HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-24, Page 4• . • • , 4 • k if k: duicO 47,040 ' " ' • for' A • . . , Oki -4044M . • , 4th 19J or ,'VlpttoO, 1091 11111 tile Do 07,01' . -911' *, Ti10' SCrVI'°° , • Ili. "V'Ew te vocy; s tit 1.10 0°(1" e.6 they P)it,- 1:$ eff1),cr. ot" 0010(1 118(8 004, ttus,„ ye..:);;,:,a/...hfer, .1910 ' - • •,.. -": t6;!i:09,1, iieet Rittg: tlfq OfAtibitiat 'as ' • • 1 ifttended, ,,101r1a Pa „ • '4°'6a' 91' '4% of .Pus- roin Colborne the' liner' f411 'the en1,1,Y„:1;z 1boug, I :who 1'80 1108191. day, tkor71'."^en'-"-'" 0 01108011 ,,,p0ses gol!Ig ' *101d 111Ole )rel ' 0. operations. lat \'‘ eek their 11:43': Pring' 't.11'• Will 1)0. ent11, v181 1 .60 • - •llUlgaL'iltIlihrotigh, ent . ; Clatxr,. eight • ..--:a0tfit • -whole VdStiC ":5eaS011 Thei:e . wits a. sudden rail in ..eg0 -0corge' . :Johnstone has been: ofie day last ,weelc.:' -down the 13r,,y tielil„Lihe threshing .Jr9is 5'('i88 (IrivIrg' 110)8(1 11 hill a 111081131.' part of .ilieJlaritess broke lettins tile Mr, C'ratVford of 1110 13111 of 'Hal - rig 00 the, horse's heels. N at -malty lett has , engaged wit,11 Mr, . H. enough „this so startled the anintal foi: the" ensuing scaSonl• it 'trien, to run aWay', but ,„Mr. Jer- Our faemers - are all Pp to ' their vis hung at and si,optieel; but nat , elven work, ''So to "$3Peak• before there, had been' an. dp801 lr,4) I Mr. Geo, Reid attended lila sis',er s the breaking it couple 08 SO wedding it cases of eggs. , Miss Myrtle. Beacom canto oirt from Mr. (leo, 'Plait', who in 89118-.. Clinton to visit at. the parental qaeriec oil the resignation of Mr., 'Wm, 110111e.' ki t siti, ni with I The News-ltetord leads for Sitat- of chi ten, with hir 1/an ilacgcr o the Woinen Were drenSed fete IL 11$ 0 at CCP a 't f Val.na' • Kiss ,Reta Keys has.leui,rt1 1q I.Ortdati where, she ifitends ' a literary potuise in, the Sch.ocl cf" oetttJon, . 'InSpeetbe' TOM, 'V),Sited S,. S. No. 18,, - ortO claY last. weel,,and.,:ire-r ' '1)1 po , Pert ipeolcrxeCtintlk, ,sgld rlu,S I :Mt 'Sterling 91 C*9100(11-. 108 lie 118111150(501SUM, T, J. -Snowden took 90511311111(30 "519119 'AO" ChUrelf Sunday , and atm), '1)CeaelictlikVerrii-deperiial)k Kr and .1vIrg,k 17found„ arriked,,' 'week and iheo atnong friendlit ',tile Otif ,ilowkski,,p • fof Stanley. r,,qiey • liave 'been, id, 'the. weSt'isix-. ,yriars '4xid 311113110 , it has its aiitraction$:. thete is when , all safil, any pface thdt„ can 'take "the place .of f$Ie.nley' and the friends bf earlier years. greeting . Of the most Cordial, irataiCe being -extended 'to Mr, and: Mrs,„ Arin- Tho farmers are very littsy with: illicit' spring 'work', Soine having ' 0,1- rea(LY* tillAte a- lot- of 'sced.10 done. The • .1-Iensal) Dratnatte ,Colinpany presented ' Farm' in the. toarn hall. lIriday evening last. , The play was quite cleverly put on but owing 4,9 'the k evening being very wet and. stormy there was rot. so good. tt turnout as would otherwise have been ease. .11 tile; 'Ci •Co., lias, been ap- erhil nett's, sr9in '• • yid Arnistrong of 811111, pointed linesman of life township I Mr. Johntyaro 111(1) 1118(1081111 telephone compkny, has taken to the, what is best known as the Draper lye -irk wonderfully well although vt farm, on the 1Waitland concession 'was quite new to 10111. The direct-. !taking in exchange therefor real es- ' P118 1,11 Much pleased with the coin- ,tate at 18(1 -,Ward will 1 nionsense manner' in which he bits move to that Place Where he , will applied himself to his new duties, , enguget in the butchering business, and are confident he writ give the , and Will have his rather-in.law • as- patrom 01 general . entire satisfae- I sqciated with him. Mr. Ward, who tion. , . - has been, in the neighborhood for a 1 Mr, Geo, Holland returned 00 jliics- icouple of years, is crorgetic -and day from Elgin county with 0 ear- I progressive and will no doubt make load of cows and young cattle which I things go. down in l'arkhill. The new '11e will dispose of by public auction ' owner of 1110 Draper -limn is Mr.. at the Hotel Normandie barn, Clin- ton, On the' first of May. The sttielc was all personally selected by -Mr. 'Holland and no doubt this sale as all previous ones will be highly suc- cessful, - .losepii IL Baker of Parklial. Mr, and Mrs. .1. Scarlett were the guests Of Mr. WM.. 1,805011 01/ Sun- day. ' The -Misses Nagle of Colborne Maid a flying visit to :friends here hist Speaking Elgin yr, not- week, • • land says the farmers there go in Mrs. T. Lawson and Miss Donna extensively for dairying and that of Cliaton spent a few days at the twenty-five or thirty cows 10 the 'home of Mr. Wm, Lawson. farm 15 a small average, artery far- mers having as high as sixty or seventy. Dairying 'is the big in- dustry, the general tilling.. 1Y: the soil as it is practised in this cram - Mr, C'ree, a student or Huron C '01 - lege,. conducted the services here on Sunday, The Ladies Guild meet at the home of Mrs, R. Watkins on Wednesday ty beim" almost a thing of the past Iasi. la Elgrn, Mr: Holland says- that in Springfield, which is but a Allan age, there is a 175,000 condens- ing plant and that within a radius of twelve miles there are three 01111 11 : similar Mants, two costing tf.' 00,000 each 'and one $75,000. There are also in this sante district i tvo cheese factories with an annual out- put of 350 tons or cheese. A better idea will be had 61 their capacity when it is added tlfat the Holm- v(11e. factory , has all annual output or only .sixty tonS, The Elgin far- mers keep good dairy cows, knowing from experience; that the 'better° the COW the greater the profit. Mr. Hol- land is looking forward to the time tfluin dairying will he a much more important industry in this county than it yet has been and in these importations he is making he 'is has- tening the day. • Bagfield. 131r. Henry Wainwright passed away on Tuesday morning at the advanced age of three months short of ninety years. He was born in Ireland and came to Canada when a young man. He was a surveyor and in that capacity was engaged in laying out the pioneer rbads of Western Ontar- io. 'Phis brought him to Bayfield. and when he retired from active life he made his home here, over half a century ago and Was thus the old- est citizen of Bayfield. . He was a genuine son of the ,old sod aael 111 his 'daily Walk -and comMrsation he showed many of the characteristics of the-mativei of Erin. hle was un- married and his estate, worth, . 11 is supposed8 about - fifteen thousand dollars, will pass to distant relativ- es.. The. funeral will take place on., Thursday afternoon. Miss Chesney, tvho spent the '0111 - ter at Seaforth, retained to ,Bay- field last week; Seaforth. • . ••• • - •Special, services are being held i 1118 Methedist 'chatch and Will be "Continued :until 131 ay 5th. Revs, 1. Mcl) aml W. 11 'Enri are asicifitio• the pastor, ' • ". ' Mrs Tallies Murray.'1188,' sold 1108 residence. -to Mr. McIntioSit for- merly of,.."MeICillop, and. intends ‘, moving to Hamilton, .where several .of Ocr family are looa'tsd, Mr Geo -Hudson. of Eginondville iS, 111' W1t11 typhoid fever,!. , • Dr.: Atkinson: of "Detroit visited tits, Mother IVIrs, Chesney, 'recently. Mr. 'Arthur, Franms of Lontion vis-. iced 1118 sisters,- Miss, Francis and 'Krs.INOGnie o1 'town, 'recently. 'It is the' intention .01 -the FreSliy,-, tcriana to hcstall 1110101: power to pump them big, orgam ' • • ' Patterson' of To)ionto; who lias, beenY1s,:itiag :11/188 'B. 191013810 0111 for .soine time,'reteitIled to the eft), last • Mr, and Mrs. G. Anderson, of Tor- onto were in tows last week, having come up , to :attend the,, funeral , of lylr."Andeilstihleitetlier; the late Mrs., Pettic,'01',Egia-enelville,-- • ' ' 1ra :16 t 91'nd v' • The „bow e no 1 , a nig tournament this ,se'aSon hold,,:a,"local..40,11rnanterit '1,,, 1,88 Hensall. Mrs„ Cawthrope of Tavistock has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Dick, Dr. James 13$11, who has been praelising . dentistry at Harrisburg, Penna., fur :mine time, is home for the summer, • . The streets have been in the way of getting some much needed repairs during the past week or so and are attach improved, ' The following officers were elected in the bowling club at their recent annual meeting 1 Hon, President, Geo. hIcEwan, President, D. 0 raSSielc. 'Vice, Geo. Case. Sec.-Treastwer, 'II'. W. 13, 'De.Jeart Managing 'committee, F. 13useli, Dr. Mair, 'J. Stacey. Hon. MeMbers, D. A. C'antelon, J. L. Scott. . t was decided. to extend lo the ladies" the use of the green for bowl- ing purporse. Mr, and Mrs'. Hamacher of Kansas visited last 'week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs., Moore. The remains ofthe late Mrs. Jam- es Sproat were 'interred in Hensel' Union cemetery on Monday week. The late Mrs, Sproaii was in her eighty-sixth year and was one of 11e' early settlers in Tuckersmith. Her husband died several years ago and for some years past she resided with { her daughter, Mrs. C. McAl- lister rear Hillsgreen, A football Main 1811.8 drganized the other evening with' the following I-1011,' President, H. Bolden. President, A. Whitesides. yice, ..Chas. Moore.; Sem-Treasurer, A, Herabhilt. Manager, Ir. Sinallacoinhe. • C.. Cook, It', .Can, A. Clark, 'M. ,Ortivein,- E. Vain. Manger, F. allacomhe. Captain., \V. Sheppard, • • . Nfr8; and' ' Mrs,: 'T.' petrbit,, recently". toIioia$ fttneIal ,Oi their 'sister. • ,it . 4ain ,...„ After an alpsence of one year lam again at the same stand with the satne business. As usual you will find goods of first quality and at right prices - - No pains -will be spared to give, satisfactot•y. Set•vice. Call and see us. You will' not be aslced to buy. 'Expected this week, a limited quantity of-- P e Maple Syt'up and Sugar. iltse tiST OUT .BUTS THIS BIG BOOK Of 600 LATEU- FASHIONS' . • ASK AT OUR PATTERN COUNTERPOR Style Book IS4VC ILLuvrRATING .R.15 rAMou.s LAMS* HOME •JOURNAL PATTERNS 0811 the wethei hurew arid la:retliet,an .'-a 1-ne • , • • -',41.p4p301` neVolcikclle,.Spiitag..:fratne niliarr.11i1Otorny.Cle, reS,PoriSible; ' • , . . ••"count the Indians on the road." A call:, or card will bring you full.descrip-tive 1c113-' One of thesernaebenes e' am be seen at the garage The Paxman.Gillies Garage & Sales Co. t3f..Clintort Heintzman & Co - Limited. $ Real Bargains in Upright Pianos Ten slightly used, Upright Pianos, all in good $ conditicn, at one third to one half the original price on small weekly or monthly payments. Se A. Copy Cooper Co. CLINTON Agents for L. H. Journal patterns and publications Just a Few Items Taken From Our Immense Stock. Extension Tables. GOLDEN' OAK, • FINISH; made very strong, 8 feet, 8 feet and 10 feet long. Prices $7.00, $8.50, 19.75 and 112. Hall Trees. • • QUARTERED OAK "FINISH, bev- el lutirror 12x20, 16 hat and coat pegs and umbrella holders .$8,00. Kitchen Cabinets. USEFUL, , AND ORNAMEN'PAL, 16.80, $8.50 and $20.00, 1 BABY CARRIAGES, FOLDING CARTS, Pullman Sleepers and Children's wagons at low prices. Pictures, Wall Pocicets, Extension Rods, Chair Seats, Curtain. Stret- eherfl,, Etc. l'holic 7 and 8. J. H. CHELLEW• Estate. FIJRNITURE and 0N DERTA K IN G Ont. :Lister --Gasolitie, .Engines:, •• . . • _ No 1)ebllet, ou,•themiarket and tlie,best for 00 -the fariri for ' • Snimping, ehoppil*, 'The',I,,istar Lighting ''Plant • . • will tight' your lionitt and barn and do it we at, smell ,eoSt.; ,Melotte Cream ,Separators , • • itii,ve7t6 '44,0ior' • CV 101113!•'Agant•, .. • •• Phone 40. Clinton P. Write for needed particulirs. Heintzman & Co. • 193-5,-7 Yonge St. - TORONTO or HEINTZMAN & CO. 38 Ontario St. Stratford " HEINTZMAN & CO.—Please mail me today a list of slightly used Upright Pianos adver- $ tised irt The Clinton News -Record. A mu Ess ' NAN E WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL 11I1110 'THIS OUT - IN ALL . ypurt TRAVELS , ROUND ABOUT THE BREAD THAT'S BEST WITH ANY MEAL— IS JUST THE ONE ' AND' oNr,Y MOTHER'S BREAD Better Bread Could Not Be Made —THAT'(4 ''WI -IAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAV.E !num) .THIS CRISPY, CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIFF'S 'PHONE NO. 1 AND HAVE IT DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME EVERY DAY. ' llY Y011li BEGS RETIE .A.fter house-cleaning you will need new „ rugs. 'We have a'big Stook which we in- vite you tinspect,,and"we believe we' can ple,ase you in both' quality and price. d . The store of Quality, , Phone 114 0 Phone28 , Furniture Dealer and Undertaker • • .r. The News -Record. -c17111. be sent to any address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1914, foit 50 cents.