HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-17, Page 4ClintonNews-Record April .17th, 1913 Coderich To%vnship til t..1l o 1,111{ 0 t ' e ie �F 14 0 1 ri 11 Crpt 1 h z . this wed; visiting with Mr,:' and Ars; Robert J1 inlet <nc Other fat- aaaads in' 1111' township. 'Mr.' 111111ott' rales: as hinis111 a very 1;111(11 3, ratan 'greatly en'Oy's• these -meetings ' lis old I ane assorta.tec. The News-Recortlleads for News. Mr.. Lint; Clark 3:s th sAvech, nt0r- ftig from the btfl,.colt ito =the '0, 11 0li1phcrd farm (;hies, hr reciti1 l( put:- chi sed., 'ori the hayfield 11'11, 'fhe neighborhood Cor di ail 1 • ivefeentes the (looc1 1\IUlnin ' !, Ore V011' a lneer1111 111 ftscrtbcr 11 THE DELIGHTO 0 GINNING PLAYER�� ANO are now easily ae:esoil)le to every p41110 owner,. VISiT OUR PIAYER DEPARTMENT See how we would make your. praseut silent piano 'a player, regardless of sizo,' make. or_3cale, Cost for Upright Player $250. Special price for Grand-- Players. t DOHERTY .PIANO.; & ORGAN CO. LIMITED Plead Office and Factories CLINTON, _ CANADA. M11..1.101;11 DnaisssiaieCSC; Y:- 110:Ana' -.01:0 -' P1J'01v1, No, 78. •-- To - wEA. n Coiich&Co. The, Store' that shows New'rhings'lirst. New 111 l:he,l. i worthy examination F -th 1, the the every We prices House We r range Gingham, cale, ellev AN I rir o xitIte 'it , 47' `• � N .., IT V ATIaNT YOUNG-_ (SUNG -_GIRLS,' ' - Young ,‘Girls as thea get in their teens become more interp'st:ed in dress become more pa) ticular in what they wear we _feel sure it will be to UU;/..."interest to inspect the New Spring • Suits, Coats,Stdrts and ?Dresses, ' Sizes 12, 14, 1.6 18. ties are elo13 ho a very 11i e ,,, of Ladies t Suits, t CO,1tSC 111 t. S and range "ilplilt - , Dresses, VjS11 Ot.lt• PEA DY -TO -WEA R DEP 1=RTMEN T, ,,✓. . mrd J {7 Lt e ! i l a ",�, Spring Skirts.,^ :. tselection-are. �1 1) ir skirts l of of your 'most critical- ,1 that t. and we 1 , t 1. 1111 t ''iii 10111 fl ' 1l al e us �� t y 3 J pp styles are (5ttatlg and materials are so varied, that 1 taste -must be pleased. `Jmoi • are showing over 100skirts • I )'image from 3,75 to $.00, /l $5. Dresses #.2 e - are showing a 'ver 'bite* of house dresses; in print 1- amkray lnd per- r ' t SllSsS 32to 44, fast colors price l:.u� tU.., 0 , A. _ 1 !i New goods thissweek'„ _ _ rr„���. - New suits .New coats -_--3.'''( New skirts Newdresses .'' New dress, goods Millinery ApprentIce Wanted Coderich Tov'unship N.ii. ante~ C,t;alncn irizii t as 110' ill for several Weeks. anti ,who met 111(01 u senior s accident recently b' ' t, Y beil1 ti throw1111, from his to gv `(0) '011„ f (,t,v yt 1Ic- dr1_rn to Uiln(scn, has now so far racevered that 'he' was ((11 seedili( on :elonday. and. Tuesday. '.:M1 (,i'ahan( is Hetes living up to the rept tali(1`fi rel 11 lifc tinge of being chuck full--pI lt�uvlr.,,•it'c aro ell pleased to Sec "out; -01(1 iv0(id 010(1"main. Mr, sans+ A :Williams`' is at 'pal istock (11leeSe and hitter making at the big factory' there. ' ..1,o Messrs lSillialiis take 11(1 0111, 110siucsS natur- ally 111101 make a success of (0 111010's 0110 1loleresville (0010ry,. for instance, -which was never so capably run as 'by . `Manager Williams„, who 1 hhs 1)0011 11 'Charge for .50V(11-0.1 sea- son.; past. ' l'he :pulp of (lolel+s church will on - Sunday afternoon next be: occupied by the Reis: 1)r. Medd of Godericfi.. 'rhe township council niet cn April 7th when. John Rodgers of Mittneii was appointed by bylaw as 'town ship engineer. . The clerk was , instructed to write the Queen Alexandra Saoitor10in ^bl -London stating that: the 1puneil .'did not think the township liable 1'00 an aeoolmt01 119„ -for an 'indigent as council 1(00 not notified deco dlri3 oto statute. - 0. deputation was preSented re 'questing a. donation to 'the' Cloderich jownsiip Old' Iloys Re -union, but the request was not granted At the March r meeting 011'clerl was instructed to write'the Untagio Railway''Board in regard to yet Dain 'telephon'e matter's and the 1010pho;1c commissioners ' were invited La 1111 lre t°e8c t t to hear the reply to same. 0 long ,and interesting discussion arose over the different optni000 of the Board, Railway >I3o a 'which were 110 fns lows 1 -When ,i_, - telephone 0)010)11 ie placed according to st'ati1te the coon cls retains .full power: to levy and col lot all .inn - which a C U t 1 h nt v be. r« tl( the `municipality for the repayment of principal and interest and the cos0 of operation aid ntnantenam re. 2- It is hot flee in`terrtion'of the :+et that the money paid by subscribers on account of principal and Interest shall be applied to the cost of maintenance 3 -The amounts paid I by the subscribers on account . of principal and ' interest and 00 account of the ,cost of opera- tion and maintenance should be kept in separate accounts by the secret-. cry -treasurer of system. 4—It is possible that a telephone may be re- moved to the :premises of -another person, but the first subscriber would still be responsible for all payments of debenture and maintenance. The. 0g110cincnt 'between the, fust sub- scriber and the person taking over the phone is the only on': neer ,1111(0, 5—rt, is not desirable that a com- missioner • -should act as' secretary-' treasurer of system. The ('011151(1 then adjourned to meet the Int Monday in May at l:30 -N. 'W. 'Prewar tint, C en ;. Varna `l"hc, Presbvieriah con„rogation held its Dy llanJ 'lee e 1- celebratinganniversary y IveOic the sixtieth anniversa' ry of itis e stabl'Islune10 -as ti c on ri ge- tiont., '1110 0otigregalion'11 first ;place of '-worship -was- on the 13ay(ield Road; the church in -its preset,' . neap; and location 01111., dating ,back to }9(10, hut, (he cougregaLion is, the ;same—barring the 0(01)1801 that`eo1110 as the' result of tune -duel for tifiy years it has stood its the centre, of religious life, sending forth nt1uea1oe8 Oho. !result of whichw ill never:' be known until :the final accounts ' are cast up. The first minister to -taste charge- of the small- aryl straggling cphgregation sixty 31111(s ago, when thiscountry was by no means, the suint lig 01111 pleasant borne of wealth” and 'co1011011 which it 1)01Y, 10, was the Itcv• John I,o{,gie Followitng hint came Ileo, James 1)1110110; then- Ilov. Mark Danby, Rev, J. A. McConnell, Rev. 'J 1,. Macdonald, IRey, Thomas Davidson and the present este ,'lfcd pastor, Rev. 1). Johnston. 01 these 1 Revs,. .1. Iioggte, Duncan; McConael acid Macdonald hu'e,gone to 1(lelr reward. sieve Mr Da,uby, w'b(i (1as retired front the ministry, is •:101(0�; ' in Ottawa, and Rev. 111 Davidson is at St. Armes', ie Hamilton Presby= terv. rho elders 'of this first con,0rc- pation were James Shaw„-1)avid Galbraith James l'ollocic and 'Janies • Joluistonc, Very 1111presslvc and (0(0(11111(0l: ateµ ser vices W01:43. held on ,Jubilee :Sail - (lay, the preacher of tit[ Clay being the,.1lisv Duliald Mc aregoi of f'grot- ;tt who preached -powerful "o(0rinou• morning and cvtllirt3. 130th preacher and -pastor made spcedal acfererice to 'the, happy nccasign and high tributes were paid to diose faithful ones- •wlto first founded a place of worship in thett 111 eo n dti,ti, Li the eveningthe hey. M1 Snow den pastor of • the Methodist church here, and Rev, J. Richardson P resbyte rian pastor.. it Pen assisted in at. the s rvi Ce. 0 orale quartette. from Kipper( 1'assisted in the sei•vic( of song during the day and altogether it was a time of great rejoicing and of: deep thankfulness on the part of the people who warship in this place. The members of the Methodist elloir,gnd a few friends had a very pleasant little social gathering at the parsonage on friday evening last, inthdgin; in a real old fashioned tally pull ” .1.1 least it was as old fashioned as 'such a thing could, be tinder a. roof instead of the forest trees, and the taffy was the real stuff. Needless to say a very (10 time ryas spent by'the young people. At the annual meeting of the W. M. S. auxiliary of the Methodist church recently held the fallowing of- ficers were elected for the enaling year President, Mrs. A'. Deihl Vier, Miss Snowden. lice.-0eeretary, 14Irs. W. Dennison. Cor. -Secretary, Miss 13. Deihl Treasurer, Mrs. A, Reid. Superintendent Systcmietic (Hying, Miss A. Keys. - Delegate to Branch Meeting, Miss Snowden:' Alternate, Mrs;. 1)e 11115011. The New U. S. Tariff Bill. The now United :States tariff 1111) is ,30 courageous attempt at revis- ion downward acid is in accordance with Democratic pledges. .. Itis designed to relieve the con- sumleland to take away the privil- eges emoted by the interests. In so far as it affects Cart'ula, it goes far in the _ direction of giving to this country, without asking anything in return, rawest that was provided (,,r under the terms 'of the reciprocity agreement which' Was rejected by Canada a year agonist 'September. he agricui(otal schedules pxoviinl for a free list' including. hogs, milli and cream, meats; wool, bread, pota. toes, corn and cornmeal, lumber and lumber products,` including : broom handles, clapboards posts etc. - On many other 'thins' it provides for heavy reductions. ,The- meekly: Sun figures it out as follows The May on cattle not more 111,111 a year old entering the States in now 82 per head , on animals less than $1l m y°altie it is L3.75, and on 0th: o .. ets 7 ,. percent. Takingit on th _ P e average the present tail” works out at over 27 per cent. 1't is to be be re-. duced to 10 percent. On . sheep .. the average, duty ' now wotlrs out ' at dearly 14_, pet 11001. i1, is to be reduced to 10 pqr cent. . The duty on. Matter is reduced from be per pound to 3c, On cheese from Go per pound nuts to 20 percent. 1 ,. and on eggs Trent 5c per ;dos to 2c. On dive poultry 0110 presttit dirty works out at 13.1 0 per cent it is to be reduced- to 8,87 pet cent, On barley the present duty is :300 per bus.,; and' is 0(01(111 to 'a rah of about 13 pct. cent ; it is to to re- duced to` 23 t DeafOn '1 per wheat eat the duty is -roduoed frolic 250 per Lusliol to 100 ; '�tt buckwheat from 15c' to Sc and on oats from t1c t;o 1Oc anis on lfeanl'from. ,15c to 25c. The duty ,on„hay, which now works, _i. out , u at about 13 act 011` %'II 1 cent +li le cut to alittie over 116?• per cent. Oil apples, peaches, etc., the duty. is to be 'reduced f1 a.t lac per bush- el -10-'10c, and on fresh vegetables from 25 per cent` to 10 p011 0151. A hOT 17010- /LITTLE We arc pleased to announce that we have' made arrangements ivltli The Mail end Empire whereby we are Wife to oilu Ito new subscribers The s N y col ev Ire d and theIt Y .i 'tt and Int ire Iv Mail Only ---from nowv •to January 1st 1911 a 1 for 82 ,25, < r S i 'Tale News -Record and The Weekly �kl t y Mail and -.Empire 'for the ,situ[ per- iod—I3y Mail Only—for 85 cents No. premium's included p ms titc r luded in this offer: This is a rare opportunity for two good newspapers at very little beyond the price of one, as The Mailand Empire 15 generally, concluded to be' without a Veer in the Dominion, and we think: it will . be admitted that no !local paper in this district. is 111000 80voted to the interests 01 ifs people than The News -Record: Zurich x1011 of the new property purchased from Mr. H. Katbfleisch. , Mr. Samuel Mettler of the 15th con: has disposed of his Farm to his son, Roy, Mr. henry 'l'fuenmer of the Goshen Line, south, has disposed of his farm to Mr. Casper Wainer, Mr. Trum- ner' has talion in' part payment a house iii `Zurich and intends moving into- town"neat month, Miss Laura! Kalbfeisch svgs' mar- ried on'i(uesuay week 'to Mr. .Fred= Brick J Habercr, by ,the Rey. 0, C. J. Maass.'- Mi. and 14Irs. Ilaberer. have taken up their residence on the groom's Email on the Blind Linc. Seaforth Miss Rae Dickson was is 'Toronto for a 10ac days last week. Miss Della, c a Thom . son left this week P e to take a position at Waterdow'n• Mrs0 -L, 0. McCaul has returned •from Toronto, where he spent. the winter with her son, Dr. ,McFaul: Mr, 11IcFaul, who. was in 'Vancouver, B C., - ally µtura, is expected, home shortly, Miss Iva. Dodds is visiting fn Owen Sound; Miss ] i1lian Henderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs George 33en 13.0)0; was married r last week to Mr. Alex. Wright of 'ruckerslni'th. Mrs, Ann Hanna. married was at the residence of Mr, and Mrs. Robin- son, lgnr-ondvillc, on Wednesday, to Mt. Davis. i'he members ' of the Methodist church choir .went to the ]tonne of. Miss Iva Dodds one evening 1ast'weck and presented. 11er with h comp11.11- entry address and a handsome -crit, 1asv-.;wa{ L ..their ,e sett 111 token o g f 1ppreci'ati 11 on of hit services as organ- ist ants ,choir leader for. the past Y a a hal year and, f." Mr. and IVIls. 0 A ,Sills visited Dr. and Mrs. McUinars of Wallace - burg recently. , Miss . Margaret Cow -ani left last wcelt 16 visit friends tit N >panoe. Mr ' and,Mrs •. rhos, Fowler, ' Sr., Hallett 111ett are 1110101hg into Ilarpur-' hey. The ii' 't )" t e ]ouud I Croft e I uursol y t, rot 1913 will be arranged se so Ilio b w110 have to remain 1101110 Saturday y and Sunday; can enjoy 1 the trip. Go-' in g to leave Goderich 9;301a.m. , Tuesday,, June 10, and rodrn Thurs- day,; .Iime 12. Full particulars first week in May, Bagliel'd Mr. J. A. Irwin of Clinton, 0cciipied the pulpit of the Methodist church on. Sunday' last,,conducting missionary services, Obituary of Thomas- StephenS0 1'b t ci te Iheas i , i lens;a0a(lai i. iv 114 hrlmly rne0ti0110d last' week, was born.n'c'ar I'urt}lope, Ont.', Ap- ril :(1111, 1842; and flied at his Lome 111 Marlette,` Mich., on March 19t1y,, 1911, jj°litn ' a, boy of about ('01175 of age be (('0011 with.. his, par- ents ,to;'Stanley -township; 1151/011 c000011, 0150. I1011b 110 \1a Married to :Stnsan filiott, sic children bent, britt to Lluili. lror veal's they liv- ed there a{il, 1he children except ,0110 daughter, Alice, 'having that focality as their , birthplace.. Mrs Stephen-` soir died on: July 27{,11, 1817: -about thirty (00010 ago the family 'moved to Michigan, locating; on a 'farm six. milds southeast 00- - 110111:10(1'le- On 'Jan- uary .1st, 1889, M1 ; Stephenson was united' in:,marriage 1v,th I'liizabeth Deed, - After about 10 yetips' spent'. on the first location' Mr. Stephenson bought the: I{ilgourr farm and, ten years ago bought. 'of..Franlc -Vait the tarm ' lust south of town which re- mained hishome until lass fall; 0011e0 b0 1110(010 111(0. 1111 1101; house 110 pari built on the coil r of the 0151151 which he had 001(1 to Ota. that Smiths To get into the stew- home seemed to be 0110 .01 his gl cat` ambitions, and when they shoved in last Jolliet), lie became content and patiently tt1i1ed'the' end which he seemed 1'0 realize :was .ileac. Mr. Stepllenson. :was converted nine year's. ago, and 'laccame ;ono of the most loyal and ' faithful Members of the Methodist elnlreh, 'being always found -iithe. class: me0t n- and at 'Elie .meeting 'until, his lading . stealth kept lum'ana1 fi•oan these` -services, He is survived by h:3 Wife and six 00110117n, Ainst n Nt and Wilfred of ,, this Place,->A'Lts. I'ian< Williams of 'J'Iint, Mrs. John CIlexos of. Listowel', ( tt: 'tn MrsMelvin IcLiiig tl t n and Mrs Herbert Graham, of. Marlet- te. Mr. Stephenson was one of ten children, of whom only three- brothers Ralph and Robert of the C oshe.n 1,1110 Stanley, and William of Mar Tette are lelt to !bourn his death. The ttuneral',gvas held Saturday fore- noon, March 22, rt the Methodist church, Rcv. W. ,I; Cain officiating, with i lcrmcni to Marlette cemetery, . Leaded, Marlette, Mich. Wo"have a dist 00 ' he weather llureau and predict . < t 111. 1. Sur010001' for this year apd'the 11e1V-cradle sprilig f'ranme -1nd1011 1.11.otOrcycle is res'tolisible, "Count the Indians on the road." call or card shits bring` you full•desc iptive 1013 literature,; One of these rnachilnes;cal be x11111 at the garage. The • Paxman-Gillies Garage a- Sales Co. 19 Clinton 1. I Heintzrnan Co ►' . Limited. Real Bargains in Upright Pianos • g Ten slightly used Upright Pianos, p 5 a 11. in good conditicll, at third to one half the original price o n small weekly oz Intl1� payments,en ts. l a 0 1 0 01(101 A Oi' 3'iI i :PEOPLE' OE i I URON ('O L'NTY. 'The origin of the' people of limon County as given liy the fifth census is as follows ,•: SO[ 11f Il l:ftUN, English Trish Seolc•h French Ger Otb 11,315 1,330 3,900 055 3.955 178 NEST HURON 8,057 0,210 -1,071 110 001 73 i?AST 111JRON' 4,589 5,2519 1,932 .3(i 1.;311 200 Consult'. with Cooper 't h e Wall=P a . aper, Man who s.ells you just what you want at the '>7rice you want to pay. Splendid New Selections All Paper Trii fined Free. Go.1erCo , CLINTON Lt aon�En i ister G s li a es` n g No better on the market and the best for (('se on the 160111 for r t 11 inn ho 'ii limp 1( f Phi fi ter,,• The Lister Lighting Plant - light your Bons[ and barn :cud do it well at small ensu. Mellatte Cream Separators have • no superior'. W. H. LO88, Agent:' Clinton P. O. f • Write for needed particulars. Heintzman & Co. 193-5-7 YQnge St. - TORONTO or HEINTZMAN .& CO. - 38- Ontario St. r Stratford 1 HEINTZMAN & CO.—Please snail me today a list of slightly used Upright Pianos adver= tised in The Clinton News -Record, - NADP Ann 1.1:Ss WITHOUT A DOUBT YOU'LL FIND TIIIS OUT— TN ALL' YOUR TRAVEL., ROUND ABOUT THE DREAD TJIAT'S BEST .WVITII ANY MEAL— ,. IS JUST -1'1112 ONE AND ONLY REAL- MOTHER'S BREAD Better Bread Could Not Be Made -TIdA'r;S WHAT YOU'LL SAY WHEN YOU HAVE' T1'RIED' TPIIS CRISPY, ' CRUSTY, MOTHER'S BREAD BARTLIFF'S PHONE N0. 1 AND HAVE IT DIILIVERED TO YOUR 110117E EVERY DAY, JUST A FEW . I_TEMS Taken From Our Immence Stock, EXTENSION TABLES. GOLDEN OAK 1'1,\01511, made very strong, 01'eet, 8 feet sand 10 long' Pricea 97 00 50 . and 912. HALL TREES: QUARTEREl3 0A I. E'JNIS11, bevel mirror 12 x 20, 1t1 hat and coat pegs and umbrella holde, 8 00. ' 1 KITCHEN CA13INETS. USEFUL AND 011N0 MENTAL, 90.511 88.80, and 920,00, ' ' BABY CARRIAGES, IfOLDINGICAR7.'S, Pullman Sleepers anis Children's Wagons at low -prices Pictures; Nall Pockets, Extension Rods, Chair Seats, Curtain Stretcher's, Etc. ' PHONE 7 and 8. Jt'[IRN "- F a J. H.'-CHEI,,L,EW, Estate [INJ� Ii'Ai{IN(x BLYTH = Q _ R ONT. HOUSE CLEIININC TIDE :Ju 110W 0.001(11d1((are• rop 1ed:with thp_he t sr ected stock of fu turn and house furnishings v;ia1e eVer had, and this st r lags f to r a i o e''1 I [pate t 0n of-cal•ry rn � -the hest select- ed stock outside of a city, Our spring stock of rugs has, ar- t•ived and t be fair to ' o irs if rid e u r e ane do us justice, r in y1 ca ,rine and compare our selection and prices with any stock or cat- alogue house, We will meet any of their prices, and go one "(tetter. . All oiirl,inolenrn will be. sold at 50c per square'yard un- til further notice, A shipment, of jour special rattan chairs at 94 will be here about April lei,. See our go-carts and baby carriages lin nar `Oiea 920, , Onespecial Co rriit mattress at 90.50 10•y nu'r t ev shipuent`has just arrived, also Japanes0rugsot matting . . will be here April 1st, the best stock sve.hay'c ever had,. Store of Quality,.'' Phone 28 ■ Walker Furniture Dealer and, Undertaker Residence Phone 140