The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-08, Page 6TOO MUCII FOR InAcifc.
A Mit gicia n's' Experience 'in the Fiji
The test of one who elaints supor-
natural power's is' to make him per-,
form his tricks under everyday con-
ditions -or ti,pprattte -not his
own. such 'a trial at Waist One
magician fanda. ITC Was touring
the globe, and 'appearing ,lielore
rulebs of Many strange lands in all
sorts of oUtlaridish places, On one
occasion his manager had arranged'
an exhibition for him before the
ruler of a provineet in the Fiji Is
the erowel that saw the exhibi-
tion were many of the black and
.yellow slaves -of the chieftain. All
the .spe"dtators were amazed At the
many strange ntanifestations of the
Mach ' art, 'that' the magician per-
, 'formed, but; no' trials appealed; so
strongly to the. assembled retinue
and to the chieftain as that M
which. & white,duck was made
'pear with a black head, and a. black
'duck, after a mernentls inanimate-.
tien,• :withthe head of the white
The trick had to be repeated, and
then the chieftain engaged in a long
whispered eonyersation with the in -
"What is desired?" queried the
obliging .
The interpreter coughed _apologe-
tically, and then :,1-6Sponded...—
"Respected- Sir, our -honored sire
wishes you to take two of his black
slaves. and put a yellow. head OD a,
.*-black man and the bla.ek head on
the bed' ofea yelroW servitor.' Our
honored:sire thiiiks-it,wonlol be very
funny." ,
- ."Teli his roya.1, highness," - the
Conjurer replied, '"that r iaiglit give
...a yellow man .11, black -eye, but
• would not like to attempt to make
his entire head black.' •
"I Sleep Soundly,
Feel Like New"
All "Who Lack Vigor, Those Who
are Dispirited and Worn Out,
Should Read This Carefully.
'Proof That Health.and Renewed Vitality
Qiilakly Return When Right Firimedy
.L am' only thirtY yeare old, yet for
almost two years I, kayo fait more -like
seventy-flve. I have found it difficult to
sleep it night, and 50. the mornieg,. felt
so depretried and heavy that effort was
difficult. My hands were ,alWaya.clainalal,
'end per-apiration on slight effort would
break out all over me. It was not un.
natural that I °Imola begin to brood over
the chance thit I should be unlit to do
niY Work, and thie- dread made 'mY
leie nights perfect Misery. After repeated
trials of medieinee and mixtures. Dr.
Hamilton's Pills gave me the ilret gleam
of hope. From the ',Very .first I could see
they were different In action frem other
pills. They didn't gripe and acted ett na-
turally ae „if nature and not the .pills
were cleanaing my cloggedeap. system. My
spirits roe°. X felt much better. The
' sluggish action of the system 'gave nay
to normal activity._ Dizzinees and, head.
mffies ceased, appetite, good color and
ambition to fork:returned, and have re.
matned. I am 'like a new man, and
thank Dr. Hamilton's Pills for it all."
This was the Asperienee of J. E. park.
buret. a well known grocery dealer in
•Jefferson. Follow his advice, 'use Dr.
Hamilton's pine l'or your stomach; kid.
• neys and liver, and You'll oll50Y long
life and robust good health. All dreg -
gusto , and storekeepers Bell Dr. Hamil-
ton's Pills; 23o per box, 5 boxes for $1.00
dr postpaid from, the Cittarrhozone Co.,
• Bufralo, N. Y. and Kingston, Canada,-
Playing Safe.
"I want you to. understand my
word is as good as my bond." .
"That's why I am plaYing safe'
and insisting- on the cash." .
171—ifea Tri tiering Eye Remedy
tioSulartlug-Feets Vine -Ade Quickly,
u I'lltaUtlYtifIltztaetroll
'Eyes Ltzl. ItAmoZZ7111,.44*.z
uctla,hte“ ut Usediu tuicometulPhye
Ne e..efProeileo Sor malty 70000
- - Murree Eve Remedii CO.. Chinas.
Gamble with,yeur wife if you must
gamble. It keeps the money in'the
• [CL[ETIA F110111
Tortured With Terrible" Itching and
Burping. Scratched Until •Toro -
• Flesh, Lay Awakefor pligks-at a
Time; Used Cuticura Remedies
and Found a ,Cure,
St. 01a; Ontarlo.--',Wision I was ten years
Old I began to be tortured with a terrible,
itching and hurtling of the nkin, and was
told It was eczema. • I :beet) .hatl It right
along for seven, years keady,- ft ,getting
Worse every yoar, I Iva§ affected ,from head
to ankles. It sceniedtd appear like hives
at first/then 1 woldd 'nide to scratch Until
. I teen nw Chita'. 'It Wouhiralways be at Its,.
worst at tgtit. .5 have waked Myself unat
, nights Scratehing and ray fingers ""i-ould be .
Just stilt end cramped.front-scratching;00
that I would he hardly able to straighten
. t4ra .9at. My.hovI have, Onftered '..r14:1,
feet; elitd.whole 139(15/Y1.i:ow& he ljuq a
' ;Of biotoilesied.s.nniand after having Soap
d water on my fudei then,1 woulti bogin. `-'
. born. I have tato advake-for. nights, at (1•,,e.a
• own Winn inn ilena was etas Weret. r.
WOUldetort‘tted for niontlis etatime.
• -
. getting not: only dislie..artened, for' ;
nothing helped, Coinpletely Lilongwe&
Oho but.dante fortinie-smileci upon ree
day in 'the surainer of,APIO, and.bild b-efore, Pa%,
My eyes an advertiOment .eutleura
1-tetnotifes.• I used,thera aCcerdin4 to alive, ce,y
, Mons and after a foti apPfleatioari began Lett
to feel mid sae relief aheed. .is 005515
oht months .stnce I" first began and I earl Pr
' truthniny say I'Ve found a mire." Gegned,,
.el flee
MIs, Louise IL, Wilson; 'Dec'. 12, 1911. sev
Cutleura Soap and Cutiema Ointment aro, StO4
sold rby ,drugglate 'and dealers' ovorYwhere,. etre
Fora liberal free semple.of each, with 3l -p. insu
book, Bend post ord to Potter Orte,r &Chem.
III the Spring Most People
I'le6c1 Tonic Medicine
One of the surest signs that the
blood outi of order is the,piniplos,
unsightly • eruptions and eczema
that come frequently with the
change frdm winter to spring. These
prove that the long Lacher life of
winter has. had its affect upon the
blood, and that a tonic medicine is
needed to 'put it right.- Indeed,
there are few people who do not
need a tonic at this season. Bad
blood does not merely show itself
in disfiguring eruptions. lo this
same condition is due attacks of
rheumatism and lumbago; the Sharp
stabbing pains of sciatica and 'neu-
ralgia; poor appetite and a desire,
to avoid exertion.- You -cannot cure
these troubles by the use of purga-
tive medicines need:a tonic,
and'a ltobic, only, arid 'among ell
medicines there is none can 'equal
Dr. Williame' Pink' Pills for their
tonic, life-giving, ' nerve -restoring
pow13ii, Every dose of ,this medis
sine makes new, rich blood; which
drives out imPunities, stimulates,
every organ and:brings 'a feeling of
new health and energy to Weak,
tired, ailing men, women and chil-
dren. If ,you are, gist of sorts give
this medicine a •trial and see hoW
quickly it' will reetore the appetite,
revive. drooping spirits, and fill
your veins with nest, health -giving
You ean get these pills from any
medipine dealer or by inail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for 02,60
from The Dr: Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont-
Progress of the Great-- West Told
a Few Poleted
It Is proposed to organize a joint
hospital „cominiesion for Greater
Vancouver. •
Plans are being prepared for ehe
G.T.P. hotel at Prince Rupert,
.which is -expected to cost $2,000,e00.
Teelin Will provh another Klon-
dike, declares it .prespeector on,
retie:1)1'1g Skagway frorn Silver
Creek country. • ,
The South Vancouver ratepayere
have rejected the proposal to erect
more schoole in the raunieipality.
Work on. the Lulu Island C.N.R
•LtilivIsland line is progressing ,rap-
idly newethat favorable weather
has arrived.
The Yukon Council has voted to
hbolish,gra,nts to Catholic Separate
schools at the end of the term; July
North- Vancouver Council will re-
quest the Board of Trade te prepare
detailed proposals for the extension
of the city boundaries.
Owing to' an epidemic' of scarlet
fever which hag broken out, •the
wheel authorities have Closed the
West Point Grey 'Ugh School. „
The Britie,h Columbia Gazeitte
contains the °mad proclamati.on of
the incorporation of the new oities
of Port Coquitlaan and Tort Moody.
- "We want a provincial unwersity
without provinciali,sm,''? says Dr. F.
T. Westhrook, the new president of
the University of 13ritish Columbia.
A feature of the -new liquor 11
cense by-law in New Westmin,seer is
that no woman can hold a. license
in the city, pea. can liquor be sold
to a woman. ,
Merritt Council is in favor of pur
chasing, for a public park, nine
acres from the exeeutors of the
Yoght estate for $3,000, to be called
Y,eght Park. -
A .contract will shortly be award-
ed for additions to the Land ,Regis-
try office at Neve Westminster iii -
volving an an estimated eexPenditure
$25,000. „ °
A new national park of 8,000.
square miles, oomPrising some of
the wildest and most pieture.sque
scenery on the continent, is Plan-
ned for British Columbia.
The Dominion Government are
anxious,to take ,OYOY the city hall
property in North Vancouver,
which they purchased some time ago
as the Site for a, post -office.
Ratepayers in South Vancouver
are objecting to the ereotion of
stabling in their vicinity, because it
is feared that the -value of property
might go down as a result.
At, the Canadian Canning Com-
pany's cannery near Steveston on
the Fraser, River, 24 experienced
Scott,itill Ririe will he employed, as
an experiment in replacing- Chinese
el e
, bei
th .white Leber.'
fenderson' Directory- - Dhows
at, Greater Victoria has nearly
000 irihabitatits, the &anal popu-
icp. being eatimated -at 68;785.
is represents An, increase in -
von naonths of. •
An old 'couple, ;Mr. allid Mrs,
hmidt, perished' 'soniewliere on
Russell Glacier at the head of
4,e River, the only traee of them
ng couple of blankets :and a
fatind ore the ice. - •
no of the leading real estate:
lers Vaneouver's."Grandyiew
trieteeestunitteet that, property
nes therohave increased ten per
t. as' a 'result of the'Passage. of
OR by-law by „the rate-
-ors .ahorrb time
.explosion of sev,eral, boxes, of
bridges in the 'store of Cleeege
f -Dust Bernalry,' sat the
ernisea in tt EWA hnforo the
brigade 00111d roa.Ch in° cone
en thousand dollars' vcorth of
Is and strnoture had been de.
yed, only a portien of which isi
III. 0. Leighton,
--Chief hyclrographer of .the -United"
States.Geological Stfrvey, whe gays
that the loss of life and damage to
property „in the Ohio- floods could
not have been helped by any hu-
man &welter, The deluge of _water
was of' such gigantic proportions
that no reservoir system oould ,be
devised to take care of it. .
. mown THAN EVER.
Increaged Weeny for
• • • Labor.
Many former tea and coffee drink-
ers who have mental work to per-
form day after day, have found -a
betar capacity and greater endur-
ance by using ' Postunf instead of
tea and coffee. A Western woman
"I had drank coffee for about
twenty years, and finally had what
the doctor called "coffee heart." I
was nervous and ,extrernely de-
spondent; had little mental or
physical strength left, had 'kidney
trouble and ponetipation." (Tea
is just as' harmful because it 'con-
tain:3 caffeine,- the sarae drug found
in coffee.)
, "The first noticeable benefit de-
rived from the change from coffee
to Postum was the natural action
et the kidneys atal bowels. lu
two weeks my in art action WW1
greatly improved and my nerves
steady.• ,
"Then I became despcmclent, and
the desire to be avtive again show-.
ed proof of renewed physical and
meinrItitalmateretelladgtihlY. gaining in phyS-i-
cal strength and brain power.
formerly did mental work and had
to give it up on account of coffee,
but since using Postum I am doing
hard mental labor with less fa-
tigue than ever before."
Name given by Canadian Pos-
tum .Co., Windsor Ont. `
Postum now comes in- new, con-
centrated form called Instant Poe -
'bum: It is regular Post= so pro-
cessed at the'factery that only -the
soluble portions are retained..
A epoonful of Instant Postum
with hot water, and sugar and
cream to taste, produce instantly a
delicious beverage..
Write'efor the book, "The
Road to Wellville." .
"There's a Reason" for Postum.
Medium --Shall I call up the spirit
of your dead wife 1 "Half a mo-
ment 'while I put out my cigar; she
never allowed me -to sinoke."
Your druggist will refund money if PAZO
OINTMENT fella to cure any case of Itch.
Ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protracting Piles ltto14 day. 60c.a
"My .dear, listen to this, and tell
me what you Make of 'it!" exclaim-
ed the elderly English lady to her
husband, on her first visit to the
States. She held the hotel menu
alinost at arm's length, and spoke
in a tone of horror,- "13aked Indian
pudding I Can it be possible in a
civilized conntry 7"
Minards Einiment Co., Limited.
Dear. Sirs, -Your. LINI-
MENT ie our remedy for sore throat,
colds and all -ordinary .aliments
It never fails, te relieve and 011re
Port Mulgrave. CHAIILE WR°°I.Eist'
'Ile Reason.
Customer—That was* the driest,
flattest sandwich I ever tried to
chew into. ._
Waiter—Why, here's Your sand-
widh. You ate your check',
Corp" Eter' 80D, '4' 8. '&.• minaru's 1.11altnerit cures CMOS,. Eta 11;."- 7.
SSUE l9-713
11' Ohl Settler
illtls ,quick Relief
Mrs. 31farslitill"-Tells licriv Ifer Bus -
hand Suffered, and -of Hie Speedy
Recovery When Re Used the
Great Canadian Ilidney Remedy.
Parkinson, Algoma, Ont, May 5
(Special) -Living far frona towns
and with doctors- not -within easy
reach, many of the settlers have
found Dodd's KidneyPills ainines-
timable blessing, One 'of therm is
Mr. Charles -Nlarshall, Sr,, ' whose
recovery from a seveeo case of kid-
ney disease has recently, been the
cause of- ,mach- satisfaction to his
family and friends. -
."-igy husband was suffering very
much With his back and legs,l'
Marshall says, speaking' of , her.
husb6Pd's cure. "Ile went to see
the‘doctor, and he told him he had
urinary trouble, but he did not seem
to get ally better.
'Then,I sent 'for some Docld'i
Kidney Pills. - Since taking them,
he has no more Painin his back and
legs, and his•other troubles are all
C000. '
`,`I" am indeed thankful for ,what
Dedd's Kidney Pills did— for my
husband, and I 'hope other suffer-
ers from,'Kidney disease' will bene-
fit by his experience, and-- use
Docid's Kidney Pills."
Urinary troubles are caused by
diseased kidneys: So are back-
ache, rheumatism, lintibago, and
heart disease. The natural remedy
is te Cure the kidneys, bY using.
Dedd's Kidney Vile. •
A Remembered Grudge. "
,1 Through Critical Period..
.1 A baby rabbit the of a
or ey (Eng' kl) I olboy, has
1,,,fbooeieti tilt' ea, 8i c -Pee se4 ufil 11 le' eaasre da fweeitdhin"ga-
. , John Smith, aged 15,
WRIS walking in the grounds of the
Buretow Preparatory School, near
Ilorley, when he saw a rabbit run
down a hole. • Ile dug around the
hole, and two feet belew the four -
face found 'a two -days -old rabbit,
no bigger than it f111.1 -Sized 11101.1SO.
There was very little fur on its
body, and its eyes were eloied.
Wrapping it in his handkerchief,
Master Jack took it home. The
rabbit .was housed ' in et choc,olate
box., It -was too young to lick or
chew anything, So oa fountairi-pen
filler was obtained and a drop of
milk squeezed •into the rabbit's
mouth. .After a time Pincher, as it
was called, opened its mouth eager-
ly when it felt the first drop of milk
end sucked away at the filler. Dur-
ing the first eritical days Pincher
emptied it filler of milk three tinaes
every two . houre,
- ,
Te Original Lemon. .
The lemon, which is going ±0. be
dear .thio year on account, of a
shortage in ' the crop,. hots a, verp
clear history, says'. the London
Chronicle. • Unknown to the, Greeks
andRomane'it was -introduced into
ntliyanthedinAria4Ls .wilsthbeeitnwgeoluZbill.
tivated in the Azores and shipped
in large quantities'to England:" The
lemon tree, of w,hieh there are
forty-seven varieeiess is particular-
ly fertile; et good epeeimen in Sicily
ripening as anany us 3,000 lemon
during the season.
"The -best medicine I have ever
used" is what theusands of mothers
say of Baby's Own Tablets. Onee
a mother „has used the Tablets for
her little ones she will use ndother
medicine and never faile±0 recoil'''.
mend thene - toher friends. Con-
cerning them 'Mrs. John Thomp-
son, Coutts, Alta., says: "I have
given Baby's Own Tablets to my
baby for constipation and :think
them the best medicine I have ever
used. Please send me two more
bokes, as f would hot care t0. be
without them." The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail
at.SS cents a box fiten The Di,. Wil-
liams' Medicine Ca., Brockville,
Assorted 'Now Ile Was Tobacco
- Hater—Did He Take Snuff?
11 has long been aeceptect as a
historical fact that the First Consul
was a great smoker, but in the
Journal des Debate reference is
made !by M. Augustin PiIoato sense
memoirs a Napoleon compiled by
'Gen. Bertrand which axe as -yet un-
published, :whence it -seems equally
certain that Napoleon. seas not only
not a smoker but a tobacco hater.
The memoirs of Bertrand, Napo -
Teen's secretary, were transcribed
by his daughter Hortense, after-
ward Mme. Amides Shayer, a.ncl
from these, as reported by word of
mouth by., the Abbe Salittet, *owes
M. Filon's dory , that Napoleon
hatMtobaoeo.' Gana only he tried
to smoke, but osoarbaly had he put
the amber mouthpiece -of a hookah
in his month than he thrust it away
in horror 'and. clieguat "'with the
iv,erals: "Take away thak filth."
Napoleon then taatal tobaeco. •
Nor did, if • we may believe the
same source, Napoleon ever take
snuff, ,althottgh we Bad it categori-
cally assorted in "most ' histories.
He did -worse, however, for he pre-
tenderleto. Me used to take, 115or-
der to alleviate a dizorde,r of the
steanaah, a mix'bure 'of licorice and
bhook kugar. This, -he kept inhis
waistcoat pocket, whence he would
take a piece and, lift it to hie nose
with the gesture of the oedixtary
snuff -taker and then quickly put it,
into his mouth.. -
This,says the Westminster Ga-
zette, s a. ecanewhat startling vari-
ation from our customary pietures
of Napoleon, who is generally por-
-brayed. as a "habitual setuff-taker ;
andM. Filen bim.self deposes tip
having seen on the margins of an
"Orlando Furioso," which was in
thelilirary at Longwood in St. Hel-
ena, and. is now wt Farnborough,
the yellow marks of the imperial
thumb, it tilniMh yellowed by inces-
sant., smoking. .
But even -this, as he pointed out,
is not conclusive against „the non-
smoking evidence, for the thumb'
might as well have been .stained by
tho mixtinfe of -.licorice. Whatever
be their ultimate truth, tlm now
'smoking and non -snuff taking the-
ories are delightful.
• Queen Wilhelinina's Tr:Cent visit
to Paris has moved it Paris corres-
pondent to tell again the story of
the days when her Majesty of Hol -
eland was the most popular young
personage in the world.
• In the revived edition, the dory
is to the effect 'that' elle. found it
hard to learn English, and perhaps
for that reason did not love Eng-
land, The first map of Europe she
drew allowed an enormous Holland,
a fair-sized Belgium and France,
but an almost hapercepitble Greet
' To draw particular %attention t -e -
•the diminutive island representing
England, she wrota below it, "Land
of Miss S." (her English govern-
Years later the young Queen said
to the minister plenipotentiary of
• England: '
"Be sure to tell her Majesty,
Queen Victoria, that I love English-
women, all Englishwomen."
To which the minister bowed, and
the Queen added:
"All Englishwomen Wheare not
governesses I"
Aching Lumbago Backs
Are Quickly Helped
And Permanently Cured
Release, Yes, and le (lure for URI.
)sago is Now Known.
- vett. cam E'ASILY' PROVE. THIS.. •
To cure Lumbage-eurely it'll agood
thing to know hOw. This . inforniation-
meant to Jno. B. Neave the difference
betwon invalidism and robust health.
Writifig from hie atom° near PC:await, be'
says -'A severe and prolonged. attack of
Lumbago in my Yout11 rendered, me at all
times liable to aches in the back anti
loins. So established became the predis-
position, and so frequent -the attacks, I
confese I aCcepted the condition as my
itartieular wewknees to beborne with ae
Much comPosure ee any evil' eiroum.
Stan�a Might- permit. One an un.
usually bad attaek developed, and Un-
fortunately there was no medicine of any.
Itind in She house. I sent to a neigh.
bor for help atid xecnived witb, a Strong
recommendation a' bottle „of riervinee.
My friend was surprised, We didn't 1160
Nerviline, saying that they found use for
15 50, theiy family almost every day. So
quickly' did lierviline check the attack,
and so grateful wits the relief, that
was in it" day on the high road to recov.
_ivy., X have cured ray tendeneY to Lem:
bagir with Nerviline, and consider it the
most poiverful pain-iubduingliniment
ever made." ".
. .„, ,
Peso curing Olds; hoarieneSs, tight.
chest and winfer ills Nerviline is a rani. -
vel; as for Lumbago, Sciatica and Mani.
naatism. Nerviline le considered to be
:Without a peer. .In the home it is
cep,ecially . valuable,, boanse it mires
eralnps in half a* minute, etops naUsea,
controls Vomiting and upset etenlaell•
-For internal or external use, wherevor•
there' is pain, apply Nerviline. Pet the
-60c. family 'size. bottle; trial sis'e,P.,5e., EA'
all ;storekeepers and „druggists, or The
Catarrloseme_ Co., -Buffalo, N. Y.
It is thought 'clever to say sharp
things, but tjs often more clever
not to say them. .e
Mlnard's Liniment cures Diphtheria.
TO CURE 'A COLD IN nee nay
Take LAXATIVE BIONIC, Quinine Tablet,;
.Druggiste refund money if it tine to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each bus.
Good men can more easily, under-
stand bad mere -than these can un-
cle r stand the geed,
ranarrrs ,einunent curse Canitst In Gene
Not a Millete,
"Can't 1 get my' pants pressed
while yell 'Cut my liair
rdertainly, sir."
"All right,. Boy, shine my shoes
at the same-time:and hand me that
newspaper, . By the way, get the
lestaitrant next door -to send in a
couple of sandwiches, and I can be
eating my lunch."
"How do you get rid of the bores
that come your -office 7"
To put through the license reduction
will require emu° toll hustling. Mean-
time lots of COTI18 will, be tramped on.
The cure 18 "Putnam's," the old reliable
cern extractor 'thathue been curing ,
corns told warts Inc yore. "Putniun'a"
never fails, 25eat all dealers,
"A woman's heart," says the
Chinese proberb, "is like the moon.
It changes continually, but it al-
ways hnia Man in it." .
'Prt o rme's
Indian 1R.00t IP'ills
exectly meet the need which so often
arises in every family for g medicine
• to open up and regalaie tilbewela
Not only are they effect ye in all
• cases of Constipation, but they litlp
greatly In breaking tip a Cold or La
Grippe by cleaning out the system
and purifying the blood. lo the same
way they relieve or cure Biliousness,
Indigestion, Sick Headaches, Rheum- ,
atism and other bowmen ailments.
In the fellest sense of the words Dr.
Morse's Indian Root Pills are 47
A Household Wonteellse
You cannot afford brainehotoggIng heaeachos.
stop them in quiPlt time and deer your head. They
do' not cootain either phena9etln, acetanilid, thorphine,',
opillin or any other ,4augerous drug.• 25q. a- box at
NATIO/4'8L mom ANN pummel. Co or,cAttAns, !Jarmo.
Influenze, pink eye, epizootic, distemper and ell nae and
throat dteemes , cured, and all °there, no matter. how "ex.
posed," kept froin boning uny. of these diseases with SPORN'S '
LI 90 ID . nJOTE1SPSR CURE. Three to50 doses of ten QUIT a
.eat4t • Pno bottle gberanteed 08 de., se, , Beet ,thing for brood
meree, Acts , ou, the blood.- Druggists . and hareeOu 'shope.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, Doshen, Indiana U S A
Information on -this subJect with prieted instructions d'Or
teur and a printed form of Cousti(utlon and by -Laws for
iuketlier with our big catalogue, Will he mailed FREE oit
. request. Address Dept. one, .
Many Reinert Are Made Unhappy
and° Cheerless _by 11.
The man sir woman with a, griev
ance ise et candle a light.conlipar0
with the habitual grumblers -the
zine whom riolie'dy'eal ever .satisfy,
and Vim thinks the world is all go-
ing to pieces because people will
not do just exactly what this partic-
ular person thinks is right. Such
an one gots up on his eVrOng „side in
the morning, and nothing ' goes
right all day, He gruinbles at the
weather, grumbles at his breakfast,
grumbles at hie clothing, grumbles
at going out, would grunable all the
same if he had to *bay in; grumbles
at his wife, grumbles - at his ehil-
dren, and at laat grunibles himself
away to hie work.. When he comes
home it is the same old Story, and
his wife gets any youthfulness sho
might retain eerushed out of her.;
the children are indifferent, it is
like the paltering af rain on a rainy
day --they have been used with it all
their lives and they have ceased to
regard it, and 'so it goes on, until
some day' when it is more than
usually depressing, or when the
woman's overwrought nerves give
way, and there is it little scene.
But it grumbler never thinks him-
self in the wrong—it is another trial
he has to contend with, ane.1 poesi-
bly he may think himself a kind of
martyr to his wife's cantripe, While
all the time the plain feet „of the
matter is that he is the one who -ss
Couldn't Breathe
Through His Nose
Stuffed With Catarrh'
, —
Cotarrhostine Inhaler the One Mane of
R61161, and It Cured Quickly.
The extraordinary efficacy of Catarrh -
ozone is without a oTallel. A sneezing
cold ia cured in ten minutes, a Lars:
cough is eased in an hour, the most of -f
oof eye 8thhi drawn -cat anrr1 1 forejeostth:hor
astlaraa and bronchitis
the relief and certain
out% that comes from
dts Caterrhozon
the healing babel:ale
is eimply wonderful.
` "For more than twen
ty years I offered with.
afcr„gha'fid bnr°an11.111itel
terrh." writes .1. F. Fen
wick, of Staunton P, 0.
"Every attack I hed
seemed to grow worse,
and I could hardly
aeonmulation of rheithme en atchcoottlin.tio fana
throat. One day I tried Catarrhotolie,
and in ton tontines was wonderfully re-
lieved. X could breathe freely • and na-
turally through the nose, arid blood spit-
ting was'stopned—the phlegm Wae cleared
away and MY regular breathing rester.
ed. No remedy eau do more than Ca.
There is no remedy so oertain and safe
as Catarrhozone, but being a good re.
medy it is imitated. Beware of the sub.
stitutor. Large Cetarrhozofte /tests two
months, prima $1,00. Smaller sizes 250.
1111.41 000. At all storekeepere and drug-
gists, or The Clatarrhozone Co., Buffalo,
N. Y. and Kingston Canada
It Was 'Quite a Poitnnon Thing in
the Middle Ages.
This nacele of capital punishment
has not long cageed in Europe, and
is probably still in use in other
parts °tate world, As early an the
first century of our era the , Ger-
mane executed' the meaner and
1110re infamous criminal e by plung-
ing them in begs and fens. In the
IVIiddle Ages executing by drowning
was so common that grants ef the
right to inflict capital punishment
ran "with pit and gellow." The pit
or well was for drowning female' de-
linquents, boot the penalty was
etnnetimes inflicted on men. The
doom Of elle patricide was to be tied
up in asack and east into the. sea.
Drowning' seems to have been re-
garded as is mild form of the death
penalty, for in the year 1566 it man
convicted of theft and sacrilege was
sentenced to be suffocated by Water,
"by the Queen's special grace."
At this date the penalty had grown
nearly obsolete in England, but in
Scotland it sureived - until 1885,
The lesteexecetion in Switzerland
was in 1e52, in Austria 1776, in Ice-
land 1777? agd in Russia. early
the eighteenth century. One of the
most eccentric., modes of inflieting
the perialty was adopted in Saxony
in the year 1734, A woman con-
victed of child mundee was eewn isp
is sacb, along With a cat, a dog
and is snake, and then thrown into
±110 Will,er and drowned.
What seine of our youths need le
mere education and less eXperi- titianusanwsw4ap,Am'
H. W. nAWS0H, NInoty Colborne street.
G r°.500Aiit."
ei1.1e1ankinin.Must he sold etlfrkiO0 Ll very 10W
Manitoba, Alberta and SaShatchewan
.thet (ran be bought Worth the money for
°nick rale, .
•I,- farms in different eebtiond eV -Ontario '
on MY Iit. If you want' a farm commis
Ft. W. °Await!, Toronto.
London market; soil gravelly claY
loam. W111 exchange for eity, town or
village property. or for larger Rarrn. The
Western Real Estate Brchange, London,
,Learn barbr trade; always ,
sure employment for barber. Our ira-
nroved methods. constant praetice and
instructione qualify you for position in
short tirne. Send tor catalogue. Meier
College, 221 Queen E., Toronto.
ferent Foreign Stempo, Catalogue.
Album, only Seven Cent., Marks Stamp
Oran nu no. Pereira,
fisisoeLLA-Netnie "
Internal and external, cured with.
out vain bv our hero treatment. Write
es before too lite. Dr. Rellmen Medi.*
Co.. Limited, Collinewond. Ont,
• RUSsollEk.-1S1A1,qHT
Cost $5000 Price $2000
HA§ been overhauled and
Is in splendid condition,
Fully equipped.
100 RIDIontotd St. West, TORONTO'
Phone. • Maim govg
Long Wearing
, If you are lookieg. for a, pan of
gloves that are as tough as antexlean
Snake whip and fluit will give you
full eatistactIon or a new pair free,
ask your dealer for
Shell Gloves
Those are the best wearing gloves
ever turned out from a factory. Send
for, interesting story .fiThe
Canada'S'ESperi Glove and Mitt Makers.
• Nice.
Willie's 1/laiincia—"Is James a
nice boy for you to play marbles
-'w\tYllirli'e—"Sure 1 I can beat him
every time."
lament's Liniment Curet Distemper.
Re—Their marriage seems to have
turned out well, after all. She—
Yes. You see, they both belong to
several clubs and don't meet often
enough to get tired of each other.
Apply Zarn-Buk to all
wounds and sores and Too
will be surprised how quickly
it stops the smarting and
brings, ease. It covers the
Woiiind with a layer of pea-
tective balm, kills all poison
gonna already in the WoUncif and
prevents others entering. Its rich
healing herbal *Refaces then build
up from filo beltomi freak tissue;
• and hi a we:Isiah% Iy short time
the wound is healed
Zen neserevarity la hazelnut:melt
ttlejAfrza nog. -Auk" is printed
ae gt n VOttgexet. Desars sud
every psdkeli of to kenning. Renee
ell °Opole, SOAR dtegg:sts and stone or