HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-05-08, Page 7Not' 1,1ite Ordinary Soap, But Better THE NEW3-RECORD'S CLUB- BING LIST FOR 1912-13 WEEKLIES. ews,feecord and Mail tintl Emigre. $1.50 News -Record and Globe . -. • • t ,••: 160 'News -Record and Family Ibuttad 'anti Stat. with .Premium 1,75 .Noweaccord and Witness .............1.75 Nows,Record and Bun .1.75 ligws-Recordr, and Free 'Press .. • • • i• 1•75 NOWS.R.009ra And Advertiser 1.75 News-Reeord and 'Parente Saturdays Night , .; .„ . • 3:2 ...,Nelyfotecord and Fanner's Advocate 2.25 ivewellfecord end 'Perm and Drilry', 1..75 Newsoltsoord and. Canadian 'Farm. •8•76. Newi,Record and Youth's „Companion" L25 NsWed'ittieprd and Canadian Country, ' 0544 121 NewstRecord and Tho Trait Grovrer - and Partner ,, _ . - ... 1.50 Nevng•Record and The Canadian Sportsnian 0....... . . • . 3.05 Newsdlecord end 352(5' and Empire478 • News -Record and Globe ...... '4.25 • News-Reoord and, Nowa .. " 2.30 Newedtecord and Pier 2,5 • News-Raeord' and, .World 3.25 14.0w5•Rocerd and Morning Free Press 125 ' Newstltecord .and Evenings Free Preau 2.75 News -Record an1 Advertiser ..... '100 _ • • MONTHLY. News•Necord And Poultry ReVicw 1.25 News-Ittitior,d and Lippincott'a Maga- 3'25 304 Oannda Monthly. .what vow want Is not in this list let • ;us know -about it., We can supply you at ' Tees than it would cost you to , send direct, rn remitting plense,do so by Post -office Order,' POstaL Note. Tbcnresa Order or Reg. istered letter and 'address, J MITCHELL 1. PuoliSher ,NBW3-R900Fn1 CLINTON, ONTARIO WhOOpiEng COUgh I SPASMODIC CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BRONCHITIS CATARRH COLDS NAPIER MOTOR OAR for Sale at a Sacrifice A 1311AUTIFUL 7 -passenger • six -cylinder imported ear, in Splendid shape. Price, $1200.00 RUSSELL MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED Ida Richmond St. vied, TORONTO Long Distance Phone, MAIN 2072 I Commanding Figure. On the Democratic bide of the United States Congress, Oscar UnderNirooci, chairinan of the Ways and Means Committee, and builder of the tariff bill, is, of course, the commanding figure. Even if the new rules had not . bound, the Speaker's arms to his side, Under- wood as floor leader would still be in real command of the Democratic hosts. He is smilitg, candid, a be- liever in conciliation and ‘eampro- noise up to a certain point—and %amounting, Imo A atomic, gate and oftective trentment for bon. chlal trembles; avoiding drug& VmmelemiCresolene etoPe Shaneroxycno of Whooping Condit and rellevea Sommotile Croup 00 03(0, IS is a000N te fferare from hiannut. The stir carrying the antiseptic vapor, inspired with every breath, mithes breathing may 5 soothes the sore threat end Mope the Ought/amusing T,..gul night. It in invaluable 23 =tams with g children. Send roinallnracserlptivn booklet. ALL DRUGGIST& naligaCP1'1%aMtall' TABLETS fertile Irritated thmat•stnot, aro simple, effeetive Mut 030(00 40, Of VOW drusallat or from ue. 10c, in stamps. Vfipo 'Cresolene Co. sz earittnat se., N.T- teeming guns Building hlontreat, Can. 8 • ASK ,OUR SALESMAN FOR , Campbell's Varnish Stain , The best and most durablefinisli for POOrS,F11110ittire&WOOdWOrk • Thereisnotliinglikeit: 13nolont ;Bade by CarpeaterMorton Co.. Reston', BROOM HOLDER FRE. lament this Coven at dealer: store .doe. mire one of the C.rnpbofl Broom Fielders free .."FOR SALE BY HARLAND. BROS. CLINTON Even after this enorMeas'inerease "SALADA' - his had a further in- .erease,in the first ]4weeks of 'this 1, year of a little:over a quarter of a 1 million, pounda, equal to 21 car, leads. ••• ro•Nsetasonawaseiensineotsworwsweentemto, Oscar W. Underwood. therefore always provides himnelf it advance with plenty of thongs he's willing to give up—'a diplomat- ist and the absolute master in coma- mittee work. In the la,st few years the increase alone ha •the consumption of "SALADA" Tea -amounted to 2,314,026 pounds, or 200 carloads of Tea. '• THE NEWS INA PARIIGRAPII flAPPENINC$ POOR ALL OVEU TIIE GL0111 IN A , N UTSIIELL. 1 Canada, the Empire and the World In General •Refers Tent Eves, Canada. Hamilton plumbers get an In- crease of 2j-;;; cont9 an hour. Toronto's new General Hospital will be formally opened this month. More than thirty-one thousand families in Montreal moved on May AMarornoth dredge is being built in Torontd to be used in Hudson Mcfntreal grain men are protest- ing against a new rate imposed by the Harbor Commissioners. The government's investigation into the cost of the National Trans- continental is, proving expensive, having already cost $42,000. ' Great Britain. ,,The Duchess of_ Cionnaught's con- dition shows more improvementO . A plot to rerneve Mrs. Pankhurst from England in an airship was dis- covered. , • The London police made, a raid on the headquarters of the Women's Social and Political Union, arrest - ing the chief officers. • United .States. Two "plainclothes" patrolwomen will walk beats in the doiwntown district of Le's Angeles at night. The United States Senate is to be asked to consider'an apendment to the constitution giving women nation-wide suffrage. Mrs. 0. H: P. Belmont, the wealthy New York suffragist, will invite Ohrista,bel Pankhurst to spend .the summer with her in her villa at Deauville on the French coast. General: — Montenegro has opened the way, to peace by agreeing' to aneept com- pensation for evacuating Scirtari. Guiltaux, Frekth airman, with his aeroplane flight from Biarritz, France, to K11um, Holland, a dis- tance' if nearly a thousand miles, won a prize of $10,000. ,73 murrisu MINISTER COMING. , Intends Visiting the Dominion This Summer. - A despatch • from tendon .saysi Sir John Simon, Solicitor-Gelfertil, intends visiting Canada this Sum- mer. Sir John is .one of the Urn. liant young men- who" form the -hid, warks 'of the present Government: He is forty years old, has repre- sented Waltharnstow seven years, has. been Soli,citor--General three years 'rind was one of the coulaseI for Britain in the Alaska boundary arbitration, Forty years in use, 20 yours ilia 'standard, prescribed and MEOW - O mended by physicians. For Wo. inan's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Female Pills, at your druggist. CANADA'S SHIPPING RECOR The Dominion Is Now Ninth Arriong the Maritime . Nations of the,World A despatch from Ottawa says: In, e number of vessels arid volume of tonnage Canada shipping,' last year showe.d a substantial increase, The total number on the register hooks was 8,380, measuring 836,278 tons, an inerease of 202 vessels and 65,832 tons, •compared with 1911. The nurnher of steamers was '3,667, with a gross tonnage of 641,225, Assuming the average value to be $30 per ten, the value of the net registered tonnage of Canada at, the etti of 1912 was $25,088,340, The number of new vessels built and registered during the year was. 420, th,e tonnage 34,886 and the value $1,660,870. During the year 241 -vessels were removed from the re- gister book. It is estimated that 42,490 mentand boys were employed on ships registered it Canada dur- ing 1912. Canada has now the ninth position in the shipping of all coun- tries, Greart Britain and heineolo- ties being first with 12,580,488 ton's, the United States third with - G erme,ny aecond. with 3,034,1424:67,7,d- 791. . In • new shipping last year, Ontar- io led with 11,170 tons, British Col- umbia Was second with 10,647, Nova Scotia third with 5,883, and Quebec fourth with 5,744. Wrecks nutti- bereAd 19, etrandings 10, and total losses 19 'Make Ug Prove It' .We dare nof exgggerate to you. We are dependent Upon your, patronage. Taget it we musthavd yOur,trust and cerill. deuce. We make the following statements with a tall under-• , standing af,wlitat they mean to us. Veit are safe, when you believe 'se statements. , the, For, the Bowels ,ff you only.lcizeW as much as we i1dthoe who have lized them know bout Rexall Orderlies; you' vrotild as enthusiastic about recommend- ing them as we are. They tante,just like 'candy. They act so easily and 130 pleasantly that the taking of them Even 'children like" Ilexall Order- lies; and you know that if a medi- cine' appeals to a child, it will appeal to grotvn-ups. ' , of bowel ills and in a' short time usually make unnecessaty the con- ' tinned use of physics and purgatives, thus' tending to stop -such unhealthy hapits so may have been formed: 1Make us Prove fhis 'We do, not ask you to take our word for this. We want you to make 1113 prove it, and at no coot to You. • 'Buy a box of Boxed Orderlies at -' otzr store. Use them once, or use UP the whole box. Then if you are Rback empty not thoroughly satisfied, just ,come Without obligatAng yon, or question - handed and tell us. .ffigm'algimraW0 ing You we will return the reorleS" 'chase -gloom, dispel blues and • you Pal , us for thern, make You feel happy by their anion- Doesn't that indicate that ltexall did tonic, cleansing and strengthen- Orderlies aro at least worthy of trial? ing effect upon the bowels. - They Doesn't it prove our faith in thein?' net to free the system -- and keep it Doesn't it merit your, confidence? free ---from the distress ensign feeling ' Could any offer o more fair to you? -that naturally iesults from irregular Iva particularly reccimucii'd Rexall And inactiVe boyiel,. Orderlies for children, delicate and Razzed Orderlies do this' quietly, aged persona Revail'Orderlies minis without griping or causing nausea, in convenient vest-pocket else tin ' purging or excessive:looseness. They boxes. 12 tablets, 10c; 36 tablete, act to (welcome and remove tho cause 25c; 80 tablets, 50e, tc„, ' CAUTION: Please her in -mind that Itexall Orderlies are not sold by all drug. 'ts. You can hey Hexed Orderlies only at 018 Noxell Stores. . han buy rtestall Orderlies in tido community only at our store: Ciimen . S. HOLARES. The enarlo Thoro is a Retail Store In nearly Avory tOVM and city in the United States, Canada 4114 Grt, 'There is a chg.:gent tOokall Remady for nearly ovory ordinary.fittntop .15ao11 eTto, .11y dagrayi fdt the particular ill for which it lo teeommondod. 7.751.575 .a.a..7,ao!aa'a ilirfaaaea Vrtag Stores Store GIVEN EAST CHANCE TO EAT. ;Montreal !Murderer Will be Forcibly A'despa,tch , from -Montreal says : Unlesa Tomasco Bernardi, alleged murderer of Louis Strole, his suc- cessful rival for the hand of Ange- lina Regina, undertakes to eat of his own aecord he will be fen forc- ibly, Bernardi has taken practi- cally nothing since he Was arrest, ed on April 22, and when he ap- peared in the arraignment court On Wednesday morning '0 he collapsed from weakness and afterwards be- came unconseious. The case "was adjourned to. give Bernardi a hist chance to T.li1 CASittlu Montreal Cool: Locked llis Com- panions In a Refrigerator. A despatch isoin Montreal says; Incincing two eoinpanions, a wait, er named PhiliP Philipson, and 0,' Polish woinan,' Luxon, to cm ter a refrigerator at a St. Ca,thar, ine Street restaurant, )vhere, he Was employed as chef, 0, Thaussa, Iruo, it is alleged, looked them in, rifled 'the ()ash register, and de- carnpe.d, Philipson and the Luxon wolnan were nearly suffoca,teci, and' wereoee,d'wdulYwalyrozoeunt bbeyk irbe ve 'if(); Int lei er lee blocks covering a trap door 76 a lane, The police are now looking for Tilanasahns. 0 • Delicately flavoured- Thghly concen., tsated. WHY WORRY! Choose your variety arid ask your grocer for 'Clark's'. W. Cluritz.,.M.1'r, PRICES - 0F FARM ,P-ROOUCTS REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. Prices of Cattle, Crain,' Cheese and, Other Produoo at Home and Abroad. Breadstuff& Toronto. May. 6a -Floor --90 per cont. pat- ents. 0433.90 $195, Montreal. or Toronto freight.. Manitobaloiret patente, in jute brige, 85.305 ,theond patento. in jute bags; $4,80; strong bakers in jute bag's, $4.60. Manitoba Wheat -No. a Nerthern,9tatae, on traok, Bay ports; No. 2 at 963-40; No. Ontario Wbeat-No., 2 white .and red wheat, 96 to 97e, outeide, and eprouted, Oats-Onterio oath, 33 to Me, outside, nod at 324, on track, Toronto. Weetern Canada oats, 410 for Tro. 2, and 391.24 for No. 3, BAY Porta ' Pea,s-96e -to 91, outside. Baxley -Forty -eight -lb. barley- Of •good quality, 61 to 63c, outside. Peed, 40 to 60e. Corn -No. 3 American corn, 62 1-2o, all. ran, and at 68c. oi.t. Midland. a Rae-Prthes ;are nominal. Buckwheat -No. 2 at 62 to Mc, outaide. Bran.-Mionitoba bran 19, in bags, To- ,ronto freight, Shorts, $21, Toronto. country PrOducte. Butter -Dairy prints,. choice, 26 to 26c; do., tubs, 24 to 260; onferior, 20 th 21m" creamery, 30 to 31 1-2o for rolls and 281-2 to 25o for Sada. Eggs-Clese Jets, NM here, and at 16 to 170 outside. I Cheese -13 1-2 to 14o thr twine, and at 13 to 232-24 for large, Beans -Hand-picked 82.40 th $2.50 • per bushel; primes, $2 to 82.25, in a jobbing Honey -Extracted, in tins, 153-4 to 13o Per lb. for No. 1, wholesale; combs, $2.- 50 to $3 loer dozen for No. 1, and $2.40 Sar No. Poultry-Woll-fatted, clean, dr1apic1oe4 stook: Chlokette, 18 to 280 per lb.; fowl. 16 to 16o; turkeys, 20 to 21e. Live Poul- try, abeut k lower than -the above. Potatoes -Good Ontario stook, 60e per bag, on track, and Delawares at 70o per bag, on track. Provision& Bacon -Long clear, 15 IA 000 151-2o per lb., in moth, lots. Porlt-Short out. $26 to 827; do., mese, 321.50 to $22. Ithons--Mediuns to light, 101-2 to 19o; heavy, 161-2 th 17e; rola), 16of breakfast bacon, 191a2 to 200; baakreld.--4ere 231toes,2401.4-4o; tubs, 14 Me; Pails, Baled Halt and straw. , , Baled Hay -No, 1 at $12,60 th .810. on tracer. Toronto; No. 2. $11 to ULM. Mixed hay'ls Mooted at 310. - Baled Straw -$8.50 to $9, on , track, To- , Montreal Markets, Montreal, May 6.-Oats-Canad1a'54 west- ern No. 2, 43ea Canadian weetefro No: 3, 401-2o. Barley, Manitoba feed. 666 to 688. Plour--Manitoba spring wheat „patente, firsts, $5,40; do., seconds, $4.90; atrong bakers'. $4.70; winter patents, choice, $9.26; etraight rollers. 9485 to $4.90; straight rel. bage, 62.20 to $2.35. Belled oatm, bar- rels, $4.35; do., baps of 90 lbs., $2.05. Bran, 619 to 920. Shorts, 521. to $22. Middlings, 824 to $26. Mountie, 9285o $34. Hay, No: 2, per tot, oar lqte, $13.60 to $14.00. Cheese -Finest Westerns, Pc to 11.1.4e. Butter - Choicest creamery, 27e to 27 1-7.0; do., seta onds. 26e to 261.2e. Eggs, freela 21c to 22o. Potatoes, per bag, oar lots, 50 to 60e, winnipec cram. Winnipeg, Nay 6.--Caeht-9V'heat-No. 1 Northern, 931.8e' No. 2, do., 6010s; No. 5, do., 873-40; No, 4, 84 1-4e; No, 5, 791-24; No. 6, 75o; feed, 64e; No. 1 rejected, eeetle, Vol No. 2, do.. 80e; No. 1 tough, 871.20; No. 2, do.,.84 1-2o; No. 3, do., 81 1-4e;a34o. 4, do., 773-44; No. 6, 721-24; No, 6, 671-20; feed, 57e; No. 1 red Winter, 95 34le ; No. 3, do., 88 3-4o; No. 4, do., 651-40, Oats -No, 2 0.34., 343.5; No. 3, do., 321.2s; extra Nd. 1 feed, 203-40; No. .1 feed. 323-4o; No. 2, do., 303.4o, Barley -No, 3,400; No. 4, 481-2e; rejected. 46a. 'Plax-No. 1 N.W., 81.073-4; No, 2 C.W., $1.101.2; No. 3 do., $1.07 3-4. United States Markets. minneartolis, May, 6.--0Vheat-May, 88 me; July, 91 3-13c; September, 92 1-86. Closing eash-No. 1 hard, 91 6.8e t No. 0 Northern, 301-5 to 91 lath; No, 2 Northern, 081.8 to' 89 1-8c; No. 3 wheat, 86 to 871-8a; No. 3 yellow corn, 653.4 to 66 1.2e; No. 3 White oath, 021-1 to 33e; No, 2 rye, 66 to 58 1-20. Plour-Prieth unchanged: Bran, 816,02 th $17,00. Duluth, May 6.-Linebed--0aela 91,256-2 to 131 3-4; May, $1.33; JUIY, $1,36 3.4; Sep- tember, ;1.381-2 asked; October, $1.36 1-4 asked,. Wheat -No, 1 bard, 915-8; No. 1 Northern, 916-80; No. 2 Northern, 891.0 to Mak; May, 90 1-8o; July, 92 1-2o; Seta tember, 91s bid, Live Stook 'Markets. „ Montreal, May 6.-Prinao beeves, 7 'th 7i-2; medium, '6 1-4 to 7; common, 4 th 6. A number of milkmen's, strlpens on t1,e. market were sold at 4 1-2 to 51-2. Calves, 1-2 to .6 1-2, Abaci,. shorn, 61-2 to 6; yearlings, 61-2 to 7; Bering lamb& $5 to $7 each: Hogs, 101.2, Toronto:- May .6.--Clattle--Cheice export, $6,50 to $7.; butchers. 96.40 to ,56.- 80; , good- medium, $6 to $6.26; common, 96.1e 86.25a oowe, $5.25 to $5.76; bulle, 8520 to 95.75; canners, $2 to $2.50; cutters, $3.- 26 to 93.75. Calvee-Good veal. $1 to: $7;. oholee; 90.60 to. $9: common, 83 to Via fitoekens,' and Peedere-Steers, 700 th 1,000 pounds, $4.69 to' $6.73; yearlings, 87.1060 $3.50; extra choice heavy feeders, 900 pounds, $6.85 to $6, Milkers mod Spring- ere-Nood stock at from $50 to $72: Sheep odd Lambe -tight owes, 86 to $7.25; heavY, 5 th $6; Minim, $826 to 810; bleats, 94.60 to 6. Hoge --$9.70, fed and , watered:, $9.35 to $9:48 f.o.b.,' anti $9,86 to $10, off cars. LIEUT. VON 11111111ACII Aviation Accident Near Darmstadt Germany. ' A despatch from Darmstadt, Ger- many, says : Lieut. von Mirbach was killed and Lieut. von Brunt badly injured in an aviation accident near hero on Wednesday eVening. In an atteMpt to land their biplane collapsed only a few. feet above the grourid and fell upon the aviators. IL is thought that von Brunn will recover. - TORONTO CORRESPOIDENCE iturnrIE,T.ITNHor P "'um Professes ,Ceorsie Jackson and , His ,ger,. • Mens -A Present fa'r' the Premier ,--103 'Years Ago, ' Professor Ceerge Jackson, whine opin- ions have been- again creating, .eentro- versY, ha,- been tho sterrnY ot' ihn- rilogy in Canada ever nitwit' hat arrival wale' six 01. aoven , yeare ago., Meotiog Professor' Jackson, one would ne'ver for a Moment suspect that there Wal any- thing 'stormy. wheathim. Ila id a matt- mannere,5 gentleman of the aohojarly O BtYLee'lltalyhU°:111)' firnotnn'utIT''rpauTbildieiiy,' which hi opinions Inevitably bring hina. There is I10 &nib% ho3Vever, • that he Is a man. of great mental force and •Canadit will lose lutelloetutti colOrby reason of '.11•11,,,dtpiamr.tuerdelatsayillyi,ah is „to take 'plaee • In Sherbourno street church. Professor' jaielison OaMe to Toronto from the 13ritisir W43$10fall Conference as a loan for a, three -year -term as pastor of Sher - 'bourne St. , Methodist ChuSeh, probably the most artistocratic congregation in the Methodist denomination' in TOronto, mediately his sermons, , and infrtieulariy hie eddrekeee th itis Sunday . afternoon Bible's -Claes ,began to attract attention. Humors getoehed the' ears 'of the strict .dhls33,3faii reritantki alctdicoku. sou has Maintained that his 'addressee; were sentl•priyate and not, intended for. Publication, excepting, in book form, etepu were, taken ,to, secure shorthand reports - 'Me publication ;''Of 'ono of these in the local press aroused a- storni. of centre- versk. Thematter finally went befere the Toronto Crinfarence, where, after a discussion -lasting am/end-days, in witleh the most heated arguments' allt1 state- Aizients, were .used, Dr. Jackson's friends came out on top, thus averting 00113' _di- rect discussion in the larger arena of the general Methodist Conference of'Clan• At: the conclusion. of his DOetorate at shorhourne Street, a place was made for him at Victoria Cellege, his appointment bektig tO the' chair of the English Now, atter fotir years'. service there,loo le returning to England. , • A Lovable man. nynutose.. who know him beet. Profes- BOr Jeokeon is described as a most lov- able_ man. The teaching which is most strongly assailed is that concerning the historical and ecientillo value of the de- scription of the creation of the world in the Brat ohaptere of Genesie and of BODIG of the other inoidents 'of the Old Testa- ment, There has also been wine queetlon as to hie teaeloing concerning tlae falli- bility, of Christ. Naturally, his discus- sion of these imitate gave offense to those Who accept the literal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures. Ills critics have not he- sitated' -to describe him as a "destroyer of faith and hope." His Mende bitter- ly 'resent ansr such comment. Be has shown the capacity of arousing the warm - eat loyalty, both by reason of Ms inthl- leotual powers and his personal qualities. The latest controversy aroge from a newspaper report of OnE5 of his addresses. Thie, • Dr, jaokson ,maintains, avae abso- lutely unfair, misleading and inaccurate - His general attitude if that it he only in hook form that ouch diselmeione as be bas to offer should be given broadcast to the public. Tide gives ample opportu- nity to make hie meaning, Mena and en - ;Sures Perusal under eireumetances where merlon% will not get falee itnpressions through hasty understanding. His publi- cations now run up .towards a dem* volumes. Sir James nets a Motor Car. Por many years Sir James Whitney's chief veareation has been riding a bicycle., Evora day when the weather was line he Bee been athustomed to take his iron steed and go for a half -an -hour or an liour'e ride through the Well • paved re. eidentialdistrait of Toronto,. It always impressed visitors with the democracy of Ontario's first Minister when they. Were fortunate enough to got a glimpse of him riding sedately and slowly . along. alb more, however, will OAT seneation be vonehaaferla fora,ae an exceedingly .gratie-• (101 conthibution on the part M he ifol- lowers in this Legislature, it ;splendid'. new automobile wae the other day prevented" to the Premier. Sir Tattles, and also his family, will no doebt find the automobith a great convenienee and comfort, buteome folke have their euepasion that when he Sons time and Oppoztunity Bir James will continue occasionally th take •5 spin 011 Oslo old bicycle. When Toronto Was Captured. ; \ Toronto lute so little hietory of a:. ro- mantie eort that considerable attention is being' paid to the events of /00 Years ago this month, when, for a short time, the tawwas in the poseession of the Americans. The chlef intsidetts of that memorable gotten weae the landing of the Arnerthan forces rot a point Just wept of' the present Exhibition Geounds, abeut where the new Sunnyside Station, stands, the blowing up of a powder magazine at the old fort, with .the consequent de. strnation of a large number of Ameal- emu; and the Morning of many public buildings, inoluding tho parliament house of that., day,,. which stood on the Bey front near the 'foot of the present Parlia- ment' street, The Cloonndiane were over- powered by numbers, there being Boone - thing like 500 British regulars and Oa- nadiata militia, while tile American forc- es numbered about 2,400 strong. -The smallnese of these figures shower us how our idene of warfare have changed in the paat century. Historiotolly, there has _ . Logi! Outing Shoes For Everybody, 1/1111,1•g'. i• tfili$1111, Rich Red Life in Your Veins Comes from the wise use of good medicine when needed. -If in the slightest degree you are below the standard of perfect health, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the building -up remedy you need. It lifts up the un down, finds the Jost appetite, renovates the blood and sends it sparkling and tingling with health to every remote, needy, suffering, aching, ailing out- post of the bodily system. It has effected wonderful cures of scroftila, eczema, rheumatism- and other &Intents. Geta bottle today. T1 -12e) rIONSLI,NION SECURITIES CORPORAT/ON LIFirrED EST'AIELISHED 1001 • HEAD OFFICE: 26 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO MONTREAL LONDON, E.O., ENG. THE WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, LIMITED 925,000., d% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds. Du t Is; July, 1926. s Interest payable 1st January and July. Principal and Interest payable at The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto,. Montreal and London,. England, Redeemable as a whole at 105 and accrued interest on any 'interest date after July 1st, 1914, on sixty days' prior notice, or annually for Sinking Fund drawings, beginning July ht, 1912. Denominations : $100; 9500 and 91,000, with sterling equivalents, The Bonds are issued in coupen form vvith privilege of registration of principal , and in fully registered form. ^ Trustee: National Trust Company, Limited, Toronto. Legal opinion of Messrs, Blake, Lash, Anglin & Cassels, Toronto. • ASSETS (Appraisal made 1911) Packing Houses at Toronto, Montreal and Harris., ton (including Sites and Equipment)...,...... Si,077,919 Real Estate and Buildings owned by Company ... 535,375 - Retail Store Equipment Current'Assets ' " , 1,320,471 , $T35674,,9O:90 Iniiestments 360,154 Average annual net earnings for past three years, over....... ... , ..... ... ... .... ......... • 350,000 ' O r about four times the amount required for intere.st on bonds ouThe wlandiz.jam Davies Company, Limited, established in 1853, is at present the largest packing house in the British Dominions,. It owns large and modernly equipped packing houses in Toronto and Montreal, end 75 retail stores straiegically located on the cities of Toronto and Montreal and the following points throughout • Ontario:, Oshawa, London East, Kingston, St Catharines, Brantford, Collingwood, Belleville, Galt, Beockville, Woodstock, London, St, Thomas, through which distribution of its ,products is made. The Company is actively represented in every„Province in Canada, and its products are found in wholesale and retail , houses from the Atlantic to the Pacific, h also maintains agencies in Great Briteih. Speeial circular on,,request. • Price and Interest, to yield 5.78% CDTAINANGavismyoNTPinuciPAL • AND BPORAMONBON381. always lseeto controversY as to whether the magaiinee. 'were blown up by accident or by design of the Canadians. In the sec- ond explosion, Geberal Pike, who 05,2command of the invading forces, wee among the trumber blown up, ' EXPLOSION 01? DYNAMITE, Considerable Damage Done, BM • No Lives Were Lost. O A despatch from Timmins says : Twelve tons of, -tlyriamifie stored at the 'powder house of- the Curtis Harvey' Conapany on ,the Motets, property, a mile west of the town, blew up with a terrific repiat onr Tuesday night, and did consider- able damage to surrounding pro- perties, as well as to buildings in Tinuning. No one was hurt al- though many narrow escapes werel recorded. Practically every wi alma in tovvn was broken. - O 027 , FIRE A.T COBALT. Public Incinerator Was Destroyed • —Loss $7,000. • A despatch from Cohnit Fire. which started from unknown" :615115e5 late on Thursday afternoon, destroyed the Cobalt Town Public Incinerator. The loss is estizttated in the neighborhood of $7,000. There was ne insurance. The build- ing is 6,000 feet outside the town rand the local fire department was ASK YOUR pEALER THE PERFECT StHOE c p ess. FOR SUMMER SPORTS 90 BARS WERE CUT OFF Local Option and Some Other Causes Coutributed the Result A despatch froin Toronto says: Nearly ninety bars went out of business with.the last day of April, either as the result of local option or in response to petitions to the License Commissioners. Legislation came, into effect in Queen:Valid Australia last month in con`nection with the liquor traf- fic, which among other penalties eon- ,. tains the following: Selling, eating drinks to an intoxicated-iaer- son or-babitual drunkard, Selling 011 any person .apparently under the ago el 21. To any insane person or one reasonably suspected to he in- sane. To ,a,ty female iinany bar or in'any room adjacent to a bar which is especially set apart: fOr drinking purposes, a fine not less than $50 or. more than $150. Anyo.ne •selling liquor to an aboriginal or. Polyne- sian shall be' fillecil 100 or imprisen- ed for one month. Sale hours arc between 6 am, and '11 p.m., with bars, shut en Sundays, Good F11 - Not Much. aga'ln.1,1,ear.13rown's been promoted ,gyes.» "That's splendid, He must be gounitrnnow eeaninip.2rtant member of the e "Oh, I guess non The office boy still calls him by his first, name." SENT SIXTY MILES FOR 6/N PUS O Mr, Sid. Castleman of Larder Lake, Ont, needed Gin Pills badly. He says: "I had been suffering some time with my Kidneys and Urine The pain something awful, and no rest at night.' I heard of your Gin Pills and sent my chum 6o miles to get them and '111 leso than sox hours I felt relief. In two days the pain had left me entirely - and to -day I feel as well as ever". 500. a box, six for $2.5o. Sample free • if you write National Drug and Chemical Co . of (' T ;mite& Toronto, • 134 ARTS. , HOME STUDY The Arts course may be taken by correspondence but students desir- ing to graduate 'must wtte ro d one session. , , Far calatidats write G. Y. ClIOWN Kingston, Ont, EDUCATION. MEDICINE, SCIENCE. Including . ENGINEERING' Arts Summer Session July 2 th Aug. 16 IV RSIT KINGSTON 0 ° ° ON ra.M... • DELIVERY Timor( ao ti.P. FOR SALE ,. TIAS Rusell Engine, _equip- . 11 ped with Eiseman Magneto. INew Delivery Top, makes it a handsome commercial vehicle. , 1 • " GAS,H PRICE $800.00 .......,Arnmapreemegiamormeamrs - RUSSELL, MOTOR - CAR citty• Christmas Day, and on polling' C01141PhilY,..1.111iiiTED We Richmond t tiLlillest, TORONTO . Loa, etstence paean, MA,IN 20 7ti p, 0 00 OtKi,,, monweeltli. 'elections. 146,1Wka A purely herbal balm; boot thing for the tender skins, of , children, yet ponmilni 'enough to kcal an.aduit's chronlorsOre; highly antiseptie; (Jason pain and smeir,tIng'000n as applied— • that IS Zuni -Back. liniaembor • ,It in purely herbal—no mineral ' poisons, tile'anInial fate.'• Power ',sand purity GeralF?liliell444 I di -urging's atid stores sell at llec. a bora.....,