HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-10, Page 8It Costs so Little and Does so Much. POSITWELY THE EARGEST SAE IN CANADA MEW% 02ViliNION ECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED ESTAILLIGHNO 1001 HAD OFC H : 26 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO' MONTREAL LONDON, E.C., ENG. CAPITAL PAID UP, $1,000,000 RESERVE FUND, 2500,000 Our Quarterly List justpublished contains come ielete particulates el' these investment* GOVERNMENT BONDS AND MUNICIPAL DEBENTURES .' Amount , - Security 0 50,000 'PROVINCE OF ONTARIO"inesme `s'kelcf - so,qoo CITY OF, OTTAWA, ,ONT. abeut 4 % ' 43% . 10,000 CITY OF VANCOUVER, 130 , 4,4% 100,000. CITY OF VICTORIA, 130 4% to,5% . 200,006 CITY OF ST,' BONIFACE,. MAN. 5 % 50,000 ,CITY OF BRANDON, MAN , 5 % 15,000. CITY OF FORT WILLIAM, ONT 5 % ' 9,849 ' TOWNSHIP OF YORK, ONT 5 % 7,000 TOWN OF WELLAND, ONT. 5 % 17,000 DISTRICT OF OAK BAY, B.05 Vo' ' 50,000 MUNICIPALITY OF COLDSTREAM,. B.C.. • ...-.1- 5 % 15,000 CITY OF NANAIMO, B.C. 514% 18,000 CITY OF REVELSTOKE, B.6......... ....... '5i6% 15,000 CITY OF NELSON, RC. ' 15,000 TOWN OF CASTOR, ALTA. • 6 % 27,822 TOWN OF YORKTON, `sASK. A %. . , CORPOMATION AND INDUSTRIAL ISSUES Amount •Security income Yield CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY (Equipment Bonds) , • .. Al Market $30,000 TORONTO S: YORK RADIAL RAILWAY COY , (First Mortgage 5's Guaranteed by Toronto Railway Co.) 25,000 ELECTRICAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY OF ONTARIO, LIMITED (First Mortgage 5'3) .. . DOMINION STEEL CORPORATION, LIMITED (5% Debentures) 25,000 P. BURNS & COMPANY, LIMITED (Packers, Ranchers and Provisioners, Calgary, Alto.) (First Mortgage 6's due 1st April, 1924) 5Y% 25,000 (First and Refunding Mortgage -Cs due 1r January. 1931) ' £2,000 WESTERN CANADA FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, UNITED (First Mortgage 6's due 1st March, 1928)- 5..10% 825,000 (First and Refunding Mortgage 6's due 1st September, 1931) 25,000 WILLIAM DAVIES COMPANY, LIMITED (First Mortgage ys) . 25,000 SAWYER,MASSEY ' COMPANY, LIMITED (Fit* • Mortgage 6'3)%, .75,000 DUNLOP TIRE & RUBBER GOODS COMPANY, • LIMITED (FirstMortgage es) • 25,000 ThORDON, IRONSIDE '& 'FARES COMPANY, LIMITED (Wholesale Packers,' Ranchers . and Pro, viskiners, Winnipeg (First Mortgage 6'9). : s 25,000 •J. H. ASHDOVVN HARDWARE COMPANY, LIMITED (First Mortgage 5's) 6 % 25,000 THE HARRIS ABATTOIR COMPANY, LIMITED ' ' (First Mortgage O's) 5.91% 5.91% 5.78% 6 % 6 % • CANAMANGOVERAMSENTMUNICIPAL AND QDRFORMICRAT ONDS c. 14, IN WESTERN PROVINCES. Country Generally Clear of Snow, • Bid Seeding Will be Later. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Seeding will not be general in ,the Western provinces until between April 15 and 20, an average of ten or, twelve days later than 1912, ae- eIy.rcling th reports from two- hun- •tired points on Wednesday. While a few places report snow still „lying to depths varying from thirteen inches to three feet, the country is generally clear, and the spring re- cord may still be much better than last year, when severe frosts in two weeks following the' Reeding did great damage. .1. Hamilton's new Waldoef Hotel will be twelve storeys high: You Know Us We arab] buSinesa right here where you live. 1/011 are an acquamtance, neighbor Mr a friend of ours. This money -back. If-not-satisfled offer should prove the sinterkty 'of our ciiiimS• avien we say we believe we have ly relieve constipation. They act to the best nuative and hack up ourovercome the cause of constipation. statement with our unqualinedprons- They: tend to eliminate the cause iEe to• return without question or of sick headache, biliousness, bad formality the money paid us for it, breath, nervousness and other ills if it does not prove entirely satis- attendant upon inactive bowels. factory to you, we believe we are en. titled to your confidence. Make Us Prove This '1 Our business success and prestige depend upon your confidence in us. w We know we must secure and .hold to nd egjarr:tpreluiet:. 71'11,1a .1170 j;c1.7- :Z y°g'ul.trggraitztlg:.r• d7hteefge,and lies. Vac, a ,few use up the entire woulo not dare make this offe vic7) .badtxj..ripTdb, ecnorn, 081 byagalptoottleun,tiraeoldY were not positively certain that WO we will pooroptly return the money can prove our dame for atz.12.11e. YOU. aid us for them., You promise nothing -, yon sign 10.4,10.40 nothing -- you obligate yourself to IZZ•V5MIelEragnia UP in no way whatever. We accept your mere word. our experience with thorn and tbc) ' Don't you now boli,yo'f,h„t Re,,ii many loports we have received from• those who have used them prove Orderlies are worthy of a. 00413? that they are really the nWG-bploasing Cbuld'anY Offer be MOTO fah? . and satisfactork bowel remedy we khow of:• Try Them at .Our Risk Resall Orderlies taste like candy., They are soothing and easy in actIon. ' We pariigatarly recommend Re/mil Ileiy, don't, muse griping, nausea, Ordeches for children, aged persons ' Purguig or oxceslive 00oOog, 105 130 and for clelloato OcePle. strengthener upoz the neives and 10 tablets, 25e; 80 tablets, 000. the usual phytic or axativc. flexall ReAall Orclorliel 001110 in viaot, OrdellieS seem to act as a tonia- pocket, tin berms. 12 tablets, 10o; muscles of the bowels. They prompt. Usual dose ono tablet. , OAVTION: Please boar in mind thak Rotel! Orclerlis9 ar'n not sold by all drug. gists. You 0011 1)411/ Rosati Orderlies only at the Ttexall tores. You eon buy I -Oxen Orderlies in this oommuniV only at our store: 510 ft LIVAho c Clinton , Ontario ( Tianro in a 71nNall fitnra in nenrly ovary town na oily irk Oho United Slateo, CanAda and amok, km 1/hocr1/hocM a dlitenkm Rem tail 'Reedy for nosily 00')')' ordinary human each oskkoololly cloolgned for the particular llt for which it In mookamonded, The Re:sall Stores '91/0 artztgat Drug Stoves S. PANKHURST'S SENTENCE Noted Suffrage Turned Pale When She Received Three Years ,tlard Labor A. despatish from London, Kaye: Mrs, •Emmeline Panklitiret, Vie leader of the. inilitant suffragettes, was on Tliuretlay found guilt' '11tW • sentenced to three yeer§' Po" -10,-1 servitude ta tate ()Irl Bailey seesions on the eherge el ineitieg persons to commit, damage 111 respect te the bomb explosion at Lloyd Oeorge's country house ,tli1 Walton Ileatle Tho trial lied lasted two days end when the hides FAir Charles Mon- tague brieh, proneurseed sentence his speech .was received With lend cries of "shame" from the militant suffragettes, who "crowded the courts The jursr had escIded asiireue recominceclation for morcy, and when the judo pronounced rsee- Lance the women rose in angry pro- test. As Mes.213ankhurst stood in the priseeer'e 0001021) 'o, her sympa- thizers cheered wildly end tleen filed out of oourt singing "March on, March on" to the tune of the ``Marseillake."' Mrs. Pankhuret, who acted as her ,own counsel, said 511171, did not wish to testify or kb on.11 nny wit% neeses. She spoke for' 50 minutes, at times wandering so 'far frem.the, matter :bef0re., the court, that 'the judge severely censured. her, Speak- ing with nitioh feeling, Mrs. Pank- hurst fiereely criticized the man- made haws, and seid that the di- vorce law alone was sufficient to justify si revolution by the women. In impassioned tones ehe declared that whatever might be her sen- tence she would not submit. From the very moment when she left the • °mixt she would refnse eat and, wonld start a, nhtlitger strike," She would, she tueid, ocene eut af pritoe dead er alive at the earliest possi. ble moment. • juStice Lush, in etimming up, told the jury that Mrs. l'ankhurst'e speeches were nil ie.:lank:slew- that she had incited to the perpetration of illegal aets. Mrs, Pankhurst 'almost broke down when the jury peonouneed its verdict. Leaning over the front of the prisoner's enclesere anti •ad- dressing the judge •before he passed sentence, she said: "If it is irupoe.sehle to finti so dif- ferent verdict I want tO say to you and to the jury that it in your duty as private oitizen,s to do what you can to put an end to this state of affairs." She then repeated her determination to end her sentenee as s'ooli as possible, •saying "I do not want to cemniit suicide, Life is very dear to all of us. I want lo "See the women of this eountry enfran- chised. • I went to live until that has been done, I •will take the des - :partite remedy other women have taken and.r. will keep it up, as long - as I have tin ounce of 'Strength left, in me.'' 1 ,deliberately broke 'the law, not hysterically and not emo- tionally, but Ter a est and serious purpose, because I honestly believe it is the only way. This movement will go on whether I live or die. These woman will go en until wo- men have obtained • the common 'rights of eitizenship as they have over the civilized world before this movement is over." MOWED DOWN TO A MAN Montenegrin Bomb Throwers.Sacrificed Their Lives To Make Way For Infantry Al despatch from Cettinje says: Great Taulbee& fort, which for months has held the allies off Scut- ari, ie now practically in the hands cff the Montenegrins, thanke to the sacrifice of 200 bomb -throwers, every one of ivlaom lost his life in a last desperate effort to clear the way to the, town, for the possession of which Montenegro is ready to give up everything. Them, bomb - throwers were all picked inem chosen froth several battaliens. Clambering up„ the mountain -side under a murderous fire from the Turkish guns, they cut the wire en- tanglements, and- getting to close quarters, threw bombs among the Turks, thus opening the way for the storming party. Not one of the bomb -throwers returned,but they had accomplished their object, and the - Montenegrin infantry, following elose upon them, charged the trenches. The Turks held their ground and a desperate hand-to- hand fight eneua$1, lasting an hour, and endihg in victory -for the Monte- negrin, who lost 300 killed. Tier after tier of entrenchments had to be taken,- but the troops of the Southern Division, under General Martinobiteh, to whom the task had been asaigned, overcame all ob- stacles. The tactics followed, par- ticularly M regard to the use of bomb-throwerst were aimilar those adopted m the capture of Ad- rianople. ll'ut in the advance of Adrianople the soldiers who ent and divided - the wire -entanglements sur- rounding the forts were eigid in cuirasses and provided with shields. At Tarabosch the rough mountain- side made it necessary for the Mon- tenegrins to dispense with all im- pedimenta. , GERMAN AIRSHIP CAPTURED Machinery Of Latest Zeppelin Goes Wrong And She Lands In French Parade Grund „ A despatch from Luneville, France,. Bays : One 'of the great German Zeppelin air cruisers land- ed on French territory on Thurs- day, ooraing down on the military parade ground here at mid:day, while tt brigade of Freneh- riflemen was drilling. It was seized by the 1 reneh authorities, Six German officers alighted from the gondola, and explained to Brigadier -General Anti de Leon Lescot, who galloped lin; that the motor of the airship had developed defect. The rank- ing. German officer mid they bad departed from Friederichshafen; dn Lake Constance-, at 8.40 o'olock Thursday mou:ning, .and had lost their way in the clouds, The news of the descent of the German mili- tary dirigible was telegraphed to the Minister of War at Paris, and Eugene Etienne, the Minister of War ordered it to be' seized. The family reme ss, for Coughs and Col6e. "Shiloh, costs aci little and does aa much In MONTREAL SHOOTING Al'FRAY • Three Millets Ended the Life of a Grocer. ' A despe,Ecli from -Montreal eaye . Crazed by ,driule an.q apparently suffering from the ,effeets of cocaine or e,orne other drug, Jean Derorehe; alias Jack Beech, a telegraph cpe'r- ato-r,, shot and killed ' Eugene Terme; a, grocer, in the bar-rooin of - Gaspard Thouin's restaurant, 304 Mount Reyal Avenue east, late Thursday •af tor noon. Three bullets wer,e fired into Ve,nne!s body, arid he died within o, few ininutels' of the shooting, P /.11371(.1 DR1.N 'EN N CUP. . — To lie Abolished By the Berlie ,Beerdoi Meath. A despale,h from Berlin sayse The 0D40011011 drinking eup 1411 public places must, en aecording to an OY,(1E;:r by the Board ef Health. *The City Council and, Boar,d afEsisioa- ttsu wil "ixISI,l'Irdk,k4 to ' theses cups at public; nieces aied al the schools with sanitary drinking fountains. The board notified all milk veedors, that- after Julie 1 all milk mast be.scla in bottles. RIG PRICE FOR A COW. One Thenseed Five //endued Dols leis) for lifeleiehl Althea]. A despatch from Belleville saye: At the armual sale held here on Wednesday under the aespices of the 'Belleville Disteiet, Holstein Breeders' Club the highest price evey paid for 0 oors in this section or possiblY in Onemela was paid when Mary Echo Verbe le sold for $1,500. It was consigned 1:iy F.' R. Mallory, of Frankfort, Hastings County, and the purchaser was Mr. Allison, of the :Allison Stock Farm at Ohesterville. Montenegro has defied the grealt powers of Europe. ' Solves 'the Breakfast Problem A bowl of crisp, sweet ost asties makes a most del c-ous meal. These c inkly bits" o tcasted white corn, ready to serve direct from pack- age, are a teniping break- fast when served, with cream or in ik, or fruid. The Toaslies flavour is a p-ea;:,aat S.,11.1p11,su at first; then a happy healthful habft. `Tile Men -tory Lingers" n 1/000 10 ,Cern) Opr, Ltd, WiieHtr, outario, , eacramputparsustanuxwo,...a.2-,,,,,,x POINTFO iitheritless tif Berlin, Germany, Will Stop 'Their Use. - A despatch from Berlin, Ger- many, says: Women who persist in- -wearing pointed .„ hatpins without protesters un them will 11* subject to fine after, April 13. Raying failed 00 peri,00i34e 0hO women to discard the sharp' hatpins or provide 1pre- 001 ors )3cy/iii 'e pollee prOsid en t an- , ,- , lionn 002 that fates' tiny 1511a trans. greasors will be fined' tip to $15 for each offense, find if they de 1101 pay they 'will be imprisoned. . . , • G 0 VERN M EN T TIDIsEPLI N E S. , Thoan lit illistaltelie Are Showing 2 Geed Froth,. .A despatch from 'Winnipeg says : The earnings ed Government tele. phones fer the 30001) 013 February aggregate 0182, Making the earnings since NeVoinhor 30, 1012, $400,094.60, 'The eel, balaece of rev- enue over exnenees is $30,791.35 for 1,110 01)0 11011, antt 011,767.31 since No- vember 30, 1912. AdlohlY atopd ecIrophs, amen soido, nod honlkk the throat and Inman. 11 14 00 cant. THE LATE 'SDI jA.IYIES COATE. Duty on lila Eaiate Gives $1,337,- . 870 t� British. Fa'Aih'equer. A &snatch from ,Loadoifw. says : The Exchequer got a windfall on Weelneaday in an (Abate duty of $1,- 037,070 on the estate of the late Sir lames Coate, who died on Jan. 20, and who was for many years the manager Of the famous thread firm's American business. His es- tate was probated at $6,569;350. e Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physicians. For Wo, man's Ailments, Dr. Alartel'4 Female Pills, at your druggist. 100 • FLOODS DI RENTITGRY. A despatch from Evansville, In- (liana,says: Extreme -conditions of suffering resulting from the Ohio flood were reported on Thursday from Uniontown, Ky.. where the 1,400 inhabit-ea:the -of the town and 800erefugees from the surroundiug country were- huddled in the fair grounds on the only dry vet in an area of ten' miles square. The peo- ple are witheht food. Good Spring 0,Medicine \ Found in Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier and tonic thal; •for more than a third of a century has been taken • as needed in thousands and thousands of homes by cvery"menTher of the family. Its wonderful results i11 cleansing, the system of all humors, curing scrofula and eczema, overcoming that tired feeling, creating appetite, giving strength and animation, make it the best. Hood's Sarsaparilla is.the people's medicine-, agreeable, effective and economical. Get it today. We have prepared a folder dealing with one of the most attractive 7% investmento in the present market. Copy moiled on Requeot ,Nationai Securities Corporati ' LIMITED - COlIFEDERATION LIFE BLDG., '- TORONTO, ONT. rice' s Big Four Mid Root Specialties _aro ITEINDE'S GIANT EEEDINC BEET —Tito most valuable Field Root on the annyket : combines 111140 rich qualities of the Sugar Beet with the long. keeping, Inca° BiZe and heavy :cropping enmities Or ihe Mengel. We offer two colors, mato= atm noso. I8e. 9131. 290. 1131.4000. pesmaia. BMWS ALADIN/WEI INTO 18)0 E D LA TM SMOOTU WINITE CARROT—Tho Rest of nil Bold Carrots. g lb. 53e, 9 131, 050, 1131. 01.80, postpaid. DittlICOM GIANT YELLOW INTERMEDIATE MANCIEL—A very Mose second to oar Giant Feed. 0.05 11000. and emially easy to harvest. y.m. 18e, 9 lb. 004 1 lb. 800, postpaid. Boum% NEW CENTURY SWEDE TURNIP— The beat shipping varLety, aa well as the best 80. caohlndi handsome shape, uniform gTOWth. par. Ids top. 5(I13. sae, gate 24c, 1 lb. 40c, postlatid. FREE—Our handsomely illustrated 112-kinge Cala, logue of Vegetable, Farm and Flower Seeds, Plants Bulbs, Poultry Supplies, Garden Implententa, for 1018. Send tor it, 1:31 ,aalk..aucessmanameasgassmaxotr • JOHN A. BRUCE tfi CO, Ltd Hamilton, Ontario * Eatablished Snity•tbrecycats Every mother should realize that the akin of • her baby is so tender that the secretions of the body often lead to rashes, eruptions, etc., all of which may be removed by Zam-Peik. Scores of restless. crying babie5. Upon examination, aro found f , be suffering from Rondo form of skin irritation or "heat." Don't let the little one suffer who Zam- Thuk will curel aerie s,„ Rond, oe vs Alexander Avenue, W-unipee, sam : 'I have proved the value of -Zein-Bnis when applied to ohndron's tunes. Nome naety aeras broke .out around my bnisPos mouth, and despite theprOparatlOntlAutad, alley ref ated.te heal. I took hint te St, nonirace hosPital and he remained 'there for tWo weeks. At the ond that time be WWI no better, and we again took him home. I Wad then advi,stal re trYZam•Bult and obtained &supply. 'rho eireetet Oho first! ew appli- cations was miry gratifying, and I con - Witted mrith the Imo of the balm. A 1100e poraeveranco resulted in &complete euro." Mr. E. flusher, of Yorkton, Sask., says: "My 1141e baby plri hada bad running &wenn over her little ohm. A Inc applications of Zotiolnule healed tho dora in such a perfect, axioms, that no soar WO3 left isellind." Snows of similar mid, could be quoted. Zamilikkiiebsolutsly pure—containa no rancid teamal fate, no mineral -coloring matter, no rotrink;e,nt poisons. IC is the ideal balm for • Z,111111uU ninon occema, rashes, ringworm, chopped Rands. muryy,hentrasliee, outs:loons, , ulcers, discharging sores. and olf, skin Merles end diseases. 50o. bee. all druggists And vioreo, Za0n.000 Co., Toronto, tor mice. Don't - tette the risk of.asing harmful imitations 1 rifilf0M+Pit AZ"e- Whooping; COUdit SPASMODIC CRODP ASTRIdA 00110/15 0001313III/13 CATkRilli COEDS • commons, phi,4141:,i‘l7otr;;,,,,;,70%k171. eRcell7P-51t1;:tiltient rirnian -!.';v?7°1"0°'gh'naWit4ei3iipTIVctl'iC%qu°''6'' i41:''11;744hi4iYiSk.1!ZiV1':. ,0v1:70fF;:4i!/!010?;0i44;1 rZtPti1tI,Pn01g/V ' 30 050l57jQ,4pfl100Or0o 0011, 00010 0"1/f 1)10014000, senz,,ie t 010000IMP II.. illstsarionny us, Ii/sibtilarititi1,. Ve1,e'0r'84018no 00; glen 44 4 10.83)1011414 10 cent yrcusebOld specialty is being Introduced all over Canada, It in ap- preciated. tbe Thrifty Housewife vrho 811100 things "81103 10 little Bettor." Sonki pest Oard Conley., Simply elesn- - "Send Package of Household Specialty Advertised in my Newspaper." That's all -You will he delighted! Pay it Satisfied -Wo tale the Risk. Address P.O. Box 1240, Montreal, Cam Ibis Offer eipires Yune 001, 1) 8 Send t..isk "I say, clad, could you get me some microbes 7" "Micrebes I Why, whatever for, my lad I" "Well, I've just read that they multiply rapidly, and I thought they might help me with my mathematics." THE -NEWS -RECORD'S CLUB- BING LIST FOR 1912-13 WEE10L1138. Newe-Reeord ancl Mail and Empire, 91.50 News-Reeord and (Hobe „ 1.60 News-Necord and Family Herald find Star with Premium 1,71 News-11.900rd and Witness 1.70 News-Necord and 5nu . ,1.75 News-necoed /MU Pree Press 1,18 News -Record and Advertiser „ 1.76 News -Record and Toronto Baturdar News-Recore and `armer's idvoratn 2.26 News-Reeord anti Parm and Dairy- 1.76 News:Record and Canadian Perm- 1.75 News -Record and Youth's Companion 525 Nene-Record and Canadian Conan, - 1.15 News -Record and 'The Fruit GroWer and 1/000000 Newe-Reoerd Th and :• Ole Claticd i au Sportsman ., . 3 00 DAILIES, News -Record end' Moil and Empire4233 News -Record and Globe 4.26 Nows-Record and News .... , „ 2.30 News -Record end Star , 2,30 News-R000rci and World 3,26 News:Rem-m(1 and Moioling Free Pt:ese 3.21 News -Record and Evening Ikea Press 2.70 News-Reeord all Advertiser . , ' 3.00 MONTI News -Record and Pouitrv rt,irlow News -Record and Lippincott's Maga. 'News-Recoril and :Can a.fin iitiontiai Y. Winnipeg . IF who t you want Is not in this list let us know about it. We oat 001,7.41/ 170n at less than it would cost you to seed direct, In , remitting oilman do so by Post -office Order, Postal Nole, Nxprees Order or lleg• !stored letter and address. RAITCRELL PuOusher New37Record CI-M.17'0M ON TA RI Q 473Zrat'th' abut MONTREAL. 70 eses the most bxpenstvo erigrav- ail over the world, !Aga, procuring, tho photographs 000111 Its,,nrueles are carefully selected and 11.0 editorial- policy' thoroughly Independent, A 6n1h000'InS0n, td; The Standard costs 72.00 per year to any 911130000 11) elenada or Great Pritain. IT FOR 19'i... ,13114123001 Standard, Publi,Thin P ublir!lers. THE STANDARD Is the National Welikiy Newspaper cf the Dorronion 60 Canada. It 1.0 national In all its ASIC 01338 SALESMAN Fon Cazipbeli'sVarrish Stain The beet and most durable finish for Elgors,Furniture&Woodwork Thereisnothinglikeit: 13 colors Mado by Comeater-Morton Co., Boston' BROOM HOLDER FREE PktSellt WS Coupon at &kis stare eaten. cave cue of the Qmpha1 Beam Halaculree 202, SALE SY alitt,AwD BDOS. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations% Any -person who 15 the sole head of a family, or any male over. 18 years old, may beniestlea•cl a quart- er se.ction • of available Dominion land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must ap- pear in person r'; the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the. distriee Entry by proxy may be made at any agence, on cer- tain cenditions by, father. mother, son, daughter, brother' or sister of intending homesteader. " Duties. -Six months 'residence upon and cultivatiqn ot the' land lb each of three years, !..Ahomestead- er may live within' nine . miles • of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned lied oc- cupied by him or by his father,, mother, son, daughter, brother or ,In certain districts a homestead- er' in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongsidehis homestea,c1. Price, 3.00 per acre. Deties.-0M11St reside epon th e homestead or pre-emption six inemtbs in' eicli of 'six,years from date of homestead entry (including 111.e time required to earn lieme- star.1opxathretnt), and cultiva,be fifty 00100 A fioniesteatler.who has exh au s bed his home,stend right, and cannot ob- tain a, pre-emption may enter for a purchased •homestead in certain districts. , Trioo, $3.00. D uti es ---11/[1.1 at reside sie months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth W D ep l'ity41,il0E rt. h eiiVn Cltfr ROY( the In- triiN .13. --TIriali tho rized publication efleis.edeortisement will 1)00 be paid for, est