HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-10, Page 7ENAN[TIJF FAILS
• There -Is D .1 Fe 11
en Thet Neglects ,
' • lintritittg.
, .
'Oes5eeSla Tendencies aro .13erious, and
„Sliculdi"be Treated liocordinglY.
There is a.strong moral in tlle.etatement
„ of Team Schrum. of Pleasant street.
Dartmouth, N. 0, Like thermands Of Pee-
, PIO, he woe failing in health because his
stomach and digestive organs wore out of
repair, Dis vitality .Was slipping away;
he, was .loaing ground every
'I•could not bare held on much longer.
Z. Was wasting away altubly because no
remedy Z used gave tone and strength to
Inv stomach, 'Tile v1t0 forces of my sys-
tem were dead. I was advised to try Dr,
Hamilton's Pills, What hidden wertknere
they searched out t don't know, but in a
miraculote way the-- have made a new
;Sian of me... My stomach troublen aro
' cured, rieh blood now rims through my
.veins -clear skin and unmiatakable evi-
(levees of heakth and vigor feel overY
Dr,. Hamilton's Pills have certainly
mastered' the secret of curing tho cioltly
'eneriated Man and I strongli urge everY•
ono failing or lost health to use this
grand remedy."
Dr.-Hitnititon's Ville of gandrako and
‘13atteyrinit are 'Purely Vegetab1e-25a. per
"box;,11vfon$1.00, all druggiste and store-
keeper's, or 'Postpaid Irbfa the-Catarrhozone
Co.; -Dufrald,t N. Y., and Kingston, Ont.
ltelates Ris Experience While Ex-
, auditing a Lion's Mouth.
"The man win; medically and gar-
gieally .attends caetle and wild
beasts has often a harder time than
ean ordinary hospital surgeon,"
says a wild beast fleeter, in the
course of a recent conversation.
•"It is no easy task to operate upon
a. large whebher it be a
horse or an elephant ftera a tropi-
cal forest, and the clanger 'connect, -
ad with wild beast 'doctoring'
would drive many an insuran;x:
agent into a fit.
"I had an alarrning experience
while examining the mouth a a
large lion suffering from a badly -
inflamed tongue, The beast seemed
so friendly when he appreached me
that I decided to, 'treat' him
straightaway, and without binding
the animal or placing a gag he-
tM00fl hIS ja.Ws. It WES a. bolls:h.
thing to do, and 1 linear itavets fool-
ish when I touched the lion's
tongue, for he lifted a paw in a
eecond, and brought it down with a
terriftc crash on my left ahoulder,
ripping open the flesh, and almost
'exposing the bone.. -
"'On. Snbther ,oceasien, when
was medically treating a monkey,
,the °mature took it into his head
that -I wag eut for 'fun,' and immo-
diately started wrestling with no.
The playful simian !hsei rae on the
so to speak, in no
A .
."The Family Friend for 40 years:. A never
failing relief fig Croup and Whooping Cough.
The higher education sometimes
demonstrates that the more we
know, the less we believe.
eunara•s Liniment Cures Gavot In Cow.
VillageGossip'-"Was there any-
' thing ilzminial at, the yeedelin' 7"
J oyey-"Vell,,, the 'groom looked
happy, but you know Bill tries to
be pleasant, no matter what hap-
pens." •
3 50Ai;
.• Alifetimeddiafiguremen andsuffer-
' " htg,often results from the neglect, in
infanoyor childhood, of sinnale skinaf.
feetions Lithe prvent.ion and treat -
Meet of menet eruptions and In the
• • premetion of permanent skin andhair
: health, Cutieura Soil) and' Cutistira
" Ointenent are absolutely untivaled. I
. Cuffing S
theworkLa ,Aarbag°Intnmate Sold throughout
oo srbleter epolh 02-01,0
'• 01:a°19,ge.0:t Pc'n'itjf';efl.a'2.11didprill'eutt3['lD,Crg
' 'Oer'll:0ept.101),23eaton,7.S. A. , ' Liniment Cures Colds, Etd• • •
Barley an& 000 ,IferIS ',Ellis Peelle
$;0.11 )0.10.er that there 'are sight-
hande.S.seed left-rhanded "plants? An
English investigator,' St.'B. Cemp-
had(thrtlight the matter eurions'
lead intet•e.eting',enough te7make
thd Subjeot: of extended investiga-
tion and ime reelorted on itSto the
•Cambridge Philosophiezel sSocilety.
Ile ebee.rved eiglee,varieties of two
roWed.berley lto dteunino the' VI:-
tto of rigida to different varietiee
and of 'the varioaekernels from the
sanie individuai spikes and, found
that among 12,401 ..seedlinga
or 66.36 per cent!, had the fleet leaf
twie.ted to the left. A variety of
mince fele:mei an excess of left-
handed aeedlingen as was also the
oteee With; daft. ln the- ease: 'of cern
the ratio. *Lis almost unify., and
there was apparently "no inheri-
tance of right and' leftehtendedite.se
as ench." •
. ."Pe.ople who drink and inhale
perfumes are very common to -day,"
says a well.lcnown L'ondon (Eng-
land) chemist. '-'•Insteael of using
morphia, eoca.ine, or caffeine, ultra -
smart Parisian women in search of
a new sensation now employ as a
stimulant •hypodermic injections or
°Uo of roses, violet, and cherry
blossom perfurne. • There are SCA/VBg.
of tiVCTLI011 in-Lond,on who drink eau-
de.Gologne. Sev.eral society women
are known to ma.ke •large purchases
of this perfume, and the sellerne-
ver or a, moment imagine that their
fashionable customene buy it for
drinking instead of perfuming pur-
pases. It is possible to ,become
quite intoxieated by taking eau -de -
„Cologne. This scent is really alco-
hol, and many women drink it neat!
Essence of lavender is oleo drunk
by women of England and America,
and it has anueli the same effect
up'on the system as eau -de -Cologne,
ruining the lining of the stomach,
a,ne1 undermining tho health.
Remarks About Nourishing Food.
"A physician's wife gave me a
package of Grape -Nuts one day,
with the remark that she was sure
I would find the feed very 'bene-
ficial, both for my own use and for
my patiente.' I was particularly
attraeted to the food, ap at that
thine the weather was very hot and
I appreciated the fact that Grape-
Nnts requires no cooking,
"The food was deliciously crisp,
and moot inviting to the appetite.
After making use of it twice a day
for three or four weeks, 1 disCover-
ed that it was a. most wonderful in-
vigorator :' I used to suffer greatly
from exhaustion, headaches and de-
pression of spirits. My Work had
been very trying at times and indi-
gestion had set in.
"Now I am always well and
ready for any amount of work,
have an abundance of active ener-
gy. cheerfulness and mental, poisli,
I have proved 'to my entire seals -
faction that this change has been
brought, about by Grape -Nuts food.
"The fact that it is predigested is
a very 'desirable feature. I have
had many remarkable results in
feeding Gape -Nuts to my patients,
and I calneet speak toe highly of the
food. My friends constantly ebm-
ment on the change in any appear-
ance. I have gained 9 pounds since
beginning the use of this food.”
"There's a reason." Read 'the
little book, "The Road to Well-
ville," in pkgs.
Ever road the above letter? A new one
appears from time to time. They are
genuine, true, and NO of human Intones!.
151-h Century Medicos Found Virtue'
In Sea Aninoal.-
A Fren.ch historian, in connection
with the allege.d cure for tubercu-
losis new being advanced by Dr. F.
F. Freidmann, ealle attention to
the little known fact that the medi-
cinal use of the sea-tertlais by no
rnbans of recent date.
On July 8, 1483, King Louis XI.
of France sent George the Greek,
master mariner, to the Cape Verde
islands t.0 seek "vari.ous things
touching nearly to the well-being
and health of our person." The
Cape Verde Islanders hadthe repu,
tation of possessing a -pure oe lep-
rosy, a report of "Which had been
brought back to France by a travel-
ler from the coast. of Guinea at
about the time Ring Louis was ie
declining health. According, to the
recital of this traveller, -the big eete
tuntle.s Were eaught by the islanders.
when they eame outon the beach at
low tide to f e,ed They were "at once -
killed, and their blood Caught in ,
large tubs. Persons afflicted with
leprosy bathed in the blood, and al-
• terwards ate 'of tile turtle's flesh.
This treatment was kepeap for two
years, at the end 'of which time, the
patients were usnally -completely
cured .of the dreadful diseas.e. •
This record would- tend to show
that Louis XI. was a leper. That
suchWas thg cage had been inen.ored
by chrenieler.e, but the reanoll of
the expeclitioe to the Cape Verde
Islands, new pablishe.d for the first
tim,e, throwmuch light on the pey-
etiology of Louis XI., his ill-hurn.or,
and his .sedulons avoidan.ce of man-
kind during the laet days of his
life. The wretched man ev,idently
helieve.d himself mitten with lop -
rose'. He, was, however, never
fated to test the efficacy of the sea -
turtle remedy, for he died _August
30; 1483, before the return el the
piLES „CORED 110 a To tiiiDairSi
YoUr drug's -1st will refund money if PAZO
OINTATIENT fails to sure 02110 cane of Itch-
ing, Blind, Bleeding Or Protruding Pilee in
6 50 And eerne tieh men are as crook -
o4 an, the <ltt11r -mar
The son of the late General Slr
Henry Ponsonby, whose name llas
been mentioned as a successor to
Lord Knollyra, recently retired. Sir
Frederick possesses many high or-
der, and as equerry in ordinary to
the Ring"... He .married Miss' Vic-
toria ("Ria") Keanard, the datigh.
ter of the late Colonel Edmund
Kennard "
Try Merino Eye, Remedy
ro ES r '4.7.4tArfeate0,;;i?r.'1714tVar.40"ait
in eaen Facuage. 111.1.111140.50 som.
Need fittg.rcrgli„nsf„tra ,„1.11-41:11i
torr:„,...ttfettt1.23,elq.cpptaior '1214fle.
urine .Eye Remedy Ca, Chicago
But Attempts to Grow It Prove Un-
- eticeessful.
e_ An interesting a.ccount of th.e
attempts to grow. corn from wheat
grains, discovered in the tombs of
Egyptian mummies, is given in the
March number of Knowledge. All
thase attempts have failed, and re-
cent researches suggest that, while
the power of germination in wheat
or barley is little affected for five
years, after that pc,riod a rapid loes
of vitality eets in.
Coniiderable chemical changeas detcted in the mummy whe,
which is probably 3,400 years old.
It had lost two per cent. of its
moisture, and with that its vitality.
When crushed the flour was very
rritating to the nostrils and smelt
strongly of bitumen -the preserve_
five used to -embalm the mummy, it
va.e also markedly acid. Examined
under the mierogeope its particles
iffered entirely from, those of mod-
rn wheat. When treated with wa
er it gave it thin paste without any
trength of dough.
Honesty in Trivial Mallets.
Be entirely honest, in trivial mat -
Oils. Ono 'who 'borrows a cent
hould be as careful to return it as
f he had lairroeved 11. &Ear.
rocers and .market men were asked
to tell their, experience they would
ometirnes relate stolies of small
hefts made beeeuetomere who pick-
up an apple, a bit of candy Or
-agar, and had net the least idea
hat n doing this withoutmayment
hey were violating the rule of strict
ame.sty. A girl at schobl was Warne
d against another because the- lat-
er, though very gweet in manner
nd amiable in, conduct, borrowed
ibbons, hairpine, .postage stamps,
ole paper anol loose change, and
eldom took the trouble to retern
he loana. Be honest, not for the
;eaerin that this is the best policy,
ut for the higher reason that it is
The yoling daughter of Mrs. T. S.
ousel], 523 Flora Aveeue, Winni-
eg, was arranging some of her
oll'e washing on a 'clothes rack,
eside the etove,Ndien she fell, and
or hand came n contact with the
ot stove. She sustained et serious
urn and her sereams brought her
loblier quickly to the spot.
"I sent' to the draggist for the
est remedjehe had for burns," she
ays, "and he sent ' back a box of
am-Buk. He said that there was
othing to equal it. I applied this;
nd it soothed the pain so quickly
hat the ehild laughed through her
ears. I bound up the hand in
arn-Buk,' .atal each day applied
em-Buk frequently and 'liberally,
util the burn was quite ured.
"The little' one was soon able to
o ors with her plaS. tinel Welned no
amble' with her during' the time
e hium was being '
All druggists And stores .sell
ain-Buk at -fifty' cents box; and
aeap alt 9,50., tablet. Post free, from
am-Buk Co.., Toronto, for price,
efuse harmful- imitations. ,
hope you derilt spend
I your earnings, Mike?" Mike -
No, eiree ; I make it a rule never
spend liabren stwe-thirds ce me
ages." Unele-S'Ah, that's good I
alt's good • And you nab the
her third in the bank'?" Mike -
No; I give„ it to the inissus-to
04):1), ir10 pat's, plio.
• Iet:PA':1117 *11- °I.; - No how
April '7 (Special). -There is freaa
faroef every day . that asi a farina,
ineditine Dodd's kidney Pills- are
,grewing. in favcir With the ,neeple of
Quebec. Jitst to,quete an example,
eanable :Pinseri; of this Place. says,
in an "iiiterviow :
• ftiDockl's Kidney 'Pills helped my
heart disease, from which suffered
rheumatism, aoka,ehe, -gravel, and
for teyenty years.' • -
"They. . have , not ' yet. cured me
cOmPletely, but they did completely
eure any nephew, who suffered from
kidney disease."
Dada's Kidney P.,111,se always cure
kidney disbase. They will com-
plete Amable Pinarcl's eare, 1)0u:ease
all the diseases mentioned are the
results of kidney disease. They
cured the young interas kidney .clis-
eat° quiekly, because' it was taken
in it early stages. Amable Pin-
ard's troubles are of twenty years'
standing, end ,take a longer treat-
The moral is, that if you cure
your. kidney' disease early with
Dodd's Kidney Pills, you will never
be troubled with rhenmatism, grav-
el, and • ther diseases, thd are
caused by sick kidneys failing to do
their 'work. ' •
Balkan states Hold the. Reeord for
Old Folks. •
Some years ago a Germa,-n statis-
tician made a careful investigation
to, rliscover in which ocluntries the
greatest age is attained. The Ger-
man Empire, with her 55,000,000
population, bee laut;-78 subjects who
are more than 100 years old.
France, with fewer than 40,000,000,
has 213 -persons who have passed
their hundredth birthday. England.
has 146, Scotland 56, Denmark 2,
Belgium 5, Sweden 10, and Norway,
with about 2,000,000 inhabitants,
23. Switzerland does- not boast of
a single centenarian, but Spain,
with about. 18,000,000, has 410. The
moat amazing figures come from
that troublesonie and turbulent re-
gion 'known as the BalkanPenin-
ula. Servina, has 575 persons who
aro more than 100 years old, Rou-
mania 1664, and Bulgaria 3883. In
other words, Bulgaria has..a. centen-
arian tee every 1,000 in -habitants,
and thus holds the international re-
cord for old people. In 1892 alone
there died ':in Bulgaria 350 persons
who had exceeded the century.
• just Enough.
That very well-known doctor, Sir
James Crichton-Browne, has been
reproving us for mar "sanitary apa-
thy." Sir James is a thorough
Scotsman, but he does not mind tel-
ling a Story against hinitelf and his
ewri countrymen. He says that dur-
ing a visit to Jamaica, feeling a lit-
tle lonely, he asked a coloredaeflici-
al-"Are there many Scotsmen in
these parts?" "Not- many," was
the reply; "just: a few -hut quite
It sometimes takes as much eour,
age to keep. out of a fight as to win
Minard's Liniment' Cures Distemper.
When you analyze the ideal hus-
band you will find that he hasn't
the nerve to be anything else.
Take LAXATIVE BROKO Quinine Tablets.
Druggiets refund money if it fade to cure.
E. W. GROVE'S signature is on eaeh.box,
Two Sisters. •
Clara -May I borrow your leeael-
ed belt, dear ,
13ess-Certainly. But why all
this formality of asking permis-
sion? •
"I can't find it."
/ wee cured of Acute Bronchitic
Bay of Iclan113 M. CAMPBELL.
'0 was cured, of Facial Neuralgia by
Springhill, N. S. WM. DANIELS.
I Was cured of Chronie Rheumatism by
05I15A15D44 LTNIMEW.C.
.Albert Cm, P. GEO. rl'INGI.dia.
Tact and Fancy.
nativ,e butter is blue,
The men who says he never Made
oo-businmss mistake !isn't ne•coesterily
a Rockefeller. Maybe henf a liar,
, FirmneeS being willpower, obsti-
nacy, mi;ghji ,epelhapa be termad
• There.are only twa aatheadocated
Caeca in history of men ltilled, by
falling ineteeeite.s, • 7
. •
Yen 'can't beet a good wife ---un.-
less. you're a bad hasband',
Yyang-ylang, the perfunie oomes
Many a emen 'would be all right it
lie !could' leera his reputaftion. ,
• The ' Esqutaiatix iake ekad o.,
see ereeeeneeeMeseefie oi1 now 9.11(1
fresensherries, •
A ,bciay is thee fond priceleSs trea-
,euee, which-tinlike a diamond or a
rope, ef pear s-Iteve exaites enyy
oacevetonatiesa. ,
haegiarsetre, eften ,ittirpeleingly orie
fits ia netially the earseake
116,1 -de, anarehiet car, Sooialist eonin-
isiirsShe !Will ,ge't,o on8ddeb1opIig
eal:Stfteniptfte justify his criMe.
9f3sT ;1(0 'TOwN ov olva4M z'tMa A
Stibi4OftSilit Pritited inetanetions: for SMe-
a • teur Sends aliflA Printed l'ettl' of Conetiteffon "end- IlynLewe orf
• :,,•breafiiiiud,:s,t1..§.,g,2iohderSp,s.Ws,/,1,)thepOtu.r,fbriig.??, stalogit„ef
11l be InItilel! 301113)1 bn
• T11411..tb I
'III°'.WI1AM"S s°4-5C,6,4A4140_A !•S.T1LIM1TEp • ONTARIO;
• Gee of the fraternity hie just bad e.
isa untettalljahrillient Mate.
)3,-aihe is .a Milliner in the 1Sne de
la, pleithesee.,•cl'Antin, arrivelcl on
her, preraieee 0110 .reeent 'Morning
to'find that She had had a nocturnal
visitor eielea had relieved her Of a
55501 of 4252 On a'table the guilty
ane had. left a letter as an "acquit
de conecienoe."
' It read: "141flidaine,' I have been
ablibed by one of your workgirls, a
prettylittle.brunette, whe, is one of
the last to -leave in the evenings and
Sives near the Rue de Bellefo.nd,
adveee you to ke.ep a- watch on her,
asahe ia probably ,robbing you too.
In the meantime...1 have taken Out
oi the till the amount she stole,"
Ouriouely enough "the amount slit
stole" was the exact amount which
had been in the, till. ,
Sound Advice.
"A cat sits on my back fence every
night, and he yowle and yowls and
yowle, Now, I don't want to have
any trouble !with neighbor Jones,
but this thing has gone far enough,
and I 'want you to tell me what to
do," The young lawyer looked as
solemn as an old sick owl, end eaid
not a word. " "1 have a right to
Shoot the cat, haven't II" "I
Would' hardly say that," replied
young Cole Blackstone. "The cat
does not belong to you,
as I under-
stand it." "No, butthe fence
does." "Then," eonclude,c1 the.
light of the law, "I think it is safe
to say you have a perfect right to
tear down the fence."
New Treatment
Now Advocated
For Bronchitis
is Having Wonderful Success, and Is
?leaking Most Remarkable Cures.
For brotiehitis a different form of treat-
ment is now advocated. It oonsists of a
scientifically devised vapor that 5000-
trates to -the uttermost reeeSeee Of the
lungs and bronchial tubes. Every spot
Shat is sore, every surface that is irri-
tated is at once bathed with soothing
balsams and healing essences that make
chronic bronchitis au impossibility.
This treatment now so universally eni-
tiloyed in bronchitis, throat troubles.
colds, etc.. Is called CATARREOZONE. It
mite ;Met as air of the pine woods nets,
as a healing antiseptic remedy for all
diseases of the breathing organs.
just think of it -a remedy that eau be
carried with the very air you breathe to
tire seat of bronchial or catarrhal in-
itanamation. A' remedy powerful'enough te
kill germ life and yet es healing that,
disease ROOS 'before it. Catarrhozono is
truly a wonderful remedy, In many
lands it has won its way,' and is afford -
Inv. grand results to sufferer% -from colds,
catarrh, throat weakness, asthma and
bronchitis. There is no sufferer from a
griony cad Or Ibily winter ill, that Won't
find a cure in Oatarrhozone, which is em.
cloyed by physicians, ministens, lawyers
and public men throughout nutny foreign
lands. Large slice lasts two months and
costs. $1.,00 and is guaranteed; small size
60c., sample size 26e., all storekeepers and
druggists, or The Catarrhozone Co. Bur.
falo, N. Y., and Kingston, Canada.
Presents Bridegroom With Whip.
In Russia, when the gre,am goes
to get his bride on the wedding day,
he fields himself confronted by the
'girl'e brother, if she heaone: The
brother is- standing with drawn.
sword, threatening the groom.
"You shall not take her unleas you
pay me well," the brother cries,
and the young man must pay before
he ea -05 take the girl to' the cere-
mony. Then, during the ceeemony,
atter the various ring services -
there are many of them -the bride
presents the groom with 02 evhip he
has made. He, takes it, fa,nd strikes
her gently with ib, saying "I love
thee as my IS011i; 1 beat theems. my-
eelf, ' I ain.thy 'master, Thou art
to Obey inc." •
Not Deeficult. '
This etory is related of a young
)french. teacher whose English was
just a little uncettain, and who in-
quired .of one of her pupils how to
ask in the English shop for an
"eponge pour le bain." "Oh,"
said the latter, "all you've gob to
ole iS to tell the shomnan that you
want a big bath sponge to take
home with you." "Ah, it is not
deefieult " she said • Viet when the
shop was reached she expressed it
differently. •"Please," she staid,
smiling pleasantly at the young
man, will you kindly take me home
an -d give me a big sponge bath'?"
Another Case of 13lood Poisioning,
Persisted in paring his eo.rne wiTh
razor. Foolish when cure is so painless
and -sure With P,atnam's Corn Extractor.
Use Putnani only -it's the bast -guar-
anteed and painlorts, price 25c, at all deal.
"'Sir I" she exclaimed when he
leiseed her, "you forget yourself."
"Possibly," he replied, cairn's;
"but I -can thilik ormyeelf any old
time. Jiist now' you ate occupying
_my undivided attention."
Mr. & Aga, Otit::4,110s:
Rlj have heen for the las • sea years a
criPPIQ m10 MusCillar awl Inflammatory
it,boUrnatIsat, I tried ainLost everything
'knoWn to inettieal suietiee raid sought
change of climate evithout relief, Veer
manager in tills ,city recoinutended Out
P1.11 and I have singe takea eight boxes
anti am ems cured. 1 couSider Gin
Pitts the conquetor of Rheumatism aud
506, a box, 6 for Sranple free
If ti ovr55s2attona1 Droe tied Caemicat
Co of Oilman.; Linn ed. • cream. 122
00 g'f'oot; k-kl,ink..)Yle,teniPer: ingaMiaa, of'any
• T1natifrMaenad, nattywith absolutegafelytoma,,,,,4..fge
• It also in the' Very' befit' fteniedi to prevent snaren slipping ,foals,
and should be given to ell ,Mares, Colts, litall'iona and all
others, In ,bean or oaten or on the tongue, Then you will have
, very littletrolible with eloknese of. any 'kind among 0001 ,
.00mtota and lianteriiiingistae Dashen,
eaaa..e, en• r-
J. •A. Si IV! EtR S; LinArrEm
44:" t7,44'
In Royal Cellars.
Recently a large quantity of clar-
et wee laid down in the Royal c,e1-
hers at Buckingham Palace which
will not be taken up fee many yeara
to eome. When a consignment of
wine arrives at the Palace to be
laid down in the cellars for perhape
fifty or eixty years before it is
taken up, each bottle has to b -e la-
belled, numbered, and dated, .and
the consignment entered up in the
Royal stook-bookS. The lab -els are
white, with the: werd "sto.eked"
printed in black lettere ;over which
is a. !sinal) erown. The date on
whieh the wine is laid down in the
cellar is -written in.fthe blank space,
and underneath the date le put a
number, and the label is then int -
'Malted by the wine butler, or one of
his assistants. A ,con.sfignment of
wine for stocking • purposes may
consist of anything from ten to- a
hundred dozen bottles) and it takes
usually three or four ,days ±0 Jay
-down.• ' •
Kissing Surprising Custom.
Visitors in Englandin the -seven-
teenth century were surprised to
find that kissing w -as a common
form of salutation. NicelaS de
Malden., a Illingarien, whe visited
England in 1633, wrote ; "Xy bro-
ther and 1 behavecrveay rudely on
one occasion, being unaware that -it
was customary in that eountry to
kiss the corner of the mouth of wo-
men, inetead of shaking hands as
WO da in Hungary."
Thankful to the Medicine That
, GILTS Mu. Ability For
the Task.
El. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street,
1.,1- with Three Houses: large Bank Baru. ,
Must he sold quick. Price to von 050
1,-3 Manitoba. Alberta and Saskatchewan
that can be bought. Worth the money for
snick sale.
IL farms in different sections of Ontario
05 1210 liot. It YOU want a farm consult
H. W. DAVISON. Toronto.
County; soil clay and clay loam; 2
acres timber: 3 acres orchard; buildings
in fate condition. Close to market end
'Railway .Station. Anxious to sell. Tho
Western Real Estate Exchange, London,
• Pod; in crop; must sell; terme eaSY.
Percv Love, Havmrden, Sask.
trade; export instruction; constant
Practice; tools free: always sure employ -
inept, for barber. Write for .catalogue.
Moler College, 221 queen B., Toronto.
'S Tote doesecroas-neiNetteti 015.
ferent Foreign StaMPs, Ontnlegna
Album. only Seven Cents. /darks Sterna
,rornon ay, 'Cnronro.
Few men of eighty-ilve years of ageman
boast of much elsb but poor health and
failing strength, And such was the con-
dition of Mr. Benj. Marsh, tylio is known
to every soul iu the neighborhood of his
home at Lime Lake, Ont. '
"Quito unsolicited," writes Mr. Marsh,
"I wish to say how I have been bothered
for years .with stomach trouble. I tried
everything 5 could think of without bene-
fit. I was terribly afflicted with swelling
and fine, and had much distress between
meals. I tried everything I OOuld think
or, ,hat without benefit. Then I was re-
commended Nervilirie. My, but Nerviline
did ine a ;sower of good--ninde a new man
of me, so that within the last three weeks
o brive Veen able to split about forty cords
of stove wood. I will always stick to Net,
viline and will always recommend it, and
would like to meet anyone and Convince
theni if in doubt as to what Nerviline ban
done for me." •
For sour stomach, nausea, belching of
gas. (memos and' sudden sickness at nighl.
nothing is more helpful in the borne, no-
thing. saves So 'ranch pain and distrosS as
Nervilive: Largejamily size bottles; 615;.
small else, 26e., at all .storekeepers and
druggists m Tho Catarrhocono Co., •.•
Yale, er. 0.
Mrs. Y.oungweeicl (shopping)
Look at thie new stove with the
glass door in the oven. Wonder
efhat it's made of glass for?
Youngwedd-;-It'a to melee the
beead lighter, 1 etippose.
minard'a-LIntment Cures Dlolittterla,
Japanese Pool of Teens
One .epat ia Japan shunned 1)3' all
is the 'Tool of Teaeg," a little- pond
on the execublon ground el an. old
prison at Tokio. It: never dries,
aeed •evon the hottest weather eeeme
to have little -effe.et: upon it. Since
the reen.oval of the prison no build-
ings heyst been erected on the site,
the.brow-:of a hill. "
/-8 AN00.1t, TUMORS. LUMPS, E10.,
• internal end external, cured with.
out rinin by our borne treatment. Write
us before too lnte Dr. Ilelinian Medical
Co., Limited, Collins:wood Ont.
der Stones, Kidney trouble, Gravel.
Lumbago and kindred ailments positively'
cured with the new Cerman Remedy.
"Hanel," price 61.50. Another new remedy
for DiabetesMellitue, and sure cure la
"Senors Anti -Diabetes." Price VA from
dr uggiats or direct. Tim Snnol Mannfas.
timing Company of Canada, Limited.
trinniceg, n.
Long Wearing
If yott afb looking for a pair of
gloves that are as tough as a Mexican
Snake whip and that will give you
full satisfaction or a new pair free,
ask your dealer for
• These are the best wearing gloves
ever turned out from a factory. Send
f or intereating story "The Pinto's
Canada's lixeert giovc and giat Matters,
C-Iclaypole Soap
FoR Homo
. Washes tuiciciyes et
one operation, giv-
• ing remarkably
clean, bright, fast
• colors. Dyes cotton,
Wool, silk or raiz.
. hires,. 24 colors,'
will giv;e any shadA
Colors 10c, bla'cic-
• or postp'd with IA-
I5c et your dealer's
tentin"HoFw. Lto,ODEYfle;DICT & CO. Montreal
• How Goee `Matrimony.
"Olo. jack, o/d fell° w I Haven'
seen you ranee your wedding two
years ago. How goes matrimony ?"
'Veey well, thanke. By Jove, it's
esponeiVe comfort! My wife's ,drese-
meker 'takes incest of my -salary. If
had known---'' "You woeld
bave rem.ained single, eh 7" "N.°,
tar; but I would have married the
Dr. Horse a
Indian mot Pills
moisqu s 3 usie. fa:ejuast t,111;ciorr:tiziftnleleedicineji.fior4;11:
Children. When they are constipated
1u '901110 Plai•r6';':4'1' 1.1"495fi'ae ‘v Ite'Y tfhoO;agildv13::hiterme °I.I4nICil'Ef 9°1.0e: •
mosquito -tee abound, it_is impossible --Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills Will
to 13.1.'ity the violin becfamee the emeeie quickly and surely put plont
atteacte the insects in great num- Purely vegetable, they neither sicken,
When the fleet ee bee e xveaken or gripe,like harsh purgatives,
hsrd eloude ittocamuldio ,f421...61,1ipkiters,,,wvnaacintma.-;!1-0.1. inGahttqvmaartryds Rtycooeoettiriinf enhailiilb:ortehrinfhpohures.ael‘l yollti8ibee;ys,
the movements of tho Mod imposei-
ble, Keep Cho Citildreta WoU