The Clinton News Record, 1913-04-03, Page 74, 15' ClotheS Stay White if You Treat Them Right. lise Conifort Soap. POSITIVELY the LARGEST SALE in CANADA or Wcal or for Woe* 9 Or, A Dark Temptation CHAPTER XXIX.-(0ont'd) The days were rolling stesaily on, bringing the fatal 20th of ehe month near- er and nearer; it wanted .now but a week to that eventful date, and this knowledge almost crazed poor Gay. At last, ie her frenzy, Gay flung herself at the asylum keeper's feet one day, erY- Ing out to him thart he must stop the in- tended marriage, which wee to take plane on the 20th. for Percy Granville could not marry -he had a liviug wife -the hersele wae hie bride. The sneering -laugh that followed this piteous recital ,neede the blood almost freeze in her veins, and her heart (math beating. ' • "T refuee to interfere in Miss SL Claire's Private affairs," exolaimed the 'heartless, dark-browed doctor, impatiently. "I re- fuse to deliver ,your message; besideen he answered, little caring whether Ids words would break a human heart or not, "ari to Mr. Granville's being encumbered with. a wife, tae law would soon set him free from her, after it had once been Proven she had .been an inmate of an inetine asylum, You will never bo able to trouble the hate/a pair -Who enters here leaves hope 'behind!' " Gay rose from her kneee and stood bo. tore bin), and there was something in that desperate, beautiful face that made the man tremble almost in spite of himeelf. You refese te kelp mee" she meld, in a strange, awful whisper; "anewer mo -yea or ?" "No, I will not help you, retorted the doctor; "you are foolish to eek it." "It wae my last hope," said Guy, pith. ously, "aud it haa failed me. You might hove saved i young life, but you eefused, could not live and know that my dar- ling had been won by another -better death than that." And before he could divine her Wan. tioue, Gay had Beized from the coils of her hair a long, thin, ,allver pin, and had buried it to the ant in her white Menet. There was a hot spurt of crimson life. blood, a sobbing cry of "Perey! Percyh goodhyl" then Gay fell face downward in a pool of bleed at hie feet. "See!" cried the &mane apring forward, "the girl hae killed. herself!" !MAPPER XXX. In an instant Dr, Ladeau was kneelleg beside the prostrate figure and placed his hand over her heart; there was not even the faintest sign of pulsation. "She has killed herself," he reflected. "1 never dreamed she had nerve enough for Mutt." Ne cangbt her up in 'hie arms and bore her mb an adjoining room, hastily call- ing one 'of hie attendants, Laying her down upon a settle, he pro- ceeded to make a hasty examination of 1. tho wound, Death requited inetanta,neouely, ht de- cided, turnieg away with a muttered curee. gorie4,„ 474:140-71r-444:44 %is • a eriptelsatitgeelesd 54444.65atti Ve4i2,1ejr," to x11 the eLEANeeresietreesT, and BEST -HOME DYE, one can buy -Why you don't oven hare to know whet KIND 07 Cloth your Goods are made of....So Mistakes are rtrapossible. Send for Free Color C371.1, Story neohlet, and Booklet skins results of Dyeing over other colors. The JOEINTSON.EICHARD907.7 CO., Limited, Moan cal. Cahadu, uorn Ggo. KEITH dc SyOooNuf oTan Seeu C CROP this season? Seed ivierchants Since 1866 17eUVA' a .?M a' :4° 00. _ . _I tn,meassa,•••••••moiawservesalceser •••••1•IMONION,..• 'What shall be done with the body, sir asked the attendant, pityingly putting bath the matted hair train the memble- white face. Ladeau turned upon Mina fiereely, , "What peed to askP" be demanded fierce- ly. "What's done with the bodied of- all N11110 die here-it'sto be cold to those sharke that are always on the lookout for them --the medical studente, of . aburee, Have the light wagon at the side entrance between eleven and twelve tomight. It may cm well be delivered to -night as any other time, 1 suppose," he went on moodily, ao he strode to the door, flung it open, paseed out, and banged it to after hint. "What a lovely little creature the girl WELS, anyhow," thought the attendant, as he, too, turned away with a sigh. "It seems a pity that she couldn't have been laid away Permeably to rest with her little white hands orossed over her breast. 'Ugh! why, I believe I'm growing as faintemart- ed as a woman. I've doue plenty euell Jobs 'for old Ladeau before, but I never have had such qualms of conuoierice over it. I -suppose We because this one is young and liandeorue." Ile drew a dark eloth over the rigid form to shut out the lovely face and star- ing eyes from his gaze, and eliudderingly turned away. Night crane on dark and starless, and as the last etroke of the eleven o'clock chimes died away in the distant belfries, a dark wagon drew up before the private entrance th the asylum and the rigid form of Little Gay, heavily throuded in sable wealielngs, Wee placed in it. The man caught up the reins with a nervous hand, gave the hoeses a sharp out with his whim and the vehicle WEB soon whirling rapidly toward the heart of the great, wicked city. The attendant had taken the stable -boy with him to hold the horse, but neither of them spoke during the long drive. The trees of the long avenue moaned and writhed as they drove swiftly along, presaging a coming storm; lightning flashed luridly through the dark beavens, mingled with the rear of thunder, and a heavy Mona eet in ere they reached their docile alien. A dozen or more medical students were feathered around the deseeeting-table, list- ening Io the diecouree of their profeeeor upon aonie difficult operation in the Boa ranee of filirgerY, when a peculiar double knock sounded on the panel door. An instant later the door opened to ad- mit the attendant, bearing a Blender figure in his arms, around which was wrapped a long dark cloak. It never comered to either the professor or the studettie to question this man as to lthence he came, or how or where he oletained the bodies which, in the great, cause of soience and humanity, they were obliged to procure as best they could. They paid a good price \hen one was brought them, and milted no queutions, "This way," motioned the ,profeesor, an- noyed at the inopportune interruption. Tho men stepper} forward, cap in hand, unwinding /is he advanced the dark cloak from the elender form, A thrill of horror tingled through the 130000 of mesh young student as be gazed. The man had brought them the most beautiful young girl they had ever bee held. lleaeen forbid that the body of each a lovely creature ahould be sacrificed upon the altar of science! How bright and shinthg were the soft rings of golden bair lying like drifte of gold on the marble -while brow; how Ione and curling the dark lashes againnt tbe white velvety cheek; how small and dainty the little width hands, clinched so tight- ly together over tbe still break! How horrible that death ehould have chosen such a beautiful victim! The storm °aside had increased in fury -lightning ilaebed, and the mighty crash of the roaring, deafening thunder shook the building to les" very foundation. Ae the attendant flung back the long, dark cloak, expoging the bereutiful faee 00 view, a vivid bolt of lightning stanch the angle of the building, crushiug through the =Some, of the stone wall, shivering to atoms the receptacle upon which the levely young girl had been placed. And in that moment, over the 1.000 and havoc of the maddened elements, there Was a lead hearee cry front the profeseor no he eprung toward the rigid form half burie.d among the debris. Before wo deecribe to our readers the thvbllbng 400/10 width followed we must take them back to the inanelon home of the Remington% and relate the strange events which were transpiring there After the first weekehad peened away and no letter had reached_ them from Go.e. eirs. Remington commenced growing un- tie BY-eVell her dreams at night were tronbled with vague appreheneionu 000 - MM -tine Gay. The banker lanelled, 011 171011 alwaya do, over what he considered his wifee !eolith eotione. "Little Gay is right," declared cheerily; "no doubt' her time' ie spent in such a round of partfee and balls that elle ham not hint time to drop You a note; give the child her own owing, iny dear - then all right, of comae!' Eut Mrs. Remieetoe was not thus a.p. ptaied Another woolr heel rolled around, and there wee no word from Little Gay, elf I do net get 18 letter tomorrew, I shall telegrelib to P111311110 to Gay, to know the meaning ot, her faience," the deelared This eticend week of silence annoyed tbo banker caiite 00 mue00 me hit; wife, but, mendilee he wag rem stueborn to Candidly 0110 night the maeter woe brought to it Mariann olimax, In tho dead /tour of tale' night MI'S. 1748117119t011 elute/led leer hue: band's arra 'With terrible, ory. - In an !natant -the banker's eyee wore wide open, and he was reaching hurriedly for hie revolYer, taking it for grantee, by his wifeei cry of Mahe and her attempts to speak, that there were certainly burg - 1i' e in the room, elt isn't that," the gaaped. catellieg ate bie arm as she divinedehie thought "I have had Guth a -horrible dream -n vision," she declared ,vehemently, in a 00110 that awed him into eileuee ineepite of the . angry rejoinder that wan on his lips at being aroueed at that unseemly hour. elt ,was about Little Gay," the added, weeping hysiterMalla, ."51lie appeared be. fore me an plainly as elle ever did in her life, Her iov'ely, fee° was white and wild, and her golden hair fell in matted, wild. disorder oho* .it; there wan a great wound in her white breast from whale I could see the crimson ,blood oozing in great drape; the lovely, dark eyes were tunied' Imploringly toward me, and she held out her little white halide, sobbing in an awful voice; Come th me, I fun in great danger - I am in sore distress.' "I am going (Iowa to Passaic th 'bring Gay home with me to -morrow," he de - leered, emphatically. "You ...must not laugh at me and call it ivomen'e non - Bonen I tell YOU I am greatly dietressed -about Little Gay." •• "Pehawl a dream's only a dream," cora- mentedethe banker. "Go to eleep and don't /et it trouble you. As to going to Passaie to -morrow, that would be the very height of absurdity; send a telegram, that will answer the purpose quite 80 W011." 'It was a warning,'" deolared his wife, emilhatically, "anti I shall go to Peewee on the first 'train to -morrow morning." She sbivered as the listened to the ter- rific warring of the storm outside, but she made tip her miud that ihat should not deter her. So,. despite tbe terrible etorm width still continued next day, the banker was obliged to take tlba wife to the depot, see- ing her depart on what he called her "foone errand." It was almost noon when a dose came - nee /limbed up the avenue to Evelyn St. Clairee home. "Who can that be, I wonder," thought Otto heiress, peering out curiounly from beliind the lace draperies of the drawing - Teem window; "nod in all this stolen, teo." She woo not kept in suspense long; a eervant 00081 appeared with elre. Reming- ton's eard; and a moment later that lady rw.a.sinsu. hered into the sumptuous drawiug- Evelyn greeted her warmly, deolaring herself delighted at this unexpected visit, adding iu the eame breath: "Why didn't you bring G-831 with you?" "Gay," repeated lira. Remington, in blank bewilderment; "Why, she is here, ha the not?" "Ilerel" echoed Miss St Claire, opening her china -blue eyee very wide, no thoilgh 11110 wan greatly amazed at the queetion; "dear me, noa-what In the world mad* 7, 011 tht118 oho Ivan hero, Mrs. Remington? I limee not seen het since I parted from her that afternoon at the opera matinee --I took the flve-twenty train for home, sena you a note,you remember, explain- ing that T Was called home suddenly," "But Goy -ho came with 'you," gaspea the poor lady, turning very white and elvish* ineo the nearest seat. "Xndeed you are quite mietakeme said Evelyn mnoothly, and with pretended sure prise. "I cannot imagine What gave you that Impression. I have not seen Oily einem 1 parted from her that afternoon at the event; Pow that I think of it." she went qn artfully, "I believe Bee did tell tue of an engagement the had with „a young gentleman to visit a flower show, and sbe feared she would be quite late." Mrs. Remington fell Meek in the curet- ioned hair in the wildeet of eysterioo; A DRUGGIST IN WINNIPEG Cureaimself With GIN PILLS No greater compliment could be paid GIN PILLS than to have a druggist use them. Mr, Rogerdbeing in the business, tried all the ordinary remedies, but it was not until he used, GIN Pu.,Ls that he NV89 cured of a severe pain in the back. Winnipeg, May igth. 1972. "In the autumn of ten, I suffered with a continual pain in the back. As a druggist, I tried various remedies without any apparent results. Having sold GIN PILLS for a numloer of years, I thought there must be good in them otherwise the sales would not increase 16 fast. I gave them a fair trial, and the results I found to be good". GEO. E. ROGERS. GIN ?ILLS must erne you or your money will be refunded. 500. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free if yon write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canaan, Limited, Toronto. 144 means cement of the highest possible quality. , , It means cement tested by experts whose authority is final at all oar as. It means cement acknowledged by engineers, architects and hundreds of thousands of farmers to fulfil every requir. ement of scientifically made•Pordand cement. It means a cement that is absolutely reliable, whether used for a great bridge or for a concrete watering trough. You can use ' Canada Cement with complete confidence that your concrete :work will be thoroughly satiafactoryi You ought to have this confidence in the cement yanmaa, because you have not the • facilities for tooting ita qualities, such 05 aro at the disposal of the engineers in charge of `big contracting jobs. These engineers know that when cement hao passed- nthe tests made upon it at Canada Cement mills, it will pass all their teat*. . And this aarne.cerriertt insold to you for pour silo, You/foundations, year, feeding -floor. your milk.house or your watering -hough.• u...tsecoielins ea the 'directions iu eas• ficerbeesk o Wbst the Farmer ran do with Ginmee, Cwitele C'rnland aas co:meta, tit w se as, s e es r t ikPoe, see. over, ono it 4°7'4644e \TrikF tUrISak. el) ". QnlY ta' Voludih',17 Tr: y.n. nekins tor tho 00 Yoeler fielew tlrai Thera is a anode Conlon, glottal. In 'Four lielekboebered kfiVAk, 4ddral 401:01' R"'"0" eet 41.44 • ,." Canada Cezxuant Co pany Limited, 'Montreal • Pure Clean Economical Teals absolutely pRiPar Is cleanly praparedp and tit posts no litinDPID than ormitoary Teas. hi eintled packets only. eso SUM CREWS AND MIXED. her ineoberent criee as she called upon Otto name of Little Clay arousing the whole eTheree blood streaming trees a wound in her breast!" elm ahrithea. "Olt, God! some one has murdered Little,- ethyl" -atEhveliTnwo8rti aaoho 000Ottotlieiteatriarnitekluniend affairs were tildes'. A doctor was summoned in _all haste, and the banker Wad telegraphed for; but by the time her husband reached Passitio, hie wife was maned to very near her natural self, "Oh, Illy dear, my dear," the cried, springing to meet her husband, end bury- ing her whith face on hie breaet, "/ knew something terrible had happened to Little Gay, any heart told me so. Oh, just think of it; while we Ivem resting quietly at home, our tender little darling was in some wretch's power, and-a,nd--oh, I fear they' 11000 murdered her." leemingeon soothed her as best be could, declaring that he would put the case in the hands of the beet detect/yea in the city forthwith, and before twenty. four Ileum Gaya mysterious ,disappear. ;ince ebould be aurayeled. Money 'and skill combined would work wondere, he ;floured her. That afternoon he behl a long private elioblievae,ryantion with Eyelet]. St. Claire in the "Of course I do not wish to insinuate anything," ehe said, raieiug her pretty blonde face blushinglyto the troubled face of the banker, "Mit it really looks to me at though Gay had eloped." "Impossible!" cried 3fr. Remington, frowning down the preposteroue idea at once. She interrupted him with a little laugh. "What one has done once, One does not find tt so hard to repeat." she said im- nreasively. "If you knew her history you muat know when she left P1161ftio, she eloped with the bandsome, diecarded no- pliew ef the old general -handsome, reck- less Harold Tremaano. He abandoned ber; but if Elle were to see him ag(0in11 the old love uthrlit miasma (Welt, and woman-lilce, the would loam all le) Hy to the emir; of Otto earth with ber old lover, WhY dearth for a girl who could leave you so heart.- lesely without ono pang of regret?" .. CHAPTER XXXI, The banker WWI certainly Wounded at the construction the holrosa, Whom he bad quite believea to be Little (lay'e 81011081 friend, put upon the mysterioue disappear. anco. Ho stared at the beauty ;tempt, "Great Heaven!" he thought, '1'iow eager one womau appears to be to spread a scandeloue report about another at the least opportunity." He sweated the notion straightway; et.111 the evil seed of distrust had sunk deep into his heart, as Evelyn Bt. Claim knew itshgootibld. de the banker and his wife adieu with a very sympathetic face, trueting that they would noon tind Gay through the aid of the groat detective in whoue hen& they intended to piece the mysteri. ous affair. "The fools!" muttered Evelyn St. Claire contemptuously, ae she watohed their carriage from the poreh until a bend in, the mad hid it from her ssielit. "Let them get their great detective to trail down the iniesing Gay; be will never find ham I have covered up every Memo too earefully for that. I defy them to diecover her within the walla of the old asylum, eve;, If they were to search through it by chance, There's so .many wed vaults and paneled recessee about the uncanny old place in which she weld be concealed until the etorm blow over., Hut, pehawl why should I tallow myself to think over it, or lot it worry Imo a einele instant!, That ie the last place in the world they would thiek of searehing for her," She turned and ran lightly up the grend steirease, the lamming smile still on her crimson lips. "Only five daye now until my Nredcling• morn, the murmured, WW1 eparkling eyes and beating heart, as she entered her boudoir where Aviot:. her maid, was bending over a great box full of wedding finery; "only five days more and I tvill be Perey'e wile th, if Percy were not so cold a lover!" she eighod wistfully. "Still I would rather be his wife, though he hated me, then be the bride of anY other man though he adored 1110 to dietraction. "/ wish to goodness I had openly as- tirerted that Gay had eloped with Harold remalue," she thought, her mind recur. ring to tila guests who had Juet Ineft, it wore to be done over again1 woid them that. Harold ie bit Europe; no doubt he will never come back here again; lee would uever know of it. But I'must not anew my thoughts to dwell upon bemu- sing subjecte," elle thought, ehaking back her blonde curie, "for Percy 14 00111111g Mile (welling and be must find tee all stance, not frowns, no bee been here oney twice during the laet fortnight," she mur- mured, twiattng the magnificent engage. mentering she wore thoughtfully aben6 with her slender white flowers; "oven my servente notice how cold a lover be lee, If she had but known how 'wretchedly Percy Grenville bad ;exceed therm two weeks, oho would not have wondered that ho wee so cold a /over. The rain W113 over at last, and the set. ting sue pooped out, Sho caught up her gareerthat 'and strolled out Of the house and into the g aTLeireene ta°1‘..sv'aitryl ctahMe eVitelitactrneee5Y0;1 0the would goOntcheerbO 0h-noCirt sweldWitltoiatrehle'ill'Macie a prettY eicthee atanding ameug the roeee with the auelight cirliting through the groori branches upon her golden head. Oho lilted :to remember that. Imieurely enoug'h sbe etrolled down the broad paved. walk -until she reached the higb-arched genie orie was statding near by -a man le duets, trevelieg clothes, leandng his el - ,bows on the pleiret.fence, evidently ad- miring the flowering ehrubs and broad leaves of the garden, Evelyn turned ber hoed rimy Impatient- ly; elle did not Parley an eye -witness to• her meeting with her lever. thee memeut the luau's oyee rested on Otto bauglity beauty camleesly enough, then he seining forerard with outstretched hands, a ory of Joy falling from his lips, "You!" he cried, "Great Heavent can it be poegible the one hopoof my life is rea- lized -I have lent acmes you at lad?" Evelyn St, Claire stared at the shrubby etranger in illmoneealedenger, drawing het slender torm up to its fullest height Sho had a dim coneetheeness ;he bad met a person with just sixth 80 faee wine. wheel) before, but where or whea, or who he could peasibly be, the couldmiot im• Evelyn St, Claires, wbite brow pucker- ed -fete au angry frown, "Pant do 'you mean?" the axe:Me:reed haughtily. eI do uot 'know you, If' you attempt to enter thie gete, 0 obeli SEM' • raou ooy uervants to throw you front the grdcn 1" The mane; race derekeed, 'Yon once knish at ray feetata sued for a great favor, my lady." he..implied harthe ly. sasou told me, if I Woule grant that , for wbich you pleaded. rnp face Would be engrave/1. fereeer 01)3111'Your heart.. eYoue bewitehed me, you charmed -me with your fatally-beaueiful face, aud amie won me e0e4 even though me better- jn.dgmeet would have 1001(0)00 back.. Look into Mee face encl cee if you 310 000 lthow eaele he end then Duelled the bebadeeeeparaed hat book from Itie fluelled, excited face, Even while be was epeaking 14nnern• branee oame back to levelyn eet, Claire like a elmele ol.doont., (To be coetemeee - • tek.oreel wag out. in ',Blakely's. motor laet week, He Iias• every- . , thing in it, even we pedemeteie. Barkee.--Y.ou mean ,speedemeter, old plan, A pecloineter i.s an strument for measuring hew far you walk. Baker -All --right; , stick te pedometer. Two Reelpes for Sponge Cake. Two eupfale sugar, six eggs, leav- ing out the white of hree j one cupful boiling hot water, two,and to half oupfulS liour' one tablespoonful baking powder Inthe flour, 3eat the yolks a little, add the sugar and heist fifteen minntee; add the throe beaten . whites and the cupful a boiling water just before the flour, flavoti with a teaspoonful of lemon extrapt and bake in three layers, 'Put icing between them, made by adding to the three whites, beaten to a stiff froth', six dessort speon- fills "of pulverized sugar to es,ch egg, Flavor with lemon to taste. Best Sponge Cake..-Fonr eggs, two cupfula sugar, two cupfuls flour, three level teaupoonfuls bak- ing powder, one level teaspoonful cornstarch. Add sugar to the eggs and beat thoroughly, then tho flour uith the baking powder and corn- starch, sifted together, and last three-qtarters of a cupful of boil- ing water and one teaspoonful of lemon juice. Bake in a quick oven and it is delicious. II WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent acientist, the other day, gave his opinion that the most won- derful discover, of recent years was the discovery of Zam-Buk. .tuet think! As soon as a single thin layer of Zain-Buk la applied to a wound or a sore, such iniury is insured against blood poleent Not one species of micrObe has been found that Zam-Buk (hies not Then again. As soon as Zara-Buk Is applied to a sore, or a cut, or to akin disease, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zara-Buk. They care nothing for the selenCe of the thing. All they know is that Zanratink stops their pain. Mothers should never forget this. Again. As sohn as Zam-Buk is an - plied to a wound or to a diseased part, the cells beneath the skin's sur- face are so stimulated that new healthy tissue la quickly formed. Thls forming of fresh healthy tissue from below is Zam-Bulr's necret of healing. The tiesue thus formed Is worked up to the safface and literally casts off Otto diseased tiesue above it. This Is why Zara-Buk eures are permanent.. Only the other day Mr. Marsh, of 101 Delorimier Ave„ Montreal, called upon the Zam-Bult Co, and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to eczema. HiE hands were at one time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Pour years ago Eam.lituk was introduced to him, and in a few months it cured him. To -day -over three years after his cure of a disease he had for twenty -live years -he Is atili cured, and has had no trace of any return of the eczema! All druggiets sell Zarn-Buk at 50e. box, or we will send free &lel box If P011 send this e.dvertizernent and a lc. stamp (to pay return postage), Ad - Cress Zam•Buk Co.. Toronto, M.P.' s Have Big Thirst. To the refreshment department of the British House. of Commens legislators pay over 840,000 a year for wines, The kitchen committee has an exceedingly low tariff for alcoltelic beverages. Champagna is many shillings a bottle lower than in good restaurants outside the Hou.s.e. An excellent half bottle of whitei or red wine can be bought for 12 cents, while. 8 cents only ie charged for a small cup of black coffee and a liqueur of brandy, The teetotallers in the House, number about a hundred. • Paper 'honey Cogitu in came. Paper money is said to have had its origin in China in the year 806, when the government issued it to relieve, a financial stringency, re- ceivingi coin in return, which tin- .abled it to pay off outstanding eh,' ligations. In the museum of , St. John's College in Shanghai is a paper bill worth 1,000 cash, the equivalent of 50 cents American money, which was issued by, the first; Ming emperor (Hung-wu, A.D. 1368-1300), It is nearly 'two feet long is,nsl one foot wide, printed on mulberry bark paper, and is a dark slate eolor. Good Spring Medicine Is Found in Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier and tonic tlaaf _ for more than a third of a century has been taken as needed in thousands and thousands of 'mines by every member of the family. Its wonderful results in cleansing the system of all humors, curing scrofnla and eczema, overcoming that tired feeling, creating appetite, giving strength and animation, make it the best. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the people's medicine - agreeable, effective and economical. Get it today. Hints for' the Home. It is never economy to buy cheap eggs, . . Cook cairets and beets whole, then skin and slice. Sweet potritoes should alwaye he boiled with their skirls on -and pared after. N. , A good dish drier, can' be made of a big roasting pan ,with. a cake rack set into it. "'Golden yellow Chinese silk cur- tains are relightful in a room with a cool north light, . - Mission furniture of the good, not heavy, type is excellent for a sira ple dining maim An excellent gift for a friend liv- ing in the country is a sznall table -for tea or sewing or writing. One of the best darning baskets imaginable is- made of strong reed and raffia worked in a simple'etitch. An aluminun1 strainer that stands on its own feet in the sink is a handy thing to have for washing lettuce, etc. - - In making gingerbread,. the but- ter, sugar, milk and Molasses should be melted together, then added to the dry ingredients. A wide-mouthed thermos bottle is excellent for cooking cereals. Boil the cereal a few minutes the night before 10 10 to be used, then put it in the bottle and cork tightly. It will be ready for breakfast. The lids of saucepans often need to be raised w,hile cooking -and a clothes peg with a tack in its top will answer the purpose, Fix the peg on the edg2 of the saucepan as if it were a line, and rest the lid on Otto tack. A little vinegar kept boiling on the stove while onione or cabbage are cooking will prevent the dis- agreeable odor from going through Otto house. For Heir Health Rexall ti93" Heir Tonic does not improve the health of your scalp and hair, we will pay for what you use during the trial. We could not BP strongly endorse Hamill "93" Hair Tonic and continue to sell it to the same people if iedid not do all we claim. Should it not prove entirely eatiefactoxy i our cul - t0111000 would lose faith n us, we would loge their patronage, and our business would suffer, 1 If your hair is falling out or you suffer any scalp trouble, we believe Reran "93" Hair Tonic will do more to eradicate the dandruff, give health to the ecalp, stimulate new hair growth and prevent premature bald- ness than any other human agency. We want you to make us prove We. Wo ask you to risk no money whatever. Buy a bottle of Reitall !'93" Hair Tonic, 1100 10 according to directions for thirty days; then if P081 are not entirely satisflecl, come and tell us and we will promptly band back the money you paid us for it. We 'won't ask you to sign any- thing, nor even to bring the bottle back. We won't obligate you in any way. We will take your more word. Could anything be more fair? Could NVO do anything more to prove • our belief in Rexall " 93 '' Hair Tote°, and our honesty of purpose fie reeom- meneling,it to you? Rena "93" Hair Tonic is as pleas- ant to use as spring water and has , but to faint, pleasing odor. It cornea in two siees of bottles, 50o and 51.00. You can buy Hemel "93" Hair Tonio in this community oaly at our storm W. S. R. HOLMES, Clinton Tao 2asz stare Ontario Tlaere it a Rozall Store in neatly every town end city in the UMted States, Canada and Great Settee. There to a different Rexall - Remedy for nearly every erdinery Marvin M- eech emeeinily designed for the particular ill for wilielt it is recommended. The Reuel Stores are AMC/ICS'S Greatest Drug Stores AstIna Catarrh WHOOPING COUGHS SPASMODIC CROUP BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS E17000,011010 tarn A femme. Safe and cOcctirc treatment foe Mom Mkt troubles, without Vosind the Month0(8 with meas. Used with success for th/rtY OM% The sir carrying the antiseptic vapor. InsIEME With every breath, mai,ne breathing easy, soothes the sore throat. And Mops the Cough, assuring restful nights. Cresol.. 81 inValuablo to mothern with young children And a 13001.1 Co eoffercra from Arthma. tiond Us vestal for deacribtire ;meat. ALL DftU00esrre. .M.7.13:61=2:124. TIT CREfrOLEF ANTI:3E1,110 THROAT SleeP TA ELET8 for Oa irritsted threat. They gm nitupla, effective and antiseptic. Of your drthOlist 8, from us, 10o. in Stamps. , Yap° Cresokno Co. 62 Cortlandt Se, NS. atemine mugs Minding Sit/Areal, Can. 4 TIM DURI/ OF MARLBOROUGH, Who is writing a series of letters on the 'Government land policy. He states -that he will place Blenheim Park under the . plow to produce food, for the•national food supply, taramazattaliasostatioaresattocagisi Just what you need after a 'hard day's work -A Refresh. ing enp of „ 9S Goes farthest for-'tho money itsolsOcasSocesIMAcifszaritratetgrai 8, ASK OUR SALESMAN -kOR , Campbell's Varnish Stain The best and mixt durabie finish for Mare, Furnitere&Weedwork• .• There isnothing 'Ocelots Made by Carpenter -Merton Co., Bosses', BROOM HOLDER ragE ecpcm this Coupon at &aloes stare end ve. cave oneef the,Campbel) Bram Helder, hoc SALS IJIART,A 'NI) JIRO S CLINTON Mrs. Yeast -I see it is Said thaf throughout her wedding clay the Korean bride is bound to remain mute. Mr. Yeast -.No wonder the Korean bridegroom looks upon hie I wedding day as one of the happiest in his life. Forty years in use, 20 years the stendard, prescribed and mem-. 1, mended by physicians. For We. man's Ailments, Dr. Martel's F011tale Pais, at your druggist. THE NEE -RECORD S CLUB- BING LIST F03 1912-13 WEEICLIES. News -Record and Mail and EM1/11.0. 91.50 News•Record and Globe • 1.60 Newallecord and Pamily Herald and Star with Premium 1.75 News -Record and Wheless 1.75 News...Sewed and Sun . 1.75 News -Record avid Free Press ......., 1.75 NeweeRecord and Advertiser 1.75 Newmitecord and Torr Night ---------------------------1.10.„... News•Record and Parmelee Advocate 2.25 Newe-Record and Farm and Dairy-, 1.76 News -Record and Canadian Parma. 1.75 News•Record and Youth's Companion 0.25 Nemeltecorcl and Canadian 'Country. 01011 News -Record and The Fruit Grower and Farmer 1.50 News -Record a nil Canedian Sportsman . ... ... . ......... 3,00 I)AILIES. News-Reeord and Mee and Empire.. 425 News:Record and (Hobe 4.25 Newe•Recorrl alai Nr,AvO . . 2.30 NewaRecord Nowe-Reeord and World -------------025 News-necord enil Morning Pre° Press 1.25 News•Tiecord and Evening Free Press 175 News -Record anl Advertieer 3.00 MONTHLY. News -Remora and Poultry Review .... 1.21 NoWn-Tte00111 and Lipincott's Maa- sino --------------------------------2,25 News-Reroranan nota oly,WinnIpeg 1.40 If what 7011 want is net ln thin list let ns knew shent it. We can enpnly you at 1ORS than it would cost you to send direct. In remitting please 110 SO bv Post-offire Order, Postal Note, elenress Order or Rae. !tiered letter and address, W.. J. MITCHELL, Ptmllsher Naws.Record CLINTON, ONTA110 iirt tuba% . MONTREAL. THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper C. e the Dominion of Canada. It is national in all its alms. It lases the most expensive engrave Inge, procuring the photographs from all over the world. _Its articles tiro cerefully selected and its editorial policy ls thoroughly, independent, A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address iu Canada or Great Britain. .. TRY. IT FOR 1912! Montreal standard Publishing Cep Limited, Publishers. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. tny person who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quart- er section of available Dominion land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must, 'ap- pear in person r the Donsinion Lands Agency or Sub -Agency for the district. Entry by proxy may helhacle at any ageocy, on cer- tain conditions by father, mother,, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. , Duties. -Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A honiestetici- ee may live within' nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- °ivied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain distriets a homestead- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter -section alongside hts homestead. Price, 3.00 per acre. Duties -Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six months in oach of six years 'from date of homestead entry (including tne time required' to eaen home. stead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right lied cannot ob- tain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts, Peice, $3.00. Duties. --Must reside sin months in each of three yeare, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth W. W. CORY, Deputy 00 0180 Minister of the In- terior. N.B.-Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not Ise