HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-24, Page 5&r
;A{1rit 24th, 1913
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Clkntori 'News -Record':
linste' is •at leas ane ir,dv
7ov•n ivho lay 011 eeteri)10 tep\ClB�
iti011—that o, Inepntt, les dr, i)ri1#
rverlieaed a .1i100' e.r1 the 'otl1
l Linc, eon* :he
c Latin
• im"`+p !;
South" Huron's
Active Member. 1,,
Aaya. .1 )r:i1 17 ,-Ali'.• J ,7.; Mer plc
�tt 1
ner, 01015her for South Huron, 'hay' 1
hacn .;giv rt.g r pectal • attijnLian t0 the tart
i' - Zurich 1 13.0Y WANTED. TO LEA'RN'
Bltytl • " `S'-elephone operating—Apply to
'11 i son of C11r1- 'AIF. • Peter Lemont 1s erecting a. Rumball at'• the :Centtel..'.� -
,1� Ai 11 gait ct •11 on p
vist,ecltee .laughter "vice, Cleo." Mee d110iit shed on his farm.
1'a, ua of io
n last, wee.::.;Fatherutiered Men: o
• �¢ '. (
of pI 1 n• ` ' hcse� also light dcay and
,;h about
5(t c ler• and 1)i 1 c ♦nen n
lel 1 OL are c zch ptu ollesing a Feed'tun- FOR SALE. --A, 000T) DELIVERY
1-r ldia
tn'1 is alas vse
t u '1 f 1 liver'}
Inept 1'011 'has plans las':brothet end sister -M oven
o RTr..•Soloinc,n Schroeder. has jrnc-:
11' ClihLou.�Dogci loatil`::asited
� I; c James lit rn'ti 00881 ort,
iliatfci:, 0 1 'a" lee (e" tor, df 1 -lain 11 4111 the RLL. A 1.1
dunb duun��lSis scssroii and' ' t
post olfi
prop�`piitl 'I¢"ri ���
nsitr at
q v p,
p tf
Tpie•doubt "as to a epLtam telex iley h l ovvqts u •, ^ , before clang exempt} i} int; the 11nrc1 degree- to � ;1)v her, :was espi•1sb 1 by ter- bailey .Stave • 1)8,01 to operas int 1 4 , 1 �c 4Tek:ehcr:' have',
i' "But: Mel her Mr's.- A. 'this; but. for ;he -delay hal has 1)01'1 1vlr, and Rots -1 s�. ,
thar, sa• all itbite••biisinese b}•' o1) returned from a vier to 1sienls r
'said '5118' lyoulti" The child had fait cawed 10 1
1 t to tire 130test. but Lust 4tr ath.t } and Sarnia.
ltd c 'tic whole
'John Diechert be. 'returned Ua:d Oren' ,-75
from ' a: iorenr hit's^ visit:` 1111 J3e--A[>Plr' et News -Re
troll friends '
,bill be sold at a reasonable price
Ila I(0 vycll,i- . <L Mr.
chased ht6
l+bows on luesdav e4'
`Tiffs -lvotl'ld`plu- ihelilc1ir'Od+lc
•1 ,us � a co � .
prieib erose .1nd <cxrfutunie m h ii.,. .,,1uc'ioit t , (bites 1'01 be 131et1i 1(l000llows attemled
L ' soon 'a ])o551a1c, rho z 7 5 71 c
�, A p'Lptltl5t 4, 101!. til 11: (5 S ai <'+
"a Lo 1.Oep her tiled w'ilen ri vies at i�ut in operation rile, service 111 the methOdrs ` chit',
''1'llere will.- be thl:ee routes; 010 08 Senday 01tnin last - ry,
;t'L irieh'.' Me..iMerner says, "and Miss Bella Scott and 'Mr. Oliver
faire. n
[i tI 8r `;there, will. be., cis or eight Fells 'and hisFsister YI1ss Elizabeth'
alt ree 1
1, i ,� 0f 'I act 1401 anosli Were the:'Sliests
of atrial dcifvtt} as closing so
)est olltoes• a,nd sonic hotels. Ile said
Jliccs might l>e closed; but instead en .a numb(
fail possible • to do so. The Iithle
• 'tel; like Many others, bas *room to
have absolute leit11 in tins, A,,• 18:00
hold: Mie respect: anni, eon ieleece o1
i 1,'818 art i)a,,
.ztllt 'What- tiragedtcs
-loot : the ^,lir eat ',oi
1)rokeli ptonuscs i
punish18ent to 1,00 child which the
nMother'neve1 intends 10 101:1y oat,
to -the greater and., more 001000;
rylnattere latex• in ;life, 1. For there
. au.-' tragedies as great; • as loss , of
It t 1 hiss. of hail,
'the 'Pare Line err. -S6,•300`. "
The MciiiiOnf les h08 been repal,:ing
their _0(161'ch sited=}vhu.11 was•almost
Colnplet ly,d r'(11sl!ed by the 1000)11;-
10utes. Fri - try.,. oyvnSJ(u,- .
last week of Mrs. 'Scott of town
118: ;Honer said lie had thriller' a MOKa' liar ,sola his%
t, ;. the spread tilr It. AT }
of test .4101
01101 c.-t� as ' c .ilii chased a
newspaper hoi�sc and buggy and 'has put.
1 me
Nord car,
1 Mr. W. 'remelt of Exeter called
,L ,was quire possible: that sane -p0. t yr 01 his fr,endsiii t;awn'
011(1 to o, to -post offices the 'lastvveok
of having 1. nice L0^art, en eldcr11 10dy
f aua they' are, (. air iyoilld h-- brought to the ';ales. Nus: 51
cone epees abused ticu.tae-brit ttvo 110 cls fit elle 'who resifted wii,h her sen on.. a farm
-misplaced coned , A5 bli re w
s at,h oi. tolv9r, was sl badly.
80°1 1s in t 1own.,np 1'r e i '
rrus}rn,eitt of lroiiit0ed solnc 1 i burned 'Uy• the aspl0sihn of a lamp
Stl n1C pt , 1•
e :Whyl'child: tlreateeed vitlt 1' 11 61 1001 dict not ace Just 0 i
l08 00(1 ioi good b lle-vieut •w htch a L
never reee t1 ese? , Can' }ve place: (08-
selves in the child s positron a mom-
ent 011d see fr.olu 111(1 00 her Acta)
of view t .The hist threat Of 1,111-
mlunclit (t use this illustration ' for
it is the .ln"ost "freglte nth 'abused)
tills the 011110 with absolute fear "- be-
.eauee it never cl0ubts but that the
pun15011c.nt viii conte: 'the >lireat
succeeds, acid the application is .un-
• necessai y : so 'it is tried again, a11d
.3 -et.' "again, In the: meantime ,the
'child begins to. 't/ut two and two to-
gether, recalls former threats and
collide -des that 'mother does-
e iile mean it; -she 'just says ; that' ;
• and. there we Have. the'. beginning of
whet . is going, to be a gradual a-
'lvakening for the individual. al he or
she goes out in the world, to find
]3roken Promise a very. ugly buts a
Very nulcli developed individual. It is
so much easier to drift into the hab-
it of •'promising- to die a tfing,.
whether ire intend to keep 511 or liot,
'than to give 0118 definite word_, and
lige' up to 10.
rural' dci10010 00(110 ct e0. 'c 1051,
1)0111 01 vvhicili'. 000 115 .Zur.fett, W111011she carried one evening 'sa
The. Whitney Gov'ern'ment
Helping ,.the' Municipalities.
Tucked ltal'nilessly in the 1.a -
week Diet she diet( a'fe,w days la et.
Though. 80 .severely 'injured she man-
aged ' to extinguish the' flames acid
reaching the phone -,called a doctor, -
Who was the first toreach her. .
011S' N
"What is yore: fast nan15 3" asked
the teacher: 01' 15 new -pupil:
"-Arthro: nra'aor" seplieti the bo}'.
"Arthur 1" exclaimed 'the teacher.
s your other. Tame 3''
'.prat .is
coolie,`', said the boy.
, 1' - Cooke :15' our -last name,
'`;Fleet, o Y
013 course "^ said the teacher 1o00ing
at the bey with considerable sever-.
"0O, '111 " replied the child Ids-
pectttilly, "iY11' name was Cooke
181101 I`was born, but Mother ears
t118y, didn`t name me 'Ai tluu' for
'most three mont05.i''
-May Lippiucoit's.
as 1 isvOte 1
'i an Lar ,
ler, luarly Michigan, Y
Carman. No. 1, late, Green Moen.
tail), American Wonder, medium.
early Delware home grown, All Dur
potatoes 0(11 acclimatized to the
'OiL-Jaynes Sleep �5 Co.. ' -70
hest used, by farmers: -Gave_ good
results , last• year and farmers are
ordering again this year. - Ostler
'now before it is all gone,. Large or
small uat titieso- Fratil: ' W Evans,
Clinton, Ont: Phone 7:01.
tenbury street: 'Electric light,
waterworks, etc. -Apply on pretnfs=
es, or to i': T. Murphy, Clinton.
A`1 '1 elle OFFICE - OF '111(0
NEWS -111 00PD ANY) P1 ACF.
'YOUR ORD1.TZ 1000111) ' SO
i 1Lti7: '11110 MAY .13E
T' Ile.
' Good Out in G
Mrs. W, h. Mason, Princess St:.
`Fest -74',
dire of a bi11',introdticed into the -Pro- HenSall
4.,egielatu1e Hist 1'hersiley by ..
Boit Cbl 8.0 ,1, e was a matter of. Mrs: F. A. Sellery has so far ^re-
the . greatest interest to the munic covered frtnn her recent Se0ere
ipalittes, from Godecich.-.to linear- zless as to be ahlc to bc.001
dine. Ur,O'or.the title of an act re- Mrs. „Jaber, Short of Mt. Bridges
kiting to the . Ontario and West' (visited her brother, Mr. 11111 1111 01
Shore Railroad, an attempt' is being I lovvn, recently.' •
d to Tester le -number of nnlorte2
nate bondholders whose money has 1
vanished" into a railway line which 'GEMS 111101)'1 ADAM : (IhARICIO
has returned nothing to 111811.. ' q'ITL ME'r31017IST COM -
To allow the road 1;o he placed in rvIENTATOR. '
the hands of a trustee or liquidator •became the au
or helped in the matter of platens : Hebrews 5:9. -I -Ie h
on a • running basis is actually the thor . of eternal salvation - unto all
object of the measure, and if it fails to '_thein that obey, Him. --
relieve the financial, situation, a loss In this verse three .things are
of large proportions will be suffered'- ;clearly. stated : First :-That obed-:
by a -large number 'of interested par ienee to. Christ is equally necessary,
ties:._ The franchise of this. electric ;to salvation with believing on Him. -
Second': -That' he was made per-
fect as a high priest"by offering him-
self a sacrifice for in, Chapter 8:3.
"Third :-That by' the merit of that
sacrifice he hath obtained pardon and
eternal life for them who ,,obey him.
He tasted death for every elan ;
A11 the papers, magazines and line expires this year and ;something
health papers. are advising us to will be necessary, he expleined, to
live in the fresh air, , to Sleep in 'guarantee the bond's of the company,
he-iresh air, to walk in the fresh for the people in the vicinity, who
air, .in laet, to, speed three trouts ;ere interested in the railway are in:
every day out of _doors ; and rightly .rather a 5881005 predicament, The the105 uc is ar y bI4e i the author aud cause of
-at rit,l,a(i, nits pet or carried a passeu- buto them.'who
ger as yet, the funds ot the promo_ eternal salvation ori'y t
tors having given out. ee eorange obey hint.
nt was made when the 10 is not ,merely bel1evees, but °ob-
agreemu , edimlt belnevers, that shall finally be
scheme 1105 first Boated several ;ears saved. Therefore this 'text is an :ab-
'solute ulrintpeacha.hle eviilenpe that
it is not the imputed ohedienI,e of
Christ that saves any plan.. Christ
has bought -men by ills blood ; and
bei'` -the 'ulinite merit of his death he
has purchased for then, an endless
glory ; but, in .enter to' be peegared.
for it, the -sinner must, through..
that grace ' which 43-od withholds •
from no pian, repent, turn from sin,
a sutrictc
Jesus as being
believe on .
ransom and sacrifice for his soul, 're
ce ivo the gift of the Holy (Bloat, be
a worker together with him, walk in
Conformity to the Divine will through
this Divine aid and 'continue faith-
ful unto death, through film, out of
whose fulness 'he may - receive grace
unto; grace. Selected .by F. J. Hill.
so. If they would but make some lI hi h 1 partly cor
arrangement with employers :011000 -
by we plight fulfil the latter sug-
gestion it would seem ideally agree-
able: ITcrc we are these glorious