HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-10, Page 9Hullett Happenings Mr. McGregor, who"'h is been in Dakota for -Chitty years is 'visiting his brother Mf Chas McGregor, rclterinaiy of Constance. Report of S. S. No; 1, for' March --Effie Jamieson, Lulu Mann. Sr, Sr. "41;h Nellie McMichael. Jr. 4th 3rd,-Af an Farnham, Fletcher Gib- bings, Josephine Livingstone, : Jr. 3rd, :Mabel - Livingstone, Arnold Jamieson, 'Gertie Glauzier, Myrtle C1laitnet, '.Nota Mann•, (Pearl 'Alarm, Eva Glauzier, Emma hart. Sr 2nd —Florence Jamieson, Alta C+lat z era ' Mary Cribl)ings, Margaret`. Morris; Mann, ann, 'Raymond' Jamieson, Jr. 2nd;—Cecil Farnham, .Charlie Mann, Allison Dale, Percy, a Taskei, Non Dale. ,Pant: -2nd, -Geo. Hart; Leslie Tasker, Willie L,ivingstone.-.Primer— Joe ,Hart, Latta Wright 1 Farn- rams 'reacher'.`• DO -it Yourself You don't have to be a Raphael to do a first-class job with Campbell's' Varnish Stain. It is made especially for ama- teurs and handymen. TRY IT ON THAT WORN :WOODWORK.` IARD A eon � . xx$R°s F a Roofing Thought." " an es Bral1tf°r R"FL OP.Y &'Pandora [WE' AHEBEFIIr READY with the 'finest line of Shoes and Oxfords for every- body that it has ever been our pleasure to show, .,READY to serve you carefully and satisfactorily. READY with the best values. -i town, READY to show you. itiommamormankionsiommestmarmAmmommodr FRED. JACKSON y**********r**N►**MN1 *N4►N*s*A*1*t49•N**� SPEGiAL PRIGES: HUM 8t : 0 i V CUBTRINS r }[Dose cleaning timewill soon he here I Are :you going in need anew rtig or a pair or two of lace curtains ? If so, it will pay ei you to see what we are Meeting in these lines. 2 1 tapestry r at $ 10. See atm• s ecia ka re u P 1 y R $ r newinter' new ho on our new in hams. n We would like to show v ,P g g dress goods, new shirtings, corsets, eta, as we are showing•- some beautiful -new patterns and some wonderful values In these goods. an BOOTS d SHOES 1 We are showing a larger range and better values for spring than we have ever shown before. •You can save money by buy-, •; ing your shoes here. SMALL MORE , PLUMSTEEL L� 1�1�.3 BUSINESS PROFITS US *k*H**1N****************s************ •*NiON•••• •44*No•*44141SN•NN••Ns•H••+S•••• 10. s jz Our Alm to Please 1. _.. Br''i1gs Customers Back 1 Furniture Buyers at this store iievariably come e back when they 'want more and bring their friends with them. 33 To Use Our Furniture is to prove:. that it is ♦; asood as it looks and that is baying a whole let, g Substantial Furniture can be bought he:e b g . now at money saving prices. Why,not secure what „ i pieces you need now while prices are so favorable. • Atkinson & Dinford Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors • Phone 104 • PHONE 127 --^NIGHT AND S + A NDY CALLS--- PHONE 10 . NO•N/•NNNMs4 !* INN,* ‘11044, •••• .•••• Ai•• *MI ** r._ News -Record New Wall ccliIII111111110 OUR Wall Hangings.have a deeorative,effect and value which makes the home invit- ing and comfortable. Our designs are almost -sure to suit, rode taste and .oar prices your pocket book. wring us the measurements of ' your room' 'and we will give you an estimate of the cost. W. D. FAIR CO. Oftendheapet — Always the Best' ,17% , dV 1 au11WiyiItuunIIIIIIN Mr, W. J. Paisley r✓as in -(iodenlcli - last week Inspector Johnson is in Seaforth of- ficially today. Editor Elliott' of the Blyth Standard attended the Spring Fair. '. Mr L. Fair of 'St. Catharines was a visitor in town over, the win -end. Miss Elva Levis wan the gime:: o: G'odericn friends over tee weeitted Miss Mary Moore, London was the guests of her aunt, Mrs. Chambers, last week. Miss Baker of , Fullerton has been the guestduring the past week of Miss Beatrice Greene. Mr. erre Mrs. Edgar Pattison and babe .of 'Brucefield were in. town over the week -end. Mr. G.•S. Robertson of, Lucknow came '.down nn Thursday- last to. attend the Spring Fair.- Mrs. Wesley Walker -returned Iast evening from a visit to Guelph, Hamilton and Toronto. Mrs. J. G. Medd last week visited her aunt, Mrs. 'Joseph Lyon of Mullett, who is very ill. Miss ;. E. J. Spark or Seaforth was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. le Cantelon over aha' week -end. Miss Pearl O'Neil left on Monday tor Moosejaw, Sask., after- spending'; a couple of months at her home in town. • Mr. H:: Il. Chapman, the new pro- prieter of the Twitohe11 shoe'store, was in '5t. Thomas Monday and Tues_ilaw. . Mr. J. W. Irwin of'i,onion was a ' visitor' in town on Horse Show Day and the guest of Mr, and Mrs, J. Cuningha#.tie. &15s Jean Ross of Seafor t was c.t c her home inet1 .own over Sunday ., had for her guest Miss Helen Mur- ray of Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. James 'i'witrlleli c' re in Stratford on Mon Ity al tend;i]g •`the funeral of the form is broiled., the late Arthur Twitehnli. Mr. W., Harland of Guelph emelt the • week -end with his 'family in town. Mr.Harland intends shortly, to take 1 t." b a Ci his residence in the R y tip Y Messrs. J. P. Sheppard and le J; _Monaghan attended the funeral of. the late Arthur 'Twitchell in Strat- ford on Monday as representatives from Court Maple "Leaf. Rev. J. E. Ford is in -Toronto this week; attendityg a meeting of the • transfer committee and other . im- portant committees in connect i.en with conference work.` ' Mr. Peter Ker ,left Friday afternoon to spend a few days with his' son Will at London, and enc this be has started :again'lor. Provost, Alta. He had a good time while 'here and was downright sorry to leave,tho cid home town. he'll -be, back ,.again• next season, though. .rc tined Mr. and ` s. N. A. Pltoenixtt trip Saturday from thetheirhoneymoon trrl and are spending a few days at the .parental .home in town prior to theit departure for .Vancou- ver where Mr. Pheonix will be en- gaged propably for same months in engineering work. M*. W. J. Elliott, chief constable of Bayfield, was in town Saturday, accompanied by his brother, Rich- ard, locally known as '"Dick the Corker," and one of the best na- tured men en,:the whole country- side. Constable Elliott made sev- eral purchases at the big ,sale of livery stook on Friday. ,• Bagfieid A very pleasant evening was spent at thehone of Me. and.A1 cs. 17ic:r- ael Miller on Tuesday'wele whena surprise party, consist'ng nt a remi- tter of the friends and relatives of the couple, gathered to celebrate the seventy-seventh birthday of \Ire Mil- ler, After spending •earns 'tone.. in. genres and nlueic' a sumptuous binth- day feast was partaken-. of, Mrs. Mil- ler occupying the seat of honor. Be-. fore separating. the company joined in 'hearty •congratulations to the host- ess. Ainongse those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Darrow, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson Miss A. Connol- ly.of Mt. Clemens, M'r. John Dar- row„ Mr.. Fred Davidson and Mr. Harold Pollock. Mr., Chas. Donaldson, general a ant of the J. L Case Company, was u1 town on. Friday last a visitor at the parental home. The genial Char- lie is ever welcome' to the 615 home town of Bayfield. New Spring Dugs tin nares. April IOth, 1913;. We'are showing attradt:ve new patterns in all kinds of ioor coverings that are;wplth your ,while, and every ,b'it of extravagance taken out of the price` We're devoting particular attentiort this Beason ;to newCand attractive patterns in ART • RUGS AND SQUARES. We have passed into stock this week a new shipment of rugs in tapeatry and Brussels. Everyattern a new design in all the popular sizes and colorings, as prices within reach of all. We are after all the trade'ther'e is this season in rugs and carpets. Our stock is complete to begin with, anything special that may bo wanted we can quickly get. If you vivant to tone things up, at little expense, come and see what we call values in rugs aid art squares. Linolelinis and I'1�oi Coverings Our stock is nowconiplete ill linoleums and oilcloths. In linoleum we carry the best productions in and four yds wide at 50c aequaro yard, Oilcloths from 1 yard to 2 yards wide at 30c a square yard. tro New Siriug . Uosiery 'for Wien elle Women We aro showing a'complete range of men's, women's and children's. cashmere, cotton and 'light thread and silk boot hose, made for appearance and wear byy the most reliable makers. If you have hose wants, come to us. Vvery pair guaranteed or money refunded. Loud Pedal on Quality, - Soft Pedal en Price. London Road A quiet, wedding took place at the home of the bride's mother, ilirs. E. Walters of the211:1 �r n.l con, c tt , kersn ith t ou'edn c Y ter - noon Gl es la of e- noon of last week when her 'dttit r a g to ,Miss 14lary was united' in marriage to Mr. Walter Layton. The ceremony was performed by the,Rev• S. J. Allin in the ,presence of about forty immediate friends and relatives of the •two,families• The bride was daintily y gowned iu cream silk: She wore a very pretty wreath of, snow - drape ha and in her it carried a be- elect of white carnations. The young couple were unattended. ' Mrs. G. W. Laytan played the wedding mus- ic. After the ceremonythe company sat down to a sumptuous wedding feast., In, the evening a reception was held, when a number of the fri- ends of the newly -wedded pair were invited to make merry witty them and a, very pleasant tine was spent. Mr. and , Mrs Layton ; have taken, up housekeeping on the farm which the graoiif' but recently purchased on the 2nd and they have the,, goodw.wishes of their ,large circle of friends for a happy and prosperous futiire. • Mr. J. Robinson of London visited Mr. Miller' Stephenson •one day last week, Mr. Arthur Stephenson has t s sold to s p Mr. -:I Fred Nott the, fifty -acre lot which he purchased a few .years .ago and which lies convenient to Mr. Nott: Mr. Stephenson's idea is to have a smaller farm, with less work and more comfort, a very, sensible and rational idea in these days when farm help in scare. Bagfield. • Rev. Mr. Macfarlane was called to Banks, near Collingwood, this week owing to the serious illness of .his: sister, Mrs. Parks. ' Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Lawrason and family and Mrs. Parker left on Sat urday last for North Dakota after spending the winter In Bayfield. Missionary Scry tars will be conduct- ed in the Methodist church on Sun- day morning next by the Mr: J • A. Irwin of Clinton On Saturday Mr. W Feliott ,eloped the deal for the sale of .ehc ,house he formerly occupied io eereasurcr Joen,Reid of 4t,tuley :and last week he ti�ovecl 00 to the : pro- perty which he taught ireet Yrs, Geo, W. woods. Another 111e Mr, Elliott' recently made was of a Meese and lot to Mr. : John McLeod. We have to report this weak the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, who passed a- way on Saturday •last aged live months. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to Bayfield . ceme- tery. The Rev, H. J,. Condon cots ducted the services at house and graveside. The sympathy of the community is extended to tlie ber- eaved parents. Hallett Township i T. McMichael. dc' Son etlrfbfted Lord Ronald at the Mitchell Fair on Tues. day and won first prize. This horse's sire, Baron Lock asgiv n the redd illio -i f ticket for best stn n with h. Dire of hisget including Lord Ronald. Am I ong the horse owners from Mul- lett who won prizes at the Seaforth show, last week were, T. McMichael & Son, Victor Dare, Joseph Blake, J. Scott; George Dale &I Son, W. • Rimm, Snell Taros. • The following is the report o f S. J. No. 1, ,Kellett, for the .month of. March. Examinations were in re- citation, literature, ; language; and. spelling. Those narked * wereabsent for one or more examination: Sr. 4th,—Warren Rogerson 77 Charlie 5underoock 78. Jr. 9rth,—Florence Cartwright. 85, Sr. , 3rd,—Lillie Con neli 75. Sr. 2n5,—Arthur Ogbourne 98*, Tom Appleby 84, Kathleen Al ren 79, Harold Crittenden 78*, Willie Briggs 76. Jr'. 2nd,—Alfred White, 72, Ralph Joscelyn 70*„Mary Cari- wright 70* Cecil Cartwright 68* George Addison 36, Part 2nd,—Mil- ton Brown -80,, Lilian•Cartwright 75,;. Hazel Rogerson 70, Violet Addison 60, Bertha Crittenden 60,. Sr,' est— Olive Jr.t„—Leslie Oily Josc 1 n, r 1 e Y Knox, Elgin 3FoscelS n.Jrr . 1s t b,— Rosetta Crawford, Lizzfe Itiwrence Alvin CartwrightEdwin Cart- wright. No. an roll- 27, average at tsndanee 13. Perfect attendance -- Charlie Sundercock, Lillie Connell,`. Kathleen Allen—Rhoda MacKenzie, Teacher. The News From Londesboro O'iiss Minnie Crawford, ' 't.o Inas been staying for the past few years with friends at Niagara' Falls, is k with her teth- er a few weeks spending g , stir. Chas. Crawford. Mr.' D. Cantelan shipped a ear of hogs on ''Tuesday, the price pied 'm- ing $9,25• . • Mr. Beacom of Goderich ;pent a' tew v da s at the home of M . Jaynes Y r Campbell:this week: Mr. Wee..: (71t1Lths 'Ia tsrts: 3 wnd A Pringle left this week !or Edmottten, Alta. Mrs. C. I•I. Manning spent a few -clays last .week with her mother, Mrs• Moggridge of Clinton, Revs Mr, Thyme of Palmerston is supplying' Knox and Burns churches Log a few weeks until a new minis- ter is inducted. Mrs. Longman, who owing to an accident nearly a year ago had• to have one of her limbs amputated, is now in Clinton hospital undergoing treatment. It is hoped that her re- covery will nowbe rapid and com- plete , The ladGlees of alio 1Von1en's Institute desire to thank the managers S o f the Temperance HIouse for tate use of the house'- and half for their pie soc- ial recently held, -Mrs, M. Brown,: president, Mrs. II, -J Young, secret- ary. Mrs, 1-1.' Adams of Minneapolis is visiting at the home of'11e a•,•1 lye se R. Adams, Mus. J. L. Awde and children tui vis' Ih at he home ill hamare tt t a e W g g tee lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.1u. M cC o o 1. Mr. Thos. Millar received a eai' el 'betel this week. ; .s Miss M Chrysler of Delhi is visit- -ing her sister, Mrs. `J: O.: Lounshury. What night have proved to be a very serious accident happened car Monday. as Mr. H. Bill and Mr. Go:- ,.• butt were drivinghome from the vete e age. The horse became frightened at something and made a bolt for the ditch, throwing. Mr. eeili wee vat, driving out. The horse then ran_ down the road with Mr. Gorbutt, who 4s over eighty years old, in the rig, but he gamely managed to se- euro the reins and stepped 110 ar.iinel bolore seriotls-damage was done. Hullett Township The Summerhill Beef Ring will be- gin the season's killing next Monday, with Mr• Clark `l' Auburn as butcher. o Mr., Chas. Rogerson has. gone fo Airdrie, 'Alta., where he has alarge r intends per- manently and where he to p nmanently locate• The neighbors: much regret the removal of Mr. Rog- erson and family from the commun- ity but wish them unbounded success: in the _west - For Sale ads, in Tho News -Record bring, buyers. ear Opening Sale Boots and Shoes, 'r -inks, Suitcases aitd. C1 .1b Bags .H.aving-purchased the stock of J, Twitchell d& Song I inter d.continuing business, and must make room for new goods already ordered.” F.ICS ' WILL CUT on allgoods 'relp ;inin; of J. Twitchell '& Son's stock for clearance. Come with crowd to the big re -opening sale.' t he CHAPMAN