The Clinton News Record, 1913-04-17, Page 1No 17771 -4th Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1913 THE HOME PAPER you have for sale anything the public need, an advt. on page 5 of, The News -Record will introduce you to buyers. _ %pecial 21 jewel Waltham watch in good quality gold filled case for $20, You can have it in a cheaper case if you wish it. Other watches proportionately 1o\. Call and see our large variety of dependable watches for a moderate Erice, • ewelet ana Optician Yiellgar Clinton The Royal Bank OF CANADA. Capital Authoriied $26,000,000 Capital Paid-up 11,500,000 , Reserve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000 .- Total Assets 175,000,000 825 Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed on Debosits. General 13anking business transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch. 1 Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Established in °HMCo 1870 11E41) OrInCE MONTREAL • SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT . Ifiterest allowed at -highest °Ivrea rate on sums of $1. and upward from date or deposit, 'Joint accounts allowed. BS A !WILES AND AGENTS ALL OYES. CANAD, . AND OVER THE Visomen. Aolieses ALL A - GENERAL - BANKING -13LISINESS TRANSACTED, s C. E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Branch. WO -buttoned sack styles will be cor- _ rect and popular this Spring, and the model here illustrated with wide lap- els will be the vogue with many well= dressed young men. 411 It is an exclusive 20th Century Brand model and we are exclusive agents for this make of fine clothes., Coat maker wanted for our tailoring department, steadu job,good prices. THE !I[p CIII!G CO,!T.1IIo Motto : "A Square Deal for Every Man." A 131G OFFER. The .Daily Globe or The Daily Mail and The News -Record will be sentto any address in Cana,da until, the end of 1.013 for $2.30. The Weekly Mail and Einpite or The Weekly Globe and The News -Re- cord will be sent for the same per, sod for only 85 cents. ' ASS.ISTANT ENGINETi112. The Waterwonics GomIlliSSi011 have again engaged Sergeant Welsh as aa- sistant engineer at the waterworks power house. The worthy" Sergeant is dep,endable, and, barring illness -- which seldom overtake,s al- ways at the point where most need- ed and at the right time. A BIG EGG. , Mr. Lock •Cree's hene are .hig• lay- "er, that is they lay often and eggs of a•size beyond :the average ; For Instance, Mrs Cree picked up an •egg the other day that at first glance, he thought was e . goose egg, its weight being Sous and a half ounces and the Measurement 'seven by eight and one half inches. Industrious. hens suth as Mr. Cree's are well worth1 owning. . 1, • DRIGADIDTt POTTER'S VISIT. Special services were held 'in the S. A. hall On Saturday evening and Sunday, when Brigadier Potter of Toronto had charge of the meetinga. The Brigadier addressed the Satur- day evening and Sunday Services, in the afternoon giving a very inter- estingi talk on the work of the Army in Japan, where he was stationed for a times He wore the seitive Japanese costume and presented a 'nog picturesque figure. There was a good turnout at all the Services, especially the afternoon meeting, ani they all proved helpful and inspiring, THEY WINTERED WELL. The apaines in this district are saiVit, have come through the win- ter ;without snitch loss. Mr, I. Dodd, who has the largest colony in town, haPins over fifty hives, - (say lost d'h5 hive and that from suffoca- tion. Mt, ,H. W. tiVatt alse,has, a nice little start made, tewasds an aniasY; having eleven good swarms, -the care of which fakes up his spare time and, incidentally, brings Wm le a small profit. As a rule at this sea- son of the year bees have to lie ar- tifically fed, as -their supply usually runs short and maple sugar and oth- er sweets must be furnished until sorrie food is obtainable' in the open, as it is „absolutely necessary that they be kept healthyand inegood con- dition if a good season is to, fol- low. 'So ter, however, this year no artifice! ,feedisig has been necessary, their own supplies having been suf- ficient. Bee culture is a fascinating stiidy arid to .those Who take - it . up seriously and in a practical I Imarnr it .seems also to be a sure souree of income. ;HOS. KEARNS PASSES OVER. Thomas Kearns, an old and respect- ed resident of Clinton, jsassed into the Great Beyond • on Sunday morn- ing last after an illness extending over -several years. The, ,deceased was born at Tully- moote, King's County, Ireland; sev- enty-three years ago on the first day ot April, He came with his family to Canada when he was about nine- teeis years of age and tor years he resided in *Albion township, in the County of Peg], but for nearly forty. years he has lived in this disteict, flirst at Granton, then, at Stapleton, but of late years in Clinton/ For several years" past Mr. Kearns has not been in good health, on more than one occasion being so low that his' recovery was doubtful, ' but It wasonlya week before the end came that he was confined to hiS bed. ; 'file deceased was a man of quiet and unobtrusive liabitS,'" sloyal to Ills friends and' kindly in his disposition. In religion he was a Methodist and in Polities a 'staunch Conservative. He was a member of the Orange or- der and of the Black knights, and elks s Maccaliee. • 'He - is survived by his wife; who tenderly nursed him through .111-s many illnesses until the end. Four 'sisters and one brother also survive. ' The funeral, which was largely at- tended, took place on Tuesday after- noon, the services at the house being' conducted by Rev. S. J. Allin hnd Rev. J. E. Ford. !Vt the graveside the ...service of the church was coI1:. ducted by Rev S, J. Allin, the 'rit- ual of the Orange order by Mr. R. J. fluff as Master and Rev. C, E. Jeakins Chaplain of „ the iocal lodge, and that of the Black Knights by Mr. John" Scarlett,-ex-Courfty Mas- ser. - The pallbearers, all Oongemen, were as follows .3, P, Shepherd, Peter Cantelon, • John Ford, 13. I-Ianley-, W. G. Smith and T. J. Man- aghan. • The Black Knights from out-of- town who-partMipat;ed in the last sad rites to their departed brother were D. C. Galbraith and 11. Mc- Murray of Bayfield, E. Mole and Macauley of Sesforth, John Scarlett, Wm. Kenny and Campbell of McKillop, all members of Jubilee l'reeeptory, Tile relatives from a distance, who attended the funeral were : Mr. and ldrs. James McClackerty, Goderich, and Mr. and' Mrs. George 13citley of Hamilton. E, 1,00AL MAJ1KET, Wheat 91c. Peas 00e to $t.00. Oats 30c to ,31c Barley 15e to 50c. Butter 23c to 2.4c, Eggs .16c to 17e. Live 1. -bogs $0.00. „ „r3APTIST CHURCH. The services on! Sunday LIVE I8IEMI3E1., Mr. James -Bowman, the Dominion representative for East I-Itiron, is certainly wideawake to the interests of his constituency. As an instance: liiot only (lid lie talce in active per- onal interest in the'inatter of rural mail, butile ha.s been instrinnental in having a ebpy of the latest map of the DOIllilli011 sent to every 9ellooi. iait and public library in the ridirr;. exceedingly interesting and well at- DIEDINT CALIFORNIA. tended. Iwo paperS on the sub- ' jeet "I can do all things" were Mns. S. C,rieh reeeilred,WOrd -on en at the B. Y. P. IT. 'on Monday ey.. 'ruesday CA the death at her home in ening. The Pastor also. contributed Southern California or lier grand-, beautiful story on "Life 'irr the daughter, Miss Rose Eleoat, (laugh - Western Prairies." On Sunday next ter or Mr. and Mrs., David Elcoat, th6 pastor will pleach in the morn- which occurred on Saturday weei. ing ow.". ivine 1', suiooiiy and .Hurn- Miss Licoat , 'sited hes gsandinothea an Witness,' and in the evening ,on in 'company with her parents about "A Blessed confessien.,". three year's ago and will be remem- bered by...many ,I,Clinton THE DERENTTJRES SOLD, was an accomplished and' ,:,alented vorin lady and 1 er ear' , death 's f for the ,taking over of the electric matter or _sinecre -react. light plant and the installing 'of hy- COOKERY DEMONSTRATION. dro-eleetric were sold on Friday last to Spitzer, Rorick 115 Co., Toledo, Miss MePhOe demonstrated bread &hie, at 61, 'The amount is$35afnth ,_ ,d:peaswtromensns y -making neueer thlroaleastpoicewna 000, the terns twenty-five years and o the rate five percent. , hall on .Saturday afternoon, when -*II our town, and 'district well -to- :many ladies outside the organ - dos, wlio are, .Satisfied wit's bank in ization were prnent to hear terest, had taken up these debentures her' lies method (34 bre"-making , thev. would have pretty well nigh risilyezp theTaida w rn-eilmirkinads risd doubled their incomes, Yu fly tlie most approved method of making MOTOR CYCLING. pastry. Miss McPhee Motor cycling .is becoming quite very pleasing demonstrator and one Popular about town and especial! at wh° Tf idly, understands her business. o those attending the demonstration It proved to ibe a very practical one. BOQLTETS. W. Minim : Arcata, Sesk„ "En- closed find my renewal qf sub. to The News-Repord which comes to us regularly anti is, indeed, gladly re- ceived." eventide are the tsvo-wheeled speed - 056 conspicuous :upon our smooth *) streets. Mr. Bradshaw, general a- gent for! the Deering Company is the latest purchaser so that the local owners now are : G. Bradshaw, A. Hooper, 0. Fink, Is. Gillis and J. Fosbes. Mr. Edgar Pattison, thet G. T. i , agent at Brucefield, is also a. inotot 1 cyclist and enjoyed a run cm Clin- 'ton's -macadam on Tuesday. A FORMER CITIZEN GONE. Ste. 13, P, Sibley passed away at his home at New Rrunswick, N. J. on Saturday last after en fol- lowing on a stroke of paralysis which Ise suffered a couple of years ago. Mr. Sibley was well known in Clintotr, having resided here for many years, and was especiall y recognized iss inusieal;cireles, being a talenled singer. For years he held the posn Rion or choir leader in Wesley church. To Mrs, Stele), and their family the sympathy of their many " Clinton ifriends will be extended, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. • I The "members of -lite congregation Purpose holding an At -I -Ions° in the ' town hall on Thursday evening„ next at eight .o'clock. 'There will he a program of addresses, songs, etc.. and refreshMents will be served .dur- ins, the evening. The' purpose of the ' gathering is to bring the members of thaecongregation together for a Soc- ial thne. • , Mrs. J,, McLeod and Mrs. E. Jeakins are in London this week., at- tending the annual meeting, of the Women's Auxiliary as delegates irons St. Paul's breneh. A meeting of the boys and. young men of the congregation has been called tor Thursday- evening to , set in motion the machinery necessary for the formation of a troop of Boy Spouts. All boys and young ' men will be exceedingly welcome, I The committee on extension to thee schoolroom -and vestry met Mr. POW-"` ler, architect, Goderieli, on Wednes- e- day, last and suitable plans ,were drawn up with -a view to 'the • P1 - creased acecSmsnadation that is ab- solutely necessary for. the Sunday school and choir. • • A male quartette will s:nJ,. nex t, Sunday evening's service. ' The padsir- preached at both set- ONT. ST, CHURCH. , vices on Sunday last. At the even- ing service Shelley's "Ilayk, Hark, My Soul," was sung by the choir. with good effect. The two contral- to solos by Miss Mayfdd Allin and • the soprano' solos by Mrs. 13.J. Gibbings and Miss Wiltse were very much appreciated. Miss Fernlee sang by request "0 Happy Day during the offertory. • Mr, Gibbitigs, Who has been leader of this choir for eighteen years,, leaves next week for Winnipeg. His removal will indeed, by a severe loss to clench and choir. I In the absence of the- pastor the ' ;service next Sunday InorMng will be C,0((115( ted by the Rev. J. 'Greene. 1dr, • J, A. Irwin Will speak in the even- ing. . , • • , At the Leegue reeetingesin Monday ' evening Miss ker gave a reading the "Life of Iftlizabeth Fry," and Mrs, McMurray and Mrs. TI. 'kips- 1 simons sang a very pleasing duet. • :St the busIness sneeting :which :fol- lowed tlic following officers were '51 1, '1 ti'' ensuing year : , PreSideht, MiSS CartiCi ShiNeY, iSt Viee, MiSS Ethel Bradshaw. Sint Vice, Miss L. Stevens. • 3rd Vice, Harold Pickett. 4th 'Vice, Frank Tyndall. - Treasurer, Miss Plumeteel. , Ree. -Secretary, Mrs. Dickson. Cor. -Secretary, Miss L. Cpoper. Pianist, Miss Elva Wiltse. "Assietant, MSS, Ohara, HOrtZhaller Next Monday evening the League will be addressed by Mr, W. II. Ilene yer, lithe Will speak en "Watchmak- Mg.." • e• Mrs, IL Carter, Hamilton: "The News -Record is each sveek better than half a dozen letters _from the old hotne toWn, giving us, as it does, such a complete record of the pass-, ing events, We cc:dainty wouldn't like to (lb without it." • Jasslkownlen, lWest 'Toronto: I look forward each week with pleasure to the coining of the newsy News -Re - Cord," mAnmED ON MONDAY. On Monday a ysry pretty wedding took ,Place' at the 'home ot Me. and Mrs, John B. Lindsay. or Huron streets' when their, youngest daughter, Clare, was united in marriage to Mr.- Wilfrid Servis Elliott of Toronto. The ceremeny was Performed by the Rev. D. K. Grant, pastor of Willis church. * - The bride, who was given away by her father, was mareied in her trav- elling . suit of grey whipcord with French hat of Taste straw and car- ried a boquet of white roses. • W. and Mrs. Elliott. will spend a for thigh t in Philadelphia ,Atlantic City aini New York before returning to their . home in St. Nair A ve,, Toronto.' 1" WEDDED TN ST. PAUL'S, • A vers pretty aad dainty wedding* took place in .St. Paul's church yes- terday afternoon when Miss Atny Al- berta, daughter of Mrs. John Woon, was married to Mr, Charles Williain Stewart of Hullett, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Stewart, who have lately taken up their abode in Clinton. The ' ceremony was • performed by the Rev, C. ID. Jeakins and was wit- nessed. Only, by immediate relatives and friends of the two families. -The your s couple were unattended. Miss May Bentley played the wedding march, ' The bride' WaS very daintily and be- coinfrisly attired in a gown of white silk. -She wore a veil and carried a lovely bocniet of roses. After the signing of the register the bridal party drove to the home of the bride's mother on the Bay- field Road, where the wedding feast was . spread. Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Stewart went to their home on the 8th con, of Ilullett 'where they will settle down to the realities of life. They have the good wishes of hosts of friends for a happy and pro- sperous futere. WESLEY CHURCH. The Rep. R. „ Hicks of Hensa I preached very` acceptably morning and evening onSunday, the pastor laking special services in Hensel'. , The Literary ,department had charge of the i,eagite' meeting on Monday evening when papers on favorite Bible characters were, given by Mins Marion Irwin aftd Messrs. Wilmer Wallis and John Watt. Miss Ruby Wise gave a piano solo very nicely and this was followed by a Bible contest, all of which made ,a very Di - 55555801" program Miss (lireene con- ducted the Meeting. Next Monday overalls the regular missionary, eiect- ing wull be held.. • . The L. T. W's, an organized class of boys ,in the S. S., furnished the program for the'.,runiot League on Friday evening. Mitten Cook, pre- sident of the class, occupied the chair 'and the program consisted 01 scr,ipture reading and -Prayer by their teacher, a recitation by Carman Teener, a dialog,ueby six of the boys; Milton ath Clinton Cook, Char- lie, Cantelon, Carman Turner, D. A. Cantelon and Willie Seward, a talk by Mr. W. 13 IlellyarS a .recitation by Austin Nediger, a readies by Austin Hoare and the olaSs chorus. FORTY 110t111,S DEVOTION. Forty Hours Devotion scrvicus ,ALrc, . — conducted in St . -Joseph's, church this week, the parish priest' being assisted ,Revs. Noonan. of Dublin,'Coreoran of Staiorth, Hogan 'Of Merlin, McRae Of goderfch and' Stroeder or Drysdal - c.. ANOTHER CAR. 1, Harry BartlifY is the latest local automobile owner having bought a 25 11.11. five pasSenger. Studebaker, manufactured at Walker ville. its a pretty car and said to be as good as it hiolis so-- that " if a speed:. ing contest should take place here- abouts the genial 'Harry will expect Iso cross the tape first. VA I, 'LIABLE EGG S ivhs Bert Itovey.iis certainly a - poultry fancier of sonie renown' Plis tense extending.througnout the length and breath of Canada. As proof of this stateirient' it is but rocessaff to 'say that Yesterday he shipped egg.; for lia,tching to LlOydniineter," and' also to a town hi Nova Scotia. 'PI0 shipment east consisted of eggs 'laid by hens valued at six dolara each and, of course, commanded a fancy Price. 'Personals .- Mr. 11, Wiltse was in London this M‘rv.eeLkeiri Steng was at Sault Ste. , Marie last weeks Mr.. W. N,„ Manningof London was inselint°n Friday and' Saturday lat. Mrs. Greig is spending a few weeks with her sort, Mayor Greig or Sea- bortb Hit; left for tile west on Monday, intending to rernaiinfor a feW months. Mr., W, ..A. Maguire bas gone 10 Stratford to take a, position with - a tea company. Mayor Gibbings leaves on Monday for Winnipeg and , will probe* he absent for the slimmer at,least. Rev. James Ilogan of Merlin, was the guest- this week *of his,brother„ . the Rev. John hogan of St. Joseph's ii3sti:isB Mil Bessie Irwin left on SatUrclaY 'ter a visit with. Guelph and Lon:. den friends before' resuming be.r .work in Montreal. Miss—Jennie Taylor was up trots Cnn- dos last week looking after ' the sale of her household effects, which took place on Pride): afternoon. Mrs, Latornell of St. Thomas has been in town during 'the. past week having „been called honse en ac., couht of the illness af her motlier, Rev, S. J. Allin and Miss Fernier: are in Windsor and 1)etroit, this' week, visiting old frienis in the former . place and the formes's son in the latter.. • Mr. Lawrence Greig,, who has been 00 the staff of the local branch of the "Nalsone Bank for same tinse has been transferred to Forest:- Mr, pKi:erettre oriecif Exeter has taken his Reeve and Mrs. Glen of Stanley svent to Toronto on Noriday after- noon for a few days visit. Mrs, Glen has not been. in good health lately, bat it is hoped the change will be beneficial. Mr. Hugh B, Grigg, teller in the St, ,James street breech al , the Masons I3ank, montreai, is home. on a \tilt Kilth Ilia parents, 11IX. and Mrs. A. ,1. Grigg. Mts. Combe, Sr. sustained a slight stroke of paralysis on Thursday last and is still in a rat* see - jolts state. It is bopect, however, that slie will soon begin to amend. Mese,' (3. ID, .Jealcins and Mrs. J. Me - Lead are in I.oudon this week sis. . delegates, froze St. Paul's branch of' the Women's Auxiliary to the ennui meeting now in session there. Mr. A. • Soo tchm ere lias not entirely recovered from his recent severe illness and wishes to express dds. appreciation of sthe inSsny kind.nsses received. Mr. Scotelimere is linere than ever convinced that Clinton is, all right ,andk particularly those cit- izens •who live up in his own corn.er of the bailiwick, Mr, Arthur McCreary and family left on Saturday .for Brantford where they will' in future reside. Clinton is sorry to see these good eitiseris depart but; wishes them success iso their new honse. Mr. IVIcOreary will be . e.specially missed inj the Salivation Army, where be was a cheerful and willing worker. Mr. W. C. Newman of IZidgetown ivas been In Clinton for the' past few days and this -week will ship seven carloads:, otbeans from -this station ' loads of 'beans` iron; this station arid Brucefield. 1VIr. Newman , looks to this district to increase its out- put. Of, hea.11S this season ami in that event lie" may erect an elcvat- . or in Clinton so as to more5 exped- itiously handle the crop. Mr. and, Mrs. 0, 11. Keys moved to „London this week where at 313 , Princess AVOLILle they Will Make their holies They were reluctant to leave glinton where they liave fsiends on all sides, hut the change was necessitated by the fact that the Forest City is • a ' somewhat .more comeenient centre for Mr. Keys, in his capacity as oleganizer of the 0.-0. IS We all' regret ,their removai and 0S - S050 theni of our very hest wishes for theiy futurc happmnes"s Welcome Home. "Mr. James Hearn. Mr. James'Hearn arrived on Prides; last from Jacksonville, Florida, af- ter an absence of Si3C months or so. He enjoyed himself in the milder climate -of the Crocodile State where everything was made as pleas- ant as possible for lisim, yet he is downright glad to be again, ainong his old associates for there is no place on this sphere can take the place of Clinton with Mr. Hearn. He is not -greatly in love with Florida? coinciding somewhat with the opin- ioa that it is pretty muck made up of sand, swamp and winter resorts. The cities though are growing even if the 'country generally is not in- creasing in materiel wealth. Our old friend looks well and belies his years winch are now fourscore. .Thei News-Reeord is glad to see him back and tippet that in the iiscantlis, and years yet in store for him, he may erSoy himself to the utmost. LIME LOCAL. • 'Cls e W. C. T. U. will meet' to 1105 - row afternoon at the diome of Mrs, George Levis. The Pastime Club' held an terriers -lei little dance in their club rooms on Friday- evening. The local blacksmiths have decided to advance their sates, taking effect the first of May. Mk. and Mrs, CS IS Keller have - 'moved into -ilio house lately oceepied by Ale. and Mrs. G. R. Keys, Ontar- io street.. . If you have anything you want to dispose 01 111 tvill pay you to place a small 'advt, en page 6 of The . .o The Women's Institute will ' meet next Thursday at the home of Mr. McMurray. g The eleetion of officers will take place. "We Six" a half dozen young men, in town belonging to -"The Younger Set" are giving a dance in the hall Friday evening of this week. Bagfield. We understand that Mr. E. Har- rison has be= awarded the contract of carrying the mail on the rural, route running out Porter'S Hill "way. The' pay is said to be 14.00 per an- num and ore dollar per box. We be- lieve Mr. ,Ed. Weston will carry His Majesty's mail on the other route 1105(11 HeIp boost Bayfield and then Wateii Bayfielq grow. Messrs. R. AleMerray and D. C, Galbraith were in Clinton on Tues- day attending the funeral of the late Thomas Kearns. IleV. Dr. IVIedd of Goderieh will preach in the Methodist church on Slinclay evening in the interests ok the 'educational fund, ,Mr. Albert Catlin left on Tuesday, for Port Stanley where he wilt en- gage, in fishing (luring the summer se5se011 W.re sipo' week to re- cord the death of one of Bayfield's oldest and 01031 respected residents In the person .of Catharine Keith,. wife of Mr. Wm. Harrison, who de- parted this life on Saturday evening at the age of 'seventy-two years ' and ' three months. The deceased "Wag born in Montreal In 18•111 and was married to hernow bereaved hus- bafid in London in 1860. They im- mediathly settled in -Stanley town- , ship, and have continued to reside there and in Bayfield ever since, Mrs. Harrison. arose on Satin - day morning as usual and was go- ing about the house when about half .1 past eight She sliffered a Sleek°, She never recoveredsconsciOusnss until 1 he , passed away the sarne e5 en1ng. The funeral took place front her late residence on Tuesday afteriloon and Ives largely attended. The seevices were condue,ted by the Rev. 1-1, J,. Ctondell and Rev. W. 1-Iinde. I-Ior husband and a family of six sur- vive : Mrs. Kenny of Walkerville, Ides. Samuel Heston of Stanley, Mrs; MlltdOeh ROSS of Bayfield, Daniel of Goderieb, Kate at home aild N!nian Woods Harrison of Buffalo. Mrs. N, Woe:As Harrison and 'daughter, v•life and daughter of tbe decease.d' y GU ri gel: 5011 Ichose home is in Bug- falo but svho Was himself absent on Inc boat on Lake Superior, wore present at the funeral. The pallbear- ers were : Thoma, Cameron, Richard Smith, William Dixon, Joseph Coll,. will, Robert •Iohnston and W. J. Stinson, To the husband and fam- ily sincere sympathy is extended in their sudden bereavement.