HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-10, Page 6• • • c • • •• c •April • .• . • •-• • • • . ....•.• as. Clinton News -Record s. ' OU,•orio of those pleasant springlike •,clays we had last week., when through • tile open whitlows and doors co,n1t1 be heard the singing ot the usa vE.d tne 1 witterin. of busy nest 0 `ill1CIS Stfl enthusiastic ,cleyolee ‘)f our yip., . Side Gatlierhigs dropped in, ule• eoilr,se oi the conv;,:sation, .psaid "it is so Warta new, 'We 'Will' 1101i 'be able to have any inore 'ot our lf'ire Side chats. \\ tat will: \yr.; ,101: J enjoy tholii, immensely 111y, imagination is so vivid 1 ani sore the idea , of a firesidein summer ,,yoUld take away all pleasure." Islaat idea brought the suggestion to .-our Fireside Gatherings so TwIlight . 'Talks during the coming warm sea- son and I was quite ready tc: begin when l'o ! that saine night 1 is wmds -began to blow- clouds appeared and', the- following morning revealed a de- ,• pressing mixture of hail, snow,' wind und rain, cold and sleet a fair sant- ' pie. of which is, before me as I scene without is dreary ' and . 'desolate, cold, And forbidding : . the frogs --hat-e been silenced and the • birds driven into shelter. , Sos. with t sigh: of relief 'tee L turn backl, to the . - elieerful glow and merry crackle of our- loved - fireplace which we had been So ready to. foresalre7conterrted '1 When jest the right thing happens ,a.,t the propitious thOment 'how ac- :ceptable it is, eyen in small. things. r awakened the other morning, not' in. the usual `fresh and 'sparkling' moo& we read of in stories', I sorne- hoW quite useless, and utterly linable 'to -cope with another day's battle, when. I turned over the page ,of my „calendar, -a .gift from some • annoymouss inend whomr have not ." yet been able to discover. it sug- gests sonic little, thought for each day : the •verse this case was= "Finish every day -and be done with • it. You have done what you could ; ,sonie blunders and 'some absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon ns you can. Tomorrow ds a new .day ; you .shall begin it even and ser- enely and with too bigh a; spirit. to he cuinhered with your old nonsense" ,--Einmerson. It helped so greatly that I pass it on for others' use. In looking forward we often see the dut-: let of the week or montli piled. un 'before us. The result appears un - surmountable, .and we become dis- -eouraged. If we can but be satisfied to do purr little part each day, and -do that well many . unnecessary wor- .rieS will vanish to nothingness. Mrs. •Emmeline Pankhurst the lead - 00 the Suffragettes has been found guilty. and sentenced to three years Penal servitude. The sentence , was met r by cries of, 'wrath and shrieks and hisseS from" the suffragettes, who packed the courtroom of the Old Bail- ey• Session. Then they Cheered Mrs. Pankhurst as she- Was taken out of the Court and sang their war , cry March on, March on" to the, tune of the Marseillaise. The speakers have since been exciting their follow- ers to wilder -methods of warfare, comparing their past proceedings a mere pin prick of what is to follow. So mere man beware. Venture not out after dark without the safely guard of some woman. Be meek and haurable in appearance and when 'the question' confronts you, ,for the sake of your dignity and the honor of your family be silently' accptiesnat. - *Genial John Moon Joins the Ranks of the Benediets , Stanley Township Mr. Noised' 11.4.ers sold a fine horse to Mr. nrehibald of ,"iettfortli recent- Itepairing tarm huil!dings 'is the or- der of the' day. The following' is. the report,- of S. S. No, 10, for the month of March, names in order 01 morit : th,- Flossie Makins, c Fred Ailtenheacl, Clarence 'A ikenheads„ Sr, 3rd,- An- nie Mustard,' Sydney Thornpsoni., Jr. 31:41,:-Ennua• Higgins, Lawrence' Reid, Grace MeCowan, , Jr. , -PePPer, Lorna Aikenhead, •class McCowan, Joe Higgins, Os- ten Wheeler, Part 2nd, -Janet Aik- enheal, Frank Seeley, Part ist,-- Elgin" T °Tap s , LOine. P`Opper, Wil- frid Aikeithea41.-Etta..Jarrott,' Tea- , - The , following c is the' report of S., • No. 4, North Stanley - for the Month of March, the names being ili order of merit : Jr.. 4.1,11, -Ru th 1-Iouston, Hazel sparks, Martha ,Sr. 3rd,-Susle., Westlake, John Watson; Clifford Smitehmer, Mabel Fos.ter, „Walter Westlake. Jr. 3rd, -Edna Seatehmer, Alice Stin- son. 2ndee44iVa 'Dewar,' • Russel ' Sparks.. 2nd,-119sio Foster, Saab Mel -twain. , Jr."' 2nd,-Flairolda Scotch.: mer, Rey Scotehmer. Part. "2nd, - Annie ' DeWar, • 13essie ,Watsdn,-Mary MacDougall, -Teacher. • . The home of Mr. and Mrs.; George. 11offman of Sebriiagville • was the. scene of a pretty „ wedding, Which • will :be , of interest to' many News-. Record readers, on Wednesday, 1Vlarela 26th, when their daughter, Violette, • was united in marriage to Mr. John :Moon of l'aronto. ' Promptly at twelve o'eloclr the hride, to the strains of , Mendelssolin's wedding „march played by Miss 'Costner -of ,Stratford, cousin 'of, tile bride, enter- •- ed the drawing • i:oom leaning 011 the a;mi. af lier father, _who gave lier away. Tlie ceremony was performed , 'by the 'Rev. a . D. „Danun. The 'bride " was charmingly- gowned in -white- sa- tin with jaearl trirtmaings andt cornied- 55 shower bouquen of white 1:oses, lily -of -the -valley and °raids. Following the ceremony Mr. Wil- .• ford Foster Toronto a friend of the groom, played the' ' "Wedding Chinles" .• very beautifully-. After receiving the • ;congratulations of* those present the , 'bride and groom led the way to the dining- room where a sumpt-uouswcd- lg luncheon was served, The rooms • were all inest 'isteitilly decorated with flowers. Guests 'lumbering about forty were present and includ- • ed relatives ,and friends of both ilies from 'Porouto,. Stratford,. Code- ' rich, I,ondeshoro, WianLon, Milverton and blintOn, l'he bride was e ' • ' 0108t popular young lady. in Sebring-, ' Yilie; as the many beautiful wedding gifts testified'i'he groom's gift to the 1 was • a handsome Motets- • man piano, 'and to tile ,piamst a bar , - pin set in pearls. . Mr. and Mrs. Moon left. the sonic, evening ' for {licit lanne tie. Toronto ,and Will be at hometo their-friends after May 1st' at 20. Lauder Ave.; DalfwoOd bistnict , Those,, attending the wedding from Londesbero were ; Mr. and Mrs. 11, CaldsVell Mrs. S MeVittie MrS.'"•11. F. Moon and Mr, Geo, Moon.. Prize List Clinton Spring Fair CLYDESDALES: •, Stallion,. 3, years arid over --Thomas MeMichael & 'Son, Mullett ; James Brooks, Mitchell ; Thomas McMichael & Son, Mullett. ' Stallion, inidc,e: 3 years --Joseph Blake I-Iullett PERCHERONS, 'Stallions -Wm: Berry; Brucefield. . " COUNI'IES. COMPETITION. SPeeial • Cduhties bempetitioa for Prize of $30-,1,11. Scott, Mullett. HEAVY DRAUGHT - Brood Marc, 3 years and- Oyer - Geo. Dale & Son, Mullett -, D. Fdli- eringhani, Tuekersinith ; Arthur Wiltse, Clinton. Family of -3 colts 11912, progeny same sire -Thomas • McMichael & Son Ifullett. Three, Colts, progeny Of Sall1Q sire, foal, yearling and 2 -year old, any class, not necessarily the property of any one man --George Dale ez, Son, Hullett. Filly or Gelding, 3 years and over --Sylmar Rowelifte, London Road ; J. H. Scott, Mullett. Filly or gelding 2 years, and under 3 --Geo. Dale-& 'Son, Mullett; Churchill, Godrich township Flilkyl or gerd1ag1,1 yeel and undar 2 - Wm, Ball, Clinton ; RObert "Wright Seaforth.' Horse Colt or Filly under 1 year - William Rinn, • 11111ett 'Phomas Mc- Michael' & Soli, • Nutlet:I,. • AGRIGULIWIRAL. • • .13rood Marc, 3 years and over -Wil - liana Jasob, Mitchell ; Williana Jacob, Mitchell ; George Chambers, Chisel- hurst. •'• • ' Filly or (ielding, 3 years and over - 1). Fotheringham, Brueefie,ld Shanahan, Hullett WilIiain Jacob, Mitchell. Filly or Gelding, 2 years and under .3 -Snell Rros., Mullett ; R. D. Bell, Mensall ; (S. Chambers, Chiselluirst. nest Individual lIorse,, heavy draught, agricultural br general pub. pose--Byam Rowelifie, London Road. Horse colt or Filly, under oi e year - W. M. Stevens, I-Iullett. - Heavy 1)raft 'Team, in Ilarness-J . II. Scott, Mullett ; D. S. Litt, ; Joe Reynolds, Mullett. • Agricultural Team in Harness -D. FotheningharmLondon Roa:d ; John Wright, Auburn,; chell. _ General Purpose Team in Harness - Jas. VariEgmond, Mullett ; • James 1-lor0on, Lumley ; Wm. Hill, ('anton. Best Grey Tearn-Jas. VanEginond, Hullett. •- Best Matched Teanl-l). S. Litt, Mitehell... ' HACKNEY. Stallion, 3 years and 'over -Wm. Dale, Itullett: 110 ADS'PEItS. Carriage Horse in„ harness, equip- ment considered -W. I -I. Lobb, Hol- inesvilie ; nos- Cook, Clinton. Roadster Horse in harness equip- ment constdered-L. J. Kelly, Birth; Thos. Davis, Goder'ich ; Cart. Mc- Michael, Roadster Team in Iiarliess-John Hey, Zurich ;. 'Thos. Davis, 1 otgnis.h; John Decker, Zurich. , `The News -Record adds its efingrat- ulations to those of the‘many, friends of the groom la Clinton 'end vicinii.V 'for happiness, health , and prosperity for the newly -wedded pair, , • , FOR SAW,: \ TERN. CH AP . - A leather top phaeton an.1 a 5 camp., people's swing, -.1 as. Twitchell. , -76. SOBIETI-IING NEW -- TIIE Im- proved Safety -Sash Leek, Alkwc the window. to raise ,-)r er to any height f torn ' an inch 00 witl,t,A,t the aid of a stick or hook. Can be attached to ally . Will(10W se,s11. , Ito]; 1)artienlars apply to --Pratik W. Evans, Clinton. I'llone .101 -76 Marriage , 130Y , 1\ AN:1 T.-.1) '10 LE,ARN 1 IIL 7 , 7 7 7 Telephone operating -Apply to Mrs LA-VEGN I-W-1,LT1IH.18-At tlifi R4,a,l,ai1 at 1116 cet,trai -70 once of tile irride's inotlier, on . llit, Mary. ii)97. Waiters ttily())01 s,ilAth,aedratllv ettrev gLavion, all i c. 11 0(rj liciz,.__LApip,loy :10) 0 3,1,i1,F11,97 1 s: rn odericli, on ° ° ' ' ttir 1 °st°alcc. March 31st, by -the Rev. Fa,tliet -- 97597155, INTary Cecilia, daughter of _ Mn. and. James Dean, 00 r''°I.1 -A 0009 111f.1,1VEnY 1\1 „o•pi,Whilly af pont-°Aso light dray a,nc1 harness, - land, Oregon. 5111 be sold at a reasonable price, __--4-P1)13' at .3\ Office. -75 , MOON-T-TOFFMAN-At the. home of 's09 bride in Sebrin,Yiiie on Mai al 26th.. by Rev, 0-, D. Danma, etta daughter of Mr..and Mrs. . George ' Hoffman, , to Mr. , John , Moon of Torontd. DROWN-DELBRID,GE.- In- Exeter, by the- Rev, W. 0,-41: ,MeAliSter, on 'April -21si; -Jennie Delbridgo. daughter of Mn. R. 'Dellaridge to Tiallerington Brown: of,. the 'Mara- - es, Road: • SLEMA N -J GNES-In 13;Xeter, „Ap- ril 2nd'hy the ,J -Rev. V, 0-, H. Mc- Alister, Anure Jones, daughter of Mr Harry Jones tie -Milton Sha- man Of Usborne. ' . . , DAVIDSON--TELFER-At the home of, the bride's parents by Rev'. R. A. Landry, on April Ind; Walter A. Davidson, of McKillop .town -,- ship to Agnes, daughter of Mr, and, Mrs. Teller of (4.tey .township. Births EASOld-At Summerhill, on Aoki] 3rd, lo Mr. and Mrs, David ,Eas- oni, a daughter. . PARSONS -In Goderich, Mareh. 28th, ta Mr. and •Mrs: Lionel 0 Par- sons, a sod. , 11100.1iE-L1n .Goderiell, on March 23r4 to Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Moore, Gloucester -Terrace, a son. WILSON -lin Godericli, on March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs -Robert Wil- son, a daughter., - DICK -At Kipper', on Marph 22nd, to MT. and Mrs. Robinson 11, Dick, a son. Deaths HULLER -In Goderieh ,township, on April 3r4, Mary Flintoff, wife of Mr, 'Aaron Huller, in her 73rd, year*. TWITCIIEL1.-In Stratford, on A p- ril 3rd, 'Arthur C. Twitchell, for- merly of Clinton, 'aged 71 years. 1.10G•AN.-In Ashfield, on April 3rd, • Mrs. John Hogan. MELI,IS-On March 31st, in London, • Robert Mellis,- formerly of Kip - pen, aged 83 years, COTTLE-On the Loudon Road, on April 3rd, Margaret Miller, retict of the late JallICS Cottle, aged . 107 years, HOUSTON -In Grey township on March' 29th, 'James Houston, in . Itis 7,21)4 year. COX -In Goderich, en'Alarch 30th, William J. Cox. MOIST -MY -In Goderich,, an March 31st, John Brophey, in his 33rd year. . . WILTSE-la Clinton on April Gth, -Charles 01, soe of Mr. and. Mrs., • Charles Wiltse, aged 8 years. • 111E111) MAKING. - MTS5 JOAN , McPhee, honor graduate of House- hold Seience, McDonald, Ins ti tate,' Cmelph , and, exper 1 demons trato r, -will demonstrate bread, and pastry Making to the Ladies of Clinton in the - Council 'Chamber on Saturday, , A mil 12100liowiltg how easy , it is to make the nieest and bread in four hours also s1;„,',..4%ing saty m,ethods of pastry making., Miss AlePhee opines' here highly re- conimended from all' partS of Cana- da and; is 'a pleasing demorntrator of , tbe highest" order, Fiver.), lady in the "town and surrodndiag country should take advantage of this de- Monstration and hear some of the slatest „and most approved methods •sii of cookery. Meeting 'to open at 2:30 pansharp, limier the auspices ot- the ,.Women'S Institute, Members and wan -members heartily welcome. AdMission 10 cents. -270-1:. se' SEED PO'SATOES-IRISH COBB- ler, Early Michigan, Early EVerefit, Carman No. 1, late, Green Moun- tain, American Wonder, medium 'early 1)elware honid grown. All our potatoes are acchmatesed to the soil.--james Steep & Co. -76 FOR 5550E-55. NUMBER OF CED- ar posts and corner posts. For par- ticulars apply to -John Shanahan, Mullett, Clinton P. 0. SHINGLES FOR SALE -A CAR - load has arrived. -T. McKenzie. -75. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Furniture. -There will be sold by public auction 'on the premises of :the uadersigned, Rattenbury street west, Clinton, on Saturday, April 12th, at 1:30 o'clock a quantity of Household Furniture. Terms: cash. The house and lots will also be of- fered for sale at the same time and place.--Geo.Swartz, proprietor ; (1. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. -75. The Picture House - IS NOW OPEN The Picture House, collm,erly the Princess Thea,tre, openod on At til 410 and is presenting films of the 'amour= Universal Sen'ice. This' Pic- ture House is a. clean place of a- amnsemen 1 aml we respectfully, solle- it the patronage of the public, ALHX,, MA CDON AT.,D ' 55014:NSTON'S Sanitary Cleaning AM), Pressing Parlors Altering, and repairing neatly done. Els:port French Dry Cleaners.' Our Prices are Moderate and Satisfaction is uaranteed. oods palled fon ' and delivered. Stand : Store forinerly occupied hi' A, J. Holloway, 9 ailor. Branches, in Clinton, Wingham, St. Cat,liayines. . CHAS. JOHNSON. P011 ADOPTION - AN" ENGLISH lad six years of age, healthy, red- , dy, bright and intelligent. -Three' or six months trial. -Apply to Rev.", J. F, Parke, Brantford. -75-3. FOR SATE 1,1 EVEN PURF-B13,14`D Minorda I -lens. -John May, Ratten- bury Street, FOR SAI,E-A TANK THAT WILL hold about sixty-five barrels. -- 13, Keniiedy,.. -75 BARN FOR SALE IN HULLET,T,-- In good -condition for moving.- Apply at "News -Record Office. -74. F.011 S A LE-COTTAiGE ON. RAT- tenbury street. Ele-Arie light, waterworks, ete.-Apply on premis- es, or to T. T. Murphy, Clinton. FOR SALE -2 GOOD 'BARRED Rock Cockerels and one ROSO 0,0111be Brown Leghorn for sale at a barg-ain7-Apply to A. Ilovey, Clinton. noomEns WANTED ---APPLY TO Mrs. Ali. A. Mason, Princess St. West -74. ROOMERS 1YANTED-eGIRL STUD - mats preferred. -- Mrs_ R. 'As Gov- ier, Rattenbury St. East, 3 min- utes walk from Collegiate. -74. WANTED -- A MODERATELY SIZ- ed house with 0.h -out hall acre of land and good stable. -Apply, to W. J. Paisley or at News -Record Of- fice. -72 FOR SALE OR TO itErrr—Bou:sh On 'Frederick street, eight rooms, veranda'h, •large collar, hard • and soft water in house. Hall acre' of land, Possession given April Isis -Apply to Miss ,Gco. Princess St. ' . ---70- 370 REN'r COMFORTABLE. 81597' en roomed cottage 'on. Isaac street. Hard and -sort water ; -acre ot land. For particulats apply to - Miss Rudd, Clinton. -72 - • AUCTI()N 855197 RISGISTER Monday, April 14550, at lot 25, con. 0, Mullett, farm stock and other ef- fects. ---Alex. Leitch, proprietor, T. Brtpywii, a,uptioneer. • RAUGHT FILLIES 97011 SALE. - Three draught fillies, one rising 1 year, one rising 2 and one rising - 15 years. -Apply to John Holmes, 'Baron Road. --GI. HOUSE FOR SALE ON ONTARIO . Street, eight rooms, hard and soft water, •,1,. acre of land. Well loc- ated. -Apply io Mrs. D. Connell. -66. BOAR FOR SERVTOM-A bred Tamworth boar bred by Mr. Douglas of Mitchell. Terms : 51 at time af service with privilege of returning if necessary. George Ilenderson, lot 28, con. 2, H, It. S. Tuakersmith. Phone 11 on 136 Clinton. -78-4 A • WALI.PAPEP. Pitk14 Consult with Cooper t h e Wall -Paper Man who sells you just what you want at the price you want to pay. Splendid New Selections. -All_Paper Trimmed Free. Cooper Co. TON N A,TION AI, Fhl RTII,I 7, ER T FIE .• hest used by farmers, Gave goo(1. results last year and farmers are ordering again. tniSyear,, Order now before it is all 'gene. Large or small quaritities=,-Frank W • Evans.; Clinton, Ont. ,PhOrte 101. -09. • LET us SUPPLY YOUR FLOUR WANTS. .We have now completed 'our re- . modelling. of the' . Clinton, Frour 9701, •known. 101' so mapy years as Fair's Mill, We milled out- - all the old 'machinery and replac- ed rt by. the .latest :midmost imProved machinery'. sO that there 97 uow not a, niore up -to. date fldhr 'mill in Ontario. OTal, AlM 15 770 MAkE FLOUR THAI WILL 'BE SECOND TO NONE 'AND WE ASK THAT - THE PUBLIC GIVE', US A PAIR TRIAL: - We will also do gristing and • chopping for the farming - com- munity and have on band, —Family Flour —Manitoba Floair • —Pastry Flour - --GrahamFlour . --s-E.iealtfast Fried' , ▪ -Whole Wheat Fleur for Cakes --:-Western Oats , ' —Corn -•--Screenings'. . . JOHN SHOENHALS Tlie Clinton Miller. CORNER sior Live and Let Live. Our new spring seeds— , - Arriving all, fieSh, . The quality—Right, The prides-, Consistent with quality, The service—Prompt. The stock—Full line. If it's groceries, we have them, Highest market price for butter and eggs. - A. CALL SOLICITED. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROPER. ••• Ontario Liquor License Act. LiCCO3C, District of Ceatre Hamm Notice is hereby given that the Board of License ComMis.doners fur the license district of Centre Huron will meet in the town hall, Olin .1011, at la o'clocic a.m, an the 18th des' of April, 191,3, for the purpose of considering applications for liquor licenses for the license year of 1913- 11. All persons interested will_ gov- ern themselves accordingly. 19 Tavern and 3 shop licenses were granted for the license year 1912-13 and :the same number of applications have been. (received for the year 1913- OLIVER JOHNSON, License Inspector, Centre Huron. Dated at Clinton this 31.s11 day of March, 1913, -75-2 000Broilers - Wllolorl, each week during June, July, August. Good Fat Hens Want4- ed at 12c per lb. To obtain ttese we: are selling the ' Famous. - . Prairie State Incubators on the, easy 'payment plan, EG-CrS , AND POULTRY TAKEN , FOR SAIVIE. GUNN, I,ANGLOIS CO. CLINTE)14, N. W. Tie watilha, Win. Jenhins. 135597I1E1) ItOCK EGGS. --At .CLIN- ;eon 1912 '1"...011 095, '2110 and 397 cockerel, 1st and 2nil ist and 2itcl hen, lst cook. A ±,,. Godeticli 1933,, won lst and ltd pullet, 1st and 2n4, 2n.d. rock, '3rd eoelcerel. Pen 1-Pullett mating. • ...pen is mated to produce exiiibil;lon pullets , eggs 43 per 15. l'eo 2 -same as Fen. 1, Pen 8-Coelcerel ' mating, This, perk is headed 119 511 exhibition Pringle • cockerel and mated to produce ex- -lkibition cockerels. Pullets' in this pen are excellent layers, Eggs ',Nrc'12, Per 15. I'erk 4=-97U11ets int this pen are barred to skin, good corer yellow le,gs and liealt; are good , layers, this is headed' by -a ten" 10, cock, 1 rem stork- which won the egg laying competitlon'in Manitoba. -Eggs 31 per 15.- I ' guaranti,ie a - good hatch -or replace your order :free of ffirarge--,.H. A.: Hovey, Clin-. • , • , FARM iFOR SALE :-THE "UNDER - Signed • offers for sale one hundred acres of as good land as there is in the County of Huron, being part of Lots 25 and 26 on the 1701s Con., Goderich township, one mile north of Clinton, 11 .miles from 'school. On the farm is a frame barn 30x00 with good cem- ent wall, also a stone stable 25x 50 with hay loft above ; comfort- able 11 room frame house, a near er-failing itell and one acre .of or- chard. Reasoa for selling, ill health. For particulars apply on the • premises or address -Joseph Colclough, Clinton P. o. -06 FARM FOR SALE -LOT 40 AND part of Lot 39, Con. 9, Goderieh township, consisting of 107 acres all cleared and good tillable,. land with the exception of five acres of bush and ten acres of orchard con- taining apples, plums and cherries. Farm in good condition being of good clay loam., well fenced and having an abundance of excellent 'water. On the premises are two barns, one 58x30 with shed 25x10, all on stone foundation. 'The oth- er barn is 50x30 with shed 47s30 and also a gravel house. Situated one mile from school t mile frora English church, 1 mile from Meth- odist church, 5 miles from Clinton, 6 miles from Bayfield. Rural Tele- phone connection. Also part of Lot 36, Telephone Road, containing 50 acres adjoining school and 4 miles from Clinton, on which there are no buildings but containing a small swamp making' it an excellent pas- ture farm. Por further particulars apply on the premises, or address - Geo. A. Cooper Clinton, Ont. Phone 7 on 155. -71. SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED and repairs kept on hand, also' ag- ency for new ramohines.-A. Hoop- er, Albert street, -70 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE: Ohe of the best locations in town corner Princess and William streets. House contains 7 rooms on ground Moor, second floor not finished. Hard and soft water. + acre land, fruit trees, etc. - For further particulars apply te D. S.' Chaff. -69. DANCING CLASS EVERY TUES- day Night in Town hall. Instruc- tiOn given from 7-9. Hall open to all after nine for dancing. Parties welcome. Terms upon application. Under managettent of Miss M. Rance. 66 HELP WANTED -THE JACKSON Mfg. Company -Hand sewers and operators. Steady work, Short hours, Well lighted and ventilated work rooms. Good Pay. -Apply at Office, or to J, McLeod, Supt. -52. FARM FOR SALE -THE UNDER - signed offers for sale his fine farm of about 130 acres adjoining the town of 'Clinton. The farm is in a good state of cultivation and has good buildings -brick house, bank barn, driving house, pig pen, etc -all comparatively new. A first class young orchard containing all kinds of fruit, also Small fruits. The farm is well fenced and well drained ad is a very desirable home. For further particulars apply ,on premises or address John Torrance, Clinton P 0. -03 WINDS'IORM INSURANCE. --- TI -IE "Caaalla Insuraece Co., will insure all buildinge against clatnage done by witidstornis. Moderate , rates, no Prue -min note,',--Gliarles .11 Hale, 1)istriet -Agent. Clini,on.. • *-•4****Iiirsiess•oe•oeiii0r Buy Sugar : IS • wheia- cheap Our ffrst car Redpath's • • sugar will arriVe next • week, Order early and • • • • get in on the bottom • • price. • • 100 lbs. Red path's ex- tra Granulated $4.90. • • • • Cash -limited time • • . 0,0 Not more than 6 sacks to • • • • ,one customer. • • • This is the cheapest we have sold sugar in two • • • years, • • • • • • W. T. O'NEIL : • • • ▪ “The Hub Grocery," • • SJDIT•TG- WILL SOON BE HERE. WE :HAVE GOOD SEED Al' MODERATE FRIO- -ES. CONSISTENT WITH QUALITY. 'Barley -- 0. A. C. No. 21 Oats - Regenerated Banner Beans - Choice White Field Good Hard Stock of strong 'Vitality, and Germinating Power. Red Clover —Steele Brigg's —Govt. Standard Ttmotliy —Steele Brigg's —Govt. Standard Seed Corn Later A WELL 'TINNED ROOF. ' is necessary to protect "the o d oak- en buclwt that hung in the we I," • We are ongage11 in Hie - TINNING. buSireiss and not only carry a com- plete assortment of materials used in the tinning line, butwe' also - claim to be experts 'in first-class tin- nhllg- Let us ' give you our estimate. THOS. HAWKINS. An advt. in `I'lle News -Record i051205 g°()(1. 505.111±8* suannimousinionsmamanow GOOD FEED CORN on hand, fresh add sweet. The L. SUITTER CO. Telephone 64 The Elevator. WAYS OF A WATCH The ways or a watch are past find- ing out, Don't try. If your watch is lazy and wont run, let us' repair it for you. Ten to one you neglect- ed it. -let it get dirty,or it stops from lack of oil. Whatever is the reason, don't delay ; Delay costs money and °Sten spoils the watch. We give thorough examination and regulating free, anything more costs as little as satVsfactory work can be done for. ' A. J. GRIGG JEWELLER AND .OPTICIAN. SSUElt MARRIAGE MENSES:, Roofing STEEL ROOFING. CORRUGATED IRON. ASBESTOS FIRE PROOF' REGAL. Call on phone for our prices. BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary Plumbers Phone 7g SHAW'S SOHOIL Toronto, Canada,' include The Shals, Correspondence School, The Central 13usiness College, 'The Ceutral ele- graph & Railroad Schools and Four City., Branch Business Schools. Ali provided excellent Courses leading to good , salaried positions. Free cata- logue on. request. Write in: 11. W. I -I. Shaw, President, Head 0111.ee5, Yonge & Gerrard Sts,, Torouta. IAT HOME COLLEGE Thong:Inds& ambitious young iconic •. Iare fast, preparmg in them own omos to oeenpy lucrative positions AS sioneg. raphors, bookkeepers, telegraphers, mvil servants, in fact every sphere of 4 Uusiness Activities. 'Yon may finish at college if you '130 wish, 97055510118 gear. antoed: gator college any day. Incliv• lane,' instruction. ,11Nport teat:hors. Thirty years' experience. Lori:oat train. ors in Canada. SovennollegoS. ttpestsl . conroo for teachers. ., ' Affiliated with commercial Educa• tors' Association et Canada; Summer Sehool at famous Spottan Ansinesa. College. London, 1 CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPoTroq 4 .13. F, Wsrui President. prinoipm. • 1 '4 '^1 - —