The Clinton News Record, 1913-04-10, Page 4"ypti fee headgobe oomtng on alta 1) • ' "'° a..be;,at Yein' 7 :,'',`01.-FA4e**33. '.•..,, drua, 25o. • . • , CHEMICAL CD et:004k iiiereeee.•-::e arlv Orripentioti • iPTllO XXXI.-(Centei) , , • " The World .peemed to "whirl' around her :a.ndetheland.still, 'proognized iiiti, instantly, ae the genPer of the • Morgue, the Man who had to useeul to her in helping to (Meet ..Perce ,Gtenville Into the belief, that the eelead. wbe to cloth's, resembled..hls aoet-loYe Was iodeed .Little Gay. u n at.thrilhiidg moment -a ilaring thoeikht • came tee the brain 'of the deseete 046,' kulley bettuty-the wetted deny that 'au" .Wees. the Mime:person who came to hinl on that fatalerrantreelme, night. She 'looked at him proudly, defiantly. "You ere quite mistaken," idle said, curt- ly: 1 have never seen you before' :In vain he proteeted,, repeating ovary evoial of the convereation that Peened be- tween them on that eventful night. Sho,`thook tier _golden head and turned , from him impatiently, and the motion - itt made one great stride toward her; Re seised her 401100010 wrist in- hia great, strong hand- _ - • "You hypocrite!" he cried.,'gazing down fiercely. into, her beautiful`, 'deils.nt faee, • 'YOU have used me eleverlY for your tool. and now you would deny me. Yeu do not chooee to remember how y011 pleaded with meto bath Yen in yew. nefarioue soheme, . telling -me I Might name my ewe reward, • You'gave me it false name and addreen, but time did not daunt me, I have search- ;.'eci all over to find you .and tell you whet ' my eesvard must be. Lietenyou need not try to take your hand away from me, for this hand must be. mine! Thetis the reward I' ask for what 1 have done for 'You; refuse,- and I swear, before the. sun Otte, the Whole world shall know that strange, story." Evelyn St. Claire's lipe grew white and dry; she recoiled from the man in loath. ing too deep for words; he saw it, and it exasperated him. The effrontery of the mates laropouition almost strained her. Looking up. into the hard, grim face. she. say that he meant every word he hail nttered. Like it flash, remembrance came to her, too,' that Percy might oome at any ince enent and find the ma,n *wee, and her very soul within her grew sick with hor- ror to she thought of the terrible donoue. merit that would be mire to follow. "Perhape•. my peopoeition has been too sudden for you," he said, frightened at the deathly pallor that was spreading over Otto' faces. "Giro me it little enceurage- ment," he went on quickly. "I have no . intention of being harah with you, for love you -I have loved you feom the firat moment I looked .upon your face. Do not madden me by attempting to deny your identity; Your every feature in on - graven too clearly and unmistakably for ,thal on my heart. I will give you it week to Make up your mind whether you will marry nae, or whether I ehaal tell the etrauge etory I havo to tell, to the world' • .Even while be spoke, a fiendieh thought 1V0i linehing through tho guilty brain of Evelyn St. Clair. "We will_ walk on through. the copse -wood • and talk this matter over,' she said, with a desperate calmuess that surprised even herself. Xf he 'had not been so desperately- in love with her the glitter in her steelhlue eyes would have seemed him against her. Gladly onou It he: coneented, thinking the..Pellid bride of deletle'! and With these' worde Tinging -in .his mina 'and, befoto he 'cOnld :divine her terrible: intention, elm had nprune forWard, egiving,him a fearful' push that .sent 3.11fn reeling headlong dewn-down into the 'herrible 'denthe of Not even a Moan ,or a cry reaohedeber, er the, thud of the body as ,it fen on the rodlee below, :there- was haeh a terrible ringing in her ears. ' -"Dead Men can telIMe talee,". She Mut. tareti, beading breathlessly over thelown- ing. niouth or the pit, "I 'am safe,' eletherieg up. her -dainty lace,skirts in her doWeled kande, thefairly flew back to -the .11,ouse. It almoet teemed to her the tall, neater trees that had witneeeed the awful crime might take vengeancermp- on lior by teseing out their orme and striking her, dead a& ale passed beneath She 'reached" the house" panting and trembling in every 1Iob. Avice, her maid, met her on the. three. "I have been looking everywhere for You, ,Tfies Evelsol." cam geld. *Mr, Gran. ville is here --he looks pale and unlike himself." CHAPTER ran. Perey Granville turned with a start of surprise as the detective's hand fell on his shoulder, and the familiar voice re. peated hurriedly,: "1 showld like a few wordn with you, Mr. -Granville, if you ara.not in too much of a hurry," "Certainly," responded Percy, ahahing the proffered hand heartily. -"I 11121 en, tirely at your dieposal; we will go to your office or walk up to the avenue, just tui You like." "Tlianke, I haven's time to exehange Mere than a worcb,with you dust now, replied the detective. "I want your ad- dress, I may drop you a line upon a very hnportant matter one of these' days." Pony Granville stropped short and looked full in the detectives face. "You have succeeded in hunting down Tremaine ,at laet?" inquired Percy, eag- erly. "11 it is eo, toll me at once. I eau. not teat night or day until I have taken that cursed 'villain by the throat anca forced the truth out of him of how My darling Little Gay met eo foul et death. By Heaven! he Khali rue the day he ever eromied my path!" "Gently. gently, my clear, sir." respond. ed tho detective, laying his hand on the excited young, Inan'e arm. "I did not re. for to Tremaino just now." "But luemust be brought to Justice, my darling's death must be avenged!" he cried hotly, hie fair, handsome face pal. ing, "I had great hopes that your skill would not -fail 1310Mr. Leneox. It is near - /3, it year since Bret called tapon You, eet 00 ha-ve no cloy to Tremaimee where- aboute yet." "Do not be so ellre about that," replied Lennox. "Give me your addrees, and don't trouble youreelf unneeessarily about what I want it for -you shall kuow all that in good time." "I shall be et Paeeaic until the 20t1," reolled Percy, "On the 21st I leave on the liervia for a short trip abroad." "Yon. may hear from me before that' time.' said the detective. A Moment after they parted company, and Percy walked leisurely on to hie hotel, ile did not give the matter another oquenee Ilati struck through her ar. thought, for hie thoughts bad reverted to liter of pride and defiance to her heart at.-; the tame channel in which they had been last, -Evelyn held out her white hand to him when the detective bad aocooted him -he was thinking of the piotured face that had with a pretty gesture that won him cm- smiled up at him from the canvas in the pletely, banker's draeving-room-the face of Ur, "tttit unelees th deny longer all that Remington's adopted daughter. you have Retorted,' ehe Mud in a bew Ile tried to forget it, as men strueele voice. 'I admit the favor you once against temptation; the thrilling dark eyes ;Fronted sne„ and now ask if there ie 110 haunted him. ' • other way in which I can cancel it than Be was Boon tO marry L'velyn It. baoomiug your -your wife?, eraire; what mildews, what folly to al. His Wife! the, the haughty, dainty, heir. eget, to mate with this common hireling! Ifoacwehimself to dream over another girlish the very idea of it made the angry blood But Ales hearts of mon aro proyerble lea,' like fire through her veios; she ally thetle at ono time in life; and the longed to turn upon hint with the &wee- more Percy tried to shut out all thoughts ness of it tigrees and dash him to her feet of tho banker's daughter from his heart, for the very audoeitY of hie presumP. the more she stole into 11.; he Mood face tion. to face with the truth et last, his heart "No, thoeo le no other way," he re. had gana out to he original .01 the per; A j plied decisively. "You are beautiful trait, ust as it had gone out to Little weman, and rloh; why should I not exert Gey. my power over you ^ to make you my Pero,/ -returned to Passale that night, Wife?" and eurely no young man over put in "I ate 1-kb,it you say," the answered such a wretched fortnight as the two steaaily,. e".I would, and could, make it a weeks that followed; but olio thought great °boot for you th go away and leave filled hie heart by night and by clay, he ite peace; Gould gold bribe yeti?" wished to Heaven his uncle had not ex - "I would rether have YOUr sweet self noted that terrible promise from bim on thin all your.' gold," he repliedt. "you hie dea'th'bed, that he would marry Eve. • are the finst .and . only woman who ban ben St. Chiller; then be would have- been oyez; touched my heaet. No, no, you can' free to woo and win, If 'he could, the not buy we off with 0 less bribe than Your Ganicor'e daughter, who reminded hint so own sweet soli.'" '. • etrongly of hie loot bride. Hie 'heart had The lime around . the heiresn' mouth gone out to her with a Passionate love grew harder, and the steel.like glitter that etartled even himself. - deepened in her Ores. At the end of it fortnight he was bate ,She had ledthira by,a circuitous path Ming fiercely between two sims-the sin of through the, copse -wood los a etretch of brealcing the vow he had read° to the clY• a otrounclewhich,,joined.• her own" grouna in ing, and the sin of wedding ono woman, the rear. It, tVae screenedfrom the stone when all.the. love of hie heart had gone • house.oti ;the hill by tell noddeng poplars, oat to another.. . ' 1± ves dangerotioloeality owing to e Then a, etrange resolution came to him. the 'fact that it -than hha been sunk there ele would Fre to Evelap and explain the yoaro 'betore, and loatt -been abandoned i e man.• without being 'Properly eovered. • And on I Re reasoned the matter out in his own, . the verv brink of this bleek, yawning mind, coming to the conclusion that it abyss Evelyn: paused, oasting it quick would be cruel to Evelyn to lead her to nervoue gtnoc attout ber the altar under three oiretunetenees. He '"Nothing must torne between Tile and resolved to throw himself upon hor mercy, eav holm of being Perevei beritle," she mut- and he never once doubted but that oho tered boloher breath, "I have sempt would release him. one life from my path, why ahould I held. Yea, that was the best and only oourze tate at sweeping away a. second? The to pureue, Ire must go to Evelyn, and man has brought his fate ,upon his own in a manly, straightforward manner toll "It will not be neeessary to welt it week He would say to her, "I am bdurid to for my anewer," she nald slowly, "I can ,Yon, Evelyn, but I lOVO another, It is for give it to you here and now ou3te as you to decide what my future will be -I wehl,leaye my fate, my happiness in your "I shall be ,all the meet, pleased," he hands." ekelaimed radiantly. "S eon read my Rh. If she clung to him, refueing_ to dive • ewer in your face, my heautiful gert-it is hint um he would marry her, Ho Would 'its,'' e a tree husband; he would give her Evelyn St ffialre ned upon him like reverenee, reeneet, everything but love; a flash of litur ghtning, the furious anger in that wag not Ins to give; his heart was her ettherb blonde face fairly appalling divided between Lietle Gaye+ memory and tette, new sweet love that had crept into ' "I wary Yon?" the pried, "Why', sem his heart. - most he road! Yen shall wed, but the `that evening Percy rode over to Eve - bride youaro to take to yew. heart is lye's hoine; while he wee pacing restless - 1. up and down the perlov, .waiting for her to make her appearance, that thee. ling eciene was beteg enacted at the brink of the old shaft. Aviee, the maid, coact not help- but notlee bow pule and ,frightened.etioa, Ste Claire looked 'when .she ti:dd- her Mr. Granville had cones, that be had been Walltens,,kopatently through the grounds flearchum fohei. And had atlength gene back to tlie parlor. One instant, she pressed. her -hands .tight. lee'ovee' her throbbing heart, Mien turned and. 'beefily entered the parlor. Percy was struck with the passionate love in her fade ae she glided, quickly for- ward, holding .out both haelde to those little hands; white, gemmed 'rid shapolY-that within ,that hour had per- petrated euch n fearfel crime, • Pet -by knew what was expected of him as she .bent her blonde head dangerously near him inviting a canes, and feeling awkward enough, he raised one of those cruel little white barida to his lips. Old'folitts‘Who need something of the kind find most effective without any discornfert. , ' Increased doseanot tieedad, , 250., a bo; at your druggist's.' . Nation' Otagand Chemise! Coeof Canticle, Dinned, 164 la ^ Q. not be misled ASK F011. • • • and LOOK for the Trade -Mark. Perrin's Gloves are famed for , their Style, Fit "and . Finish. ,%.'• • • G4aPe5 Ijaf are 01107 oithet* the •trade*mark or the aet tbantidet Tf•Perrirt' Make" aro not the genuine 3-11-12 r Singe toj aay; he' had 'als'et,'' become 071 g4g9,4 .30 ' ,dlYn he he,d elwityp 'taken aa accented, hiVer 0 ltriyilege 'of ,. Seating:him. Self on the Sefit,.'beside her.' • ile 00114 de OW White; yod are, ,., Pero 1"..abe ' lavo you been You, :nes' loping all 'you), genial. manner 0,04 niacin you „Soe-so irresistible.", , noflushed Uneasily .and' loOlced eon, What 'Weedd eho ,ltavo oalil 1 otto had known,' why he ltio/red'oq ;FlOoray--that lil •'wati trying,to mini -mon Ceerageto tell her AA' 'w1a§1,',Wati thetblialte her. ;heautelf111' • ellyelyn d10a00, in tierpoem?, to charm himthat- ineeithrable' evening. ' eeoneethine aleeleelt; byettet• eal in,her briUlwnt fittenes ofW1be • -, ,ghe Sung impassioned' levessenge- tO' tura tinat Wel414:baNe.,broOlit' apy 'inlet:: lover itt 1019 fett; t-. With, :timituloue-liiie;,,,tethe.,s111.1? that 0Wdeteete eel' loYe' athleon Mayoureen, ' dwelling ' With Poseionate earning on the' lime. "Oh, why ere- thou silent, thou v-oice of My heart?" - the muelo dylag away, in a. low Wail beneath 'her treeibling. fingere. _ But if Percy heard, he did not=leeetl; ....Yem, seem diserait aod prooeoupthd, verey." she said' at length, turning 'from the pieno, "as thouali your theughte,were. • "Then I am ashamed of =met" he an- svierett. "That 'would be Unpardonable. The fact is,' he added, hesitatingly, and flushing uneasily, "ray mind le foil of 000 subject, and / am, at a lose how .to find Words to express ,tayself:' •riVelYtes heart gaVe one great Passion, ate throb of trIninph, her blonde head drooped. eo 'near him that her fair hair' No doubt eame to her but that the tub. Jeet he referred to wee- their approach - Ing fltat,rlagt, Cif course it conld 'be nothing else.. Wicked to Evelyn St. Ola,tre was, there was (something pitiful in the .ardent adoe- ation she lavished -upon her handsome She bowed her head in ellenee, twining her white,. jeweled Singers cloeer about hie arm, and her eTerY clinging touch wan a 'Was he going t,o toll her he was glad their wedding -day wee so near at hand? Wee he going to whither loving words that her nassionate heart so longed to How she wae hungering to hear the words, "I love you, dear," fall front hie lips. . For one brief maraca there mete •silenee between tbem. It grew harder and harder to utter the Words Percy had come there th ripeak. "Evelyn," he said slowly, as he nerved himself for the trying ordeal, "elideit ever occur to you that come marriages are grave mistakesP' She looked up into hie face. • A sudden terror seized her; but the would attach no importance th his worde. "There can be no unhappiness where Mime le love," she returned quickly. "That is quite 'true, Evelyn," ho eaid thoughtfully; "if two marry who lave each other -they aro sure to be happy -but if love hs wanting ill either heart, married life is a -puree." Evelyn raised a pair of startled eY g ett to his; the words had gone throuh her heart like a sword. "Why should wo think of the lives of others, if ourif is happy?" the asked. with a nervous smile on her lipe. "The te only unhappinees that could reach me is -the lo fear that I should over lose your ve." Perm, Granville'e bandeorne face grew h pale -e winced under her words. "What would you do, Evelyn," IAmid, holding the little hand that was hid In bit in a close clasp, and trying•to speak careleeelye "if such a thing wore to really haPPon?" Her face grew pale as the lily Rho wore rher breaet. She caught her bronth In ()Wok, oonvulaive sob -the Passionate love in the face she raised to his trou- bled him greatiee "I should kill myself, Percy," she de - (eared 'vehemently; "and. if there Ives a way for my spirit to revisit the earth, I would haunt you until the day you died, I could never exprese how much I love you, dear-yOu ere my world.' "How much you care for me, Evelyn," he groaned. The Dale. blonde face drooped until it rested against hie ehoulder. The groat love the lavished upon Itlin wearied him. He could not help contrast- ing her at that moment with hie little lost Gay, wiltom a bold wooer would have frightened ae it huntsman frightens a timid bird. It would have bath quite aa easy to have plunged a dagger in the white breast of Evelyn it, Claire as to epeak the worcin he had come there to utter. "That is Piet the question I te.Ye come 10 discuas with you, Evelyne he "whether or not ours would be a hapny = ion. I almost /into myself for the rds I am about to speak, etill, they are better said before marriage than after." Ire etopped abruptly and looked at her. Still no gleam -of the truth dawned up- on. Evelyn, Every heart should be mated to the one for which IleaVen intended ft. Is it not so?" he aGked earneatly. "les," replied Evelyn, slowly. "You would not care to IceeD your pledge th inc th be• my bride if yeu thought I did not love you, would you?" he pure sued, duelling painfully. "No," replied Evelyn, little dreaming what he would gay .next. uld you say if I were to tell you frank- ly and honestly that if I were to leaskYolt to the altar, it Weald be as au unloved bride? I would save you from this before it le too leito. I threw myself upon your mem% itioveeauv: .tfoumryselefniit;,andgemtowitteve me. I - if you hold me to eald slowly, "but I oannot deceive you. I must tell You the truth -my heeet has gone out to another, and yet my,word is pledged to you. You hold your fate and mine, in your on! white li slender whianas, Evelyn. my don wile," he whiepered hoareely, "and I learn it witli you to decide what our future in to bo." How little he knew there, would be lit. tle hone for him if the decieion rested in the Lands of her Who wee deaf to all else eases her deep and desperate lovo for hiSmlie"lhf'ael sinned so terribly for his love -was Heaven intendieg to wreak this bitter vengeance upon her for spoiling the life of Little Gay? But no -she would marry him in, Anita of all -she •would hold him to his prornMe though he hated her.. She would never give him up. (To be continued.) "OBEY" LEFT OtiT OF SERVICE P.'s Daughter Who Married Atli- . tete Is it Suffragette. The recent wedding of Miss Cicely Corbett, the daughter of 0. S. Cor- bett, the late English Member of Parliament for one of the SUSSEX divisions,' had a epeenal inte,3est, as the ceremony was arranged so as te h`vozScl thOse parts of the Church Iservige. wleicle include the wife's piEntise Eo 7obeier; : The -bridegrooniFish- was' a three-tmai'ttee back in the. Oxford Rugby team of 1908. Mies Corbett i8 de keen suffragist ,and a number of people interested in the movementt were present at the .wedding. It was held at Hor- sted Keynee, where her fatherlives, and the place was the Gongrega- tionel Hall of the village. •'At oree.iend of theltaJ,l wa,s it plat - •form wiilrforir chaire upon ite and to this ellatform advanced the3 bride, ,her farther, the bridegroom and the best man, while a march wa..s.phey,ed upon the organ, Then enitered the registrar, and the bride and bride- gr:00111 rnade the legal cleclaratione, svhicli-V,Cer.3 supplemented by the exehange ef Warlrlieue .The Tag/Arita:. then re ered, cafhirt;maaans,00191 pathie,s with tile Suggestion for the 0m3ssion ef the "obey" sentence from the s,erviee are ae.leekely well Jzne";:i;; gift lch:olit had cl&ITeitt a.cldress, It should be seid 'that by this time the brielegr00% had ex- tha,nged plaee,s with the ..peicle's thatethe bride an' the i4dgliqiii t(I'd'6-erti, ne side of the platform Peel the best man and the hriele's father on the other, Beatthy is en y skin cleept espece ally if a ,girl hasn't any mency, M. • • Pure, Wholesoche and, !Delicious, with a full- ness of 'flavour not founc$ in orclinary TEAS IN LEAD Ps1COCIETS oat Black &Mixed atnd Qreen SURPRISED LADY ABERDEEN. A millionaire whose "mind-read- ing" Orme astonished Lade Aber- deen is Warren Y. Soper, vice-pre- sident of the Ottawa ElectrM C.om- pany and director of almost a score of others. - In hip earlier days Mr. Soper was a telegraph operator, and a goo.d. one'd; so gooin fad, that his expeit feats with the Morse code once lea him to give an exhibition. Their Excellencies Lord an.d Lady Aber- deen—for it was during their stay in Canada --were present. On the stage, blind -folded, sat a gentleman, while Mr. Soper, pass- ing through the audience, was hand: ed a number of articles. Each he scrutinized, but he -neither spoke nor made any sign. In every case the "subject" on the stage celled out an accurate description of the article. Then Lady Aberdeen supplied the supreme test. Writing upon her Warm Y. Soper. programme a sentence, she handed it to Mr. Soper, requesting that he transmit it mentally to the man on the stage. "I see a sentence'of,five words" called out the "subject" a few seconds later, and lie repeated the exact words. The astouishinent was profound. But when the excitement had died down Mr. Soper simply said t "Not telepathy, but telegraphy." And from hip pocket he took a small coil of wire, the other eildeef "WhiCh, en- closed under a carpet, was in the ti pocket of the "subject:" The mes- Sages had eimply been transmitted' y his expert touch system. • PROFIT SHARING BONDS. Attractive .FOrtil of Investment. TORONTO .CORESPiJNDUcE INTERESrINC Blig OF OcIdEIP FROVI ,• THE QUEEN Orry BitirgYthan's Glsgulaa-Thedtes censor-, 'e Generous 'Oeur'efetion-Boe ' Whee •Itey, Cleherndonned. whie- . kers 'and. beer, arIc blue epeeteelcis ang theught a Witt for the "gods" ',at Mich/eta theatre Alm other. 'afternoon he, 'Made 'a -hit with ',tha'young "apertS".libe f ',genera the' barinagne he-0es, ,Even if he. had Come to ,spy,on the, perforrawnee, these, ade edited hlpeoriginelety and' the, manner- in; which he carried out, his plan, , The show Wee entitled rillearite's Dough. tore,' though ln reality it was a ma -cle- aver .performance of ..,the "Daeling's of, • Bartel' whioh got co much notoriety through ethe expoeuree of Rev. 11. B, Et. Clair.Mr, Coburn. was aware ofetlike 10±1and deoeded tosue tho brat performance. So he deithed his disguine and' heeded fee „the gods. Big bine &apace Were so opaque he could liar ly see, and le. had diffieulty getting un the stairs, The theatre at- tendants put Mtn in the back row. and wondered why: the box .oftlee had eeld a. ticket ta a blind man, as he seemed to be. Then they got enepielous. They ethesy what ODante's Daughters" really vote and were on the look -out foe elergYmen'ePles like -M 81. Clair, visited the 'pre- dilatr. who. on last year, They exaniined their blind man closely, discovered his disguiee and tried to ,sject him. But lie stood his ground, and they had to leave him for the whole performance. AB stated, the crowa admired his ingeniouenesu and pleek, It, is DoeSible the ond of the Star theatre is in eight, though it is too soon yet to prophety. An amalgamation of what they' call the "Wheels," that is the management of the eireuits, sending out burlesque per- formances, has resulted in the Star' then- tre, 'reroute, being "frozen out," and after the present season ft will no longer be able to get attractionts of any kind from its present source. The proimMtor is try- ing to organize it wheel of hl own to include other cities and Toronto, and he- n:my be successful. While there are two burlesque theatres in Toronto, some comment has boon eaused bv the fact that the carnytaign for clean. Lae up the theatres, which found its chief inspiration in Rev: 11, B. St. Claire rev - lations and eharges,liaa been almost nc e. tirely directed againet the Star. A Newspaper Censor. Since the appoitament of well. Banks, Sen., to the position of ceneor, there have, however, been few complaints. Mr. Banks is 0 newspaper men of many yeare' standing, a prominent 'member of the Globe etair and foremeet in estrum frater- nal and social oeganizations. He is a canny Scotof quick perceetion and shrewd judgment, with a will to back up his opin. out, it ie cut out. And that's th ions. So when he says something has to be cut o . and of it. In his work lie is aseieted by two other newspaper men. who devote Monday af teruoous end eoveral eveningn a week to tvhisaittinzortylitehitymerioar 0entltileittrieeereia.nd seeing Much of the oensor's work doee not ap- penr- cm the surfath. For examnie, it is said that lie virtually prohibited the an. rearance here thie seaeon of Gertrude Hoff. naan, a famoue dancer, who reduces wear- ing amearel to a nthininium. The story is that he put hie foot down and said if the put on bee act here Ite wonid put her In jail. Anyway eheeliasn't come yet. Mr. O'Keefe's Minns. • afr. Bugone-O'Keefe, who, at the time of writing, M strielcen with a ourthus is ono of the prominent citizens of To- ronto, and poseibly the foremont Roman Catholic laymen in the Province. St. Augustine Seminary, width is now roaring Its walla on its splendid elle on Beerboro Bluffe. about ten miles mist from tho tor - nor of King and, Yonge streets, will stand 00 00 monument to his nubile spirit and affection for his chueoh. Ilia gift to the project in 1910 of $150,000 made the enter. nrise Poseible, and he has subsequently made eubstantial additione, .This ie no means the total of hie genereeity to Mother Church, BB he has for yearn been a generous contributor in all departments. On ono occasion he ureuented o church, namely St. Monica'n, valued ta sOttle 933,- 0D0.0r, attoi 0 tnim Roman Catholic Ephseolial Car- - Chamberlain to the Pone. In recognition of his services and char - eater he was in 1909 appointed Obamber- lain to hin Holiness the Pope. Mr, O'Keefe is now e very olcl man, bo' the 86 years of age, but until hie 'recent illness he retained unusual nativity, In finauelal °hellos he is nroroluent, beirg Preeldent of the Home Bank, but it Le the busincee of brewing that Imo N1..111014(1 him with hie life work and bee been the soutce of hie wealth. Originally a, bark Work. he organized in 1861 the Victorin Brewing Co., afterwerde merged in the nresent comnany. Though born" in Cork County, Ireland, he lute livid in Toronto since he was seven, Yeare old, Biggest Crass In the World. St. Augustine Senthiary te to fnruleh a 'alnlitg leetitutlon fon the CatholJe xt te to be surenountea by a huge ees, 16 feet high, with a cross PMee of An atbractive.folder which will be of great interest to capitalists who are looking for to safe • investment yielding 7 per cora., and which of- fers at the same time leoseibilities of bringing in still further profits, may be obtained by writing to The National Securities Corporation, Limited, Confederation Life Build- ing, Toronto, N This -latter Company has been particularly sueeessfulin developing and financing various industrial en- terprises. The in vestintnt cleserib- ea in this folder'is in the form. of profit sharing bonds with interest at. 7 per cent, payable semi -aunt - ally. Women Now Smoke Pipit's. Englishwomen, are developing the smoking habit mere than ever. Of course they do not as it rule get be- yond eigarettee, but recently a pe- tit bnenel of eigare has been put en the market. It is ,eoznething like the thin cige'rettes which one buys on the corttinent for a couple, ef centimesemxcept• that the flavor aatd strength are more akin to the Egyp- tian -cigarette. It is a leaf cevered cigarette, with sufficient pungency th make the fair emoliers think they are doing something daring in light- ing what Ideks like it cigar, Sometimes. "Do you think a, woman believes you 'when you tell her she is the first girl you evgr loved I" ' "Yes, if you're the first liar she ever met." ont o6, 226.. oW.3, Ldkin/4 IT'Vmt 'de #t' ,)cr$ 49/414/COAreP44 -gbeeel4Rela4 IN 100 cutAtaa'r, SIMPLEST Rae osST /10mE, DYE, ono von bove.Why you doa ovon havo to Onow what 111000a3 Cloth' youlr'COolle 00 niarto of.••Solliloniton pro Impossible. ' Sond for rroo Color Clod, Story Dooldot• nod Boaltiot =urn of Dyeing over other colofe. Tho 0000NSON4t1014A11.DSON CO.••LImited, • Plonflopl, Canada, C toot.'P1110 crose will be 500 feet above the level of Lake Ontwrie, as compared to the 328 feet elevetion of the weather vane on St, eamere Cathedral staple. The ernes is to bq illuminated with eighty strong electric lights and will, no doubt, be impressive. It is asto that it will be the largest illuminated moan hi the world. XII coneeotion wlth the lighting of this croee there may be an interesting con- troverey. 2t le said that the present .plane of the Church are to light it only en cer. thin oceasions. governea by the Church celebrations. But there will, no doubt, be a (toluene on the mut or sailors on Enke Ontario to have it lighted oontinuously, ne it will be the meet powerfal Imanon 00 the lake. 21 11010 la te be done, the Chureh will ask the Government Go pay for the maintenance,And ono can see the posni- batty of religioull controverey which will (trims if the Government paye for the light - the of a cross for the Roman Catholic) Chureh. It is so easy for this country to drop into panatella controversies. Tito Seminary le to be Open in Augunt next, with Rev. Dr, Kidd. Who wan flee. retary to the late Archblehop McEvoy, In charge as Pre.sident: Dr. Kidd is an On. tario product, a native of Adjala town. d'PliPor.orito'e gtherth shelve eigri of slack - Toronto Still Booming Along, . ening off. Building permite for .the month of March totalled practibally 92,000,000, at compared to $1,500,000 in Marche 1912, The number was 732, eel against 614. April will be another record month. They tvill include the new Royal Bank building at the north.eaet corner of King and Yong streets, which is to be 20 stories high, and will cost in toned ligurea a ,eool million dollars 'rhere will also be a new 9300000 theatre, the. new Doininion Bank building and other important strueturce. Hon. W. T. White, TorOuto peocle, regardless of party poltiee, are following the Finance Minis- ter's eareer with the keenest interest, Hon. W. T. White is a real neteve eon, mid be him been smashing ,welekered axioms, so why elmuldn't they be taking an interest In him? Ile hoot proved for one thing that to be a Ministerial meccas dew uot imply a urevious training ae a professional poll- titeian, And that 10 it good thing for the country to know. AA Finance Minieter he has not been -revolutionary, And To- ronto thinks that outeide Mr. Borden he is the stronge,st, man in the Cahinet. Signs of ths Strain. His friends note with nopeo apyeety !bet Ids hair ie turning grey mid that the fill,. rows 'on 'his brow are deepening. Can. ado loade lier Cabinet ivfinisters With El tremendeme amount of detail and at the earn° time demands scrupulous exaotitmle iu the, despatch of each •trivial Rent of business. And the position of lainieter of Finance le probably the most outstanding illustratMn of thew, things lit ehe Thomas Riley was found guilty o mf . .eneletegliter in tm, . al at Hamilton foe killing of his wife a cemple of 4Ke4) yeees in the. ile3e;eceeetealw'Elr c months ago, iinti was setae/mei] ' . 7 " .., -eery. a , • PPR MAkG�p SO.FTE I NIG WATE FtEM OVI NG PA I N T, DISINFECTING SINKS. '&7' CLOSETS, D RAINS, ETC. SOLD EVERY wi-iERE REFUSB SUBSTITUTES 2 PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS ISEP9RTS PROM , TBE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA. .. Prices of Catilo, Crain, Choose and Other ProdUco at Home and Abroad, ereaesietts.' '1, - ornete. April 8.-^Elour-90 per cent. Detente, $3.90 to 53.91, Montreal or Toron- to freights. Menitobas-First patents, in jute bags, $5.30; !Jewett .patente, in jute bags, 94.89; etroug bakeree in jute bage. Manitoba Wheat -No, 1 Northern, 97 lac, 011 track, Bay Porte; No, 2 at 95o; No. 3 at 2-20, Bay portn. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and. red wheat, 94 te 96c, outelde, and sprouted,. 75' to 88e, Oats -Ontario oats, 33 to 340, outside, and at '37o, cm troth, Toronto, Weethen Canada, oats, 41100; for No. 2. and 391-60 for No. 3, Bay Ports. Peas -90e to .81, outside. Barley -Forty -eight -lb, barley of good quality, 51 to 52a, outside. Seed, 40 to 500. Corn -No, 3 American corn, 58 1-2e. all - rail. Rye -Prices nominal, Buthwheat-No. 2 at 62 to 53e, outside. Bran -Manitoba bran, $19.60, in bags, To. ronto freight. f3horts, 922, Toronto. • Country Produce. Buttere-Dairy prints, ehoice, 26 to 210; do., tubs,. 25 to 260; inferior, 20 to 21e; creamery, 32 to 33e for rolls, and 29 to 30c for solide. Eggs --22 to 230, in a jobbing way here, and at 18 to 20a, outside. Obeese-14 1.2e for large, and 14310 for twins. Beans -Mind -picked, 92,25 per bushel; Paimes, $2.25, in a jobbing way. Honey -Extracted, iu tine, 121-60 to 13o nor lb„ for No. 1, wholesale: combo, 92.50 to $3 ner dozen for No. 1 and $2.40 for No. 2. PoultrY-Well.fatted, dean, drY-Pleked stock.-Ohickens, 17 to 19e per lb.; fowl, 13 to 14e; ducks, 16 t iSo per lb.; goose, 17 to 18c; turkeys, 20 to 21e. Live poultry, about 2o lower than the above. Potatoee-Good °uteri() (stock, 60e per bag, Oil track. and Delawares at 70 to 72e ner bag, on freak, Provisions. Bacon -Long dear, 141-2 to 14 3.4o per lie in ease lots. Porlc-Short cut, $26 to $27; do., mess, $21.60 to $22. Hame-Medium to light, 18 to 10 1-4c; heavy, 161-2 to 170; role% 101-60; breakfast bacon, 19 to 191-2o; backs, 27e. Lard-Tiorcee, 14 1.4e; tubs, 141-60: pails, 1434o, Baled Hay and Straw. Baled Itay-No. 1 at* 012 to $12.26, on track, Toronto; No. 2, 910.50 to 911, Afixed hay le quoted at $9.50 to $10, Baled Straw -$0.20 to 99, on track, To- ronto. Montreal Markets. Montreal, April 8, -Cern, American No. 2 yellow, 611-2 to 6l3'2. Cate, Canadian Western, No, 2, 41 1.2o; Canadian Western, No. 3, .39e; extra No. 1 feed, 40 to 40 1.2e. Barley. Manitoba feed, 51 fe 52e; Malting, 70 to 75c. Butikwherit, No. 2, 66 to 58e. Flour, Man. Spring wheat patents, firsts, 10.40; seconds, 84.90; etrong batten , 94,70; Wineer Detente, choice, 85.26; straight rot. Mrs. 94:05 to $4.90; etrafght rollers, tome, 02.20 to $2.35, Rolled oath, barrels, 54.36; bags, 90 lbs., 9205, Bran, 920. Shorte, 922. Middlings, 925. afeuillie, $30 to 935. Hese No. 2 per ton, ear lots,. 911.50 to 912.50. Cheese, finest weeterns, 1.3e; finest mite erns, 121.3 to 123.4o. Butter, ehoiceet creanierY, 30 to 31o; Beconds, 27 to 29e. Eggs, [realm 23 to 24e. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 60 to 70c. Winnipeg Wheat. Winnipeg, April 8, -Cash prices:-Witeet -No. 1 Northern, 175-00; No, 2 Northern 547-50; No. 3 Northern, 815-10; No. 4. 75 No. 5, 9)1-00: No. 6, 67 1-2o; feed, 69c; No. 1. rojeoted limes, 79 3-4c; No. 2 do„ 771-4o; No. 3 do., 74`3.4e; NO. 1 tough, 80 3.4e; No. 2do., 701-00; No. 3 do., 75 1-2e; No. 4, 711.00; No. 6 do., 66 1-2e; No. 6 do., 60 1-2e; feed, tough, 510; No. 1 rod Winter, 89 0.8e; No, 2 do., 56760; No. 3 do., 015-10; No. 4 do., BO 3.4e, Oats -No. 2 C. W., 336.00) No. 3 0. W„ 31e; extra No. 1 feed, 32e; No. 1 feed, 31e; No. 2 feed, 27c. Barley -No, 3, 473.4n; No, 4, 46c; reteeted, 41e; feed, 40e. Flax -No. 1 NAV., 91,07 1-2; No. 2 C. W., 01,240'4; No, 3 0. 10,, 97e. United States Markets. etinne'itholis, April 8 -Wheat, May, 86 1-2o; ;illy, 00)-4e; September, 051.4 to 83300: Cash -No, 1 hard, 88c; No. 1 Northern, 86 to 071-60; NO, 2 do„ 0334 to 651-60: No. 3 yelloW corn,491.4 to Me; No. 3 white mita, 301-2 to 310; No. 2 ryc, 64 to 6601 bran, 81.6.80 to 917.00: Flour -prices tuichanged.• Duluth. April 8. -Wheat, No. 1 hard, 6600 to 8l7.9c; No. 1 Northern, 85 3-8 to 86 7-8e; No. 2 do., 623-8 to 83 7-8e; Montana, No, 2 hard, 87 6-8e; May, 87 3,8e; July, 89e bid. Linseed on track, $1.23; to arrive 91.- 25; mew. 51.24 1-4; July, 91,261.2 asked; Sep. Umber, $1.28 1.2 nominal; October, 01,28 bid, Live 'Stock Markets, 'Montreal, Amil 8,-Salee of eheiee eteere were made at 0760 to 5775; good at 97 to 57.25, fair at 96,50 to $6.75, and the, lower grades at from 95.25 to 96.25 Der mt. Choice buthher cowe, 06.25 to 95,50, and common ae low as 94, and bulls ra,nged Goon: $4 to 9640 per cwt. Spring lambe from 96 to 98 each. Inferior calven, '91 to $3 each, but the better stock sold froin $5 to $12 eaele Selected lote of hogs sold 96,10 to . 87,00; good median', at 010,75, with a few lots bring:I:toes ih6.i0trol: BB $11 per awt., weighed air cure. . Toronto, April a -Cattle -Choice buthher contmon, 95 to 06.25; cowe, 94.73 to 95.65; bulls,. 93 to $5.25; canners, 92. to $2,60, 93.-- 25 to e3.75. Calyese-Good veal, $5 to $9,60; eel:amen, 83 to 93,25. Stoolters and 'Feed- ers -Steers, 700 to 4,000 pounds, V1.60 to 95: 75; yearlings, ps, to to .93.30. Milkers and epriugers-At from 950. te 972. Sheep and lambs -Light ewes, 86 to $7.25; heavy, B3 to 96; lamb% 98.26 to $10; buelcs, $4.50 to $6. Hoge -$5,85, fed and. watered, $9.50 L. 0.b., and 910,15 off cars, PICTURES BROKEN , Ey Suffragettes. Manchester Art Gallery Attacked A despatch from London eaye ; The •Suffragettes made a wholesale attack on the pieteres in the Men- chester Art Gallery OD 14111;:seig OuVnelig tlhniribollym nhepjoati,..a.81d ,1eioat,slisue 17mP r , " -wos were ch9,0iir piet-agro: 11. flain,re‘asia., ed. Thre,31, ./.4,,110esNY,eeir.ee decorated .wibh stiff r avite oolore, A GOOD HABIT e Tea when xou are tilredf m PartieUleMY if it's LIPTON tE't:e lioart. Mise Lena 11,0y, ft Veatteo.o, ' H. R. Parsons bas been opoint- cl city engineer of Pete.i.boro. Ottawa b,earl that'F. 1317, Gutelius, mkle genera ,nianegei, of j;J weeeLf60.fitc111:' 781follgileltilnedie111:31 'present hbs ae 1 IND iv of Iamee Moore, a mine jtkemria'iik,-.." a, bullet wound itt ' Goes farthest fOr the money 4114109.114uPoisskiniftosig ee, diah Orly aged otoentvlit No‘l,E7-"''•-• ' ried `to.' HOA, Ittino Von *-.118teb . , I Rathbone, a rl'anlisil uolde '17 4" Prince Albert, Sask. ' • \ .. ' THE NEINS IN A PARAGRAPH HAPPENINGS PROM ALL LIVED TIIE GI.0112 IN .& Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Tout Eves. Canada. . John Pitcher, who lost both legs in a' -ear eccident at Brantford, is dead. A crude copper hook, poseibly of pre-historie origin, was unearthed at Fort William, Hon. Colin Campbell will likely retire f rom the Manitoba. Cabinet because of ill -health.' • Farmers in Sydney to wn.ship, around Kingeton; report that rail- way surveyore are busy 'and think the I.C.R. is behind it. Montreal Chamber of 'Commerce will die the Government to coznpel banks to establish a fund to guar- antee deposits. Great Britain. Lady Pitman, second wife of the inventor of tifierthand, is dead at BaStubffregettes are blamed Ger it small fire in the Tree Church at Hampstead. Incendiarism had been threatened. The Rothschilds have subscribed $15,000 of the more 'than $100,000 whMh the ,National League has raised to oppose woman'e suffrage in Britain. United States. Connecticut woman euffregislis have lost their fight in the legisla- ture. Glenn Curtiss, the American avi- ator, considers an Atlantic flight possible. Eighty bodies have to far been re- covered at Columbus and 129 at Dayten, Dr. Friedmann has suspended treatment of patients in New York because his bacilli incubator has broken down, The provisions of the will of J. P. laergan ;will not be crivulged until it is filed for probate. This may not be fit- eeveral months. The Gemmel ship Golumbue with a crew of 25 and 8,900 bereels of oil, which left Bayonne, NI., Dec, 20, for Bristol, has never been heard of. A bile of this -and a taste of that, all day long, dells the appetite and weakens the digestion. Restore your stomach to healthy vigor by taking a Noel:ern-Co Dyspepsia Tablet after each meal—and cut out the "piecing'. Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Tablets are the best friends for sefferers from indigestion and dyspepsia. 500. a Box' at your Dreggises. Made by the National Drug and Chemical GO. of Canada, Limited. , 14.9 1..ArkZ476 e orn On the Cob dr Shelled. /MP. Lenrain. or While Gap X, Dela 91.35 per buslim. Longfelioiv e1.501- ,Oonipteres 81.60. Freight paid in Ontario ori -10 buehels or more. Bags free, IVrite for eatalogue. GEO. KEITH & SONSViToronto, • Seed merehaete (once 1866. 1 .104w ELI! . 0,GH speto 1• cHAM PioN la in a class by Itself -the easiest running, the most substantfally boot the most satisfactory tydsher, eVer washer Woreed with creak -hanele at side es well ae toolever-nne the oely one whore the Miele top Ask Deer dieter, le elleve yeti illo Chpinplan" Waster., "Favorite!' Churn es the world's best chum, Write for mtalogia 60016 0100000(11 &SONS ST. UMW'S. Otto'.