HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1913-04-03, Page 8► .t� unammodammumesamixamunosamisimmoulm■ News -Record ^Y� EADY. with the finest line of Shoes and. Oxfords for every- body that it has ever been our pleasure _to show, READY to •serve you carefully and satisfactorily. READY with the best values town. READY to show you. FRED. JACKSON 1 lisimaymavimsmaiesurnamosmisimmeasemosimsmosti JIMMINIM OUR SPECIALS FOR ALL NEXT WEEK Rouse Cleauillg. Nece!ties Sherwin -William paints Floorlac 15c to $1 00 Tapalao 15c to 90 Campbell's Varnish - stains 15e to 1 00 Enamels ..... 25c to 50 Aluminum paints. ,25c to 1 00 Furniture varnish .,20e to 1 50 Floor paint all shad's35c to 65 Liquid veneer 25c to 50 Flempol the new fur- , nitureapolisb .25c Brasso metal polish .20c to 25 Putz cream " .15c to 25 Stove polish all kinds _ Doors mats 75c to 2 00 Carpet beaters 15c Brass curtain -rods „05c to 1 00 Clothes pins Dusthane W. W. brushes., , . .20e to $1 50 Paint brushes ,05c to 2 00 Scrub brushes 05c to 25 Moresco wall liriish J ellstoge Jack hammers and tacks Stepladders 85c to 1 25 Improved curtain stretcher 1 35 Bonnie washing machine-. 5 50 [deal ., 800 Connor ball -hearing a 9 50 Excello motor washer .. . 17 00 Clothes lines .... ,10c to 50 Clothes wringers.. 3.30 to 5 50 Another lot of the old reliable Brantford rubber roofing on the way --leave your order now to secure it. Harland giros STOVES, HARDWARE AND NOVELTIES, ins O♦♦♦♦0®O♦♦♦NNS.••••• I +04•,.•A♦N9+4'4N0♦♦® • 13PEE3111L P t • 8iL.CCECET IS,'HhJQS 2 • 1•fouse cleaning tirne will soon he here ! Are you going to need • a new rug or a pair or two of lace curtains ? If so, it will pay you to see what we ate offering in these lines, See our special tapestry rug at $10. We would like to show von our new ginghams, new prints, new dress goods,' new shirtings, corsets, etc., as we are showing some beautiful new patterns and some wonderful vaaies in these goods: BOOTS and SHOES • We aroshowing alarger ertrange and better values for springring than we have ever shown before.- You can save money by buy- ing your shoes here, SMAII PLIJ ♦ MSTEEL M0BE. PROFITS BUSINESS ♦♦♦••N♦•N♦•N♦•••••••4•N♦•••♦4 •••4NNNN4•♦•N••N�.N ' +•141'•4•••.•4•••••N$N•t' 2 Aimto' • ' Our •s Brings Customers Back ure Buyers at this store invariably come Furnit y back when they want more and bring their friends 1 with them. • Our Furniture is to prove that it is • To Use u as rood as looks and that is sayingin aw1018 let • Substantial al Furniturer e can beoL>1t he:e' secure what t. - noww at looney saving prices, Why not= you need now while prices are so favorable. pieces • • a. = i i n & d 1 O _ A V APE UR Wall Hangings have a decorative effect and value which makes the homeinvit- ing and comfortable. Our designs are almost sure to suit your taste and our prides y our pocket book. /ring us the measurements of your room and we will give you an estimate of the cost. W. D. FAIR CO, Often Cheapest Always the Best PcItfiNii ". A , mnanpuucm,uinnma,; Mrs. H. B. Combe has been in Mit-, chell this week, Miss Gertie Sage, London, has been visiting Clinton friends. Mr. Morley Counter is spending -a vacation at his home in town. Miss Ethel Wasmann was in Wingham visiting friends for a few days last week. Miss Kate Ford returned on Satur- day to her teaching duties at Nia- gara Falls. Mrs. T, McKenzie Jr. and children spent a few days last week with Blyth friends. Mr, H. A. Harries, Inspector Nola sons Bank, paid his periodical visit to the local branch this week, Miss Bessie Irwin of. Montreal is hol- idaying at her home in town, -mat. of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Irwin. Mrs. Bowes .of Tiverton was .the guest of her brother, Dr. 'J. S. Evans, for a few days la t ' week. Mr. and Mrs, Thos, TCeuip returned to London last week after a few days visit among Clinton friends. Master Charlie Brooks of Alai/cacti visited -his grandparents, Air. and Mrs. Win. Cantelen for a few day s last week. • Mr. and Mrs. W. IT, Latornell and Tittle daughter ea St. Thomas were the guests last week of the lady's mother, Mrs Combo of town. Mrs Geo, Cartwright and daughter of Wingham wera the guests of Mrs. J G West Mrs John Foster and other friends in town last week. Miss Louea' n returned t o Louise B to Grand Valley the end of last week to resume her teaching duties af- ter spending the paster vacation at lier home in town, Clerk H. W. Erwin of Bayfield was 4n town on Monday, `He was ac- companied by Mrs. Edwards, whose daughter, Miss Flo Edwards, is a student at the Clinton Collegiate. Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Sterling of the moving Line, Sviitan;cy, are n o ig into town this week and will re- side in the cottage on Itattetnbury street vacated by Mr, and Mrs, W. Gin Campbell. Mrs.' Bristowe returned Saturday from Erie, Penna., where she had been attending the funeral of her daug liter -in-law. She was accom- panied by her little grand -daughter who will remain with her for a while. Mr. A, II. Goodwin last week severed his connection with the Doherty Piano .Co., after fourteen years' faithful service as nightwatclunaf, Mr. Goodwin purposes going west in April and will spend the summet. r with his son near Weyburn; -Sask, Mr. W. C. Newman of Ridgetown, .n ' �Clin- ton I f n- the Bean King," has �nado C ton his stopping place this 'week while looking over the bean crop of the district. I -le has bought up a quantity but says ne finds much of the stock hardly marketable.. The price is now $1.25 'per bushel. - Mr. R. 13. Eames lett this week for Toronto and thence for Newfound- land, found- land, either . via Halifax or New York, where he wilt for several months be engaged in the spread of the gospel. This will be his se- cond e- i tothe bigisland and on co d,vist n the previous one he also labored along the Labrador Coast. Mr. George Phipps, who has for sev- eral months been in the employ 'of the 'Gunn, Langlois Go. at their local plant, left on Tuesday to take a position on -their big poultry farm at St. Williams, Norfolk Coun- ty. Mr. Phipps was reluctant to leave Clinton where he has many friends and which he regards as the home town, Mr, Peter Ker of Provoist,'Alta.•, gave his many friends in Clinton a sur - 'prise r 'priso Monday evening by u epiect- edgy dropping in upon them. Tae had not intended comma east this season but came with his oldest sister, - who lives near Aberdeen, Booth Dakota, and who is now vis- iting another member of the family at Mi. Forest. The genial Pete. hasn't in appearance and deport- ment aged, a day since last here, and he is brimful of anecdotes re- dolent of the prairies. As the building; season is now about to -open his stay this time will be com.par- atively short, hut; in truth, if he had brought his kit of tools along he would in all probability remain' in Ontario as he finds that all. things considered a good 'carpenter can do about 4 as wehl berg aa there. Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors Phone 104 • PIioNE �• AND S.4TT NDAY CALLS— PHONE 16 . 127 —lvTGIIT '1 MEM Are you a News -Record subscriber ?; Chlldrei' April 3rd, 1913', maga 1SS8S Ghighain Dresses We have just passed into stock a.complete range of children'e; and -misses new spring and summer gilag- ham dresses, made :from Anderson's gingham in two tone plain shades, checks, plaids and .stripes, very daintily made and trimmed in the very fewest New York- models, These are very pretty and reasonably priced at from' $1.'00'1115. Ladies' Stipon Hoose )resscs lid Ladies' new patent slip-on house dresses, This line is an American paten and controlled by -us, Made from good quality :gingham in seasonable, colors. Can be worn over any kind of dress, easy to put on, splendid style, at $2,00. :et Your cxt Sitit Be Made Tailor As in the past, this season we are leaving no stone unturned to make clothing for /men :that is unsurpa,sed in workmanship, style and finish, ;Order now when our. stock is at its height, tweed suits from $20 up, worsted suits from $22 up, Bell Warp serges and cheviots from $25 up, New Depar tuientIloys' Clothhig. E have just opened up a new department for boys clothing at the men's store. Here you -will, find a most complete assortment of boys' suits, coats and odd bloomers at prices that will surprise you, considering the quality and workmanship, It is our intention to serve the boys as well if not better than ever. Come, bring your boys to us for their spring suits. London Read. '1 11 Air. John It nt t of Clinton ca ed on his_'uephew, Mr. Geo. Watt, last week, Misses Rosie and Maple Livermore of 'rorotito spent the , Eastertide at their Home here Miss Fannie Waldron of Clinton spent a low days, during the past weele the guest of Mr. arca Mrs, and Mrs. Fred Waldron. Mr, John Irwin of Stratford was OM guest ' of the McKnight families during the vacation time. Mr. Chas-. Hoggart• of the 2nd con. of Tuckersmith is moving to the, farm lately purchased in Iluilettt Mrs. (Dr.) Corbett of London was the guest during the holiday time of rr her parents, Mr, and Mrs., ,. El - coat 1 coat of the 2nd con. Mrs. John Innes, who has been quite ill for, a fortnigh contal.:es about the same. Airs. Geo. Turner has also been quite ill It `.t to be ho,,.:l :1 at both ladies will soon recover. Mr. ,Frank Lane had the misfortune to break his leg while' working in the woods the other day. He was cutting a log which was ;Maud ul when the thing rolled aver •i nt) Ins foot breaking both bones hallow the knee. The accident will lay lain vii. Pot sonic time though he is doing as well as can he, or pe ecd. The wind didi considerable damage to barns hereabouts, unroofing them. and otherwise' breaking them up, Turner's church and shed also came 1 roof i P damage, tie r 'i share in for o churchbeing partially blown of the pa Y bio off, landing on the shed and smash- ing it. Both were pretty badly wrecked, Constance. Mrs. Chas., McGregor and Mrs. Wm, Clarke spent 'the Easter vacation with Mrs. J, Milson of Bothwell The wind on Good Pricier/ did! consid- erable daimege around here, taking part of the roof off several barns, tearing down windmills and blowing some. of the -bricks, from the back of Foresters, hall: Mr. ' Wm. 1Vlcfntosh is improving This' ' usillness.1 after very serious er ns c se fo h v S is welcome' news to his .many frf- ends, Mrs. Clrae. Rogerson and family intend inOl=ing this week to the we at. Mr, Robb, Clarke is busy remodel-, hisfarm. 1'n on ling his dwol i h g � Mr. Robt. •Colclough still keeps very low in 'health, his friends' will regret to learn,' Blgth. Dr.; Annie' Ross of the teaching staff of the Macdonald Institute, Guelph, visited her parents in East Wawanosh during the -holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. John DoFores,t deft last week for Grimsby. ]Bluth • Miss Ella Graham of. Brumfield has been in town visiting her sister, Mrs. James Siins. Mr. John IIaggitt has gone to Pigeon, Mich., where he intends to remain, having taken a position. Mrs. Macdonald and little daughter of Ripley were the guests of Mrs. , S. Sturt last week. The funeral of the late Ars. (Rev.) Lovegrove, whose death occurred at her home at. Cayuga, took place from the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Slater, on Monday, week, The deceased lady was knots n and very 'highly esteemed here and her early demise is much regretted. Mr, Frank Hollyman of town was married on Tuesday week to Alias Mary E., daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Carter of Westfield. The ceremony was preformed by the Rev, G. Jewitt. Miss Margaret Carter, slater sister of the bride, acted ay, brides - I maid and Mr. Moore of the Bank of (Hamilton' here, was best mato. Mr. and Mrs.. klollyman have taken up their residence on the corner of Queen and liestmoreianri streets:. Miss Isabella E. • Wilson, daughter ' Auburn, 'was 1 �. n of Mr. John Wilson tb , married on March 10th to Mr. Geo, Cowan of East Wawanosh. The damage done by Good Friday's blow hereabouts was very heavy. Carpenters have been busy ever since errieavorfng to' repair damaged build- ings. S Auburn Miss Mary Series was united in marriage at the home of bet par- ents on Wednesday week to Mr. Wil- liam Evans. The Rev. Mr, Wylie perforated the ceremony. They have taken up their abode in the neigh- borhood and have the best wishes of all for a happy and prosperous" Int- Wingham Wingham,•Apri1 1st -On Friday J last George Buchanan, the fifteen year old son of Mr. F, Blechman' of this town, was bitten; by a dog owned by Mr. }wraith. Tlie lad paid little at tention to tam wound and blood - poisoning developed. He is now under. the care of -a physican and it is hoped no evil results will follow. One day last week Archie rS u mons r a young man of seventeen, was out limiting when the powder he was carrying in his pocket, 'for some reason unknown to himself, exploded, blowing aft '.his hat and tearing his clothing. Aside from, a few',hurns to his hands he was Milani., though badly scared by his strange exper- ience, Mrs, Jas, Cosford and son Alex have returned to their home at Oak Lake, Man,., after visiting friends la this t' 't f r three months News From Loneiesboro Mr. Joseph Lyon, Sr., continues very poorly, very little' hope being' held out for his recovery, 5. y. No. 5 have- rented the hall at the 'Temperance House to be used as a schoolhouse until the new one is built, the windstorm of Good Fri- day having rendered the old building unfit for use. { Mr. J. C. Adams has had his barn roof r 't• •d i number 0o epai c and a goodly n vibe of farmers aro busy at a like job vcay few barns having escaped with- out the need of some repairs. f Mr, Fred. Gibbs and. Percy Hear left Tuesday for the west. Mrs.W. G. Cootiib few s spent a P days this week with Brussels friends, Miss, Ella Lee is confined to the house through illness. M. Fred Gibbs' left on Tuesday firs Briercrest, Sask., whore he will as- sist his brother William in his farm- ing operations for the' season. He may also fake up a"homestead, if he can secure one to his liking, We aro sorry to- sec hint go but wish. him success. '1`]tis village' and vic- inity has done' even more than it: share in the settlement of the great prairie land- and such a fine lot have gone out from here that the' teams. "He came from Londesboro" 1 is in itself as good as a testimontaf. Mr. Honey returned. Saturday alter )spending the Easter holidays at his home in Southampton. IMr. J. Hutton leas closed the saw ,nill after a somewhat short sawing. season. Mr. John Weymouth of Brus- sels was sawyer. ,...ted .� Hutlett Happenings Mr. Alex. Leitch has disposed of i 161 7th n, for .i2 50 of on the o0 0 & , e the purchaser being Mr. Robert Law- son, who will now own two hundred fifty acres. We understand, Mr.and ty derstan a n (Lcitch purposes turning over the old homestead on the 0th eon. to his son, George, and in that event Mr. !and Mrs, Leitch will move into Cl'in ton, They are long time anri very much respected, residents of I•Iullett and what will be this township's it loss withClinton'sbe C s gain. t s,-'rennty.O .. Mr. Me Cool S. M Cool tt d luteole ex- hibiting d hibiting his grey team at the Clin- ton Fair this week but an accident which ono of them recently tnyet with will prevent hlm doing so. They are a splendid pair and Mr. McCool is rightly enough proud of him. The following is the report of S. S. No. 5 Hallett. Names in order. of merit ' Sr., 4th,—F. Vodden, Jr. 411,— are th, are Rapson Mary Jamieson, Jr 3rd,, --Flossie 'G•ibbings, ,Annie Weymouth, Grace Vodden, Aliiee Vodden, Albert •Gorbutt, Jr, 2nd,—Roser Garbutt,' Percy Gibbings, Helmer Snell, Ar- thur Weymouth, Sr. lst,—Welling- ton McCool, Mary Mair, Jr 1st,— Dora Vodden,Jenny C e Y ,oxbutt, Prim- er, Ma,rgaret Brown,. taster Sunday' proved rather un- favorable for the sporting of new spring hats,' Lin^s 27 a 28 nd 01-t u• ti l he r ial ec h ue wer u p c rs, o t of commission fox a. few clays last week but are now in good Working order again. Mr. Marl Watt .of Harlook' is en- gaged with Mr, ' Alex, Mc:Ewan for the coming summer Season' M•r, N r en a o rn and. }sever 1 other of. the I3arlock. boys attended a dance 'aii Mr, Boa s recently Shen Da id e w all report an excellent time. Miss Maud McGregor of the teach- ing staff of the 'Clinton- Public school, spent the vacation season at tier home' on the 10th con. Miss Della McCool of I,onrlesbor,r visited Miss Mary Snell on 'rbursday; evening in en g last: Mr. Leonard ar d - MeNa l of TlarlOck !who has been employed east of the village for a time, leas now returned home. Mr. Norman Shepherd and Mrs. Frank Williams of Ilarlock were very, inrpkr ijarit persongges at the excell- ently served/ oyster suPper which was/ held at the home; of Mr. Thos, Neil Iatts recently. Mr. Frank Williams was engaged' ' with Mr, Wm.' Ross on Friday, Auburn Mr.' Geo, Denstedt was in Surat. ford and Waterloo during the -vaca- Mr. and Mrs, A. Sparks of South- • ainpton visited the latter's father, Mr. John Mole, on Sunday week, The sale of the Auburn livery went off well, everything being. sold. Mr.• Roberton has not yet decided wbatr he will do. Mr, Pfeffer is taking up the livery business in connuetion wittti the Auburn house, Misses' . Dottie and Laura Jacicsoie were guests at the marriage of their cousin, Miss Bella Wilson, to .Mr, Geo. Gowan ' of East Wawanosh, which took place aa the residence of Mr. W. McAllister ,of St. Augustine' on Wednesday week, The sawmill has been shut down for some time owing to a break irr the engine. Rev. W. W. Wylie gave a feature on the ''141e of Livingstone" On Tues - da onumberat- y week, ,when a; goodly at- tended. Rev. ' Mr. Laing visited r his 'father. at Baltimore during the holiday sea - Sen. Mr. John Johnston has returned/ from a visit to Edmonton end oth- er .. western cities, ..