HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-17, Page 6BLOW IN THE SPRING The Passing of Winter Leaves Pig - pie Weak anti Depressea As winter.‘passes away it leaves many people 'feeling weak, de- pressed and_easily tired. The body lacks that vital force and energy which pure .131-otal alone ea,n give. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Ptele People are an all -year-round blood builder and nerve tonic, but they are especially useful in the pring. Every dose helps to make new, rich, .red blood. Returning strength commences with theiii use and the vigor -and cheerfulness of good health quickly follows. - There is just one cure for lack of blood and that is more blood. Food is the material from which blood is made, but Dr. Williams' Pink Pills double the value of the food .we eat. They give strength, tone up the stomach arid weak digestion, clear the complexion of pimples, eruptions and boils, and drive out rheurnatie poisons. , If "you are pale and sallowcif you feel continually tired out, breath- less after slight exertion, if you have '-headriches.or backaches, if you are irritable and nervous, if .your joints ache, if your appetite fails and food does not nourish Mar sleep refresh you, Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills will make you -well and strong. To build iip .the blood,figathe special purpesd of Dr. Willianne Pink 'Pill, -and' that is why they are the best spring medicine. If you feel the need of a tonic at this seaspn give ,Dr. Wil- liams' Pink u ll rPills a fair trial &ad . i yowiejoice n new ,health, new strength and neis energy. Do not let the trying weather of summer - find you weak and ailing: Build yotirself up now with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -the pills that strengthen, 'Ask for, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and do not be per- suaded to take something else. rf your dealer does not keep these ,Pills they will be sent by mail,`post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes fOr $2.50 by writing The Dr. Wil - lianas" Medicine Co., Brockville, ON THE DOOMED SHIP. Brave Deed of a Man Who Gave His Life for a Friend. A sailing vessel left Australia for England, and one of the passengers was is gdntlenaan who had gone out to Australia forsellis health, but the country haz not suited hisn, so he was now returning. The ship had made'more than half her homeward voyage when she Way% caught in a storm. It lasted night after night, until in the end she was without mat, oail or rudder. Whilst the sterna was atill raging the only two boats were lowered, but they were not half enough for he passengers on bean& While this was being done the captain ordered that lots should be drawn to settle which of them should go in the boats,. The last had been drawn, and the fors • tuna& ones ranged themselves in , - The man mentioned was one of the fortunate oues, and, as he wait- ed until the Men before him had • leaped his eyes suddenly fell upon is 'face close to him. He remembered' it, and its story flashed upon him. He had talked with that young.man a few. days ago, arid had learne,d that thiae, years ago, with but mall chance of life, he had left behind him in 'England his 'wife and chil- dren,and now, in fell,Insaltte „was ahis Way hoine. tut he ste-a among the. doomed, - The 'g.entleinan in •an instant seized -the man and forced him over the gunwale and stepped. into his place. - In is few rain.utes all was over, The hip had. gene down, carrying with it many brave men, but none braver or grander than he who gave his life for his friend, omriu cuRs cous MM Ii Persistent Beggar -"And both me -.parents died and left me' aD or- han." Pedestrian --"Poor fellow! What are you going to do with it?" YAIIICOSE VEINS Ali!)VE ANKLE Broke Info Sore. Itched and Burned - SO Badly Could 'Scarcely Sleep. Red and Inflamed. Cuticura Seep ..and Ointment Entirely Cured. 217 Greenwood Ave., Toronto, Ontario. - My trouble was varicose veins above my ankle. It broke into is sore width was pain- ful. The sore itched and burned so badly that I could scirecly sleep. The skin around it was red and.inffamed. I could not wear. a shoo for eight weeks. I tried Several dint- . merits but -they didn't. seem to dolt any good. Then1 was recommended to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment. I bathed with the Cutl- aura Soon and Pitt a little Outleura Ohm- I/lent-on end tam, gave the greatest relief. - In a few weeks the sore was entirely cured.", (0irgleq.) Ws, IvieoGrogor•Feb; 21. 1012.- .‘ SALT RHEUM 0 NI..BABY'SH.EAD WoodStOcir. _Yarmouth Cp., ig..,A,-Teems baby was about three weekS old when lio ' had salt Almon Oa his head add forehead. It began in a,little fine rash, which. came on his head and down ev.er his forehead and formed a hard, brown crust. It looked' terrilde, and it must have bothered him Ouifo a lot, as be wouldnot siceP,0 used to wash Nei with me cascara soars and • -hot water and pUt the Cutleara Ointment on, and In three weeks Ida head and fore- head were clear. I San) -speak too:highly Of the Ctitictiro, Ointment .ancl Outicura Soup" (Signed) Mrs. "George B, Nov. IS, 1911. uticu: a Soap alld OD ticura Ointment aro Bold by. druggists and dealers overyw,here.--. A single set is often sufficient. Llhrai suemle Of each mailed irOC. ,Wlph 32-p. Cldn Mon,k. 'Addre'ss Llio4. Card POLESS DVIlg SC Oliern. Corp., Dept. ii4D, Boston, IJ. ()DERN WARFARE IVOIJNO S. Of ras slot in .the Greek Army Not One Died. The Congress , recently held in Berlin of the Society of German Surgeons was unusually interesting because of the reports made by theSe doctors who participated •in the Tripolitan and Balkan wars. Professor Goebel, of l3reslau, de - flared that the bombs thrown from Xtalian aeroplanes in Tripoli did no damage. It was very seldom that they exploded owing to the sandy soil of tiles country. He rklso fiad that wounds from • bayonets or or savorda.were rare as the Combat- ants did not get close enough for hand-to-hand fighting. The wounds inflicted by the small calibre Itali- an rillesThealed quickly and left al- most no scar. Prof. boenah declared that war surgery, so far- as his experience With the Greek army showed, was ebiefly is matter of arm, leg and head wounds. Injuries in the breast and abdomen were very few, He hid treated 565 wounded men and not one of thein died. He said that the wounded irien did not experi- ence any pain from the small cali- bre highmoyer ',bullets. The first notice of the loot that- they had been hit came from Weakness and - bleeding, • which , distairbecr their usual functions. ,, • Dr. Frank, of Berlin, who was at theahead-of.il large Greek -field hos- pita); said that ahuge number of men had been wounded in the calf of the leg. These, wounds were very painful. - Prof. Goldarrimer made an ad- dress in which .he described the tit- ter neglect of the Pick and wound- ed Turks after demoralization sei in on their retreat from Lulea Bur - gag. - Prof. Verth, of Kiel, gave an ac- count Pf his experiences' in naval warfare. He said that,in these cas- es the wounds were more serious than in military fighting on aceount of the size .andeterriffic explosive power of the large ehelle, . FRIENDS HELP. St. Paul Park Incident. "After drinking coffee for break- fast I always felt languid and dull, having no ambition to get to my morning du -ties. • Then in about an hour or io a:weak, nervous derange- ment of • the- heart and stomach would Come ever me with such force •I would frequently have tb lie down," " Tea is just as harmful, 'because it contains caffeine, the • same drug found in coffee. ".ikt other times I had severe headaches; stomach finally became affected and digeation so impaired that 1 had serious chronic dyspepe sia and constipation. A lady, for many years State President of the W. C.- T. U., told me she had been greatlybenefited by quittingcoffee and using Postum; she was trou- bled for years with asthma. She said it was no cross to quit coffee when she found sne could nave as delicious an article as Postum; "Another lady, -who had been • . . troubled with chrome dyspepsia fer years, found immediate relief on ceasing coffee and using Postum. Still another friend ,kold me that .Postura was a. Godsend, her heart trouble having been relieved after leaving off coffee and taking on Postman ' 'Pea' niluell.:_eanttegfnaltatc" 131' notice that :I.Ioncludecl .coffee" Was the hairse,of my trOiible;ahd 4-asnit and took up Postman I am more than pleased to say that my days of trouble have disappeared. I am well and happY.". Look in pkgs for the famous little book, "The' Road to Wellville." Ever read the ohmic letter? A now one appears tram time to time.' They are genuine, true, and 5 511 of human Interest, . Long -Range Forecasting. Long-range weather foreearsting, se long chsereditecl ,by /scientifie men, appears to e gaming .respec- tability, little by little, ,vath ' the progress of meteorology, says the Scientific American. Ir,ms last an- nual repert.of the Dutch East, In- dian meteorological service men- tions -1,1-m fact that forecasts of the strength and weather characteries ties of the easterly monsoon ruts' now issued at Batavia each April. Official monsoon forecasts have been regularly made in British In- dia for many years. In the United States sWeather , Bureau, Sunday forecasts for it w -eek • in advance have become as established institu- tion. Of course in 'all t.hese cases the •forecasts deal with only the broader fe.atures, of the weather over wade. areas. 1 con,nier :MINARD'S OU8ISI13N2, the BEST LAI onent in nee. _ I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed' it well with MINARD'S LINIMENT,. and a tea 'as well as ever' rles.t day. Yours very trurY, T., 0. Me/dUbLEN. She Caught It. Sarah, the new maid, was unused to city avaysl One day soon after her arrival her mistress noticed 11 pail hanging from the gaS bracket in the hall, Suspecting the coon. 'try girl, she called Sarah and asked -what it all means "IVell you see ma'am," replied •1 S "t1 ster said the gas 'was leakingasi•Pat uPltbe'Pail to eatch at. . - • misrantann vamp t ennui, ii.trinui u GHOSTS AND GREAT MEN. nany SliPernatural Appearances to World's Famous Illeeerdefl. Goethe states that one day Ise essay the exact co.unterpart, of himself corning toward him: Pope saw aa. arm apperentIy come through ths. wall, and made enquiries after its owner, Byeonoften reeeived visits from a 'spectre,. but kileav it to be a creation of meagination. Doctor lotinsoir heard his mother call his name in a clear voice, though she was at the time in another' eity. ' Count Emanuel Swedenborg be- lieved that he had hte privilege of interviewing persons in the spirit. world. Loyola, lying wounded at the siege ef Panpeluna, saw the Virgin, wile encouraged him to prosecute his -mission. Sir Toshua Reynailds, - leaving his , hearse, thought the lamps were trees, and the m.en and women hushes agitated by the breeze. Oliver Cromwell, lying 'sleeping on his educh, saw the curtains open and is gigantic wo- man appear, who told hint he would become the greatest ma.n 1» Eng-: land. • Ben John -son spe,nt the watches of the night an interested spectator of a, crowd of Tartans, - Turks and' R,onnan 'Catholies,who rote and: fbeglit • around his arm- cha,Ir till Sunrise.. 13envenuto ininrisoneel " Rome, resolved to free himself by self-deitruetion but was deterred ,by the apparition. ef, woman Of wOndi"?.11.P..10a11tYS. W.}19:r_iieF0PrOrschos- stifithetl'hinfelatena his Pur.pose, Nag poleon once called "atte.ntion to a bright" star he believed 'he saw thin- ing in his rooms and said : , 'It ha.s never. deserted me. I see it on the occasion of every great i event, urging Me onward. It s ray unfailing omen of ,success." BABY'S ..0Wist TABLETS Baby's .Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother can give her-'lit- 'tle one -i. They act as a gentle laxa- tive, sweeten the stomach, break up colds and make teething.easy. Con- cerning 'them Mrs. Alphonse Lan- dry, Upper Cara,quet, N. B., sreys s "Baby's Own Tablets were of great benefit to my little boy and I would advise all mothers with sickly 'chil- dren to give them a trial.' The Tablets are sold at 25 cents a box frorn The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. VALUE OF SELF-CONFIDENCE. Not Much Chanee for the Man Whose Courage Falb. •• Thousands of men go dovvn, after several consecutive reverses, be- cause they loee heart.' They decide that luck or fate is against therm and that it is no use to try further. You will notiee that this man who does not lose his courage or his de- termination when he loses his pro- perty gets on'bitfeet again infinite - quicker than'the roan who loses heart; in fact, there is not much chance for the man whose courage fails. *When he loses "his grip, os rule,' he loses his climbing qualities, and .simply drifts. A ,dead fish will float with the stream, but it takes a very lively one to Swim against a strong current. Xf we could ana- lyse the cause of all the, failures in the world we should find that lose of confidence had more sto do with* these failures than the loss of pro- perty. Outside of character itself, there isno lose -so 'great as that of • self-co•nfielence; for, when this is' gone, there is nothing to 'build upon.' It is -impossible for as man to staggLerectewithout a backbone, especially when he. has mach Weight to earry, Nothing can keep a man dowe when he has grit and determination. It ,is as impossible imprison energies alt it vsoulcl be to bottle up ,steaan. Se -If -Confidence makes men gods, whose wills must be obeyed. I 0 "The Family i•riend for 40 years " A never failing relief for Croup and whooping Cough, "Who painted Subbub's house'?" "He Aoki me the name of' the con- cern.- •I 'think he said it was done by Fitz and Starts." When Your Eyes fiee0 Care TF!;ny:_luAvix.Q".111eitcrye. daY;ry1C1016rourrtRner, ieemeti: Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. trated Book M each Package. Marine is compounded by our Wallets -not a "Patent Med- icine -but mime in successful Physiclaps, Pm. - wee Mr IMPS, years. Now dedicated to the Fob- 'ne-and sold by Druggists at 2me and toe per Bottle. Marino Eye salve in Aseptic 'robes, 2, and 60a Murree Eye Remedy Co.,Chicago Gertie-"I wish you to know that dOn't Stand on trifles." Helen (glancing at her feet) -"No, dear ; I see you don't, PILES CURED. N 6 TO 14 DAYS. • Your druggist will ;refund money if PASO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itch. Mg, Itind Bleeding or Protruding' Piles in 1 to 14 days. Esse. -Ame A al ameate. , "pq you favor votes -for woe Dien ?"' "I do," repliedthe Lies - sin policeman. "It would be a great comfort to me to see, a crowd of suffragettes voting 'instead' of making, unkind remarks and Wow- ing dynamite." 0 ISSUE Popular Young Farmer Talks T LIGS TVIIAT DODD'S ' PILLS DID FOR 411111. , Ife's Back at Work Again, After Suffering from the Pains,. Nervs ousnees and Depression that Only liidaey Disease Can Bring. Point, Alexander, Ont., April 14 (Special). -Mr, D. A. Froneare, a well-known and popular young' mer, living near here, who has'been sefferer -from kidney disease for sometime past, is back at work again, and be says, without hesita- tion, that his cure issdue to, Dodd's Kidney Pills.. " '"I'was always tired and nerv- ous," Mr. Froncaire sesta, in speak- ing of bis .illness. "I' suffered from backache and neuralgia, and any sleep was broken and unrefreshing. My eyes were puffed anal there were dark red circles around them, ",My,museles would cramp. I felt heavy a,nd sleepy afterwarele, and --I was! 'depressed and low-spirited, while shortness of breath and dizzy spells served to make life yet more Miserable for me. ' was always thirsty; my limbs were heavy; and I had a dragging , sensation aciess the loins. . "My symptozn,s led me to believe hadellidney.dise'ageasind Iistarted,' :to suse. -DodcP.s sgKidneyes - X' haye taken eight boxes in all, and I ana very grateful for the benefit I have received from them." If the, disease is of the kidneys or from the kidneys, Dedd's Kid- ney Pill's will mire it. ANTI-BLA.SPHEMIN G .LAN S. ' English Clergymen and Secularists ' Start Campaign. Recant' prosecutions under the existing English" lawaganist bias- Pliegay have resulted in a concerted movement for their repeal on the ground that they are archaic and unfair. , A sneeting to this end was held recently in Essex Hall, London, the traditional home of religious freedom in England, which :was the soene of a similar meeting in 1824. It was attended by many clergy- men and prominent secularists, who a.11 joined in denouncing the laws Uind sle.manding their abolition. A reeolution,urged their early repeal, asserting that they were "faros cious" and "inhusnan " and an in- fringement of the great principles of civil and, religious liberty. Copeland Bowie, who declared he spoke as a. Sincere friend of reli- gion, denounced these existing anti - blasphemy etatutes became of the unjust cliscriminatien in their en- forcement. He said thatif a fellow of an Oxford college, a distinguish-. ed membee of Parliament, or an eminentiaterary ma,mcareci to blas- pheme in learned and,forcible lan- guage, there was little chance of his being prosecuted and. imprison- ed, but if a workingman at thes street corner or in a public park gave expression to the same ideas' in crude or foolish.langua,ge he wats haled before is, court and frequently sentenced to a considerable term of im,prisoriment. Your Bad Taste In The Morning Is Due To Catarrh Destroy . This •Polsolunts DiSease Before " Your Health Is Seriously Injured. Perilous you 'haven't tholight Of calling those unnleasant weir/tome that affected Your nose and throat bY any Particular name -but it'a Catarrh just, the same. When the attaok is seyeee, your eyes age watery and look woak. Your breath is offensive,, duo to inflammation in the nose 'and throat.- . • • At last science has diecovered a real remedY,a now scientific marvel Which acts like no 'other Ciatarrh remedy on earth. "Catarrhosone" operates, on a new plan; it is a direct remedy, soca instantly to -the source of the trouble., Its rich, fro. grant essences and healing balsams -are breathed in vapor form through a special ingaler and giVe instant relief. CatarrhOsone doesn't stop at the relief stage -it gees further --keeps on going till a cure is effebted.' Bad caSes are cured, .05. 500 San judge from the .following let. ter:,,"Erery Morning for NiX months last. winter I awoke with a bad taste, and awful breath and stuffed up feeling in MY nostrils," writes Rob 10. Rutland, of Ite- ohm. "It was 'simplY an awful cage of chronic Catarrh, belief first Caine from Catanhozone. I used that inhaler twenty times a day find took it to beAl with me at elglit I am cured, find by the use of Oatarrhovone stay well. Now I am free from irritable , throat trouble, coughs, No medielne Mr earth is 90 certain to colds, headache, pr catarrh." cure every form of Catarrh or throat trouble ,as ';.C/atarritosorie." Get the largo i1OOsiee, lasts f two menthe andis rittr- alitCed; medium BiSS 60e; saMple size 25c., all storekeepers and druggists, or The Cetarrhosone Co.; Buffalo, N. Y., ;and Riugetnn, Chttlada. 1N'FI,UENCE ,O1?"FOOJ) N ILI-1R :When He Stepped 'Eating lludS. Clothing has had little th de with nliars lose of the hairy cevering, as appears from 'a comparison Of elothed and enclothed Men in the same latitude. - Hair is a horny growth, just like feathers, wool, nails, hoofs, claws and horns, requiring, sikeious earth fer its formation.' All animals with ,great horn develepment feed upon food rich in silicates, C.Specially grass -for exaniPle, horned cattle, deer, elephants, w.he have not only groat tasks, but bony hides, Birds, which require it large amount of silicates far their dietary by eating steeple free sand rad g::0v-01 Tho WOnerlrfUl digestive, power of the kiwi's giz- zard is well known. Italian inves- tigators have found massive glass balls erushed to powder in the giz- rarda of fowls, Spallanzani experi- , mented with is tiirkey-ceck, feeding him t \seise Sharp stool points, Main electuary, or cake, and he found, after 18 hotirs, when" he opened the gizzard, that the little blades were broken up and not ono bad than seraped the interior of the gizzard. 'Since it is plain ghatsfood rich in silicates produces horny growth of all kinds, whether feathers or hair, it is plain that feud which is peer in silicates tend.s to reduee, the for- mation of horny -substance in aoi- mai or man, thus reducing th,e strength of the b.ones, causing rick- . etsi and an lians, causing thesis to , lay eggs with leathery 'sheiks That M sheep a 'change of diet .produces lose in ,growith .of wool has been - proved by taking sheep from Tad - poli to Fagan, avliere after two years, they alknost ala,Ogethcr lost jtheir. wool, 'In Fessan they did not find the. luxuriant grass te which they had been aecitstorned, for in Fessan every erre lives on dates - 'camels, hors, dogs even, and man. That our clornstic swine which are descended ,from the hairy -bris- tled wild hogs.; becorme'almost hair- less can be attributed to nothing eled -than thb lack of silicate in their food., The ,thange of the color ef skin, from the dark csolor of the Wild •hom to theseilmaost, white,tekin f th dernestiessineesnay -also' be 'attri- buted to the change from the na- tural food, coneisting.of 'fruits, nuts .and roots, to the feea we 'give our domesti6 ,swine, which consists so largely of milk, and has salt added thereto, -the great bleacher. Sore Back,, No Fun . . . Cure It To -Day, Rub -011 "Nerviline!" - It Will Stop Your, Aching Baelt, Stop Your Suffering, Keep . .. You Weil. _ Back Sufferers, Read Below. "I am juet so delighted with the cern fort .Nerviline brought me that. I want to talk about it' all the time," writee I. 0. Coughlan, of Saskatoon. "For ages I have been subject to an aching, dragging feel- ing at the base Of the spine. When at- tacks came on it made my, whole 'body tale: It. appeared :is if ITati taken cold and a soreness developed riai thrOug.h my muscular syetem. When in Winnipeg one day a friend -spoke to me of Nerviline, and I bought a soe, bottle. num was the beet half -dollar I ever enent it did ea much for me. It 15 haitl to convince some neOnle of what a really good medioine eon de, but there will be no empties after they try out Nerviline. I use it for every- thing now, It'e fine for Itheumatiem and Neuralgia and all sorts of muecular pain It cures, wieldy. But internally, if pos- sible. Nerviline Is 'eVen bettor. It cures a aroma in ten seconds, and, ThS '100 gas and 510051 00 sour etomach, nothing cbuld excel Nem/nine. I think it should be kept in every home as a protection agaipet sudden 1110, and also to cure ins that re- sist other treatments." Family size bottle, 60e.; trial SiSS. 26c.; at all storokeepere and druggists, or The Catarthonene Co., Buffalo, N. 'Y., W. S. A. YOUNG BARBARIANS AT PLAY. - Black Boys of AuStralia Are Much Like Our Boys., The blade children ef north Queensland' are as muesli absorbed in, their games its 'white obildren. One ',praisewer-th.aspect of their sport, writes -Mr. E. Jes13anfield in rfropic Fsre,'"'iii- that they play their game for the sake of'thi"garrae, not" to gain the plaudits Of an idle cro.wd or in expectation of reward. In order tmacquire slexterky, the fish -'spear in the first instance is a mere toy. A colored boy, in all the joyous abandon -Ssf nakedness, assorts with a spear suitable to his height and strength for a -month to- ..gether, floating. chips and seraps of bark in the water, as targets, 11001 hands and eyes.are brought under absolute control. In the meantime he has also practise,c1 en small fish, and soon he is a, 'regular contribu- ,e• tor to the larder, • The kirra-kul -tree provides the means of satisfying that desire for a noise that is instinctive in the boy, whatever his race or color. Yeung, lusty sheets several feet long and full:of sap are placed in the fire for a few minute's. Wheit they are bashed on a log or other hard substance, ,the heated gas in the pithy core bursts eut with a pie- tollike report. It is due to'the' crude folk who owned Australia. not to- long ago, to say that they had invented the top before the white Usurpers came alainsig. -Tops are made from tae fruit of one of the gourds that is about the size of a small orange. The .epiralle is a smeoth and slender piece of wood fastened to the top with gum. To spin the top, the players revolve the spindle between the palms of their halide. Scenn blacks are 60 expert that th,e top "gees to &been" before the eyes ef the emiling and exultant player. „Hui Hicks Says tiilleg are so good that therm have been -dans, when no- ,clacpinyebr-agtrcoteisettoyra. ers hues; around the BOOST YOUR TOWN DY ,OROANIZ1N0 A BRASS BAND Infortnition on this subject with brieted instructions for ama- teur bands and tiprinted ATM of Constitution and lijr-Laws for ,bands-; together with our big catalogue, will be mailed FRE11 on jequest. Address Dept...D." ' PE WILLIAMSSONS CO,, I TORONTO 'MANITOBA -I, 5. M,I X D 0,NTARIO WINNIPEG' I Isp STALLIONS DISEASED In the etnd 11107 often become no -devitalized that:1)10y naulat be given 11 long rest froxii such service. This is due to the absorption late their -Hystemo of 5010000103000te0115'or Gennist both oontagious and sexual, in serving mares of all degrees or' Health and Disease, Tha ere re many • of these germs vent injurious to the stallion,i To cOunteract the growth of ouch av germs ire his system; and keen biro in normal condition there . 18 hut one Germicide in nrearred form known and fit for 1teruse. hol u. Spohn's Liquid Distemper Cure is safe, Minnie all It , 1, sure acts on the whole glandul0755010,. 070M, regulates the .vital forme, leaVes t17. blood rich and rod.. It wilt -fellable any, etallion 10 go, through a long stud season.' keening him vigorous and not the -least dil44er from any form of distemper. Clive him a. dose of "Spolut's" every other day on' Ida tongue or with hip ,bran oc oats: SPORN MEDICALCCO., Chemists and Bacteriologists, Coshen, Ind., U. S. A. weet Cream Wanted WE are now contracting for our Summer Sup- ply of Sweet Cream. If you have a, good supply of iee, goodstables, milkhause, etb.s and ean ship 24. gallons of 82% cream a week, write us. Wg buy on the- batter fat bolds and pay on the ltith of each month. " WE can take your total output for 12 months of the year. City Dairy Co., Limited, Toronto E from the X Ranch Corral await eyed Pinto Broncho, with a Roman nose ' and lightning heels. We have issued a humorous deseriptive oiroufar of . this • remarkable bronco with ges- tations of his 'mattes. Sent free on application to any reader otthispaper. This is the most farnous circular ever printed in the English language. More than half a million copies have . • already been distributed to advertise our famous Pinto Shell gloves made from tough Bronco hides: For a free copy send postal to HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO.. Canada's Expert Glove and MIS Maker% k, MONTREAL. ellinseemens Much Broken Mandate. • .Although the practice of tatooing is expresaly forbidden in the Scrip- tures -a -for -an Leviticus it is,stated, "Ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, tier print any marks upon you" -the fashion of decorating theaskin. with religious subjects seems to be steadily grow- ing. According to a London taboo artist, he is often called upon to tatoo hymns, texts, and copies of famous religious pictures on the bodies of religious euthusiasts, as well as original symbolical designs. • Sugar to Dress Wounds. The latest form of dry. dressing for wounds has been invented by Dr. Chewier of Paris, who uses a sterile esolution of glucose. The wound is first of all cleansed With a poultine steeped in the .same It bias been found that this form of dressing has a. remarkably calming effect on painfel wounds, and the reparation of the tiSsues le rapid. Dr. Cocheral has followed COI 1)r. Chevrier's lead, but employs pow- dered sugar melted in hotewater. Gained in Weight, , Digestion Restored', Health Renewed Here Is More • Proof of Quick Cure for All Folks That are Weak, Ailing, NervouS. More Praise for Or. Hamilton's PIIIS. . "For is period laet summer the thought df food excited feelings of nausea," writes Mrs. 0. A. Dodge. of Bloomsbury. "The heat bad made me listless and trio dis- taste fOr food reduced the to a condition of ecultstorvation and brought me to the verge of nerveus collapse. monies -00000 useless to restore an active desit'e .for feed, The doctors telt1 me my liver hod kidneywere both at fault, but the medi. °Mee theY gar:, Ms were too severe and reduced my stieugth so that I had to abandon theitu" At the' suggestion 01a .friend who had been cured of blood aud skin trouble. I, began the uee or Dr Rant. ilton's Pills. The ;different* 111060 119LiCEId VAS, that while thei cleansed the system, instead of feeling weaker I felt better after taking them, ,Indeed their activity was so mild it was co' forget t0macl taken them at .„0„.11; they seemed to go right to, the NM% 10111 In is very brief time not only .dida all. source of neuaert disappear, but I began to crave food and / digested it reasonably 405.11. ' Then I be. gaii to put on 'weight until within three months I was brought, to a 'Pondition of good health. I urge Dr:'Iramillon's Pillo for all 0110 ere M• poor healtli." Get this best ot all medicines to-daY and refuse a substitute for Dr. Handl- ton's Pills qf Mandrake and Butternut Sold -by all druggists and storekeepers, 26e. per box or flys for $1.00. Sent post. pald by The Catarykozone Co., buffalo, N. Y., and Eingston, Canada. Ilse/ass. - A young fool never 'believes what an -old fool tells him, se what's the use of anybody either giving or tak- ing advice 7 • f41nartrs' liniment ,Cures Colds, Ete, Strell1101IS Task. • Woman -"I gave you 10 cents last week and you look as diSroputabfe as ever." , Baggar--"Well, lady, it's deuced bard breaking into the smart set with 10 cents." One -a -in "What is the tnatter With my latisg band, doctorV' "Well, to bo perfectly franls avith If you write National Drug you Madam, it Bobble to be a 05' Canada' clironle case cf. heess FARMS' FOR*SALEV N. W. DAV,VSON, Ninety Colborne street, el 0011 STOOK FARM- OF BOO ACRES st..T with Three Houses) larks Boils Rare. Must he thlti quick, Pelee is very low. EVERAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN 5.7 Manitoba, Alberta and Sagketchltwan that can be bought. Worth the nioneY fog quick Fate. IHA VE OVER 'ONE HUNDRED GOOD farms In different sections. of Ontario on my list. It you want a farm ,coneult DAWSON, Toronto. Ist NE, IfUNDRIID ACRES ME MILES frbm London Market: soil olov and gravelly loam: 2 -acres orchard; outbuild- ings fair; half mile to eleotrie railway. Would exchange for ten or twenty-five scree. near city with gond buildings. The Western Real Estate Exchange, London, Ont. . F/01006 IN 'SASKATCHEWAN-EQ.01P- a- .Dbil; In orop; must sell; terms .eneY. PercvLove, Ha warden. Sask. MALE HELP WANTED. Osir PR EMPLOYMENT? SERVES YOU right.. Learn barber trade; ahvays sureemployment for barber. Our im- proved methods., constant practice and instructions qualify you for position in short time._ Send for catalogue. Motu C..ollese. 221 Queen. E., Toronto, - STAMPS AND COINS, 0.5000 COLLECTORS-RUNDRED 13035. 1.7 ?meet Foreign Stamps, Catalogue. Simms only Seven Cente. &forks Stamp Comas no. Toronto. . • MISCELLANEOUS. elpIttiPLES, oN PRI4TTY faces removed sure; eminent doctor's remedy not advertised before; simple; ef- festive. Large supply 51.00. E. Osborn, 22 Ateington Axe., Westmount Montreal. 40 &Num TUMORS. LUMPS. irrO., Internal and external, cured with. out nein by our home treatment. Write as before too loth, Dr. Reitman Medical Co.. Limited. Coillpewood, Ont. STONES, RIDNRY AND MAD. Stones, Eidney tronble. Gravel. no o ci kindred ailments positive', PumAbici? cured with the new German Remedy. "Sanol." price 51.60. Another new rented,' for Diabetes•Mellitus, and sure cure, to "Senors Antt•Diabetes.", Price 42.06 from druggists or direct. The Sonol Munntee. taring company ot Canada. Lhnited. w 'nut net, lino MUSIC 1 MUSIC II MUSIC III Ou the 'MS.Hlisippi. We've Bad &Lovely Thno, That 014 Wel of Mina When the Midnight Cho*, When I LONG You,- Then ru Stop L wit:el/0u, At the DevIN Ball, • That's Ilow /Need You. And ittanid01165.0ratite,r7Peht410.0hogiR plonsititlaisnitea. I east 1111 orders for standard Songs, Operatic Vo. eat ABA*, 'CUL011, &O. (t111(3k Dispttch. Bottum Prices. Cash with Order. Chas, J. C.hurcher, tem Dundee St. Toronto. The. 'Sou/ of a Piano Is the Action. Insist on the 4.40170 HIGEL°' Piano Action .BOILERS ii'lla71,.at4 recift4 1 and . power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Sturto. vast Ventilating and Boating Systems, POLSON IRVainf's TORONTO - Enginea and Shipbuilders Maypole Soap CLEANS • AND DYES Gives deli glowing colors'fadeless in tun or suets, Dyes cotton, silk, wool or mixtures. Use it yourself 55 home. No trouble -- no must. 24 colon -- will give any she& Coked 0e,bleets 15; at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" horn ro6 aselei.epiNEDICT lb CO. Montreal s She-1'Which de you think is the best tinie for her .th be engaged 7" 1. -Te -"I should say just before • she is married.', ' , Only Ono hEROMO Mt. Is LAXATIVE BROMO 001111138. Look Inc the signature of E. W. 011055. cures at Cold In One Day. Cures' Grip la 0005' Days. 25o. Some women are easily pleased--' udgingday the husbands they select. -es seem an teams same rulnuturt ' Orator -Now, than, is there any- body in the atielienceasho would liko to ask it question 7 Voice -Yes, sir ; how seen is thO blind going to play I mug The burning, stinging, smart. Mg pain le endatio the bleeding stopped MA 8 permanent 11311'0 effeetett by use of Zets.gmh. Give it a fair trial: , .Draggists and Stores; 50e box.' nes