The Clinton News Record, 1913-05-08, Page 1eaereerearer•erea,. allaerealere'a'eanekleaaree'eaeeeaTerelle,ree - • . es. "5111 No 1780 —34th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1913 THE HOME PAPER If 'you ave a house for sale or to rent advertise it on page 5 of The News -Record. , Will buy a good 8 day ebonized wood Cathedral Gong Mantle Clock at Hdl- ya s. - This Clock . is made by old reliable makers. - ' _ Call and get, ,one. /mere and. Optician - - Clinton - 1 ----The Royal Bank OF CANADA. ' 1 - Capital Authorized 25,000,000 Capital, Paid•up 11,500,000 Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 Total Assets 175,000,000 32.5 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General Banking business transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch. • , 1 Molsoils 1)011 Incorporated 1855 Established in Clinton 1879 IlrEAD ORRICE MONTREAL 'SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest curreat rate on sums of $1 end upward from date 01 deposit, Joint ereconnts BRANANGE CREs D ANTF4 ALL OVER CANA.DA AND AGENW, ALL OVER THE WORLD. A GENERAL • BANKING - BUSINESS • IRANSACTED, C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. THE OLD BOYS ,COMIN•G a ST. PAIJ1,'S CHURCH.. • " ' e)N'T ST. (II -TORCH. The IliteoneOld Boys Asiaaciation of Toronto Will run their annual exer- sion to Cliaton and laicknoWon .July 5tha.returning on the evening of the 7th. inst. One ofethe features of the exettrsion will be an auto trip around the county.. ' THE a.00AL MARKET, , Wheat 92e.. " • Oats 31c. Peas -90c.• to $1.00.. a , Barley 45e. to 50c. Butter- 19c. to 20c. ' Eggs, '17c, to 18c.• Live'ehlogs .$9.25, DEANERY MEETaNG, .• A riumb'e of the lady inembers . of . St.-Pahl's chuedi attended the Sun- day: Selioad eonvention and Deanery meeting in, Exeter on Tuesday, mak- ing the trip: intlic bus.- Am- ong those inethee party were : Mrs. J. McLeod;_111r1e, 0, „La. Jeakins Mrs. Dayrnent, ;Mrs. -Stamen, Mrs. Sewell, ales. Middleton and. Miss Middleton, Mips lararrifield and the Misses Baw- den, Rev. , Mr.- Jeakilas alsei 'attended, gding down by trairi in the morning. MODEL SCHOOL NOTES. * , ' Baseball. Lawrence 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-2 Gordon 1 1 0 1 4. 2 7 0 -16, Oliver 2 1 0 5 1 2 0 1 3-15 Elliott 2 5 1 3 1 0 2 2 0-19 League Standing. Lawrence, WOR 3, lost 1-75 p.c. Oliver. won 2 lost 2-50 p.c. Rev, W. R. , Norwood and Re, S, Mrs: , King, soprano soloist 8:" Hardy, both ,,,,of--Londori, preached in North street , church, Goderieli, inornirre.e, and evening on Sunday, the will sing in this church, du Sunday occasion ,being the regular inissioriary evening aeat,, • • " Cainpaign, , 'Educational, and Temperance , • anni- vernary seavicetr• will be held Sunday morning and evening next. , . 4 free- lecture will be given In the A 0,,,,I3TE 05 . town hall on the everrin, of the 27th - by Mr, J, B. Watson, field secretary The "Rounders", wi tli Dick Tasker ' end lecturer of -the' •Association for pftchilig: took SI,. Paul',e baseball the Prevention of Tuberculosis. 'The tears ,.into .canip on Monday. evening lecture will be illustrated and is said by a score of 9-0, but The News -Re - to be a very sitiaple"-:-.1mt,ins5ructive cord hire been given to understand one.' As this is a subject' which . in ; that the challenge published •iri last terests, or should interest; everyone, 1 week's issue- stile holds good. - It is ub -care .having any guarantee . of sat- expected •the . -return match will be ety . from the disease, there will no 'played On Monday evening next, The doubt tie a Iriege number present ' ''iO line-up was as follows : ' - ,- ' hear 0. . ' - . St. Paul's -W. • Johnson, c., 0. E. . , , . A Bow.i.b....6,/,1.0N, .. , - . Dowding, lb .., y,-; Hawkins, 213., A. - , ,_ . ' Cousins, 31), G. , , .Draper, S. c., .1., . The Seaforth ,News in its last issue Doherty, ra. M. e Counter, ,. 1.4,, . G. had '', athe follOwillg.; ''..I.13 our ., last, "IVIeGtedor, 'C.f., :1-1.Reid p issue we announced that Melvin erica, Rounders=J. Weir, c R. John &f Clinton ,had married a lady- of the son, lb., D. Cluff, 2b., F. 'AlccaugheY, same town on Apeil 23rd, We pub- ab., 1. ywitehell, s.s , J. McCetighey lished this in good faith, as our in- ref., N1. McEware; c.f., D. Tasker, p. formation came frcua a most reliable , . us that we were misiMormed, so we '11111:RE A I? E ieleN Elatifleld . . , Any person Who sells liquor M a Ali:. .John, Whiddon has returnect local option district it liable' - to a fine of from one hundred .to five hundred 'dollars and posts or. three nionths in., gaol for the ,fIrst . offence arid fOur in:oaths " imprisoninent for the second offence. ' Any person who ippears' intoxicat- eA. the, street in a local ()titian tovni renders himself liable to a fine al from twenty to fif ty. aollaes for the . first 'offence andelui may also be compelled to diviitge the`nritne". of the person frona,„wlioni he securect the liqjtor, Fairing to furnish elle'. infor- niation, he may be sent to gaol for three Months. rine -for the see - mad conviction ai not lens than forty dollars and costs. irons Clinton, Iowa, where he spent ' Lour, months or so with his daugh- ter," -Mts. Blown, He 18 looking a little thinner than when We last saw him. but says lie feels -well. We ars all glad to see him back again for Bayfield hardly, seems ,the same, place without Mr. Whiddon. Mr, .m.d Mrs. James Scott of Sea. forth and their daughter, Mrs. Wal. ten Pickard pf CalgarY, aro at the Commercial for a few aa s. • , and ' Mrs" George ,Ilowantree and:daughter8,' MiSs.es Geitie and Myrtle, of London spent. Monday and ' 'Tuesday iii Bayfield. Rev, George E: Ross and family 'of el orlerieli were, in Ihiv field on 'Sabel- • day, maline preparations for tetine ....A.UTOMOBILES ANI Gieir 'ab-ocle‘ shortly in. HiCat 'sem- RidgetoWn Dominion .-The o'reater mer cottage in ,the vitinity of .balinya the.„epeed of an auto the more dust breezy- ,13.ayfield. , It raises, and for that' 'reason, auto , - aherrowe Seaforth WITS an the ownerS and chauffeurs shored, go at a e;illatee- 'on Tuesday. • moderdeeThi' •of speed•On tile town ' Rey. Mr. Young of :Dungainign oc- streets. . They. should be thoughtful capied the' pulpit of TriaitY church de enotigh of areclestrains and people , sit- Sunday. morning. last, ,preaching a 1., ting on lawns and porches not to the interests of missions.. -Mr. .and Mrs. Vl'igle ,'oe -.Port Ilitrou are the guests' of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamee 'Sturgeon, this weeMiks's Cartei of Detroit and Garner; an,c1 'Hinson of the Dental _College, - Toronto, arrived on Saturdhy to spend the summer here. , The services ia St, • Andrew's church on. Sunday next will be COD - ducted by the Rev. D. G. McGee:gar of Toronto. Mr. MeGtegor is one et. the secretaries of the Board of Social Sericiee and Evangelism. and is an eloquent and convincing speaker_ This is a rare opPortunity for the people -of Bayfield and vicinity anl they are cordially invited to the ser- vices at eleven in the forenoon and seven in the evening. ;James L. Marshall of Calgaty, Al - thing, and ,are utterly unconscious berta, - aged twenty-seven years, pass - the' contempt' in Which they are held ,ed, away on Wechiesday of last week, by decent people, matoriats as well after a very brief Illness from pneu- as others. • , , TI1E C. C. L, WINS TIIE SERIES, The Clinton Collegiate tea= put the Stratford team out of. the run- where he resider] for a time before go.. ning for the Hough Cup on Saturday ing west ia little over a year, ago, and last when they succeeded in holding the Classic City boys to a tie score of lel. Clinton thus wins the seriea since it defeated Stratlord in that source. However, Mr. Crich informs MORE AUTOS. • desire to raise more dust than is • necessary,- to say nothing of the dr - make the correction very cheerfully . Mr. Jas. R. hillier has purchased a ger, ta ' chiidren playing on the for, while marriage is an honorable McLaughlan five-paasenger car from_ streets Or tO old persons crossing. state in which to bestill no one thd Paxinan-Gillies Conmeny and, Nes, it is quite passible to own and , wants to be classed as 'n3arried whea accompanied by Mr: Paxman, went drive an auto and get all kinds of they are not."' down to London /,this morning to pleasure out of it, .514110 paying bring up the auto. As when Mr. some regard to the amenities. It is ONT. ST. CHURCH - Miller undertakes anything he goes a rear pleasure to watch the moderae into it in a whole.souled way, we ately speedy car go by in town, An unusually. large numieer attend- ' fancy he. will quickie', develop into - a raising very little dust. On the con - last. The preparatory ed the communion service on Sunday safe but speedy _driver. - teary, to see 'the driver of another morning ser- .. Elliott, WOD 2, lost 2-511 p.c• vice held at ten o'clock was also 'at - Gordon won 1 lost 9-25 P.C. _ landed by more. than the usual num- ' Centre Ball. . bee.. The class -leaders and Rev. Mr. Bessie . O'Neil 19, Alice Pickett 20. Newcombe assisted the pastor in ad - Kathleen Dowser 19, E. Mackenzie 16 ministering .the sacrament after the A SISTER PASSES. public service. - ' , . At the League meeting . on Monday . Mr. William Crooks re,turned on evening Miss Carrie Shipley read an Monday ' evening from Linwood in admirable paper on the 23rd Psalm, Wellesley township whither lie had Mr. Weber sang in good voice "My been called by- the illness of Ms sis- Mother's. Prayer" and a-ni iristruthent- ter, Miss Jane Crooks, who passed al duet was contributed by Miss --E. away on Wednesday- of .last week. Lavin and Mges Plumsteel. Reports Mieh Crooks was ninety-three years were presented by Misses Wasrnann of age. She was a native of 'Ireland and Stevens. Miss Bradshaw pre,sid- hut had resided in the vicinity of' .ad. Linwood., for many years, Mr. Crooks 'and one other sister, whb live across WILLIS CHURCH. the American border, axe now the beth Were admitted by letter. Rev, R. Martin orStratford preach- only-. surviVing members of the trig - ed excellent 'sermons Viitorning and eV- The following new band of officers Mal family w-hich came to this 001113 on Sunday last. - At the morae were elected at the League's annual country very many years 'ago, llret ing service miss Barbara maivor sang ineeting on Monday evening :. settling inathe County of Peel, President, John Sutter. . -. ... - a solo: very acceptably, ' 1st Vice, 'Miss Bessie -Davis.. ' . THE B -AND CONCERT:' - Next Sunday being 1,11e. anniversary, ' Rev ,Mr, McMillan' of MirniC -* , • The, S, A. Territorial Staff iland' ° the preachqr for the day. As Mr. 2nd Vice, Miss Gertrude Chant. Associate, Miss Larine Langford. lect Vice, Gordon Ouningliame. Associate, Auktin Iho,are, 4th Vice, T. E. East. Associate, Wellington Cook sape. Jr. la,agas, miss 1), o' aninion. 1 the Wingham High School, the Wood - Associate, Miss, Marion Irwin. stock. team ' having drawn the bye', Secretary, Carl East. ' ' the first' one to be played i - Clinton 'Preasii rer, Wilmer Wallis, , at; three o'clock on Saturday af ter - Assistant, Miss Ruby Wise. noon. . . . The C. C. I's are. loping, for a good Pianist, Miss Gladys Cantelon. turn -out at tbe home ga.mee ta help ARE 'CITE,/ AWARE OF IT ? ilefrae the expenses of the out -of- . '"There are a great many girls and toaw,nue grianner-elsip. on Saturday was as fol - Studebaker. five -passenger car which dust, Mr. Jas. Tavitchell has bought a ear rush by in a great cloud of regardless of everything, in - will be along an a Week or so. The sPines a Wilth for a allot -gun. The driving in this case will inaall pro- autoneobile as driven by some pea- bability devolve upon Mr. Harry ple is a nuisance and a ,danger mo - Twitchell, who has a 'great fondness vocative of all kinds -M dire threats. 405 goad clean sport of all 'kinds but Arid the worst feature of it all is who, it ie. quite likely,, will give up that this class of drivers seemingly the more strenuous games this sea- never read anything; never learn any - ,son for autoing, 'Phis ear was bought through the local agency, Messrs. Bartliff and Rattenbury. WESLEY CHURCH, , - The sacrament' was administered at the -close of the morniag service on Sunday, the pastor and Rev. .7. Greene officiating. Several new mem- . . . o a ill bt Associate, 'Miss Larne Gould. Toronto gave a concert in the towe ...b ei Milian is no stranger to the Willis hall on Monday e.yening.in the inter- 1 congregation he needa no antroduction ests of the Salvation ,Array, ' '. e h jell and ie always welcome. .. 'tiering between twenty-five and thirty 'vas largely attiendeil. The band num. came clown 1,,,,) been Saturday' and Sunday, Irmil Wingbain 15110151thei.1711 en . the afternoon. of the Centre Huron S. S. Associa- tion, aeldressecl the Sunday school Mr. A. T. Cooper, as representative The Band. of Little lielpars of 'Wil - is church will visit the House- of Refuge next Monday evening instead of Saturday as previously amioilia cod. IT WILL BE MOTHER'S DAY. ,immenemananneernonnia '••"'""m"""mil'imi" the afternoon 'and they gave an open . . . air concert between' seven and eight mesonnammemeamannimmomnomeow .rnsmitssitmmisioshisansi m'clock 35111011 brought out the eitiz , ens in large numbers. This band. is • said to be the ' best of its kired in , • Canada aria it certainly was, worth Saturday. fa'ay.Aptsi 1 2 6. We are going to make Saturday Apri126, Hat Dy at our store. 74;fill be a day of big. hat sell- ing for we are going to sell hats for glen and Boys, at prices that should Yend them out by the doz. - en. We have gathered together hats in broken lines, and sizes, both in colored and black. The reg. , ,ular prices of these hats are from $1.25 at 2.50. 93ut in order to clear them _quickly you can take your choice of en tire lot for 99cts. •_ SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Just Received This Week First Shipinent of Boys NVasli Suits. THE MOIIIIISH CLOTHING COI CL.INTON, ONTARIO Motto : "A Square Deal for Every.Man" listening to end those who took in the concert were amply repaid. The Dnyh,daaynd nweixiit, bewillm olbser.ve'd'aalostbsenae 300 113 women in town, w -ho, if they proceeds amounted to a tide sunSunday : a were aware of the good , wages they which, after paying' the expenses con - could earn , and the short working throughout Canada ,and elle 1 hours during the summer Months, on fleeted, lef 1 a margin for. the local generally , United States by the wearing of a ' corps who are to be congratulahed 1 upon presenting such, a, Tine entertain- flower. For a' while white flowecs Mee, dean work and in bright -and 1 ment. ,.80111C prominent members of „iy *ere aeon on this day, but let- tealean NortkrooOplIISQrtu ,\uVOilltlitel sta.:: orir adeva,n,-, ' I the 'Army accompanied the Band, icily a change has been made and now- ge05 vhep amongthe riamber -Captain Morris of colors are - coneidered: the correee, remarked a member of the Jackson T . Lorna:in, ------------ , ill WEDDED IN ST. JOSEPH'S. monia. He was the second sou ol Mr. „arra Mrs. Edwa,ed Marshall of Bayfield and was well and favorably, known in the village, M Clinton, in . all the eurrounding district. Hie brothers, j. A., of Saskatchewan, and Charles ' A . of Calgary, and their uncle, Mr. Frank J. Redmond of city the previous Saturday by a score Lethbridge, Alberta, considered 0 ad - of 1-0, "The gams wera played in the visable to inter the remains at Cal - middle of the afternoon and the heat garY, wae done S'aturda3- Was very trying to the ,players. At afternoon last. Of the family at foue half time Stratford was in the lead, sons and, three daughters, James. was ' but a goal Shot by McCrostie in the the first to cro:es OVer. Much sym- second half tied the game and won pathy is expresSed for the bereaved the series Ma Clinton, Clinton will ones, now play home and home games with A very -pretty and 'dainty wedding took place. in St. Joseph's caurch yesterday morning when Miss 'Mar- aret 'daughter Mr: *mid ' Mrs, Andre* McGuire' of Goderich *town - thing except when "Mothex" is no 5153. 0, 5)1101 r t, s ep . sl tenger here, when white iS still enn.. other day in speaking of the diffieule sidered appropriate. It isea preety- ties. experienced- in, securing sufficient euetom and its establishment in gen- 'IsitelaprtiPnif til)iren nnQehe e s sf ai teyt a r occasionallyjcin0tb earl' eta]. favor could not but be beneficial,. . t•owns in order to he able to' :iiipply Besides the wearing of a flower there ' le , theeletter., _that, rnigbt „tie WIS i tte,I1 the denuord for their gpocti,, ," 1 wiela, an e that parents who have young girls • iday, 'r ,,m 01 " -'' • ot right starting out to earn money would ( ship, became the bride of Mr. Bern- 1 at band, .and the many thoughtful look Into this matter, inform them- ard 'Clark, of Hagarsville. --, little, services of love if site is. Let selves of the ,opportunities offered and The ceremony eia:r performed by the ' "Mother's Day" be observed with all ' „ . . ., . .• . , ' urge their , daughters to take advert - Rey. Fattier Hogan, the parish priest teverende. ' , ' , , . itage of our Offer of steady and profit- and- was witnessed leer -1, number of in- - .. ' ' ' • •GREAT AL TREAT - ' ' able e.niployment," he continued: '''It vited guests. The bride was given . - . MU-SIC.a . ' , would certainly help- us out and the awayeby .her brother Mr. John Mc- Gatty Sellars the World famous • . e. , -Queens Hail more people we can employ ,the • het-. Gaire. . . , • . En5n11011, Organist of the ' , ter for the town." The bride. woee a lovely gown . of London ' England concerts and the ' MINSTREL SHOW. ivory satin, a .veil caught up, with a • Cryptal PalaceeMpsical Festival isto- A wreath of orange blossoms, and car- play in - Wesley church con Monday Miss Ella McGuire, sister of the The peogram will include the ear- streis af town hall, on Friday evening M Goderiqh will appear in the bride, was . arrayed in pink,. ()nation music of King George V.. and nex.t week. This is the club that wore a .1 arge pinture hat Queen Mary. Cathedral ,chimes from little flower girl, Miss. Loretta Lane ed with the organ. Other items will own town two nights last week. The Played- to crowded houses in their • and carried ,. pink roses. The PrettY the Queens Hall, London, will heals -- of Seaforth, the bride's ne1ec, also, be the Russian pa,t.rol, representing !allowing in the London Free Press for itself : • . wore pink;and carried a -basket of pink' the approach passing by and the speaks: sweat ,peas. Mr -Oswald Clark, bro.' gradual disappearance of a Russian "A full house greeted the Meneset- thee of , the groom, was, hestrnan. patrol and the storm at sea, In the ung Canoe'Club minstrels last neght, During- the ceremoay Miss Nettie Byrne M Stratford sang a solo very W.swetly. Mt McGuire and Mr. J. Shannon were ushers. At the conclusion of the ceremony the bridal party and_ guests clrore to the home of the bride 8 parents where the wedding breakfast was served. The groom.'13 gilt to the bride was Rah per states that Mr, esellats in Dr. Sale showed great abilite: as an - a sunburst of pearla, to the brideS- this piece obtains the most remark- .terloertor, The eoloitts of .the ev- id ld-lOcket to the flower able effects ever heard on an organ. ening, were Messrs. .FOwier, Cook, The aferersetung Canoe Club Min- ried cream, toses. The bridesmaid, evening next. 1 • • patrol- the traltn,p of the soldiers, the it. being , the occasion of then ane drums, trumpets and military effec.ts. 1111111 concert. A splendid orchestra ere clearly portrayed. The, world's consieting of ;nine Pieces furnished'ex- prees are une.nimous in declaring this cellent music for the occasion. "he 'organist to be pre-eminent M such hith and jokes of the end men, Mes- descrintive music as the Storm. in srs. IleynoldS; -Doyle, Jones, Smith, which' rain, wind, thunder and, light- Parsons and. Sturdy, were laughable maO effects are obtained. One Eng- and kept the amihride in an uproar. Ina a go e - groomsmari gold .m111 linli-.s. . - :I 'record on Uri , tour cd 00 recitals whoin . received encores. The spce- ' -s '' 3 A'rn'Ig :the guests' fr°M a' 'di•stance''"; gi'v.C.n.- in direct .succession. on the iarg- . ,ialtY, ".'A 'Butch '. Cocktail," pet en by were Mr. arid Miss Priffin and Mr. I eSt organs of, Canada and' the United 1-1,_ O. Sturdy and 0. L. iearsons, and ,Miss hae-Y,, ,Goderidi ; ivir. aad !States.' The largest audiences ' in the waS very amusing and created' a Mrs. Byrne' ane Miss Nettie Byrne, 1 historY oi many ;of the larger ' cities great deal, of laughter. Tbe - last Stratford"; Mre and: Mr+s- Thos. Lane' visited have assembled. Comnient is part; of the ehaw represented "Police, and Miss Loretta, Seaforth ; Mine frequently made on the ease With Court Justice." ' This part was well Ella McGuire, Toronto ; and Mr • 'Os- which Mr. Sellars 'adapts himself to 'Presented. and ,bronght down the weld Clark, „Layfaettee - strange instruments. At , times he house, as there were peesent in the Mr. and Mrs. Clark left on the af-, never sees the organ until commene- audience a . judge 'and. a justine of teenoan train for a honeymoon trip ing his - recital. He plays entirely tle peace, Talcea. altogether, the os - 09 Montreal, Quebec and other points from meniOey, sorrietirnes exteenporiz- fair war a -great . success , finaneially east and oa their 'return will reside ing on a theme reqaesteal by his and- and otherwise." - .. .. . in I-Iagarsville.. ' jence. . A' etowdeel' house . is therefere This will be a high elasseminetrel The News -Record joins .with their anticipated on elenday evening next show, clean and full ,of fun, ' A friends in congratulations rend' 1001 at the populat admission fee of tvven- crowded house: is expeeted, ' Plan at girl a pearl neciaace and to 'the.1 He has already -Completed: a World's T,weedy, Sturdy ande Saunclere all of lows ' - Clinton -goal, Caldwell; backs, Bea-. corn, Torrance; half backs, Sparks, J. Smillie, Kitty', right wing, Me- Crostie, Kaiser; left wing, Moffat, Blatchford; centre, R. Smillie. Stratfoed-goal, Allen; hacks, Rey- nolds, McMillan; half backs, John- ston, 'Macfarlane, Fawcett; right' eving, Dempsey, NellS011, t Wing, Orey, Creichtom centre, Wernee. , The last quarterly • meatiug 'of the conference• year was held in the Meth- adist Church on Sunday enaerang, and the weather being so fine there was a large , turnout froin the other' ap- pointments, The pastor preaehed an appi'opriate sernion and adminis- tered the ;sacrament of the Lord's Supper at its close. , The township council oaMonday passed a bylaw prohibiting the riding of bicycles Or motor, cycles 'on the sidewalks throughout the township. :Phis action aliects Varna as well as tither points Ihroitgliout the townelnp and.rt will ensure more safety for pedestrians. in our quiet village and will be hailed with gratitude by the tifnid and those advancing ip years. The quarterly official boanicof the Varna Circuit "met in the Vaena' C-hurch Tuesday afternoon. The air- cuit doses a atiecessful year in good financial standing. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Graham; vis- ited Vaerna and Stanley friends on' Wednesday of this week. A 'Temperance mass, meeting of the eleetore of , Stanley will be held in the 'township hall on theee-cning; of May 16 11 to be addressed b5 A. Cooper. and .1 5, Irwin Clinton and, others. Surrtmerhill. Mr. John Scarlett of Leadbui.y visited friends here on Sunday. ' Rev. 1111', 'Cameron of Brussels ,took charge of the services here on San - Mr. a.nd Mrs, ( 5, Lewery and family of Medicine Hat, Albertn, ar- rived here on Tueeday for an extend. ed visit, Mr. R. 'Watkins has sold Oile 01013 horseS' for, a handsome figure, The NewseRecord leads for Town and .Townehip, News, Ane you a ts ' subscriber a Londesboro. A very- pretty but quiet achling • took place at tile home or and Mrs. George Brogden Wedne1)day of this week at high noon., e 11511 their daughter, Mary 1VIar0010, wee united M marriage to William Henry, , Lyon, G. T. R. Agent 0 this place. The 'bride, gowned 'in white mar- quisette over silk trimmed ‘vi chtuvy lace and insertian and bridal \Tit caught with lilies ofthe valley, entered the parlor 'leaning on the arm of her father, to the strains of Mereldssolin's wedding Mardi played by Miss Bertha, sister 0 the bride, tittleNorman Floody, ne- phew of the bl'ide, acted as ring bearer. The ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor, Rev. J. IL Ostee- hout 'Qc.,gropip's gift to the bride was a beautiful pearl sunburst, to the pianist a pearl crescent, and to the little ring hearer a tie pin. ' The bride and groom left on the 4.05 train N317 Chicago end ponts West, the •britle wearing a suit of Wed( and white Whipcord and large black hat trimmed, with Nell -rose vet - The happy Couple will he At Hohe to their' Wends after July lst. HOItheSVille The prospects for a magnificent crop Of cherries, plums and small. 'fruit 'generally is immense if bloss- . oms are -any indication. The seeding is ahnost finished andl an abundant growth of grass has _started, while some' of the grain is getting 'quite green. Mr, N.. W. Trewar the, the right man ia the right . place, has again, been placed at the head of the Meth -7 odist Sunday- school. lriepeetor Tom 'asiterl the. Peblic school last am.elf and eXpresseell much satisfaction with the kind of work being clone bY. our teacher, Miss Rob- in.son. She is bound to make hee mark in the teaching profession. The cheese factoey .started opera-, tions on Monday ,last and the gather- ing ,will take piece every alternate day for a short time or until the supply becomes more plentiful. The • direetore are about to instal a septic, tank s tem to dispose of the waste wheyth' iPsi e v (iinr e Nev,c il;oi trto itInvdi en scl started and - the grounds at ,,. 'reces5 tnee ptesent a, lively appearance. Our people are remarking upon the ' fine order mid neatness prevailing about the school and grounda reflect credit upou tbe teacher and there are great expectations of good progress within When such coaditions a'et ogtslde. aa -a