HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-24, Page 7emmlIF
Most Popular — with
Most People.— for
Most Purposes —
Comfort Soap
IG 11-111"4
News -Record and Mail and Emntre. 51.50
News:Iteeord and Glohe 1.60
Newe-Record and Family:Herald and
News.Reeord and Witness .. . . .. '1.76
News-R,ecord .,and Sun 1.7$
News•Recerd Rod, Free Press1.75
News -Record and . Advertiter -. 1.75
.News-Iteeord and •Toronto SatilsdaV
ews-Record and 'Irarmer;.
s .Advoc;ate .2.25
ewaltecord and Farm ,and 1.75
ii-Ftedord and Canadian Farm.,. 1.75
.eoord' and Youth's Companion 5.25
we -accord and Canadian:country.
..News-liecord anti The Fruit Grower
News -Record and,. 'Ri;O"..-
• SPortsman , ,3.u0
News -Record and Mail and Empire07.5
11&:;As',: g Drelle .".
News-Rec,ord and • Stwar. 2.30
News-Reeord antt World' . 3.25
News -Record and Morning FreeTrees 3.25
Neive-Record and Evenifig Free Tress 2.75
News -Record 08,1 Advertiser 3.00
News -Record and Pooltry Review ,1.25
,News(Record and Lippineott's Maga
» zine
News -Record- an.ti •CanMla Moonily,
If what 7011 want is not in this Est let
us know about it. We can supPlY yon ot
loss thaa it would cost you. to send direct.
In remitting pletine "do so by Post.office
Order,' Postal Note.‘ Express Order or Reg»
isteied letter and addreSS,
Puplishitr Naver.Racordi
„ Synopsis of Canadian 1,1014,111cent
, -
Any person who is the sole head
of a family, or any male over 18
Years old, may homestead a quayt-
,,,er- section of available Dominion
land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. The applie rit must ap-
pear Do
in person r'l i a minion
Lands Agency or El b -Agency for
the district. Entry. by proxy.
,may,he made at any agency, on cer-
tain conditions by father: mother,
son, daughter, brother or sister of
. -
- intending homesteader.
Duties.—Six..months residence
uprin ancl cultivation of the land in
. each of three years. A homestead-
er may live within nine miles of
his homestead on a, farm of at
least 80 Acres solely owned, and oc-
cupied by him or by his father,
mother, . on, daughter, brother or
' In certain districts &homestead-
er in good standing may Pre-empt-
a. 'quarter -section alongside his
homestead. Price, 3.00 •per &efts.
-Duties.--Must reside upon the
homestead or, pre-emption six
months in each of six years from
. date of homestead.entry (including
Alio time required to earn home,
stead patent) and cultivate -fifty
acres. extra. •
A homesteader who has exhausted
' his homestead right and cannot ob-'
tain a pre-emption may enterfor
a purchased homestead in certain
districts. Price, $3.00.
Duties. ----Must reside six months
in each of three years, cultivate
fitty acres and erect a house worth
' W. W. CORY, .
Deputy of the Miniiter of the In-
N.B.—Unauthorized publication
of this ad7ortisement will not be,
paid for.
'Buoy StraYed,From Levis,' Quebec,
to New South, Wales.
4. despatch f‘rbm Levis, (Lite.,
says: A gas buoy placed to mark
the wreck near here of the Traverse
pier in 1911, was carried away by
ice, and has been picked up in New
South Wales, a distance of 10,000
miles. Apparently it travelled south
until jiicked up by the equatorial
eurrents and wasborne to the
-southernmost end Of the continent,'
thence around Cape -Horn •to the
finding point.
Desperate Iluel for n Possessioof a
- Eel of Whiskey:
A despatch from- Fort William
says: Gustav Swawerie and Steve
Gorpy, two Finlanders, fought a
desperate duel over possession of a
Icfg of whiskey at Tolulu on
esday at noon,,,. from which both
emerged -- covered with worinds.
Swaivicrie's condition is critical, as
he was stabbed no less than seven
times about the head, face and
shoulders. Gorpy was also stabbed
in half a dozen places, but none of
his wounds is considered serious.
Read Mow Useful It Proved in
These 'Widely Different Cases.
Zam-Bules strongest point is its ef-
fectiveness in all kinds of skin dis-
eases and injuries. just note bow
excellent these persons proved it in
widely • different directions.
Sore tieel.—Mrs. C. A. Campbell; 'of
POWaSeall, Ont., writes: "One a my
heels was very badly blistered by a
pair of new shoes, and the poisonous
dye from my stocking got. into it, and
made a bad sore. For a week I could
not put on a shoe, 'and suffered great
nein. applied Zam-Euk, and in a
few days it drew tae poison out and
heated the wound." ,
Bad,Cut.Mrs. J. Virgint, of Onon-
daga, Ont., writes; " Kam-Buk healed a
bad cut 'Which I sustained. I 'was
hurrying across my yarA ontrday
I slipped and fell heavily, my knee
striking a sharp stone. At the mom-
ent I did not realize tow badly I was
hurt, but I found I had a bad cut
abput two inches long, very jagged
and very deep. We bathed the out
and applied -tarn -Bak. This stopped
the smarting very quickly, and in is
few days it had healed the wound
completely. For cuts. and bruises
Zam-Bulcl is a splendid remedy."
Eczema Cured.— Mrs. .Antoine Ar-
ienault of Maxiamville, P. E. I., writes:
"I can highly recommend Zam-Buk to
any person suffering from eczema.
had this disease and was under doc-
tors' treatment for two years, withmat
any good result. I then tried Zam-
Butt and In the end it cured Inc."
Zam-)3iik is just as good •for piles,
blood -poison, festering sores, pimples,
eruptions, cuts, burns, brutses, and
IM skin- injuriee and diseases. 50e.
box all druggists and stores; dr post
free for price from Zam-Buk Co., To-
ronto. Try Zan-Buk *fati, 25c. tabiet
Foreign Seeretary Will Go to Der -
lin With Ring and Queen.
.A. despatch" from London says:
The Daily Express says Sir Edward
Grey, the Foreign Secretary, will
accompany King George and Queen
Mary when they go to Berlin to
attend the wedding of the Princess
Victoria, Louise and Prince Ernst
of Cumberland on May 24. If this
statement is accurate it will give an
Ifospitality that puts a guest in obvious political. importance to the
the hospital is nothing to boast i visit. It will be Sir Edward arey'S
about. I first official foreign. visit.
To Our Friends and' Neighb�rs
, You know us. You -know we would not -L. that we could not
" afford to,- go back on ourword. Nor Call you afford to ignore
this money-back-ir•not-satislied offer on this splendid laxative.
We honestly believe WO have the should have been dispelled remain
best bowel rernedy ever made-- the to poison thesystem. •
most pleasant...to-take, most per- •Headaches,,biliousness, nervous-
ananently beneficial la,move for relief ness and -other tormenting and soli_
from the miseries and dengue.- arising
ous ills are common when the bowels from constipation. • • .....,
fail to act daily as nature intended.
We wouldn't say this if we didn't Ali this may bet avoided, if you will
believe it to be tine. We 'wouldn't accept our advice, •
statements did we not feel sure you
risk our reputation by makmg such . •
walid find them true.
Our &Rh is built both on the taste just like candy. They are '
soothing and easy in action. They
do not cause griping, nausea, purg-
ing or excessive lootenem. They
tendto tone and strengthen intestinal
nerves andmuebles. They pi mnidly
yofieveconstipation, and help to .por-
manently overcome it. \
knowledge of what Hexed Orderlies
are made of and, on observation of
'Very many severe cases in which they
thave proven lheir remit,
-.Try them at Our Risk
- Orderlies promote better
r If they do not ibundontly prove •spiritsand better health. In all of
their merit with -you also.- if ythl • these.things they -are Vastly superior
Are not entirely satisfied with them — to old-fashioned harsh salts and
we will refund your money — and we • other purgatives, which are not only
will do .that, on your more say -So. unTileasant to take but' which nsnally
"We'd,on.'t tisk you tti risk a PennY, leave the bowels in worse condition
,Isn't that f.01i1 ' than before. -We particularly recent-
Jnat let ine bowels fall in isoporly mdsd Resall Orde,rlieri .41oldren, ,
'doing their work --[just let their aged and delicate persona. •
'fiction be delayed and incomplete Hexed Orderlies conic in vest.'
and the entire system and every noalcat. axes, jeldets, 10c;
,ptlier organ auffers. 'Wastes, that 36 te,isido; zsel 3o tablets, 80e.
CAXJT1ONi Please bear in rnind,that flaxen Orderlies are not sold by all' &de.'
bids. You can buy Resell Orderlies only at the Noxell Stores.
You can buy Resell ()Oodles in this community only at our store:
Clinton The VII. Store
There is rt Resall Store in nearly every town and city in the tinite'd States, Canada end
Great ,TI?ore ie a different Resell Remedy for nearly every ordinary, human in-.
• /mob 811me:0017 designed -10r thp particular ill for which 11. 10 rear nanon(feil,
'flee Rexall Stores are America's Greatest Drug Stores
Prices ot,batom
s, Criiin,...Cneese and Other
Produce at Hoe and Abroad.
Totiouto, (1:PrIP-22,-.Flour-Outario flours,
90 per cont. pabentm 63.90 to 93.95, Most»
real or Teronto freights, - Afitnitoba0i-
11036 .patents, in jute bags, 45,20; second
patents, To jute bags, 04.80; strong bak.
ers'».. in jute bagn, $4.60.
Manitoba Wlicat-No, 1 Northern, 988, on
track, Bay sorts; No. 2 at .95 1.4c; No. 3'
at 92 1.2c, 13ay -port°.
Ontario, WhoaC-No. 2 white aml red'
wheat, 94 to 960, oulcido, :Nal sprouted',
Oats --Ontario oats, to 34e, outside,
and t at '37e, on track, Toronto. 1,-Vestern
Canaria oats, 420 for No. 2; -anti. 40c for
No,,3, Bay putts: N6. 3 C. W,, 36 to 361.20,
at bombing obi navigation. -
Peas -90e to 91, Outside..
- Ilaricy-Forty,eight-lb, Mirley. of good
quality, 51 to' 63of outside Seed, 40 to
Corn -No. 3 Abnerican corn, 62 'to 62 14e,
itnd at 80e, it Bay, ports, on
opening. .61 navigation., '
ityePrices ,are norniMbl.
• Buckwheat -No. 2 at $2 to 63e, outside.
Bran --Manitoba bran, "919, in hogs, Te•
ronto freight. Shorhs, $21, Toronto. ,
Country Produce.
Butter -Dairy 5,0-0010, choice, .26 to 200;
do.., tubs, 2 to 26e; inferior, 21 to 22e;
creamery, 32 to 33e for rolls, and 30e
ifor, solids. •
Biggs -Case lots, 20e here, and at 16 to
17c outside. , ,;
Cheese -14 1-2.c for large, and 14 3.4o for
Beans -Rand -picked, 42.10 to $2.20 ocr
bushel; primes, $2, in a jobbing waY. •
-Ifoney.-Extracted,- 111 tino,. 12 14c
per.lb. for No. 1, wholesale; conabe, 62.59
to 53 or dozen, for No. '1 and. 5240 or
Roultry-71Chielrene,,'.18 to 200 Per 111,
fa*); 14 to 500;. turkeys, 20 to 21e. Live
Poultry, about 20 lower than the above.
-.Potateeo-tElood ,Ontario stock, 600 per
bag, on track, and Delawares at 780 per
hag, on track.
. Provisions.
• Bo.eon--Long-eleav, 16 » to 15 1.2°. per lb..
in ease lots. Fork -Short cut, $26 to --$27;
do.,,mess, $21.50 to $22. Ilame-kledium
to lght, 401-1 to 18 Mc; heavy,' 161-2 to
176; rolls, 16e; breakfast bacon, 191-2 to
200; backs, 281-20.
Lard -Tierces, .14 1-9e ; tUffsr 141-2c; parte,
14 3.4c.
a ed Hay and Straw:
Baled Ilay-No. 1 at $12 to $12.50, on
track, ,Toronto; No. 2, 010.60 to $11. Mired
lia.y is quoted at $9.50 to 410..
Baled Straw -flood • straw at 58.50 to
$9, on track, 11`oronto.
• Seeds.
Merchants ore quoting to- farmers, per
hundredweight. as follows:- Ited clover,
No. 1, 524 to 426.50; dd., No. 2, 523; Alsike,
No. 1, 528 to $31; do., No. 2, MA tb 426.50;
Timothy, /To. 1, $7.50 to 98; do., No. 2, 66
to $0.50; Alfalfa, No. 1, 41050 to 120.50;
do., No. 2, $17.50.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, April 22, -Oats - Canadian
Western, No. 2, 440: do., No. 3, 40 14e; ex.
tra No,. 1 feed, 41 1-2e, Harley -Manitoba
feed, 51. to 52e; malting, 70 to'75o» BUck-
Wheati-No. 2, 66 to 58c, ,Flour -Manitoba.
Spring, wheat patents. »firsts, *5400 do.,
seconds, $4,90; strOng bakers', $4.70; Prin-
ter patents, choice, $5,25; etraight zollers,
$4.85 to $4.90; do., in bags, $2,20 to 02.35.
Rolled Oats -Barrels, $4.20; bag of 90 lbs.,
$1,97 1-2, Milifeed-Bran, $20; shorts, $22;
middlings, $25.; mouillie, $30 to al Ray
-No'. 2 oar lots, per ton, $12.50 to $13.
Cheese -Finest westerns, 1.3e; do.. east -
erns, 121-2 to 12 3-4c. . Butter -Choicest
creamery, 32 to 33e; eecond, 30 to 31o. Bliga
-Fresh, 21 to 22c. Fotatoes--Per bag. car
lote, 50 to 680.
Winnipeg Crain:
Winhipeg, April 22.-Cas1i-W.heat-No. 1
Northern, 093»4e; No. 2 Northern, 87e; No.
3 Northern, 841 -In; No. 4, Ole; No. 5, 761.2;
No. 6, 711-20; feed, 520; 40. i roiectml
seeds, 84e; No. 2 do., (act No. 3 do.. 781-4a;
No. 4 do., 741-20; NO. 6 do., 401-20; No. 6
do., 641-20; feed, tough, 56 1-2c; No. 1 red
winter, 92e; No. 2, do„ 091-46; No. 3 do.,
86 1.2c; No. 4 do., 831140, Oata-No. 2 0.
W., 341-90; No. 3 C. W'., 32 14c; extra No.
1 feed, 331-4n; No. 1 feed, 321»40; No. 5 feed
351-4*. Barley -No, 3, 49e; No. 4, 480; re.
lected, 43o; feed, 42e. Flax -No. 1 19.-W.0..
$132 1.2; No. 2 CI.W.,, $1.10 No. 3 CAP.,
$1,03 1.2. ,
United States Markets.
Binnoanonis, April 22. -Wheat -May,
86 1-8c ; July, 88 3-8o; September, 88 3-4o.
Closing cash, No. 1 lard. 885-00; No. 1
Northern, 860.8 to 881-00; No. 2 Northern,
84,3.8 to 861.56. No. 3 yellow corn, 65 1-2e.
No. 3 white oats, 311-2 to 32o. No. 2 rye,
56 to 580. Bran, $16 to $17. 1?lour, in
wood. f.o.b. Minneapolis, firet,patente, $4.-
30 to $4.65; second patents, $4.16 to $4,50;
first clears. 63.10 to $3.40; second clears,
4160 to $2.80.
Duluth, A,pril 22. -Wheat -No. 1 hard,
877-00 eNo. 1 Northern, 86 7-8e; No. 2 Nor.
thern, 837-0 to 847-00; -May, 87 343c bid;.
July, 091-4a; September, 801-1o hid; No. 1
Northern to arrive, 86 Me. Linseed, $1.-
383.4 to $1.28 743; to arrive, $1.28 1-9 to 41.-
207»8; May, *1.287-00 July, 41,311.4 bid:
Septembo'F, $1.32 3-4 bid; October, $1.32 1-8
Live Stook Markets. ,
Montreal, April 12.-Prinie beeves, 7 to
near 71-4' medium, 6 1-4 to 61-4; common,
4 to -5. Mitch cows, 1935 to $70 each; oalves,
2 1.2 to 6h ghee's, 4105 1-2: lamba, 7 tO 7 1-2;
spring larabe, $5 to 06 each; hogs, about
12 1-2.
., Toronto, April 22.--(lattle-Ohoiee export,
$6.50 10 .46.70; Choice butcher, $6.40 to $6.-
60; good medium, $6.00 to $6.50; .common, -
$5 to 55.20; cows, 55.25 to $5.75; Mille, 55.25
to 55.75; canners, $2 to $2.50; cutters, $5.26
to $3.76: Calves -Good veal, $5 to IP;
choice, $8.50 to 59; common'43_,,to 83,26.
Stockers and Feeders -Steers, 700 to 1,000
• pounds. 54.50 to ssap; yearlings, $340 to
$8.50; extra, choice heavy feeders, 900
pounds, $5,85 -t,o $6. Milkers and Swing.
xre-From $50 to $72. Sheep' and Lambs --
Light twee, 46 ,to 67.261 heavg, 415 tO 56;
lambs, 28.21 to- 510; • bucks. $4.50 to $6,
If0gs0-$9 J5 to 49.60, fed and watered; $9.20
to 69.25 f.o.b., and $9,85 off cars.
The Would -14' -Assassin . of Bing
Al foino.
A despatch from Madrid says:
Alegre, -thesAnarchist who attempt-
ed to assassinate the King, -will be,
tried by an ordinary. tr,ibunal -in-
stead of by a military ;court-mar-
tial. It has been found that the re-
volver used by Alegre belongs to a
police agent, Re has been detain-
ed by. the authorities and will be
interrogated in regard tb the man-
e.ir in which the wbuld-be a.ssassin
came to possess it. •
George Rootlet Killed- in an „ssbesi
Soup prohlnms solved.
Clark does the worry-
' lag and the work -
wad agsures satisEic-
Order„ an annOrtitient,
tWteil# hiftriSif
r ,
neoriF nye Li;
Canada, the Empire and, the World
In General Before Vow
- Eyes.
Na,vigation opened at the head of
the lakes eight days earlier than
last year.
Mr. R. W. Crowley ..wa,s appoint-
ed Chief Inspector of Toronto Pub-
lic Schools. .
From Montreal to Vancouver in
72 hours is the objecthe of the
• Waterloo County Council will
spend $30,000 on making model
roads this season.
Prairie fires are reported 'trent
'Saskatchewan, several farmers hav-
ing been Inumed ont.
Alex. Sinclair, probably the old-
est resident of Middlesex county,
died in London ekThursday, aged
a hundred and two years.
MisstGladys Meredith ef Brant-
ford was awarded $1,560 damages
against the chief of police arid -two
other officers and 1)y. Ashton for
false arrest, imprisonment and as,
-Bouldei, an Englishman,
dropped :dead at E. D. Smith's
factory, Winona, one hour after
starting on his firsb job n Canada.
His widow and family are in Eng-
Nova Seotia's estimates show.
Revenue, $1,902,016, and expendi-
ture, $1,890,788, including $342,000
for education; interest, 43424,744;
'public Charities, $242,000; road,
Waterloo County Connell Nvill buy
a motor car for,F. C. ILIA, District
Agricultural Inspector of Galt, to
enable binitto travel the county giv--*
ing farmers instructions 111 spraying
and proper drainage. •• '
The militia department and the
natibnal bureau of breeding are co-
operating whereby the military
manoeuvre areas north of Medicine
Bat and in British Columbia will
'be utilized for the breeding of
horses. -
Chief Engineqr Bowden.; 'of the
Department of Railways and Ca-
nals, and Engineer Weller, who is
in charge of the new Welland Ca-
nal eonstruction, have returned
from an educational trip te„the Pa-
nama Canal Zone.
Great Britain.
Holyrood Castle, the famous Roy-
al castle in Edinburgh, has been
closed because of damage done by
suffragettes. -
West -end business houses in Lon-
don have entered action for £2,000
• sustriined by window -smashing suf-
fragettes, ,
Geo. Lansbury, former Socialist
M.P., who advised ,suffragettes to
destroy property, has been called
40 court under the statute provid-
ing for preventive justice.,
United States.
• Jersey City has voted for govern-
ment by commission.
• Ruffalo may establish a hospital
for treatment of drunkards,
It is reported that Dr. F. F.
tos Mine.
A despatch froni Black Lake,
Qne., says: Creorge Boullet Waffi
killed and Napoleon Pare was
. .
dangerously mlured by a cave-in
at the asbestos pit of the Johnson
Company on WednesdaY.
TRUCE Will N 0 T BE, B110 EN' .
CI eller ally Predict ell That Ballot n
War Is Over.
A despatch,/from London says:
Detailed despat.ches from variousd
puts show that a truce of ten -clays
be.tween tlie Turks and. Bulgarians
was agreed on verbally On April 14,
The truce was on,, the initiative or
the 1.1ttlea-ians, ami it is genr,rallY
ptccnetted ot,,t it \vitt not. be I.: rol,..tut I
From [cid
To Grandad
Thin, crisp bits of white
Indian Corn, coolced to
perfection and toasted to a
•delicate brown without the
touch of human hand.
You -get them in , the
sealed package.
Ready. to Eat
• A dish of Post Toasties
for breakfast and lunch,
witlr cream or rich
fruit juice, is a dish that ep-
icures might chortle over.
delicious, "niove-ish.'"
Canadian Posture Cereal CO„
Windsor, Ontario.
F'riodritattri has sold his seerel fer-
0111106 for 11.500,000..
A mothers' Pension- bill providing
for monthly payments te', indigo -1A
mothers ,by,,tbe 'counties of Penn-
sylvania has pased the.legislature.
Mayor Gaynor..of Nev York ha&
authorized the city to advertise 10
Canada for student .nitrseo owing V.).
th f ' • t ' • t
e t y app can 3 in la
Franlf,lifashok, fifteen, ,was shot
and Killed at Olevohaud by Harry
Bomlom 41,who says that the 184
and lib, playmates annoyed him
while at work.
„Depression of trade, due to the
recent floods in ihe middle west,
given by the IVIehlivain Shoe Com-
pany for closing its eleven factories
is Manchester, _
Itehellion continues to spread
throughout Mexico,. • '
FPur men were lcilled and n, ,fifth
is-dYing'as the result of an army
ballerm explosion ne'ar" Paris, on
Thu rsday.
The Greek Parliament voted King
Constantine a civil list of' $400,000
and the Dowager Queen Olga $60,-
Karl Kopf, a fencing 111a.st,or
prominent, in sporting circles „in
Berlin has been airested. at Frank-
fort -on -the -Main on the charge Of
having killed his first two wivesi and
of trying to poison' the third One for
the ineimanee.
Mrs. J. Quir.ling, of Ninette,
Man., --pays. "My little boy was suf-
fering very badly from a forni of
'skin disease over his eye. I applied
Zam-Buk, to the affected part, and
in a'very short time Ithe Berea were
Mrs. F. Miners, of '311 Suffolk
St,, Guelph, Ont., says : "IVLy little
"daughter Lorinda, (6); contracted a
skin clisea:se,- This 'first broke out
like tiny water blisters,t afterwards
taking the form o dry scabs.' These
would disappear for a short time,
and then reappear worse than ever;
We tried Zam-Buic and persever-
ance' -with its use resulted in a
epro." ••
A.11 druggists and stores sell
Zam-Ilitle- at 50e. box or post free
from :Zara-Buk Co., Toronto, upon
receipt of price.
Number 'for Year Exceeds
• lion of New BrunsWlek.
.A.7. despatch froin 'Ottawa says:
During the fiscal year ended Mareh
3181, 1913, 402,432 immigrants ar-
rived in Canada., This total is made.
up of 150,542 British, 139,009 from
the United States., and 112,881 from
all other countries combined. 1111r
migration to Canada for the preced-
ing fiscal year, twelve months
ended March Lat, 1912, Was: Bri-
tish, 138,121; from the ;United
States, 133,710; and from all other
countries combined, 82,408; total
354,237. Percentages of increases
aro : British, 9 per cent.; American,
4 per cent. '• other ccnittries 37 per
cont.; `totali14 per cent:. To illus-
trate the magnitude of the figures
just quoted, it is necesaary to only
state that last years' immigration
to Canada is -greater than the total
population of New Brunswick, ac-
cording to the census of 1911, by"
more than fifty thousand souls.
Morris Seifert Arrented ler-Riding
His f •
A despatch' from Montreal says:
14Iorrin- 'Seifert, „who originally
claimed that his 'Wire was moithally
shot in a struggle between them
over a revolver she had pointed at
him, has been found criminally re-
sponsible for her death by a, coro-
ner's jury and has been •arYested
charged with muider. Seifert now
contends that he was reading the
paper at the time the fatal shot vvas
fired and that he -sprang to his feet
to see his wife fall to the gronnd.
euichlY ntopn eougho, cures ot,lein, and heals
the throat and tangs. 1; :: siS cents.
Griggs --I wonder if Roller is liv-
ing within his income'? Briggs —
Within it,1 Why, he's living so far
beyond it' that the,y may be said to
be .really living apart.
This, Spring Cleanse
• Your Blood
Of those impure, poisonous matters—blood lunnor3
—that have accurnulad in it during the winter.
The inaequaled and really wonderful success of
IToods Sarsaparilla -in cleansing the blood makes it
the medicine you should take.
The secret of its success is the fact that it is
the best possible conabinatiOn of the best known
agents, roots, barks and hers, for giving strength
and tone to the bodily organs and functions.
Get flood 's» Sarsaparilla at once.
Whooping Cough -
itaventimplits ems, ,
A einlate, sate and emotive treatinent foe broil.
algal troubles, avoiding drugn. Vaporized Crosoiono
ships the pneoNyerns of Whooping CoLigh and Willer..
Spasmodic Croup :donne. It Ina BOON'to sufferers
front Asthma. The air carrying thenatisentle vapor,
Inspired with every tiding), mire. breathIng vonly ;
soothee the Bore throat end stops tho cough. assuring
restful nights. ft Is Invaluable to mothers with
Affeod postal for descriptive booklet.
TABLETS forth° Irritated
Smoot. They are Minnie,
effective and Rothman°.
Of your druggist or from
SO, 300.10 5100180»
Vivo Crerolene Co.
. 82 CorIlasidt St, 2LY.",
La.wout mit., Sighting
Montreal, Cun. 3
Traces ef' Alum Found hi Some
• SaMples ot Pieldes.
A despatch from Ottawa' says:
That, although traces of alum as a
preseuvative had been found in
twenty per cent. and of moldiness
in five per oent. of eighty samples
tested, bottled •pickles as sold in
Canada- were on the' whole very. sat-
isfaetory from the standpoint of
purity is thel gist of a report just
issued by -the Inland Revenue De-
Campbell'sVarnish Stain
Th. best and most durable finish for.,
Flwirs,Furnihire&Woodwork ,
There is nothing likeiti 1310t,83
Made by Catponter•Morton Co., Boman'
Morel di. Coupon nt cle;loin erne end re.
CeiVa one ei the Campbell Baum 1-1okhrs fee
Welland County Lihense Comm
stoners cautioned sixty hotelkeep
to keep the law.
' St.Thomas Y.M.C.A. raised 111
Shan 887,000 in its campaign
$50,000 for a new -building.
• Forty years in use,, 20 year
standard, prescribed and t
mended by physicians. Vet
tuaties Ailinents,. Dr. 111
Female Pilts, at your druggis
We have prepared -a Special' Folder dealing with
A 77 Profit ..Sharing Bond
'in a Well Established ilidusti-
We consider these bonds an exceedingly
• good investment from the standpoint
of reliability and _good interest
Copy Malted on Request
National Securitorporat
A Splendid 10880 Heusehold Cpeelakylo being Introduced ail (iv r Oat
predated by the Thrifty flousewife who wants thing( °Just a little Setter.
Card to -day. Simply sity5- ,
"Send Pachage of Household Specialty
Advertised in In y Newspaper."
'Thavs all -Yon will be dellgh mit Fay If Satisfied -We take the 25
Sox 1250, Montreal, Can. -Thie Offer expires anne let, 100, Send toidityl
Free of al
This guaranteed go
given free of all eh
lady who will sell 40
Greeting and other
O set (six beautiful
This clock is a spl
le an ornament to
room. It, stands 9
Send us your nam
*111 send you. the
sold send us the 01
you the clock, a
• Address. ,
Homier -
DEPT. 12
The investment of $4,00, distributed
guidance assures safety and ,returns a
1st. Itallithad 'Equipment Bond .
2t01.—$1,o091 llonil .,.,...,.... .
3rd. — $1, 00... El Ent I asS 111 iiti id/tat , I) ehe
ilyst,"ater•tg:ige ItOn(i,
in. -this maioioer 1111d er
regular income :--
Income Yiel
.. .. "''' ' • • •2 • • ..... •
genii rket 51 7
Avera%e Income ..,.....
We shall send particulars -of these n struents to enn,ble you to investigate the
- .
,Seertrify satir3factorily.
0741111011 ECUTE
'8140 51-M.4'10T