HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-24, Page 2_ G. D. INIcTAC,C-All'T Me'PACCARr cTaxgart Bros. BA:NICE:11S GENERA -RANI NG RUSE NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES Cf„SCOUNTED, DRAFT'S IS INTEREST ALLOWEDON DE- POSITS. SALE NOTES PIJI.L' CHASED.: II., T. RANCE, - NOTARY -PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, EDIVANCIAL, REAL ' ESTATE AND FIRE INSHR. ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSTTRANCE (ONpA2\TIF. DIVISION COURT 9FFICE, ' CLINTON. V. ncruoNE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARY ,P UREIC, ETC: • °Mee-- Sloan Block --CLINTON culutaqs 11. IIALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses, HURON STREET, CLINTON DR,S. GUNN & GAM/TER. Dr. W. Gunn, L.R,C.P., LH. Edin. Dr. 3, 0. Gandier; 13.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night , calls at residenee, Ratt,enbury St., ' or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE - RATTENBURY ST. EAST, --dLINTON • DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICIAN, SURGEON gTa. • / Special 'attention -given to di. - cases of the Eye Ear Nose and Throat. Eyes 'carefully examined and suit, able glasses prescribed. Office and residence; 2 doers west of the COICIEne,rcialifotel, Huron St. D R. V. A. A XON DENTIST - IiSpecialist in Crown, and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and To. ronto. , ayfield -on. Mondays from May to • December. - TIME - Trains 'sail': 'arrive at and depart .,frorn Clinton Station as follows '113ElFlEALO AND q0DERICH DIV: Going East, .,„ Coing West, 14 4 '4 14 14 I 4 E.41 7,35 a. m, 5.07 p„ tn. 5:15-p. m. 11.07 a. m. 1.25 p. m, 6.40 p. m. -11.28 p. in, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV : Going South, ' • 7.50 a. m. 4.23 p. in. qoing North, 11.00 a. m. 4 4 6.35 p. m. OVER CO NEARS` EXPE1Itral0E Tuaor.Pfiartna Defocus ConveriemrsYke. Anyone sending a shad, and doceelptten may quilted,- ascertain our opinion Treo 'whether so 1mm104,111,1 probably patentable, siommunIsl,. Dons stristl.toontidontlal. HANDBOOK On Patents ' eclat free, (fidget ripener tor•acianIntrptlibnift., Plutons taken turOugh Maim (m.,/secelet nottiaLitotIcio, without eaarao, le the. • • letilific Dandeonsily illnamted weekly, Iniscet •MUNN ken iglamd"Y• Now York Brauah 0 ice, 43. Wasbinstoa.'11. 0. wire -.set. - --eas . MONTH LY NIAGAZ NE. A TAMILY LIBRARY Th Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLZTE NOVEL3 YEARLT MANY SHORT STOki ES AND ' PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS pER vEAR; 25 cTS. coPT, UED STORIE:t_. an iTSCLP" ran, orts and Flour. • Froin the Best Mills a e Iowett possible price. %VP, ,PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY forRaling. Ford & McLeod, Sick Ilea,dach,es-i--1- , are not caused by anything wrong in the head, but by constipation, bilious- ness and indigestion. Headache powders or tablets may deaden, but cannot cure them. Or. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure sick head- ache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are purely vege- table, free from any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the headache coming take Dr. Morse's Indian -Root Pills ' Iorty years in use, 20 years Abe standard; .preseribed and, recent. mended by phySicien For' Woman's' Ailments, Dr. Martell Female Pitts, at yonk druggist. IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND pROMPT DE-, LIVERY, SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT • ROW - LAND'S • HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County . of Hnron. •, Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be. made for 'Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by Cliarges Moderate and satisfaction * guaranteed. ALL KINDS OF COAL -WOOD,- TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT' COAL STOVE • CANNEL COAL FURNACE - COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD 21,4 it., 3' in. and 4 in. Tile of ,the 13est Quality. ARTHUR FES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. • Phone 52. The MoKillop Fie • Insurance Company Farm and Isola.tecl Town Property • only Insured --- OFFICERS - . B. McLean, President. Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Viee-Presi- dent, Goderieh P.O..; T. E. -Hays, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth P.O. --- Directors - D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop; William Rinn, Constance; John -'Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagpn : James Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clinton • - Agents Robert Smith, Harlock; E. flinch; Ley, Seaforth ; William Chesney, Egmondville; J VI. Yeo, Holmes. villa. Any money to he paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing do., Clin• ton, or -at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous- to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on ap- plication to an, of the above officers addressed to their respective post, offices. Losses inspected by the director •svho lives nearest the scene, NeWS-ReCOrd CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -4r, per year, • in advancd ;,$/.50 may be charged if not so paid, No 'paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the ptb- liobet-. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on ' the label. Advertising Rates Transient ad, vertisements, 10 cents per non pareil line for first insertion and 4 cants per li-rte for each Dbite- quen6 insettfou. Sroall advertise ments not to exceed ono inch, such a..s "Lost," `, "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents, and each subsequent in. • sertion 40 Cents, Communications intend,cd ,for pub , • liliation must, ,as a guarantee ,of good faith, be accompanied t,he name of -the writer. W. J. MITCITELli, Editor and l'eoprietor, -voly ts ibtreeted cud eho.uM knoly abed the wonderful , tetereap spray Ocuche. Aulat'our ttrageissfor it. Jr he cannot sinialy.,_ the 111AIDDSh, accept no - other, bat send shunt> for tan Siet- 1xok-ouio0.11 gives full paribrulars rad direelluns Invaluable . adica,WfI"O)StlerttittPlUCT CO.W :indsor, OM, General A cunts for,Caritule, kills the grain,\ but you can kill smut by using STAR BRAND FORMALUEHYDE Sold only at the Rexall Store w.s, R. HOLMES, Ph.M.B. The best practical training school in Ontario. Three de- partments--Commereial, Short- ltand and „--Telegraphy. All •courses are thorough and prac- *al, Teachers are experienced and graduates are placed in position. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write for 011T free eatalogne at once. , D. A. MoLACHLAN, - Principal. A sensible young man never throws himself at the feet of a girl who throws herself at his head. 111 SUNDAY SCI1991. LESSO1 INTL' 'RONAL LESSON. 'APRIL 27... TiCS.140 11 1V. - ,;fosepli selit„ into Egypt, •Gen:, Chap. 27. (lolilelt text, I. Cor. 13. 4. The portion of our leison chapter, preeedin the, printed .passage re- cords ,ioseph's dreams, and Jacobs favloritism.,The-'story is perhaps the most familiar one in the Old Tes- tament. It should be read again in its entirety. • Verse 23. The cqat of 'many.aoldrs '-The marginal reading in the Re- vised Version for. this 'phrase in verse 3 ,above is "a long garment with sleeves," the exact meaning of the phrase being uncertain, 25, A caravan of lshrria.elites--All the inland commerce of the anal- ,ent world Was carried on by trad- ers, who carried their iner chandise on camels, and for purposes of mu- tual protection - traveled in 1,arge, companies freak one phice and from one land to another. 'Spicery and balm and myrrh - Products of the desert and highly prized' in Egypt,- where they were used in part niedicinally, itt part as incense, and in part in the pro- cess of embalming. . 27, 28.. Ishinaelites . . IVIidian- itesThree solutioris are offered for the difficulty raised by the mention here of two different peo,jles,Sorne have thought the 'different 'names were Int,endechto rather loosely designate the same people. Other commentators have suggested that Kobably it was a mixed company HERE IS GOOD ADVICE TO TAKE [twill help those who have Kidney and Bladder Trouble,. There are other old enemies" huilar to the one mentioned in dila testimonial, IUdney and Blaslder Troubles are always enemies to 'good health. As &Sou as you start to take GIN PILLS these ayments begin to disappear. .It is the same in eases of Lumbago, Sciatica and like complaints. This letter illustrates Lite benefit of GIN PILLS. ' - Winnipeg, Jan. 6111. "I have been a sufferer from Imtnbago forsotneyears past and duringenristinas -week had a very acute attack which confined iltd to the house. About the latter part of April, I met your Mr. Hill and mentioned ray complaint to him, Ole advised me to take GIN PILLS. I have been taking thein at intervals during the early 'part of the present whiter, and up to date have had no returti of my old trouble -in fact, I feel better than I have for years and think that my old enemy has vanished for good aud.alL" 11. A. JUXES. • 162 sne. a box -6 for 4112.50-nioney hack If not satisfied. Sample free -by writing National Drag and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. lie a T.PaillV.Y PURE PALATABLE NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERVVMESE LOCAL OPTION--Resident'S in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever .their require for personal or family use. Write' to JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, - CANADA Afaraaata',. AMIAINIZA 'MA AdAtA nWhaiNA. AAVAM AZNIAVA%littidA, ec our stock of Standard Silverware. We k g;narantee the quality and our prices will suit yon. We Have a Big Watch ,Trade showing that our workmanship and • prices giye satisfaction It is a j)leasure to so cater to the trade that one customer brings another - 'bunter JEWELER and 15'51JER OF MARRIAGE of traders to whom joseph was sold, there being hoth IshmaeliteS and Midianites present. To this explanation , the Bible naratild've lends much plausibility, since, as- cending. to 'that naria0ve as We now have it in Genesis; Ishniliel rind Midian -were both sens.of-Alora- am. Thepr den da. rs, Itherefor be closely related and, in the adrliea , generations at least, have many interests in ,commori. The Same 'narrative,, how- ever, makee Joseph a' cousin of the men to whom he was sold. Still an- other explanation and the one fav- ored by a majority of Old Testa- ment geho/ers to -day is that the oc- currenee of the feit0 sePaiiete names is .ona of. many indications pointing to the interweaving o'f tWo different accounts of' the same event from, which the Genesis Star- ratot drew his information, 011e of these accounts mentioning the Ish- Maelites as the people to 'whom Joseph Was sold, and theother mentioning the Miclianitee. Twenty piece e of silver -Help., twenty shekels, two-thirds the price of an adult .slave. Into Egypt ---Whither they 'were bound to dispose elf their `Products. 29. Rena, his clothes -A eustOrn- ary sign of distress" and mourning, ao. The •ehild-Bebtee, the lad. The same Hebrew word i$ used eometiines to designate it ,servant and sometimea a young child, as vzell as a youth, as here. s. , 32. Sent the. coat -Perhaps by one of their number„ whom they followed slhortly.; hence the.expres-, ,sion also they brought it to their rather. • . 33. An evil beast hath devoured him -Jacob draws 'the desired in- ference at the\ sight of the blood- stained coat. 34. Sackeloth--Coarse cloth -Worn as a sign Cif mourning. 25. His daughters ---Only one daughter, Dinah, has been men- tioned in the narrative thus' far. (Compare chapter 34.) Sheol -The, Hebrew Underworld or _abode of departed spirits with- out distinction as to their moral qualities. The New Testament equivalent is Hades. From the de- scriptions of Sheol given in Isa. 14: 4-23 and -.Eek. 32. 17-32 and else .where we learn „that the dead in •Sheol were thouilit of as "still conscious, but living a feeble, shadowy,tiharg_hAosnEg tlikelih%' rap'ian „me common in later inscriptions !rem the tenth century B.. C. forward, ' Captain of the guard -Chief ek,f .. the exeCutioners. Andther trans lation is "chief of. the butchers." Compare "chief butler" and "chief baker" in the subsequent narra- tive. 4-• , TO GET GREAT .HORSEPOWER: Lay Trial Tidal Platt at Schleswig- Holstein. Millions of hoesepoweieare going to waste which the sea tfould "fur nish us if only some practical way of running it tidal plant'eould be found, says the 'Polytechnic/a Re- view. The idea is iothe air at pre-, sent and there are -several projects in hand which are likely to be taken up before. long. One of these is brought out, by Engineer Fein, of Hamburg, .and he proposes to lay out 'two large ba -sins On the sea coast in Schleswig-Rolstein. Two tidal basins are used aud t -lie water takes a swift flow, between the ba- sins on somewhat the same planas has been used on a modern scale and for running as large a (plant as the 5,000-horsepewer <int which_he now designing. Part of the work is' already done by a IX -mile jetty in the sea connecting with Nord - strand island., The basins will have 2,500 and 1,000 acres strface and the 'height of the waterfall between them is four' qr. five feet, so that with it 'great Volume of water it is possible tu run a set of 500 -horse- power turbines, ten in numb'er, so' as to have 6,000-beese,power, +his is only a trial plant, and ohoulthit succeed a much greater amount of. power can, be obtained in this way by esing larger .basins and in greater number, as the .ees, will give: an unlimited amount of power. . a. 4,, I 0 The fainily remedy Carr Concha and Colds. -Shiloh costs • as little and does as much I" NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S PALACE. Priceless l'retteures Lie Buried. Everywhere. From the engineer's canip 1 fol- lowedthe, eoursaof the old 'rives 08 Babylon down to the famous City of Nebuchadnezzar, where theGer-- man Oriental Society is digging up the records of 4,500 years ago, yrites a Correspondent. . 1 inW.the famous stone lion • the bas-relief -of Nebttehadnezzar' imself, with his quaint curly' bald ; the atone goose which. WIIS the standard measure qf weight 'in Babylonian grocery stores; the odd tribe of kinky -tailed' cats ; the thousands of queer dishes, urirs,"vasea, utensils, figure's of men and beasts, hath -tubs; bowl -Shaped, ceiling and cuneiform tablets whish have been unearthed by the careful Germans. They showed me the nus - name of NTeinteliadnezzar etainp- ed on numeroue brit:Its. and I walk- ed throligh the, very banquet hall Where, pesadventuae, the handw ing. camo on the wall at the feast of HolshasCar 'and "a thousand^ of his 10Pd6i," 011 the perfectly' pre- served wills or the palace I beheld the strange figures of mythological eliettists" emd hi verlasting- bull, wincli'.'helti it high piane- 330,1)3' lonion worship. Under Getman guidance a host of Araths have`toil- edeetoiled for a. quarter of a amt- turyligging' carefully, LIS they .elig at Pompeii, not to erack or ruin the pricelo'ss treasures which lie buried everywhere. \And .oech day 'brings some new surprise,. A fool says, "I earA," s, wise"1 in says "WI fry." IT SATISFIES minions of people - Worth your while to test it Sustains and cheers: „ ustreeorzscrascanzataararfores#44,50surekoza ItSIONS To Manitoba,- Saskatchewa'tsi, Alberta, HOMESEEKERS Low Rotind Trip Rats°. each Tuesday, Match to October inclusive Winnipeg and Return - 135.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points In proporilon Return Llmit.two months. -SETTLERS: 4: "Eicttlee travelS1.ersUl}lfailiiCB 11nwahlceetoci,whooli„stok and aea& ShoPid U6C SPECIAL TRAINS REGULAR TAINS '1,1/illvtiTUESDAYlsaveroron1,2 to ..1.40evo..p. lapsT.orontio 1Katy SAKS AND APIIIL Througli Colonist TOURIST SLISIMINCI CARS 10.20 ti.m, and Tourist Sleepers 641,51111PoefixcVtirtd'dTumit,f°Ltanbibeet.e'ertobar%dful''t COLONIST CARS SHALL TRAIIN3 . - moderate rates through local amt.,. No chatyltor penal . Horne Seelkers' Trains. Leave Taranto 10.20 p.na. duiing'Illarch„ ' April, Septexabe* ,atul, October, and at 2, pat. and 10.20 p.m., durlug liray. Junepjt4y.andAnguat. Through Trains. Toronto' 10 Winnipeg and West Full partieulers from ,any Agent or write M. G. Murphy,. -District passenger Agent, Toronto W. 'JA CRS N, AGENT, CL11'0T0NI ,T1-115 WEEK? Start that savings account this wk. negs Swtiaurbtewshaefere_y_ouwihtlioN; cyooniur_ pany that has a reserve fund equal to its paid-up capital. Start with a company incorporated in 1864 that has already paid over five million dollars of interest to depositors and debenturerholders Call or Write us to -day. lacapparated 1/36t itt OVER 13 MILLIONS OF ASSETS ceowi 4 Sayings Co., .Condoo chid St - Thomas. .Arr,41=4;11 'CHURCHILL INVITED'. Germali Emperor Asks Mtn to Be - lUs Personal attest. • A despatch from Berlin -says: A newspaper here prints 'a statement that the Kaiser hag invited Winston Churchill, the First Lard of the Ad- miralty, who recently proposed that; the natiens shnuld cease their naval constructions for a year, te,, be his persobal guest at Kiel during the yachting -week., • - A. 111LCI.,PY. NOW Turk Has Now a Population of 5..832,000. • A despata from New York says: The population of New Ybrk City te-day is 8,339,000 persons, accord- ing to the latest figures c-ompiled by the New York City Health Depart, ment, official. census of 19141 t.:eeurdecl a, population of 4,788,883. Effet five Remedy. A promident physician was re- cently called to his telephone bY it colored woman formerly in the ser. vice of his wife.. In great agita- tion the- woman told the physician that her youngest child was in a .bad way. "'What ,seeins to be the tro,iblel'' asked the doctor. "Doc, ehe swallowed a- bottle of ink!" "I'll be over there in a short while to see . her," said the , doctor. "Have you done anything fur her?'5 "I gave her three pieces o' 'Met - tin paper, Doc," said the colored Woman dteabtfully, ' Never send a: friend on a fool's errand. Go yourself. Janks7--"I see that young Noodle „and Miss Sharp have made a match of it, He's got no head at all, but she's a- clever girl:" Origgle - Well, you can't expect a match 11711l8 two heads to it.' mnr), „ The opera, the concert and ,the vaude- ville of the city come -to the small towns more vividly than ever before/on the ison • 110 p because Edison hits just created a ri.ewrecord---the Blue Amberol is sweeter anti' finer iti tone and reproduces in, a rnbre lifelike way than,any other phonograph record ever made.. Amd once th'e :best music and songs' Of the best artists have C0111,C to you on Blue Arnberol Rec- ords it will always be yours as vividly as at first, for the Blue Amberol never wears out. Hear it at you,. Edison deaier's today. Ttioinon.A. Edison, in int) Lalicstdo Ars., Orange, O. S. A. ,A onmplete PiiM of, 5:rlison Phonogr'aphs and Records win he found at tht9