " Jealousy ii the offspring of dis- trust. UNCHAN'G'ING. CREED It Is Shown In the ' Persuading and Prevailing Beautiful Life - are our epistie known and read of all men." -11, iii 2. c.ane years ago, when Obarles Dudley Warner wivi travelling in tfie, Levant, he mot in Jerutaleen ehe , patriarch of the Armenian church and held an interesting con- versation with hint. They talked of the dogma of the trinity and of the points of elifference between the Armenian and the Laths churchee. The old archbiehop, ISM'S not well ac- quainted with English icliorne of, speech arid when Mr. Warner fm - ally said that he believed a man's life -was, after all, more important than his creed the prelate replied, "So am I." And thus, whatever the religion -Armenian, Latin, Greek, Proteet- ant-in the final analysis it finds its teslemot in the creed, hut in the deed. Whenever the Christian re- ligion ceases to be helpful men have ceased- to believe it. And that is right; for when it ceases to be help- ful- it ceaies to be Christian. But wherever .Christianity has been able to bid men took, as Jeeus did, arid see the sorrows of the world com- forted arid the wounds el the world bound up, and the good news of the t gospel carried .with light and hope in it to the hearts of the poor, there the church has wen allegiance and Will Always Win Allegiance. , jeans CIhrist's life is,an,easeniial part of our creed. Not only that life at the end upon the cross, but all the way up ,to it. It makes no dif- heretic° mato us whether the, inven- tor a the telephon&was a religious man or not -whether he profaned dod's name or not. We eta- the telephone just the same. Shak- speare,'S eheracter is not neeesciar, ily,itssoeiated with Shaksi,re.'s writings The life of Homer ie matter of indifference, an imma- terial 'thing compared with the poems he lefts. But it le not so with the religion of Christ. , Ours is it living creed. Our creed breathed; our ,creed walked; our creed had two .han de ; our. creed wept; our creed had the heartache ; our creed was weary in the march of charity; eur: creed hungered and thirsted; our creed waa the men Christ Jesus. And- the best argu- ment for our religion is that you and I be like hfin, • The repellent Christian does us harm now,- He who is bluff and rough; he who says "pay me the last penile," the who pushes another to the frost's,' wall of -winter ; he who hats Ise tears ; he who is so busy that he does not know the youtig mart who comes to, him with it let- ter from an old friend; he Who lute no tenderness of heart ; Ile is in Our Way Now. The living argument, the letter known and read of all men, should be our record and thee iriethe record that will win men. Emerson voiced the eerdict of the world when he wrote: "What do I- care for what you say when teleat you do sp,eake so loudly that I^ cannot hear what you say1" Men may be skeptical. Thee may analyze our Bible leaf .by leaf and verse by verse; thew inay tear every page out of our theology; bet as long as men have hearts beating in theii bosoms the beautiful life will lead this world like the day star of the •morninge-Rev. Ernest Wray Oneal. THE SUNDAY SCI1001. STUDY INTERNATIONAL LESSON, HAY 18. • Lesson VII. --Joseph meets his brethren, Gen., chap. 42., Glilden text, Gal. O. 7. Suiting his act tsi ls±0 worde, Pha- raoh promptly appointed Joseph vice-regent over all Egypt. "And Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand and put it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold chain' about his neck; and he made hire to ride, in the second char- iot which he dad and they cried. before him, Bow the knee: and he set him over all the land of Egypt" (Gen. 41. 42, 43). The subsequent narrative relates that josepli this time was thirty eearsoef age, that he married the danghter of an Egyptian priest of high .ratk, *and that during the years' of prosperity and plenty two sons were born te him, Manasseh and Ephraim, who sees ` 'Causes Much Discage Advice about Stomach Troubles and how to relieve them. Don't neglect indigestion; for it may iced to all sorts of ills and com- plications, An eminent physician once said that ninety-five per cent of till ills have their origin In a dia. • ordered stomach. ° Our experience with Reran Dys- pepsia Tablets leads us to believe thorn to be one of thernostdependablo remedies knoven for indigestion and chronic dyspepsia. Thew ingred1,- • ents are soothing to the inflamed membranes of the stomach. Bich In Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestive aids known to• ... medicine, the relief they afford is very prompt. Used poreistently and regularly tor a short, time, they tend. to relieve pains caused by stomach disorders. Rexall • Dyspepsia Tablet. 11.olp hums healthy appetite, aid diges- - tion, and promote ntttrition. As evidence of our faith in theca, we ask you to try them at our risk. If they do not give entire satisfaction, we Will return the money you paid us without question or formality. Three PiZes, 25 00116, 50 cents, and $1.00. You can buy Regan Dyspepsia Tablets in this community only at our store: . W. 6. R. HOLMES. Minton The agsa Store 0.01112111 • Thera is a Peng Store in nearly every team and city 515 tho United States, Canada and Great Britain. TheM Is s different Reran Itemedifor nearly every ordruely human ill - eaoh espeoially designed for the particular ill for width it is recommended. The Rexall Stores are America's Greatest rug Stores e invite You to Inspect our stock of Standard Silverware. We guarantee the quality and our prices will suit you. We liave a Big Watch' Trade showing that our workmanship and prices give satisfaction,,, It is a pleasure to so cater to the trade' that ono customer brings another Counter. JEWELER and ISSUER OF - MARRIAGE LICENSES were ultimately to take the place of their father among hie brethren .10 the list of the twelve patriarchs and heads of Hebrew families and tribes. Versa 3. Joseph'e ten brethren - Better, ten of Joseph's brethren. So large a company would make for safety against attack from rebbers. The distance from the • southern border of Palestine to the border line of Egypt was about one hun- dred and fifty miles. One of the Egyptian kings, Pthothmes III, led an army over the distance in nine days. The journey from Beersheba would be about two -and the jour- ney from Hebron about three -days longer. Went down -At the suggestion of their father, Jacob (compare yerses 1, 2). To buy grain -The -amount -of grain needed for their households, including servants, and for their cattle, wowid require a considerable caravan of asses, and peehaps camels, for its transportation across the intervening desert. This would be an additional reason for all of the ten brothers making the journey together, - , 4. Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent not --Joseph anti Benja- min were the sons of Rachel, the favorite wife of their father, Jacob. Since the death of Rachel and the supposed death of Joseph:the al; feet/one of the aged patriarch na- turally centered upon Benjamin. 5. Arnoug those that came-Mant- other people from Canaan and other near -by countries came to purchase food in Egypt. 6. He it was that sold to all the pe,ople--Apparentli Joseph lad himself taken immediate charge of de sale of grain and other food- stuffs to foreigners. , It is not im- 'probable that he anticipated the coining of some of his biethren from Canaan and was on the lookout fox them. • Bowed down themselyee to him -- Thereby unconsciouely fulfilling his earlier dreams recorded in. Gen. '7. Made himself- :avenge unto' them -Took particular pains to hide from them -his ideneity. ° • Said urito them •-- Speaking through an interpreter, as the sub- sequent narrative shows 9. Ye are spies -The deeert fron- tier of -Egypt was especially -open to 13eclouin raids. The Egyptian governor's euspicioneof this group of tribeemen frorne-Canaan would therefore be quite eel:rural. Josepft found thie method of procedure a convenient one for learning the fasts concerning hie father and Benjamin, without arousing the suspicion of hie brothers by it direet friendly inquiry. Apparently also it was part of his purpose to put his brothers to a severe test, as to their present dispoeition toward each other and toward Benjamin and their aged father. • The nak&inese of the land -The defenseless points offering an easy entrance, „ ii.eWe are all One nian's sons- Theown off their guard by the charge of being tpies, they seek to disarm the governor'esuspicions by voluhteering full. information concerning their home and family. Of their communimeeveness Joseph promptly Lakes advantage,. at the seme thue emphasizing his suspicion of their real purpeee and charac. -tor. thus forcing them to make a stili further statement eoncerning 13, We thy servente are twelve brethren -More ,exactly, we thy servants were twelve brethren. One is not -One of our number is no longer withtita. They do not say that the absent 'one is deed, though tine is the only mserence to be drawn from their statement, 15. Hereby ye shall to proved -- Their statement concerning them- selvea is to be put to an extreme .4 .,•1 What kind of, music do you like best -opera, , 'concert or vaudeville? l• h e5 la onogra plays records covering every phase of music --records made, by the world's greatest artists. A sae"phire reproducing point that won't scratch, a stnboth running motor -every detail contributes in bring- ing out -just the right volume ofitone, clearly and sweetly. - Ask your Edison dealer to play some of the new Blue Amberol Records on an Edison Phonograph for you, and you'll not be satisfied until you own an Edison • outfit. The entertainment in your home is greater than you ever dreamer! of. Thomas A. Edison, hut., 100 Lakeside Ave., Orange, 51.1, U. S. A. 1. ----.1,,te ling of Etft.tet; Phonographs attd Records, will be font,4 at ' Ws W.A.3Ez 3EC 30 Itt raisrersentiamammisszafflasum, ie twentieth dynasty. Popular He- brew forms of oath were, "As Je- hovah liyeth." and, "As thy soul liveth." 16. Send one of you . . ansi. ye shall be bound-Thie command Joseph later reconsiders, content- ing himself with keeping one of them as hostage and permitting the nine to return together into Ca- naan. 17. Put them all together into ward -His arbitrary treatment of them as criminals already convicted was quite in harmony 'with Oriental Customs. This experience at the same time enabled them to realize how an innocent prisoner feels (like himself, Gen. 37. 24), who, in spite of his innocence', has the tvorst to expect. Cats Marched to Seerece. When Maki H.afid,,ex-Sultan ef MoTeeett secoesded to the .Strldian- ale, he leurid the secreti'city of Fez infested by rats, Without any loss of time he at once nationalized all the eats of 1VIoroceo and' issued a oenlmand that many thousands of them sboald be merched ietto Fez for serreiee, For some time a latv hos existed in Hong Kong making if, compulsory to keep oats in every liaises, the /timber varying accord - tag to the size of the house. A failure is a man who has quit trying to find something he can do. Naturally. "What caused that awkward break in the convereation "Somebody deopped the subject!' We should feel pity for the man who is forced to take consequences that he isn't entitled to. ' liti,;YACKSOlc, AGENT, .CLINTON DEBENTU ES SECURITY Put your savings in the safest fortn of investment you can the 4% debentures issued by this solid and prosperous company --- established 1864. Issued for Si-oo and upwards. Interest payable half -yearly at the rate �f,4. Depositors and Debenture -hold- ers have the first charge 'on the _entire assets of the company. sifice Incorporation over film Millie:I dollars In Interest alone have been paid to Depositors and -Debenture -holders. Reserve 'fend equal to paid-up capital of $1,900,000,00 and assets over eterteen millions. OVER By the . life. of Pharaoh -This t3 millions form .of 'oath. is ,known froin Egyp- time: monumenes belonging tee the eaaaSellIa. ,..Coerri 4 Servings Co. .Conaoq 4 SI-..Thortms. waqvanagetrevesopsic.A.,...on r'AQ43rsii;attka ir E CURSI •, N tit^ - . t 1 4.. T� Manatoba, SAasatchewan, Alberta BOMESEEKERS SETTLERS .Low Round Trip Rates each TueedaY. March to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return - $35.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.09 o„ion ncturn il:),Intilftgtrosnthis. Pr°P-- - TOURIST SLREPING CARS on n11 excursions. Comfortable berths, fully For settlers bavel- ling with live stock- and effects. SPECIAL TRAINS W111 leave Toronto Each TUESDAY 'HARM AND APRIL 10.20 p.m. Settlers andfamilies without live stock should use IIEGULAR TRAINS Leaving Torouto MED pm. DRI/P Thiough Colonist and TouristSleeners el:Mooed with bedding, can be aecured at moderate rates through tonal agent. . COLONIST OARS No charge for ON ALL TRAINS Berths Home Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. Miring March, April, September and October, and at 2 pan. and 10.20 pan'. during Nay, June, July and August. ' Throndln Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Full particulars front any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto liti,;YACKSOlc, AGENT, .CLINTON DEBENTU ES SECURITY Put your savings in the safest fortn of investment you can the 4% debentures issued by this solid and prosperous company --- established 1864. Issued for Si-oo and upwards. Interest payable half -yearly at the rate �f,4. Depositors and Debenture -hold- ers have the first charge 'on the _entire assets of the company. sifice Incorporation over film Millie:I dollars In Interest alone have been paid to Depositors and -Debenture -holders. Reserve 'fend equal to paid-up capital of $1,900,000,00 and assets over eterteen millions. OVER By the . life. of Pharaoh -This t3 millions form .of 'oath. is ,known froin Egyp- time: monumenes belonging tee the eaaaSellIa. ,..Coerri 4 Servings Co. .Conaoq 4 SI-..Thortms. waqvanagetrevesopsic.A.,...on r'AQ43rsii;attka