HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-24, Page 1No 1778 -34th Year
If you have for sale Anything the public need, an
page 5 of The News -Record will introduce you to buyers,
• Will buy a, good 8 day ebotzized wood
Cathedral Gong Mantle Clock at Hell-
yar s..
'This ClOck t.s made by oh( retzable
- makers.'
Call ancl r\et one.
ewe(et -ang Optician.
The Rc)yal Bank
Capital Authorized $25,060,000
• Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500 000
- Total Assets 175,000,000
- 325 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allow ea
on Debosits. General Banking business traessacted.
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch. .
We. Molsoias Ban
Incorporated' 1855 Established in Clinton 1879
Interest allowed at'highest current rate on sums of 81 and
nesevaid from date of deposit. Joint 6,ecounts allowed.
C. E. Dowding - Manager Clinton'Branch.
Saturday H:t71;,. April 2 6,
We are going to make Saturday
Apri126, Hat Dy at our store.
It (Paill be a day of big hat sell-
ing for we are going to sell hats
for glen and Boys, at prices that
should send them out,by the doz-
We have gathered together hats
in broken lines, and sizes, both
in colored and black. The reg=
ular prices of these hats are
from $1.25 to 2.50. But in
order to clear them quickly
you can take your choke of en
tire lot for 99cts.
Just Received This 1Veek First
Shipment' of Boys Wash Suits.
Moth): "A Square Deal for Every Mau."
Mr, arid :Airs. George Beogden of
Londesboro muff:nine° the engagement.'
of their ' daughter,,Mary lVfaretta Win-
nifred," to Mr, „William Henry Lyon.,
0-, T. R. agent, of the same place, the
marriage to 'take place thefirst week
As, a sign that summer is "just a-
round the corner" aAvaiting a good
chance to come in and take- oE her
things for .a good, 'Jong ,stay, the
butterflies have made their appear-
ance, Messrs. T. Pafford and Jas.
,Taylor while walking up the liiiron
Road film Stapleton the other day
sighted a very prettyone, not a com-
mon -white moth, but a real, gaudy-
winged butterfly, such as the child-
ren describe' as `‘ficeeers with
At e meeting of the License Coln-
Missioners el, South elusion. held . at,
Hensell on 'Tuesday ehe fellowiegeice
asses were granted ler the pimping
year : 0
Exeter -W. T. Atchesors, • Central ;
Mree J. A. Newell, Cenrenercial ;
John Morley, Metropolitan 3 mos.
to dispose of stock. -
• Hensall--Franeis Carlin, King Geo-
rge • W. j. Perkins,' .Commercial ,
Bayfield -Henry Darrow, Commer-
cial ; Mrs. E. Elliott Albion 6
months license, .
Hay,. -R. R. Johnston, Dominion,
Zurich ; J. P. R -au, Commacial,
S'tephene-August Hite Central,
Crediton; Wen Zimmer, Commercial,
Daehwood ; Ezra Brenner, Brenner,
Grand Bend1 month to sell out ;
Wm. Moffatt, Dufferin, Centralia, 3
mos, to improve his peemises.
About thirty of. the boys and girls
from the fifth form ,of the Collegiate
met at the 1iospit4 ",..hofrie of Mr,
aid Mete (1. J. - Whelis on. Monday
evening, the object being to spend a
social hour with "Mr. Russel Harland
prier to his departure for Guelph,
where the family are moving this
week. A vere pleasant evening 'was
spent by the young people and dure
ing the course of it Mr. Clarence
Kitty read a complimentry address
to Mr. Harland and he was present --
ed with at' handsomely . engraved
watcli foe." Russel replied in char-
acteristie neenner theinking his.frieteds
for their kindness and expressing the
regret he felt at the breaking of the
ties which bound him to Clinton, his
native town. Games and music' fol-
lowed and before the company broke
up "dainty refreshments were served
by Mrs, Wallis. Russel has been a
prime favorite with the young people
and his departure from teern is sin-
cerely"' regretted.
The Junto'scoetributeethe major
portion of the program at Monday
night's . snissionary meetinge, in con-
nection with the ' League, when Miss-
es Irene Keller; Alice Reckitt, Maude
Co,ole and Gertrude Wallis debated the
relative merits of homeand foreign
missions, the two farmer upholding
the home, :Ilse latter the foreign
work. Each side vies well sustained
and many .excellent points were made '
by each speaker, the young debaters
showin•ge marked ability, Mrs, A. 'I'.
Cooper, and Messes. R. E. Manning
and He E. Rorke acted as judges ai•
warding the decision to the defenders
of home missions. The Junior choir
contributeda eouple,of ehotuses which
were appreciated. MTS. J. -E.' .0an-
telon had charge of the meeting.
Next Monday evening Mr. C. D.
Bouck, principal of the Model ochool,
will give an address on eThe Flag."
The pastor exchanged pulpits willt
the Rev. D, K. Grant, pastor of Wil-
lis ehtirch, on 'Sunday moreitig, who
preached very acceptably, ' elle r as.
tor occupied his own pulpit in the
Next Sunday morning Hie Oddfel.
lows will attend divine service in.
this church. '
Al their, annual meeeing 'the other
evening the W, M. S. elected the fol-
lowing officers for the eneuing_year :
President .Mrs A .0 Pattison
1 st Vice, 'Mrs. W. S. Harland.
2nd Vice, MIS, J, O. MeMathe
Rec.-Secretary, Miss Washington.
(Jot., -.Secretary, Mrs. J. E. C,anee-
Treasurer, MiS8 Porter.
Pianist, Mrs. A. le Cooper.
. Delegate to Branch Meeting to be
held in Chanharn in May, Mrs. J.
E. Cantelon, -
Alternate, Mrs. j. Moore.
At the annual meeting of the Sun-
day school committee on' Mor ia,y es -
eying the teachers andofficers' were
appointed for the ensuing year. Mr.
T., Cooper, who hes been .superin-
tendent for the past ten years and
vvlio has filled_the post with ability,
giving freely ni his time and .energy
30 eroincste the welfare of the Se11001.
W011rd it 1 IOW hi 8 name to go up
this 'year-ae.he has been appointhd to
visit the schools in the county, and
the carrying .out of ies work th this
capacity would necessarily take him
from home a good 'deal, -Mr. -1-1.131
Berke, who has acted ae assistant
foe some yeat, was appointed to the
chief office. Mt. T. le, East was ap-
pointed secretary, . Mr. W. H. Hell-
yee treasurer, and the old staff_ of
teachers were re -appointed 'with the
addition of Mr. H. S. Chapman, eMiss
Gladys Cantelore k plithist, and, Mise
Ruby Wise, aseistaut,
Mrs. = T. Kearns wishes, through
The.. News-ReCord to exuness her
thanks to her friends for tlmir many
acts of -kindness during, her recent
Mr. P Shopard last week Sold
. .
his delivery horse, "Luty" to Mr.
McKnight of the London liodd.
"Lucy" has been- in the grocery
business for seven or eight years,
having been taken over by Mr: Shep-
pard when he bought the bus1n3ss
from Mr. Beacom,and"willbe mis-
sed by the patrons of -the store but
atter so strenuous a life she •fhould
appreciate the comparative ease. of a
stimper spent as extra lrorSe and oc-
casiodal driver O11 a farm.
The services OD Sunday la,st .were
conduceed by Pastor Wylie and were.
of a helpful nature. Al tee evening
eerviee the choir rendered the an-
them "Come lento Me'1 very accept-
ably, Miss Levis presided at th9 037-
ian and played the accompaniments
in an effective rnannee. At the B.
Y. P. U. 'oe Mondey night theeett-
ject was '11eavorite Verses itheie the
Psalms," Several of the members
eook part and the , program was
much. enjoyed. The subject fOr next
Sunday neerning will be ''Mourning
or Mirth!' and for the,evening 1'The
Measure of a Ma."
In- the absence of the pastor the
Rev. J. Greene preached .on Sueday
mottling last, Mr, ..f . A. IrWin taking
Ole evening service, The pastor will
occupy his own. pulpit next Sunday.
' The League meeting on Monday eN1f
ening was one of unusual interest.
lllrg, McMorray read the SCri}btUre
1 lesson, • the president, Miss Carrie
Shipley,. gave a reading, and Mr, W.
H. Hellyar - gave a very interesting
'5111' ' t et' talk on "Watchmak-
ing", illustrating his memarks by ex-
hibiting many of the intricate work-
ings ot some of the high class time-
pieces, ,
The Junior,. League were given( a
banquets in the lecture Morn on
- evemng last, 't 31e!it e end of
the winter program • contest, at
which they broke even. Sixty young
people sat down to the well spread
tables and a very pleasant time was
spent: Next Friday evening there
will be an ,opcn session of the Lea-
gue to which the parents and friends
are specially invited. The programs
on this 'eccasion will consist of sev-
eral of the best numbers chosen from
the ' difierent programs given during
the winter and will serve to show
Just what the Juniors have been do-
ing aad how their time ees been ern -
P °le •
The ',meeting of the Goderich Dis-
trict Women's . Missionaey Society
will be held in this church ore May
7th ahd will continue all day.
Mrs. Margaret Depew passed away
at the home Of her daughter, Mrs.
William, Doherty, early Friglayt morn-
ing last at the' advanced age of
eighty-eight years. The deetased,
whose' (maiden name was Margaret
Murray, was horn at Huntingdon,
Quebec Pirovinca, She was the
daughter --01 the late James Murray,
51. A., who afterwards became one
•of the founders of Ridley College,
St. Catharines, and , who for years
was- r teacher of classics in that . in-
stieetlon, where sha also, before 4e.r.
nutft.iage, :'Was a teaChee ifErenet)
'and': Latin, ' After her marriage to
Mr. Petsr Depew they lived for. a
-time at Norwich 91ec1 "later 'in Clin-
ton, leaving here for Wardsville iIt
1872, in which- latter elec.° Mr, De -
pew died and where his. widow con-
titmed to reside until about three
years ago when she came to make
her abode with her daughter, Mrs.
eIr. and Mao. leepew had' a family
of four daughters and three eons :
3 51 Depew, of Toronto, George, of
Chicago, T. H., Wardsville, the late
Mrs. Squiree,, Glencoe, Mrs. Doherty,
'Clinton, Mrs. D. .Prices Tharriesville,
and 'the late Mee: Fred. T. Jackson.
The . deceased was a woman. of
marked musical ability and in her
youngerdays was a very sweet sine
gee. In the early days when( musical
instruments were not so plentiftlf; at
the camp and field meetings, anct
even in the church services of th'
Methodists, of which body else Was
alneost a life-long 'needier, her- tal-
ents as a singer weremuch in de-
mand and were always cheerfully
given as a leader in the service of
,S011g., She was not onea Woma
ifth n'
of superior gbut was also -kindly
and lovable, thus endearing herself
to those eveth whom she came es 'con-
tact, her culture and training thus
beim,' made a refining influenee 111
Ole circles in which she lived. •She
-vas a good wile and mother, her
ceildren holding her in deeps•st, afe
Wheat 91e,
• Peas Ode to 81-.00,
0ats.,..30c to 3,1e,
-Barley 45e to 50e.
Buteer 23e to 24e.
Eggs 18c to 19e.
Live HogS 89 101. ,,
- - .,
Couch & Co. have leaeed the
rooms above Chapman's shoe store
and' have there opened' met a houee-•
furnishing -deemetmenk, showing car-
pets, rugs, curtains, etc., everythiege
in the house furnishing line usually
carried 'by an up-to-date store of
this, eort, The additional room is a
decided advantage as it enables them
to carry a. much larger a,ncl more -
varied stock,
'Ilie Center Huron license commis-
sioners, Geo. M. ,Elliott, Gilded -ell,
Alieed Baker, leruesels, and e R. 3.
-Clef!, of (Milton, "met, here 'on 1.11.
day to considee the applications foe
-.licenses. ,
' There were (six licenses applied for
in Clinton but as local option ,goes
into effect on , May est., -none eed
these could be granted.- .
F. Kling, of the Dick House, • and
Mrs. T. Ste,phens, of the Quefes's,
Seaforth, and 11. James of " the
American House, Brussels, were giv-
en three months, oe the eliairthan
Isaid, ' to impro ve,"
The following were given a yeartk
, licenses : ' - „
I Goderich-Bedford, F. Davis ;,Brit-
ish, J, Reynolds; Colborne, T. John-
son; Ocean, Capt. -Babb; Lesion, le.
Lennart; Sautes' ie. C.' King, Shop
incense -W. W. Saints.
Seaforth-Commercial, A. A. • Mc-
Lennan.; Royal, T. D: Pinkney.
IBrussels --Queen's, J, Querin ;
l illjtbIct-1-1,e. nroal ''. I ,
A wedding in which many Clinton.
people will be interested took place
in. Toronto on Saturday week 'when
1 Miss Mak Alexandra_ eldest', daughter
' of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Armstrong,
, formerly of Clinton, was unitedin
marriage- with Mr. John M. BesWiek,
) The ceremony was pet:famed at Ole'
home .of the:bride's parents, Clielon
• • q ,
inunediate friends and reiativel-- of j
the two families. 1110 -Officiating
clergyman was the Rev, Dr. Tevell,
I The bride was daintly gowned in,
ivory setite with trimmings 01
*shadow lace and seed pearls wore a
veil catIght up with lily -of -the -valley
and carried a shower 'menet . -10
cream roses and Illy -of- the-velley.
Mrs. Fl, 0. Wilson was matron " of
hopor wearing pale blue and carryini;
crimson roses. The 'Wedding maul
I was played br Mrs. E, J. .Jenkins,
who sang very sweetly "0 Perfect
Love" during the signing of 09 re-
Mr, and Mrs. Beswick left the same
afternoon for a brief honeymoon trip
land have gince taken up their abode
111 Coady Avenue,' Toronto.-
‚Ole bride, who isa native of Clin-
ton, has many frtends here Nvho waft
good wishes Tor good health, happi-
ness and prosperity.
1 The baseball series 'at the Public
school the past week has resulted as
follows :
'flie funeral, which was .private,
took place on Satisrday afternoon
them the residenee of Mr, and Mrs.
Doherty. The services at house and
graveside were conducted by the Rev:
J, E. Ford. The pallbearers were
old .thiendt,. some of whom had
known her during ha residence "here
es the early days : Messrs, Wm.
Caetelon, W. S: Harland, W. Maen-
ing, II, 13. Chant, I). S. Cluil and J.
W, Moore. Interment was made in
eee Clintou cemetery. e
LITTLE 10011,1_,S.
When is tlie macadam roadway to
be oiled,
Mr. and Mrs. Hunreferd ilave mov-
d 111.1:0 and have 10001 10 comfortably
settled in the house. jest \emitted by
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, McRae.
A; baseball (du) has been organized
in commotion ''i I51, Paul's church
and it , 'somewhat expectea that
the other local churches will' (to like-
wise so that a Church. League may
be formed and 'an aaded interest
given to the game
Mr. Aiex. Leitch of eeniett has
just purchased else reeidenee.-of tho
late Mre. Geo. Allen on the eornee
of Dunlop sereet and will move his
family into teem almost immediate.'
ly; leaving his seas on the.. farm.
The News -Record wet -corns Mr. and
Mrs. " Le.iteh and wishes thene a plees,
ant sojourn Clinton.
, •
FOR THE 1-101.3(1H
'Phe first round of the elimination
series for the Hough eup was ' sett-
led in Stratford on Tuesday as fol-
lows' :
--Saturday „April 26, -Galt plays in
Woodstock, referee net' Settled upon
Clintoh in Stratford, referee J. M.
McCutcheon, of Stratford ; Listowel
in Wingham, Alexanderson, of Brits-
solli, referee.
Saturday, May 3-Woodstack in
Galt ; Strafford in Clinton ; Wing-
-ham in Listowel,
DFGR Pr TEA"' alifieree.
The Clinton C. 0. 0, F. degree
team. went. up . to Blyth on Tuesday
evening and exemplifyed the third
degree to Ole satisfaction of the
three linkers in that town. After
ehe work of the lodge roo1)1 had been
completed. the Blyth brethren served
,refreshments and a very pleasant
social Wee Wageenjoyed. Clineon
'brethren numbered twenty-two and
were as follows : H. 13. (Thant, . .J.
lts. Moore, J. Winch, Jr., J. Mc -
lelliott 2 1 3 2 0 3 0 0 0-1 1
Gorden 1 0 2 0 2 I 0 6 2-8,
1 Lawrence I 0 3 0 0 3 1 1(1-15
. Oliver 5 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 2-10.,e.
1 ' TheeIteagee, standiq noi,l': Law-
encVon '.2, lost 0 ';`..`01iVrOn," 1,
iloSt 1 ; Elliott won 1, lost 1 ; Gor-
don woe 0, lost 2. ' • '
, Oa Monday" evening the -Girl'e div-
ision of the .4.theletic Association
.complethd orgatization for playing
Centre ball instead of Basket 'bail as
the school grounds have no suitable
.plaee to play the latter. The Yel-
lowing are the teams, the first anen-
tialed. in each beteg captain
1 No, 1,-.-808Sie O'Neil, Maiden Arne -
our, Mary Chidley, Bessie ChoWen,
Hattie Greig, .Edna IVIcCa,ughey, Ed-
ith Jones, - Clete Dunfeed, Beryl
., Cooper, Evelyn Clue, Ethel Wasman,
1.Alma McCorviee Pearl Gould.
No, 2,---leathleen Dowser, Lois -Her-
mes, Aileee Armour, Helen Forrest-
er, Grace Akam, IVinnie Draper,
Irerie Cole Lyda Meerish, Helen
Ross; Rutes ' MeMath, Madelon Shaw,
Pharnie Cree, Bertha Jackson.
I No, 3,---Aliee Pickett, Merle Moore, .
13ertha •.Yatee, Margaret Walket,
Irene &nick, Freda Wallace, Fannie
Hellyar, Mettle Shipley, Nora Ken.
nedy, ' Elsie Hollehause Janet Wylie,
Bertha Gunn, 'elation Gibhings,
i No. 4, -Eleanor -Mackenzie, Mildred
Cooke,learene Langeord, teTio1a Cook,
Charlotte Sheeley, Gladys Jeeller,
Marjorie lefeela,th, Eleanor le eine,
Dor-othy leattesibuty„. Elsie Graces,
1 ee K eler 13113 rivennere - Mabel
Marshall, ,
• '• Tile ?schedule is as "follows ;
1 and 2- on April 24tie
e and 2 on April 280. .
el. .aafl 3 on May 1st..
1 and 4. on May- 5111.
1 ' and 4 on May 0111
, 2 ,and 3 on May 1211.
3 and 1 on MO 15th.
_ • .
2 and 1 on May 19th.
4 and 2 00 May 22th. •
, 4 and 11 on May 260.
: 3 and 2 oil May 29t1i. -
. 4 and 3' on June 2nd.
Miss May Ranee, ,the Hon. Presid-
ent, will face the ball for the open -
Leod, J. Wiseman, 0, E. Dowding,
J., Taylor, n, Aloaralor, R•un.i_ the child was behind hiln. The train.
ball, W. Johneon, T. Rawl:ins, N. was unable to stop owing to
leeneedy, W. McL wan 3 14. Eerr, "rye' The Wingham coroner was
'A. -Lawson, A. R. Mitchell', (1, Dra-
per, Geo, Weber, J. Mulliolland, 15.
elan, Mr. Lateschinger, and T. Mane -
"bus. • CRUELTY._ TO. A COW..
fief: Went up le tee -motor 11)11be taken.
A. SOCIAL GATHERING. A. Jail e Goderieh townsls
Bev., J. Ford preached S 11 to
day Mn
org last, exchanging Wi 11z
1110. pastor, who occupied his 'owl:
pulpit, in the evening. -
1110110 L0(1,II,S.
Feel. and Mrs. Brie towe have 3eae-
ed M1:11, Idatiley's reeidence 011 11'1:ed. .
crick street where they will take tie
their abode. , •
Mr, and - Mrs, Will Collyer will
move 'into Ole residence 30.1being this, weelc \(aeated by Mr,
atie Mrs, W. .1. IIarland. .Deeirable
residences are at a 1)1101111 111
linton .at the emeeent me
THE ,ST AFT 13/1elle (OMINCI.
Tee- Salvation Army Stall Bane,
consieting of 11)1117' members, will
give. an entertainment in the town
hall on the evening of May 511.
'lids band is.. recognized as oneel
Ole .best musical aggregations in
Canada • and as the peograrn 0011515 51
QC': both -vocal and brass seleetione
genuine musical treat is assured
those who attend.
I '
1 On Satnrday the (I. C. I. footbale
team go to Stratford to play the
Collegiate team there in the Hough
Cup series. The return game will he
played here one week later. The teem:,
scouring ' the rargest number of goals
will play against the winner of the
Lietowee-Winglidm series. The lame
line up will probably be as iollows
Goal, Caldwell.
13aoks, Torrance, Beacom.
Half Backs, Sparks, J, Smillie,
Forwards, Blatchford, Kaiser, S.
Smillie, MeCrostie, Kilty-
On Tuesday the G. T. R. Expreeee
due at Bluevale about 8 pm. ran
down and instantly killed the eigh-
teen Antiriths' old child of Mr. ant',
Mrs. Robt. Tre
urvie of the end co
of Morris, 'elite child had foljowedi
its grandfather out 'of the house,
who had , left to go to a neighbeeea.
with a gun; and he did not know: .
,called and he ordered an inauese
which 'was' adjourned until Fritlast
when the evidence or the trainmen
The Five Hundred Club and a few
'friends were entertained at the home .011 Tuesday on Pharge of entail* te
our citizens and, it is so alleged, he,
animals, He sold a cow 1.0 one of
of Mrs. A. J, Holloway on Tuesday 1
evenieg When the game was • eon.:
eluded and the dainty luncheon pro ; tied her to the back of his wagon
and came in at a pace fastee than
vided had been enjoyed the hostess, :
a walk. The animal is said to have.
on behalf ot the Club, presented
I been trailed. part of the way arid
Mrs, W. J. Harland with a half do collapsed near the Commercial
en. silver forks and a pieee of . hand- 1
hotel, The purchaser heard of it and .
painted olsinae Mrs. Harland replied
down and looking over tht
friends for the remembrance and ex-
its . euitable words, ' thanking her ii(c),1131,rg.ohjeTtgaatiy
reettsed to accept he
adding a few plain words the whi
pressing the regret she felt , at the
breaking; .oft of - friendehips, :some of I take
wtahse• tlibuosvineeP thoonthe and
which had lasted almost all her life,
said it was ,four days beforeehe
. and ' assuring them that she otild
enabled to do so owing to the
ever continue io remember them raid
juries it had suetained.
the haPPY . gatherings in the old
tewn of Clinton. Mrs. Harland will
be inuch missed amongst her circle
of friends in `Clinton, with whom
she 'has always been popular.
iner was 41ed before the local judge
The rrieulbeis of the 7 V. C. class
of Ontario street Sunday school met
at the home of their -Leacher, Mrs.
bid a reluent,aioitin -fealreenvdreailfven
v0 toor
their -niunber, Clifford. aed elIarvey
Harland, who are this week leaving
town. Iluring the evening Percy
Wheatley, president .of the class, in a
neat little speech in Which he ex-
pressed the regret , felt at elle losing
of two such active members of the
class, presented each with a pair of
cue Hoke as a little reminder of
their Clinton friends, The boys re-
plied pleasantly thanking their cone-
radee for thus remembering them. A
taffy pull and some Music then ser-
ved' to while away a happy Itour to-
gether. The Harland boys have been
popular members of this orgauized
class, Clifford having, been secretary -
treasurer, and both have been 'aceive
in sports and will be much missed
by their young friends.
"We Six" a half dozen youne nsen
in town , who WM fair to become
more eatisfactory '' society meh''
than some others, whom it is hard
to` (hag out' to a social function ot
any etiscriptione 011101 1,11.10 a "smok-
er" decided to give a little infor-
mal deuce in, the town hall on Pri-
day evening a TE1 issued a number M
invitations to -those who delight in
that 'eott eof emusemene, Those who
510110 able 110 accept, and there wae a
nice little company, mostly_ of the
"younger eet" say that it was one
of the very niast, little dances of
the season. , The ladies were daint.
ily gowned, the flooe was in, good
condition, the music furnished by the
orelmetra was first-class, everybody
11511011 and .everyemly hads a good
time. Mrs., ee- -Jackson, Mrs,
517. 0. 'Whitmore and Mrs. O.71
Yates aeted as patronesses aud the
young men preyed themselves excel-
lent hosts. Altogether the first
eocial venture of telee Six" prove,d
to be a very enjoyable atiaik, in
congratulatione of their frienas ever
til they have been, receiviug the
At 10.30 last -night Deteof,ive.Whit-
sides; who happened to be in town,
receiVed instructions from the Crown
Attorney to go before eudge An-
drews and swear out an information. •
charging Robert Gordon of Tucker -
smith with the murder of hie fathee
Hugh Gordon, The Judge iesued.
his warrant and Whitesides left alt
once to make the arrest.
Mr, George Rowantree of Londoes
and Mr. Allaway of Lobo were in
the village one day last week pre-
paring to- occupy their summer cot,- ,
Mrs. Reid arid Miss Fe.eeee fel
of ,Windsor arrived' in the village
last week to pend the summere
%Mrs. Edward Reid left on Sature
day last for Owen Sound to joiri
her husband, who is sailing on the
Mr. Thos. Iherrieon of Goderiels '
township, who 'has secured the Pore -„,„e
ter's Hill route of the rural mail de- ,
Beery, moved into ll/fr. Jag. Porter's
residence on Tuesday.
Richard IVIeDool, Jr, and James
Warneley left on Ileonday for Owen
Rev, Dr, Medd of (loderich
ied the pelpit . of the Blethodist
church on Sundayevening last,
preaching hi the interests of the
neatIonal Fund, while Mr. James
Young, pastor, took the foriner'is
worle at Goderiele
Rev. Mr. Macfarlane - exoliangeff
pulpite with Rev. Mr. GralesIn riG
Banks last Sunday.
ise the result of the assessor'e en-
umeratioe Bayfield is iiow only en-
titled to one; hotel, wieb
license which w
dey to e'