HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-10, Page 1No 1776 s-34thYear
Hullett, says
;always get quick ; returns from my For Sale advts. on page 5
of The News -Record,"
a 21 jewel Waltham watch ill
good •
it ' gold filled case for
quality y
$20- You can have it in ' 'a
cheaper case if you wish it.
Other watches proportionately low.
Call and see` our large variety of dependable
watches for a moderate price,
,yrerwelet and Optician
The Royal Bank'
Capital Authorized $25,000,000
Capital Paid-up 11,500,000
Reset ve and Undivided Profits 12,500,000
Total .Assets 175,000,000
325Branches, With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Debosits. General Banking business transacted,
R, E. MANNING, Manager - listen Branch.
1Iie Molsons Bank I
Ineorporated 1855 Established ui Clinton 1879
HEAD Or i ieie MONT ssee,
Interest allowed at highest current rate on sums of 81 and
upward -from date of deposit, Joint accounts allowed.
E. Dowding - Manager - Clinton Brat ch.
TWOhii1toiied sack styles will be cor=
reit and popular this Spring, and
the model here illustrated with wide . lap-
els will be the vogue .with many well-
dressed young men. ig It is an exclusive
20th Century Brand model and we are
exclusive agents for this make of fine
Coat maker oivantedl for our tailoring
department, steady job, good prices.
Motto "A Square Deal for Every Man,"
The Picture House opened on Fri-
day night last and isdoing a good
business, Some such place or aumuse-
ineint as necessary, and wheal properly
conducted should ix well patronized.
The sale' of livery stock on Friday'
last was- very largely attended and
purchasers were present From such
distant points as-.ITamilton, ;Guelph;
Woodstock and Brantford. Bidding
was active: and a clean sweep was
made of the contents of the barn.
The pastor, Rev, D. K. Grant,
preached two : excellent sermons on
On Monday evening, it being the
closing meeting of the season, the
Young Men's Club was thrown open
and there was a good turnout or the
Young people of both sexes and a
minden: of - the older ones, '1'lIe
chief feature of the program was an
address by the pastor on 'elle Starry
Heavens" illustrated. by star neaps.
It was most interesting and was lis-
tened to with much pleasure. Miss
Wilson gave a reading during the
evening and Miss Mary (}len sang a
Charles H., youngest child of Mr:
and Mrs: Charles Wiltse of town,
was called away early Sunday morn-
ing after: a very, brief illness, ` from
meningitis, The little fellow; who
was just turned three, was healthy
and active =tit ' within it few
days of his departure; being only
taken ill on Tuesday, He was a
great favorite with all who 'maw him
and being full of life and stir lie will
be the mere sadly missed in'the fam-
ily circle and by his bereaved par-
ents. The funeral took place o on -
day afternoon the services beine Mcon-
ducted by the Rev, S. J. Ailin, The
pallbearers were : Walter ..Nelson,
Percy Wheatley, .Joe Bramfield and
Gordon `Macdougall'. Amongst ""the
floral tributes which were sent were
lovely wreaths and sprays from Ile.
and Mrs. H. Wiltse,;Miss Raney,. Mr.
and Mrs.. %V. D. Fair, Florence and
13eattlo Fawcett and Mr. antl Mrs.
S.'1+. Castle.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiltse wish to thank
their 'friends and neighbors for the
kindness and sympathy show r- .therm
during the illness of their little one
and since his being taken' away=. '
The elements will persist in being
unkind to the Clinton Spring Fair--
on. Tlmrsday last a little more so
than usual, That is there was scar-
cely a let-up to the rain fall, but in
spite of it all the Pair was a ero-
trounced s,uccess in quality and quan-
tity ef stock exhibited.
The classes were all fell -a .number
of them, to overdowing-and hundreds
of people stood out 'in the raiji all
afternoon watching the best lot of
heavy horses that has ever been seen
at any one time in this pioVince.
,A Man who has been in the Lusts
netts for many years said to -The.
News -Record, "I never before saw so
many horses of such perfect type.
They are certainly nigh class and the
farmers Willis eounity are to be con-
gratulated apon breeding euch super -
T. McMichael and S''o of Hallett
Mr..1VIcMichael has been exhibiting at
Dominion.- and Provincial Fairs for
forty years and has always won "a
good share of peizes in the best eons-
pany, but probably no awards, gave
him more personal satisfaction than
those his stook von at 'the ,'Clinton
won, the Counties 'competition for a
•purse of thirty dollars. Mr. Scott'e
, stock eam win prizes at ahnost any
A gelding • Owned by Mr. Byham
leowcline of the -London Road won
the red ribbon fer being the best in-
dividual . horse at the Fair. Good
judges said the gelding was one of
the most perfect horses ever scea in
the show ring, and Mr. Kowcliffe, as
the breeder, came in tor a good
share of praise. ;
No prize list this district would
be complete without the names of
Geo. Dale. anal Son of Hallett, whe
raiee good horses about as readily as
a duck takes 'to water. 'elle Dales
always have been siiecessfut all a-
round farmers and horse breeders and
doubtless always will be.
. Foe the best carriage ems° in
harness the red ticket was won by
Councillor' Lobb's fine driver.
A number of sales were made at
the Fair including a heavy draft
; team; which Mr. B. ,Rowelifie sold
for $650 and a gelding for which
Mr. Ed. Glen ,of Stanley was paid
The officers of the Fair were zeal-
ous and energetic. President, Snell is
; an old hand at the game and doesn't
lose any interest as the years roll
on. To; Vice -President Hoare the.
Fair owes its inception. Treasurer
Mafurray kept his shoulder right at
the wheel, but for all that, thle great-
er part of the work devolved upon
Secretary Dowding' and he certainly
was tireless in promoting in every
way Possible the interests of the
Fthr. For what he aecotnplished in
the face of somewhat adverse_ but
obvious circumstances 11Q is entitled
to the thanks •of the commureity..
The prize 12St is On Page 6:
Brigadier Scott Potter. of the I-Iead-
quarters, '' Toronto,_ will be in iuwn
for the week -end and will conduct'
special services. in the S. A. citidel
Saturday evening and Sunday. On
•Sunday afternoon the Brigadier, who
was for some time engaged' ,i e S. A.
work in, Japan, will give a lecture
on the- work in• that eouniry, and
will appear in Japanese coetume:
Everybody welcome to these` services,
At the regular meeting of Mur-
phy Lodge, No, 710, on Tuesday .ev
ening apleasant- feature, was intro-
duced when ilii • 11.' J• Guff read an
address to one of the members Mr_
Arthur McCreary, who is shortly
leaving town, and he was presented
with a -handsome umbrella as a lit
tle reminder of the Clinton brethren.
Mr. McCreary replied in'„saitable
terms. and a very pleasant heur was
Both the, services were well attend-
ed on Sunday and were of an ;ini-
preesive and helpful. nature.
Miss . E. Akam gave a, very inter-
esting paper on humility a Virtue
of the Ideal C'liristian Life," - at the
young people's meeting on; Monday
evening, The subject was well tak-
en up and: was much appreciated.
The pastor will preach on the fol-
lowing subjects : on Sunday, next :
Morning i. "The Rock and the Vis-
ion," even`•ng : '`Seeing but not Par-
Mr. Charles Stewart of Ilullect- de-
livered ,eighteen
e-I vered,eighteen hogs to Mr. D. Can-
telon on l'uesday which had in ag-
gregate weight
g-gregateweight of 3800 pounds, • and
for which he received 8351.50. The
hogs were only six months old and
Tams pied Yorks.
IRev. A: E -I. :Drumm, for several
vears - ' pastor of a Presbyterian'
church at Belleville, eat; 'accepted a
call to • the pastorate of a Ilo •vmari-
ville'church. "Mr. Bruins is a 'wel'i
known Clintonran and. before entering
the ministry served an apprentice-
ship in one of the -loom publishing
1 The following railroad rues arrived
in town' on Wednesday evening c f last
week to . be, present at" the Morse
Fair the following day : Messrs. W.
T. Dookrrll pas"sehger agent, C. P.
R,, 13. F Terry, .Great Northern, I.1.
Id. Watkins, Gen. agent 0. N. R., and
1J, Copeland, passenger agent C. &
N. R., Toronto,; Mr. Geo. Barnes,
-general passenger agent N. P, R., De-
troit; Mr. 1t;, J. Weatheston, dis-
trict freight agent, G. T. R., and Mr.
J. McDougall, Stratford, The Chu -
,1 ton Spring Fair -would hardly seen
normal without the presence of these
jolly 'Men of the Road" who ,make
• a point,. of being here annually. Ow-
ing to- the extremely' unfavorable
weather they did not remain all day,
which seemed, a pity as -Clinton nev-
er beforehad such a fine showing of
horseflesh, so good judgessay.
On Friday lastthebaseballs teams, CFruROH„
at the Model School were cho,en .as J The pastor, Rev. J. E. Ford will
follows : conduct, League anniversary services
No, -1, Garden McCartney, Cap- in Hensel' on Sunday next, when the
tain, Bert Taylor, -Robbie. Schrerf;, Rev, Mr. flicks of Hensel! - will
Earle Steepe, Bartley, Managhan preach here.
PercyLaJtld, Melvin Seboenlials, ,Tim 1 Miss Bessie Irwin, who is engaged
Walker, Mliircus Tebrney, Cecil Cooper in Deaconness work' hi Montreal, ad -
,Leighton Walker. dressed the united Leagues of Ontar-
\'o, 2, :F'. Lawrence, captain, II, ice street• and Wesley eburches in Ude
Hill, F, Lottie, 0, Pickett, 1 West, clitcrch on Monday evening, She tuld
G. Walker, W, Cooper; E, Judd, CT,•„ something of the -origin and progress
Evans, II, Lawrence, R. McDonald ' of Deaconness work, its need, :'spec
No, 3, Mervyn Elliott, captain; E. ially in the large cities; and endear -
Evans, fee Coopet, 0, Murphy,' -1.• ored to arouse the sympathy and en
beeves, C,; McGuire, N. Tyndall,' G. thusiasm of the young women ere -
Middleton, S. Allis, W,• -Carrick; II. sent in the work: There was a
Lagleston, good representation of both societies
No,, --Oliver Johnston, captain, present and the address was Itstencd
C. Turner, M. McNeil, W. Walsh, to with interest' and attention, The
Earl Lawrence, W. Sioman, )p. Trick, pastor` occupied the chair,
A. 01arrer; L. Wallis, It ' Manning, 1 The Studer "League. served hot park
.1. McGuire. and beans, sandwiches and coffee and
The schedule for ilce season fs es homemade candy fn an unitised store
follows, - on Mafn street on horse show . day,
1 with 2 on April lith. , I thus' raising quite a nice little sum
3 with 4 on April 15th, 'of money which will be devoted to
j with 3 on April 18th, the Forward Movement for Missions.
2 with 4 on April 22nd, The Women's Missionary Society
1 with 4 on April 25th • I held their Easter Thankoilering on
3 with 2 on April 29th 'Tuesday °venin);, They were Ms -
2 with 1 on May 2nd sisted in the program by a choir
a .:�, �.,. i from the Junior League ; Miss Gladys
Koller ' rendered a piano selection
^ 4 with 1 on May1.dth. Lveryi nicely and Miss Retta'Cook
I sang a solo. Mrs .1E.'h'ord,•Mrs.
3 with 1 en May 20th. ' 1J, W. Moore and Mrs J. E. Cantelon
The , series will open at 4.15 ori each gave,a brief',paper regarding the
Friday aftei;nooe 01 this week with work at various points, all oft which
the Hon. President, T. Jackson Jr: trade` up a ;very interesting program,
in the box, Chairmaa • Rorke at thee-. Mrs, W. ; Harland; in the absence
bat and Principal Bouek at the roe of. Mrs.,, Pattison, occupied the chair,
ceivfng end. I, The r offering amounted to ,nearly
TUE. TOWN COUNCIL, twenty-six dollars. There were pre -
'sent several representatives from
It the meeting of the town council` Sister societies in town, The l;tdies
on Monday night it was decided -to' are holding their :annual meeting In
sign up for three hundred hydro -el.. the school noon this afternoon,
2. on Key
no delay so far • .as this -town is con- PASSING. OF .4. TWITCHELL.
cerued in installing the Pe°Ple's P64- 1.e.A former resident of °linters cros-
er and thus -getting onto the Great sed the bourne. orr Thursday evening
White Way of electrical progress. last when Mr. Arthur C. Tteitchell ef
Leave of abseren 'for three inciniths
StratfOrd passed into the beyond ''
was granted Mayor Gibbings and 'it
is hoped that ere that time has blap- 1,,,-
i The deceeSed was a son of' the late
sed he will have arrived at the (le, Mr. Edward •Twitchells and . was it ..na-
cision that Clinton is -good enough tive of New Yorlc State, but the
/or him. The council wilr; miss las
energetic rule, family came te Cahada when. he was
. .but a child, -first settling at Xing -
In the absence of Ills worship the - . •
ston, Later on the subieet of this
leadership of the council . „will de' sketch farmed at Ambetly and still
volve upon Reeve ' Cantelorie That he later livecc for a time in Goderich,
will fill ' the chair well goes without
-• but for Ahirty years or more he was
saying, and, ff the oceasion- requires
a citizer; of Clinton, having moved to
it, cant perform the duties of a wbole ', sfirattord ni ii ttle matt than two
years ago. '
„ Sepqrintendent Carrick was re-ap- His wife and a family of three
pointed at sie hundred dollars Der
^ soils and four -dough-fere .survive : Ed -
annum, The pey may scent good to 1 .warel of Fargo, North Dakota ; Ro-
those .. wlio .' only see him, driving.
about town ih h0 apparent haste, but Toronto ; ,
what! he has td tio lie does so well Mrs. . IVIurch, Stra,tford ;
Mrs. Marshall, Seaforth ; Mrs, Lew -
that no one tries go jump his job. I is, st. 7,hornas ,irnri miss -Mabel at
It is generally supposed that ' the home. Two brethers also survive :
constant sprinkling of the streets to James `rwitchelf of tow:a anti
keep down the dust .is not good for ,Fratic Twitcholl of Philadelphia, Pa.
the roadway so a try out will lie ,
I Though not having been in the best
made , of oiling them or using a new
mixture called Tarvia. .4t ,any rate •
of health for sorne little time, Mr.
ewitchell followed his usual, °coupe-.
the counsel 'is now seeking for . infer-
: , ton up to the Saturday before his
matfett on the subice,t. death. For a day or so after that
Local option ; was given the Gail he was very ill but he rallied 1.0
reading and will thus go into force such an extent" that his ultimate re-
m the first of 1Vlay when Clinton ssessy,
will' be turned. into the "dry" col was -.. loold for. Thursday
- --' however, he 'became much worse and
night. fIcart trouble wds the cause
In ' relation thereto the following
adopted,: . , - Though having liVed. M Stratford so
offer 8200 Mr the arrest anal convie- e • . 1 1
short a. time the reanity had made
Peas 90c to $1.00,
Oats 30c, to t4c.
Barley 4.5e to 50e.
Butter 23e to 24c.
Lave Hogs $0,25„
Mr, Murray Jackson, son or.,
Fred Jackeon of town, who is i
Toronto 'attending the Horologica
school, had the, miefortute the Mho
day to dislocate tits shoulder end i
will be some little time before
will have full use of his arm. Mur
ray's Clin,ton frienes sympathize an
trust that he will not be laid Off ver
long, especially • as exam. time i
corning along.
Div. 1, --Stauding of pupils on lb
terms work to Easter .--Eteut
'Kemp 85, percene, E. Eyries 83, J
Cole 82, N. Kennedy 82, L. Nedesse
Chidley 79, T,. Morrish 79, L. Ho
mes 78, L. Langford. 77e, NI, COO
77, Id. MeMatle 77, J. Watkins 7?
0. Johnston 76, D. Rattenbuey 741,
M. Sheenhals 74-e, Id.' Draper 741
Fred Lawrence 74, K. Dowson
D. Stephenson 74, 11. Hill 73,
Illeore 72, B. Oliowen 71, M.
Ladd 70, J. Wylie 09, E. Mackenzi
68, 11. Monaghan 67, 0. Akam 66
W. Blacker 65, C. Turner 02, V
Powell 61, G. McCartney, 54, Hatt/
Grey 40, ,111,dwin Judd 38, N. Tyndal
The Citizens' band put on quite. a
suceessful play in the town hall on'
Thursday eveming last. It •S' some-
time since the band attempted an en-
tertaiument of the sorb but the re -
suit of this' one proved a jus Utica-
eien of the undertaking, 'Ile Play
wag Stella, WeeKay's folic oet drama
"Hazel Kirk," and it was put on en,
tirely hy local characters under the
direction 01 Mies May Rance. It
cided talent for 'theatrical perform-
ence and the presentation ou Thurs-
day's drama was but another ineof
of the. fact. All did ser-weil that it
seems unfair to mention anYone's
acting particularly but idr. *Gni.
gor as "Pi ttacus Green" .111r. Geo
Webber as "Dunston Kirk," Mise Bar
bara Mayor as !pony Dutton," and
'Miss stem. Copp as "Morey Kirk'
were perhaps the best and moet real
istic. Mies Ilance lied, of course,
the beeviest part in the title roll,
and sustained it well ; ?friss Mac
ChM as "Lady Travers". did lief Part
gracefelly .; Miss E. Chidley
the "Maid" was . very realist
Rattenbury, 111r. N., Davis, Mr. Will
Johnson, Mr. Stewart Scott and Mr.
Earle. O'Neil, the latter two as mil-
lers, each played their parts credit,-
ably: It was in four acts and new
scenery was supplied for each act,
The local orchestra furnished music
There was a gorej house. and the
band, therefore, realized 'a handsome
stun from the proceeds but owieg to
the fact that new scenery had to be
procured, there was considerable ex-
pense. The organization is to be
congratulated, however, upon the
huccesS of the undertaking.
_It ie -interesting to pote that the
scenery used in this play was paint-
ed by a local man, Mr. Thos. Wood-
ward'of town.
YKerry Glow,'" which. was presented
the town hall last evening by aa
was witnessed by the largest aud-
ienete of the season -it taxed ,the.eap-
acity of the hall. The, play was
well put on, the various parts vety
cleverly portrayed - tent the audieneO
tvas genuinely, delighted with "Kerry;
Gow" from sta.rt to finish,
The Males and gentlemen, who f.4,1“-
pose the comtiany which put 'on the
drama are' to be congratulated upon.
the success which crowaed their t
A baseball meetilig was held in the
town hall ea Tuesday -evening when a
club, was organized and the followiess
officers were elected :
President, O. 1). Meraggart,
1st Vieee C. E. Dowding,„
2nd Vice, Dr. Shaw.
Patron's, M. D. MeTaggart; le. efe
Lewis, W. Pronelfoot, T. Menlite,
Manager, Dr. Shaw.
SeceTreasurer, Frank McCaughey.
Collecting committee, Morley Come -
ter, 11. Twitclwil, G. McGregor,
E0.1vaDaraper, E. Johnson, M. Mc -
Grounds committee, Ie. Johnson, H.
Margaret Miller, fellet of the late
James Cottle, passed away on the
London Road on "Thursday morning
last, baying reached the remarkable
age set one kundred and seven years.
Mrs. - Cottle was, as far as can be
learned, the oldest woman in Huron
County. She came with her parents.
and family to this country from Ire-
land in . 1842. They fast settled
upon tbe Huron Road. -The father, -
James Miller, was one of the first
sclioel teachers in this section and
taught for a number of years in
up farming on the Base Line. Mes.
Cottle was the fast member of hev
family. About eleven years ago she:
fell, breaking- her thigh, and since
that time she bee beets confined to.
bed. The funeral took place on, Sat-
urday afternoon to Clinton eerneterYe
the services .being conducted by the.
- has been occupied by Mr. Holloway,
- caw:di:tip rAetsi ss nb rg ag droerssu, ts
where he will ham° his elanitaryi
Mr. 0, Johnston has rented the.
in the Normandie block, which
01 implernentsliadonlisisatsuprrdingaz
- last -
Messrs. "FMk, Forbes and, Gillies
are at present the only 'local owners
of motor cycles, but several sales are
expected by Mr. Gillies, w•ho is man-
ager of the local garage. .
Mr. J. W. Stevenson has disposed •
of his opal business to Alr. Gal. H01-
Mr, H. Wiltse has. rented his for-
mer stand in the Normandie block
At the evening service on Sunday
laSt the choir • sang" M ah impressive
way "Now the day is over," and the
duett, "Forever ;with the Lord,"
tvas rendered by the Misses Allin•
The Warren Organ Co. of Wood-
stock is installing a new and larger
water Motor for the church organ,
Mr. Lorne Tyndall, treasurer of the
organ fund, had the pleasure a 'few
evenings ago of telling the Board
that the last dollar of debt 00 the
fine' WM, organ had been Paid.
At the annual meeting of. the Lad-
ies' Aid 'of the church held last week
the following officers were elected for
.the ensuing year :
President,, Mrs. IL Plums tee!.
VMe, Mrs. IL Wiltse.
Second Vice, Mrs. J. Taylor.
Secretary, Mrs. ABM,
Treasurer,. Mrs. J. Gibbings.
The pastor suggested on Sunday
mornlng that "ehose who use the
church driving shed should unite" .to
realm some 'improvement to the en-
trance. The hint has already been
taken and a new and permanent
roadway has been merle this week
that looks well and spea.ks well for
all those who interested theinselves
in the work.
The, following oilicers have beee el-
ety for the ensuing yeaez
President, Mrs, We Mantling ,
Vice, Mrs, S. J. Mrs. Cr.'
Rec.-Secretary, Mrs, W. Downs.
Con -Secretary, Mrs. Beacom
Treasurer, 'Mrs, J. Taylor.
Supt. Systematic Giving; Mrs.
of tarnpering with ballots of , local noes was a greae Mr Twitehellls 'D-
ept:on vote of January eth, 19 13. ness was a great eitmfort :go them.
Thompsoil-Cluff-Tbat the clerk be I The deceased was a mei:lb& of the
The funtral took Place in strattard
torney Genera• l's Department, 'Forms- i eesese ef the C. O. Fe of which S'oe-
to, and the Crown -Attorney, Goder- , let), Mr Twitchell was 3 member,
S., held their regular arteetirre. on
Friday evening and atter the buSiness
Of the class was concluded the social
ich, and ask. them to take steps to 1 Mr. and Mrs. James Tivitchell, 'committee served dMnty refresh -
find the guilty party end inform them l j, ye Sheppard Bed Mr. T. Man- I inents. R. baseball team has been
of the reward that has been offered agban went down trom Clineou to be ;organized with Percy WheatleY 0.9
by oe torn,. present at the funeral. captain,
The estate of tlie late Thomas Car-
ter has been finally wound up and
distributed -among the eight .members
of the family.
house which is now occupied by Mr.
and, Mrs. :7'as. IdeRne and family and
will take possession as soon as it is
vacant, the MeRaes .gOing to Wood -
Tine annual meeting of Me (lintont.
Lawn Bowling Club was held in the,
bosed room of the town hell dm
Tuesday evening, when the following -
officers were erected :
Hont President, D. A.. alorreeline
Chaplains, Rev. 0. E. Jeakins,
President, W. Jackson.
Vice, Dr. Shaw.
Secretary, Fred Jackson.
Treasurer, J. Ransford.
Auditor, D. L. Macpherson.
Honorary membere, James Fair, J.'.
Hodgens A; Porter, Dr, Agnewe.
K. Erskine, Andrew TaYlor, oe
Toronto, and Dr. Robertson of
Stratford. .
Grounds committee, J. W. Stevens-
Clanvassing committee, P. Tewne,,
Jackson, 0. Pe. Dowding,
The fee for this year ',A, 11 Ey).
dollars, payable July 1st.
The seasbn of 1.712_ was one of the,
.most successful in the history 01 the
The following resolution introdueed
Dowding was passed' by a standihg
vote : That the Clinton, -Lawn Boty-
ling. Club desire to, place on recoid
their sense of the loss ehey hi vs stls-
tained in the death 'of ellen; oldest,
member, StIr. J. I,. Courtice.
member took a keener interest lft
the welfare of the Gelb than Mc. •
Courtice. He waa a great lover of
the game, one of our bes PlaYerei
always genial' ane courteous in hi de-
portment anti ever ready to do any-
thing in his power to keep .every-
thing in good order. We desire tee
extend to 'Ins serrowing ndatives ors -
warmest sympathy in heir 1 ere as e-