The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-15, Page 1eetre"
No 178I —34th Year
If you have a house for sale or to rent advertise it on page 5 of The News Record.
Will buy a good 8 day ebonized wood
Cathedral Gong Mantle Clock at Hetiyar's
7his Clock is made by old reliable
Call and get one.
jeweler and Optician Clinton
The Royal Bank
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
• Capital Paid-up 11,600,000
Reeve and Undivided Profits 12,600,000
Total Assets 175,000,000
145 Branches. With world wide conneetion. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch.
Tie Moisons Bank
Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1870
Interese allowed at highest current rate on sums of $1 and
upward from dateepee,deposie •Joint accounts allowed.
C. L powdiog, Manager- - Clinton Braila.
There isn't a Clothing Manufacturer in the Conn -
try whose Clothes will fit everybody, for each mann:
factu:er's goods have distinct characteristics of shap-
t ing,
No argument is necesAry to prove that the deal-
er who confines his line to a one house product is ser-
iously handicapped. ...
We have our Clothing made by several of the
best manufacturing houses in the Country and is all
made on cur own high standard of excellence of work—
These various makers draft their OWD models on
different ideas and we are thus enabled to give each
mac the shaping and style that suits him that's where
our variety of shape selections help you in getting cor-
Iectly fitting garments.
Perhaps you have wondered why you have not
been able to get garments to fit you properly maybe
the trouble is that you have been dealing with a "one -
maker" concern,
$8.50 to $25.0(1
If gou've never bought Clothes here,
trg us for gour next suit.
.. J 1
MOW): "A Square Deal for Every Man./1
Wheat 92c,,
Oats 34e,
Peas 90c to
Earley 4sp to 50c,
Butter 19c to 20e.
Eggs 17e- to 18d.
Live Hogs $9.35.
Mr. 0, Hoare of the music store
has been making a number of sales
of pianos M the vicinity, among the
purchasers being Messrs. J. K. Wise,
George Roberton, T. Thompson, and
Pearson. Mr, Hoare makes a spec-
ialty *of be fine new Doherty piano.,
. ,
The many friends of Mr. A, J. Tyn-
dall will be interested to team that
be has secured an interest in the
'well known .dry goods business of
Mr. J. A. Irwin. This store from
its cornntencement three or four
years ago has einoyed the ever in-
creasing confidence 01 the public.
The new hese will be known as that
of "J. A. Irwin Si Co." and will
adhere strictly to those methods
that ,have Made it iso successful in
the past, strictly cash and one price
only. Mr. Tyndall will be" pleased
to have a call from his numeroue
old friends. '
. baseball.
Lawrence . 0 4 3 0 0 n 0 1 0-12
Elliott 2 0 1 4 2 5 1 0-16
Oliver 1 1 3.0e.0 1 1 4 0,-11
Gordon • 3 0 2 0 1 4 3 3 x-16
League Standing. .
Lawrence, won 3, lost 2-60 p.c.
Elliott, -Won' 3, lost 2-60 p.c.
Oliver, • won" 2, lost 3-40 P.C.
Gordon, won 2, eost 3-40 p.c.
Centre Ball. '
E. Mackenzie. 28 13, O'Neil 20
K. -Dovrzer 28 A. Pickett 24
League Standing..
K. Dowizer, 'won 3, fost 0.
A. Pickett, won 2, lost 1.
E. Mackenzie, ,yron 1, lost 2.
Be O'Neil, won q, lost' 3.
The Women's Missionary Society
of Goderich District held their ann-
ual meeting in Ontario street church
On Wedossday of last week with
morning,. afternoon and evening ses-
ions. .
The meriting session was given up
for the meet part to the transaetion
necessary business, the receivine
of reports, etc., the chair being oc-
cupied by the organizer, Mrs. Leech.
The afteenoon. meeting was opened
by a prayer and praise ;service con-
ducted by tense D. A. Boirnes of Hole.
meiville, Mrs. S. J. ARM of Clin-
ton gave the, address of Welcome,
which was replied to by Mrs. Doilal
ef Varna, Mrs. G. M. Elliott read
a {taper and , Miss beatrice Greene
sang a solo. This was followed by
the • reports from the tweak's
from the w at eh t o w er
Courtice speaking for Japan ;
Mise Beata), for the French Works Miss
Lawrence, • the Austrian; Mrs. Gra-
ham and Mrs. Gray of the work a-
mong the Indians ; Mrs. Andrews, the
Orieetal work; Mrs. McCornaick, the
All Peoples' eliss:on ; Mrs, A. Te
Cooper, the Temperance work; Mrs.
Davidson, -Christian Stewardship,
and the medical work in China was
taken up by Miss Wellwood, who is
home on furlough from that mission
Rev. S. J. pabter Of ethe'
church, occupied the . char. at the
evening session and the church choir
rendered a couple of seleetions. Af-
ter a, few remarks the chairmits 'este
ed Rev, J. E. Ford to address 'the
delegates on behalf of the ministers
present, a number of whom attetaded
from serrouriding circuits, which he
did in a brief speech in which he de,
Oared biniself to be in hearty sym-
pathy with the work ,ane heartily
commended the eociety. Mrs. Leech
then gave her report, Which was on
the whole encouraging. She said
that though the membership remain-
ed about the sante as last year
there were,. -siges that the wo-
men were taking a more earnest in-
terest in the work, which she
thought augured well for the future
of the society. The amount .raised
during the year amounted to nearly
$1,370. Miss Feenlee Allin sang a
solo very acceptably and Miss Well -
wood gave a very earnest and intim-
ate little talk about the work in
China, engem-aging the women th re-
newed effort as thee need is great,
and endeavoring to prove to them
t.hat the work was very Wen worth
their doing. , She a/so sat); a hytnn
m Chinese,
The session& of the convention were
very welVatterefed, delegates being
present from , almost, if not quite
every auxiliary in the district, and
a keen interest was taken in the
proceeding. • -
Mee, Leech, who has been the suc-
cessful organizei fee several years
past, was again electee, and Miss
neatrice Greene was chosen secret -
Mies INellwood had a iny%ner or ar-
ticles which she hat brought from
China and which she exhibieed to all
wee wished to' ettamine them at the
conclusion of the meetings. Some
of the , work done by these evomen
was really exquieite grid caeed forth
the, admiration of the ladies.
Tbe, members of the two aexiliar-
ies in togin served luneheon and tea
to the de'egates in the lecture room
pee +he esv was thus pkasan,tly and
even taely seeptee eth e r
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Lovett . and A largely attended meeting M.
family, gifeelong resident e of the , Jubilee. Precepthry was held on, Fre-
Base Line, moved into town last day evening last and ap ten caedidat-
week and, taking up their resieence es were advanced M the mysteries
on Princess street, west, ere now the work occupied several hours. A-
citizens of Clinton'. They are a enong the out -of -tows brethren pre -
The. t ' •
most estimable 'family and -gen were . Matt Mains, Londesboro ;
News -Record, speaking -for the whole 1Robt. McMurray, and D. O. Gal -
community, bids them welcome ' and braith, Bayfield ; E. Mole, R. Pink -
expresses the helm, that many more ney and Southeott, Seatorth • John
happy' .years are in store Mr them.
Rev. Mr. Wesi•gate, curate of Froly
Trinity. church, Si, Thomas, will
Scarlett, Robt. Markey anti Wm.
Kenny, McKillop. •
Two auto loads of members of the
conduct the services. on Sunday Winghem council and citizens of that
next, Rev.' Mr. Jeakins going to St town visited the Clinton hosiery mill
Thomas to conduct anniversary eer- on Fnid y fast and' were so much bp,'
vicespressed by the modern' time saving
On the following Sunday Reverre machinery, awl the emooth-running
Jeakins will preach the anroal Dio- Yet anentaPlishingeintich management
eesanordihation sermon at 'Windsor that they are nosy anxious for a
an honor that is only conferred upon branch factory to be located in their
the foremost . preachers M the Die_ town, While that may yet be, the,
Clinton Hosiery Company has not
as yet fully decided upon establishing
MARRIED IN CALGARY. branch factories.
A wedding in which many New/8- MEETING OF,BEEKEEPERS.
Record readers will be interested
Huron Beekeepers Associetion
took place in Calgary, Alta., on The
April 30th; when Mies Margaret held *their spring meethig in Clinton
Dowzer of New leskeard, fen:eerie 01 on Thursday last, when representa,
Clintowas married to MJohn . tives were present from nearly all
e, • r.
McLeod ea FAmonton. The bride, Parts of the emoitY• Mr. Kings
who is a ester of Mrs. N. Ball of mill of the GitelPh Agrlealtaral C°I-
trwn and who is very well known in lege was present and gave an inter-
uew,etwminliltyh,eartiiasy ma,ay esting lecture on "Swarming." The
wish talk was interpersed and followed
her ' a happy married life. Mrand by considerable discussion by the
Mrs. McLeod will reeide in Edmon- Ime'nhers Present - and the meeting
proved to be of a practical and help -
fill nature. Owing no doubt to the
W. F. A. FOOTBALL. fact that this is a busy seasoa for
A,t a meeting add in Seaforth on meeting
farmers, ,the attendance at this
was not quite so large
Monday the following Intermediate as on previous oceasions, but
W.F.A. series was arranged : those in attendance were successful
Seaforth at Clinton May 22nd. .and' practical bee keepers 'Who are
Clinton at Brussels May 30thanxious to avail themeelves of every
opportunity to learn newer and bet-
ter Ways ol conducting this ever
grown% Industrie
Brussels at Searth June 64h.
Clinton 'at gee -forte June 10th.
Brussels at Clinton June 13th.
Seaforth at Brussels June 20th,
The Clinton team is practising GROWING IN POPULARITY,
hard and will be in good shape for
A great many of the nousewivee of
the first game ot the series to take town and surrounding Country have
place on the. home grounds next made a trial of* the flour turned out
Thursday. There she md be, a large by the .modern machinery anti latest
attendance so aseto give our boys a
good send off process of the re organized Clinton
mill and nave invariably pronounced
DEATeee Inle MR. HORACE FOSTER it good.
.04, Saturday. last Ctintonians learn- 1 One of our best bread -makers said
ed with very deep regret that me. to Mr. Schoenhals the other day :
"Heretofore f have been using a 13.-
Horace Foster, a former citizen, had
passed' away at his home in Branlp- 25 impatted flour and thought there
was nothing like it, but on trying
ton, at the early age of 56 years,
for though they had known of his your $2.70 flour I have obtained just, •
illness, hopes for his recovery had gooa results arse as well have
been ,entertained all alma& For more eaved fifty-five cents per* cwt. I will
than a year he had suffered inten- be a user of the Clinton flour after
sely with intestinal pain and a con- ,
sultation with Toronto specialists ' The Clinton mill is turning out
leer June showed that he had a seri- two grades, ore • a pure Manitoba
ous kidney disorder. He underwent flour anti the other, known as The
an operation in Teronta General Family feour, is made of seveney-five
Hospital for this, one of the kidneys eercente western wheat and on both
being removed, ibn; is beethe only these grades ieir. Schoenhals hat*
chance of agording him relief, About' Made. a considerable reduction in
SIX "weeks after the operation ke was price.
removed to his home, where, for a !
time lie seemed to improve, but, un- The hou•sovives of the district who
are not already using the Sehoenhals
fortunately it was only .temporary, flour slimed try et out for the three -
and for several months he has been. fold reason le -There is ,no ,better
tedfast.Everything possible was flour made. 2—The price is lower
done for 'him but without avail. He than good flour cab be obtained for
experienced so much pain during his elsewhere.' 3—The mill is a local
illness that it was difficult for bine institution and- more deserving of
to even move in bed, but his suffer- support than mills located 'fifty, a
ings were borne with Christian hundred or it may be a thousand
heroism, resignation and , fortitude: miles distant.
Mr. k'oster was been at Scotland, in
the •couhiereot Erant, and in .young ,i)Exr..H OP JOHN SMITH.
manhood took lie the business 024 - 111X.,-' John Smith, for sevefral years
phetographe working tog a time a- .'
with ore a resident of Clinton; passed the ablest artists e in
Cleveland, and hiinseli beeoming .eenentiaw, Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
at theehome ef his daughter away
of thenbestt In aiartnershin -with R. .1)owne, Woodstock, on Saturday last
D. Bayley, now of Marcellue, Mich., .in
he carried. on besiness in Clinton . The late 11:. Smith was ,born in hss eightit-third 'year.
for a siumiter of years' and subses
quently by himself. Lincolnshire, England, hie wife being
also -a natiee of that shire. They
, He etas 'one cit the most upright Were married, in England and all ol
and Honorable citizens Clinton evee their large family were . bun-- there
had.; wholesome, ,whole-soined, yen- with the exception Mrs. bowns.
emits, lovable, taking his share of Mr. and- Mrs.' Smith came to this
life's responsibilities, .and had hosts countinetwo score years ago and for
of friends, ante we believe ;us enem- thirty -mine years lived in and about
its. For years he was an. active nitheee .
and official member' of Ratteneory , —7'
Street Methodist church (now. • Wes- For some ecare past Mr. and Mrs.
ley) and also, superintendent of the Smith have made tilde -home with
Sunday Schoen 3m. was when different members of their famine
.ficiat be called a horn Bible- During the past winter they
class teacher and Sunday School Sup- spent a emffire 02 altatrha in
erintendent—it was a work he 'loved , Toronto with their sone Hamor,
e -and he .continued his activities jet. returning to Woodstock on Good
this direction after, his reneeVal to Friday. Death was dile ' to 'old
Bramptoe, where he lived for nearly age and, -the le -caring out of the
fifteen years, being Superintendent of frame. •
St. f"aul's S.S. there at the time of Besides hie, aged wife Mr. Smith
Isis death. A clergyman who knew hin,. leaves a family te: five SOns and
intimately remarked that "in forty two daughters, one son having died
years' experience -in the ministry he 00'3' a iew 12 '5 ago ; Hamar,
never knew a bt;tter .111-1011IdSup- Toronto ; George, Port Huron ;
erintendent than Mr, Foster." John, Toledo, Ohio ; William, Arden,
When he inol,ed to 13ramp ton he elem. '' Robert, Va
, neolleer• e• ;
became identified with, the Williams Mrs. Hassan,. Clinton, and Mrs, le.
elme Company, a wholesale rnanufac- A Downs, Woodstock, formeily of
Jeering concern, and was Se(retary- Clinton. '
Treasurer thersof, I The remains were brought h&c for
, His widow (formerly Miss Lyon, of interment, the einem] take% place
Dundee) and mne aught4, 'are left on, the arrival of the eieven o'clock
to mourn the' loss of a model and de- train fr OM the east on Tuesday
voted husband and father s together- merniege The services at the grave-,
witlint, brother at Brantford, and a sidh Were conducted by the Rev. W.
sister, Mrs. Malcolm, of Oetawa. W. Wylie, anti at Woodstocte the see
Five clergymen showed their respect vice . was presided over by the' Rev.
for him by attending the funeral' et, Mr. \Vanier of the Baptist,. ciTurch,
Monday, Rev. II; M. Manning of and Rev. Me.. Irwin of the Method,
Oshawa, formerly of Clinton, be-, ist churce. The pallbearers were :
ing one of the number. The, em- Chits, Lovett, A. J.. Holloivay, W.
ployees of the- Motel:es- were present Tiplady, D. N. Watson, II. Hill and
in a body. • e J Medd.
Mr. Jelin Jenkine,„ ono- oi the lar- The three sone : Ilamor, George
geet shareholders in the Williams' and Jelin, 'were present at the fun -
and Miss' Win.nie O'Neil, daugh- Cral, hill (2 accompanied the re -
tor of Mr,' W. T. O'aTeil, .both of mains from Woodstock, Mr. Downs
Clint -on, were also in attenclence. also came une- for the funeral.
The pastor exchanged pipits With
the pastor .of Ontario, street church
on - Sunday morning last, "Rev, Mr -
Alen preaching very acceptably. Mr.
T. E. Feast sang as a solo 'Moth-
er's Prayer" alter the sermon at
morning zer vice. ,
The W. M. S. met in the scliool
room OR Tuesday ,everiing-.
Mr. T. n: cook has been awarded
the (mistreat foe earryieg the Mail
over the Clinton—Alma rural' route.
The salary is not large but has
an additional one dollar per . box.
Mr. Cook will alpo collect the mail
from the twelve or so boxes -which
the Government will place at varibus
parts of the town as an added con-
venience foe our citizens.
Mr. Dean Courtice, only son of Mr:
and Mrs E. G. Courtice of town,
has lust completed his third year al
tbe School of Practical Scfence,
Toronto, Mr, Conetice has proven
'himself to be not onni a. diligent
but a brilliant student, heading las
'class the first and second year, and
this year , carrying off the teholar-
ship, givee by the 13. 'I, Asboe-
iation, valued' at $130, Dean
was also a prize winher at the C.
r., being 'one of its Moist clever
graduates.. He has now taken a pos-
Riau for the -vacation with the Wat-
erworks Department of the city of
Toronto, and it would not surprise
The News.Record at all to see him
olimb, if his inclinations so run, to
the head of some such department in
the not far distant future. Clink/a
boys almost invariably nmee good.
There died in -St. Boniface hoepital
on May 1st a well known former re-
sidetn.t of Clinton, in the person of
William Whitellead, youngest son of
the late Joseph Whitehead, The de-
ceased, who with his brotlier con-
ducted a milling business at one
time in the bending. now occupied by
the Gunn, Langlois Co., left here
many" years ago and' losating at
Winhipeg when that city was in its
youth he Conducted, a thriving drug
business there for many years, re-
tiring from st about a decade ago.
He web also interested in real es-
tate and in various other projecte
both in Manitoba and in the other
western .provinces.
The late Mr. Viletehead was a man
of brilliant talents, of a genial,
kindly, lovable nature, and as such
will be remembered by many old
friends in Clinton, Ile was sixty.
Jour years of Age.
One brothel*, Mr. Chas. Whitehead
of Brendon, and one sister, Dr.
Charlotte W. Ross of Winnipeg, suo
Rev. .J. E. Ford preached on Sim -
day morninm,. laet in the interests of
the Educational Fund. At the even.
ing service Mrs. -(1': H. Xing of God -
mesh assisted the choir and rendered
a couple of solos. Slie baS a roost
pleasing- voice and was listened to
with pleasure.
'Phe pastor will preach (it bothset-
vicee on Sunday next.
Mr, Ralph Tiplady was on Tuesday
eveningeappointed a delegate to • the
district meeting to he' hetil in Wesley
church on Wednesday next.
The League me Monday evening was
under the dixection ef the missionary
committee. ?ass athlete Ker read
the scripture lesson and a very in-
teresting address was given by Capt.
Gibbof the Salvation Army on
"Rescue and Prison Gate Work at
the Coast.',' Lieut. Ainsley sang a
solo in a pleasing manlier arse Mise
Irene Gould gave a recitation, Mrs.
McMurray read a letter from the
district' missionary, Rev. Me. Harris
of West CEina.
Anniversary services were conduet-
ed. on Sunday in this church wheu
the. Rev. A. Mac111111en of Mimic()
'preached very clear, simple and im-
pressive sermons meaning and evene
big, and also took charge of the pas.:
tor's Bible class at the aftertioon
eession ef the Sunday school. Mr.,
Maenfillan has been heart! as a read-
er and lecturer in Clint/an Oil- pre-
vious occasions, but nowhere is his
charming style observed to better
advantage than in portraying ' the
beautiful gospel stories, and he was
listened to .on Sunday with a great
deal of pleastire and profit.
The church Was very prettily de-
corated .yvith flowers, plants aud blos-
soms 'for the occasion. Choir
rendered special 2025110at both /noth-
ing; and evening . services. Dr.
Gantlier • sang a solo at the
morning service ,,and Mr A,
Mitchell took the solo part in the
anthem, The special 'offering for the
day "WDS very satisfactory to the of -
The Band of Little Helpers, to the
number of about thixty, with Mrs,
Grant in charge, joueneyed down -to
the. House of Refuge OD Monday ev-
ening coed gave a nice little program
for the benefit Of the inmates. At
the • conclusioe of the program the
boys med girls treated' ,their audienee•
to candy which they had eroaght
along for the purpose sue is little
while -was, spent "visiting." The
elderly people seemed to greatly
enjoy the little attentions from tee
young people and it is honed that
the visit gas mutually helpful,
The importee horse "The Viking,"
the property oi Mr, G. W. inott,
dropped dead en Colborne last even-
ing. "The Viking" was a splendid
aaimal which Mr. Nett hunseli Isp
ported three seasens ago. Forties-
ately he had The Viking Menne,
placing , trio risk with Mr. J. Taylor
is fortnight ago
The latest local purchaeor of me
mite is Mr: Bert Langfoed who, has
bought a brarei new five-passengte
Ford which be reeeiveci yesterday.
Mr. Langford is one of out: anent ex-
perienced .and skillful drivers anti
as well knows about as much about
the mechanism of a car as dogs tho
maker himself;
The towel council purpthe havens
the streets oiled—by and by.
The Inc for Membership in the
tory lawn tennis club is one dollar,
payable to Mr. McGregor at the
Royal Bank.
The W.C.T.U. will _meet in the
Baptist church on Friday evening •ce.
this week at eight o'cloak, 141 tlit
ladies are welcome.
The W. will meet at the borne or
Pers. Bradshaw, Mary • street, os
Thursday afternoon next when there
will -be roll call atid payment, of the
annual fee,
arr. George Swarts has sold his
house on Rattenbury street, west, te
Mr. C. S., Loweiy of Medicine Hat,
Alta., who bought it for his mother,
Mrs. Lowery of Vawn, who wilt
shortly occupy it.
Another change has taken place 12
bosiness circles in Cainten. 'The part-
nership for the past year existing be-
tween Messrs. Atkinson mid Dunford
has been dissolved, Mr, Atkinson
'withdrawingfrom the business ant
Mr. John May, who came to town:
recently from Exeter, taking over
his interests, The ME lirm, which
will be known as Dunford and May„
makes its bow to the public thie
week and will continue to serve its
patrons as faithfully as the old ono
has done, The bouse In which Mr.
Atkinson lives hes also become the
property of Mr. May, but for the
present will eontinue te be occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. :Atkinson, who have
woe many friends since their coming
to ,town who will be sincerely •-sorry
if this change will eventually mem;
their removal.
The Clinton Lawn Bowling Club .
are getting their green in order but
'have not yet used it. A number of
the clubs in surrounding towns have
already started practice but as • the
local club prides iteell upon the ex-
cellent shape in whicb the green is
kept, they are exercising patiense by
keeping oft until the ground becomet;
firtuer. In this way they ensure for
themsOlves much more satisfacticai
during thee season as the green is al-
ways at its best,
At the W. 0, B. A. tournanaent te
be held in London in the week of
July 215t, those who go down isi
one, two, three style will be given
another chance to win by competing
for a trophy offered by the presid-
ent, ler. A. J. Taylor of Toronto.
This is not thrown out as a hint tte
local browlers, at ale Clineon's re-
presentative,s usually make good at.
these armlet tournaments, frequently
carrying off trete or three ok the
trophies offered.
A Wise Choice.
Superintendent Chant.
The town council Eas offered' Mr,
H. 13. Chant, ,the position of Super-
intendent of the combined Wat,er-
works and Electric Light Systems,
the salary to he twelve hundred dol-
lars per annum. /
The dual duties are most import-
ant and will become increasingly so.
with the hitching on of Hydro whica
is now only a matter of a couple of
months cm so,
Mr. (beet is a, master mechanic.
who has made a special study of el-
ectricity so that the management ot
our Ilydroelriven public plants wiir
be congen•al io him. And his meth-
ods beieg thossough, as citizens we
will have confieenee in his judge
ment. . •
The teem is to be cons -rattan teq.
DROD 1112 DT able to secure M.
(seances services.