HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-10, Page 2a. 1), MeTAGOART, M. D. McTAGGAIIT • McTaggart Bros. -- BAN KERS --- A GENERAL 13ANTRING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. NOTES DISCOUNTED, D]IAFTSIS$IJED. INTEREST ALLowin) ON DE- POSITS.' SALE NOTES PUR- CHASED.. I'. RANCE - VOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE "INSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING let FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT orricE, CLINTON. W. BRYDONE, BARRISTERa.SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON 'CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, 'Etc. . 'REAL ESTATE •and INSURANCE Iseter of Marriage Licenses .HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDIER ' Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Dr. J. C. Gander, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. DR. J. W. SHAW -- OFFICE - RATTENBURY ST. EAST, -CLINTON HR. C. W. THOMPSON , PHSYICIAN, SURGEON, ETC. Special attentiop given to dis- eases of the Eye, Eel', Nese and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of " the Commercial Hotel, Huron St. 1111. F. A. AXON -- DENTIST -- Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Cradirwbe of C. C.D. S., - Chicago, and It.C.D.S., To. .ronto:. I3ayficld an Mondayfrom Blay December. • 1R'&1NA, J. . t&YeSX. • - TIME TABLE - Trains will' arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV: Going East, 7.35 a. m. 3.07 p. in, 6.15 p. m. Going West, 11,07 a. m, 1 1 1.25 p, m. 6.40 p, m. 4 11.28 p. m, LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV a Going South, Going North, !I 41 7.50 a. m. 4.23 p. m. .11.00 a. m., 6,35 p. m. TRADE 'Milli RFS __ ,DESIGNS • . , CPPYRIGHTS &C. ' Anyone sending a nicetah and deserlatIon may quickly aspertnin, oar opinion free whether an , l'giagge.i'iyllit.ntlratirrtilittgaitheelSerggie oontfrae,.. 1,3wit agency o ing indents. .Patente ante tlfrough Blume St Co. seeelve J ,s,co_tatti.otioe,-a2thout char e.,. la th , i . ' ' $danilfic tatr can. ' . , ... IA ' Saildriomoly llinarated weekly.Largest elr. eidetic,. of 'arm .seientlit , purled. Terms for ' Canada, 5li.72 a .year, Postage Preeitid. Sold by aunowsasaters. . , -MUNN Lou, , ,,- 3613 olakia7,:Net1 YOTR Branca yinao. as la St,-Vinablatzton.L.„ 0. LIPPINCOTT S t3r4THLV riflACa7AZdaiR, ', - Ffery.fett..v_Le 4,11A sly e ' Ihe'tesi in kiant Literature 1 .,, , 12c.m,...zr. NOVELS )(EARL,: A ANV SHORT STORiES Af‘10 ..PAPERS Op 1111441.11' TOPIC:.3. ..$2.50,PenVE:Ati ; :IS CIS. A CO,Pi, [NO CbialTle1,0-63 ,',i5TOSIIE51 ' 'SA! E.:RS.1'0.7CA O'ER COIVIALETE•ILI ITSELF Bran, orts and Flour Eroin the Best liitio at the lowest possible price.. WE PAX THE HIGHEST PRICE for OATS, PEAS and BAR- LEY, also HAY for Baling. Ford & McLeod THE.DEST IF YOU WANT THE • BEST COAL AND PROMPT DE- LIVERY, SECURE YOUR SUPPLY FROMUSI ORDERS LEFT- AT ROW- - LANI5'S HARDWARE STORE PROMPTLY AT- TENDED TO. J. W. STEVENSON • GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County • of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements, can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, -or by. calling Phone 13 on 157. " Charges moderate, and satisfaction ' guaranteed. D. N. WATSON CLINTON, -- ONTARIO ' Licensed Auctioneer for the Cennty of Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Charges moderate and sati-sfaction guaranteed . Immediate arrangementa for Salo bates may be made by calling at The News -Record Office, or ,on 'Testi* Watson at Beacom & Smyth's grocery. • THOMAS BROWN Licensed Auctioneer for the Conn - ties of Minns and Perth Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangem.eets' can be .made for Sale Dates, at The News -Record, Clinton, ,or by calling Phone 97, Sestforth. Charges moderate 'and satisfaction guaraeteed • ' The Zcliillop Mutual MO Insurance Downy Farm and Isolated Town Property only Insured --el- OFFICERS 3. B. McLean, President, Seaforth P.O.; Jas. Connolly, Vice -Presi- dent, Goderich P0.-; T, E. Hays, Secretary -Treasurer) Seaforth P.O. -Directors -- D. F. 'McGregor, Seaforth; John Grieve, Winthrop;;William Rine, Constafice; John Watt, Harlock; John Benuewies, Brodha,gen ; James. Evans, Beechwood; M. McEven, Clieton P,O.. -- Agents - Robert Smith, Harleck; Er Hindi. ley, Seaforth; William Chesney, Egmeond.eville; W. Yeo, Holmes. via Any money to be paid in may be paid to Morrish Clothing Co., Olin. ton, or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich Parties desirous to effect •insur- ance or trapsact other business will be promptly attended to on ap. plication to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post - offices. Losses inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene. Clinton News -Record CLINTON, -- ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, in advance e $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of' the pub- lisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. , Advertising Rates -- Transient ad. vertisementa. 10 cents per non; pa.rell line for first insertion and 3 cents per line for each Subse. qeent insertion. Small advertise. ments not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost," "Straysd,,' or , "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 15 cents, and each subsequent in. sertion 10 cents. Communications intended for puh. lie atie ri xniist, as a guarantee- o f good faith, be aecompanied bI the , mime of the writer. W. J. MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor, 50 EusTy fateteeted ana'sia.Und know abont tlie,wOndolni ' Mpoy,01 • A ale Jonr iltagaist thr /WI( It. 'af'ho cannot supply the Hairtrista anneat no .. - .other, bet aced stamp for Slug, ' k , trated'Intelr-son ed. It g' f It i :.11),e "Inan „-,,y.ho. 'stands on , his clig partial -Ilan, and direetione l'nyv',71uhin ' , ,_...,__ .. _....,,,„ ,.„,,ts ...,,,„ 0 tired ,fs.h, ..,.„!,,i,,,,,, '2 isaiscaextsosortstaseaveoatenia, a ,esiiee I. easuts for Calmat,. Sai ill bY .4., ''.. ' SI, ' Other PeOple, ' . .. Biliousness is certainly one of the most disagree - Q.)010 Bilonl4d'h!h.c.j1 ikcir to Coated Ionglie--aiWi taste in the mouth -nausea ---- diviness - these combine to Make life a burden. The cause is a diSordered liver -die clue Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills. They go straight to the root of the trordile, put the liver right, cleanse the stom- ach, and bowels, clear the tongue and take away the bitter taste from the mouth. At the first siga of bilious- ness take •. Dr. Morse's 40 Indian Root Forty years in use, 26 'years. the standard, prescribed and , recent-. Mended by physieia li s. For Wtintaies Ailments, Dr. Mart -era' Female Pills, at „your druggist. 'MET A LITTLE MENTHOLINE On Your Lips- , "CHAPS GONE" It quickly heals Cracked hands Cold 'Sores Chilblains Arr immediate remedy for Cold, in Head and Headache You ,ean get it at The Rexall, Store W. S. '11. HOLMES, PAX. Manufaaturing Chamist ALL KINDS OF COAL, WOOD TILE BRICK TO ORDER. I Air kincls of Coal on'hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL - STOVE CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLA.CESMITHS WOOD 234 in., 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. ARTHUR FORBES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 52. MOO= CENTRAL sTRATFORD. ONT. The best practical training school in --Ontario, • Three de- partnients-Commereitti, Short- hand and Telepaphy. All courses are thoroligh and prac- tical, -Teachers are experimited and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual attention and students -may enter at any time. Write for our free catalogue at once. ALL WORK SI -10111,D BE PLAY Education, Labor, And Any Sort Of Toil Should Be Considered As Such "Then they departed 15(0 the Presence of ,the counsil," rejoicing that they were accounted worthy to _suffer shame for his naine."---Acts 41, 'Beauty is its own payment. "Vir- tue it Its own reward," We have heard that ever since we NV er,e school children, but few of ne ever have reached a full understanding of. • what the grew(' philosopher ince-nt. I think thet the parents of Noahhad eemething of this eub- lime idea when they pamed their Child. AS is explained in the Scrip- tures-, they named him Noah be- cause he was to bring them "COM - fart in their woi k" • he wil's lo make their werk enjoyable, Joseph had the same idea ,when he name,ci his SOU Manasseh, be- cause he said, "Ide has made me forget my. toil.'' The a,postle said, "Count it all joy when ye fall into divot% teinptations.'", To present, this subject in as, con- densed a form as I ean, I will say that at last Christianity, 'working out into, seciefy and, giving its slow; but ,continual ithpulse to the; mod- een editca.tional affairs-ortliefworkl, , has' brought into being the kinder- garten -that is, the Christian, the godlike idea concerning the e,duca- tion of the .world. Education, labor, and any soet of toil ought to be play. There eleteild be no such thing as hard work in the world, as we underetan•d the 'modern eerie& of that term. Ali Labor Should Ile Piny, and all play, in the opposite sense, should he labor. • . Now, un,d,er the kindergarten ays- teno. the -fundamental idea is the Christian idea expressed in this verse conchrning Peter and John. They were rejoioing that they were „counted worthy to stiffer for his names sake. Even •suffering was a joy. Labor end toil were pleasure and play. When the kindergarten systean was adopted it was a'do'pted' with the idea that we ought to melee this world happier and that people en- gaging in toil ought to do it ina different spirit. Consequently child- hood is taken through a series of plays all the way upward into greater and greater wisdom, and its work is inside sport. That is the new eclueation. It must be carried into higher walks of educational life and the college' student must learn that in order to achieve the ideal type of human- ity he needs to make his study as miteh his play as his baseball or football or rowing. There is too strong a &vision made between CITY CIRCULATION AGENT 01 Leading Montreal Daily Endorses GIN PILLS IV long years of. stiff eri n g from Kidney Trouble - two boxes of GIN PILLS -- and it's all gone. That has been theexperience of Mr. Eugene Quesnel, Chief City Circulation Agent of: 1.'in Patric, of Montreal. He describes it feelingly Montreal, May 3rd, (912 "I have been suffering horn RitIlleY Trouble for over five long y.ears. I had also Rheumatism in alt my bones and muscles, could not sleep nights and on some occasions could hardly walk. I had been treated by some of our , best rifysicians but without relief and I lost over fifteen pounds. One day I met oue of our leading hotelkeepers, who had been cured by your fainous-GIN d'1111,5, an he acivisetline to try thein. So I ladught.TWO boxes at my druggist's and befoic 1 had used one box I felt a big change. • Before I finished the second one WaS completely cured. I can assure yon I can hardly bel.ve it for if I had only known what I know now I would not have spent over One Hundred boileas (pr nothing when two boxes of GIN PILTI eurell ine." ,E.uouNg QT.M;NE.L. GIN PILLS are gaining a world-wide reputation, by the way they conquer the most obstinate cases of Rheumatism and all kinds of Hidney Trouble. sac. a box, 6 for $2:30. • Sample free if you write National Drug, and Chemical Co, of Canada, Limited, Toronto. 1,0 D. A. MoLACHLAN, Principe AS, VII/I100 s Over Conscientious. Dumpleton -- "You're sending yeur daughter to a fashionable school, eren't you ?." Von Blunier-''Yeo,'' "How chies she like it 1" "Fairly-. well, but she complains thaieshe has no time to study." If you utilize the time wasted' in, waiting, it is not wasted. _Christmas is again Over, and as. we start into ,1,91.'J we wish to thank: our patrons for their libesal patronage, .and ,to .intiniate,'. that; ()Ur stock NOR':always be ,so kept tip-f.q:,clate that you 'W111 -naNe* a feeling of satisfaction in dealing with us,- •yV0 P E W EL ER CO' 4:70` ii(11.5511R QF MAR -AGE LICEN5E.5 what js work in college and univer- 'The time' is coming when Christ will have built up that ideal man whose life will be all joy stud play. Not A thing will he be called tion to do which is a duty that he will not do as readily and enthusiasti- cally as if he were engaged in" a game. In the ideal ,Christian of the futui'e that Christ came to build upon the earth, man will all the while be at, Werk in the sense of helping and inspiring. Yet All the Time at Play. What is the pay for the Grecian razee.S 1 One spends four years in discipline of body, he spends many days previous to the race on plain food and in exercises that Seem to be so severe, for the purpose of running fi•om Marathon to Athens. When he has won the • race what does he receive but a crown of leer - els? . He has worked years and months for the purpose of 'getting that crown. Of what use is it to hTml If it were to bring him real ability of mind or high position in the political,. world eves/nigh 3.14.'Ini-. man beings think it' worth 'all -his labor, but he gees only the apPlause of the people who see him enter the stadium., Yet that is gee most An- joyable thing in. his. life. He has worked harder for it than anything he has ever undertaken anal made sacrifices for it such as he hes never made in the daily walks of life -all for the little crown and the„ little applause; ye't he'has enjoyed all the toil. "- - Now, if this ve:iy thought could be taken, as the apostle Paul tried to inculcate it, into the daily living of Christian experience'all 0.1-ir du-ty made but a delightful race like his who is seeking to win the goal, a raee wherein we consider every sac- rifice a joy, and the running the su- premes-t of delight, then. we should have the ideal man Christ had in, view when he came to put his char- acter into" men. -Dr. Ituss,ell H. Conwell. • THE SUNDAY SCHOOL STORY INTERNATIONAL LESSON, A PRIL 13. Lesson II.-Jaeob at Bethel, Gen. ' • 28. 10-22. Golden text, Gen. 2/3. 15. Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, after. counseling her son Ss,cob to flee from the wrath of Esau to Laban, his uncle, in' distant Harem, pro- ceeds to enlist the co-operation of Isaac in furthering her plans ;and enabling Jacob to make the journey in the guise of a suitor, rather than as au acknowledged fugitive from the just anger of a deeply wronged brother. To accomplish her purpose Rebekah resorts to deception and by its practice succeeds in withhold- ing from her aged husband the road reason for desiring that Jacob snail proceed without delay upon the long journey. Apparently also she succeeds in keeping Esau from suspecting her purpose. , Verses 5,-9 inclusive record -the effect On Esau of Isaem's sending Jacob into Padanaram to secure a wife efor "Esau saw that the daugh- ters of Canaan pleased not Isaac, his father; and Esau went unto Ish- mael and took besides the wives that he had, Mahalath, the daugh- ter of Ishmael, Abraham's son, the sister of Nebel -0th to be his wife." Verse 10, Beer-sieba-The name means literally "well of the oath." It \VOA here that Abraham had en- tered into covenant with Aloimelech, king of Gera.);' (Gen. 21. 31). "Wherefore he called that place Beer-slieba; because there they swai•e both of them." A different derivation, however, is suggested in Gen.. 26. 33: "We have found waters And he called it Shibah: thereforethe name ofthe. city is Beer-sheba unto this day." 11 -One of the stones of the place --In the vicinity of Beitin, the site Of ancient ' Bethel, the grcamcl is covered by large sheets of bare stone, with here -end there a rock in upright peaition,'while a little to the southeast a hill rises' to its top in terraces of stone. 12. Behold, a ladder -The physi- cal features of the place,' especially the terraces of stone referred to in the preceding note, seemed in the dream to constitute a lingo stair- case or ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven. 13. Above it -Or, beside him, as the marginal reading of the Re- vised Version indicates. 14. As the dust of fife earth - Compare the similar promises in which the essentleas stars of heaven (Gen, 1 5. 5; '22. 17; 20. 4) and the sand (Clen. 22. 17 ;_ 32. 12), serve as figures to clesceibe .tlic groat num- bee of descendants who ere prom - Thou shaib Sill e,ai.1 abroad -Itch., break forth. To the west-, and to Lhe east, and to the north, and to the south -In the days of its groatest prosperity the united lcinulom actually clid extend as far in every direction as these words of prophecy could pos- sibly. Brig eeineielshrecetealin±n cgtaelincitcoate.th is land-aThe word "again" in old- Enelish is constantly used where we sliciuld say ``back.'' 10. I knew it not --Apparently Jacob had been aecustorned to think of Jchovab's presence sa associated especially with eel -Lain sa,enmcl plaoos at which -his forefathers had dwel and worshipped. He seems to be surprised te fin eak,vai a pros- , se, A GOOD I-IA131T Tea when you are tired particularly if it's-' Goes Farthest for the Money. azzl=a2Ezzazimatzittamertspezzazagartatoszopsoaxactaza ABATT'S -STOUT •The very best for use in ill -health and convalescence Awarded Me-dat and Highest Points in America at World's Fair, 1893 PURE -SOUND -WHOLESOME , JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA 29 ence in this strange and lonely place. 17. Dreadful -Liberally, "te be feared.'' The -heuse of God -The place of Jehovah's own--_ abode and, conse- quently the,gate of heaven. 18. For , pillar -Literally, "a standing stone," that is, a sacred nosnolith such as in early Old Tes- tament times constititted the. dis- tinguishing mails of a sacreclplace, often standing beside an altar. In Exod. 23. 24, and in 2 Kings 10. 26, the "pillars" of the Canaanites are ordere.d to Be destroyed, and in Dent. 16. 22 ibis forbidden to eeect pillars by the altar of Jehovah. Poured oil upon the top of it -- Thereby consecrating it and settims it apart sacredly as marking a place of worship. • " 19. Beth-el-Meaning,literally, "the house of pod." The modern Bejtin is a small village with ruins of early Christian and crusaders' buildings, about twelve miles north of Jerusalem and a little east of the main highway' leading from Jerusa- lem northward to Shechem. The city was Luz at the first - Apparently the sacred place "Bethel" was outside the ancient city; but later the fame of the sanctuary led to the city being known by the same name. Finally Bethel completely superseded Luz. 20' Vowed a vow -As was common among ancient Oriental peoples, this vow consisted of a solemn prom- ise to render to God some service in the event of a particular boon asked for being granted'. •24, 22, And Jehovah will be my God, then this stone -Or, "then shall Jehovah be my God and this stone," etc. Shal be Gd' a house -Not in an idolatrous sense, but '•meaning simply that in the place of the stone there shall be erected at som4 future time a permanent sanctuary for the worship of Jehovah. I will surely give the tenth unto the -the clistineV command to set aside a tenth as Jehovah's portion is given in Lev. 27. 30-32. In Gen. 14. 20; however, Abraham is refer- red to, as .paying tithes (that is. tenths) unto Melchizedek, king of Salem. HORSES XTR A. CT C UBE' 110 0 T. Obtain Correct ,Answers When Train& is Absent. A discussion of a peculiaely lutes- esting eh -a -rector -took place at a re- cent meeting of the French.Phslose- pliica1.„8-ente4y: SocietY has greatly intereetecle itself • in the I`educaleed horses of Elberfeld." The animals are the property of U. Krall, a,nd hehas taught them read- ing, writing and arithmetic, or elaime to hale clone so. - - The horses can extract the square .and cube roots of numbers, per- forming the operation oJ nniltipli- eaten, addition and subtraction which these inv.olve. • The French ,eoeiety has endeavor- ed bo solve the problem presented by these remarka-ble qeadrupede, end invited M. Olaparde, the distinguished"prote..ssor of psychology at the Univer-sity of Geneva, to ad- dress them on the subject. Claparde -said that eince he had seen the horses two Italian sa- vants had obtained a correct an- swer from them at a time when their trainer was ab -sent. No hypo- thesis, he, went on, can ,satisfactor- ily explain the extraordinary fact of which the had been a witness. Even if there were a trick, it in- volyed great intelligence on the pert of the horses; Other contribp-, tors te_the discusgon sugg'esticl the possibility of the horses being trained to 'act in accordance with signs made by -their trainer. X. Darin,' Inspector-Gene:Cal of Public Imetruotion, 'Marvelled that the amimals could learn in a few weeks that which it takes children three and four years'of 'age 'several months to learn. He was especial- ly astonished at the power of read- ing which the animals possess, ' It -Vas. eventually decided tha.t some further experiment should be macle, but all the savaait,s agreed • that, whether there is trickery or not, the a,ninials' perfo•rmances are remarkably interesting ,from the point of view of equine intelligence. True greatness never goes to a man's' head. One of Thomas A. Edlison's new lue Am r ec r 4 was played 3,000 times on an Edison Phonoira.ph--and gave just as true and sweet a reproduction the last time as the first This was not an endurance tone after cOuntlessplayings test for mere hardness. It as it is when new. 'Your WS an endurance test for • Edison dealer will play quality of repreduc- .some ,of these won -4- , tion -to find, if the. • clerfUl records for you Blue Amberol would on au Edison Plion- be as far superior to. 40 °graph. Ask him all other records in to do so today. Thomas A. Ecliuon, Inc., 100 Lekeoide Ave., Orange, N. J, U. S. A. A complete line of Edison Phontioraphs and Records will be found at "WILIL231EMIR., J SI ,Nanitolla Saskatcheivan; Alberta . . HOMESERKIERS 1 SETTLERS, Settlers nod families without live steek . should use REGULAR TRAMS Leaving Toronte 10:20 pan. Daily Threinth ColOnist and Tourist Sleepers ow nomad Trin 0te& each Tue,iley, For settlers travel - Marcie to October ium..litaiye ling with Live stuck Virinnipeg and Return. - 535.03 and effects. Edmonton and Return - 43.00 SPECIAL TRAINS Will lease '1`orboto Return Le)ittiti'lej.twDoall?'10tAntillst.Pr°Dc'rtZ6n TOURPAT slcamtim 050(5Eritoch.2:EDSDA: 112058 iND APRIL on ell e•cculuions, Cornfol table belths, fully oquinned witl, lin1e1i:1s, can be beCtiied nt coLoNis7 can's Oaf moderate rates thieugh local agent. • No &sup or Bertha Nome. Seekers' Teeing Leavo Toronto p.m during March. September and October,' and. at 2 p.m. and , „Ii'lf.Ny, June, July and4uguat. Tht,eue,12, 5res5s,e Toroat.o to Winnipeg, `atiall,Virest Full particulars fi.eni any C.P.R. Agett or write PA ,G. Kurplly, ras.,,,en.2:er Agera,„Torouto S13 N ENT, CI.INTON