The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-08, Page 8•i.
;priu� Needs ti! :111 K!nI
Our stork was never neon e complete than nowe ba '-
ing all the latest and most up-to-date goods on the mar-
kat spades, shovels,. garden rakes, Lawn lakes, lawn
• mowers, poultry netting, all the new shades in Sherwin -
Williams paints; Campbell's varnish stain, Japalae,
Floor leeliquid veneer;and,Flempol the new furniture
polish, Paint and varnish brushes 5r, to $2.50. An ele-
gantvariety of brass ,curtain rods 5e up. We carry
Dustbane in:barrels; half barrels, kegs, 35 and 10 cent
cans and in the hulk n,t5 cents per Ill. It pays to feed
Dr. Hess' Stock Food and Panacea in the spring.' Pre-
vent your shingles blowing off by using the improved
large head shingle nails, we -have them; Household
hand saws, reg. 35c for 25c. Hammers,°reg.25c for -20e.
Tack Itatunler.e 5e, 10c and 15e. Braces reg 50e for 4.0c.
arland Bros.=
and be convinced,
Jaokscn'a Stioes
Every Shoe we Show in our Store pos•
sesses so much of genuine meritthatit
warrants yoltr attention and careful
thin SHOE5
Not because we say so, but because they
are. You will never know this until youwear them. A good time to find out is
when you need your next pair, Come, see
111111116 ‘1111111111111111411011MIONSIIIIIIIIMM11111111111111011111111111•11•11•ANIMINOMMINMPAPOMMIO
Our showing of wash Dresses this year is larger and
prettier than we have shown bef are. Dainty litilo dress-
es in Prints, Gingbame, Chamlrays, Ducks and Linens' ♦
1 assortment ent ofLadiesWit' ..i
W e have a beautlfu ass m ass,
in Lawns, Embroidery, Picfue,,Linens etc, ranging in
price from :6O to $3.00
Also'some extra values in Ladies and childrens
Undeiskirts Gowns, Corset Covers Drawers, Princess y$
Slips and Combinations
andin allsizes from two ears and u to fourteen years
Y p
aud,wonderfully Jew priced at from '$,25 to 52.00.
SEE. (9UR✓�GIRi:S MIDpIES AT .$i. 5.
White Waists
tand Underwear.
1 1440�O♦.O�4 ONOlr.•• . IONNONO.isN�Ni000�N
to P1eao-Our kim
• ,Backi • Brillgs-_Custooeers
at this store invariably cd
_ ins,
back when they want more and bring their friends i
with them.
To Use Our Furniture is to prove that it is •
as good as it looks and that is saying a whole lot, .
ISubstantial Furniture can be bought he:e
at money saving,prices. , Why not secure what;
pieces you need now while pri
now ces are so favorable.
Atkinson & Dunfordl
Furniture Dealers and Funeral' Directors •
Phone 104
i4,.., ♦Oti••••M••10♦N•Nb1N••A•M♦00•♦ •••••••••••
01.111: Wall Hangings have
a ,decorative effect and,_ value
which makes the -home invit-
ing and comfortable. (:)ur
designs are almost sure, to shit-'
your taste and oar ` prices
your`pocket book. Bring us:
the measurements of .your.
room, and • we rwilP.giVe you
an estimate of the -cost: :'
tllL:;.D..FAIR CO,
Often Cheapest - Always the Best
ran vJ 5! emeeaumnlnnWgpo
... usual h1,.
Mrs. E. Moore. is at present quite ill,
Ret J, E, J+'ord was in London on
Mrs, Kenneth' Chown visited Wing
harm friends last week: •
Miss A. Iteid spent the week -end 'at
'the -parental home' in' Stanley. e.
-Mrs. A„ F.' Axon is spending a fort-
night at the :parental home in Ches-
Chairman Cleft and Inspector John-
see were ie. Goderich officially ma
Rev. D. K., Grant was in Stratford
Sunday, preaching in Knox Presby-
terian church.
Miss Mabel Clint' went to Goderich on
•Monday to, resume her duties in
Hodgens Bros. store,
Mrs H. Bartlilf and children visited
the lady parents at Brussels 'for
afew days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Olin -)cooper and child-
ren of Blyth were the guests on
Sunday : of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs: A. Hooper..
Miss" Rhea Stirling, who is teaching
school at .Hespeler, was at her
home in town over the week -end,
that of Mr, and Mrs. Arch.: Stirl-
MrS. Donaldson and hiss Lulu 'Don-
aidson returned to their home in
Forest on Saturday after spending
several days in town, the guests
of Mrs. Boles. e,
Miss Willa; Ford, who has been a
student at Queen's University dur-
ing -the winter tern:, is teaching- at
N♦•H♦♦♦•••N♦♦♦••♦•••• N••♦♦♦♦•♦NN•♦♦♦♦♦•o
Ayr for the two months remaining
before the summer vacation.
:Messrs. C. 1'l. Dowding and A. J.
Grigg- spent May Day" on their
favorite trout, streams in n (Odorich
township and succeeded and bagging
a nice mess of the speckled, beauties.
Mrs. H. W. Cook returned on Satur-
day evening from Toronto where
she spent the past few weeks. She
was accompanied by her daughter,
Mrs.W. A, Pridiram • wh
and babe o
Will vBiit at het home for some
IVLcssrs. 'Thos. and ,J. P. Sheppard
'Visited Iriends»; in the vicinity of
the Nile em Surrlay and Monday. -
It was a long drive -for, a man ` of
over fourscote, as Mr, T. Sheppard
is, but he seems to .he none' • the
worse fore -le
Mrs. J. D.'Atkinson, who was so
seriously -ill that small hopes were
entertained for her recovery, is now,.
her'n)arfy friends will be pleased to
learrn, blending so rapidly that she
is able -led be out•ori fine days. •
Mr, John R; Bone,; managing editor,
of the Taranto Stier, has been e1ec-
ted president tib Ca li 1u
per, of r ,na<an �' b,.
". 111iielr ` hat a meNliersliip of twelve'`
hundred andtwenty-five.
considered quite- an horror and 15 an-'
other recognition of the ability 01
a I-Iuronian, Mr. Bone. being a na-
five of East Wawanoslr and . form-
.r studentClintonc t of the C C.
Mr, and Mrs, T. II, Hardy • and
daughter, Miss Etta, visited Mr.
and Mxs. ' W. G. Nethery of past
Wawarieslr over the week -end Mr.
Nethery was one of those who sure...
feted by the recent wi-ndstorni, his
Barri being pretty badly wrecked:
And about three weeks ago while'
out timber to repair the
et'in p
barn, Mr, Nethery had the misfor--
tune to have his ankle broken and
dislocated, and has since been laid'
oft duty. 'This is a most con
tenient season for a farmer to ' be
]aid asideeciall When
and especially Y
there is extra work to be done.
Mr. Hardy says the •buildings in the
northern ';township suffered, much
more than those in this vicinity,
many • of the barns being badly
Newt -Record
......r.�, �. -
May 8th, 1913
OQO Yards Aud�rsou �cot�h �iug6�ms
la turday. a
Fifty pieces, Andersons New pring C-inghams in -all the New Color.;
Ings and paterns in Plads, Strias and plain cloths Reg 15c Saturday12%
Five Hundred VetrdsI t,rlC ill Nin,P:
dl Scotch �nn1t h.Ime • 112 1_2• 10
Twenty five -pieces English, Scotch and -Canadian 'Gin hamall
.. new
paterns this year in the new colorings. Regular 12% for 10c Saturday
One Hundred New th S Just Received
If you -have a'Rug;;want to brighten up your home, come and see our
disulay; of right, up to the minute • patterns comprising Wools, Tapestry,
Yutaki Fibre Rugs, 8i ussels, Miltons, Velvets, Axminsters and Japanese'•_
Fibre in fawns, browns, greens `and reds, in all the new spring colorings
and designs from $1,25 up to $45.
New Qi ip mese Mi ttdni7:
Another shipment of Japanese Matting, eight new patterns in 'plain
and fancy scrow1-string•warp, made- to give good wear at i5c to 25c -
per yard. 'Also fifty Jap Mats 27x5.4 in. and _36x72 in at 25c and 50c.
Newt Lace Curtains
We are showing a splendid range of Lace Curtains in white -and Aero
in all the very newest styles in Nottinghanis, ' Brussels and Swiss, two
and a half and three yards long from 50c up to $5. - .
Linoleums and Oilcloths
Just tolhand six new designs in Scotch Linoleum in floral and block'
designs -four yards, wide, same weight and quality as last year, and the
same price, 50c per sq. yd. We are also showing a large range of pat-
terns in oilcloth in one, one and a half and one and three quarter yards
wide at 30c sq. yard.
CLI. ro.v
About People_ You Know.
J. ]�. Cantsan was •} v• • i i Toronto ns
Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. Fulton, manager of the Knitting
Company was in Wingham on Tries
ldrs. T. Holloway has rett>;rned to
her hone in town atter spending
several n antltswith her daughter,
Mrs. Rowe of Eletter. •
Mr. G. D. Roberto':wasin Wingham'
and other points north on insur-
ance business this week.
Nliss Gale Gilroy of Sarnia, formerly
01 Clinton, is the guest of Miss
.Jean. Chidlcy -this week.
Rev. C. 15. Jcalcins was in London eon
Simday preaching :missionary seem- two of the city churches.
Mr, Jack Wiseman, who has been
with the Bank of Montreal at Trott-
.. ton for some time, has, been trans-
ferred to the 11'it. Forest'biandii.
Mrs. Leech of; Croderich was the guest
Of Miss" Rudd yesterday, being in
, town for the W. M. S'. •Distriet con
• •ventiOn' et which' she' has' been :fires=
ident for some years. •
k spent e k- t
Mr. OttoFin en the race enc] a
Inc home rn•Ilanover, making the
iourney of Bourse with his motor:
cycle hthan which the Grand
is not more speedy, as a mattcr of
fact he saves time by cycling:
Mr.- Robert Holmes, ioemerly of Olin -
L, ton, has, for : the third time
been elected president of 'the ens-
toms Service •Association of Toron-
to, notwithstanding that he re-
quested that the honor be passed
around.The .Association has a
_ membership. of one hundred ' and
Master Willie Blacker, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Erne Blacker, who r
1Y underwent an operation tor ap-
has so lot recovered .as
to be able to resume his school
work. `e has been preparing for
the Entrance land though he will
31 loss
r somewhat ]ratthe be hampered so ew
Inge by
of time due to his illness, he is
studying like a good fellow and we
hope he will he successful.:
Wallis rIr: C. J,a llis
has I berm in 'Toronto.
this week: - -
Mrs, G. D. McTaggart Has been in
Toronto this week,
:disc Jean Chidley spent the week-
end the guest of Mrs. Arnold of
Hensel ,
Miss Edea r I enn-
abal.w::unde • •enb
r14 1n.
operation for appendicitis 'In the
hospital on Tuesday and is now
making satisfactory progres.
Master Erskine Evans hasbeen.
having a ;holiday from school the
past 'week owing to illness, but • is
now able to be about again,
_ Constance
Mr. and Mrs., Tyeui oC-London spent;
a new days the guests of their aunt,
Mee. H. Colclough.
Mrs:` D. Sutherlarel .spent: er• " week.
or ten days with her daughter, Mrs.
S. Be •Kindy of Toroirto,
Miss Alma McRorie• has returned to.
tier' home alter a visit with her sis-
ter, Mrs, ', Britton.
Mr. William Stanley of Holrnesr-ille
visited his' daughter; Mrs, Duncan
Tudor, one day last .week,,...
The mal friends ofRobert
C tel u r so' 1
D o i n o Mt. . C ihlou �h "
g , It. o 6 of
Oils village, will regtet to learn that,
he continues very ill.
Miss Belle Marin is spending a, week
or so' with Mrs. T. Pollard,
• Mes, Robert Lawson was .thee dele-
gate ;to the W. M. S. convention in
Clinton this week. '•••
NIr. ,and Mrs, J. Kling, 'Mr, .and
Mrs. Bert Kling -and Mr, Chas.
'Kling of Toledo, Ohio, were -here
1 Pt n Yn l .
a,> week ante dun thu 1 mer. r the
g a o
late Fr. Klin
Nits; Waiter Pickard of Calgary vis
1• ' r
ted Ilea and Mrs, Larkin last wee],
Mr: and Mrs I T. Dickson :cud
Miss i ne h• ve gone t '1' r o nt .
ze a g n o o a n to
reside. •
The News From Londesboro
Mics Bessie Catley of Nit, Foeest
has returned. home after spending a
fortnight! at. the home of her uncle,
Mr. Jesepll Lyon. -
Mrs. John Spindler 'has returned to
her home in 1',ueknew after spending
five wct•ksLh thome f her a e o parents.
Mr. and lags. Joseph Lyon.
A. special meeting of the Presby-
tery of Huron was heTtl in K
:church yesterday for the purpose of
inducting the Rev.. John G. Reid,
late of Alma, intothe pastorale of
Burns and Knox churches. Rev. Mr.
At -go of legmondville preaehed the in-
duction sermon, Rev. W. D. Turner
Of Blyth gave the charge to the peo-
ple and Rev. D. K, Grant of Clinton
addressed. the. minister., Mr, Reid en-
ters upon. his Ministry here under
favorable eircumstanoes and there is
,every indication, that his pastorate
will be a pleasant and successful one.
The • Elora "Express rn a recent
issue had' the following : • ' '
The .members,• of the Presbyterian
congregation at Atnta met in 'the
church oe Monday evening to spend a
social hour a ant l 1 iri farewell t their
a o
pastor and his wife; Rev. J, G. and
Mrs. Reid, who are leaving fur their
new }zonce rnLod 5boro tov.
A. Brown of Fergus; accompanied by
]Firs, Brown, was pre sent, as were
also Rev, "and Mrs, Ottewell. An
impromptu program was given atter
which the' supper with served. One
of the most pleasing- features of the
evening was' the. reading .of an , ad-
-dress by Dr: Norman C. Wallace and
the presentation of purses of gold
toboth Mr.-anMrs. Reid• The a
• was as follows :
To Rev. G. and Mrs. Reid
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Reid, -On this
the eve of your departure from Alma,
your urfriends have gathered heree thf
express their deep re ^es
that the pleasant associations of the
last six a
n4 } e rs are about to be broken.
• Sine comingAlma Since t o 1 n)a as .pastor of
the 1'r.esbeterian church you, 511•,
Reid, have made many friends, not
only, -in your 'ow'n church nut i:1 the
community at large: .By them :••ou
are held M great respect and In; r Ott
they have the deepest co'rfidence :Fi',
cannot allow you to leave us w de: it
expressing, even :n an inrprrtc bean-- -
ner., our deep appreciation of the ear-
ess1' your n r minfsLrY
For your } o r nolle partner in life, we
can truthfully idlfu 1
y say that long after she
is gone from here We shall, rememner
with pleasure her charming personal -
€t•. As hostess of the manse, as
president of the Ladies' Aid, or as
one of the leaders of the Missionary,
work, to
1 , has always Leen
characteraed with" dignity and with
marked Success. Mrs. Reid has al-
ways been most generous with her
splendid musical gifts, and we feel
that in losing her this church and
this community is Suffering, a distinct
To you ,both we express our sorrow
at your ,departure.
"As'you leave foryour new field of
labor bo at Isonciesboro you may rest.
assured that you carry-, with you our
best wishes for your unbounded sue-
0esse •
This congregation will be pleased if
you both will
acceptt riCSC purses as
of the kindly g feelin `that it
rias for you .both,
Hullett Townships
'There passed away recently, enother--
of- the pioneers, of this township M
the person of Mrs. Sarah Watson of
'the 1415 concession. She had reach-
ed thev
da edo-
f 85
a 1
agey0 r nr
had resided h e d for the last few years
with her son. Mrs. Watson wasvery,
highly respected by the community: M.
which she 1ived,
Tuekersmith Township
I s-
tland • ; it
, a 3beats anything r
have yet had," says Mr. .S..Switzer:
of a spring foal sired by Lord Ron -
Foctiwtai For Sprillg 31111 Summer
We are prepared to show you the latest designs for this seaSon, witha variety of styles that is worth a few moments of
your time to. ex-
amine. We.invite you to call and see them for yourself.
Our stock covers the wide range of styles°now shown in pumps oxfords and boots in all the different leathers and colors, to shit ali
your tastes and purses.
V IDM A -1\T Successor to J. Twitchell & Son
A -e eee{neer. :.„- eelefe.a+,.4.:,.',4•.i.e;
?root" 'ili2 .'' .:call k?ecl.":