HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-17, Page 2W. JACKSON, AfitENT; CLINTON DE ENTU ES SECURITY Put your savings in thy, s,afest form. of investment you can find-- - the' 4% debentures issued .by this solid and prosperous company - established 1864. Issued for $roo and upwards. Interest payable half -yearly 'at the rate of 4%. . Depositors and Debenture -hold- ers have the first charge on the entire assets of the company. • Since inconforation over five million dollars in interest alone have been paid to Depositors and Debenture -holders. Reserve fund equal to paid-up capital of $r,900,000.00 and assets over thirteen millions. tlS 28 OVER 13 Millions ASSETS. °Coal 4 Savings Co. Conaori 4 St..rhomas. PASSENGER DROWNED.; •-•-•- • • Declared He conut Walk On the , Sett as Christ Did. A despatch from Plymouth,. Eng- land, says: A steerage passenger of filie name of Durooin the American liner St Paul, which arrived here on Friday night, who declared that he could walk on the sea' as Christ did, jumped from the vessel In mid - ocean on April 0. He was rescued but died later from ;the shock. Ho had read the Bible throughout the voyage. DUEL Wan 1i.N1VES. Ran and Woman Dave Terrible • Encounter at Port 'William. A ,despatch from Fort William says: Iles. M. Benjamin°, 18, . Persian, and Sam Jacobs, 29, fought a duel withknives in the' woman's home .on Thursday. Both are in the hospitel, the wernan with agash in the abdomen and the min with -13 wounds in hit chest and stomach. The woman may recover; but the man -has little' chance. Mrs, Ben- - earnine stated Jacobs attt(eked her. le,---- Alfoeso An Exquisite: His Spanish Majesty keeps from 40 1.0 50 cuitS in use, and a -number of them may, in seen° LitJa1 panits, such as themut of the revers, or in • the -height of waisteoat, 'go one of fashion bore -they have been worn more than two or three times, and in such a case they would be promptly put out of the royal -ward- robe, for King Alfonso, perhaps on account of his yonth, is more punc- tilious about beingdresse.d in the most up-to-date rnodee than any ether Eurepean mona.rch. The New Blue Amberol Record5 played on an ECIDSOIll Ph nograph will give you more pleasure than any records or any sound-reproducine instrument have ever been capable of giving you before. This is because the Blue Amberol has caught all or the , richness and beauty of the music sung or played by the great artists, and becatise the Edison Phonograph brings out all tluit is in the Slue Arnhem]. And the pleasure you take in your EdiS011 and Blue Amberols will never diminish because theeBlue Amberol will oever evear and is practically eMir unbreakable. Hear them today atyour Edison dealer's. , L• Tbotnao A. Edison, Inc., 100 Lakeside Ave., 0,ang.2,14, U. ff. A. A complete line of Edison PhoncaroPhs and -Records wRI Ise kouna tit Wse ‘AVA..tir411.XiCiaErlar/ 0. D 'Alen GART , 1.\1, D MeTAGGART McTaggart Bros. 13ANIileRS :A GENERAL BANKING BUST - NESS TRANSACTED': NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON, DE- POSITS. . SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED. -- 11. T. RANCE - -- NOTARY pliBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, .1'INANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES.' DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CI,ENT0N. VV. 1311Y1/4NE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR„, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC, Othee-- Sloan Meek -CLINTON CRAREEs 11. HALE. Conveyancer, Notaey Public, Commissioner, Etc... 'REAL ESTATE 'and INSURANCE Is'euer 7Of Marriage Licensed HURON STREET, -- CLINTON' DRS. GUNN & GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. -Night . calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or apHospital. DR. 3. W. SIIAW -OFFICE - 'HATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON. Dit,-C. W. TIIONTSON PHSYICIAN,, SURGEON, ETC. , Sp,ecial attention given to dis- 'eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose And Throat 'Eyes carefully eitamined and suit- able ,glaseee- prescribed. ' :Office and residence: 9 doorswestof • the .Commercial Hdtel, Huron St. I'. A. AXON - DENTIST -4. Specialist in Crown and .Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D.S., To. mato. , l3ayfield on Mondays from May to • December: ' 4RIY •UsitT -- TIRE _TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from ClintonStain 'asfellows: I31111TALO AND GODERICH Going East, 7.35 a. m 3.07 p. m. 6.15 p. m.' Going West, 11.07 a: m. 1.26 p. m. 6.40 p. tne 11.28 p. m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV : Goink South, '7.50 a.M.' It If 4.23 p m Going North, 11.00 a. m. 6.25 p. m. ovEn es. Y EAREP 2APERIENSE , TRADE .5fiarivei 'Demers:3 Correll:m.0.s &c. • Anyhtio sending a bicetab and desoription maY anlealr ascertain our opinion free whether an birmakol 10 Probably patenttible, Communion. BUOK on Patents Pone 31.I lair confidential. H AN D Fen tfree. Oldest agency for securing patents. ,Patento talon tirrelialt;-htunn Es•Go, vocolvt several /take, without elistrge, Mina • 'Stittittifit hanctsgmely illustrated weekly. Largest elt, M any ecientiiic Journal. Terms for ennada, IAN a year, postage prepaid. Sold bY all newsdeelers. , 'MUNN 80;0 361Br°2dwaY, New York msnon OM, 025 F sr- wafgasatca. o. LIPPINCOTT' MONTHLY MAGAZINE A FAMILY LIBRARY The •Best In Current Literature 12 COMPLZTE NOVELS Yriu.y, MANY -SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS - $2,60 PER YEAR ; 25 CIO. A COPY,- - NO ,OONTINUED STORIES " EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN, iesee Tn: 12 marriagee out of every 100 pne of the parties has been married before, ran Shorts and Flour atm the Best Milis at, the lowest pOssilde WE PAY THE HIGHEST 'PRICE for OATS, PEAS and :BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. , Ford & McLeod 1 Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pil owe their singular effee tveness curing 'Rheumatism, Lumbago and / Sciatica to their power of stitaulating and strengthening the kidneys: They enable, these organs to thoroughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these painful diseases. Over half a century of constant use has proved conclusively that Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kidneys and • . 41 Cure ithe,u2netisrn Forty -years in use,- 0, yeais the staedard, prescribed awe reeom- Mended 3 y ph ysiei ae s. For Woitueses Ailments, Ds'. Martel's Female PHIS,' at your druggiet. IF YOU WANT THE BEST COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY, SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROM US. ORDERS LEFT AT ROW - LAND'S HA1DWARE' STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of fillM011. Correenondenee promptly answeied. •Immediate arrangements' can be made for Sales Date eat The News-Re,cord, Clinton, or by tinning Phone 13 on 157. Charies moderate • and satisfaction gnarauteed. ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD, TILE BRICK TO ORDER. • All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE- • CORE • BLACKSMITHS WOOD 2je in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. - ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. • Phone 52, ThErMeKillop Mutual Fla Ill81111,1108 Company Farm and Isolated Toefti Property • only Insured # --. OFFICERS - S. B. McLean, President Seaforth P.O.; Jase. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderieh P.0.; T. E. Hays, •Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth ' P.O. --Directors D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop:. William Rinn, Constance; John Watt, Ifarlock; John Benuewies, Brodhagen ; James Evans, Beechwood; M. MeEven, Clinton P.O. -- Agents -- Robert Smith, Haelock; E. Hinch. ley, Seaforth; -William Chesney, Egmondville; 3 W. Yeo, Holmes. ville. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish (nothing Co., Olin - ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect insur- ance or transacb other business will he promptly attended to on ap- plication to any of tee above officers addressed to their respective post. offices. Losses inspected by the director .who lives nearest the scene. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- • ONTARIO - Terms Of guliscription-$1 per year, , , in advance ; $1.50 maybe eharged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears arepaid, ,unless at the option of the pub; lisher. The date to which every i subscription is paid s denoted on the label. • Advertising Rates - Transient ad vertisemerr* 10 cents per non- pareil line for _drst insertion and 4 cents per ,line for each eubso- %tient inseiton, Small advertise- ments not to exceed one -inch, such 'as "Lost," "Strayed," or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 35 cents,' and each sub,sequent in. sertion W cents. • Conimunies,tions intended kr pub lication must, a,s a guarantee of • geed faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, • Rchter, and Proprietor, very. Weliteli is interested and should' know ,shent the*wonder(ul •Marivoil Whirling Spray • Douche Ask your druggist for It. If he cannot supply the MARVEL, tinted horde -sealed. iyes riat accept no other, but -send stamp for 1110. -(1E_PLYCO.,Wtodeor, non. for Canada. ' \MIMI kills the :grain,...but you .evan kill smut by / • using e STAR BRAND FORMALDEHYDE Sold only at the Rexall Store w.s, R. HOLMES, Ph.M.B. ZENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. The best practical training school in Ontario. Three de- pertmente--Commercial, , Short- hand and Telegraphy. All courses are thorough and prac- tical. Teachers are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students may enter at any time. Write kr our free catalogue at once. • D. A. MoLACHLAN, Prineipal. 1 MEETIN 0 S PROHIBITED. - St. Petersburg Police Wish to Pre- • -vent Disturbances. A despatch from St. 'Petersburg says: The prefect of .police, en Wed- nesday, iesued a drastic order pro- hibiting meetings of all 'kinds, and also street demonstratione likely to dieturb-publie tranquility., The prefect declarethat thie regulation is binding on -the whole of the popu- lation of the capital,and warns the people not to •participate in such demonstrabions'but to obey the or- ders of the police. Otherwise, 'lb -says, the most rigid measures will Ile taken to prevent disorders. • CHINESE ATTACH BRITISH. „ Sir Oliarles Bernard; Chief Com- inissiotter, Was Wounded. A despatoh from Calcutta says : A detachment of Chinese, troops on Thursday atta,c.ked a battalion of police attached to a British survey- ing parey eh the fronthier of Burnea. The hill men in eonsiderable num- bees jeined forces With the.Chinese. The, liritish column repulsed the at -- tack, but sustained a few casual - tis. Among the wounded was Sir Charles Bernard, chief eat-omission- er; and heaclmf the ,surveyirig party. THE SUNDAY, SCHOOL STUDY INTERNATIONAL LES , APRIL 20. o Lesson. UL-Jacoles meeting' with , Esau, Gen. 32. 3 to :33. 17. Ix Golden text, Ilph. 4.32. Twenty years had passed since Jacob Kaki cheated the older bro- ther out of his birthright and had then fled to a distant lane. Now, in returning with his family and poesessione to the land of Abraham and of Isaac, he was about to pass through,. the borders of the country in whieli,Esaii Fearing that the wronged brother naight still be angry with him( he tent messengers to tell Esau of their approach and to ask for his favor. The messen- gers returned -and reported that they had seen sau and that he, ac- companied by feter hundred men, was coming io meet Jacob. "Then was Jacob- greatly afraid and was distressed" (Gen. 32. 7), His proud heart ...was humbled. - He acknow- ledged that he was unworthy of tbe, least of Jehovahca loving -kindness, but in his helpiessnesa he cried to the God of his fathers- for deliver- ance, and his -wrestling 0,16ne in the darkness may be interpreted as a prayer. of wrestling with God .in ay _ • Verse , 1. Divided --Jacob had al- ready divided his .servanta, flock, herds -and eamels into two com- panies, -thinking ,that if Esau at- tacked one, 'Ile other might eseene (Gen.*32. 7, 8). Ile had- also se- lected' a large numbereof animals and sent these on before hien ad present for Esau. Cause for Alarm • Loss of appetite or distress after eating -a symptom that should not ba disregarded. - Itis not wbat you eat but what you digest and aseimilate .that does you good. Some of the strongest, health- iest persons are moderate eaters. Nothing will cause more trouble than a disordered stonmoh, and rminy • people contract serious maladies through disregard or abuse of the \ stomach. •, We urge all who suffer from indi- gestion, or dysPPPsia, to try Regan Dyspepsia Tablets, with the under- standing that we wiR refund the money paid us without question or formality, if atter use you are not perfectly satisfiedovith results. We recommend Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets to customers every day, and have yet to hear of ono who.has not been benefited. We believe them to be without equal. They give prompt relief, aiding to, neutralize acidity. stimulate Row of gastric Juice. 'strengthen the digestive organs, and thus promote perfect nutrition and correct unhealthy symptoms. Threo sizes, 26 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. You can buy Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets In this community only at our store.: • W. S. R. HOLMES. Clinton no agsg& Store Ontario There Is a Resell Store la nearly every town and city in the 'United States, Canada and Great Britain. There le a different Resell Remedy for nearly every ordinary human Bl- each espeeially designed for the particular ill foe which it la recommended. ' Tho Roxn11 Stores nro AmerIca'S Greatest Drug Stores Labatt's London Lager . • Selling fast because _ MR le right THE TRUE FLAVOR -AND PURE, TRY IT! LABATT'S INDIA PALE ALE • XXX STOUT Made and matured in the old way. • ME MEAL BEVERAGES JOHN --LABATT 'LIMITED LONDON, CANADA • 30 ..ott.to Insiiect our stock of Standard Silverware. We guarantee the quality,and our prices will suit you. " We tiave a ig Watch Trade showing that our workmanship and prices give satisfaction It is`a pleasure to so cater to the trade that one customer brings another S. R Counter • JEWEL ER and ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES 2. Rachel and Joseph hindermost -Those he loved most in the safest 3 Bowed himself to the groend tteven times -A customary saluta- tMn offered to kings, 4 -Esau ran to meet 'him - The magnanimous spirit, with which Esau received the brother who, had, so cruelly wronged hint 'is worthy of all praise.' 8-11, Among Oriental peoples the elaborate courteey, the exchange of eompliments, and the refusal of gift.s which are later accepted are GIUMMIlltry and may often be regard- ed as mere formalities of daily 'in- tercourse. However. the brotherly manner in which Tsatt received Jacob, and his frankness and ina. puleivenese shown earlier, would lead one to give to his words a deeper meaning. In accepting the gift Esau really places himself, un- der' oblitialion to Jacob, and Jacob wishee this further proof of Esau's friendship. e 10. Forasmuch as I have seen thy face -Revised Version 'maygin, "for therefore have I tiebn'thy face," as one seeth the face Of God, referring deubtless to Peniel (Gen. 32, 30). 11. Gift -Heb., "bleiming," the • present being regarded as sol ee- pression of good wishes. 42, 1 will go before thee -The way is better known • to Esau, and he volunteers to eseort"Jaeob kr his protection. - 13-15. Jacob's reason for .not cc- cepting Esau's company seems. a plausible one, but in refusing the offer of the help of some of Esseers men, there seems to be a desire to have 'their association come to an Try it -when you're tired. Yon will • find it wonderfully refreshing. Sustains and cheers. afaxamaczasausargatemponataanzapes.esasetaang . ... ........ / , EXCURSIONS To Manitoba' Saskatchewan Alberta 9 9 - HOMESEEHERS ETTLERS Low Round Trip Rates eacfs Ttleedny. March to October Inclusive WinillPett and Return - 335.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Setter points In proportion Return Limit two months. • TOURIST SLREPINS CARS •MOGI on till excurslans: Comfortable births, fully ,. FOr settlers trairel. . sing with live stock and effects, SPECIAL TRAINS Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY AND OffIL• 10.20 p.m. Settlers and familmr' without ilve stock should use REGULAR MAINS Leaving Toronto 10.20 pan. NOY Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers equipped, With bedding, can be secured at moderate rates through local agent. COLONIST OARS No charge for ON ALL TRAINS Berths iflome Seekers' Trains Leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. during March. April, September and October, and at 2 p.m. and • 10.20 Than. during Nay, June, July and August., Throudk Trains Toronto to Wtnniped and West Full particulars from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto 14. Thtil I eeme iinto'-"niy lord' un- to Seir-Ja,cob ennatnates that he will follow Esau to his home in Seir. As -a Matter of fact, however, he takes quite another direction. It may be that he atill mistrusts Esau, ...- or possibly, remembering hove he had wronged his brother, Esaurs kindness rebukes hire"; he feels ill at ease in his presence and is unable to bring himself toeahe point 'of ac-# cepting Esau's hodpitality. • 16. Sell -Practically the same as Belem, the land given to Esau font possession (Ded. 2. 4-6), 17. Succoth -The exact site is un- known. It was east of the Jordan and south of the jabbok. The word is the Hebrew for "booths" and was given to ihe place efter Jacob had settled there and made. booths for Ms cattle. Jacob later removed to Sheehem. IVREZ‘K OR MEXICAN ROAD. Twenty Passengers Were Hilted and Many Injured. A despatch from Mexico City says: • Twenty passengers were killed and 40 injured in a wreck on Thursday on the Mexican Central Railway near Tula., in the SUM of Hidalgo, because ,the engineer yielded to the importunities of the passengers. The engineer, fearing to run into 'rebels, was enoving cau- tiously, The passengers were simi- larly appreheneive, but, believing that greater safety lay ie greater speed, induced the conductor land engineer te consent to full steam. The train was ditched on a curve. The injured have- been brought to the , AVIATION. IN BRITAIN. Aerodromes in Every City and 1,008 Pilots Trained Yearly. A despatch front London says: basis. He has undertaken, -with a group of financiers, to find $10,000, - aeroplanes and dirigible balloons erpment a schetme for putting avia- tion with whioh to establish aero - the army and 500 more for the navy. clromes in...all big cities, buy hydro - and" train every year 500 piiots for that he has submitted to. the The Government is considering the tion in Great Britain on a sound Clsaude G...1_•ahanti-VViiite _announces 4)ff;RONI,NENT LADY DIES. Widow of the Late Itt. Ilon. Sir John Thompson. • A despatch from Toronto says: Following a serious operation,'Lady let tha General Hospital. ,Lady late Rt. Hon. Sir John Thompson, death. Annie .E.Thompesoni widow of the Thompson had been ill for a very Prime Minister of Canada, died on Thuredey afternoon aeibut 5 6'e:deck hespital only a day beforee her short time and Wile taken to the le1tENC11 BIRTII RATE 'FALLS. Oely One Baby in Thirty Families Born During 1.912. . A despatch' from Paris says : The birth rate in the Freneh capital for 1912 was the lowest since 1861, MO- -cording -to a' municipal report made public 00 Th u r eel ay . There only one, birth for every thirty fam- ilies. Die infantile death rate was 142 peg thousand. Prohibitive rent- als are ,said to have been tile chief cause for -rho decrease in the nusn- hor of births - PATIENT COMM ITS 8 CI CID E. 1-Vhile Delirious jumps Into Rives: and Was Greenlet]: ' A despatch from Winnipeg says : Clad only in a night ebbe, Williem Steivart, a native of Dundee, Scot- land, burled himself through a window at the 51..13-oniface Hospi- tal on Wednesday merniug while delirieue, and in spite of heroic ef- leas On the part of aLtendante, ran to, the 'river, jumped in and was drowned, • Malieioue. Gladys -1 i'efused Fred two weeks .ago, and he has been ,drinking heav- ely ever since, Ethel -Isn't it about, time he. stopped celebrating/