HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-17, Page 5.-14,pril 17th, 1213 • nonanniriminisionsamem smorminimmowsimmirsienanonn. Coderitch - Dv W I-liayden1 is M. roni M • ilolin Weymouth, who has been Icy running Ilutton's saw Mill at Lonics- Intro, has finished the season. and haS ceurse at tan ireskk , I I 1111 Ole" n OS.ThoMissss,110aOglI-have: "gone oil ,-,WJiia11 things go sinoothly_ ,Asotb •,xtenald. trip :to.Detr,olt„ l,s'to , reason , for self ,'Congrat- ,Dr V 11 VIalk mthe* vicinity sl1lsc 02 anY other Congratulation, of „Kingston lit'*his capacity' 'as (to v- Oir that matter, 'IL we prove 1,0 be ei.-ninciait ,Ingpeetor-,of hor57a., . agreeable. , , But iri a tooth achd Miss ,Jessie Mehlurchey has gone to ,pear upon the seeiie and iniinediately svmmiiog her sus tor Mis _ie target the three hundred -and Stelnrich, IT four days, and teferity hours that it ,•'. , expected that the military ,.our•-lei411 iserved:lis siteritlr, and obed- ''`, Wo proceed to _MagnifyT,w-c hsre oilier four for the ilwinetit of ourselves,- " a s last -week i,nnectir, the • ,.our friends, and any syMpathet.ic pertw iand the-. water:tenet's we can 'stall* (this is the day ' supply. Thereai's 501 automobiles and au 1,01nobile talk), SQ• able anlwal sI acres of land avail - by iihe way 5111(2. 1)111 700 ever *d the town will furnish, lig,hi tice what apparent 'pleasure the"- re): "` and look after- the -water simply: - -Counting of ailinenio, itehes and Rev- - W. L. Newton Passed • awaY • . , • airthe, home of r h Agonse, . toe eatom,a. sympathetic ' ---r9-101", Mr. • O. 155t0005, sixog* to some)earl() y NeWton-of town, ,last Veol. agtict revel 'in their woes *WitiLfeiriirg,t st-xl;Yi-one Years • .*" • Mg fluency -with all the ardor of-, fi= The: People of Goderich will vote on , Mark Alitorty,' But for a Side Sit-, . two -bylaws on 'May Zird; --ones to as- • ter, with a. sense* of humor, ft SiSt the Rice -Knight Company by /atreh more entertaining" when ,twei- 'guaranteeing bond's to the extent* of :ailing or would -be -ailing, or has- (20,000, tlib, other to assist 57, Diet. speoilioon moot, 'They 51011 & Son to the extent of 754000( forth t4tr oxporm000s, fact itjch is ,50 be repaid with interest- unon fact, ache .40/1 ache, sleepless in ten years. • A, fixed assessment lor „night upon sleepless nighl„ until Doc- ten years la also , provided ior tor's calls, p5157 boxes, bitter' Medicin- each ease* es, sundry aches 'and sharp, darts are ,Mr, Angus IVIeSevin, who has .been o licteogencous mass, in, the mind of 1:61.: Solne time on the postoffice staff the Side --Sitter. When NtinItiet, Ono here, has been -appointed a clerk in stops, -perforee,, for breath, Number the railway "Mail service and has 'Two is ready to fill in the space, and commenced his duties on the Loudon -555550557' -'1)0- time or -sympathy (save,. to Windsor line. • Bluth Ciintoa News -Record, vaimmarmasaa••••••••••••••••••••••tiarmar , W‘i.NT11:D. NOEL) WO. • man to act as houselceeper. (Iood wageS.--itaines Clarter,* -77 ''Work has l'ieen. *resumed 011 the straightening of • the pirth creek 11Iorrig Otr, (511122having the contract.' 1\r5), 157. Pblllips of Auburn has tak- en 0 position in Mr. James ', ;ins' blacks»Ii (11 shop. -Mr, I). Leith has gone to Strat- ford to take a position, Dr., J. 557. Mc:Taggart, has been laid up with a "Severe attack, 05 grippe Init, is ilow recovered. rifiss Belle Scott of East Wawan- osli has gone to 13illings, Montana, ." A special Meeting of the Presbytery, of Huron 11101 in .1317511 ""011. Monday of -last week to consider the rall`lo the Iteid from Burns church, 02111 Icilox chureli, boro. 5711 case the ,is accepted the induction of 1550 new- paSto,r take place very , shortly, ' •Winghain The new postolfice clock ii'as arriv- ed and will shortly be placed, in tion. Mrs. Barber ct Idstowel is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Brock, ' Mr; Obas. VanNorman has gone on a business trip to Quebec. Mrs. 5.-3, Lawrence' has' returned home- after •spending the, winter with her -daughter,' at*.Oolpov's Bay - the 'mark), ' 'wasted.'111 301, ''40ve tthc, trailing 'eOnlinittee Is.0'..Lint; • 'Mrs.: ILogg, -ever been a Side Siker you linoW. held 'in '''1'orolitO laSt Week Rev. 'A-. • i Ling- - at the 1101115 of Mr: Phippen Brown was° transferrect.troni Ice don to the Montreal Conference , and Rev. Mr, Hoge? of Collingwood, who' has been invited to the -North street church, was transferred fronif the Toronto to 1,110 London -conference, It all depend,s • cin nreath. The long- , -er OAIC eon sustain that irrt- perative - _necessity' and vocalize it, 'So long the, floor is theirs, figurative. ly speaking.; but when the lungs collapse, the other side has an innings :incl. thus ,the game proceeds, Seflous: ly though, how many' of Ms are dir- .ectly interested in the little aches and pains ot our fellows. • Nat'itrally we are •deeply solicitious regarding some eases ; and Nye do not hesitate -to inquire in order to satisfy otti in- terest, Leaving that aspect of the -ease out of, the question than, -isn't it a bore' to,sit through a recital ot some one's physical ,woes ? Maybe t5oug4 we are look -in for motes in the 'other's eye when Our own can boast " fair development. Let ns watch our: _ • • selves. One writer has said ."'Talk Mr, J. J. MeRwair, one of t,od Oheertulniss There is enough P P SCSI ros erous business men, was 'trouble in the world without adding married , in - Durham on 'Wednesday .0051 to 5.1." - week to 'Miss Catharine Barton of Toronto. The • ceremony was per., 'rite recent magazine , issues are lit- Iormed in Trinity churCh by -the Rev. led with suggestions, for gardens and W. H, HartieY, brother ot the bride. . gardeners : and during • the past month the country has bee11' deteged with catalogues telling us where we can safely obtain seeds guaranteed produce the most Perfect flowers in- size and color, or vegetables of • luscious taste and huge propporeion- the truth of these statements to •be revealed in due time. There is 'nothing) more fascinating titan a garden of one's very own. It is sur- prising the•scope it offers for origin- 'ality and skill, the planting of now- mrs and vegetables -with mil eye to artistic arrangement as well as eeon- -onty of space and •ubllity ; so that seheii one variety has had its day •'another may be 'on hand to 1111 the space. ln cities where ground spats: is limited it is, amazing to note, with -care and thought, what a nery small • 'plot Will yield, There is nothing which so greatly cnhancet :the appear- nnee.of a home. as Well kept rounds and flowere. It is alt open expres- •eion of the ocetipants 'Within -love of ibeautiftil. Bet how annoying' to Mr. A: who 'works hard upon his grounds so: that all may he neat and ' attractive,..• when Mr, I3-. next door, allows place to hecome a tang- led miss of weeds and shrubs and his boulevard the kerne and resting place of burdocks (drat them 5), ,!-Ln•-' has gone to. -the wegt Si her husband. • - Miss Florence VanNormar of Mil- ton , has been Visiting her parents, Itir aucl Mrs. V, VanNormau, Mr, Rohl,. Beattie-, while going to , Lowe]. Si Ingham:one day last ,week -to Mr. }1. 13, llril,04c `Of New Yor.i collect the, mail,. was thrown" from -CitY has tallith a position as median- hip rig, 'the horse taking fright at Mal -engineer in the Doty Iemei ---e-11". something, , and rather badly injured, Works and has bedpan° a citizen • of Mr. Ale, Ross who has been in town. - business he& for about twenty-six. Mr. ,Wnli McNevia of the big years, has sold -out and intends go - has, gone to Brandon, Man., to ing west, take charge of the branch there dor- Mr. Peter C'ampbell left last week ing a three months leave of absence for his home in the west after of the western manager. . iting for the winter in town. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Rickle have Mr, E. E. Gillespie, who has been gone to Hamilton where they will on the local braret of the Bank of reside • f t • • Commerce for some time, has been transferred to Sudbury. The Rev. Croly, who has not been enjoying very good Health for some' tittle time, han been granted a three inontlis' vacation by the offic- ials of St. Paul's church, jes, Bowman, M. had o lowing a trip to several. pointe M 'sent to all the schoole in Bast Hur- Eastera Canifle, iffr, and Mrs. VC - Ewan have taken _up their reeidence itt Godorich „and have the good imsb- es of all for .a. bright and prosper- ous future.' Good Morning ! ArCydn ni News - Record subscriber Kippen 00 •Monday the 31st tilt in the 83r15 year of his age the late Robert Menis passed awon in the home of his son -in -Mw, the Rev., A. McKib- ben), in -London. The late Mr. . Mel - lis was born in Forfarshire, Scot- land, July 17th, 1830 and mitigated while a mere boy,with Ids parents to' Pennsylvania where the faintly re- mained. only a short time Snit then removed to Ontario settling. on the banks of the Conestoga River oil a farm on part of which'the village of Glenallan is huil-fl Aft•er spendiag some years on the farm -he decided to lecten blacksmithing and for a time ran a shop in Glenallan. "mead, 1855 Ive 'decided to conic Jo Huron County- and settling here he opened a -blacksmith shop'. On Oct. 23rd, 1850 he was married in London to Miss Jane Smith, Jits beloved- part - tit the town -in sheer desperation os net' ,VI)0 predeceased • him about: -pity or something, sends a man to exterminate what he can, Now, Clinton is a pretty town -Who ear, deny it -but could you imagine,- the added beauty if every street were lined with well out -grass mid oPerated on- for cataract' and taking Tu' vards ? La grippe sin:fitly after, it settled in his Other 'eye and he lost the sight . a • both. ' ('5500(51 blind be was ever cheerful • and happy,' and with weederful acuteness Could find his way around the village. He and his egtcemed partner were members: of the Meth - eighteen' months ago Soon after, - wards the.y bought the -village store and Mr. Mettle was apnointed Post - Master a position he held until four years, ago. In Isar) one eye was flensall . . . Miss Ilrgnart of Chathani has been -thc guest of her cousins, the, Misses l'rilithart of town, *" • ,odist chureh for civet. fifty years and , „with their children were ever willing helpers in evei:y geed work in Hie church' of tbeir choice,' Truly it San lie said •to -day,. "Their, 18 551e10e15'l ,in tlns ecerdnenity, About two °years ago they removed to Lon - 213:, J. E. McDonoll was the gust don aril a few months later IVI.r4, et liensall friends for a week or so, MeDis was laid. 'Co, rest. in i'Voodiatill' returning. •to St. 111-nr7''s, on. Friday e`eirielere where..the reptainil of , our tveek.• , . , , frielid -were , laid beside, Ja,st ShIrray and Miss Agnss -are 1 nusclay. '1,1 -le funeral eerelncilly • speilding a few weeks with Toronto was , coniliieed:, by Ids pastor, the friends. . • MI:. 15. Ctulm ore has begri shading *feW clays with his family in CoWri.' lis seems w'11 pleased with liror., spects in TGEOnt0. ' on new maps of Canada, sltowing.the new boundaries . of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, - " Marriage, ,STEWART-WOON - In St. Paul's church, Cliaten, on April 181255, by Rev. C,5757, Jeakine, Amy Altt,erta, daughter ef Mrs,.• John Woon of • 0011051011 township, to Charles William Stewart of fittilett, soli • _of Mr. and 13108. Wm. Stewart of • Clinton, ' • ELLIOTT--L1NDSAY--At the home of tlfe bride in Clinton, on April 14t11, by Rev, D. K. Grant, Clare, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lindsay, to Wilfrid. Sarvis Elliott, Toreato, MERO-DENOMME-In St. Peter's church, Drysdalei on April 15t55, • by Rev. Father Stroecier, Dagra, daughter ..of Mr.. and Mrs, Ed- ward Detiontine to Edward Moro. HABERER--KALBFI,EISCII - At Zurich, on April: 8111, by the Rev. Al. C. J. Maass, Laura, daughter of Mr. ahd Mrs. Louis Kallffleisch,, Fteddriek J Hebei:et. SHANNAN--FOSTER-At Blytli 011 , April 81211, MoFee Shannon of LeadMity • to Agnes Foster of Myth. by flee. W. D. Tumor.- efeelWEN-BARTON-At Durham, on April 2nd -by Rev. W. Hart- ley, rector of Trinity church, Jas. McEwert, 'of Goderieb, to C-2. D. Barton, of Toronto, forrnerly • of 'fur/terry. , McLEOD-111JRKE - At the t'esiIi- ence of the ,bride's pardnts, on April and, by Rev. "D. Wren, Nor. mail McLeod; of Ripley, to. Eliza Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SlantIgl 135155)2), • of Grey tOwnship. ' • - WRIO-1-1T—IINNDERSON -- A t the inatiee, Seaforth, on April 9-111, by the Rev. 10.13, Larkin, Lil- lian ienderson of Seem: Eh to Alexander Wrighteof Tucker- CONIING • TO smith. THE PICTURE HOUSE. ' 10(757 SAI,E - A (.',OW ANSI 1-11515 calf QM' 0. Reynolds AUCTION SALK OF -111011S1131101,3Y . , farn5ture-ou the. Marhot Square, On Salairday, April • .1'./th, •5-11., 2 '6'efock ,Terins cash,- W, .3". -Harland, proprietor' ; G. 11. Auctioneer. -77,, „ 3015, SALE OR TO RENP-COM- fortable seven-toomed cottage on Isaac street. Dard aril soft water ; -Je acre land, For particulars ap- „ply to --Miss Rudd, Clinton FOR SALE.. SRVEN-1100MED cottage on 'Fulton, street. limn and soft Water, Small fruit. acre of land -Apply to Jacob Taylor, ' -17-7 , _ 4, le, BROWN, OSTROPATITIO physician, is opening up, a branch office in Clinton on Tuesday, April 29th from 7 p.m. to 10:30- p.m. , -77. FOR* - SALE 'VERY CHEAP. - 'A leather top'•'Phaetim land 0 72510)57peophee swine Twitchell. . • •SOIMETHING -NEW THE 1115 - greyed Safety Sash Lock, Allows the window..to raise or t'iwer to any height from an inch 10) witlen,t the aid of a stick or bopk, Can be attached to any wirtd§w sash. For particulars apply to -Fre,nk W. Evans, -Clintbn, Phone 101 -70 SEED POTATOES --IRISH COBB- ler, Early Michigan, Early Everest, • Carman. No. 1, late, Green Moun- tain, American Wonder, medium early Delware home grown. All our , potatoes . are acclimatized to the eell.--James Steen & Co. -70 FOR SALE -A• NUMBER, OF 08313-.115 poets and corner posts. For par- ticulars apply to -John Shanahan, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. SHINGLE1S ,FOR SALE --A CAR - load has adrived.-T. kleKenzie. NA.TIONAE, FERTILIZER- THE best used by' farmers. Gave good results „last mar and farmers are ordering again this year.. Order now before it is all gone. Large or •small quantities -Frank' W Evans, Clinton, Out, Plume 101. -09. 11AUGIIT FILLIES FOR gALE1- Three draught Allies, one rising', 1 year, one rising 2 and one rising 3 years. -Apply to John Holmes, Huron Road. --114., F011 ADOPTION --2N ENGLISH 'fad Six years of age, healthy, rud- dy; neight and'intelligerit. Three or six months trial. -Apply to Rev, -J. P. Parke, Brantford. -75--3. FOR SALE -COTTAGE ON R-AT- tenbury - street, Electric light; waterwoiks, etc. -Apply on premis- es, or to T. T. Murphy„Clinton. -75. ROOMERS WA.NTED-APPLY TO Mrs W. .6, Mason, Princess St. West -74, FOR SALE OR TO RENT -HOUSE ort ' Frederick stteet, eight room verandah, large 5-ella,r, hard 511(1 (offi water in house. Half acre of land, Possession given April - 1st. -Apply to kre: Geo. Hanle)”, Princess S•• --73 Births , .DEN.Hor,n4 —111 IIttllett, 011 Ap I: il. 4b1/, to l'ilr, mid Mrs. David Den- holm, a daughter. ' Sr11011.11R.Ell:D-Itt Aforris, 011 April fitli, to Mr. and Mes. Roberti pew. Mr. Aft:Canals of -0011%e57it0 , Shortreed, a sarn.._ ,Street 'Methodist eleireli alssieted lii; 'DM eNS---In i'llriaberry, 'April- 9t1f, Revs. •Martin, Hezee, C011S557rc and to Mr., anr1 Mrs. Wm, .1)ettits, a "Tart, the 'last- two ,being fornier pas- . claugliter. • . tors , here. (Inc sister,. Mrs', left- POT.TEII-A il . ,leingliant . Hospital, Mr, Geo' 3C1.1 l'" 11as si'agP(.1 - '''''Ir' IQ.foe -1 *1 t *s M•s (Rev ) A . l'olter of .1,ower tVingliain; - ai., a ' Pn. ray' EYete • to te li ,1*. his a "'•' "' . . ' . .. tvard Cosiot:d of ,Telora survives hian, .. „Apr. 3iel, to Mr. .and Mrs. Jolin T''''',111',' il;, - 0! *,* 1- ! d 16- . •.-• IVICKibbon, London, Mrs...J. "Sellouts, (laughter. - . .."- 4 aria n0r 'ia0 su*ilmler' ' ' ' Regina, Mrs. (Rev:X. -1911). ' ("mild of 11105057NELI-1e Briteeilenl, April III% I. ' ingrain and- 115101113' • l'are leornroa, ,Tal)ali, 'anti Mrs. Tienry iv- ,, 7,11e. to Mr., aed Mrs. Lep . Me (110)5(1 ' to. 1,0(5(10551.vhere the lot:trier 11011 01 thiS place, - '. • • ._ 51,000011, -a rig4I4 ler. tvill he engaged ;in building opera- 'yin; march 111011 -tidy report) S . oi , '110". ' 'rife fahlilY will *li'l m 11.91, 22111-s s '- . No. 1t,. tardt cy, •is he fonowinz - Eed in town. '' - Death .. . . tdie names i" order °I "1"31 ' ' ' h. is fiARNS-In c1115t011 011 Apt 1 1 3 tli, -°•---- .1, T..,..fariott, ,II. A. Meilen,(-1,--. C; . Thoinki. Kearns, aged 43 , yew, Rose: Sr- illi'-lr,....N.• 1100(1, hi r'• and 12 days'.-- ' - Wasniana, 57-571, Hood.. A. '157,- • ,o; SIBLEY-At Nett, lirtingsViek;. N. 3', ' AT 'THE 01(5151(151 OF THE f". 0. MeCiYm011t, A• iv. 'Fisher, "° on April .1t2,511, 11. p, ' 8ible3', _rot- II., Cooper. i- •jr, tird ---M, A. Coeltee, (Peril, 57Ciiidon., '. ' • W. II Coll'ilis, -A . Parsons. Sr, 2nd:- FE,,,v,Ing,,..40Ne_At Ba3..field on , April 2.1411•WS-411300,13f1 A'ND ' iel,,„e CE f5)'5e Cooper, 'N. .J . ' flood and li, . ,, y e eh, iei re • William rho:risen, aged Rathwell ketal, Wilbert 'Sat -tone 3r. -72 years . ' ' - TOUR onbmn'il-iAttLy so 2,14,Iii. p, visitor, ANL J. 571. Bos, '..,,,f,,,wroNT, G oder jell 00 April (5(05e c514 -115011-n• 2n11, Par i''' ----'l "" . 7555 ne,. Nv. 1.. NeW t,on , in )1'..g l'HAll' 'I'IlieY MAY BE Nigli, '-fo. ParsiOns.' ,. 111- Part, -Lt. else ••„,eae,•, Harvey, S yl ves ter •ei i ell, Luella Fos- c,3 Aw.1,..6 ft 1),_,T, (-4 ode rmh , on &pro -gelieal Clinveh of Canade 005111- in ter: Tile best spellers ' in the '0021(1)- ' eili, 'Hugh • Crawford; aged,e, 78 Out ill 6°0(1 Tilrit. !Remover Vidal'. Bishop • Breyfoyelsof fy , it -latches 115100 :-5511, arid Si'. 41211, ' ,y,,,,,,, and it '1/1011tILS. . ' 'Reading, Penn., will ... Preside,- • . AM- -., M. Ilood, J.:. Fourth, -L. C,' ' I,armour, who -tee been mcelyzikent: Jr. 3rd -M. A . (loop- , , , . The News-Ree,ord 15)055215855 On 'conve)ing the mail bctWeen 7,115/e11 er, Sr_ 2n5, -Harold Rathweli, Jr. The "iii we-rienot. d 8Peeialize8 c'n Town and Township,New8 and there- -and Ileneall for really years, is now 2n41, -Eleanor I'isher. 2/15, Part -Iel-• •Town and 'Pownship N01.1' and Ibere- 50 0-051 poor health. ' Pallor Nigh, •fore exci,es in both. fore excels ht both.. ,,,Zurich '• • . Reinmair .15albfeiSch has taken pe8tition its jutiier i11 the. • local' 11(55115-11 01 - •the fflole e- • -. 'Mr. Jacob Ila,berer anth family liave 1,aleen theft -residence in their new lSolne 111 the south end of 'the toevii. Mr. 311. Hess has t.altell pciSees- 'lite 'annual conference, of the Evan - The Cooper Musical C'ornedy 571110 - pony -Singers, Dtincers, Musiea,ns with 11110510115 and Novel Ants. Strictly respectable and Frst-Class. Change of Program and 2800 feet oi pictures. each. night. A Barrel of Fun for Old and 'Young, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, April 17, 18 and 19. Admission ' 15 cents, 55(715751. 11.1AC'D0IATI.D,''' HAVE- YOUR HORSE _•CARDS PRINTED BOY WANTED ,i1'0 'LEA Telephone operatiog-'-APPI at, the Cleutral. FOR SAL E. -A GOOD 1)ELIV-ERY horse, algo light dray , and harness. Will be sold at a reasonable prie -Apply at -News -Record Office, -75 Clinton Flour Mill Prices MANITOBA FLOUR (2.70. FAMILY ELOUR $2,56, PASTRY FLOUR, $2.50, , . CrRAI•IAM FLOUR. (2.50. t _ BREAKFAST FOOD (5.00. F15.:15D WHEAT 751 per , bushel. WESTERN,OATS 451 per bushel.. SFIORTS (1.25. • BRAN' (7.11. • •LeL*o uR EXCHANGED FOR niFINAT To FARidERS, A earlohd of good feed Wheat on hand. Leave your orders ot the Mill of- fice. Delivery made to any part .of: the town. elf \le Ifee A "151573 157, JOHN SHOENHALSJ The Clinton Miller, Sloro Live and Let Live. Onr now spiing seeds-- , Arriving all flesh.' The quidity--Right.- The prices— Consistent with quality'. The service—Prompt.. The stock—Fon line. If it's groceries, we have them, Highest market price for bntter and eggs. A nu SOLICITFM, E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER, Ontario Liquor License Act. License 'DiStriet' of Centre Iluron Notice is heron}, given that the Board of License Comaits,donere fur the license district of Centre Huron will, meet in the teem hall, 01111,01,,, at 10. 'o'clock ext. en the 181255 of April, 1013, for the purposeof considering ' applicatiems for liejtme licenses for the license year of 1.913- 14. All persons interested will gov- ern themselves aecordiagly, 19 Tavern and 3 shop licenses %nee granted for the license year' 1912-13 and the same familiar of 'aPPRoaddonn have been received for' lie 'year 1913- leh. •' OLIVER JOHNSON, License Inspector, Centre Huron. Dated at Winton this 31s1j day of Mara, 1913, • -15-2 1,000- Broilers each week darling -June, Julg, Augast. Good Fat Hea4 Want- ed. , at 12c per lb., To obtain these 'we are selling the • -,...11741,NO,us, Prairie. State Incubators 011 the eisiSy 'payment plan, , FiGGS AND POULTRY 'TAKEN FOR '8575110, • GUNN IANGLOIS CO. ci,tri4TON. Pre atliba, nen. • Jenkins .1014NSTON,'S," A No • PS:OM _Altering and repairing neatly done b , xPert Fi*encli Drv Cleaners, Our 5'r100$ are Moderate and Satisfaction CLuarhiiteett, Goods ciille,d for and. delivered, Stand Store fo raierly oceilined by 57, .1.. Holloway, :lifer: 13ra/taws. in Clinton, Wingham, 5575,. IAS. ,701INSDN. OAR. 15011 :SERVICE -A T5110510- • bred il'aimvorth boar hred by • Mr. Douglas ot Trois : at time af serviee with privilege of returning it necessary, CI eorgo Henderson; lot 29; con, 2, IL R. S. Tuckercimith. . phone , 14 on 113 Clintom -70-e ARM FOR 557(7 15: :-TfIE4 LIND1P,R- signed offers for sale one hundred acres of as good land as there is it the .County of Huron, being part of Lots 25 and 21 ou the 171251 Con., Goderieli township, . one. • mile north Q5 Clinton, 11 miles from school 'On the faith is' a feanie barn 36e10 with good -dem- ent wall, also a stone stable 25x 50 with hay loft above ; 00111505e able 11 room frame house a het- . or -failing well aed ono acre of or- Recison for selling, ill health. For particulai apply on etne` premises or adilress-Josenb , Colelough, Clinton P. 0, -07 FARM FOR. SALE -LOT 40 AND part or Lot 39, eon. 9, Goderich township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acme of orchard cem- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay , loam, well fenced and having Tan abundance of excellent water. On the premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x10, , all on stone foundation. The oth- er barn is 50x30 with -sled 47s30 and also a gravel house. Situated one mile front school ',I mile from English church, 1 mile from Meth- odint *church, 5 miles from Clinton, 0 mil& 'from Beyfield., Rural Tele- phone connection. 'Also part of T.ot 30, Telephone Road, containint 50 acres adjoining school and 4 Attires from Clinton, on which there ' am no 'buildinp but containing a small swamp making it an excellent pas. Imre farm, For Mater particulars apply on Gni premisee, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont, Phone 7 on 155. -71. SEWING MACHINES REP A IRED and repairs kept on haul, also ag- ency for new machines. -A. Hoop- er, Albert street. -70 HOUSE AND LOT FOR 8ALE.-e- 021e of the best locations in town corner Princess and William streets. House, contains 7 rooms on grimed' floor, second floor not fibished. Hard • and, soft water, aere land, fruit trees, etc. - ..For further particulars apply to D. S. CM, -09. DANCING CLASS EVERY TWOS' - day Night in Town hall. Instrue- „-tico given from 7-9, Hall open to :all after 'nine for dancing. Parties welcome. :terms %Mon applitation. Under management of Miss M. Rance. 61 I•IELP WANTED -THE JACKSON Mfg. Company --Hand sewers and • pporators, Steady Work, Short hours, Well' lighted and ventilated work roonis. • Good pay. -Apply at Office, or -to J. McLeod,- Supt. -52. FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER - • signed offer for sale Ms fine farm. of about 130 acres adjoining the town of Clinton. The farm is in kV good state of cultivation and has good buildings --brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, cotnparatively new. A. first clasS youtig. orchard containing an kinds of fruit, -also small fruits. The farm. is well' fenced and well drained and is a 'very desirable home. For further particulars apply on preinises or address John eOrr nee, el in ton P. 0, -03 '5155 (755 .111` 0va11 wyrn 111G mid get .'0115 *estimate before you" in- stall. 'new Phonbing,., or. rhave (40 cid r.epaired Oro..eipodefed•.,, We can also ibreilch yon, wit51 11.tes1; modern improVereents 2212551 lustvest alf- moved inventions in . fiLUMBING SUPPLIES. THOS. HAWKINS. Phone 53. •An 5551 1151 7IN1/STORM INSORANOE. TI117.1 Canada Insurance 00. ,w1 1 I insure all- buildings against* damage done- hy Wiinistoram, " Moderate ' rates, no ,premuin note, --Charles 1 3. kai.,5tric„i;, Agent, Clinton. , gre.4g6•001,11010'ili,*••••••• Buy Sugar when cheap t P • Our irs Andpath's • e Su gar will arr.:ve next • • week, Order early and * • • get in on the bottom • • . • • price, • • 1 tie 11)S. Reclooth's ex, o • • tra Granulated • • • • 2 mited ti me • • * Not more than 6 sacks to * • • one cdstomer. • • This is the cheapest we have sold sugar in, two • • years; • 0 • • • • a • • W T. 'O'NEIL : • • ,,The flub Grocery," • • la ••••••••• **** 100000131106, RED CLOVER. Belore buying your Red Clover call. and see what we have to offer, It is bright, well -colored stodk of high- . germinating power aad free from. foul weed seed,s. This seed has re- cently been examined and passed by the Government 'Inspector. The Price sutprise you Call US up about it. Phone 64, The L. SUITTER CO. Telephone 64 The Elevatot. Ways or a Watch The ways orn watch are past fled- ing out, DOu't try. If your watch is lazy and wet -ie., tun, let us tepair it for you. Ten be one you neglect- ed ib. -let it get dirtyeor it stops from lack of oil. Whatever is the meson, don't delay ; pelay costs uloneY arid often snails the watch. We pre thorough examination end regelating free, anything more costs as little as satiniactory .work can be clone for. A J. GRIGG JEWELI,ER AND OPTICIA".N, SSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES. oofing STEEL, ROOFING. • CORRUGATED IRON. ASBESTOS FIRE PROOF REGAL. Cali on phone'for our prices, BYAM St SUTTER sanitny piumbts Phone 7, SHAW'S 8 18 Toronto, Canada, "not tde The haw - Correspondence Se too , The Central Business College, The Ceutral ele- gt•aph & Railroad School, and Four City Branch Business Schools, 5711 provided excellent courses leading to 'good salaried pa.sitions. Prue cata- logue on request, •Write r if, w. II. Shaw, President, Head araegi Yonge te, Gerrard Sts., Pelee:1o. Navaionogiummaiiiiimmum COLLEGE AT HOME ITlionsand‘of MO -awn f, younn- peonle arnntat.in•eparing in Ilmir own homos 0apdg:TY To%);VoVnell'o"41,ti0eeleftg51415;;11e8g.' civo servants, in 011,01. e101,5 sphere of Business Activities, Yti1.1 11111.1, II»ish 5) College 11 yOu sb v..101. Poqii low. ;4120, anteert. Enter yollego 0115' 1155. 1111,v. instruction. Export teachers, Thirty years' ex1301,1.OnnO. Largest Ulan - 052 in 01111nada, Seven collegeg, Special a eourse for tenthers, Afillit) (led with Cofnnumcial Wines,- • loos' AHSOCiati011 of Comtula. Summer Sohool al. fameus- SPDtt011 M1517.1598 College, London, CLINTON BUSINESS COLLECE 0,50. evolves. u, vv.an advt. in 'The News-nem:a ppoide.t. 1,tgocipal. good re8ults. • ' 111111i111111111111111111M1111181111111 •