HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-24, Page 8OUR SPECIALS FOR ALL NEXT WEEK
Sp��u� Ncetls of All Kiuds
Our stock was never more eowplete than now, hay-
ing all the latest and most (tp-to-date goods on the mar-"
ket : spades,; shovels, garden rakes,; lawn rakes, lawn
mowers, poultry petting, all the hewahades•in Sherwin-
Wil:iarns paints, Campbell's varnish ;stain, Japalac,
Floor lac, liquid veneer and Flempol the new 'furniture
polish, Paint and varnish brushes 5o to $2.50, An ele
gant variety of brass curtain rods 5c up. We carry.
.Dustbane in barrels, half barrels, 'kegs, l5 and 10, cent
cans and in the bulk at 5 cents per lb. It pays to feed
Dr. }tees' Stock Food :and Panacea in the icg. Pre,-
revent your shingles blowing off by using the improved
large head shingle nails, we have them, 'Household
hand'sawe reg. 350 for 25c. 'Hammers reg. 25c. for 20c,
Tack hammers 5c, 1Oc and 15p. Braces reg 50c for 4.0e.
READY with the finest line of
Shoes and Oxfordssfor every-
verybody that it has ever been -our
pleasure to -show,
READY to serve you . carefully
and satisfactorily.
READY with the best values1
READY to show you.,
y F
le than have
showing of wash Dresses this year is larger and
eltier an we sh own•h af 1) ore. - aintI-ill d
y Mlle dress—
in Prints, Gingham, Chamlraye, Ducks and Linens
d in all -sizes from two years and up to bout teen years
d wonderfully low priced at from, $.25 to ;1;'4.00,
s White Waists and Underwear
ave a beautiful assortment of Ladies Waists,
Embroidery, Pique, Linens etc; ranging in
$,50 to $3.00. i.
INE AT$1:00.
me extra values in Ladies and chitdrP
Gowns, Corset Covers, Drawers, Princess
r� l •
■ l®
B �
•M14411•••4•••N411•44•41411••N•11,• 4
to Please
S Customers Baok
ure Buyers at this store iisvariably come :
they want more and bring their friends te
se, Our Furniture is to prove that it is
it looks and that is saying a whole Int, •
tatyttal Furniture can be bought !were
ney, saving prices. Why not 'secure what
need now while prices are so' favorable. •
-�� Du.nford
iture Dealers and Funeral Directors
Phone 104 •
27---NIGii'r AND -SwivrAY CALLS— -PHONE 16 •
1,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••
OUR Wall: " Hangings have
it decorative effect and value
which makes the home invit-
ing and comfortable. Our
designs e gns are .almost sure to suit
your• taste and our prices`
your pocket book; /siring us
the measurements of your
room and we will give you
an estimate of the cost.
Often Cheapest — Always the Best
- i'��lirJl�_,pggptllsuulwrnmuumuuge'
Mr. J. A. Irwin was in London on
Mrs. ,Alex , osbaldeston of Goderich.
visited dlinton friends the past
Mr.uans. T. W`Parlmer •of:Herr-
sal' visited at Mr. A. Wilkin's on
Miss Eva Cleft returned Tuesday „al-
ter a week's visit with Bcrvie and
Kincardine frieetds, •
Mr• Willis Bell' of Goderich is this
week visiting the several members
of the Carter family of town.
Rev. ,J, E. Ford has ,been in -Strat-
ford this week acting as chairman
of an examining board for, proba-
Mr, Chester 'Marshall, soar of Mr. and
Mrs. Joliii.Marshall of town, ler t
for 'Toronto last week to take a
position -
Mr. Len. Cantelon of Toronto. has'
been . home the past week being
nursed after rather a severe attack
Mr. W. Littlewood, a graduate of
the Clinton 13usiness-,College, has
accepted a position in the •of lice- of
the Piano Company.
Mr. Frederick Heelball', who liad in a
measure recovered from his' recent
•very severe. illness,,. is again, in a
serious condition.
Mr: Laverne Cook, son of Mr,,Josh.
, Cook, has taken a position as jun-
ior in • the Goderieh_,bianclt of the
Bank of ' Commerce,
14Ir. J. G. Medd has been somewhat
under the weather for the past few
days but it is hoped that he will
soon be quite himself again,
Mr; Wesley Newcombe di Fort` Wil-
liam. has been. in town. visiting his
father and sister, the Rev. H. New-
combe and Mrs. J. B. Evans. •
Mr, }q; J. . Tozer was in Toronto
this week attending the funeral of
his sister -in law, who died at her
hone in .that city on Saturday.
Mr, Percy Towne went down to 'hie.
home in Seafforth on. Monday and
from there to Chicago, where his
brother, harry, died on. Saturday.
Mrs. Margaret Thompson has been in
Blyth during the past weelq eisiting
her daughters, Mrs. Tiernay and
Mrs. E, G. McTaggart, who reside
Miss' May Smith, who has been
teaching at ,praythn, is holidaying
at, her home Iii town, her school
having been closed son account of
an epidemic of measles.
Miss Eleanor Broder returned to her
home at Morrisburg on' Monday af-
ter a three nionths visit .with her
Mrs, G. D.IcT a
)V a:r
gg . t„and
Mrs. 'M. -D. McTaggart of town.
Mr. Kenneth McConnell, who has
been working r at the l ?
F g
T. 1.
freight sheds for some trtne, has
taken a position with M,, J. Cun.
in ha f
g me o the Canadian Express.
Reeve Glen of Stanley was in 'Col:-
CoLonto last. week and on- .Tuesday and
Wednesday, from a seat in the
Speaker's Galley, listened to the de-
bates in t'he Legislature with inter-
est and pleasure. The worthy
Reeve is a close observer and,
doubtless, is now more than, ever
;convinced that Huron, the North
and South Ridings particularly, is
represented by 'very capable men.
Mr. W. J, Harland, who was home
over the week -end looking alter the
disposal of some of his household
effects which he did not 'wish to re-
move to Guelph, left again on, Tues-
day : afternoon accompanied by his"
sori Russel. `The rest of the fam-
ily ` follow later in the week. Clin-
ton is extremely sorry: to lose this
family -from' town, but Wishes them
' abundant success in the Royal
Ladies Springy
April 24th, I9I
Coats, Fawn and
�OP quick'selling Friday and Saturday we are layin • oui.1 5 ladies sing coats in plain g spring p a n fawn, fawn whipcord
and black,.well:,rilade, good litters, a splendid lot for knock. about wear during the' "ump
ll' n Friday � ,_ _ � s, Ji�er".'and early fall.
egu]al $5 up to $12, riday and Saturday your choice at half price.
This Vieek
Tapestr j,- Brussels,- Waitons and " Axminsters
This week we passed`into stock anotherr shipment of 28 new spring rugs in-
cluding the odd sizes; such as 21x3, 2.4x3;2--x3i, 31x41, 4x5, ;3 x* and 4x41 in
tapestry, Brussels, Walton and velvets, We are now in.a position to show the
largest range: of rugs ever shown in Clinton. If you have a rug' -want, come and
see this display, prices run frons $.6.75 to $45. .
The values we are showing in lace curtains -this season are extraordinary,, especially in the low and medium
priced lines you will find a large range of good designs iii Nottinghaims, Cable and Bungslow Nets. l.sk- ,to see
the range from $1 to $2 per pair.
Ladies' -Misses' and Chdldrens9
Dresses W
-In ladies' and misses dresses we are showing a
splendid range of silks, voiles and serges, very prettily
trimmed ane the latestword in style. In children's
tub dresses' made of •gingham, print and duck our
stock is complete` in all sizes. Space will not permit of
a description, Come and visit the range.
oys' and Youths'-Clothini
Half Price
Saturday we are laying out for quick selling 25
boys' ready made suite in two and three piece- wor-
steds and tweeds, all good style and” quality. This is
just a clearing line for Saturday only half price.
Wa-are also showing'a large range of clothing fol. boys
from 5 to 15 years at prices that will surprise you.
Personals. J A Pretty Wedding on the
Huron Road Yesterday.
Miss Hazel .O'Neilleaves
on Frk a
for 'Toronto to enter the. General A pretty little wedding was S'of-
hos sial, as a nurse -in -training, ctimizecl ab the home of to
pt g o the bride's
Miss Jessie Dodds, who has ,been father, • AIr Edward Jarman of the
spending a few' weeks with Blyth FIuron Road, near Seaforth; yester
friends, returned -.hone on Satur- day, when his daughter, Miss Annie,
day. was United in marriage with Mr,
Mrs; S. Cliaisgreen of Caledonia, who 'George A. Leitch of IIullett. • Thea
is visiting.. Mr: and-J1irs. •1), B. ceremony was performed bys the Rev,
Kennedy, is a sister of the for- Mr. Larkin in the presence of about
mer. - thirty invited guests. "1o bride
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lawson attended . wag prettily arrayed in white silk
. the wedding of Miss Arnie Jarman . and carried a baguet of cream roses.
to Mr. George Leitch of Hdtlett,' Tho young couple were unattended.'
which took place at the -home of After the ceremony luncheon . was
the, bride's faeher near Seafortit served and in the evening a reception
yestlerday. was heldu when . a ntunber. of the
Mr. Woody, the expert machinist at Young friends of the bride came to
the knitting factory, -has resignedoffer congratulations and good wish -
and leaves. this week after a. year es, Mr, and Mrs, Leitch will take.
or'so's,residence in Clinton. He is up their abode on the groom's .fart.
succeeded by Mr.. Hagris who arrived near Constance. They have'the best
this week accompanied by, his wife wishes of all for a happy, and pros'
and their two ehildiren,
Mrs. Walter Xing Was in Blyth on
Friday atterrling the funeral of the
late Mrs. • James. Logan, an • old BLYTH. •
friend, whose death was the result hIrs. Cleo, Sprin ford, .of Regina,
of burns she received the ex- ,
n, io d by e 5ask., is 'at presentg
plosion of a lamp a week previous- ou a visit to
ly. Mrs. Logan was alone in the her parents, AIr; and Mrs. Jrio.
house when the aceident occurred ter.
pit's. John Polls at and •Alts. Cortlrofe vis -
but managed to extinguish the
flames and phone for a doctor, -but ited theft sunt SeaFlast.
her injuries terminated, , in her week,
death a few days later., Rev, Mr, Thyne; of Palmerston, a
retired minister, yyho is engaged {.o
preach to the 1rurns Londesboro con-
Bi th eongregctions until• their now Wein.`
ister is inducted, . occupied .,the pulpit
Mr. Harvey' ;Skelton, . of Detroit of St. Andrew's Church Ilere"on Sun
visited his uncle and aunt, Mr, and day morning and evening. -Rev, W.
Mrs. Wm. Jackson, this }veek. D. Turner had charge of the ilure's
Miss Jessie Dodds, of Clinton, who Londesboro. services,
has been .tor the past two months a
guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
Dodds; re,turned home on Saturday. ODERI
Mr. and Mrs. Knox arrived home Bishop Fallon of London ,was in
on, Tuesday from She West and' are town on.Sunday ;last. 'lie preached
vtsiting the fonner's parents, in Hul- Morning . and evening in 5t. Peter's
lett. church.
Mr. Wm. Mason'' Sold one al his Good'Morning ! clear reader. How
horses to a `party in'' Kincardine and= does your sub.•to The News -Record
Shipped the sante last week. - read ?
peeout futurei •
The News Prom Londesboro
Rev, John G. Reid of :.Alma ac-
cepted the call from Burns and Knox
churches and will be inducted into
his new charge on May 7th. Mr, Reid
has been pastor of the Alma con-
gregation for four years and his de-
parture iarom there is much regretted.'
Mrs. M. Braithwaite left on Mon-
day to visit her daughter, Mrs,
Quinnie tnc of Ettrick. r
Mrs: I), Moody vi,s}ted Blyth .
the ever friends l e
n o e week -end.
Rev. Turner of Blyth It
I occupied
the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sun.
fday. :
Xt. John Melville was in Guelph
last week:
Me. and Mrs. T. V, Perkier of
Mensal' visited Londesboro friends ou
Hullett Township
Mr. John and 'Miss Maggio Mc
Guire of Goderich township Sunday -
cd at Air. John McIntosh's.
Miss Nellie Mclntosn returned to'
Toronto last . week after spending
several" weekswithher brother, Mr.
Jos. Melntosh; • •
Messrs, . John Reynolds and .Earl
Kelly of. Goderich 'spent Sunday, with
Mullett friends,
Miss Susie Haley of Clinton
Sunday ` with relatites'in this vicin-
Mr. George Car ort has boughtht a
fine horse to replace the oro which
he recently sold.
T 1
Good Morning . dear reader. Flow.
does your sub. to The -News-Record
read 1
An expert has been in town Sizing
up Main street with a view tothe
laying of concrete and work will be
commenced almost immediately.
LEITO}J—JARMAN—At tike home" of
the • bride's father, on, April t
l 23rd
Arnie, daughter of Mr. Edward
,Jarman of the Huron Road, • to
George A. Leitch of .i'3'ullett,
WATSON-7n, Blyth, do April 23rd,
to AIr, and Mrs W Watson, a ,
Mrs, B. B. Stephenson spent a wcele
with, her parents; Mr. and • Mrs,
Thos. Andrew of Gorrie,' recently.
Miss Clara Anderson -was a Sea -
forth visitor over Sunday,
Miss Marget i-Ienderson spent 6,'n -
day the guest pf her sister; Mos. 1),
Mr., Jos,- Cooper accompaated iii%.
mother back' from Clevclaal,; Ohio,
where she had spent thetet:
months with him,
Miss May Glazier of with Clinton spent
a few days herinti 'Sts
a , T
Sacker fishing is on. Quite a Hunt.
berwere , a
• upBenrniller this �u r.
Mr. Geo, Leitch is to be married
this week to Miss Jarman
forth. We offer congratulations,.
The News -Record - leads for Town,
and Township News,, Are you. a
The season for spraying for San
Jose scale it right on and another
year's delay will likely meant the
death of the orchaird. From now
till the leaves appear, the greatest
amount of good' can be done; during
the Matching out of the young scales,;
and a . coating of lime, sulphur read-
ily burns them up. -A spray just at
this throe is more effectual than at
any other as the scales have not
begun to form` o\er the insect.
Reinert, ber . Wednes-
day, April 30th will be
the 1list day of this Sale,
and we positively-ninet
have the balance of.,the
Twitchell stock cleared
out before that date.
We -are now within one weeks of the end of this, the greatest and most successful'
shoe sale Ever held in this town, That we have been able to do this, shows that our friends,
the people of Clinton, appreciate the many bargains that we have offered to them, It has
enabled us to dispose of a large portion of' thestock of J. T'wltchell &Soh, but we have
plenty of shoes for you to choose froln and if you have not visited our store yet do not
delay in doing so. We cannot` guarantee to give you the choice you can, get now, if you
leave it until the last day of the sale.
ap--ma 's
'We Will Ctntinue
the business carried on
for so many years in
this store by i'dr. • J.
Twitchell and a 'new
up-to-date stock will
take the place of the one
we aro disposing of.
Successor to J. Twitchell & Sell •