The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-08, Page 5,th, '191 eSide I Iller1114S. , the uierry -minith of May - hat gladsome, anadsonie merry loath, with all ii$ fresieness, its iewneaa and ' ite exquisitely delia colorings. -May is here ! As / write it is only two day a old, really uite a baby ; hut developing quickly 'a§ if it had • resolved to Make " good awe rif its -shoat 'life. It is Siirround, ang us with sainIshiiii- and joy, eatiser ..hass. frowning Withdark clouds or jeening with spiteful showers. It is aviaigof its best, and we ot necessity espond, Listen to the remarks all a/about us. ,‘Lovely Day,' `Glorioas ',Weather,' 'Is it not goo& to be a1iva?' 'Makes ,one feel young , And there are many more such. Just' ten' and you, will hear for, your- It:a:Nature Provides ua with a Very spatial treat each day, and it well ,,.!elaays a trip .to the upstan: window or better still a. stroll tO.the corner - ;front which we. can obtain a' splendid • tdew. It is the sunset,. If yon have 1, ,not noticed it particularlybefore be this day, • You will grow to watch ror, and love that evening 'treat and 5 you stand mute nio- 'itionless, in reverent appreciation, "you Will thee " mere fully appreciate' . • the poet and artist who try to 'sug- „gest; their impresion in some ryth-. Min catlenee, or combination 'of , sug- 'gcstive -coloring. -- •- . ' Some OW has very appropriately' .called this the 'Sandwich Season,' After 'sitting .beforeaa table twenty- one times a Week, and having our- .. Meals' served 'just so,' it is good to 'break away from conventional rules,. .-put our meat - between our., ,.bread, .end.skip._ off to the woods, leaving table cloths, bread and .butter plates aand 'three courses' behind us. We on., the ground, or on a log; if ” there is . onee then for puee per- yet:series:a, . we start, i11 on dessert, -which comprises sandwiches. .tite,r that we- jump to the sup course „again " taking sandwiadie,e. Fieany we approach that very necessary, awl .good -for" -the -muscle part of our daily - diet. But dessert and team have :done their. desperate dula: ; end f he keenness of our appetiteis gone, •',strange -to say. -However, we are game so we help ourselves to a :sand, avich. Then we top all this genu- inely enjoyable banquet With a' good cup of cold water and feel our meal ' has been 'fit for a prince.' Speaking of picnics, did you ever go ,to one where those on the lunch llommittee provided all details with such care, that a there was the 'keen- ! 'est disappointment when the 'Supper leep,dy' call came, and you "sat clowu - to find yourself confronted by all the 'lay -to' ot a properly served meal ? 1 .meap, extra dishes, table r* -cloth and napkins, a cup and saucer . a piece, etc. The meal had really lost its picnic flavor, for hell of' the ftin is in. 'roughing it' a little so Ion SIS -there are plenty of lgood things' to eat. Dishes aird 'all that' belong to our .daily civilized lives, while Picnics offer an, outlet for some traits surely descended, froth our primitive forefathers, -love of the open, and lack oi the coatrentional. • Go.derich Mr, Cyril Welsh of Roehestet' was the guest last \rook of his sister and brother-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. _Pol- lock., •, Judge Doyle and Mea.. Doyle turned • last week from a three- . months' s 0j o 11 t n in the Southern States. , Mr. Archie Tom, who has been at- tending the, Sdhobi cif • Pracbicel Sci- ,ence, Toron to,; has gone 'west to join aservey party • for the skimmer. Arrangements arc being made for the ho4ding of the military- camp here eommencing the 16th of June. Miss Rose Aitkin has accepted uosition in Pert Colima -0c. Bofrno leaving town she was presentee by the eifoir of North street church with handsome fountain pen. Captain. ,Nornma McGinnie. of, the furrett Crown reeeined ;the .new- hat presented: to the first captain enter ing the harbor this year. He' came down from Fort tirillianawith ea cargo Mr, and 'Mrs. James Breckenridge of the Baylletri Road„celebrated .tfielr golden Wedding On Tuesday of laat week whoa their, six .children elid a kder of friends gathered to spend ef ay with them. • Mrs. Lena ;Neville McCarthy.- and little daughter, Evelyn, have gone to visit the lady's sisters it Detroit. --, Mrs Phillips or Dundee . Michigan is visiting her mother, Mrs, William . Cox of Britannia Road. ' • Mrs. and Miss Heinicke have ' gene to Chicago to, join Mr. Heinicke who Las been there for the pasi 1 e monthe and Where they intend resid- leg in future. Zurich Mw. George. Campbell is visiting p.m: sister, Inc. Karnpinan" of Berlin. Many' froib';fiere attended the fuO- tal of the late Henry Openther. el. aehwood. ,`" 4. and Mrs: Derehardt of „Preston. ave been visiting the Rev. and Mrs, r.:1)¢aass. ' Missee Ethel Williams and A gnes Vaercher were in. London for a few 'days recently,. ' Mr. Henry Rupp has ,exchanged his whieli he recently enlarged :and rem'odelled, for 'Hie residence lat- 'elY purchased by Mr. Heary Truniner rola' Mr. •Caper 'Wolper. . 1Tr. Campbell Ives in 'NI-ontofor Ew days tart wee1(. Clinton New -Record 1319th Me. Wililato Powella of God r formerly ,of Illytle visitedfriends thisn. place ,last , week. , M. and Mrs'. ,9„- fawner§ of 'Waug- h:ins V• ited friends in BlytIr last' Week: Dr- Ai le Rose of Guelph !!iipent few days with her parents- Mat Week., Mrs, H.' MeQuarrie viaited Inondes. boro friends last week, Mrs. ,Iameiri itteMtirchie has return- ed from aa Visit", With Rev.. and _Mrs. .Smali 'of Ilespeler,and' also with Tor"; Onto' friends; , Mr. Andrew, coo-mbs, ho' bus US t" in completed his ilea' "year, at the School, of Practical Science, „Toronto, inlay _accept 'a 'position in the west with the C. la R. for the stiminer.lie visited friends iu Blyth for' a ••feve days recently. Mrs. W. A. Sloan, who, has been in 'may poor health for some rerettlis,. has so far recovered, as to be able t drive about the:Tillage .-on lino days. 'Mr,. and Mts.- Frank Jaanaton. aut- oed to Toronto la6teweek, • The ; , W. M. of' theaMethealigt chureh held. their eleotioti , 'officers recently which redulted as follows President, Mrs: A.. B -bare. •1St. Vice,Mrw. nfolin Malas -2r4 Vice, Mes 11.. Wightmaa. _ RecesSecretary:', 'Mrs." J. ..Colclough..". COr:-Secretary, •Geo„ Jewitt. fireesurer,ehIrs. C. 1.1... Deese. Organist, Mrs. Chellew. Assistant, Mrs. I. Browu. Set. 'Sys. Giving, Mrs. Wiglitinan.. H-enaall Mr. James. Priest and family left last %-eek for London. ' ' Mas. W. McLean h -as returned from - a visit with her, daughter in Myth.. Mr. Norman Jar -roti returned to Toronto, early last week. He. h85, leased, his farm to Measrs. Nate War; reller.;and J. `Finney. _ •' . and Mrs. E. Rennie and Mr, and MrS. M. R. Bennie attended the funeral of the late Henry Guenther in Dashwood. , The Hensel! Gun Club intexid hold- ing the annual fournanient On the 21th inst. The Oddiellows and a number of the Rebekah Lodge attended divine ser- vice in -St. Paul's church on Sunday week,, • • -William Bell, a pioneer or the pion- eers, passed away on Monday, week. He was, nearly ninety-one years or age and had Conie to this, country 0:ro1n Scotland in 1836, when Sea - forth was but a hamlet and Hensall not even thought of. The family set- tled upon the London Road a n d on his marriage a, . few...years -later he moved to'his own farm, the one noW owned -by his son, Mr. Jarnes A. Belle le Wee a kindly scan .and one who had the respect of his neighbors. Twenty-five years ago he retired from farming and name to ,reside in Hen- san. He was a Member .or the first' council elected after 1 th inorpora- tion as a village. In religion, lii WaS a Presbyterian. His wire died about tWelve, years ago and -a family of four daughters and three Sons sur- vive. Formerly of Iluekersmith , Died in California. The following- from The Advertiser Of Watts, Los - Angeles, California, refers to a grand -daughter of Mra. S. ()rich, or Huron street, Clinton 'There died at her. home in this city on April .5th, Miss Roselle Bea- trice Elcoat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David. Elcoat, aged 31 years and 8 months. . About two years ago 111iS8 Eleat suffered a surgical operation, and again eight Months afterwards, but she never telly recovered from the trouble , from which she suffered, al- though' up to a very recent time- the physicians were not sone just What the trouble might be • About two weeks ago she began to grow worse, and this continued until the end, when she passed Oet in a -faint. Her attending physician states that tub- ercular meningitis, was the cause of her death. ' • Miss Elcoat was born at °uteri°, Canada,, and caute to this country with her parents in 1.885, eating in Wa,tts 141 years ago; when Mr, Elooat .built the house ir, which' he now resides, Besides her 'parents, . a brother mourns her departure. In her death, numerous friendsin this city, as well as it other parts 01 Southern California, fully and keenly realize their loss. 'She was a true friend, and her devOtiotr to those:she loved would snake a bright chapter in any life.- e - ' • Nothing bet the thought of the loving hand that has removed her can reconcile us i' her absenee. , While she hag passed fr.oin the scenes, the . con-, /Mete; the sorrows and the pleasures: of life, she, will still live imUie hearts oi those who • kneW her best. retiring nature, led her to hide het hest qualities from public gaze, but they 'Were revealed to those .who . en- joyed her aequaintance, yet it was in her home that her true worth was eic,st conspieubus. .S'lle. Was a kind loving daughter and her deVetion to the _ family -circle had no limit, Iler future was full of- promise and we -dare not ask why she was taken fromus in her ,prime, unless, as flow - era are pieked before the frost Mule them:that, we- may net witness their . The !uncial. GCtViCe$ were cowhide ed at the home by Rata Mr. Beller, psistor of th El nee M ! church oC which MiSs!Eleciat was a; member,. assisted' by the Rev. Mea Carnes, a. fortner pastor Of the Florence -chincb. great eancOurse aeSembled to pay tlieir 'tribute the departed, andethe floral pieces that were Acted were nuraerOua., and .;trikinelny beautiful. A large numbet of friends accompan- 'tad the remains to their last resting place in anglewood cemetery. Mr. and. Mrs,' Elcoat have the sy1M- 'pathy of the community in the!r-hour of eerfow." Blake Mr John Erb iutends to put up . . Iwo barns tine summer and the tram - o{ both he bought in Stephen _ ,townslun. Arbor Day was duly observe& in all our schoole and the school, yards now Prearalt a neat 'appearance. Mr, George Campbell, has bought a lin t° and quiet driver frivol, Mr, Ed, Warns of Zurich. It was lately "own- ed by Mv, t1.T Talbot, , arriage, -yON---BROGDEN--At the home or , the beide's parentra in Londesboro on May 71h by Rev. J. 1I. Oster:. hout, Mary Marietta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,George 'Broaden, to . William Henry Lyon,,t. T. It agent. ' GIBSON-M/ILHOLL A ND -In Shap - Son Methodist church Detroit o April 30th, Lulu, youngest (laugh- . ?er of Mr. and ItIrs. Wm. , Mul- holland, flohnesville, to Charles CiihSon,- Detroit 01,ARICE--MeGUIRE-- 'In Si. ,los- eph's church, Clinton, on May 71h' by Rev. Father Hogan, Margaret, daughter 61 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew • McGuire . oi Gederich .township to Bernard Clarke or Ha,gaxsville. WAMBOLD - MELLICK -In London on April 28th, by 'Rev. R.W.hiting Mr -s. Mein& ,, of East Saginaw, Mich., to J. A. Ilrainhold of Ex- eter, , Births, e WEBS'eEIt-In Hullett, on. April' 21st, to Mr., and Mrs. Jose& Webster, a daughter. °GRAB/1.--in Wingham on 'April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ogram, daughter, , • . SNELGROVE;--in Ooderich On „AprIli 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Itobert SnelgroI, a son. • Deaths GRANT -At Pullman, Wash., on April 20th, William Grant, form- erly of Clinton, aged 92 years and 2 months. - RICHARDSON- lir Tuckersmith on May 2n2, George Riehaialson, for- merly of MeKillop, aged 91 years. CROOKS- At Linwood in Welles/ay township on April 300,, Jane Crook•s, sister of Mr. William Crooks of the Base Line, Goder- ich township, aged 93 years. KLING-In Seaforth on April 25th,, Frank Kling, in his 35th year. COTJLTES-In East Wawanoals an April 17th, .Robert Coultes, aged 82 years and 3 menthe. WHALEY-VI Morris % on April 26th, - William K. Whaley, in his 39111 year. . - RONDLE-In Brucefield on A.pril 271,11, Tho'reas Rundle, in his 75th year. Met.; A.VIN-In. Boalotth On. lipnhl 24th, Ann Smith, wife of Mr. John McGavin, aged 01 years and 5 months. ' aleLAUGHLIN-In London ott April 25th, T. Philgakey McLarighlin,fil. Dashwood in his 17th year. GEMS FROM ADAM CLARE, THE 'METHODIST COMAIEN TA TOR . 1 John .1; 9.="11 we confess oue sins, he is faithful and just to for- give us our sins,' and to cleanse us frodi all unrightousness," "If we confess our sins." 11, from a,. deep sense or, our guilt, Impurity 999 lielfTlesaness, Intinble Wu:4RA- vaf" before Clod, acktoWledging our in- iquity, 2 -lis holiness, and our own ut- ter helplessness, and implore mercy for his sake who died for us ; be, is faithful, because to such he has paom- ised ,merey, Psa. 32, 5 ; Pro. 28, 13; and just, for Chriat,. has died for us, and thus made a,. atonement tu the Divine jestieu ; go the t'Ood can, now be. just, and yet the justifier of him who' believeth in Jesus. , 'And to cleanse us fromall un - righteousness.' Not qnly to forgive the sin, hut to purify the Iteart: Observe Ilere, I'irst, Sin existin the soul after two modes or forms ' (1) In guilt, which, requires. forgive - nags or , pardon.(2) In pollution, which requires clealsing: Guilt, to he forgiven, must be con- fessed ; and pollution, to be cleansed, must he nlso confessed. • ',In order to find mercy, a mammust know and feet himself to be a :defier, that he may ferventlyr-apPly to God for par-. don ; :in order to g‘c,t a clean heart, a may mast know and feel its dePrav- ity, acknowledge and deplore it be - fere God, in order to be fully 50,1011 - are pardoned because they de not feel and confess their sins ; arid few are sanctified , or eleanacd, from all sin, becauee. they do not ltd. and confess their own sore,' - and tbe plague of their hearts, • • As the blood of J(1;1.1.S Christ, the merit of his passion ind dentli; ap- plied by faith, purges the conscience firm . dead worke, 'so the same cleanses the° heart from all unright- eousness, As all unrightnousneas is aim .so ha that is cleansed from -ell tuirighteous- ness is cleansed Item all sin. To atieunpt 16 eVade" this rand plead for the continuance - of sin in tam heart through life is ungrateful, wicked, and, even blasphemous; for' as he who says he has ' not sinned, ver. 10, makes' God' a liar, who has declared the contrarY through every parte of his revelation," so he that, seys the blood ef Christ either cannot or will not cleanse us faorts all sin in this .-gives also the lie to Isis 'Maker, who .has declared the contrary, rind thus shon.;:„ that the word -the doc- trine of God --4s not hs hi1n' 'Reader, it is the, birthright...Of every child of God to be eleaased from' 'all 510, i.o., keel) himself unspotted frer'e ,the world, and so to liVe as never more to offend his 'Maker. 311, things 'ate possible !to him 'that believe. tas ,beeause ail things ' are 'passible to inanitely meritorious blood and eneratitie Spirit of the I,oad .Tesus. , -Selected by F. Hill, Blake • Ma, William. Douglas, wife and daughter were called te Heiman on Sunday owing to the 'illnesa of the mother of Mrs., Douglas, Mrs. Hud- son, . Miss la Share has received the sad news froni the 'west of the, death Of the wife of her brothereJobn, who 'is now left with a family Of small children, mere infants, to take care of. 585. James Johnston of Bayfield is doing a big, busiise,sia in.tha egg line. The farmers are p'atronizing him as lie gives tile higheaa.prices ,the sneak - et will allow. ' ZURICH: . . • The , funeral of the late Mrs, hIcAl, lister, who died at... the' home of her son, Dr. Arthur McAllistei:of George- town, took place' to the Ilefigall cern- citery on Saturday week, SEED POTATOES FOR SALE; several varicties,-George • Mair, :Heron Road, Photo "Li on 14.2 -80. , FOR .S.A.LE,--A -CARI.,;OAD OF NO. 1 Cedar Posts -Thomas Miller 1,,ondeshoro; FLOUR AND FEED • STORE. -I fiandle the best grades of flour and all kinds of chicken feed and seeds. Royal Purple Stbcir and Poultry Specific , at reduced ,rates. -A... E. Matheson, Phone 192, -80. STANLEY COURT OF REVISION. --Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Boll of the Township of Stan- ley will be held in the Township 'Hall, Varna, On Monday, the 2615 day bf May, 19137 at the hour of 10.30 in: forenoon for' the purpose of hearing and settling complaints against- the said Assethment Roll. All persons having,. businass at this Court will please attend at the said time and place without further 'irotice.-R. J. Richardson, Clerk, Varna May 015 1913. -80-2 WANTED BY A "YOUNG MAN holding responsible position roorn and board in a private family. Con- genial sarroundings.-Address Draw- er M., Clinton P.O. -79 L0sT—.4 BLACK MOROCCO HAND satchel between Alt. Albert Turn- er's end the _Graham House, Find- er Will he suitably rewarded by leaving the. same at, O'Nell's 'gisoc- ery store. -79 FOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT :corner 'of, Ratteuhury streets. -For .perticulars apply to Geo. Sweats, Cliuton, -19-41 UNRESERVED AUCTION" SALE of House and Lotsa-The undersign- ed will sell by pubaimmuction on the premises. corner Albert and Charles streets in the town. of Clinton at 2 o'elock pan. on Fri- day; May 9111, the following : A WIC and one-half story frame house, -containing; StWen rOOMS, stone foun- dation and cellar. Hard and sett water. The hone Is in good ma pain. The property codaists of La acres or land, being lots 157 and 6119, with , all kinds of fruit trees,* and is"in a good locality, Itjnusl be sold. Terms, Cash. Fore further particulaas apply to D. N, Watson, Auctioiteer ; Jacob Taylor, Agent. Clinton; April 26th, 1913. e-79. AUCTION SALE. --THE UNDER - signed has been instructed to sell by public auction on Thursday May 15111 at 3 p. xis. on the old school site, the old bridk school house, and site, 'of gehool section, No. 5, Ifulfett. Terms made' known at day, of sale --D. N. la'atsonaeauction- eer, Jas. !Snall, Sec. -Treasurer, Clintou P. 0. -79=-2. FOR Sti'LE OR TO RENT,-00111- fortahle seven -roomed cottage bn Isaac street.. Hard anti soft water ; acre of land. "'or particulars ap- ply to -Miss Rudd, Clinton -72. , a FOR - SALE. 8tVEN-13,00MED cottage on Mawr street. Ilard and soft water. Small ,fruit . 1- aerie of land. -Apply to Jacob Tayloa. , • -77-7. . FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. - A leather top phaeton - JaineS T witehel • SOlalliTHING NEW --, 130- proYed Safety Sash Lock, ' Alldwa - the window to raise ,,or :rawer to any height from -an inch, to wilhaint the aid of a ,stiek or book: ' Can he attached ,to any whitlow' sash, Ear particulars apply to -Prank W. Evans, Clinton. Phone 101 ' ;FOR_ SALET-A. NUMBER. OF CED-, ar poets and tornee posts. For par-, tichlars apply to-earolin Shanahan, Hallett, Clintori SktINGLES 14011:' SALE—A CAR- , loacl has a r deed -'l". Melaenate. -75. The News -Record Town and Township Core excels 151 hoth. specializes 0 cws ana alum WANT la 1):-IIOUSEWORK BY Tata day. --Apply at The Newe-Reeora Offlee. - • WANTED, A' TEAMSTER -STEADY positiou. Muat be first elase mart • and knot with horses.. --,Apply to, the Doherty Piano Company, Clih- ton. -78. FOR SALE '-'-.COT'TAGE ON RAT= tenbury street, Electric light, waterworks, etc,ApplY on premis- es, or to T. T. Murphy, Clinton. ' -75. , BOOMIDRS WANTED -APPLY .1'0 Mrs. W. A. Mason, 13rineess St, West • " .-74, THE COIINEll STOliE Live and Let Live PINE,. APPLE This is the. -week for Pine- apples for Preserving, eau and get Prices, I PICKLES Pick -les by pulk and in bot- tles:sweet and sour try them. ,14 High Market price for Produce: E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE . AND LET LIVE GROCER. BABY CHICKS We -are prepared to sup- ply Day Old Chickens hat- ched from our Prairie State Incubators in lots of 25, 50 or 100 at 10o each. Fat Hens Wanted at 12c per lb. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to=date Firm , CLINTON. _ N. W. Trewathha, Wie. Jenkins, CLINTON FLOUR MILL PRICES MANITOBA FLOUR $2.70. FAMILY FLOUR 02.50. PASTRY FLOUR. 02.50. ('rRA.IIAM FLOUR ,02.50. BREAKEAS'P 5001) 03.06. -FEED wasivr 75e per bushel. WESTERN, OATS 4lie' per bushel. SHORTS a $1.25. „ BRAN 01.15. ---- ,FLOUR EXCHANGED FOR , WHEAT TO FARMERS., - A, carload of good feed wheat on hand. Leave your orders at the Mill fice. Delivery made to any part the town. n US A TRIAL. 01 - of JOHN StIOENIIALS, The Clinton • ORDERS ',FOR. 'COAL MAY 13E ' ll., 7I0W- LAND'S HARDWARE STORE, OR AT MY, OFFICE'. IN 11. WILTSE'S GROCERY STORE. HOUSE' 1'tiJNIL 1.2 OFFICE PHONE, 110. A. J. HOLLOWAY. BEI,I,IlVIEW 5 A It 1TAIR - . Taxmen our 'stoolf (?f first-olasa caws we are prepared to supply you twice daily with the best of mill, and cream, We. solicit a share (l your patronage.--llichard Eleher,- B. Intl, l'hime, 125. -‘80 DRAIN TILE FOR, SAI,Fl. -- WE 'MVO on hand a good stock of well seasoned tile ranging in' 'Size from 2.8- up to 8 in. 10 and, 12 in, tile, nmae to order, Works 1. - mile, east of Egroondville,-Krnse Bres,, Phone 115, Egitiondville, P. 0. , 0 ' NA.TIONAL FERTILIZER -- THE best used by farmers: , Gave good results last year and farmers - are ordering again this year.' Order now before it issall gone. Large or small quantities -Frank W Evans, Clinton, Ont, Phone 101. -69, ' Come to The House - Picture You , ean spend is pleasant; hour at the Picture. I-1011Se. Bright, clean biotin:es with' frequent changes, • Admission a10c. Children' s ALEX, -MACDONALD. JOHNSTON'S , Sanitary Cleaning AND Pressing Parlors Altering and, repairing neatly done. Expert French Dry Cleaners. Our Prices are Moderate and Satisfaction is Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. Stand : Store formerly occupied by A. J. Hollotvay, Branches in Clinton, Winghare, St. Catharines. CHAS. JOHNSON. FARM FOR SALE -4,0T 40 AND part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Godeeich township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and gbod .tillable land with the condition of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchaad con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay loam, well fenced and having an abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two barnsa one 58X30 with shed 25x10, all on stoee foundation. The oth- er barn is 50x30 with abed, 47x30 and also a ,gravel house. Situated one mile from school mile from English church, 1 mile from Meth- odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 milg• from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phonc connection. Also patt of Lot 30, 'Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 tniles from Clinton, on which 'there are no buildings but containing a small swainp' making it an excellent pas- ture farm. For further particulars apply en the premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also ag- ency for new rnachimes.--21. Hoop-• ea, Albert street. -70 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. - One of the best locations in town corner Princess and William streets. House contains 7 rooms ' on goueut Hoot, second floor not finished. Hard 'and soft water. acre land, • fruit trees, etc, - For further particulars apply io D. S. *ME. PARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER - signed offers for sale his fine farm of aboet 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in a good state of celtivation and has good buildings --brick house, "hank barn, driving .house, pig pen, ete-all comparatively new. A first class noung' orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also srnall fruits, The farm is well fenced and well drained and is a very desirable hotne. For further' particulars apply on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P. 0. -83 OUR LINE, includes worir 'and supplies that every lioeselmIder has need of let lefre- quently. When you require. GOOD I'Llie411IN0,. send ror ue-.' Our work is always satisfactory,' and we carry a large stock of the most reliable and up -to. date PLUMBING' SUPPLIES. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. ' FURNACES AND GALVANIZED IRON WORKS. re..,1/2.1tel, FOR SALE :-THE UNDER. - signed offers for eale ' one hundred acres of as good land as there is , in the County of Huron, tieing part of Lots 25 and 26 on the 17111 Con., GOderiell township, one mile north of Clinton, miles- Irom ;wheel.- CM the farm is a frame balm 36x80 with' good cem- ent wall, also a stone stable 25x 130 with hey loft -above ; comfort- able 11 room frame hue, a net' er-failing svoll and one acre of or- ehard. Reason for ‘' selling, ill leant:. For particulars. apply oe the premises 'or richiress-Joeepli Colelough, Clinton. I'. O.', ' 700 7I5DST0,RM INSURANCE. T115 -Caneda Insurance Co. will insuro --all buildings against damage done by, windStorms. Moderate rates, no premuiri'note,-Oharlee 13. Hale, .Itietrict Agent. Clinton, ' , • • e • • • • • •fo • • • • ara • le see . PUDE MAPLE SIRUP • • From Sap j to Syrup 9 : by Evaporation : • The syrup is here again as good as it can : possibly be, made" by- the : • same people in tke sa • me 41; • II way, from the same trees. g • Just the same as it has • • e always been. • • • It is of uniform. con- sistenc,y has a 'delicious • flavor and we can say of • • • • it in higletters, - • "It is Positively Pure." : As we have only a:limit- • • • ed quantity we ad vise you • to order early. • • • • • • • W. T. O'NEIL : •• . , . • . • • "The Hub Grocery:" • 1 -* lo ••••••••••••••-• ••••• silo. Ways of a Wateh The ways or a watch are past flud- ing out, Don't' try. If your watch is lazy and wont run, let us repair it for you. Ten te one you neglect- ed it. -let it get dirty,or 41 stops from lack of oil. Whatever 'is the eason, don't delay ; Delay costs money and often spoils the watch. We gtve thorough examination, and regulating free, anything more costs as little as satgaractory work can be dope for. A J. GRIGG JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN, SSUER MARKAGE LIOENSEs. 100fing STEEL ROOFING. CORRUGATED IRON, ASBESTOS FIREPROOF REG -AL. Cali on phone for our prices. BYAIVI & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone !IA SHAW'S SCHOOLS 'oronto, Canada, include The Shaw Correspondence School, The Central Business College,'Th a Central Tele- graph & Railroad School, and Four City- Branch, Business Schools. All provided excellent courses leading lo good salaried portions. Free cata- logue on request. Write tit it. W. It Shaw, President, "Head offk 03, Yonge La Gerrard Sts., Toroaaa. COLLEGE AT HOIIIE ,B0,T:ei 0;riaii :Adopstniovtst oat ikelwiti sat yii.o.ep: omy:iatuyi no : :pit: tot:51; I are fast prnparing in their tr,vn homes to occupy lucrative positiona as stenoga raphers, bookkeepers, tolegrophers. civil, servants, in fact every sphere of Ianteed. Enter college any day. Indiv- idual inetruation. Heport maehera. Thirty years' experiencu Largest train - ere in Cinunita. Seven 4501111538,l:-.pocial coarse for -teachers. Affiliated with Commercial 1i:dam], I tors' Association of Canada. Sumner Seheol,, ,,at, famous Spotton 11;181110es College. London. . CLINTON BUSINESS COL.LECE Cigo. 3e01rim n. ir. WAR') President. Principal. iffigaggiaawammism' Emesego