The Clinton News Record, 1913-04-03, Page 6• ". EA HA.D SORE 4 Y ItS. Mr: Oliver Sims, of Purvis Nan:), wrie-"I had an old irratin ts iitg 5010 that had troth 5010 00 '1:rlY bled 'mo for four years, was recommended to me and in ti, nutrvell•ously. short , time it healed tile obstinate .sore perfectly, Yoh ' may depend upon it that after this proof of its power we will never be a box of it, . , . . . ' . . . As a Immo and certain neamt at ; ' ' - - . . 1 ,,,,t ulcers, . abscesses, ,piles, int am„,, .1 c• . cuts, b.„,,,, br,di,c8 ,,,,,4, sores, 'eczema, eruptions, etc. you , , can . geb nothing -0 equal zum_Buk, All druggists and stores at 50c. box imown or post free for price from Zatth Buk . Co., Toronto, Try Zain-Buk's ,ft Soap for tender skins and baby's bath. 25c. tablet. ,. . ._.............i.-----.. A BUIIIED FOREST. , V ast Area of binnense Size Near •• . Auckland, New Zealand. • ' • Recovery and use of buried ton- ber is no new thing .under the sun, For hundreds Of years the wood of • buried and ,submerged tree.s has . been recovered and worked araon-g the Swiss Alps and many an Eng-, lish.farnier of the western counties can point with pride to,'an old cabi- net or carved. four-poster of black bog -oak. But it may be doubtel, declares Mr. D. W. 0. Eagan in Chambers's. Journal, if anywhere ., else in the world there is so vast all area of buried tirriber of immense . . .. size as in the Papa,kura valley, near Auekland, New Zealand. . Beneath the' .surface of peat, i ere the soil has .shritnIc in drying or has been blown away, the trunks of innumerable kauri trees lie 'ex Posed to view. For centuries they have been covered by the semi- liquid peat until their branches and crowns have decayed . and disalp- peered. Nothing but the solid i a oean-wood of the mighty trunks re- main and these lie in orderly swats almost as regular as wheat stalks en a newly -reaped field. The thousand heads point all in one direction 'as if the forest had fallen , under the sickle of Seme giant reaper. Like the branches and crowns, the soft sap -wood that once sur- rounded the solid heart -wood of the living trees has long since disap- peered; so in estimating the origi- nal size we must make •a considera- ble addition to the present mea. surements. Many of the logs to -day show a girth of over sixty feet, ,and a length of eig,hty or ninety feet of straight timber free from knot or branch. - , - • ' Everywhere about the swamp there are excavation.i. where work- men are uncovering 'the timber. They scoop pits in the peat an each side of the trunk for the .satvers to work in. The men wield huge cross- ,„, .cut saws, and mit the • tree into shorter lengths for the mill. Then the. grips of a "forest devil" are at- -tached to one en.d of the sections. There is a rattle and clank of ma- chinery, a groan and -strain of pul- leY's a teoughing roar of ,stearn, and the .'great log is torn from its bed of . centuries, swung up on a, trolley, and hauled away on its last journey to the saw -benches. , The cut timber is perfectly sound . . and of excellent quality. It differs from the katiri timber that is cut from the living tree only in its col- or, which is a dark reddish -brown, like mahogany, The- peat is full of fossil gum shed through countless -centuries' by the trees that are now being .cut. The value of resin makes another indite- try prefitable-the recogery 'of the f the .ioisil. gtim. In some parts o ie swamp area as many as five nieces- sive layers of gum ha,ve been found. • * Men 501ffell Nothing 1-4'01i 010 causeu Samuel .in „. '3',,,1.. , Iii long badly Trillebt. dizziness, well, olt ilton's new nausott eyes and, omfeadels; eainod day Plus." For spirite ilton'e slat, or by Buffalo, Noted The laugh people; tested terms.- Oharle's laugh any the prepared has laughed clairmtbly Jerrold "What , chain than mio.. f rem psetersrun'eacled,,," smiles laughs fragment be dell • • Immutable m° priety . Rio The for bring twenty ' noise of by ways, some imitator's called spring imitating after little • 'The failing There an. Minard's til r:mA9,umghantois ing. OINTMENT tug. 4 .' A hest-kneWn , 'Ai Minard's . - ., ottFiVeIeightlIS rth era,ge open is water la'nd,. - Who D on Fr0B1 Aches, , ' ISIOts.DieSfillefild - eo Sure Make Film • ' °raw os c'f "7•0"104 that B. Stephens, oitbwns ,,..w .olyin,im4 • , ; ' year ago ' ' k,,, •-:-.70 - trip, completely affeoted Overcome that was a blessing Pills. man. The in my looked brighter, best of all, ndizziness, reTsro passed my old-time I am well ' health, there ie Pills. •25e. at all clraggiste mail from N. Y., VALUE Men value may . but its It is Lamb is worth market.," sombre to ene° can who was of Jove a succe.ssion 0.. 00018 earth , that -hub -it, adds , f ° cited the • Holmes, of to a's' Id the maoistrate t Act." - How Indians Indians nearly a fox yards (I pro uce the hand. grunting a vocal little part. when by their the first notice . ' t = '11141gesilon; Pam' , to .. Fed tidal • pr, tlammoirs rout combined Jr., in Woodetook, ,Qt,,, I. rotnrrni'd - 7 V ....,..,,,E t'A • by chronic . by I deepaired that In one feeling stomach I began away, vigor -thanks strength, no medicine per Tlw • and Kingston. OF - Attest Worth. of be rated many worth. not should a hundred but Carlyle hear, heartily be altogethtr bad." boldly talked was t , m.eriiment to Olympus." wrote every much something life." ,verdict given humor, laugh, the features, . , have every right by d b y Stag loudly effort skill or they waving "honking" fortnight of the'. E- , APPotit.$ , Tot, ono • . yore coneta,nt week disappeared. color langour to comfort box, and. Catarrhozone xer • no and overwork. to lvD„, home - , ... #••.• /i / out. »iliounneen„ of I used .1 of to and and Dr. like five else ,, O ,, ,, a- Vlee mlls, i:linest of ino 5t.„.1). ' Wirt' 1 I headaches over Or. felt Weight grew enjoy and I spirits. Hamilton's and Dr. boxes stolekeepere, Canada. ' Ilea& t ki ( t Mani i • t Wore 1 11111 best (i i , '''°" ‘c after a• 1 1 II I li Wan 50 BO getting. Ham - like a and My better, iny feeling fast re- To- good Ham - •for Co.. - Great some * - that "A in lips f o who wholly irre. that, golden more a chro- "I am a man he to his all may Wen- own tu- is the Pro- the . tole can within sibilant e back tolecl on the, can be in the a nd bht take HE TO HER ,. whipperuin IRIEND'S ADIIICt Great Talbot -- ed ND D OD D'S KID NE, A iglu' Le' plenty ' seeing C U RED REE SON. with . ,-.. traigitt, all d'' ...Simple. Statementwithout Tells of Another Grand Cure By fift . , . • • . • ,.•,. -ti.w. ow Canadian Kidney Item- to eilY• ' • . years ''8Dfifigiitt'Ven,-t•dilnouth *CoN. ,., March 31 (Special) --Simple, and , traight to the ' point is' the • state- lent of Mrs. Erven C. Trefry,' of his place, but it ',tells of another, ;rand cure by Dodd's Kidney Pills. . , . My fifteen -year-old son; Angus," ills. Trefry' statee, "suffered fro* min in . his back, headache, and a, .. . min over hi eyes. • • "He Was so bad, he eould not valk. across' the floor. My friends' tdvisekt me to give him Dodd's Kid- my Pills. , • "‘They cured him," That young Trefry's kidneys were wrong is evidenced by the cure. Dodd'e Kidney Pins only cure .dis- eased kidneys. They never fail ,to do that. The reason they cure rheumatism,, backache, gravel, dropsy, Bright's disease diabetes, and kindred dis- ? . oases, Is that these all spring from disordered kidneys. If you have any of these diseases you haven't tried Dodd's Kidney, Pills, Ask your neighbors. They '11 tell you Dodd's Kidney Pills always cure them. * ,A. LORDLY WIIIPPER-IN. A. lord succeeds a lord as chiof Unionist party in of the U Edmund Britain, 'for Lord Edm steps inn to the positiovacat- by Lord Balcarrcs, He has of. experience , for tat the has been aslic nest - sociated that , the ITnionist whip's office for many years, Lord Edmund Talbot is a brother f th 'I) I ' f Norfolk,He is _ • 1 t - years of age, and prior' Y•eig I Yea . - • • . ont6r,ing p'olitics 'served for many -in the Ilth Htussars. He took. • - r !.., •'% --.:-'0,'r-•"‘ /i il , / it, •f '4e I * Lord .,, • CAW, r ,,,,,/ • .\ .1 se e ,n, n 9 :•;J i , 4 \ /, \ Talbot. . , - . . part in tho South African cam - , „ , _ . _ paign, and was mentioned in des- patches. Lord Edmund has sat for the Chichester Division of Sussexwn . since 1894. In the last Unionist Government he was private secre- tary to Mr. St. John Brodrick (now . • . Lord Middleton .. and was atter- wards appointed a Junior Lord of the Treasury. He cannot boast of any oratnrieal gifts, but he has a very ' genial manner, which serves him well in the lobby; and is popu-, lar with politicians on both sides of the House. a. • - . TENS OF THOUSA.NDS KILLED. . -. - 14011(1011 PlipeP Tells of Crowding in -- London Areas. The following, taken from a Lon- don (England) newspaper, is in. its principles surely applicable to any large city: "We know with absolute knew- ledge that if all the housesof the Kingdom had been built United Kingdo with proper regard , to ventilation and sunshine, tuberculosis would be practically unknown in our midst and that we should not be , , losing, as we are losing, fi•orn tuber- culosis every week in this country as many people es perished in the Titanic disaster by the ., ‘aet ch . There are some 12,000 acres with- in the London County Council area still unbuilt upon, and the estate referred to is a'pparently part of them, being situated just on. the border line. What, are we doing to ensure that these 12,000 mores are treated as they oeght to be -to make sure that they than not be developed in the -aphazard way whioh has given h us the London that we already have, the Landon in which se manY tens of thousands of -people are killed hy their environment everY year 1 The answer is: Nothing. - FLY TO PIECE'S. - The Effect of Tea awl Coffee on Highly Organized People. "I have been a coffee user for years, and about two years ago got into a very serious condition of dyspepsia and indigestia . It seem- e'd • to Me I 'would fly to _pieces. I was so nervous ,that at the least noise I was distressed, and many times could not straighten myself up because of the pain." . Tea is just ,as injurious, because it contains caffeine, the same drug found in coffee.. "My Physician told me I must not eat any heavy or strong food and ordered a diet, giving me some medicine. I followed directions carefully, but kept on using coffee and did not get anykbetter. "Last winter my, husband, -who was away on business, had Postum served him in the family where he bearded. He liked • it so well'that when' he came home he brought some -with him. We began using it and I found it most excellent. "While I drank it my stomach never bothered me in the least, and 1 got over my -nervous troubles. one w re len. ie o. m was g e - When. the P stumilk turned to coffee, theu my stomach -ore and the began tourt me as f. h'be nervous conditions came on again. "That showed me examtlY what was 'the cause of the Whole -trouble, so I quit drinking coffee altogether and kept on using Pestum. The old troubles left again and • have never returned." "There's a reason," and it ib ex- , . . . piamect in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. - Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. TheY are genuine, true, and full of human Interest . E, A LAUGH. to Its Very a good-natured low by wliters have i n no measured surprising have said, groans from the one is scarcely "No man and Or It was Douglas 'stated of as -the nothing of laughs, reaching , Lawrence time . more so when L 6 a,s of of Oliver with his "The riotous I take it, and who reads Lure Beasts. a. call .or animal. They up . to making a. le the saw mg .earibou are in twe. differ-ent which requires ---practice Wild geese first native a white rag eall, they lure. .5., --.-.I. . Low ,commst Rates to Pacific Coast Via Chicago and North-Weetenn Railway. On sale daily„kfarch 16th to April 15th in. elusive, from 'all 'Pointe in Canada to Los- Angeles, San , Francisco, Portlandr Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Vancouver, Nelsoo, nossiand, and Many other points. Through tourist sleepers and free violin. ing chair care front Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full he formation as to team, 'routes and liters. mire ite or call on B. IL Bennett, Gen eral' wrAgent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. - _____ , Meerschaum literally means "sea- foam," and derives its name from the fact that 111 15 sometimes found floating in the Black Sea. ' --- Only one "EiROMCI QUININE" That 0 LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. mires a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip le Two Days. 255. - The Russian army estimates for the year 1013 provide for an expen- cliture of $272,500,,000, an increase of over $25,000,000 on the year. .- Affionehrto Breath 1'nm-ea 1/111.11,31Y 1, int.atu tectua‘u ' Usually By Catarrh . - A Simple Remedy resoovered That cures Without Drugs. ' The American people suffer more front Catarrh than from any other dieeaeo. ' It, . • undermines more constitutions and, ere- a,tes more sickness than. all other diseases combined. It is, therefore,very danger. Tee can't 'successfully treat Catarrh by internal dosing -yen 'mud in 0000 054'' pond n purifying, healing agent through , , , tile breathing organs, 'Eto that the germs can be reached. ,Thit;,yoU do every time YSeMesiala'and' hCjoaablianir*Zen:Me iatr'e' bpti.e.eathed .. ithe, i jo,k0, throatt and. ihun, geas:. all throueh and effective y destroy every race of II • turrh: Thifi !CI .0 proven fact. I endorse Catarrhozone because I know of sibad casts of ,Ca arrh. me ingm-Four n, that it -has cured, ':It isa. sen4Uliio' r.onicdy because, it .is 'capable eif doing . where 'the disease' is. 1 believe -it mires quicker than other remedy henause• it gets sootier to the soUre,e of the discos. e than. anything else.1 know of. I had headaches bad' breath, and muth .stromacuii. _!..cm ‘e.,,a,._e. 6.°°i'd wit'll nlY Calm. 11' h,l. ,ne3' .• ,_,. disappeared shice_ using - Catarrhozem.,_ daob' keeps ine _free from corde,,, hea.d. 8 aclieS,..aatarrh and all winter ills, . OTTO. E. xnallna, BellaVille; Ont. 1 ' . ca,tarrhoroh.e is needed in every home. Large adze . lasts 2. months, price' $1)00 ; ema,l1 size, boo.; trial sine, 26e. At all storekeepers and druggi3is ,(,,, rhie chta,rrlt. ozone Co,Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingeton, .„. . '. • umnaua' ' g.- .1....t .. ----- -----' ' ‘ ,• . . , ' :Mike- came to the doctor about 9. 6,7Cleck with iqorMatien .that, their month-old 'baby would not sleep a ' wink. The &der 'gave' Mike sleep- . mg .PO'%F.derS' • for the. baby.. The next day .he inet.Mike on the titimet. A ``'Welr, hem; did the ,poWders 701:k.i" aced the doctor, Tnera Pew•ue/s, Doe," ansivered -Mike,':' •`',5sare did ' -tfie trigk,,t "Nade.the;43,aby sleep, ," , "No that , they didn't. .. did: theY 2 4 . .ke clarlint a.-,dorte "' Doc- We gave. ' _ inSt, as you told ma, but it..40, itldn't shleeP at .all, at „all ; ','°' 'We 3'",t took 'a dose - o' ,.;thinipoilviderte0offutic; . silves; We &CI, ,and wont gl shleep '• and niVir heard.% the Clarlint 04. one, bit any more, . LEAVES LIRE Natives Who Intoxieated. An interesting "Idiot," has recently by the governinetit from Aden, in leaves art chewed -affect' one like Pagne, being lating. Presumably very well in our try, but -s.e.eds tributed until . definite ha,s..beein the nature and 11.12a,vthii.shaitsrrnuticrli'sie..ivn' cially in only world -On thaWest AT)," near Harter, 1'l]l thrive - ' 0,500 5,000 I levels; it will not , Salt water, and to be fertilized rannure• The plant foliage, and is IA .anwa yielding crop 'of ic.,_av'js , ti .,,, Ao.....1). When. i'' '. 'a ea.tin.g the laves they are ripe, Market. The* where throughout • , - Da.tive.,1 of that, ' • , wo.r.k wouid out khat, and 1)00 .r to buy, his plant. It is _ ' , rTO-'-iseJ - , p_ . l' ' ' ----'-'r..'":----'''' . - tittle P.lorenee, who, mirer of 'her ', ' had been selected &limb entertain-I:tient. 311e following breakfaSt table younger brother; " ' Would fill tlIfit "1\i:cal:lel': did' bra the r unf eelingly, vortid. empty " . gitnard's Liniment CHAMPAGNE. Chew Them BeCome .-- plant called been ob at. , I., .fleo Plant bureau Arabia., When its they are said to a b•ottic of 011.0,41- most agreeably stiniu- it would grow -southwe.sterrt cone- of it will not be clis- something inora ascertained ab.oub (Lotionof the alka- eanimer. two localities in. the .coist of Arabia,.. • .. • • ... in Abyssinia. It Y in . .the mO-umtaLtlO ,• Act a ovo the -se live -anywhere near , . • ,,_. ,. . ., t,., in cuativanon it naS With .sheep or goat has.thick, ditrIc green propctgatet.frote cut_ its fir* Commercial • the- i tere,ond year. . ,, it), t . , i, d\ " '''4' (3 'eel' nr he knows that and of good flavor Lor leaTeS are u.sod every- Arabia, To th.ke region life and' hard , 'he -unendurable vvith. there is no coolleino daily portio:Otiihe, n the:great' factriieXt, to- -3-1--E•N aYerY claY'life _ ...,.. _ _'_::: _". .. . ,r':' BrOther 'Skalt.s. .- was an ardent ad- oWn i;vea•al qualities, , - .t0 sing a solo al.; . . i'.. r. , - .• morning at the she remarkedJo her ' . ' . ' • • ' 1. large boa, ••• , _ LI," aftswerticher •"I thought it it,/ ' ---- __. , , Cures DisteMper: _ . 'enterers Liniment Cures" Garnet In cows. Just It. "We all 'make mistakes."' "Yes and thank, goodness! the . other fellow's always looks. worse to us.than our own.'" , Family relief for are acre. • -. Liniment • , he Jeanie -PILE$ -CURED drugiet ,fails•to Bliud. Bleeding r..a.w onion Liniment ' ;,• -I.1 06v depth sea the less than is narrowed the rise i . 7. 7 Friend for 40 Croup and ------' yetn.fs.o whooping Colds, he.,isn't without 70 .money SOY -at insomnia. Diphtheria. .surface ,ses, miles. fall but, shallowed fall A never Cough. yards in , Etc. clever un - clever work- 14 DAYS if PAZD Chse,of 'Itch. Pil,es 'hi . ., . . .. night is the . • , • of the to, an OAT- In , the of tides where the by increases . ._- The average strength of a woman compared with that of a man is as 67 to 100. . - 4,840 square , OLD SORE UEAIED IN. SII DAYS , ' .---- Cures Cleverness. never 'really that get .along Nearly 'Impossible'- to' Heal Skin, • Hu.rt" Soret Rednd In , '. , .. . , . '.,'a.. . flamed. Could Net Sleep. Cita- • ' cura Soap and Ointment. Healed'. IN 5 Wll 'refund cure or. PretrAdiat: ...___ . ' eaten cure for 01.1r01 newsman' &veil, lefanitolia,-"When / , - vne thirteen year's of age I got my shin baaly'hurt, and When healed tho skin was. ...e;ax,.. attadhed to tho bone. Thee ,)) bast brIlls3 would injure: 0 and it was, neatly im_ 4r r pOssible :to heal. The soeo .?.., AvotIld 1)0 vory'red. and, '',', t ihtlamed reload the edges, ....sand had el binning sense,- , lion. When•extra,aoro I (Mum nO's sieep 511 331515100 .aeopuntof thopidn. I. al. • ways Wore a cotton bandage mitt from the _ - 051115 to the knee.' For wituraber of years I used etleiting plasters,. thon. got a salve, I' rawthe adyerd4thnent Offering a. free same_ , pie of C eticura, Soap and Ointment awl sent ' . for a sample and:purchased 50010Mop) ma ',.Innts: days the eorOwas.hoalect completely.'1, (Signed) James`Edwards, June 21, 1012. • ' • '• ' of the -erect with of, 2,I-4. riseand 2 feet, and and . =-- .. , 7 . ta• , Q. P VE „.f.'"r-•-•4- _ •iS t ; I ' d [•1 P O. E,-,.. ,;--' .. II _ , ttl ,,„„, . •'. • - , ' ,„ . ••:`4 8 ,LifE . _ .. . .. P' •••0 .' 1 ---0,- , ,:. FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS . . .. . , ' ' ' - ''.1'.--atirlwiti Oeuey 'smear th9 affected ; parts Wall CtitiCtlra Oianielli;. 011 5150 end . :of the finger, but do not rub. WaSh off ebe, ,. Onticima, Ointment in• Dye minutes with -,,,catiourestos atutlak. Water and continue -- b'ethIne far gome Minutes- TUIs treatimr° . obe,,,, on i•isi.ng and retiring.. At other Lipl01 • tisdpaticura Soap freely.'fot.tho toilet and ...' i'atli to aselit hi areveelang infiammatioM . . liiI0t:tion iiald 'dogging of. the pore:s. Saki . throughout the world. /Ahmed' ettiriele pf . „0...p,e, „Joh .22-p.'Slcin•Dotik, Address .' post' _card • Potter Dr9g _ 6: . °herd. COrP4 .. met 471.), Bowe, 'O.- fl, 4. , :, .' . ------ ISSUE 14-'13. DREAMS scuocil, i1enaorie0 ofl'esterdtt$ or of ifcard Ago, Almost till Pcienlifle ohnervers roe that the materials of which reams- are made are memories of Oast experiences of the individual, urionely enough, the memories hat occur most frequently are hose of the previous day and these 1 early, ehildh o'od, 111 . !fumy eases whore the illei- ients of a. dreadll 5t3O111 to bo entire- , , _ y unfamiliar it haS•bton slicwvi by areful illvestigaition that they cor- cspond to actually experienced vents that have escaped the main- ly of the waking self. Delboeul •ecords an interesting example ef In 1862 he 'dreamed that he found wo lizards in tho snow, He took hem up, warmed them, and placed -hem in a holo in os w.a.11, together ith a small fern, which he knew 'hey liked to cat, The n,anie of this '-ern seemed in his dream to be As- il.enitinf Imre inuralis; On awakeinag hs could n-ot re- member ever to _have beard the mane of the fern ef hio dream'al- honioh disCovered that a fern alled AsPlenitan ruta muraria really existed. Sixteen years later, however, be hatp.pe.ned to be turn - 105 ever the pages of, a -friend's al- bum of dried flowers, and to his surprise came across the very fern, with the, Latin name.written under.. neath' in his own. handwriting. He than remembered that in OM,. two years before the dream, he had met the sister of this friend, and to please her 'had written the Latin names under the various plants in her album nt the dictation of a botanist. Innumerable cases of a similax nature are on record, and go to show how 'remarka,bly heightened the memory may be, in dreia.ms. They also warn us not too rashly to believe that incidents in a dream which seem entirely new are really ‘1. Re World's -Best Liaimeat Needed In Every Family From Infaacy To 016 Affe If Your Home is Without "Nervi - line" Read the Following Closely. • The high cost of living today domande econorey on every side. Sickness is ex- pensive.. Far better to treat little ills bbtore they grow 'toddle. For this reaeon every home' should have handy on the shelf a good remedy like Nerviline, Which cures the ntinor allinente that occur 1,, every faintly. For example, when the boy OOMCS3 111 With web feet and a slight cough, Keret- lino will cure him. If a cold has settled on his °he'd, rub on Nerviline and the told will go, If something has been eaten that causes °ramps, nausea, or diarrhoea, jest twenty drope of Nerviline-that's all and cure 18 effected... , As a liniment for outward application in case of Neuralgia, Lame Back, Watt. ea, Lumbago or Rheumatism. it's really hard to imagine how NerViline relieves, and how soon it ouree. Nerviline ie something new. No, it's one of the oldest and best known remediee. Uced in thousands of homes by the nee- Ple of many nations, shnply because it stops pain, cures sickness, and rids the family of ills before they become tree. blesome. Get the family size bottle, price 600.; trial size 25c., at all storekeen- ors rind druggiete or The Catarrhozono Co., Buffalo, N. Y. q. To exPel.sterinch ELIA Intestinal worms from colts, ae well' es older horsey, use a TOIXtedy that will not ej se otthi etims 10 de.ith,“ but will act en a, tante. In tin,, • re4pe bf• uele,?..gu,asit,Full inatinetions in booklet with every bottle. All th SPORN MEDICAL CO., Goshen, Ind., U. S. It. Order Seeds An early Spring makes early ordering neeessary. The seeds you SOW should - be the best you can get. 100 years of scientifie seed pro- duction have imparted to the power of producing big crops. Carter's Seeds are perfectly adapted to Canadian soii fund elimate and have shown ,wonderful • .success where used. Send your order for any vegetable er flower seedS. We have all kinds, DOYDitiee and standard varieties. AU seeds are.fresh,last, season's crop. Sand fer complete Price List: LARGE PACKAGES 10 CENTS; 12 PACKAGES FDR $1.00 PATTERSON, WVLDE & 00.4 i33 HIng Si. East Sole Agents for Canada TORONTO noommossensou CitItC01i1.5 OF COSTLY SHELLS. Tortoise Shell at $75 a Pound Among Varieties Imported. . An entire floor of a huge ware- house at St. ICathasine deck has been opened- for the, sale a,nd dis- play of valuable shells, says the London (England) News Leader. Hero, six times a, year, th.e. parcels will be opened, weighed, 'sorted a;nd lotted fior the public sales. Ab.out 25 to 30 to -no of tortoisn shell reaches London yearly, the best coyning from the West Indies. fetches' aTI aver•age of 88.75 Per pound, but •a.ri exhibition dot from Fiji recently sold for as- much as $75 per pound. Generally speak- ing, the article tends to get scarcer and therefore dearer. For supplies of mother of pearl nunaerous countries are drawn upon, and it is soM at prices vary- ing from $20 to $70 - a hundred- w.eight. Green snail, Japan car, bull mouth, ispicle.r„ fan.cy ;cowries, inur- ex, , mother Of „pearl shells, trochus, trompets, helmets and mussels --all these, and more are bio.ught to the &idea for Industrial a.rat ornamental .parposes. • --Had Debility. "You .say .your husband contri- butes' nothing to ' your support," said the lawyer. "No, suh, nary a' cent., That ,.niggah' jest nachally won't ,work; An he's got plenty of debility, too, if h.e could only use THOUGHT IT WAS SUICIDE A prominent merchant was discovered a OW dew.; ago brandishing a razor at night. X.110 Wile called for assistance, but found her Hubby was only paring his corm Far better not to risk blood poke oning---use Putnam's Corn Extractor, 250, at all dealers Fact and Fancy. Zoy cometh in ;the morning, pro,- videcl you haven't been making a night of it. French 'railways are firre,c1 for late traigne;S, milk ' filand fruit makes the best diet for brain workers. c Science now declares that fish don't sleep, But why, then, river- beds? - The Stilton Johore on staite occasions wears $12 000 000 worth ofTjhewevilsell-to4clo. man Is generally tho:WrIndaestniseddboe'ruirose oinf'br°oritt6itdfr0ullt.the RISKS -OF TRAFFIC POLICE. many . Fatalities During :year of iti,ImIrson, ninety 00100005 Street, FARMS FOR SALE. • London Ikea 10 Blue. The recent death of a tendon, England, policeman, who was kdockett down by a mobor-bus and killed, brings -to mind the risks which the man in blue. has to under - According to the last yearly re- port, twelve tv-ere knocked down and injured while regulating traffic; runaway horses took the attention of forty-six; twenty-seven were in- jured by horses falling, and eighty - Four were bitten by clogs. No fewer than two thousand seven hundred were assaulted, ancl the victims of various accidents tOtalled over se - van, hundred. In addition to this perilous work, the police prevented five hundred and -forty-five person's from commit- ting suicide, and three hundred and two runaway :horses were stopped. Finally, two hundred and sixty-four fires were extinguishe-d by police- men in loll. Women in- Oerniall An interesting reflection on the social development in the German Empire 10 ha4 when the number of women e.m,ploye•d production is considered. Of the total inumber of wage earners 'counted in 1907 -281- 600,000 -one-third are female, their number having increaSecl froin 6,- 560,000 in 1895 to 9,400,000 in 1907. The chief dominion of woman 'is agriculture, there heing 4,600,000 females engaged in these healthful. occupations, while 10 twenty-eight groups of the various industries 2,100,000 are engaged, a.nd in com- merce. .and trade 930,000. Of the higher Offices in Germany, requiring 'scientific training, only 2.0 per cent, are held by women. A Frenchman earned over $50,000 last year as an airship chauffeur. Yet some people say that a man can't live on air. CURS COUGHS &COLDS An average of 186 earthquakes a year has been recorded at the seis- mological observatory of Rocca di Papa, near Rome, during the past twelve years. G001) STOCK FARIA OF 600 ACRES with Three Monsen; large Bank Barn. Must bo sold quick. Price Is very low. 11V-EVE1IAL DESIRABLE FARMS IN K., Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan that can be bought. Worth the money for collet{ sale. To whom it may concern: This is' to certify that I have need KINARD'S LINI- MENT myself es woll ae prescribed it in my practice Where a litheent was re- quired and have never failed to get the desired effect. 0. 0. KING, M.D. Shorthand was practised by the ancient Greeks and Romano, but all knowledge 'of the art was lost from the tenth to .tha sixteenth ,century. Isaac Pityl.all gave ,„his !,`Phono- graplay" to Hie Werld 151 1837. ' When Your .Eyes Heed , ilare Try Murree Eye Reme y. No Smarting. -Feels Flue -Acts Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak; Watery Dyes and Granulated Eyelids. Illus. trated Book in each Paelcage. Merino is compounded by our Oenlists-not a °Patent Med- icine- but used In successful Physicians' Prac- tice for many years. Now dedicated to the Pub. 110 and add by Druggists 01 050 mut Mc per Bottle. Merino 'Eye 'Salvo la Aseptic 21,50!, 260 and Ea Morino Eye Remedy Go., Chleago Careless. Mr: Buggins-I lost in:," umbrella to -day. Mrs. Huggins -That's just. 'like you, John Henry 13uggins. I told you this morning to takeone of the borrowed oneS. T HAVE OVER CITE HUNDRED GOOD IL farms in different sections of Ontario en my list. If you want a farm consult . li. W. DAWSON, Toronto. !PIETY ACRES IN MIDDLESEX COUNTY V -Soil clay loam: good. outbuildings ; close to markot, railway dation and post einem. Would exchange for forty to one hundred acres within five milee of Catholic church and eheeee factory. The Western Real Eetate Exchange, London, Ont. FAR,It 03 SASKATOHEWAN-EQUIP- nedi in crop; must sell; terms easy. Percy Love, Hawartlen. Seek, STAMPS AND COINS. 0 TAMP COLLECTORS -HUNDRED ZY ferant Foreign Stamps, Catalogue: Album, only Seven Cente. Marisa Stamp Company, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. A,r 010011-150523 w01101510 LEARN. , Barber Trade; great demand; good wages; twenty to thirty advertised for 72nunitol: In T°"t°mere alone. Cam teach tsixtoneIght weeks. Seed for Cata- logue. Moler College, 221 Queen East. To. c ANGER. TUMIM ORS, LPS, E. TC internal and external, cared with. out rain by our home treatment. Write no before too late. Dr. Millman Medical Co, Limited. Collintrwood. Ont. ALL STONES, KIDNEY AND 150/1.1). der Stones. Kidney trouble, Gravel. Lumbago and kindred allintinte positivele mired with the new German Itemede. • 'Sandi," price $1.50. Another new remedy for Diabetes.liellitue, and Imre cure, la "Rand's Anti-Blabetes," Prise $2.00 from druggiots or direct. The 00591 Menefee. tering Company of Canada, Limited.- Winnineg. Va,,. The Heart of a Plano loth° Action. insist en the -OTTO HIGEL" Piano Act6ora B°1LERSrec:tld i and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS. Agents for Stade- v ant Ventilating anti Mating System,. POLSON 'RVIN,Mirs TORONTO Engines end Shipbuilders GLOVES y The Year If you want tho best and longest - wearing gloves or mitts ever turned out of a factory be sure and ask for the famous PINTO SITIELH., These gloves are specially tanned for hard service and will save you money and reduce your glove expense by the year, Send for ottr descriptivo pamphlet -The Pinto's Shell. HUDSON BAY ENITTENG CO. Canada's Desert Move end MEI Makers. MONTREAL, .14.1t61.C.1 Maypole Soap DYES SO EASILY With Maypole Soap there is no ttouble and no men in home dyeing. _Dyes cotton, wool, silk or mixtures. 24 colots-will give any shade. Colors 1,0c. Black 15c --at your dealer's or postpaid with booklet "How to Dye" from BENEDICT & CO. Montroal ret8 ' Saingte- free..11 you -write Natiohal Drug ' ChdnIcal• Co. of Canada, Limited, Taranto, Stewart ntil, ,ellpplag Machina Turns easlorotipsfacter end clew and stoic sharp longer titan any other. Clears aro all (Ile hard and out from col id ateel bar, eneloced 'protest. .,55000 [o ,ed utrun tool!. Iles six foot 0( 000 4% gtx,Eg style nexIble altattand celebrated Stew, art single Maslen clipping head. Get ono from your denier, every machine guaranteed. e3li00,o0 PLOOBBLE SHAFT 00. sea La ,Salle Atm CHICAGO, 00-0.. Melia 100 1000 hew, 30001 of most modern lino of nom clipping atuleheop sheeting machines, Bzwaguar. 113E6 ,46,4