HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-24, Page 6FLJN OF G1iCLJ KING. Sought to ,Costeeal Ills Movement Prom Detectives. _ _ _ ing- George or Ureece was, particularly averse to being ueder tho sUrveillanee of deteetives. ,He often derived amuderment, when Ida- -yelling abroad, in coneeading his •Inevem,ents from the men who were asSignecl to watch and, protect him :frean each attacks as resulted in his death at 'the handsOf' an assassin at Sailoniki. French detectives tell many stor- ies of the ,king's devices to elude them. It was his majesty's custom to go every year to- Aix-les,-Bain's for the, waters, and the French government always efiarged itself with the,a'esponsibility for his safe- ty. The 'king from time to time would Seek. out 'the men ;charged with his proteteionand expostulate on the futility of following him. The answer always ' was, an apol6gy, OaueFert with, the explanation that the orders of superiors "liad to be obeyed: . • . One day at Aix-les-Bains, King • Georgewas walking along the road .Mount P,everd.when he 'netieed two men of the Paris politleal police shadowing hien, 'Here was 8,h op- portunity tpLay. .the ''sletiths a triek. -The - king entered a little , roadside wine sho,p,,plaeed his hat, stick and gloves on the 411 of an open window; eat down at- a table just out pf sight ef 'the winde'w, and 'ordered' a. glass of beer. In a few moments he slipped quietly out a back doore pulled`Out `orhiS pocket 'a ,cap Ale' take the place of the hat he -had left -behind,' c]imbcd a fenee, and gbt-away unnoticed. The watchers- soon discovered their mistake and began at owe a search for ehe'trail., They found the king three hours. later -Wiring • someeweedeehopPers on the high eest 0.f4iyir!g. The tregtc death of King George has brought out another remieis- cence of this "deimecratie 'monarch entered' in a photograph, which shows the king climbing- overthe seats of a railroad .passenger ear in an endeavor bo catch a canary bird thrttering against the rook. On.the express from Paris to Frenkfort an old lady BS—travel— ling in company with her pet can- ary; the deer of the cage slipped opep, wad the bird escaped. The king, travelling ineegnito, was in the fleet compartment. Hearing She clamors of the old lady, he came in and, after a long ehttse,-succeed- 'ed in capturing the fugitive bird and restoring it to its delighted owner. Meantime some one took a snapshot (delis majesty, Furs Iu Czar's Wardrobe: On furs alone the Czar spendsat least $5,000 a year, and sometimes more. Every winter His Imperial 1VIttjesty purehttses two fur -wets that coat him 250 guineas eaele ead every three years or an he pur- chases- a couple of coats Haat °est him double that figure. In eddition• to Ooze Octets the Czar bilge a num.- �r of fur caps and gloves. The ales of the furs in the. Oars ardrobe is g'enerally estimated as eing frem $10,000 to p5,000. _ ' How Food Warms Plants. It appears that plants, like ani- mals, are warmed., by food, aend German botanist his fournd that V011 tPgifiical plants are made, more resistant- to cold • by introducing nutrients inbe the p111-nt ceL1. Vari- ous eubstances have different de- grees of effect. The augers give greatest resistance to cold,' with glycerine next in protective action, and after them eatea the alcohols and acetone. • 11' 04:)' "The Painili). Friend for 40 ye,." A never failing rellerfor Croup pod Whooping Cough. ;One Way. .i/So you claim to be a literiiy man, eh?" `‘Yes,- sir I wrote that book: A. Dozen Ways to IVIalea " "And yet you ;are begging l" "Yes, sir; that's 0013 of ,the ways.',? . • I oonsider liLLNARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment' in use. ' I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it was as well as ever next .day... Tours livery. '113 G. iltaXeCTLLEN. "Before marriage .1 used to sit up rail midnight wishing he would go orrie." - "Yes?" "Yes, and since e are married I „sit up until mid- ight wishing that he would come onae." PILES CURED IN 13 TO 14 DAYS. Your druggict will refund money IY PAZO OINTMENT tails to cure any,case of Itch. Ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in to 14 days. 613e. Puzzles of Science. Everyone k-nows that the diamond e only ehareoal eryStallized; but there are a great many other things in. Nature that, though possessing widely different properties are eone- posed of ,exactly equal quantities of the same elements: 'Phe white of an egg and rattlesnake poison, are formed of identically the samo imOunts of the saints elements. -The oil of roses and common coal gas ire each formed alike both being aempesed el four atoms of hydro -gen Ind four atoms of carbon, Sugar Ind gum arable are likewise broth - re of the same weight and texture. Mike—Why do Shim false ayes be naele of glasa, now? Pate -Shure, trl'ehOw else could they see throo em, ye thick-head.7 ' .S1?ILL .eV1' 1()2, NVere Tried 1.0j- 'Vegas '• Without, li.ledichM, In the, pleasaut velleY of, Cater' eome twenty miles outside London England there lives a cen- tenarian who boa.sis that lie is the oldest/bachelor in Englund and has lived 101 years without taking inedi- eine. Ile is Rebeit Crichton, ,who Was born' in Perthshire, Soetland, on April_ 3, 1812. He is a descend-, ant of the. Crielitons of Cluny, the branch:of the family to ehich be- longed "the Admirable 'Criehton." Starting. life ae a solieiter, at -the age of 27 he went to Australia with his brother 'James and the two en.. tared intO ;partnership with an army surgeon and acquired a cattle faran, • 400 square miles in area'. Here their sisteiejoined the TWO ' b r oilers and the three resolved never to marry, a compact that was faith- fully kept. , After twenty years the brothers and 'the, sister returned` tO Erigland with a fortune a,nel built a house in Horsham, Sussex., Where they lived until they moved tee Caterham, twenty-two years ago. After ex- amining the IVIardene estate, which they contemplated buying, Criclitee &eked- teebe shown the churchyard, saying that it ,wee there they would beet. find out if it were a healthy place tei'live in.. The ages on the ..tonilistones proved -satisfactory and they ,bought the,esiitte. The !brother and sister have died, but Itebert, on the eve of his 102nd ireetill strong. Ho is 15 nee- steoltee and alraost • a reetotale ,r' but likea pinch of enuff. -Upsio the age of 97 he played billiards with sexier .skill, hut failing ,night made him give up the game'. Are You Droopy, Tired, Worn ()11131 , Here is Good Alvice to All Who Feel as if Their Vigor and Life Had All,Rozed This Condition Can be Quickly Cured by a Good Cleansing Medicine. ' You experienee,,,ie probably somewhat similar to that 'described by Mr. J. T. Fleming hetes following letter from his home in Lebanon: "I think 1 muet have the most; eluggish sort of a liver. In the morning my mouth was bitter, and that foul, soft feeling that tells you 'No breakfast needed here this morning.' •A cup of coffee would port of brace me up, but in two hOUTS X Wee dieregOd. be quit work, all energy having oozed out of me. Supper -was my only good meal, but I guao 13 didn't digest. very well, for I dreamt to beat the band. A friend of mine put zee vitae to P. HaMilton'e Pille. / think they must have taken hold •of my liver, perintme. My stomach. th°. because at the very Start they made things go right. Loole at me" nor -not' sleepy in the daytime, but hustling for the mighfy • dollar and getting fun out of life every minute. That's what ta. Ilarallton's Pills have done for me -they have rebuilt and rejuvenated -my entire To keep free front headaches, to feel young and bright, -.to enjoy your melds, So glom) sound and ,look your best, no. thing can help like Dr. Hamilton'e Pills. 250. por box, live for $1,00 at all druggists andstorekeepers ok postpaid --from Tlso Catalsrhozone Co., Ruffen), N. 1"., and Kingston, Canada. SPINSTERS WED- CONVICTS. ,Sialffese Ring Unbeliever -Itt "Un- appropriated Blessing." Kings of Siam apperontly do net believe in the wisdom of allowing single women to drift unattached about the country. In certain die.' tricts after a girl hae reached HD age where her securing for herself a husband is considered doubtful, she becomes a "daughter of the king." That is, the king takes upen him- self the task of settling her suitably in life. • • - His process is quite simple and to the poiut: Ile proceeds to the Siarmese • penitentiary and loeks over the earioua prisoners, There is a law in Siaan that any prisoner CAE obtain his release by marrying one of this class of girls, and, nae turaely.enough, any prisoner whom the king pieles out is not likery to be backward about consenting to the eeremaony. Nor does it make any difference if he is' married; for the' men of that ;Country are not re- strieted to one wife. • I As far ae can be learned, there is no allowanee made for the inclina- tion of the girl in question. She has failed in her MiSSIOE in life, as far as herself is concerned, ,and she must abide by the decision of the king. ' - ,CURES rIIt-JMCC°0"GII: etLD EmploYer (to his elerk)-L"Is it true that when the -clock strikes six you put aDWII your pen and go, even if you aro in the middle of a word 8'' •'Certainly not, sir. When it gets so near to sixal that I never begin the word at all l" Ell. 4. Steed the.Test D 0,D D 'S 1C1i)fY 1)11.1,13 ING A liEPUTATiON IN 'FILE wi;''iT Saskatehewart Man Tells Row l'he Cured Rim, After-, Four Month Suffering front,.• Backache an Otherl'orms of kitincy iliseas , St. Phillips, Sask., April 21 (Special)—In a , new country, where chabgesof climate and •pure water water are among the difficul- ties -to he surmounted kidney treu- ble is' pre -Cale -et., It is the kidneys, the organs that strain the iinpUre ties, Out ,of the blood, that first feel any undue strahren the bedy. Oen- sequently, 'Dodd'a,, Kidney Pills heyee be en well tried and tested in this neighborhood. • They have stood the test. Many settlers teli of backache, rheuma- tiset .-and urinary' troubles cured ,by Dodd's- Kidney .Pills. , Mr. Otto 'DIaliewski is one of these, In speaking of his. 00136 110 says , "I suffered from kidney disease .for four months'. MY beak .aehed, I had heart flutteringeeread wag al- ways tired and nervous..Myskin had a harsh, dry feeling; my limbs were heavy ; 041(1'1 had 13 dragging sensation across the loins. "1- consulted a doet,or, but, as did not appear to improve, I de cided to tey.Doeld's,Kideey.Pills. usied six boxes, and. now I Ain al right." •- , Docld's.Kidriey Pills always,. stan the..test. . Ask yorir neighbors: 31 s, , tor a while and then Unlaced. d "The -metal rivets will be epe- e 'cielly used in dissection. '1 pro- cured the ordinary shoe -eye rivet$' says Dr, Green, "and found that the 7:Jets ,very easily and conveni, iently could be applied to the skin edges, as to a boot or legging, and that they will hold vvith eufficient firmness to allow the incisien to he. laced up with string. In case of dissection, an entire body can be equipped without appreciable la- bor, and can be laeed and unlaced frern head to foot in it few moments. "I am' led to 'record my use of this device in the hope 'that it May prove of service and-e,onvebience to others in similar work. RiVets,' in-' stead of silk thread, will now be used, except in epeciad cases." , Ult G 0 NS ,,LAC1. UP WOUNDS. Doctor Says Rivets Will Ile Used • San beates of Future. , Tire 'surgeon ef tlae /tibiae will rivet wouricis it/stead, of sbwing -hem up, 'bays 1)r. Robert M. Green; a., profeasor of anatomy in , liervaed Mediettl Sehool, whe has invented all automatic device for the purpose.' RiCets are better than thread, ho says, b,ceante, if anything is, wrong you can be laeed WAR TIME -TABLES. German. Railways Are •Always In ReadinesS. At all times, even ..when there is no talk of war in the; air, 3here is locked up in every. Gorman station. - 'master's desk a set of war time- tables—a eeparate time -table for every e,ountry with whicha war is possible, including -France, Britain and Russia, while -even .Austria- Hungary,is not exempt. Whenever war is declared every stationmaster picks out the particular time-talole required, and at onde all the trains run automatically on "war time," and for war purposes-. Eaeh'.-tinne- table is'revised ones"a year, in or- der to pt ±5with any alteration that may have been made in the plans Zcf 'campaign,. Each man liable to serve in the reserve is in posses- sion at all times of a warrant, for travel, and when war breeke out does not require to wait on instruc- tions, but must report himself at once to his particular territorial de- pot, or at least by 10 o'clock in the • morning following the declaration of war. Otherwise he is liable to a heavy penalty. All carriages are reark-ed with the number o$ eoldiers they cah carry, tetteks with the size and weight of cannon that can) be loaded on them, and the number of horses that,cen be taken on each vehicle. Of course all the railways belong to the State, and this simplifies matters; 'but in ,time of war every- thing gives way,' before the array. 1 d and the moo is fast deteriorating, and seems likely to die out in course of tide. ,Cannibals Dying Out. The people of the Solomons (the Cannibal Islands) are rapidly. de- creasing in numbers. Dr. W. Thor- oldQuaife, medical offieer in the islands, declares that the decrease in population is due to the fact that tribal ',carfare has CALLaed and the natives no longer kill one another. This warfare ruled to keep the 00 - Sivas "fit" and. energetic, , NOW they have become lazy and inert, If Breathing is Difficult, If Nostrils,are Plugged, You Have Catarrh At Last a Remorly That Already Has Pa. manuntly Cured Thousands. . fPeehaps you haven't heard of the new rornear--ite ao .pleasant to use -411/s the nose, throat and lunge 'with a healing balsamic vapor like the air of the pine woods. Ito really a wonclerfni remedy - utilizes that nap,rrokale antiseptio only Sound in the Blue' Gum tree of Australia: The name of this grand seem) is catarrh -ozone, • and You can't And -its equal an earth for coughs, colde, antarrli or throat trouble. Yc eo it's" no longer necessary to drug the etemaoh-that spoils digestion-justsimply inhale the balsamic, eseences of Catarrhozone, which are so rich in healing flint they drive out every trace of Catarrh in no time, leek mien Catarrhozonal as the meet, valuable med50al discoverY ' of recent 'yeays,",, writes 113, V. potter; of Prince Albert. "As a long suffeibr from nasal and throat catarrh I Was obliged to take considerable modieine, end, although rt, holped"Me, my digestion was always din- tur‘ed and the catarrh didn't go, away. With''Catarrhoione 05 raS different. ' Tt cleaned in nose and throat of all phlegm and dischargee, enabled me 50. breathe freely', relieved a stuffy ,feeling in my nose- and fron-tal headaelice. To -day I am entirely free from catarrh; and I use pay Catarrhozone Inhaler a 'little every day in order to prevent the diseafie (rote re. turning." With Catarrhozone .experimenting ends. A iiernatinent curative actiou begins. Last, Ing reliof from Catarrh results., The largo size Costs 51.00, last two months and is guaranteed. Sinful size Sac.; .sample Ake 25.0. All storekeepers' and druggists, or !rho Catarrhozone Co.; Buffalo, N. 1,7;s,nd Kingston' Canada.. , g, Nothing pleases some folks more th/in to be the first to peddle a piece/ of 'uniiavory gossip. , ' .trunara's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. ' On the Other FOot. John, IOW much' moriey have we in the bank 2" "We 713 haiee, few hundred dol- lars, Maria. Why'?" "Nothing, only I just got a let- ter to -day from the lawyer who settled up my lather's estate. There is mare property than anybody an- ticipated ; a good deal More." "That's. fine! How niuch de .rwe get 'mit of_it, Maria?" "We? I get a few thousand dol- lars, John. Why?", nard's Liatinent Cures Caveat 40 COWS, ISSUE 17—'13. be If Bad Water Causes Diarrhoea • Use Some ‘lierViline' P.romPt Relief is Instantly Assured, and Thousands 1(11.40 Nervi - line on This Account. A Traveler's Eiperlenee Related. The exiaerienee of Mr. Nprman P. Hen- dricks la not ari unusual one. Writing from Prince Albert he says: "My blast- nmie calls me from one plaeo to another, .and I am frequently up against the bad .water problem of the Canadian North- West. In so many pla,ces the water die - Agrees With tne, a,nd I used to be kept very miserable on that abbbont. An old settler told me one .day that nothing le SO 111013151. to newcomers as Noz•viline, and he explainedth :how valuable it proved to hint under similar otrcum- etances tWenty-five years air). Y•tt woul& hardly believe how happy and comfor- table- my trips are since 13 learried 'of Nerviline. I look upon 'Nerviline' as my trusty friend, and give it a plaSe of,hon. or in my hand -bag. In feat, I. wouldn't thitik of -being without it in a.' emintrY like this. It cures any little etomaoh teouble or digestive disturbances andre. Heves' a cramp in ten seoonds. 310 owe Neuralgia, Earache, Toothache, or. pain .10 your muselee like Rheumatism, you simply can't beat NervIline."- To cure little'ille before they grcne big and to relieve the aches and.maine of the whole family got Nerviline to -day. Fam- ily size, 50e.; trial size, 25c.; at all store- keepers and druggists. or The Catarrh - ozone Co., Britain, N. Y. ' • GRUESOME _JUBILEE. France's Offidial IleadSinart to Cele- brate This Fall. .d.linique jubilee will be cele- brated in Paris this year. No such jubilee has ever been celebrated -be- fore, It, is that of M. Anatole Deib- ler, the headsman of France. sHow the cutting off of heads could be as- sociated with the word jubilee or rejoicing is difficult to see. -Never- theless, M. Deibler, or Monsieur de Paris, as he is popularly called, and his friends Will essay -11g t k. M. Deibler-began the cruel call- ing bf cutting „ofeheads a quarter of a century ago, when he was a young man of twenty-five, Timis he has had twenty-five yeers of aetiVe Ser- VICO. Ere, is a native of the.ilourish- ing town of;Rennes, the ancient capital of Brittany, where he ;was beim fifty years age. The exaet date,of M. Deibler's 'birth was. No- venibee 20513, 1863, 40 that the jubi- lee festivities in his honor will- be- gin on that date of this year. The positioa is a, Stete appoint- ment; carrying with it a salary, an appropriationeo keep the guillotine in order, and a pension. M. Deib- ler is paid twelve hundred dollar4s a, year. He receives in addition one thousend six hundred dollars year- ly for the up -keep of the guillotine. Upon retiring he gets a pen,sion 'of IWO.--bbirdS of his salary. His aldose of whom there are several, receive similar pensions in proportion to their salariesendee'sh.cned the headsman or any otehis assistants leavb a widow or children, they are all taken care of by the State. 4. Compensation,. Tommy—"Don't yoa hate house- cleaning?" ,Freciciy---"Naw. When ina cleans hOuse she ,doesn't clean nie." , -Funard's Liniment curbs Golds, Eta "Are -your father and mother in, Robbie ?" "No.". '.Then ear I see yonr, sister 2" "Not in. , She expected you, too." ' GIN PILLS DGIVE AWAY Those Pains in the Kidnsyti. Mr. thornas.,Stepliensou, of Luchute Mille, P. Q., writes : 'I was troubled for many years with Kidney Disease, and a friend told me to take GIN 1I1,:4S, After taking a few boxes I 'was gteatly relieved, and after ninliin,g the twelfth box the pain"com- pletely left me. - My wife is now using' GIN PILLS and finds that she 'has been ,greatly relieved of the pain over her Kidneys. 500, a box, 6 for $2,5o. Sample free if yon write National Drug and Chemical Co. of'Canada, Limited, Toronto, 133 L4U,C-19 1CeV/L-62.' ---do:,:791-?.//&-Vd-4,7,-:p4 64-e r --la ... ' F°I. D IST E NI PER 17,'onv'etzPa;?alrAtc'Elg•A'sphJg'..ki,a. ..1. ,Itge alVAtifP0t,ed Or "0,2)0,n`d. " Livitt. gill -en"' \ovill‘Qtli'oe.ton- gait ' Sure °ore and Positive lireveutive, no matte • I c s at; an acts 'on'the Blood and Mandy cas the body'. ' tures Distemper i'n DP;a end' Esiernit7d5gcenrol'amif.a:tro. Tbultry, , Largest 'Selling live et,C,),Ar roipoay -,'''''!, ----2— -I" ' tit 0,111011g human beings mud is a R e Malloy. ' .; i ay A you. I`ree Booklet, "Distemper, Clain' sea41;,nVICurwe'sl!"g'" t for .out lieep it Show it to your dnr gg yloc'''' ' (1 thi, . DISTRIBUTORS -ALL, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS • Seohn Medical Co.,, Chemists and Bacteriologists Goshen I d U S A areseerraSear. vireet Cream Wante WE are now contruoting for our Sumjner Sup -' 'ply of Sweet Cream. If you have a good supply of ice, good stable's, milkhouse; ete., and can ship 24 gallons of 32% cream a week, write Us. . WE buy on the butter fat basis and pay on the 10th of each month, VVEcan take your, total output for 12 months of the year. .-city.:Doiry:...c.O:!;•..1jirt.i...ited..7179.r9iiito. • International Stock Food Is Equally Good for Cows—Horses—Pigs 'Ma cost 10010 10 for 011 ilca otook-bo rowe !lett', anottill foram 0,1,0 finda It earl to tad gip° Inure koop the working ignms in prime latornational fitoeic rood,— condtiot—to fattn pgs and Mop he ”winter pigs !Zgt'r.AIt"8'l''INTERtiAarrtPTYa1ae ,,0.t,o 5506150,111 mak, your oolka, edam, avonigo apuckogo ovary two month, an my sto,k— plea, gloate and lambs sgro rapdlyend op thernbavinehmo hofeoraror, treealmfirorora/phily and thrving all ihoime, ,.d.betpo,ofAt.h..h.tmyt,lking„w, • log us the amnionr of head of stook you own and WO IlaVo slam 60 pea tant. mom milk sinco (lading rata - will mod you a copy 0(our $3,000Stat.k natibnalatook noti. Ikia also,1105511rty(allonw.+2R. 1 Interustienal Stock Food, Poultry Food, and Votoridarypreparationa are for Bale by dealers everywhere. If you cannot obtain our goodyn your 10)511 Wr30 us &ea. INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD CO.. LIMITED . • . • . Toronto Airs r ,4 •O0.J )..000'50305,g50, TOOTMG, T,r74, .47,14.-xorozzo, TOS.ED JSY_SUOCESSFUL PLANTERS FOR 6E1 YEARS.''4 WRITE FREI CATALOGUE J\,.„ A. 8IMMERS'n, LIN/MED 'TORONTO' ONT.: Maypole Soap . 'FH ES CLEAN HoivISS DYE -Givm, rich, even colors, hes from emir. andel:4okt.. ely fast. Does not statnhandsbr kettles 24 colors, will give any shade. Colors 100, black 15c, at your dealer's or post - paid will!, booklet "How to • Dye" from • 197 F. L. DENEDICT• & 00. Montreal 111123DIRMR121014= GLOVES Mat Are Guaranfted Wy take chances in buying a pair 01gloves when you earl get a positive - guarantee, backed by Canada's largest.glove fantoryin the ELL Pinto Shell Gloves triads from epectaily tanned horse- hide. Gliarapteed Wet proof, wind proof, steam 'and heat proof. Send " • for illustrations. HUDSON BAY .KNITTING Canada's Expert Cleve and Mitt Eaters, MONTREAL. 'te.14.efifis ,ANtriir.'5.-R.i.'4:rfig,771fge. ..alminannummimanra.n. "Now, my inan,", said the Mag- istrate ab a Police ,Court to an old offender, am Irishman, "what's brought you here again?" • "Two policemen,. yer Honor," was the ply. "Drunk, I suppose 1" inquir- ed the Magistrate.- ''Yes, sorr,'' answered Pat, "both av them." `.`FiVe.days, or two 'dollars'," order - red the., Magistrate. "Thank ye yer Honor," added P55; "if it's all the same- to you, I'll take the two dollars." ' Try Murine Eye Remedy • Tin Smarting—Feels glne—Aets Quickly. o to•r Z;',,,Ysgaf e'd't eaub Package: 310515E Is' cern. s. pounded by Our Oculists—not n. °Patent Nee frbu0t'usfedrmany succeYssful Plsts;dVdtag3:i..rstidi. 0 igre tZ!l!t'g. mete Eye Remedy Ca, ,eirloage Gies Out. Scene—A Police Court. Solici- tor—"Do you know the prisoner Witness --"Never knew him sir." did you gver see the prisoner al the Tear , sir; and took a glass with him 0113313 01 twice. S,—"Then how long have you known this man ?" ••' , W. --"Prom 2 feet up to 5 feet 10 inches." • S. (petulantly)-1`Si. and ZIOn7r1 W. (oheerfully)—"Can't,! I an only stand up—or sit down 1" FARMS FOR SALE. , W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne "Stroot, Toronto.•. gri_ 00W STOCK FARM OP 600 ACRES ‘.../r with Three Houses: large Rank Bare. Must be Mild quires, Price' le very low. ISEVERAL usamums FARMS ,IN Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that eon be bought. Worth the mono' los quirk Fele: • T HAVE OVER, ONE IIHNDRED GOOD E. 'fermis in different aections of Ontario on my het. If you want a farm consult Inc., H. W. nswsoN, Toronto. IFTT A011,E8307' MILES 730051 LON, L don market; ,eoil gravelly olaY loam; 2 neres orchard; -buildings fair. Price Four Thous/3,nd. The Western Real Betate Exchange, London, one, • VAR4t IN SASKATCHEWAN -EQUIP.' nod; in ',nee; must iiell; terms ease. Perm: Dove, Wnwarden, Sask. . MALE HELP WANTED. A1' ONOE-MEN WANTED; LEARN Barber Trade; great demand; good wages; twenty tO thirty advertised for daily in Toronto papers alone, Can teach von in six to eight, weeks, Send for Onto - 1001113.' Molar College, 221 Queen Beat, Te- rmite. STAMPS AND COINS, 1313.11.1) 000LDIOTOL50-0 03303131111 1)110. ferent Foreign Stamps, Catelogrie. Album, euly Seven Cente, Marks Stamp reienanv, rensceu.nonons. el ANGER, TUMOU,S, LUMPS, ETC.. internal and external, cured with. • out rain 3m one home frentineet. Write no before tee late, Dr,..13elletan 13e43es3 Co.. Limited, Eorineworid, el ALL STONES, P1112401' ANL? HI., s der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel, UM -lingo and kindred ailments positively cured with the •tiew German' Remedy, 'Sanol,' price $1.50. Another new remedy for ,Diabetez.Mbllitue, end • sure eure, 'Salmi's Anti -Diabetes.' Price $2.00 from drugglats or direst. The Sanol Manures- twnirnix,,igilie7teintr,af of Canada. Limited. , in Unpopular Way. '"I asked hire how lie gob rich, ,and he told me, hut I shan't follow, his advice.' "Why not 7" "I don't like his methods." - "Dishonest V' "Not at all. He said he simply,. saved his money instead ,of spend- ing it for'everything he thought he „leventecl,'' Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. D anger. The three most dangerous enter- prises ±0 the world : First—To interfere between hus band and wife. Second—To recommend 11 doctor. Third—To tell the truth. enstestenstammemeeszexissa=meuxemeeem Dad Blood -- is the direct and inevitable result of irregular or constipated bowels arid clogged -up kidneys and skin, The tindigested food and other waste mat- ter which is allowed to accumulate oeisons the Wort aed the whole kystetn. iir. 21311.1odfat1RQ0, Pint, act directly on the bowels, regulating theni—on the kidneys, giving them ease and strength to properly filter the blood --and on the skin, opening up . the pores. For pure blood and good health take ,Morse's 4° \ Indian Itoot